View Full Version : Questionnaire for Mid-Campaign

2011-09-23, 07:13 PM
I'm considering typing up a questionnaire for the players in my current group to get a better understanding of how they feel about the current campaign I DM and where they'd like to go in the future. That said, I'm not completely sure what specific questions I should ask to get a proper handle on their opinions. I think a questionnaire is a good format to use overall to make it seem more formal and less personal. I don't take offense to problems that players have with my games and try to do my best to keep things running smoothly, but problems inevitably come up from time to time based on expectations about the game that I was previously aware of.

The game is currently at almost level 12 Gestalt and the PCs have gotten quite powerful. I've never DMed a higher level game before and I'm not sure what is even appropriate or inappropriate for PCs to be doing at that sort of level. I'm honestly more of an E6 or E8 kind of guy, but the players are interested in high level play. Also, the game is set in Eberron, which doesn't seem to be the best setting for easy DMing of high level play at least as far as Khorvaire is concerned.

Anyway, I would appreciate everyone's opinions on what questions to list on a questionnaire to get a better perspective on how my players have enjoyed the game so far and what kinds of things they're looking forward to. I'll draw one up soon and probably post it on here for critiques, but I'd like to hear some third party perspectives first. So, what questions would you guys like your DMs to impartially ask you midcampaign in a level 10+ D&D game?

Kol Korran
2011-09-23, 10:09 PM
huh... funny you should ask that. i was thinking on similar lines as well. i also Dm a group of players, in Eberron, who are about to reach their 10th level. however, the campaign will end soon, and we may either start a new campaign with (more or less) the same cast, or something brand new.

that said, i was thinking quite a bit about giving the players an "end of the campaign" sort of questionnaire. i've gone back to DMing after a long time, so i love to know what worked well, and what didn't. i have a slight advantage (perhaps) by keeping a (very, perhaps too much) detailed log of the campaign (in my link). which i hope the players will read once the campaign is over. (they haven't read it yet since i use it also to discuss design ideas and ask advice)

so, if you'll bear with me (i tend to write long) i think the following format may be good, though there may be some things to add, some things to polish.

here goes:

the following questionnaire may help me understand better what worked, and what didn't work in the campaign. this will in turn make me a better DM, and increase the gaming fun. so please, take your time, think this seriously, and answer truthfully. praises, comments and criticism are all welcomed. please be as specific as possible.

1) before beginning to view the details, can you tell me 3-5 things that really stood out for you in the campaign? for better or worse. if they worked well- why? if they didn't, why? and what would you do to improve them?

2) character creation and options: how did you feel about the following aspects of character, in terms of fun, complexity, variability, balance, and what it brought to the game?

(here i detail various things we tried or introduced in the game, for example:)
- 32 point buy
- Eberron's action points
- Condensed skill system?
- some of the unique races?
- extra books: ToB, psionics, spell compendium, MIC?
- specific major house rules (players rolling all the dice, XP allocation and so on)

3) over all, did you feel the characters had free choice? did you feel they were led by the nose? somewhere in between? in either case- did you like it or prefer it to be otherwise? (at times i felt i was very loose, at time somewhat railroading. but different players like different things, i want to know where i stand)

4) over all, did you feel challenged by the combats? too easy? too hard? what was overdone, what was lacking? what elements would you like to see more?

was using the environment, traps and other "added pressure" conductive to the experience, or was it just confusing and bothersome?

5) over all, did you feel challanged by the rival's plot and plans? by the mystery? (sort to speak) was the villain (s) appealing to you, or just another someone to beat? what do you feel would have made it better? (i do feel i'm a bit lacking in this department)

6) over all, how did you like the (wrongly called) "roleplay/ talking encounters"? were tehy challenging as well? did you find the NPCs in the campaign engaging, intriguing, worthwhile? or where they sort of flat, lacking depth, could have been done better? whcih NPCs stood out best in your mind, for better or worse?

7) i'll give you a short description of each of the chapters (i divided the campaign into "mini adventures", each focusing on another place and goal). a more detailed description (and my own thoughts) can be found in the campaign log, but is not necessary. for each chapter try to recall how you felt in it, and any specific things that stayed in your mind. again, for better or worse. great moments, scary moments, funny moments, angry moments. all good.

(listing of chapters and a short description- 3 to 5 lines total)

8) considering all the chapters together, did you feel they flowed well from one to the next, or was there some confusion, some missing link, some feeling of a miss? also, comparing all chapters, which gave you the best experience, which the worst? (this may have been answered in the previous question) which do you think was worth expanding on, to what direction? (hey, ideas from the players are always worth a shot!)

9) this was an "Eberron light" campaign, in which i tried not to shove down your throat all the history, culture, intrigue and what not of the world, but just to give tastes. would you prefer to expand more on any subject, or keep it as it is? which things intrigued you? which bored you? which would you like to explore more?

10) last question- what sort of style would you like to play next? what theme/ tempo/ type of adventure and/r or campaign? something similar, or different? and if so- in what way?

i'll later send you all a list of campaign ideas i have (with alterations or additions depending on your comments in this questionnaire) with the main ideas, themes, basic alterations, and "advantages/ disadvantages" list.

thanks! for a better game!

so this is my idea, yes a bit long (i write long) but i think the players will take it seriously, and that it could help a lot in the long run.

does it help? :smallsmile:

(Search word: Tomer)