View Full Version : [PF] Zen Archer + Inquisitor

2011-09-22, 04:49 PM
3 or 4 levels of Zen archer / Inquisitor X

WIS to AC, To Hit, Spells.

Let's say @lvl 5

Human Zen Archer 3/Inquisitor (preacher, Feather Domain) 2

20PB: 16, 10,12, 10, 12, 18, 8

1: Antagonize
1(M):Point-Blank Shot
1(M, Bonus): Perfect Strike
1(H): Precise Shot
2(M): Rapid Shot
2(M, bonus): Weapon Focus
3: Deadly Aim
5: ??

For the first time I've looked into the archery tree, I find myself with too many feats...

Some questions
Is it worth going after Manyshot and Rapid Shot if you have the Flurry?
Is it worth it to take a 4th level in monk to get access to the the ki pool?

Any suggestions? I'm probably missing a lot of awesome feats/abilities. I know this is not the most optimized build, but it does feel like a lot of fun and it can hold its own rather well

2011-09-22, 04:56 PM
I would suggest going Zen Archer 4, but more specifically, Qingong Monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/qinggong-monk)/Zen Archer 4.

2011-09-22, 05:03 PM
I would suggest going Zen Archer 4, but more specifically, Qingong Monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/qinggong-monk)/Zen Archer 4.

Don't they both have to replace Diamond body? I'm not very familiar with the Qingong Monk, but it'd seem that both archetypes require replacing overlapping abilities

I stand corrected, it'd seem that they are optional replacements. Nice!

2011-09-22, 06:37 PM
For the first time I've looked into the archery tree, I find myself with too many feats...

Some questions
Is it worth going after Manyshot and Rapid Shot if you have the Flurry?
Is it worth it to take a 4th level in monk to get access to the the ki pool?

You kind of answered your own question but didn't realize it.
Let me illustrate with some choice quotes from the pfsrd.

By spending 1 point from his ki pool, a monk can make one additional attack at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack.

A zen archer cannot use Rapid Shot or Manyshot when making a flurry of blows with his bow.

Get the Ki Pool, you're low enough on Feats as it is, don't waste one on something you can otherwise get for 'free'.
Your Ki Pool can also be used for a variety of other bonuses.

You might also consider taking Monk 6 to get Weapon Specialization.

2011-09-22, 08:07 PM
The reason why I still had suggested to get rapid shot and manyshot was that they are always active. On the other hand, you have a rather limited ki pool (and you cannot use the feats to increase it until you hit lvl 5, for you need to have a ki pool to take extra ki) to maintin a similar number of attacks

And would it be worth it to take 2 more monk lvls for weapon specialization? I think the judgment (and bane afterwards) would have a better synergy...

2011-09-22, 09:04 PM
The reason why I still had suggested to get rapid shot and manyshot was that they are always active. On the other hand, you have a rather limited ki pool (and you cannot use the feats to increase it until you hit lvl 5, for you need to have a ki pool to take extra ki) to maintin a similar number of attacks

And would it be worth it to take 2 more monk lvls for weapon specialization? I think the judgment (and bane afterwards) would have a better synergy...

Let's try a different approach.

Flurry is a Full-Round action that let's you make one extra attack, but all attacks are at Full Bab minus 2.

Rapidshot is a Full-Round action that let's you make one extra attack, but all attacks are at Normal Bab minus 2.

See the difference? Flurry 'pretends' that your Monk levels have full Bab, so at Monk 4, you are actually +1 on accuracy versus using Rapidshot. Flurry does exactly what Rapidshot does, just better.

It doesn't pay to take 2 feats (Rapidshot & Manyshot) just to gain 1 extra attack than you'd have anyway.

As for Weapon Specialization at Monk 6, I just threw that out there as a potential option. Keep in mind you also get another Bonus Feat at Monk 6.

2011-09-23, 02:59 AM
I stand corrected. You convinced me(and I really mean this in a non-sarcastic way. I like to be recognized when I'm right, so I try to do the same to others)

I had not realized the BAB

Then, what feats would be recommendable? Like I said, usually you don't have enough feats for an archer, but the zen archer give you a ridiculous amount of ranged feats

What are good feats to add to a zen archer/Inquisitor?

I think the inquisitor can bring a lot to the table, but maybe I'm wrong.. would just plain zen archer be better? (better = a more powerful character both in damage it can deal and versatility. Both quigon monk and inquisitor add some interesting flexibility...)

2011-09-23, 09:48 AM
Two levels of Inquisitor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor) actually nets you quite a lot. WIS to initiative, a domain power, spells, judgement, a lot of skills and class skills.

Make sure to look at the Archetypes, subdomains, and Inquisitions. Preacher (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/preacher) looks like it could be swell.

2011-09-23, 05:07 PM
EDITED: Blargh, never mind, reading comprehension failure! (Thought you were going for mostly monk, Inquisitor dip rather than the other way around.)