View Full Version : Monstrous Warrior

2011-09-22, 09:52 PM
I would like to make a warrior based character who some how become the creature in the description. How would I go about turn this warrior based character in the character in the description. I waht him to have a natural armor and attacks. I have though of possibly take the Bestial Hide Feat From the Lords of Madness. I do not care about armor because hsi skin will be his armor. Is there any change that need to be made to the Winged Creature Template? Would taking the Feral Template help him out? I chose to have be a human because of the extra feat he would get starting out. Im ight make him an orc if it would help and I also have want to play an orc not a half-orc. If the blackscale lizardfolk was playable I might consider that as my characters race. This character will be my first character I have made in a long time.

He is a male human who towers a full ten feet in height. Two vast blood red leathery wings protrude from his back. The joints of the wings are laced with razorlike joints. The wings crest three and-half feet higher than the shoulders and have a wingspan of thirty feet. Overlapping blood red bony plates with hornlike plates protrusions cover his muscular hairless body. His massive segmented horns start at the front where his hairline would be if he had hair and move over his head, to the back of his skull where they extend outward, curl, and come to a point. Above his large round eyes which have a vertical slit, black sclera and a blood red iris is a large thick ridged brow. The right eye is crimson gem. Both of his arms are enormous and long enough to drag on the ground. Both hand haves five fingers and a thumb that each end in a large sharp claw that resembles a knife blade. Hi ten feet long semi-prehensile tail is thick tapering to a thin whip that ends in a stinger.

2011-09-23, 01:49 AM
What level are you starting at?

Off hand, I can only think of a reskinned dragonkin (ECL9, draconomincon).

If you don't want armour, the next best thing would be to use one of the dragonblooded races in dragon magic, so you qualify for the dragonscale husk ACF (also in that book). Though it technically confers an armour bonus, it is described as being a protective layer of scales. Best of all, it scales in tandem with magical armour, so you get screwed (because NA is expensive to boost).

Dragon magic has the lizardfolk variant. Take dragon tail at 1st lv to get bite, 2 claws and a tail attack. Not sure if you can still qualify for the dragon wings feat (races of dragon) though, unless you take flaws or something.

As for being large, you are technically still humanoid, so pay for a permanent enlarge person spell when you are high enough lv?

2011-09-23, 01:53 AM
Totemist. Seriously. Look into it. Toooooootemist. (Magic of Incarnum, but you knew that already.)

2011-09-23, 11:41 AM
I am going to be starting at level 1. I was thinking about giving the character the Winged Creature and the Feral templates.

2011-09-23, 12:01 PM
play a lesser feyri battle sorcerer and cast enlarge person on yourself, then you can be the size with the wings and everything at level 1

alternately, be any outsider and cast polymorph and choose the demonic form of choice (or draconic i guess), but that comes online much later.

2011-09-23, 12:32 PM
I was also wanting to get grafts. I was think that both of his arms are grafts.

What if I made him more like this description?

His whole body is covered in thick overlapping black bony plates. The creature has the torso of a humanoid male with four arms. Monstrous black leathery wings unfurl from the back of his torso. On the top of both wings is a two-inch long curved claw. The joints of the wings are laced with razorlike claws. The wings crest two feet higher then his head and measure twenty-seven feet from wingtip to wingtip. His upper body is that of a muscular humanoid. The head is that of a monstrous prehistoric reptilian carnivore. The body is that of a monstrous prehistoric reptilian carnivore. Each thick leg ends in a large clawed foot. His sixteen feet long semi-prehensile tail is thick tapering to a thin whip that ends in a stinger.

2011-09-23, 05:13 PM
Options for getting exactly what you want.

Play a changeling from ebberon or the MM3.
1.Take the feat: Racial Emulation as your first feat.
2.Take a level of Goliath Barbarian Mountain Rage Racial acf. (Now when you rage you become Large size.)
3. Your 3rd level feat should be Extra rage.
4. Start taking levels in a prc called Warshaper. From the complete warrior

Alternatively You can play a druid or any caster that has Polymorph self on the class list. Fighter/Wizard; Paladin/Sorcerer might give you the powers you want if not the theme. Taking Master of Manyforms or Again. Warshaper.
Alternatively, (and I never thought I'd suggest this) but there's somethign I keep hearing about called a synthiest, its in pathfinder and I don't really ever consider pathfinder anymore but It might work for you.
Frank and K have a class called "True Fiend" Take the Harmless form, and large size, then huge size feats. Its basically everything you want.
Link to exactly what you want (http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=48453)

Szatany made some ulitmate classes a while back and one of them was called the Ultimate Vessal (http://www.liquidmateria.info/wiki/Ultimate_Vessel)and it too might be right up your alley.