View Full Version : need help with two encoutners.

Kol Korran
2011-09-23, 05:24 AM
hey all. for those reading my campaign log there might be some spoilers, so be warned.

tomorrow i'm DMing a game for my players, and though they might not reach that far, i want to prepare just in case. i need help with two encounters:

first the party: (they are low- half optimized)
- A kalashtar wizard 4/ sorc 1/ ultimate magus 5 (has access to 4th level wizard spell, 3rd level sorc). uses a combination of blasty spells and battlefield control. quite spell savvy. i don't know her 4the level spells yet, except that one will be assay resitance (or whatever you call the SR beating spell). for in campaign reasons.
- a half elf rogue 3/ duskblade 7. debuffing spells and high damage through channeling attacks.
- aasimar cleric 9. very melee offensive. very well armored, high damage output. also partial buffer of the party. no DMM persist shenanigens.
- new character, half orc ranger archer, with a special bow versus undead and evil outsiders. can't provide much info since so far he only participated in one session.

the party often works well together, and due to various factors they have often beaten CRs of 2 or more above their level quite handily.

Books i can use:
- MM 1-3 (don't have the rest)
- lords of madness (haven't much skimmedit yet)
- the complete series, races of... most eberron books (not the xen'dric or sarlona books though)
- probably others i don't think of. feel free to suggest
- NO dragon magazine.

a note that might be of use: i don't fully follow the stats and rules if i can find something coller to do. however, i don't want to digress from the basic book ideas TOO much, due to hassle of preparation. cool twists and "modifications" are welcomed.

first ecnounter- the keeper of the shard
after going through some (hopefully) gruelling dungeon the party need to face the keeper of a sort of "psychic energy reserve shard" (don't ask). the dungeon is buried deep under a ruined giant civilization city (in Xen'dric for Eberron fans), placed there by a long dead giant arcanist. i need a guardian.
the dunge3on has some psychic creatures, golems, traps and oozes. i'd like it to bit different.

the party might well be somewhat depleted when they get there. i want something of CR 12-13 i think. more of an interesting fight than a deadly one.

some ideas:
- i'd like some sort of effect to permate the room- perhaps the characters must save or else they get smaller? and smaller? and smaller?
- a cursed stone giant ghost (maybe with class levels?) that can animate items (stone statues?) or raising earth elementals?
- perhaps an outsider? might be interesting to put a good aligned one here for kicks. one that perhaps gone mad by the years of binding? but if so, i'd like to leave the party some means to break it's binding (during battle), so they don't have to kill it). the aasimar might be really really against it.
- some special thematic construct?

your ideas?

second encounter- challenge of the crimson ship
the idea is taken right of the "explorer's guide to Eberron" book. basically, the characters that are in great need, that spill a lot of blood, andnear sme water source can sometime draw the crimson ship to them- a vessel that can travel to any fluid body in the world. i won't go into the details of the ship, but the party must pay for the "short cut" voyage- they must do a battle with someone the "captain" of the ship decrees.

the idea is to give a more mystical kind of feel, and play some sort of an "out of the box" whacky tough battle here. the party has might have basic knowledge of what they are fighting, they can rest and come fully charged for this encounter, and they rest immediately afterwards. so i want it to be TOUGH. aiming at about CR14-15 here.

- preferably some tough monster with 2-3 formidable minions.
- some interesting terrain might be cool.
- i prefer this to not be too obscure- something recognizible, but with a twist perhaps? the idea is something out of legend.
- no true dragons, for in campaign reasons. though variations might be acceptable.
- my current idea is a beholder over some magma pits in Khyber? a bit uninspired i think.

would be glad of any help or suggestion.