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2011-09-21, 06:13 PM
Coup Warrior

Primary Abilities

As the coup warrior wears no armor, dexterity is incredibly important for them. Strenght is also important for melee combat and damage. Wisdom is important for many coup abilities.

To qualify to become a coup warrior, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus

Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow

Ride 6 ranks, Handle Animal 6 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Survival 6 ranks

Must have touched an enemy in combat with no intention to cause harm.

Alignment: Any Chaotic

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Coup Pool
1st|+1|+0|+2|+2| Counting Coup, Animal Companion, Mobility | 4
2nd|+2|+0|+3|+3| Ride-By Attack, Fast Mount +10, Experienced Rider | 5
3rd|+3|+1|+3|+3| Mounted Hide, Uncanny Dodge | 6
4th|+4|+1|+4|+4| Trample, Sudden Strike | 8
5th|+5|+1|+4|+4| Fast Mount +20, Spring Attack | 10
6th|+6|+2|+5|+5| Master Rider, Spirited Charge | 12
7th|+7|+2|+5|+5| Away from Danger, Improved Uncanny Dodge | 15
8th|+8|+2|+6|+6| Improved Mounted Combat, Fast Mount +30 | 18
9th|+9|+3|+6|+6| Improved Sudden Strike | 21
10th|+10|+3|+7|+7| Coup Mastery | 25


Hit Die: d8

Class Skills:
Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Rope (Dex)

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Coup warriors gain no armor or weapon proficiencies.

Coup warriors are prohibited from wearing armor or carrying shields.

A coup warrior who wears armor or carries a shield loses all coup pool points she has stored, and cannot gain more coup for as long as she wears armor or carries a shield and for 24 hours after.
Counting Coup (Ex)

A coup warrior is dedicated to the practice of counting coup. By performing acts of bravery, a coup warrior earns coup, which bolsters his spirit, allowing him to perform daring feats. In order to gain coup, the coup warrior must make a daring and dangerous action. The coup that a coup warrior earns is outlined below. At each level, the coup warrior has a maximum number of coup points he may accumulate. If the coup warrior performs an act that would earn her more coup points than her maximum, the excess coup is lost.

Touch attack: The easiest and most common way for a coup warrior to count coup is to make a touch attack against a foe. Doing so always provokes an attack of opportunity, although if the defender cannot take an attack of opportunity (e.g. he has already taken one this round, or is flat-footed), he does not take one. This method earns 2 points of coup. Should the coup warrior manage to make this touch attack and get away without being hit by her opponent, she gains an additional 2 coup.

Touch the first: If an enemy touched by the coup warrior is the first enemy to die, the coup warrior gains 1 coup point.

Slay foe: The coup warrior gains 1 coup point for dealing the final blow to an enemy.

Horse Thief: If the coup warrior manages to steal his enemy’s horse, he gains 3 coup points. This also applies if he steals his enemy’s weapons. Should he steal his enemy’s armor, he gains 4 coup points.

Sneaking around: The coup warrior who manages to sneak into and out of the enemy camp gains 5 coup points. The coup warrior gains 3 additional coup points if he does so undetected. While in camp, the coup warrior may also collect coup for touching sleeping foes.

The coup warrior may use her coup points in a variety of ways. The coup warrior may spend coup points to gain a bonus to attack. By spending 1 coup points, the coup warrior gains a +2 morale bonus on a single attack roll. By spending 2 points, she may add 1d6. By spending 3 points, she may add 1d6+2. By spending 4 points, she may add 2d6+4. These points must be spent before the attack is rolled. Additionally, a coup warrior may add a bonus to her AC. This bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to the coup warrior’s Wisdom Bonus (minimum of 1), and applies to her touch AC and to her AC while flat footed. By spending 2 coup points, she may gain a +3 bonus on to her AC. Spending 3 coup points gives a +5 bonus. By spending 4 coup points, she gains 1d6+4 to her AC, and by spending 5 points, she gains 2d6+4 to her AC.

Starting at 2nd level, a coup warrior may spend coup points to add a bonus to a single saving throw or skill check, at the same bonus she would get for attacks. This bonus must be applied before the save or skill check is rolled. If the coup points are used to hide or move silently, the coup warrior gains double the indicated bonus. Additionally, after scoring a hit but before rolling for damage, she may use her coup points to add damage to her hit. 1 coup point gives a +1 bonus to damage. 2 coup points gives +1d4 damage. By spending 3 coup points, she may add +2d4, and by spending 4 coup points she gains 2d4+3 damage. This extra damage is of the same type as the attack she is adding damage to.

Starting at 4th level, the coup warrior may spend coup points to give himself a bonus to speed. By spending 4 coup points, the coup warrior may grant himself a +10 feet enhancement bonus to his base movement. This bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to the coup warrior’s Wisdom Bonus (Minimum of 1). Additionally, the coup warrior may spend points to give himself temporary hp equal to (coup points spent -1) x Wisdom Bonus (minimum 1). The coup warrior may also spend 4 coup points to neutralize any poison affecting her.

At 6th level, the coup warrior may spend 6 coup points to hasten herself. This bonus acts exactly as the haste spell, but lasts for a number of rounds equal to her wisdom modifier x 4, plus her class level. Additionally, she may spend 2 coup points to heal 1 point of ability damage.

At 8th level, the coup warrior is able to use her coup bonuses to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks after they are rolled, albeit at ½ the bonus. Also, she may as an immediate reaction spend 8 coup points to negate a single hit on her.

Starting at 10th lvl, the coup warrior may use her coup points to escape death. If an attack would reduce the coup warrior to 0 or fewer hit points, the coup warrior may spend 16 coup points to negate the attack, and move up to her speed (or her mount’s speed) as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

A coup warrior’s coup points do not go away unless she uses them, or unless she wears armor.

Animal Companion

The coup warrior may select an animal companion from the following same list as a druid, with the following exception: the animal companion must be of a suitable size and type to serve as a mount.

This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the coup warrior’s effective druid level is his coup warrior level +3. A coup warrior may select from the alternative lists of animal companions just as a druid can. Like a druid, a coup warrior cannot select an alternative animal if the choice would reduce his effective druid level below 1st.

If the coup warrior already has an animal companion from another class, and that animal companion is of a suitable size and type to serve as a mount, she may add her effective druid levels from both classes to determine the bonus HD and other abilities her animal companion gains. If her animal companion from the other class is not of suitable size and type to serve as a mount, she may dismiss it and gain a new animal companion that is of suitable size and type, or keep it. If she keeps it, then she has two animal companions, and her effective druid levels are counted separately. She must make this decision when she takes her first level of coup warrior.


At first level , the coup warrior gains Mobility as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Ride-By Attack

At second level, the coup warrior gains ride-by attack as a bonus feat.

Fast Mount

Starting at 2nd level, the coup warrior’s mount companion gains a +10 inherent bonus to his speed. This bonus increases to +20 at lvl 5, and +30 at lvl 8.

Experienced Rider

At 2nd level, when making a ride check to negate an attack on his mount, the coup warrior gains a +4 bonus to his check. At 6th level , this bonus increases to +8

Mounted Hide

While using his mount for cover, the coup warrior may make a hide check to remain out of sight, despite only having soft cover.

Uncanny Dodge

At 3nd level, a coup warrior retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a coup warrior already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.


At 4th level, the coup warrior gains Trample as a bonus feat.

Sudden Strike

If the coup warrior begins his action hidden at least 20 feet from his opponent, moves up to his foe and makes a melee attack, and ends his movement at least 20 feet from his opponent, he may immediately make a hide check at a -20 penalty to remain hidden.

Spring Attack

At 5th level, the coup warrior gains spring attack as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

Master Rider

Starting at 6th level, any bonuses or abilities the coup warrior grants himself, he also grants his mount.

Spirited Charge

At 6th level, the coup warrior gains spirited charge as a bonus feat.

Away from Danger

At 7th level, a coup warrior who is mounted gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC and reflex, and grants his mount a +8 dodge bonus to AC and reflex.

Improved Uncanny Dodge

At tth level and higher, a coup warrior can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the coup warrior by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has coup warrior levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Improved Mounted Combat

At 8th level, the coup warrior gains improved mounted combat as a bonus feat.

Improved Sudden Strike

If the coup warrior attacks a foe using spring attack or ride-by attack, he may treat his foe as flat-footed. Additionally, he gains 2d6 sneak attack damage when making such an attack.

Coup Mastery

By 10th level, the coup warrior is a master of counting coup. As a result, all bonuses granted to him by spending coup points gain double the bonus, and last for twice the normal length of time. (Note – this does not grant a bonus to attacks on two consecutive attacks).

2011-09-21, 07:10 PM
Certainly interesting, and looks like it'll be fun to play.

2011-09-21, 07:14 PM
Inserting entries for the even level improvements to the coup abilities on the format Displaying Coup (Catchy name) in the table would make it clear that coup isn't pointless.

I tend to read the headings and connected paragraphs fror flavour so this passed me by the first time around.

2011-09-21, 11:15 PM
Idk, I figured having a coup pool would make it fairly obvious that coup is important to the class...

2011-09-22, 05:08 PM
So any critiques on the class itself?

2011-09-22, 05:12 PM
Idk, I figured having a coup pool would make it fairly obvious that coup is important to the class...

The thing that you're not noticing is that, yes, it has a Coup pool and that's obviously important, but NONE of the named abilities use Coup points. All of the uses are in unhighlighted paragraphs under the primary entry, a realm usually the domain of exceptions and provisos.

2011-09-26, 01:26 AM
Counting Coup is a named ability, and it uses coup points. Besides, I don't feel like muddying up the table even more - A Wizard has spells listed once. A Psion has psionic powers listed once. A coup warrior has counting coup listed once. Why you would skip over *any* of the class features when reading about the class is beyond me.

2011-09-26, 07:22 AM
Because i'm not inclined, when levelling up my class, to assume that any of my previous abilities will change significantly without the designer TELLING ME in the table?

All of the examples you've listed are granular abilities rather than something that is mentioned once in the class abilities section. This means that they're not valid comparisons. The table is there to aid levelling up. Were it not possible to multiclass, there would be no need for reminders and thus no table, like back in 1e or in 4e.

As an example of what i'm talking about, check out NeoSeraphi's Racist class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204621); I can easily level this up because it tells me where my abilities change. If I have a new use of an ability, as all of the subsequent coup abilities are, it tells me so.

Does it make me stupid to assume that an ability won't change between levels? No, it doesn't, it means that I'm using the table entries in the same way as Wizards of the Coast did.