View Full Version : Help with ghost hunter campaign build. -Wu Jen or Rouge-Like-?

2011-09-20, 12:45 PM
I'm starting a new campaign which has been described as:

RP Heavy
Ghost Hunting School Students(2nd year)
Character background must be detailed
RP over dice
Character sheets as guidelines
All books open with approval
(I happen to know most things are approved with this dm, even cheese)
Could have a special character trait or ability if well integrated into background story.

So I have two concepts that i'd like to see what you guys can come up with for.

1. Sami

Debutant/Paris Hilton type.

Her father was a famous ghost hunter and made her come to this school. She doesn't do well at the classes, and only assists the "runs" with rogue-like skills(lock picks, rope climbs, etc...)

I would play her as at first just being annoyed with being there, treating other pc's as "less-thans", and making fun of the ghost hunting thing in general. Then shed eventually lighten up and yada yada yada...

Should I play this as straight rogue, maybe bard?

2. Headwater

Old man. Wise. Crass.

I think most heroes being 18-25(or young in years of race) gets a bit old. So how about a seasoned, gristled, brash old man? The details of his background can be long and varied, but what makes him decide to take the ghost hunting classes? Maybe he lost someone/something? Maybe he wants to get revenge on/for.... yada yada yada.

The main this is that i'd like him to be a wisdom based caster. Nearly no physical capabilities. I'd also like to give him some phobias or routines that he needs to do(even if not wu jen). Just old man in a pattern "I've been doing it like this since '73" type stuff.

I'm thinking, Wu Jen?

Thanks for your help brainstorming guys!

2011-09-20, 01:26 PM
Take a look at the Nightstalker class from Dragonlance: Races of Ansalon. It's part rogue part cleric with a heavy ghost theme. Also it gets you a ghost cohort at level 6.

2011-09-20, 05:18 PM
Thanks for that class, I'm researching it now.

I would also invite ideas for role-playing traits, like gambler or loan shark or something...