View Full Version : Sustained fire (literally)

2011-09-19, 07:27 AM
I have an Gnome Alchemist who for reasons best left unexplored now has an incredible number of Alchemist's Fire flasks.
The party is in a large city, and the Gnome has managed to aquire a Handy Haversack to keep her loot in.
Now, the question I am asking:
Is there a device (mundane or magical) that can launch flasks? Could I purchase (or build) one to "belt feed" flasks from the Haversack?

Deth Muncher
2011-09-19, 07:30 AM
I have an Gnome Alchemist who for reasons best left unexplored now has an incredible number of Alchemist's Fire flasks.
The party is in a large city, and the Gnome has managed to aquire a Handy Haversack to keep her loot in.
Now, the question I am asking:
Is there a device (mundane or magical) that can launch flasks? Could I purchase (or build) one to "belt feed" flasks from the Haversack?

I would say no, specifically because the wording on the Haversack says that when you reach for an item, it's always the one on top. Which implies, to me, there has to be a consciousness behind the act.

EDIT: However, there IS a gun which was featured in one of the Dragon Magazine articles that would let you launch a "bomb casing" - i.e. a shell in which you put alchemist fire - at range. But that means you need gunpowder weapons in your game.

2011-09-19, 07:33 AM
Would a portable hole bag of holding work better?
(we haven't finished 'down time' in the city yet, so I can still change my mind)

Deth Muncher
2011-09-19, 07:41 AM
Would a portable hole bag of holding work better?
(we haven't finished 'down time' in the city yet, so I can still change my mind)

It seems as though there are very few actual rules with regards to how siege weapons actually work, merely that they exist. I personally would say figure out how big you want the thing to be, calculate cost of materials based off of raw values in the PHB, and maybe make some craft checks with possible bonuses if you have Knowledge: Siege Engineering?

2011-09-19, 07:41 AM
Can you hire minions?

Failing all else, have a bunch of them with mutiple attacks. pretty sure with throw anything they can throw a bunch of flasks as a full round-action.

Or you could try air dropping them.

2011-09-19, 07:52 AM
I assume you play Pathfinder, therefor there are Guns.

Talk to your GM if he allows this "Exotic Weapon"(assuming Guns are new or Martial if they are mass produced) for...let's say...5k GP?
The Haversack can be used like the Backpack in Gothic. Grab behind you and take a "shell" out, put in Cannon and GO!. Another thing you could "buy/craft" a Flaskgirdle/Flaskquiver of Holding.

You can even go so far and load Cartriges to get more than one shot in a round.

Have a nice Day,

2011-09-19, 08:08 AM
Is there a device (mundane or magical) that can launch flasks?

Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) + unseen servant + sack + 19 flasks of alchemist's fire = 19 splash damage. Add a feather token: swan boat for 20d6 falling object damage.

There's probably something you can do with a bunch of Glyph Seals (1000 GP, MIC) + launch item cantrip, but I haven't really worked out the particulars.

2011-09-19, 08:26 AM
There is also a Packmate homonculi in the MOE page 152. In the description they can fling flasks and are semi smart, so throw the haversack inside him and have him be your mobile artillery. Side note to that is you can also put healing potions in the sack and have him play field medic when not burning the town to cinders!

Big Fau
2011-09-19, 01:37 PM
Collar of Perpetual Attendance (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c) + unseen servant + sack + 19 flasks of alchemist's fire = 19 splash damage. Add a feather token: swan boat for 20d6 falling object damage.

Unseen Servant can't make attack rolls.

The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll.

2011-09-19, 02:04 PM
You could just have some one construct a command-word magic item of Launch Item (0-level spell) from Spell Compendium.

With proper price reductions you should get it lower than $1,000 gp.

Bam, bazooka!!!

2011-09-19, 02:06 PM
Unseen Servant can't make attack rolls.

Given that he said 'spalsh' damage, and that Alchemist Fire deals d6 damage on hit, but only 1 damage to adjacent, I'm going to guess he intends for the Unseen Servant to drop it, not make attack rolls with it.

2011-09-19, 03:45 PM
Given that he said 'spalsh' damage, and that Alchemist Fire deals d6 damage on hit, but only 1 damage to adjacent, I'm going to guess he intends for the Unseen Servant to drop it, not make attack rolls with it.

Yes. Sorry, I should have made that clear. Direct the unseen servant to fly over a particular square and tell it to drop a bag, flask of oil, etc. It can also light a tindertwig, uncork a flask of liquid smoke, drop a thunderstone, spread a bag of caltrops/marbles, break a skull talisman, etc.

It can also activate a feather token: swan boat (standard action, no command word). Assuming you can get your DM to agree to a size/weight for the boat, falling object damage maxes out at 20d6, no save.

I also like having it use a sprayer (A&EG p. 25) to turn any alchemical liquid or inhaled/injury poison into a 5' x 10' area effect, no attack/no save.

Note: Some of this stuff is probably against the "spirit of the rules", so don't be suprised if the DM starts chucking hardbacks at your skull.

2011-09-20, 07:15 AM
If I was going to make something myself (along the lines of a glorified hand-held catapult / crossbow launching flasks) what kind of craft skills would I need?

I'm just looking at a contraption poking out of the top of my haversack / bag of holding that means I can have iterative attacks with flasks. I'm not looking to 'break the rules' or lob things halfway across town...

2011-09-20, 07:38 AM
Either Craft Weapon or Craft: Siege Weapon.

(The earlier mentioned "Bazooka" would be a weapon therefore you would need the feat: Craft Magic Arms and Armor or buy the enchanting...)

Have a nice day,

2011-09-22, 07:37 AM
~smacks self in head~
OK, had a complete rethink.

Can you use 'Quick Draw' on flasks in a Handy Haversack?

2011-09-22, 07:50 AM
I would rule this way, but by RAW? I don't think so, therefore the Flaskbelt of Holding, might be a bit pricey but it will suffice your needs afaict.

Have a nice Day,

2011-09-22, 12:46 PM
(The earlier mentioned "Bazooka" would be a weapon therefore you would need the feat: Craft Magic Arms and Armor or buy the enchanting...)

Is there an actual ruling to sustain this?

Baka Nikujaga
2011-09-22, 12:54 PM
Two mundane items of note would be the Gnome Calculus (A&EG) and the Masterwork Potion Belt (FRCS).

I'm not sure if either could be directly modified to feed from the Haversack.

2011-09-22, 01:06 PM
One really cheesy technique might be abusing the psionic power Call Weaponry to manifest siege weaponry.

2011-09-22, 01:07 PM
Is there an actual ruling to sustain this?

I have to admit...I really don't know. But, you want to use a "Pipe" as a weapon, that auto-casts the spell "fling object"? on activation of a trigger, either Wondrous Item or Weapon, but from the use as weapon aspect: I would be flexible.

Have a nice Day,

2011-09-22, 01:19 PM
I have to admit...I really don't know. But, you want to use a "Pipe" as a weapon, that auto-casts the spell "fling object"? on activation of a trigger, either Wondrous Item or Weapon, but from the use as weapon aspect: I would be flexible.

Have a nice Day,

A command-word activated item of Launch Item is still a wondrous item as it falls into all the categories of a wondrous item (and really none of an actual weapon).

But it does serve very nicely as make-shift bazooka.

2011-09-22, 01:34 PM
Also, if you Shrink Item the flasks (after putting them into a larger container), you can fire a greater quantity of alchemist fire per shot.

2011-09-23, 07:16 AM
Heh. For lots of fire, I just use my Bomb class feature - using flasks is more to keep with the 'Burn it with Fire' attitude when I don't want to waste the big bangs.

Don't think I have the stats on the Gnome Calculus. sounds fun tho.
Does Prestidigitation work the same way in PF, and if so do flasks come under the weight limit? I'm away from my books.

2011-09-23, 07:32 AM
You could just have some one construct a command-word magic item of Launch Item (0-level spell) from Spell Compendium.

With proper price reductions you should get it lower than $1,000 gp.

Bam, bazooka!!!

I like the sound of that, lol...go one step further, make the haversack your item familiar (if such things cross over, not super familiar with PF but possibly stealing this idea for a 3.5 session for funsies) and give it the sorc/wiz 0 lvl spell list so it can launch it's own flasks!

"Fire, you scurvy pack!"

"Aye Cap'n," pew pew pew