View Full Version : Near, The Savage Lands

2011-09-20, 09:27 AM

Empire of Man and High King Callor


The first settlers arrived that arrived in the new lands they dubbed Farland hundreds of years ago found an unspoiled bountiful land. Settlements turned into villages which in turn grew into towns and took on more stable forms. Communities were formed and explorers ventured deeper inland. Some discovering the High Folk to the north were while others were the unfortunate ones to make the first deadly contact with the forestkith. Monsters and beasts were driven north, east and south, away from the ever expanding human territories until most of the original inhuman inhabitants were as good as gone.

Between new settlers and the growth of the existing townsteads populations grew exponentially while territorial growth was halted by the Forestkin in the east and the High Folk in the north. This resulted in fierce competition for land. Rivalries rose and squabbles turned into fights which in turn escalated into skirmishes and raids. Each community was suddenly fending for their own survival, alliances rose and fell, new ones were created only to fall to betrayal again. The only relatively peaceful lands were to the north in the current Grimståd, whose lands were harsh enough to ward of all but the first settlers who had adapted. For nearly three generations this went on until the first Warlord Jarna carved out a kingdom for himself which brought about a short but peaceful period to the lands. Jarna however was a warlord not a ruler. He had created a kingdom but didn't have the will or ability to bring about proper peace and prosperity. When he died in a hunting accident it brought about a brief stretch of rebellions, outbreaks and claims of independence which were quickly and brutally cut down by Jarnas former Warchief Callor. He had quickly seized control of the majority of the armies and in a few years he had subjected all but Grimståd under him.

During the reign of High King Callor there was peace from the Stonekrag mountains to the southern glades of the kith. No man was above the law and even the lowliest peasant had the right to a fair trial. Trade flourished both in the empire and with the trading ships from the western sea. In return for rare gifts from the faraway homeland, the High Folk forged a gleaming blade and crown of the purest gold, said to be so bright it blinded any sinful man who looked upon it as he sat on his throne at in the capital at the foot of mount Garran. Somehow a pact was forged with the Forestkin and people could walk the forests without fear. The one fault in his rule was made in his deathbed, where he failed to appoint an heir.


Leaving the empire in the hands of his four children is the one thing all historians agree upon who, his final and worst error. Each power hungry and lacking their sires wisdom laid their own claim to the throne. Garran took the capital, Vestinia the bountiful lands to the south while Royce and Borond each fought for the north. Borond who pressed on his struggle with his brother despite the dwindling odds was murdered by his own commanders, who lead their remaining armies north where they founded Savonia. Meanwhile, Garrans power hungry siblings each laid siege to the Capital Redstone in their greed for the golden crown and sword. Redstone was destroyed and nearly turned to rubble, Garran killed during a breach but the relics of the High King were never found. Both Vestinias and Royces forces bruised and battered withdrew to their domains, sister and brother sacrificing countless of lives in a decade long war for control of a kingdom that was no more. They both died of old age, never managing more than pushing their borders a few miles to the north or south.



Noble, Honorable and Piteous the Savony people are the height of human culture. Or at least, that's what the nobles and royal line of the country claim but the truth is the Savony are as cunning and calculating as any others if not more.
The kingdom is utterly feudal and controlled in an iron grip by the current king Guillaume IV. The vast majority of the population are barely more than slaves, serfs bound to their farmsteads and practically owned by the nobles that receive the fruit of their labour. A small part of the population are free folk. Craftsmen, artists, merchants and more who probably only exist because the nobility do need someone to provide them with the luxuries that mere serfs couldn't supply.

They would have people believe that their standing army consists only of their glorious knights, but the truth is that they are backed up by a vast number of common troops. Hunters and poachers of the kings decree act as scouts throughout the forests and as expert archer on the battlefield and while their massed ranks of unarmored infantry are less skilled their sheer numbers make up for it.



The only human nation of XXX that retained its independence during the reign of YYY the Grimståd people, or the Grim as southerners call them do live up to their names. Fierce warriors nearly one and all, the Grim are a free people who are ruled by their Warchiefs and clanleaders through respect and ability rather than blood. They have ever been content to stay in their frozen north despite the fact that they are probably the only people with the capability and power to bring together the human nations to their former glory. Their martial prowess comes from an eternal struggle with the foulbloods coming down the mountains in the winter when food gets scarce and so every man and woman holds farmers tools, and fishing nets in the summer and swords, spears and axes in the bitter nights of winter. They are the only human nation where women and men stands as equals.

The Forestkith


Unconcerned and indifferent to the warring politics of the mortal races the forestkin are still a major power to be reckoned with despite their seclusion. Anarchistic and not truly a nation the many different races of the wilds of the east and south consists of many elder races that perhaps once ruled the land long before the first humans arrived. Little is known of them save perhaps the common childrens rhyme that "No two kith are the same by far, and yet they are"

Their logic is something few can relate to and many still meet their makers in the hands or claws of the forestkith without ever knowing what they did to anger them and so, many thread warily if at all in the eldritch forests of the old ones. They are, unlike their name implies, not at all limited to the forests and are also found in lakes and rivers and on the Vaerran Steppes.

The Warring States


Royce, Garran and Vestinia are named after three of the four heirs of the great XXX who after his death each forged their own territory out of the dying empire. In their lifetimes the once stable lands became a theatre of conflict between siblings with all too much power in their hands and only a few generations after their deaths not even their separate kingdoms could hold the test of time and the territories are now a chaotic group of independent city states, villages, warlords territories and bandit lands that change as often as the wind. Only power rules the warring states, and like the Grim often say "Theres always a bigger beast"



Inhabited by the Austere and elder race of the High Folk Thingöll is a beautiful unmarred land. Due to their long lifetimes and their ascetic culture the High Folk do not pursue materials gains and thus the lands surrounding their efficient and hard cities are full of ancient trees and unbroken fields of wild growth, lush forests and rivers full of life that is more than enough to sustain the small population of the tall people. Then name Thingöll is said to mean Gateland in the High tongue but if there is a gate somewhere, even the guardians themselves have forgotten where it is.

High Folk (Work in Progress)

........................ High Folk


Medium: As Medium creatures, High folk have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Weapon Familiarity: High Folk may treat Crescent Axes and Mercurial Weapons as martial weapons, rather than exotic.
Grace: This ability grants a High One a +2 racial bonus to all Strength and Dexterity Checks. Furthermore, High Folk get an additional +2 AC bonus when using defensive fighting, total defence or combat expertise.
Automatic Languages: High Tongue
Favored Class: Fighter

Level Adjustment: +2

Crescent Axe
1d10 , 19-20/x3. Two-Handed, Tripping

The Wilds


2011-09-20, 09:28 AM
Realms of man: Humans, Halflings, Mongrelfolk, Ogres and Ogre-Blooded

Forestkith: Satyr, Fey'ri, Pixies, Elementals, Dryads, Fossergrim, Wights, Swordwraiths, Wraiths, Shadows and worse.

The North: Humans, High Folk, Half-Giants, Troll-blooded, Ogres and ogre-blooded.

The Wilds: Gnolls, Halfling Cannibals, Ogres, Wemic, Centaurs

Wastelands: Rakshasha

2011-09-20, 09:30 AM



1 Gold = 100 D&D GP.

Only the most wealthy actually carry around gold coins on their person, and a single golden coin can feed an entire family for a long time.



1 Silver = 10 D&D GP

Valuable and not for the poor, it is still something everyone has had their hands on one time or another and its the common currency of merchants and finer establishments you can find.



1 Copper = 1 D&D GP

Beggars gold. This is what you buy your meal with, your clothes if you aren't a fancy person and for many most other things in life with as well. Probably not a sword or a wellcrafted armor, but a dagger or a leather jerkin? Thats just a few coppers.

Gods and Ascendants:

The Taxman


"Death and Taxes"

Domains: Death, Greed, Wealth, Time, Fate

Aligment: Lawful Neutral



Name is a recently ascended god. A northern giant who its said challenged the god of war and won, taking the mantle for his own. Where his predecessor was a creature of austere discipline, a soldier. NAME is the opposite a furious and beastly god of War. He has quickly consolidated his position, with cults of the beast god quickly coming into power since his ascendancy.

Domains: War, Strength, Fury, Pride, +

Aligment: Chaotic Neutral

Special: Clerics taking the war domain receive Two-Weapon Fighting at level 1, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting at base attack bonus 6 and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting at base attack bonus 11.

2011-09-20, 01:52 PM
First, cool idea.

I agree that coins in D&D are highly undervalued, but I think a 1:100 exchange rate might be a bit too much. Half-plate armor for 6 gp? A longsword for 1,5 copper?

1:10 might be a more practical exchange rate, as adventurers deal in high value items and there still has to be something for the peasants to pay with.

2011-09-20, 02:35 PM
First, cool idea.

I agree that coins in D&D are highly undervalued, but I think a 1:100 exchange rate might be a bit too much. Half-plate armor for 6 gp? A longsword for 1,5 copper?

1:10 might be a more practical exchange rate, as adventurers deal in high value items and there still has to be something for the peasants to pay with.

Half-Plate armor for 6 GOLD pieces is a perfect price. A single gold piece is a fortune for any normal person. Thats the way it should be.

Now a longsword for 1 silver coin and 5 coppers? Slightly cheap maybe (you somehow misunderstood and said 1,5 copper.. aka 1,5 normal D&D gold coin)
But think about this, sure at level one its sliiightly skewed, but then as a DM you adjust the minor prices and say, that sword there.. 3 silvers! (Not at character generation of course) thats a nice price.

Then, the rest of the game you dont have to pay FIVE WAGONLOADS OF GOLD just to get that +5 sword. Instead its just a chest of gold or so.

2011-09-20, 02:38 PM
Okay, this depends on the power level you aim for with the campaign. IF 15+ level characters are rather ordinary and appropriate equipment widely available, you do need much less coin to make it fit the effort to afford it.

2011-09-20, 02:42 PM
I play at pretty low power levels but think about this even at level 3. You have about THREE THOUSAND gold coins... thats like at least an entire backpack filled with coins.

Or a pouch with thirty, substantial gold coins of real value.

Suddenly, even high level characters will be amazed if they find a Crown of pure gold.. that must be worth a kings ransom.. versus the old way where thats what... 100 coins worth of gold? meh rubbish.

2011-09-20, 03:34 PM
But you don't have 3000 gp in cash, but equipment worth 3000 gp.
At the end of the months, I have to keep track of my money, so I don't end up unable to buy food for half a week, which makes me quite poor, but I still have easily 5000€ worth of stuff in my appartment. I could turn my bike and my computer into cash and would have quite a lot of money in my pocket, but how would I get to university or the store or use the internet?
As an adventurer, most of your monney goes straight into equipment. Neccessary and vital equipment, not luxury. You could sell it, but then you'd be unable to do your work to pay for anything once that cash is used up.

And though gold is valuable, I don't think it's THAT valuable. But that's really just part of how the setting handles such things.

2011-09-20, 04:07 PM
No but on your way from 3rd to 4'th level each player gains aprox. 3000 gold of equipment. Sure lets say most of it is in equipment.. but 4-5 characters? thats thousand of gold coins.

Your idea of value is obviously totally destroyed by D&D's destruction of gold.

Have you tried playing world of warcraft? There gold is/was valuable and thats much cooler say.. compared to diablo 2 where your gold is basically a huge useless number.

Fera Tian
2011-09-20, 05:32 PM
" NAME is the opposite a furious and beastly god of War."
Sentence needs work.
Should probably add Animal, Chaos and Destruction to domains.

First, cool idea.

I agree that coins in D&D are highly undervalued, but I think a 1:100 exchange rate might be a bit too much. Half-plate armor for 6 gp? A longsword for 1,5 copper?

1:10 might be a more practical exchange rate, as adventurers deal in high value items and there still has to be something for the peasants to pay with.

A kilogram of gold in today's market is $58,000 or a few hundred over 43,000 euros. Now remember that gold is a heavy metal. $58 a gram. Let's assume a coin is a third of an ounce, so (9.450 x 58 =) $548.10 per coin. I don't know about the scarcity of gold throughout the ages but I'm going to assume it has been relatively constant with the exception of a few influxes caused by Imperialism. Hell, if it was a toss away metal, why did alchemists try so hard to find a way to create it?

Ilorin Lorati
2011-09-20, 06:23 PM
The problem there is that you're assuming that the price of gold and the value of money are linked, which hasn't been the case for decades.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-09-20, 09:16 PM
Grimstad still needs some names filled in. Are these ones you missed, or are you still looking for names? The Warring States also has an XXX

As for the Warrior God, he's northern, right? Here's a few ideas:
Zver, or a variant on this. Zvyar, Zvier, Zvers, Zhveris, Dzverm, Zviera, Zvir.
Dyrith, Dyr,

2011-09-21, 01:40 AM
The problem there is that you're assuming that the price of gold and the value of money are linked, which hasn't been the case for decades.

I'll take a huge shot in the dark and say price of gold and the value of money are linked when GOLD equals MONEY :smalltongue:

Grimstad still needs some names filled in. Are these ones you missed, or are you still looking for names? The Warring States also has an XXX

Haven't updated! : )

And thanks for the names really inspiring! : D

2011-09-21, 11:55 AM
Please spell-check. I noticed at least three or four words horribly misspelt, and I am not the person who goes seeking for those error (eksponentially!).

As for your world, it seems fine in general, although the constant friction between just about every major faction would make it hard to have a diverse party, which are usually the most fun. Two things I think you should consider are what the technology level is, and the scale of the timeline. Still, best of luck, and keep developing!

2011-09-21, 01:29 PM
Please spell-check. I noticed at least three or four words horribly misspelt, and I am not the person who goes seeking for those error (eksponentially!).

As for your world, it seems fine in general, although the constant friction between just about every major faction would make it hard to have a diverse party, which are usually the most fun. Two things I think you should consider are what the technology level is, and the scale of the timeline. Still, best of luck, and keep developing!

English is my third language, would you please be so kind as to point them out those four errors you spotted?

2011-09-21, 11:24 PM
Fixes in red, spoilered for length.


Empire of Man and High King Callor


The first settlers that arrived in the new lands they dubbed Farland hundreds of years ago found an unspoiled bountiful land. (run-on sentence, either clarify phrases or make into more sentences)Settlements turned into villages which in turn grew into towns and took on more stable forms. Communities were formed and explorers ventured deeper inland. Some discovered the High Folk to the north while others were the unfortunate ones to make the first deadly contact with the forestkith.(don't need to say both unfortunate ones and deadly contact, choose one) Monsters and beasts were driven north, east and south, away from the ever expanding human territories until most of the original inhuman inhabitants were as good as gone.

Between new settlers and the growth of the existing townsteads, populations grew exponentially while territorial growth was halted by the Forestkin in the east and the High Folk in the north. This resulted in fierce competition for land. Rivalries rose and squabbles turned into fights which in turn escalated into skirmishes and raids. Each community was suddenly fending for their own survival, alliances rose and fell, new ones were created only to fall to betrayal again. The only relatively peaceful lands were to the north in the current Grimståd, whose lands were harsh enough to ward off all but the first settlers who had adapted. For nearly three generations this continued until the first Warlord Jarna carved out a kingdom for himself which brought about a short but peaceful period to the lands. Jarna however was a warlord not a ruler. He had created a kingdom but didn't have the will or ability to bring about proper peace and prosperity. When he died in a hunting accident it brought about a brief stretch of rebellions, outbreaks and claims of independence, which were quickly and brutally cut down by Jarna's former Warchief, Callor. He quickly seized control of the majority of the armies and in a few years he had subjected all but Grimståd under him.

During the reign of High King Callor there was peace from the Stonekrag mountains to the southern glades of the kith. No man was above the law and even the lowliest peasant had the right to a fair trial. Trade flourished both in the empire and with the trading ships from the western sea. In return for rare gifts from the faraway homeland, the High Folk forged a gleaming blade and crown of the purest gold, said to be so bright it blinded any sinful man who looked upon it as he sat on his throne at in the capital at the foot of mount Garran.(run-on, please separate throne description from blade description) Somehow a pact was forged with the Forestkin and people could walk the forests without fear. The one fault in his rule was made in his deathbed, where he failed to appoint an heir.


Leaving the empire in the hands of his four children is the one thing all historians agree upon who, his final and worst error. (contradicts earlier claim that it was is only error, I'd say remove this) Each power hungry child lacking their sire's wisdom laid their own claim to the throne. Garran took the capital, Vestinia the bountiful lands to the south, and Royce and Borond fought for the north. Borond, who pressed on his struggle with his brother despite the dwindling odds, was murdered by his own commanders, who lead their remaining armies north where they founded Savonia. Meanwhile, Garran's power hungry siblings each laid siege to the Capital, Redstone, in their greed for the golden crown and sword. Redstone was destroyed and nearly turned to rubble, (redundant, if its destroyed, it is rubble.)Garran was killed during a breach but the relics of the High King were never found. Both Vestinia's and Royce's bruised and battered forces withdrew to their domains. Sister and brother sacrificed countless of lives in a decade long war for control of a kingdom that was no more. They both died of old age, never managing more than pushing their borders a few miles to the north or south.



Noble, Honorable and Pious, the Savony people are the height of human culture. Or at least, that's what the nobles and royal line of the country claim, the truth is the Savony are as cunning and calculating as anyone else if not more so.
The kingdom is utterly feudal and ruled with an iron grip by the current king Guillaume IV. The vast majority of the population are barely more than slaves, serfs bound to their farmsteads and practically owned by the nobles that receive the fruit of their labour. A small part of the population are free folk. Craftsmen, artists, merchants and more who only exist because the nobility do need someone to provide them with the luxuries that mere serfs couldn't supply.

They would have people believe that their standing army consists only of their glorious knights, but the truth is that they are backed up by a vast number of common troops. Hunters and poachers of the king's decree act as scouts throughout the forests and as expert archers on the battlefield and while their massed ranks of unarmored infantry are less skilled their sheer numbers make up for it.



The only human nation of Farland that retained its independence during the reign of High Kind Callor, the Grimståd people, or the Grim as southerners call them, do live up to their names. Fierce warriors nearly one and all, the Grim are a free people who are ruled by their Warchiefs and clanleaders through respect and ability rather than blood. They have always been content to stay in their frozen north despite the fact that they are probably the only people with the capability and power to bring together the human nations. Their martial prowess comes from an eternal struggle with the foulbloods coming down the mountains in the winter when food gets scarce and so every man and woman holds farmers tools, and fishing nets in the summer and swords, spears and axes in the bitter nights of winter.Run-on, separate everyone fights from foulbloods attacking. They are the only human nation where women and men stand as equals.

The Forestkith


Unconcerned and indifferent to the warring politics of the mortal races, the forestkin are still a major power to be reckoned with despite their seclusion. Anarchistic and tribal the many different races of the wilds of the east and south consist of many elder races that once ruled the land long before the first humans arrived. Little is known of them save perhaps the common children's rhyme that "No two kith are the same by far, and yet they are".

Their logic is something few can relate to and many meet their makers at the hands of the forestkith without ever knowing what they did to anger them. That is why many tread warily if at all in the eldritch forests of the old ones. They are, unlike their name implies, not at all limited to the forests and are also found in lakes and rivers and on the Vaerran Steppes.

The Warring States


Royce, Garran and Vestinia are named after three of the four heirs of the great High King Callor who after his death each forged their own territory out of the dying empire. In their lifetimes the once stable lands became a theatre of conflict between siblings with all too much power in their hands. Only a few generations after their deaths not even their separate kingdoms could hold the test of time, and the territories are now a chaotic group of independent city states, villages, holds and bandit lands that change as often as the wind. Only power rules the warring states, and like the Grim often say, "There's always a bigger beast"



Inhabited by the Austere and elder race of the High Folk, Thingöll is a beautiful unmarred land. Due to their long lifetimes and their ascetic culture the High Folk do not pursue materials gains and thus the lands surrounding their efficient and hard(why hard? it doesn't make sense in context) cities are full of ancient trees and unbroken fields of wild growth, lush forests and rivers full of life. It is more than enough to sustain the small population of the tall people. The name Thingöll is said to mean Gateland in the High tongue, but if there is a gate somewhere, even the guardians themselves have forgotten where it is.

High Folk (Work in Progress)

........................ High Folk


Medium: As Medium creatures, High folk have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Weapon Familiarity: High Folk may treat Crescent Axes and Mercurial Weapons as martial weapons, rather than exotic.
Grace: This ability grants a High One a +2 racial bonus to all Strength and Dexterity Checks. Furthermore, High Folk get an additional +2 AC bonus when using defensive fighting, total defence or combat expertise.
Automatic Languages: High Tongue
Favored Class: Fighter

Level Adjustment: +2

Crescent Axe
1d10 , 19-20/x3. Two-Handed, Tripping

The Wilds


Mostly, it was run-on sentences, lack of commas, and no apostrophes in possessives I hope this helps!