View Full Version : Beast-like Warrior

2011-09-19, 08:04 PM
I was building a Barbarian, and then I realized the image I like about barbarians is a powerful and agile warrior flying into a rage and becoming more beast than man. So I decided I wanted to make an animalistic warrior, who was half beast half man. I don't want actual half beast half man, so no lycanthropy. I was hoping to have a large amount of natural attacks, so I could run in and kill with claws rather than swords. I was also hoping to have a good grapple modifier so that I could easily pin down my... prey.

All sources are allowed except campaign specific. I'm looking for class/prc suggestions for getting lots of natural attacks and good grapple. We are starting at level 2 so the build should be playable from 1-20 (that's just playable, not necessarily achieving my goals.)

Systems I'm familiar with are Bo9S, Everything from tome of magic and psionics but I'm happy to learn something new.

2011-09-19, 08:40 PM
Take a look at the Bear Warrior from Complete Warrior.

Barbarian 7/ Bear Warrior 10/ Warshaper 3

Captain Six
2011-09-19, 08:42 PM
The Feral template from Savage Species is the best template you can get for +1 level adjustmet. It has everything you want and probably a lot more.

2011-09-19, 09:04 PM
I was building a Barbarian, and then I realized the image I like about barbarians is a powerful and agile warrior flying into a rage and becoming more beast than man.

So I decided I wanted to make an animalistic warrior, who was half beast half man. I don't want actual half beast half man, so no lycanthropy. I was hoping to have a large amount of natural attacks, so I could run in and kill with claws rather than swords. I was also hoping to have a good grapple modifier so that I could easily pin down my... prey.

All sources are allowed except campaign specific. I'm looking for class/prc suggestions for getting lots of natural attacks and good grapple. We are starting at level 2 so the build should be playable from 1-20 (that's just playable, not necessarily achieving my goals.)

Systems I'm familiar with are Bo9S, Everything from tome of magic and psionics but I'm happy to learn something new.
Does it need to be a Barbarian? Or just be an animalistic warrior?
Do you have any multi-class penalties (some DMs ignore those rules)?
assuming you want Barbarian levels:
Changling (qualifies for Warshaper) Totemist 2/Barbarian 2/Warblade 1/Warshaper 3 is a good up to 8th level.
Morphic abilities work while shaped:
Morphic Immunity(Stuns/Criticals)(Ex): immune stun/Critical, Morphic weapons (Su): move action, increase natural weapon damage or add natural weapons.
Morphic Body: +4 Str/Con in new form.
Morphic Reach: +5 ft reach. Wild Empathy. Battle Clarity (Reflex): insight to reflex equal Int bonus (up to Warblade level). Weapon aptitude,

I recommend:
Wormtail Belt: +2 enhancement NA + 1/essentia.
Sphinx Claws: +1 competence Str check/skills/checks to burst/bull rush. Essentia: every point increases bonus.
-Totem: 2 claws 1d8 + Str damage, every point invested increases +1 enhancement bonus attk/damage
and one more chakra.

Feats: good choices: (Endurance for Steadfast Determination: Con for will saves, no nat 1.), Improved Natural attack (Claw), extra rage, etc

By level 8, you can deal 3d6 per claw (improved nat attack + Morphic weapons) + Str.

Taking more levels in Warshaper boost your ability to heal yourself (at will). Add more Totemist to add more essentia/chakras. Add more Warblade if need more maneuvers.
Really, you can't go wrong here.

2011-09-19, 09:10 PM
it definitively doesn't have to be a barbarian. that was just what inspired this idea. no multiclass penalties either. What's totemist? is that an incarnum class? sounds intriguing.

2011-09-19, 09:19 PM
yes totemist is an incarnium class although personally im not a fan of the sphinx claws. i prefer land shark boots for 4 claw attacks after jumping combine that with leap attack that's a lot of damage

2011-09-19, 09:31 PM
yes totemist is an incarnium class although personally im not a fan of the sphinx claws. i prefer land shark boots for 4 claw attacks after jumping combine that with leap attack that's a lot of damage

But you have lower damage size (d6 vs d8), and you can't combine Land Shark boosts with other Nat weapons or manufactored it says.

Spinx can be combined with other Nat attacks (whether chakras or Morphic weapon to add some Horns or tentacles).

Totemist are 3/4th BAB, Druidish fluff, that gets mostly soul melds that grant natural attacks/improves them. They get at lv 2 a unique Totem place to lock in a soul meld for more powers.

Keld Denar
2011-09-19, 10:00 PM
Fist of the Forest works too.


Barbarian4 gets you 2 rages, which is 4 with Extra Rage. That should be enough.

Fist of the Forest gives you a decent boost to Dex, and +Con to AC, which means you'll be tough to hit even without armor. It also gives you decently high UAS damage.

Bear Warrior turns you into a bear. Rawr.

Warshaper further expands upon that bear form. You are a Bear, but you have bigger claws, longer arms, and a bigger mouth (all the better to eat your face with, my dear!). You also have Fast Healing and are immune to crits and SA while you are a bear.

Don't forget. Punch people with your decent UAS damage, THEN claw/claw/bite them. That way you get your iteratives AND your natural attacks. Its cake that you can EAT!

2011-09-19, 11:11 PM
Pathfinder could help: the advanced player's guide has a lot of things that would be useful for beastly barbarians.

Just take take Animal fury, the beast totem path, and lesser fiend totem to gain a gore attack. Take Improved Natural attack, Season with other attack rage-Powers to taste. this is entirely based around rage powers, so you can still take any archetypes you want.

Gets even better with ultimate combat. Feral combat training, and Boar style, giving you 2d6 extra damage and allowing you to use it with a natural attach of your choice. not only that, but there is a feat that allows you to rend with only one claw attack, and another to improve it, not to mention a feat in advanced player's guide to let you rend in the first place.

If you want to be a total *******, Get the feat/power chain, be a titan mauler, get mutlitattck and then get one ****-YOU stirke with one huge two-handed weapon AND natural attacks, while still being able to rend, for the low low price of -2 to hit. Unless i'm reading the rules wrong. which I proably am.

edit: Looked it up, apprently not.

**** YES. I found my next build! ...provided the D.M lets me.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-09-19, 11:19 PM
Primaveral or something like that from Frostburn (I think) also covers that nicely

2011-09-19, 11:22 PM
Totem Rager combines Barbarian and Totemist; I think its pretty good though others do not like it. You get tons of natural attacks on a rager, which is pretty cool. Or the druid ACF that gives them rage, and then be a Shifter to get the alternate class feature that trades out wildshape for extra claw bonuses.