View Full Version : Unlikely Team-Up: Paladin and Blackguard

2011-09-22, 10:29 PM
The main villain faction in my campaign is a LN theocracy, which gave me the idea that both Paladins AND Blackguards could be sponsored by the same deity. Furthermore, as a regimented society they could be ordered to work together. I tossed this team-up at my group once, and it worked OK with the BLK doing most of the beating, and the PAL supporting via Shield Other and various cures/buffs. I'd like to upgrade this concept for future encounters (Lvl 12-15) but I'm unsure where to go with it. Suggestions?

2011-09-22, 10:34 PM
The main villain faction in my campaign is a LN theocracy, which gave me the idea that both Paladins AND Blackguards could be sponsored by the same deity. Furthermore, as a regimented society they could be ordered to work together. I tossed this team-up at my group once, and it worked OK with the BLK doing most of the beating, and the PAL supporting via Shield Other and various cures/buffs. I'd like to upgrade this concept for future encounters (Lvl 12-15) but I'm unsure where to go with it. Suggestions?

It only works so long as you handwave the Paladin Code.

Considering how unless it is specifically something like the Paladin is only working with the Blackguard because it will save an Orphanage of something, working with the Blackguard is instant fall material.

2011-09-22, 10:39 PM
I like this idea.

Detail their laws and holy commandments enough for both groups to always be able to motivate their actions by reference to those laws. You need to avoid the situation where either faction is unable to defend (in a debate context) what they do, or have to restort to subjective terms to do so.

Have a special faction of LN clerics who specialize in atonements. Perhaps the theology states that the deity has two faces. Clerics can embody both, but holy warriors must focus on action so much that they cannot do so. As such, falling is expected and anticipated. It doesn't represent falling out of favour, but rather failing in embodying a particular face - a consequence of mortal fallibility. It is a sad thing, but it must happen, and the clergy will be there for you when it does.

2011-09-22, 11:02 PM
Thank you for the suggestions, I wasn't expecting such quick and in-depth replies. This is an amazing forum!

While the world-building suggestions are helpful, I'm really just looking for ways to tailor more interesting encounters for my group... remember, these guys are antagonists!

Thematically, I suppose it would help if I describe for the board a bit more about the culture. I designed it as a Greco-Roman empire, specifically one that leaned a bit toward the Germanic and Gaulic influences. Of course, real life got in the way and a lot of nuance got tossed out during gameplay so now it's really just a Legion. That said, the PAL/BLK teamup makes a lot more sense when you style them as a Centurion and a Praetorian of the same army... the same classes under different names seem more palatable.

That being the case, a Paladin and a Blackguard may have differences in approach and style, each may disapprove of the others' methods, but both ultimately serve the same cause... especially since this is a monotheistic theocracy, they're really just serving different, necessary roles.

2011-09-23, 04:05 AM
Today I tried to draw up an advanced version of this encounter, using a Paladin/Dwarven Defender as the main combat focus and a Blackguard/Shadowdancer to flank and exploit. The Pal/DDf works great, but trying to layer 2 prestige classes on a Lvl 14 character for the Praetorian was just too much. Any other suggestions?

And while we're discussing interesting encounter archetypes: the only adversary to survive the last session was a wizard, who got into a lot of trouble from his superiors for his failure. Now he's been given an ultimatum; bring in the PCs alive or dead, or die horribly with his family alongside him. This gives me my first opportunity for a recurring nemesis, and one with a fun angle: the panicked enemy! Here's a guy who HAS to kill my PCs, at any and all costs, and literally CANNOT rest until he does. What do you think are some nice encounters that could be built from such desperation?

2011-09-23, 05:39 AM
One's an anointed champion of light, dedicated to upholding justice and righteousness!

The other's a mortal fiend whose very presence inspires death and despair!

When this unlikely duo teams up, you can be sure that you'll be rolling saving throws against hilarity!

Make sure Lawful Stupid is on your television encounter table! Coming this Fall, on FOX!

2011-09-23, 10:23 AM
One's an anointed champion of light, dedicated to upholding justice and righteousness!

The other's a mortal fiend whose very presence inspires death and despair!

They fight crime!

And yes, "Lawful Stupid" would be the name of the sitcom... :smallbiggrin:

As for the wizard... it depends on how nasty you want to make it. As a PC, the wizard might do things like scry to see where the party will go next, dominate the people they will encounter, and make sure they are lead into traps or stabbed in the back by those they trusted. I would use very strong poisons and diseases in their food, ability-draining undead in their sleep, and attacks aimed at individual party members based on what divination spells can yield of their weaknesses. No direct attacks whatsoever. I cannot risk myself, for my family suffers if I die. Setting up illusions of bridges over chasms might work to...

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-09-23, 10:32 AM
There's actually a video game with a concept similar to this that does an okay explanation of how something like this could work:

Beyond Divinity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_Divinity)

In the game, you play as a paladin who is accidentally soul-bound to a death knight. That bond forces the two of you to cooperate to find a means of breaking it.

Perhaps the paladin and blackguard aren't working together by choice, the dictatorial LN clergy binding them together through magic that supersedes their own codes (hand-waving the issue of either one falling because of associating).