View Full Version : Called shots [PF for 3.5]

2011-09-20, 01:58 PM
Ok, so I run a 3.5 game, and one of my players wanted to use the called shot rules from Ultimate Combat (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/variants/calledShots.html). I looked them over, and made the tentative call to allow them temporarily, to see how they worked(something I don't normally do before really grinding down the mechanics). Well, I didn't let the whole system in, just the base benefits for a 'normal' called shot(as opposed to a critical or massive damage version, or the feats).

Now the player wants to take the feats, so I'm curious; Just how good are the called shot rules?

2011-09-20, 04:08 PM
Called Shots are basically worthless without the feats.

With the feats, they're somewhat interesting, but not game-breaking (without getting the Crit/Debilitating effects, the effects are mostly flavor; with the Crit effects, there's usually a save-or-suck that will slightly affect the fight; when the Debilitating effects apply, the target usually dies before the penalties get a chance to be noticeable).

They've been most interesting for me as DM, not player. The minor effects of an injured eye don't really matter to anyone when they apply to the Goblin Chief Guard, but they get interesting when applied to the PCs.

2011-09-21, 12:24 AM
Wow, almost 12 hours and only 1 opinion....

2011-09-21, 12:44 AM
Personally, I think they'd be neat to see used in a futuristic campaign. Try not to imagine VATS.

I do agree, though, with Jude on the idea that these rules are more for flavor, since (at least in the way my group plays; this may not apply to all campaigns) a critical roll is the representation of a deft stroke or well-placed shot.

Regardless, I do see a large amount of potential not in mechanical aspects, but in terms of roleplay. EG: Far'qun the Ranger, in an attempt to stop the sheisty rogue from pocketing (insert valuable mcguffin here), places a well-aimed arrow in the center of the rogue's hand, binding him to the table where the object lies.

2011-09-21, 01:05 AM
Situational called shots give the PCs more interesting options to use against certain foes. The Pathfinder gunslinger class has options to wing clip, make a fleeing foe limp, etc. These are good called shots. I'd be tempted to make these freely available to everyone, after double checking to make sure they're worse than regular attacks generally but better situationally (IIRC they are), and possibly adding more options for melee and so on.

Non-situational called shots, like most of those listed in that blurb, are garbage. They are almost always either strictly better or strictly worse than normal attacks, and thus smart players will choose to do one all the time, and never the other, depending on which it is (careless players might screw themselves instead, which is equally bad). Then you either get no change or a power boost that the DM didn't prepare for.

For roleplay, just use flavor text on regular attacks.

2011-09-21, 02:01 AM
@Ericgrau, that 'blurb' isn't a blurb, its the actual ruleset. And all those affects are in addition to the normal damage you'd get on an attack, not instead of it. Also, with both feats, your first called shot has a +(2-X) on the attack rolls, where X is the penalty from that 'zone'. Later ones in the same round are at a -(3+X).

And moreso than the 'normal' called shots, I'm worried about the combination of crits+feats rules, when a player can spam attacks to crit-fish the ability damage, heavy debuffs or SoDs.

2011-09-21, 08:31 AM
Can any kind of called shot abuse make the fighter better than a wizard? No? Then I'd say let them have it, it's not like they get much else.