View Full Version : A cry for help?

2011-09-19, 04:23 PM
So, I'm attempting to create a 'mirror match' for the party that I am GM'ing. I have some great ideas for alternates to most of the characters, but 1 in particular is giving me some trouble.

1 Character is an Orc Barbarian, and I am wanting to build a Psychic Warrior as his opposition. The problem is, I have little knowledge of how Psionics works, let alone the know how to build a relatively optimized character. I'm building for level 12, would anyone be willing to give me some help for the build and some advice for how to run the character?

I'd appreciate it!

2011-09-19, 04:29 PM
Wilder could also work... "Wild's" in the name!

But in all seriousness, Psionics is straightforward; you get points of power, you "buy" spells with these, and can then "upgrade" those spells (Augment). Simpler than spells, but similar in many ways, though balanced.

How to play the character? As an evil opposite, of course! :small tongue: Channel the spirit of Roy on Thog, perhaps? Or Thog to oppose Thog? Possibilities abound, and you know more about the situation than we do.

2011-09-19, 04:33 PM
Hmm. Okay.

In terms of build assistance, all books are allowed, although I'd like to stay away from TOB, since the gaming group isn't utilizing it. I am building the opposition for level 12 and plan to build into the storyline, a competitive adventuring group sponsored by the BBEG.

In terms of how to run the Psychic Warrior, I specifically meant logistically, in terms of combat? I know that the power called expansion is normally used but I'm not sure what to use with it, or if it is a straight charger build, etc and so on. Something akin to round by round tactics advice, I suppose.


2011-09-19, 04:39 PM
Assuming the Orc isn't an ubercharger, use the power Hustle. Any round where the Psy War is withing Full Attack range, unleash a Full Attack then activate Hustle and move out of melee range. Sure, he gets to charge and a nifty +2 to hit and damage but you get off more attacks. Though if he is a Lion Totem Barbarian, this won't work obviously.

2011-09-19, 04:42 PM
If you're opposing a Barbarian, I could see building this guy as a Charger. Expansion and Psionic Lion's Charge are your two most important powers in that case. You can pick up feats that work with the standard charger style (Power Attack, Leap Attack, Shock Trooper), basically stuff the Barbarian would have. Your other powers can be focused on utility or defense. For example, Greater Concealing Amorpha gives a miss chance, which is very nice.

That stuff is good for a two-handed weapon charger. If you'd rather make a more feral character, Psychic Warriors can also be pretty impressive with natural weapons, as their Claws of the Beast and Bite of the Wolf powers give attacks with rather nice scaling. For an extreme example, look up the King of Smack.

2011-09-19, 08:08 PM

Can I get some more info on build help?

Also some more about tactics?

2011-09-19, 08:34 PM

Can I get some more info on build help?

Also some more about tactics?

Its a bit too broad at the moment (for me at least) to give you builds and tatics. If we knew more about the Orc player, his build and tatics and what exactly you want out of the mirror. Do you want a character that specifically counters his build/tatics? We need his build/tatics for that. A build thats just opposite (but not neccisarily specifically counter) the Orc's, we need his build.

2011-09-19, 08:38 PM
This may give you some ideas: Psychic Warrior Handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162701)

2011-09-19, 08:47 PM
The most important feat for most Psychic Warriors is Link Power. It's a metapsionic feat in Complete Psionic which allows two powers to be cast in one action (though one takes a round to activate). This is different from Quicken Power because it doesn't use even a swift action and it's much less expensive to activate (Adrenaline Surge and Hustle are its two standard delivery mechanisms).

2011-09-19, 08:51 PM
Its a bit too broad at the moment (for me at least) to give you builds and tatics. If we knew more about the Orc player, his build and tatics and what exactly you want out of the mirror. Do you want a character that specifically counters his build/tatics? We need his build/tatics for that. A build thats just opposite (but not neccisarily specifically counter) the Orc's, we need his build.

He's a fairly typical charger build barbarian.

I'm looking for something along the lines of another charger(but a psionic one rather than an emotional one). Something relatively optimized but not the King of Smack.

Keld Denar
2011-09-19, 09:25 PM
Half-Giant PsyWar 11 (or 12, if you go by CR vs ECL, 12th level given just in case)

1 Psicrystal Affinity
1B Power Attack
2B EWP: Spiked Chain
3 Psicrystal Containment
5B Psionic Meditation
6 Link Power (CPsi)
8B Improved Bullrush
9 Knockback (Races of Stone)
11B Combat Reflexes
12 Metapower (Link Power)
(everything not in the PHB or XPH is cited)

1 Expansion
2 Vigor
3 Force Screen
4 Hustle
5 Share Pain
6 Strength of my Enemy
7 Concealing Amorphia (Greater)
8 Empathic Feedback
9 Empathic Transfer, Hostile
10 Psionic Freedom of Movement
11 Psionic Dimension Door
12 Inertial Barrier

Prior to combat, manifest Share Pain (12 hours) on Psicrystal and Empathic Feedback, Inertial Barrier, and Freedom of Movement (2 hours). If given buff rounds, manifest minutes/level powers like Vigor for max PP, Expansion (up to Huge size) and Force Screen.

When combat starts, manifest Concealing Amorphia (Greater) linked to Strength of my Enemy (augement by 6). This costs 12 PP with Metapower. Now you have 50% miss chance and every hit you make will drain 1 point of Strength and give it to you, up to +12 extra strength.

When he charges you, take your AoO. You'll probably hit if he drops his AC (especially if he has Shocktrooper). Now make an opposed Bullrush check. You're Huge and count as Gargantuan, so you have a +14 just from size (gargantuan is +12, and you get +2 from Expansion), plus a little bit extra if you Power Attack. You should win this easily and knock him back at least 5' which will disrupt his charge and also drain 1 point of Str and give it to you. On your turn, attack once if you are close enough, or just stay out of range. He'll try to move in to attack you again, provoke another AoO (for more damage and a point of Strength) and get knocked back.

If he DOES manage to attack you, you have a 50% miss chance from Concealing Amorphia, which helps. If he hits you through that, he takes 5 points of unresistable damage, and the damage you take gets split between you and your pet rock (which has Hardness 8, so subtract 8) and you have DR 5/- from Inertial Barrier. Remember, the HP damage you take comes from your (and your rocks) Vigor pool first. If you run out of Vigor, manifest Hustle linked to Vigor for 55 more temp HP (3+11-2=12) for you and your pet rock.

That should be a REALLY hard fight for him. Probably a bit too hard, but really, I wasn't even trying when I built this. PsyWars are just THAT good.

EDIT: if you want to be even meaner, make his weapon a +1 Wounding weapon. That means you drain 1 Str and 1 Con from him every hit. The Con damage will lower the duration of his Rage, so assuming you don't outright kill him, his rage will wear off early and he'll be fatigued and extremely easy to mop up after that.