View Full Version : Dwarf Warblade!

2011-09-19, 01:02 AM
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've been able to post here but now I am able to once again so today I am posting a character I am working on for a campaign I am currently involved in and thanks an idiot in my group my druid died. Note to self stay away from the idiot dwarf in mithral full plate armor who gets the idea to use a druid in leather as a shield against archers lol.

Anyway our campaign focuses heavy on said dwarf being sent by his father to collect people to help fight undead, and drow at least this is what I am getting from whats happened so far. So this time I'm going to try a Dwarf Warblade that will eventually take the Prestige Class Deepstone Sentinel. I figured this would make it easier for the DM to introduce my new character into the game since everyone is heading to the Dwarf's home now.

The campaign started at level 5 and the DM said we will probably continue on until level 25 so I have much to work with. Well lets get the characters information up before I go any further.

Player Character “Beginning“
Character Rurik Ungart
Character Level: 5
Class Levels: 5 Warblade
Race: Dwarf
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Tamara, Her benevolence, her mercy.
Size: Medium
Age: 75
Gender: Male
Height: 4’ 8”
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Tan
Speed: 20 feet
HP: 80
Stats: Base Roll + Level bonuses + Racial Mod + Class Mod + Misc Mod = Total (Ability Mod)
Strength: 17 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 18 (4)
Dexterity: 15 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 15 (2)
Constitution: 20 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 22 (6)
Intelligence: 15 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 15 (2)
Wisdom: 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 16 (3)
Charisma: 16 + 0 - 2 + 0 + 0 = 14 (2)
Armor Class: Total = 10 + Armor Mod + Shield Mod + Dex Mod + Size Mod + Natural Armor + Deflection Mod + Misc Mod
AC Total: 22 = 10 + 9 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
Touch: 13
Flat Footed: 21
Initiative: 1 = 1 + 0
Damage Reduction: 0
Spell Resistance: 0
Saving Throws: Total = Base Save + Ability Modifier + Magic Modifier + Misc Modifier + Temp Modifier
Fortitude: 11 = 4 + 6 + 1 + 0
Reflex: 5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 2
Will: 5 = 1 + 3 + 1 + 0
Base Attack Bonus: 5
Grapple: Total = Base Attack Bonus + Strength Modifier + Size Modifier + Misc Modifier
Grapple Total: 9 = 5 + 4 + 0 + 0

# Weapon #1:

Adamantine Dwarven Waraxe
Attack Bonus: 7
Damage: 1d10 +4
Critical: x3
Range: n/a
Type: Slashing
Weight: 16 lbs

# Armor:
+1 Full Plate
AC Bonus: +9
Max Dex: +1
Check Penalty: -6
Spell Failure: 25%
Speed: 20 feet
Weight: 50 lbs
Special Properties:

# Shield:
+1 Buckler
AC Bonus: +2
Weight: 5 lbs
Check Penalty: -1
Spell Failure: 5%

# Protective Item #1:
AC Bonus:
Special Properties:

# Protective Item #2:
AC Bonus:
Special Properties:

Other Possessions: Amount/Weight

Vest of Resistance +1 1/2
Back Pack 1/2 lbs
Bed Roll 1/5
Water Skin 1/1
Potion of Cure Light Wounds 5/0 lbs
Belt Pouch 1/0.5 lbs
Silver Holy Symbol 1/1 lbs
Signet Ring 1/0 lbs
Everlasting Rations 1/2 lbs

One Person/Backpack Weight: 82.5 lbs

Load Info:
Light Load: 100 lbs
Medium Load 200 lbs
Heavy Load: 300 lbs
Lift over Head: 300 lbs
Lift Off Ground: 600 lbs
Push or Drag: 1500 lbs

Starting: 9000 gold
Silver: 9
Gold: 60
Platinum: 45

Weapon Focus
-Dwarven Waraxe
Stone Power
White Raven Defense

Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60 feet
Stone Cunning
Battle Clarity
Weapon Aptitude
Uncanny Dodge
Battle Ador

Skills: Total = Ability Modifier + Ranks + Misc Mod
Max Ranks: 8/4

Balance: 9 = 1 + 8 + 0
Spot: 7 = 3 + 4 + 0
Listen: 7 = 3 + 4 + 0
Concentration: 14 = 6 + 8 + 0
Sense Motive: 8 = 2 + 4 + 2
Diplomacy: 10 + 2 + 8 + 0



Maneuvers Known:

Level 1:

Stone Bones: Strike—Gain DR 5/adamantine.

Moment of Perfect Mind: Counter—Use Concentration check in place of Will save.

Leading the Attack: Strike—Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against foe you strike.

Level 2:

Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

Tactical Strike: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, adjacent allies move 5 feet.

Level 3:

Bonecrusher: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +10 bonus on attacks to confirm critical hits.

Stances Known:

Level 1:

Stonefoot Stance: Stance—+2 bonus on Strength checks, +2 bonus to AC against larger foes.

Bolstering Voice: Stance—Allies gain +2 bonus on Will saves, +4 against fear.

Maneuvers Ready: 4

Spells Known:



Rurik is a kind and gentle man with a song sense of honor and duty to his people and believes that his strong hands, and muscles where given to him to protect those around him. However is rather realistic in his views on this he knows there are those stronger than him, and that he will not be able to protect everyone all the time but that won’t stop him from trying. When it comes to a fight Rurik is patient, and calculating preferring to use his mind over brute force, and bravado by standing firm, and watching his enemies he waits for the right moment to strike the blows that will lead to the end of a fight. While he knows that there are times that he must kill Rurik would much rather show mercy to those who can no longer fight or do not wish to fight anymore, and will often provide medicines to people he finds are injured if he can.

Rurik has a love of humor, and tends to have a constant smile on his face. If one where to look at him one would see a powerful immovable object with a strong sense of duty but get a unmistakable sense of great gentleness from his eye, and possibly a subtle hint of sadness that comes from somewhere deep inside his very being.

Greed, cruelty, and disturbances to the natural order are the three things that Rurik hates more than anything in the world especially undead creatures as they tend to feed on the living, and continue to move around in a dark and twisted mockery of life. While rurik understands that gold and what not is precious and more often that not required to pay for things needed he cannot stand people who’s love of wealth makes them do cruel, and unjust things people like that are worthless than the dirty under his nails, and more often than not will not think twice about telling them so or even striking them with a well placed punch to the face if the mood strikes him.

Physical Appearance:

Rurik stands a good four feet and eight inches tall with deep tan colored skin. He possesses a large and powerful build that gives him the appearance of a powerful and immovable object. His hair is black as a ravens feather and flows down to his back, and his beard is braided into four sections with a silver ring that has a carving of a bronze dragon decorating it to hold the sections together. His eyes as large, piercing and a deep liquid green color like freshly cut emeralds. Around his neck he wears a silver necklace of a Seven-pointed star on a field of black, and he wears the signet ring of the Deepstone Sentinels at all times to show he is an initiate of the sacred dwarven order. His left arm, and torso are always wrapped in bandages to cover the scars caused by burns that he received when he was younger.


Rurik was born the second son of the Deepstone Sentinel Captain Brottor Ungart, and was raised to be a warrior of honor. During his youth Rurik would look up to his elder brother Ulfgar who like his father was a member of the Deepstone Sentinel’s, and wanted to be just like him so he would often ask his brother to let him practice fighting with him. As he continued to grow Rurik would show a great deal of potential as a warrior but his gentle nature often concerned his father for he feared that his son would be unable to handle the life style of death, and war that often came with being a Deepstone sentinel.

Shortly after his fiftieth birthday Rurik went on a trip with a small group of other dwarves to an elf settlement not to far from the city to trade supplies, and form an alliance between the two settlements. It was during this trip that Rurik would meet Lia Xiloscient a young female draconic half elf of Silver dragon descent who lived alone on the outskirts of the elf settlement as she was not really welcome among the other elves because of her human heritage. Rurik in very un-dwarven fashion found her more beautiful than he could possibly describe in words, and spent the entire week he was at the settlement helping her around her cottage chopping fire wood, and building a fence. During this time Rurik and Lia became very close and even after he returned home he would make regular trips to the elf settlement to visit her, and help out with what was needed.

He eventually grew to dislike the distance between their homes, and asked her if she would become his wife which she eagerly agreed to, and so after informing his parents who while a little shocked, and not entirely thrilled where at least supportive of their sons decision. And so Rurik and Lia where married but as a Rurik expected while his friend and the other dwarves of his community where happy for him and like Lia they would often playfully tease him for his tiny framed wife. During this time Rurik would continue training with his brother and father to eventually join the Deepstone sentinel’s while he worked as a miner to pay for his and lia’s expenses.

Rurik’s peaceful life would eventually come to an abrupt end though as one day his father and a couple other member of the deepstone sentinels returned from a routine investigation badly injured, and covered in severe burns. It turns out that Rurik’s brother had given them false information about the need for the investigation, and then attacked them with a axe that when it struck would erupt with flames that engulfed all in their path. Rurik in a state of anger, shock, and a desire to know why quickly grabbed his fathers great axe, and started to head for the door to go find his brother but he wouldn’t have to travel far as soon as he was exiting the gates of the dwarven settlement he saw Ulfgar coming down the path holding his axe across his shoulders a twisted smirk on his face.

Ulfgar looked at Rurik and laughed asking if the only one who came to stand against him was his little brother who wasn’t even a fully recognized warrior. Rurik gripped his fathers axe tight, and with spoke with a deep calm voice asking his brother why he had done this the answer he got was because the old man was purposely keeping him from advancing in rank, and that the other deepstone sentinel’s where too weak for the position they held. Rurik could not believe the words coming from his brothers mouth it was as if he was someone completely different he then asked what his brother intended to do now to which Ulfgar replied burn the settlement to the ground, kill everyone there and then head another dwarven settlement claiming it was attacked by dragon spawn and eventually become the leader of the deepstone sentinel’s there.

Rurik held back the bile that rose in his throat and maintained a calm and cool expression before stating that he would not allow that because even if he died in the process he would be certain to take Ulfgar with him. And so the fight began Ulfgar had become arrogant, and power hungry over the years and believed that the fight would be over quickly as he rushed his brother who remained rooted in place to everyone surprise Rurik caught the handle of his brothers axe mid swing, and tripped his brother as he pulled at the Axe causing him to face plant into the ground. Rurik then brought the flat end of the top of his father axe Down on his brother back with a great deal of force cracking the armor his brother wore his face remaining calm, and cool as he spoke the words you do not deserve to wear that armor or to carry the title of a deepstone sentinel you lost your pride and will not be allowed to pass.

Ulfgar gave a vicious growl, and using brute strength alone pushed himself up off the ground. His eyes where wild with anger as he looked at Rurik he could not believe that he not only believed that had even a ghost of a chance but that he was not even the slightest bit scared of him. He then activated the magic of his axe the blades becoming engulfed in black flames as he stated that he could not be defeated by the likes of him, and swung his axe at his Rurik’s face but because of the blind fury he was feeling his swing was wide and poorly aimed allowing rurik to avoid it by taking a single step backwards. Before Ulfgar could even recover from the swing Rurik once again brought the flat end of his father axe to strike his brother this time across the face knocking teeth from his brothers mouth, and breaking his nose. Ulfgar’s rage continued to grow as he swung wildly each time Rurik either dodged or blocked only occasionally striking back with the flat ends of his axe.

Eventually Ulfgar grew so frustrated that he would instead of striking at Rurik directly he began striking the ground causing the flames of his axe to erupt toward rurik and burn badly on his arm and torso. But it was in the instant that Ulfgar lost sight of Rurik in the flames that would be his undoing because before the flames could even begin to die out Rurik’s axe came crashing down on him with a powerful stone dragon strike that shattered his armor and fractured many of the bones in his body.

As Ulfgar laid on the ground broken, bloody and weak Rurik looked at him with pity in his eyes, and picked up Ulfgar’s axe the evil the radiated from it was strong, and foul and so with a mighty swing of his axe he sundered the unholy axe into many pieces, and left his brother to be dealt with by the elders who sentenced him to death out of fear of what he might do if he ever regained his strength. Ever since Rurik has lived a somewhat peaceful life with his wife, and family while training for the day he would become a full fledged Deepstone Sentinel.

Misc Info:


“Do you honestly crave for gold so much that you would even sacrifice innocent lives to feed your hunger for it?!!”

“If your begging for your life why don’t you ask your gold to save you!”

“Don’t waste your life. Stand Down!”

“Come on lad show me what you can do.”

“Do you want to live? Then use your head!”

“Strength alone is not enough. You need to think before you act.”

“Patience is a more than a virtue it’s a test of ones will.”


Rurik’s Theme Song: Into the nothing by breaking Benjamin

Hit Die rolls:
D12: 12, 10, 5, 12, 11
Total: 50


Feat Totals:
First Level: 1
Level up: 1
Warblade: 1

Ability Modifiers:
+1 Strength

Stats Rolled: (Two D20 go with higher roll High/Low displayed)

15/11 -Dex
16/7 -Cha
16/6 -Wis
15/14 -Int
20/8 -Con
17/14 -Str

Money Spent:
+1 Fullplate 2650 gp
+1 Buckler 1165 gp
Adamantine Dwarven Waraxe 3030 gp
Vest of Resistance +1 1000 gp
Back Pack 2 gp
Bed Roll 1 sp
Everlasting Rations 350 gp
Water Skin 1 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x5 250 gp
Belt Pouch 1 gp
Silver Holy Symbol 25 gp
Signet Ring 5 gp
Silk Rope 50 feet 10 gp

Ok now that the information is on display for the most part this need to finish that background history lol. I'm looking for suggestions on how to improve this build by friday. As I stated before I'm eventually gonna take the Deepstone Sentinel Prestige class but I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to increase this character's effectiveness before I turn him into the DM.

Edit: Updated with changes I've made. Any more suggestions?

2011-09-19, 04:00 AM
Stats: Base Roll + Level bonuses + Racial Mod + Class Mod + Misc Mod = Total (Ability Mod)
Strength: 17 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 18 (4)
Dexterity: 15 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 15 (2)
Constitution: 20 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 22 (6)
Intelligence: 15 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 15 (2)
Wisdom: 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 16 (3)
Charisma: 16 + 0 - 2 + 0 + 0 = 14 (2)

Whoa, are you Chuck Noris? Because otherwise I have no idea how you manage to roll a 20 on 3d6. (Or did you use the 4D6-ditch-one method but just keeping the 4d6 roll? :smalltongue: )

Edit: ah, I should read the whole post before replying.

Keen Adamantine Great Axe

Probably just a matter of preference, but I think Keen is a bit wasted on an axe.

Weapon Focus
-Great Axe
Power Attack

You have 2 feats, not 3 (1st level, and third level, no source of bonus feats).

What are your sources available besides core and ToB? Neither Cleave nor Weapon Focus are that great (but not that bad either).

Balance: 9 = 1 + 8 + 0
Spot: 7 = 3 + 4 + 0
Listen: 7 = 3 + 4 + 0
Climb: 12 = 4 + 8 + 0
Sense Motive: 8 = 2 + 4 + 2
Diplomacy: 10 + 2 + 8 + 0

I advise maxing concentration. Its a rather vital skill for the survival of a warblade.

Maneuvers Known:

Level 1:

Stone Bones: Strike—Gain DR 5/adamantine.

Charging Minotaur: Strike—Charging bull rush deals damage, ignores attacks of opportunity.

Level 2:

Mountain Hammer: Strike—Deal +2d6 damage, overcome DR and hardness.

Stone Vise: Strike—Deal +1d6 damage, attack immobilizes creature

Level 3:

Bonecrusher: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage, +10 bonus on attacks to confirm critical hits.

Stone Dragon’s Fury: Strike—Deal +4d6 damage against objects, constructs.

Stances Known:

Level 1:

Stonefoot Stance: Stance—+2 bonus on Strength checks, +2 bonus to AC against larger foes.

Level 3:

Crushing Weight of the Mountain: Stance— Constrict for 2d6+1-1/2 times Str when grappling.

Uhm.. you know you dont HAVE to concentrate purely on one school, right?
Stone Dragon is a bit of a mixed bag. Bonecrusher and Mountain Hammer are nice, Crushing Weight of the Mountain and Charging Minotaur are probably good for specialized builds (yours is not), Stone Vise and Stone Bones are ok, but Stone Dragons Fury is highly situational and Stonefoot Stance is only useful for specialized builds (like uber-trippers who have so much reach they dont need do move more then 5 ft. each round).

Max concentration, pick up Moment of Perfect Mind (1st level Diamond Mind) - it fixes one of the most glaring holes in the defense of mundane melee fighters in D&D: the Will save.

Also, you dont qualify for Crushing Weight of the Mountain. This is a 3rd level stance. You get your 2nd stance at Warblade 4. That would be enough for a 2nd level stance, but those dont exist. Thus, you have 2 1st level stances.
Do you know the other players characters? If there are other melee types, Leading the Charge (1st level White Raven stance) could be nice. Otherwise, Bolstering Voice (1st level White Raven stance) helps everyone.

Feat Totals:
First Level: 1
Level up: 1
Warblade: 1

By RAW, Warblades dont get a Bonus Feat a 1st level.

Stats Rolled: (Two D20 go with higher roll High/Low displayed choose where to be placed)

Thats a rather strange method of rolling stats. One that I wouldnt use (you can easily roll very low on both rolls). It seems you got lucky, so I guess its cool.

2011-09-19, 04:36 AM
By RAW, Warblades dont get a Bonus Feat a 1st level.

They get one level 5 though.

2011-09-19, 05:36 AM
Yeah, I somehow managed to completely misunderstand his statement :smallredface:

2011-09-19, 10:13 AM
I agree with Zombimode with several things. Keen on anything without a naturally large crit range is a waste of a +1 enhancment.

Definatly rethink WF: Greataxe and Cleave. Unless you expect to be completly surrounded by mooks a lot, Cleave is only semi-useful. And even then, your lower iteratives will take care of more mooks just fine. I'm AFB right now but I would considert taking any pre-req feats for Deepstone Sentinel and Stone Power feat. Sacrifice 5 to-hit for 5 temp HP every round I believe.

Definatly max Concentration. Climb....eh not really useful. You shouldn't be moving around as a Stone Dragon focused Warblade/Deepstone Sentinel and when you do, your better off flying (even if your stances don't work flying, they don't work while climbing either). Balance can be useful but you don't get many skill points and some of those would be better elsewhere.

Ya, have a variety of manuevres and stances from different schools. Avoid Stone Dragon stances if at all possible, they just plain suck. I won't repeat Zombimode but only take the gems from Stone Dragon + the next best to meet pre-reqs. Then split between Diamond Mind and White Raven. Shore up your defences and break initiative order/action economy all over the dang place. Iron Heart boosts sprinkled here and there. Note on White Raven Tatics, some are more or less useful depending on your party compisition.

Example: Mr. TWF Rogue wins iniative, charges and gets in 1 sneak attack. Your next, you charge (using a White Raven charge maneuvre prehaps?) then use the White Raven maneuvre that changes the iniative of an ally (can't remember the name) so the Rogue gets to go again, and can now full TWF attack the target for full sneak attack.

EDIT: @Zombimode, they might be using the Errata that fixes Crusader's and Warblade's stance progression.

2011-09-19, 02:45 PM
I'm AFB right now but don't Warblades get Weapon Focus for free at 1st level and have the ability to switch it to different weapons? Maybe that's why he has it listed here.

2011-09-19, 02:51 PM
I'm AFB right now but don't Warblades get Weapon Focus for free at 1st level and have the ability to switch it to different weapons? Maybe that's why he has it listed here.

Sort of. They don't get it for free (that's Swordsage's and a specific school) but Warblades do have the ability to change such feats to new weapons each morning. But when you put that much GP into a single weapon, you won't be swapping out your feats for it anyways.

2011-09-19, 06:19 PM
Probably just a matter of preference, but I think Keen is a bit wasted on an axe.

What do you suggest to replace keen then?

What are your sources available besides core and ToB? Neither Cleave nor Weapon Focus are that great (but not that bad either).

Not to much Race of Stone, Races of the Dragon, Draconomicon, Dragon magic, Miniatures handbook, Magic Item Compendium.

Psionic's are banned, and so are crusaders.

Definatly rethink WF: Greataxe and Cleave. Unless you expect to be completly surrounded by mooks a lot, Cleave is only semi-useful. And even then, your lower iteratives will take care of more mooks just fine. I'm AFB right now but I would considert taking any pre-req feats for Deepstone Sentinel and Stone Power feat. Sacrifice 5 to-hit for 5 temp HP every round I believe.

Stone power feat? ok

I advise maxing concentration. Its a rather vital skill for the survival of a warblade.

Uhm.. you know you dont HAVE to concentrate purely on one school, right?
Stone Dragon is a bit of a mixed bag. Bonecrusher and Mountain Hammer are nice, Crushing Weight of the Mountain and Charging Minotaur are probably good for specialized builds (yours is not), Stone Vise and Stone Bones are ok, but Stone Dragons Fury is highly situational and Stonefoot Stance is only useful for specialized builds (like uber-trippers who have so much reach they dont need do move more then 5 ft. each round).

Max concentration, pick up Moment of Perfect Mind (1st level Diamond Mind) - it fixes one of the most glaring holes in the defense of mundane melee fighters in D&D: the Will save.

Yes I know I can more choose from more than one school but i did for simplicity sake plus the only ones I really like other than stone dragon is Iron heart, and Diamond mind. But I was sort of avoiding Diamond Mind for this build.

Definatly max Concentration. Climb....eh not really useful. You shouldn't be moving around as a Stone Dragon focused Warblade/Deepstone Sentinel and when you do, your better off flying (even if your stances don't work flying, they don't work while climbing either). Balance can be useful but you don't get many skill points and some of those would be better elsewhere.

Balance is required for the Deepstone sentinel class and the stone dragon manuvers, and also without the some of the stone dragon stances I can't get all of the deepstone sentinel's abilities.

2011-09-19, 06:50 PM
Then take the bare minimum balance and stone dragon stances to qualify.

2011-09-19, 07:10 PM
What do you suggest to replace keen then?

Well, you could always go with some form of elemental damage, but they are a bit boring. But for your Stone Dragon focused character, the Brutal Surge property might be worth a look. Its also a +1 enchantment and it gives you the unique ability to sort of bull rush your enemies after a succesful hit, without actualy using the bull rush attack option. This way you actualy might get something out of your Str check boosting stances. Its in Magic Item Compendium p. 30.
If you do, I would also take the Improved Bull Rush feat. Replace Cleave with it.
As for Stone Power.... Im not a fan. Sacrificing your to-hit for some measly temp hp? Sounds lame, but maybe Im missing something. I would better make sure to kill my enemies and use power attack as normal.

2011-09-19, 07:16 PM
Then take the bare minimum balance and stone dragon stances to qualify.

Can do lol

Well, you could always go with some form of elemental damage, but they are a bit boring. But for your Stone Dragon focused character, the Brutal Surge property might be worth a look. Its also a +1 enchantment and it gives you the unique ability to sort of bull rush your enemies after a succesful hit, without actualy using the bull rush attack option. This way you actualy might get something out of your Str check boosting stances. Its in Magic Item Compendium p. 30.
If you do, I would also take the Improved Bull Rush feat. Replace Cleave with it.
As for Stone Power.... Im not a fan. Sacrificing your to-hit for some measly temp hp? Sounds lame, but maybe Im missing something. I would better make sure to kill my enemies and use power attack as normal.

Hmmm I'll look into it. Then again maybe i'll swith to a Dwarven Waraxe & Buckler Combination for extra AC.

2011-09-19, 07:16 PM
Earthbound is a good +1 enchantment, you get a +2 to attack and damage rolls while you're on the ground, but the weapon loses its entire enhancement bonus when you're flying.

2011-09-19, 07:29 PM
Earthbound is a good +1 enchantment, you get a +2 to attack and damage rolls while you're on the ground, but the weapon loses its entire enhancement bonus when you're flying.

What book is that located in?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-19, 07:43 PM
Not to much Race of Stone, Races of the Dragon, Draconomicon, Dragon magic, Miniatures handbook, Magic Item Compendium.
Are those all the ones that are accepted, or all the ones you have? There's a difference.

Psionic's are banned, and so are crusaders.

OMG the blaster can change his damage type LOLbroken! The tank's actually doing his job of absorbing damage and protecting his allies, so broken!

2011-09-19, 07:57 PM
Are those all the ones that are accepted, or all the ones you have? There's a difference.

All that I have.

OMG the blaster can change his damage type LOLbroken! The tank's actually doing his job of absorbing damage and protecting his allies, so broken!

Actually their banned for particular reasons.

Crusader: Infinite Damage, and Infinite healing cheese.

Psionic's: Insane cheese potential, and knock enemy prone every turn of combat builds. Plus the Crystalized purple wurm that accidently got blown up because the guy said "I wanna blow it up" while in the middle of a town incident.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-19, 08:14 PM
Actually their banned for particular reasons.

Crusader: Infinite Damage, and Infinite healing cheese.

Psionic's: Insane cheese potential, and knock enemy prone every turn of combat builds. Plus the Crystalized purple wurm that accidently got blown up because the guy said "I wanna blow it up" while in the middle of a town incident.

The psion ones are just powerful, although probably too powerful for you guys. Like anyone would actually use those crusader builds. Do you ban Divine Minion, wizard, and Master of Many Forms as well?

2011-09-19, 08:30 PM
The psion ones are just powerful, although probably too powerful for you guys. Like anyone would actually use those crusader builds. Do you ban Divine Minion, wizard, and Master of Many Forms as well?

The dm set the limits not me. Now are you gonna help out of just talk smack? ;)

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-19, 08:35 PM
The dm set the limits not me. Now are you gonna help out of just talk smack? ;)

I meant your group.

Earthbound is in Eberron Campaign Setting.

2011-09-19, 09:04 PM
Mhmmm ok then now any suggestions to improve this character?

2011-09-19, 09:07 PM
Mhmmm ok then now any suggestions to improve this character?

A reach weapon will be nice to compensate the lack of mobility with Stone Dragon stances.

2011-09-19, 09:29 PM
A reach weapon huh? Hmmm perhaps as a secondary.

2011-09-19, 09:33 PM
A reach weapon huh? Hmmm perhaps as a secondary.

Glaive+Gauntlet=Pseudo-Spiked Chain. You threaten 10 ft. out with your glaive adn adjecent (5 ft.) with your gauntlet. None of the other benefits from the chain though like trip or disarm.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-19, 09:40 PM
Glaive+Gauntlet=Pseudo-Spiked Chain. You threaten 10 ft. out with your glaive adn adjecent (5 ft.) with your gauntlet. None of the other benefits from the chain though like trip or disarm.

Guisarme+spiked gauntlet/armor spikes gives you trip with your reach weapon, which is the important part.

Keld Denar
2011-09-19, 09:43 PM
Since you'll always be in a Stone Dragon stance or using a Stone Dragon manevuer (since thats all you have), consider one of those school focus weapons. Its a +1 enhancement equivalent in Tome of Battle that gives you a +3 to hit when using a stance or strike from the school its attuned to. Since you'll always be in a Stone Dragon stance, you'll always be getting a +3 to hit, which is better than the +1 hit/+1 damage you'd otherwise get. Keep the exta accuracy, or convery it 2-1 to damage with Power Attack for +6 damage on a +1 equiv chassis. Not bad, and certainly better than Keen.

2011-09-19, 11:19 PM
Since you'll always be in a Stone Dragon stance or using a Stone Dragon manevuer (since thats all you have), consider one of those school focus weapons. Its a +1 enhancement equivalent in Tome of Battle that gives you a +3 to hit when using a stance or strike from the school its attuned to. Since you'll always be in a Stone Dragon stance, you'll always be getting a +3 to hit, which is better than the +1 hit/+1 damage you'd otherwise get. Keep the exta accuracy, or convery it 2-1 to damage with Power Attack for +6 damage on a +1 equiv chassis. Not bad, and certainly better than Keen.

oh right the aptitude weapon enhancements.

Keld Denar
2011-09-19, 11:48 PM
Naw, I'm talking about the OTHER ones. The Discipline Focus weapons. Those guys are really good. Aptitude is only popular because a lot of people like to cite questionable abusive readings of it.

2011-09-19, 11:56 PM
Oh you mean the one where if you have a Desert wind Iron Heart Scimitar then get into a iron heart stance and use a desert wind strike you get +7 to your attack rolls. XD

2011-09-20, 12:09 AM
I'd just go for putting it with whatever stance you plan to use in combat, since it will basically grant you +3 to hit all the time.

2011-09-20, 12:12 AM
I'd just go for putting it with whatever stance you plan to use in combat, since it will basically grant you +3 to hit all the time.

True but still if your using multiple disciplines it couldn't hurt to use multiples since each is the equivelent of +1 enhancement lol.

2011-09-20, 12:20 AM
I'd go for earthbound over a second discipline, since earthbound adds to your damage as well.

2011-09-20, 03:57 AM
You make a good point there lol. Anyway I've made some adjustments to the first post based on this people have said and ideas that have come to mind. Any thoughts to the changes guys?

2011-09-20, 01:52 PM
As a minor thing, I'd suggest changing how you set up your stat block, sorta hard to read as is:

Armor Class: Total = 10 + Armor Mod + Shield Mod + Dex Mod + Size Mod + Natural Armor + Deflection Mod + Misc Mod
AC Total: 21 = 10 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
For instance, this could become:
10+8armor+2shield+1dex (shouldn't it be +9 for your +1 Plate?)

If you don't like the school focus weapons out of ToB, I'd suggest Holy. Might not get a +2 to attack certain creatures, but the fact that it changes your damage type is great against creatures with DR X/good or holy.

Ditch the healing potions, buy the Healing Belt from MiC (unless MiC is banned, I might've missed the list of allowed books). You can actually stack the enchantments of your healing belt and belt of strength at no cost (MiC).

With a stat list like that, I'd recommend taking two levels in Deepwarden (Races of Stone). It's expensive to enter with the skill requirements, unless you go and multiclass to ranger/druid. But getting your Con mod to AC will be worth it.

2011-09-20, 03:47 PM
For instance, this could become:
10+8armor+2shield+1dex (shouldn't it be +9 for your +1 Plate?)

Ahh I missed that thanks.

If you don't like the school focus weapons out of ToB, I'd suggest Holy. Might not get a +2 to attack certain creatures, but the fact that it changes your damage type is great against creatures with DR X/good or holy.

Might help since we are fighting undead alot lol.

Ditch the healing potions, buy the Healing Belt from MiC (unless MiC is banned, I might've missed the list of allowed books). You can actually stack the enchantments of your healing belt and belt of strength at no cost (MiC).

Not banned but I only have 9000 gp to work with on everything.

With a stat list like that, I'd recommend taking two levels in Deepwarden (Races of Stone). It's expensive to enter with the skill requirements, unless you go and multiclass to ranger/druid. But getting your Con mod to AC will be worth it

True enough there but that might take a while.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-20, 04:02 PM
Might help since we are fighting undead alot lol.

Then maybe disruption instead.

If you have only 9000 gp, how are you going to afford a +1 holy or +1 disruption weapon?

2011-09-20, 04:14 PM
Then maybe disruption instead.

If you have only 9000 gp, how are you going to afford a +1 holy or +1 disruption weapon?
Well the stat block did have a Keen weapon, so Holy instead of keen.
Thinking back, I'd swear it said "keen waraxe" somewhere. Anyway, I guess that will go on the wishlist.
Don't forget, you need a +1 weapon before you buy a +1 Holy/Keen/Bane weapon.
Anyone remember the cost for sacred from MiC? Is that also a +1? Would be another option in place of Holy.

Or you could ditch the adamant weapon for now, and just have a regular steel weapon. (Disruption is bludgeoning only)

Not banned but I only have 9000 gp to work with on everything.

True enough there but that might take a while.
Healing belt is about 700gold. Very worth the price, 2d8, 3d8 or 4d8 healing a round, depending on how many charges you use. So potentially 6d8 out of combat healing.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-20, 04:15 PM
Holy is a +2 enchantment.

2011-09-20, 04:20 PM
Then maybe disruption instead.

If you have only 9000 gp, how are you going to afford a +1 holy or +1 disruption weapon?

I'd have to sacrifice either my bonuses to my armor or my adamantine feature of my weapon? lol

2011-09-20, 04:27 PM
Holy is a +2 enchantment.

Yeah too expensive right now, that'd be what, an 18k weapon? Same for disruption
What's the cost of sacred (mic)?

2011-09-20, 04:33 PM
My poor Dwarf is gonna be broke when all is said and done XD

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-20, 04:46 PM
Yeah too expensive right now, that'd be what, an 18k weapon? Same for disruption
What's the cost of sacred (mic)?

I don't know, but disruption is +1. that's 8k.

Keld Denar
2011-09-20, 04:55 PM
Sacred, from LM, is the "mini-holy". Aligns weapon to good, does +1d6 vs undead and +2d6 vs evil outsiders. +1 equivalent.

I'd still go with Disipline Focus, though. That's your biggest bang for your buck off the bat...especially when you convert the attack bonus to damage via Power Attack. +1 bonus for +6 untyped damage? Thats a better deal than Collision which is a +2 bonus for +5 untyped damage. As long as you aren't regularly PAing for max, the conversion pays off.

2011-09-20, 07:21 PM
Any other suggestions besides enhancing my weapon?