View Full Version : Did we just... [3.5 private game]

2011-09-23, 08:28 PM

Your head is pounding. The area around you is cold to the touch and you can smell a kind of musty mildew in the air.

Your body aches and your limbs are sore. Your afraid to open your eyes, afraid of what you may see.

You force yourself to do it anyway.


At least knowing where you are is something you can think about later.

Ugh, how did you even get here? You cant remember anything before now. Before you found yourself waking up, face down, on this stone floor.

You inspect the area about your face a little closer. The stone is smooth, without cracks or crevices. You fear the pain entailed with getting up, but you ready yourself to endure it.

Just before you do, you hear a moan of pain a few feet beside you. What was that?

2011-09-25, 04:53 PM
Eyes with no pupils flared awake, gazing about their limited range of view. They were of no mortal, hewn from hard crystal and given new life by esoteric ritual. Hands of the same rock pushed the awakened construct to his feet, and he peered intently into the darkness. Nothing.

A low groan emanated from somewhere in the room, and in a calm voice Bedivere queried it, "Who treads here?" Warily he stepped back, searching for a wall in which to guard his back. "Where exactly might we be?" Slowly he began to sidle along the wall, searching for a torch, door or anything really.

Search Check: [roll0]

2011-09-25, 05:12 PM
As Bedivere searches the floor around him for any signs of a door or a wall even, he finds nothing.

The moan sharply cuts off as Bediveres speaks. You hear a rasping vice speak up in the room.

"What? I am... not alone?" The room fills with a warm glow, and you can see a gaunt face almost hiding behind a lantern. "You... Who are you. Why are you here?!"

As the warm glow of the lantern fills the room, you can see this stone floor stretching onward in the dim light at the outermost reaches of the light. It goes for what seems like miles, but cannot really be more then 100 feet.

Summing yourself up, you note you are wearing a small cloth, barly enough to keep your dignity safe.

Your books are missing.

This does not look like any dreams you have had before...

I need your character sheet please, put the link here in a spoiler on your next post please.

2011-09-25, 05:43 PM
Bedivere glanced behind him, and saw the light swallowed up by endless darkness. There was no wall, though it had seemed to be a stone room upon first inspection. A sneaking suspicion tugged at his mind, and he wondered whether this space was extra-dimensional. This did not exactly phase Bedivere, as what used to be "fear" for him was dimmed to something like "discomfort". Yet curiosity bid him to wonder exactly how he was to leave this place, when the time had come.

But for now...

He fixed an unblinking gaze upon the face, and could not help but feel caution. No unwitting commoner, Bedivere was certain the man before him held power in this place. Slowly and precisely, as if he were still formulating his thoughts, the crystal man spoke. "Names are of no concern to ones such as me. A more apt question, perhaps, is what I do. I see things real, and I tell things falsely. What is it that you do, stranger?"

Knowledge (Planes): [roll0]
Bedivere's Character Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=331777)

2011-09-25, 05:50 PM
As Bedivere Opened his mouth to speak, the headache he had suddenly spiked into ferocious pain!

He feels a great agony, but manages to get his words out, mayhap showing a little falter.

"Oh? Are you wounded? A shame, that. Pay attention!"

The strange man pours some of his lanturns oil onto the ground. It spills across the stone floor, igniting a small portion. You can see into it, almost like a scrying glass. But all you see is darkness, and you can hear a strange voice from within...

Eyes of one, but bodies three,
I am the man, on all his legs, four, two, and three,
But no man am I,
And all fear me!"

The strange new voice is somewhat familiar, but you cant tell quite how. You are not sure thinking much about it would be wise, given your headache.

"Oh? He saw something! Well, you are new to this, so i will give you a hint. You must find the thing you saw! As if that wasn't obvious. Now then, through you go!

Suddenly, it is as if the whole floor here angles to the flames on the ground. try as you may, you are sent hurtling through.


You once again find yourself surrounded by darkness, but this time, you feel as if you are falling. You feel a sharp crack against your head, and you are rendered unconcious.


What must have been a few hours passes. You hear something in the distance. "Hey!" The voice calls "Wake up! Lights out aint fer another few hours! 'AY!"

You groggily lift up your head to find yourself in a dimly lit prison cell. looking about, there are a few more cells with people in the. No one seems to be doing anything but sitting about, listlessly.

2011-09-25, 06:51 PM
An assemblage of sensations argued inside Bedivere. Pain wracked his crystalline form, feeling as if he would fracture into thousands of pieces. His fingers tightened and clutched at his temple as focus eluded him. Yet he attempted to concentrate through the lancing pain, staring at the stranger before him. He was clearly insane, yet madness often meant power. He knew personally the derangement inherited from digging too deep into arcana, he had been forged from it. Yet the foreboding was mixed with a powerful draw. Bedivere could not run from the burning oil on the ground, rooted by its vision and its assault.

Independently of his mind, Bedivere slid forth and fell through the lantern oil. Darkness. Falling. Impact.

He awoke in a cell. He began to wipe the sleep from his eyes, yet of course remembered he had transcended these functions. Bedivere frequently succumbed to the routine of human maintenance, only to be chastised by his immortal form.

Yet there were more pressing matters at hand. The magician glanced about, examining the petty thieves and cut purses who shared this cell block. He was, of course, a bizarre creature among most races. It would be impossible to escape without the proper spells. Though none came to mind, Bedivere knew he could bring about some magic without the use of his spellbook, should he be given the time.

But lights out was not for a while now, he would not be allowed privacy and quiet. So Bedivere turned to the cell adjacent, and asked its occupant, "What do you know of this prison? How large is it, where is it located?"

2011-09-25, 10:06 PM
A steady breath in only to be released moments later as the elf slowly meditated in his jail cell. His legs were crossed and his muscles relaxed as his chest rose and fell. His voice was faint and barely hear able over this den of thieves but it was crisp and clear with a feint elegance. "Ancient forests so tall and strong. Through your bark and through your sap...

His bright green eyes snapped open and looked at the man in the cell next to him as if he suddenly felt something from him. Nothing more than an instinct really from a race so old but something told him this person was someone of interest. He stayed in the same pose until the construct awoke and examined him with a cool and calm expression. As he was asked the question he rolled his shoulders in a relaxed fashion "I feel i know as much as you."

2011-09-25, 11:12 PM
As you each speak, you notice wisps of frost escape your lips, and you notice how very cold it is in here.

The place stinks of mildew. Looking about, one would just know it is a dungeon of some sort. A man sits in a chair near the door, reading a small book by candle light. If not for the candle, it would be very dark in here indeed.

After a short while, he calls out that it is lights out, and you may now sleep, but nothing seems to change. He is still there, reading his small book.

Spot 10: You notice him dressed very warmly. You wish you were dressed that warmly. You find these rags very cold in this weather.

You notice the man is restless, almost as if he is waiting for something. A changing of the guards perhaps? He seems tired for sure.

Sense motive DC 10: Mayhap he would say more now then another guard would?

Bedivere: You feel cold here, very cold. But, lacking full and true life, you manage to shrug it off.

Your head feels lick cracks are running through it, make a DC 10 concentration check to speak.

You cannot prepare spells until your head feels better.

Spot: [roll0]

Sense motive: [roll1]


Spot: [roll2]

Sense motive: [roll3]

You have been here for some time, a few years at least. For some reason, the details of your crimes have faded from your mind.

Looking about, you see a few familiar faces. A grim looking human a cell over named Hraun, he was for much longer then you have been.

A corpse lays across the way, in a cell. that was Dave, you never knew him well before he died.

That is all the people here. The crystal looking man is new, but you cannot remember how he got here. The razors edge that your mind was has begun to dim...

2011-09-26, 12:30 AM
Predictably, the Elf had been singularly useless. Incarceration atrophied one's mind and body, and doubtless there was little of value within these common thugs. Bedivere stared at the Elf a moment longer, his face expressionless as always. On the verge of asking a second question, the construct's attention was stolen as the guard announced that they could finally sleep.

Excellent. Unlike the mortals he shared a cell with, Bedivere need not waste time sleeping. Rather, he would pass the time recalling spells he would need for whatever might come. Yet there would be time for sleep soon enough, there was information to be mined.

The guard was reading some sort of book, his candle an island of light in the darkness. It reminded him of the gaunt man's lantern. Bedivere called out to the guard, "Guard. Tell me, what are you reading? it looks... Fascinating, is the word, I think."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-09-26, 12:40 AM
He had been in here so long why didn't he know more? His nimble hands slowly reached up to his temples and rubbed them slowly as he concentrated and thought. He remembered when thinking wasn't so hard...when did it get so hard? Even the memories that he did remember just kept seeming to fade further and further into the black and it was killing him.

However there was one thing he had never given up and those were his meditations which he required for sleep but often did because something told him he should. This time he needed to know something and he was determined to find out why he was turning into a blithering idiot. Curling his legs beneath him he pressed his eyebrows together and a drop of sweat dripped down his face as he concentrated long and hard trying to find the answer.

Spellcraft 1d20 + 1

2011-09-26, 01:34 AM
"Eh?" Says the guard "Its just an old diary of me sisters. pass'd away a week er two ago. Shame, bitter cold of the Frostfel got to er. Dunno what she was thinkin, told er, 'Melinda Marie, eyou pu yer bearskin on afore you ead out!' she said 'no brother! I am beckoned.' A'tever the hell that means.

Damn girl, shame, only 16 and already to old to listen to big brother. Tryin to read up the book fer clues. Shame i only know one werd in 5. Never lernd tah read."

His voice seems addled with grief as he tells you his story. He takes a moment to compose himself before continuing.

"Anywho. Sob story I am, eh mate? Tell ye what, care fer a drink?"

On this, he steps out of the door for a moment, before returning with some cider. It steams from its warm jug, and you find yourself thirsty all of a sudden.

"Er ya go, ave a drink!" He fills and hands Bedivere a dull metal cup. You could drink it down in a single gulp, should you feel the need.

Bedivere: You feel thirsty, even though your body is beyond the use for drink. Spellcraft DC 10 [roll0] You cannot feel a magic influence, perhaps its just you reminiscing upon the desire for warm drink in the bitter cold...

The cup is very warm to your touch, and of a dull metal color.

You are otherwise the same as before.

Thamior: You sense about for a magical source of your lax behavior.

Spellcraft: [roll1]

Spellcraft DC 15: You dont know what is affecting you, but it does not seem like any magic you know of.

As the guard interacts with the odd man, you see an opportunity to grab at his keys! Perhaps, now is the time to escape after all!

Theivery: Opening this denotes you trying for the keys. You cant go back. Add "Keys" To your character sheet if you open this (Wither you succeed or not!)
[roll2] You grab hold of the keys!
Beat DC 12 [spoiler] The man goes about his business, and you think that a success!
Below DC 12: The man serves his cider and sits back down, but eyes you wearily. Perhaps he suspects something?

Also, you note the cup being used to serve the odd crystal-man is the same you and the other prisoners drank from.

2011-09-26, 01:54 AM
Inwardly, Bedivere smiled. He was making progress. He took the cup with a nod of his head, downing the small liquid without hesitation. Taste was a long forgotten sense. Handing back the cup, he suggested something to the guard, "Let me see the book and candle, I am literate. Perhaps we shall solve this... Mystery." His hand reached through the bar, awaiting the text.

Faintly, something that felt like pity tugged at Bedivere. His sister had surely kissed death, as surely as this guard had continued to live. Life and death would eternally remain in balance, it seemed. Yes, once Bedivere might have pitied the guard. But not anymore. Now, his gaze stared into the guard, as if willing him to surrender the book.


2011-09-26, 02:26 AM
The elf's lips curled into a smile as he held the keys behind his back and felt that familiar feel of triumph wash over him. This had been the first time he'd smiled in years he was sure and this time he had reason too. He was getting out of here...tonight. He couldn't risk the guard realizing that his keys were gone so he had to act quickly.

Lucky for the monk the lighting was bad and whatever that was in the cell next to him was distracting the guard and possibly bringing him closer. He was just going to try and unlock the gate without the guard noticing. His muscles moved with their usual grace as he made his move. He would not open the gate just yet...not till the guard was close.

Move Silently:[roll0]

2011-09-26, 04:01 AM
"Well, you promise to give it back? I know yer not goin anywhere, but dont rip it up or nothin. My time is almost up here, new guard. ill let him know that your ok to have the light and the book. You ge'it read and back teh me, and ill see what i cant do about gettin you out uh here."

He hands Bedivere the smallish pink book. It fits easily in the palm of one hand.

Bedivere: You now have the book! http://www.hark.com/clips/myhfqwbzmm-zelda-treasure

You flip through the first few pages. It would seem he was speaking true. It is his sisters diary. You quickly skim through it, paying close attention to the end of the book. It is about half through, and then the pages are blank.

Int Check DC 10 [roll0] Perhaps with the correct inks, you could use these pages to store spells?

Reading the diary

Decipher script DC 13 [roll1] If met: Guh, chicken scratch! Lukily, you can pick through this terrible writing for something useful...

The first quarter of the diary is full of mindless drivel. Its almost like this girl had lesser brain functions, but you wouldn't think that something kind to tell her brother.

Maybe there is nothing useful here after all...

If not: Well, you reckon she was more literate then her brother, but not by much. Are these even words? It may take some time to read this... best to skip over it for now.

regardless of check result: At last! interesting bits! The texts writer takes on a cruel kind of intellect. you can tell by the way she spells words correctly and write coherently. There are a few entries of note...

"Today, i heard a sirens call from across the tundra. The called my name out! Could it be someone out there wants me?"

"After a while, i stopped listening out of my window for that voice again. Then, i heard it, just tonight! Her voice is so beautiful..."

"This morning, a letter arrived on my brothers doorstep. I read it, being the one of us who can. It told of a deal to be made! Something about an eilodon... whatever that is! I dont care, I am wanted! I am of use somewhere besides this tiny little place!"

They arrived today. Two ladies in blue, one with eyes bandaged and one with an eye patch upon her left eye. They said for me to come with them! That today was my day! My brother would have me stay, i can hear it in his voice. But no! I embark to new land!"

A last little bit is written in another hand...

"The deal is done. One human has joined us sisters three and has been given sight beyond. For the price of her eyes, of course."

You seem to remember that script from somewhere...

You note the elf bracing against the door for something. he seems to be sneaky about it, but he is in your clear sight. What could he be doing?

Thamior: You have your keys and creep over to the cell door. If anyone heard you, they don't say so just yet. The man will walk back and past you very soon. You ready yourself to explode through the door...

2011-09-26, 09:58 AM
He tensed slightly as he moved closer and closer to the gate but then paused hearing that a new guard would be here soon. If he tried it now then he would have to deal with two guards instead of the one. Besides his crystal friend seemed to be making progress with this one. He hid the keys behind his back again and casually hung around his cell.

He left the gate only slightly offset from it's original position to keep the locking mechanisms from re-engaging. If there was one thing he learned from his years at the monastery it was patience. Hopefully this guard wouldn't notice his lack of keys otherwise he would certainly have to go with his first plan. As it was he simply waited and watched ready to slip out of his cell slightly on the first sign of his plan being disturbed. That was when the elf was strongest...when no one saw him until it was too late.

2011-09-26, 04:54 PM
Gingerly taking the small manuscript in his hands, Bedivere took his leave of the guard. Sitting against a wall, bathed in the candle's lambency, he began perusing the book. As expected, its pages were polluted with gibberish and nonsense. Yet some text near the end caught Bedivere's attention, drawing him in as a fish on a hook. An interesting connection to events so fresh they remained burned into the back of his eyelids. The mage was certain he was intended to discover this book.

Spells could come soon enough. Walking to the bars, Bedivere called out, "I've finished your book. There was some... Interesting revelations within, one would suppose." Certainly noteworthy to himself, though they would be meaningless to the guardsman.

"Your sister was possessed, it appears. Near the end of the journal, there is a noted increase in intellect. She was not herself when she departed, that much is certain." Now the prisoner hesitated, unsure that the next part of his plan was as sound as it had previously seemed. His fingers gripped the bars, and glowing eyes stared into the guard's. "I will help you, if you release me for a short time. Take leave of your duties, and come with me to find your sister. According to the book, she yet lives. And only a magician can break the spell she is under."

"Do you wish to see her once again? Think on it, and give me your answer tomorrow."

Diplomacy: 4 And whatever bonus from disposition

2011-09-26, 05:22 PM
"Well... uh... herm. Give me just a moment." the guard says, as he ducks out of the room entirely. You are left a moment without guard supervision...

Thamior: You consider for a moment stealing out of your cage, but your mind is still slow to respond and you haven't the time to do so before he returns.

After a minute or two he returns. He is carrying a heavy blanket and a small sack. He approaches Bedivere.

"You have been kind to me, sir. Though i know not your crimes, I do trust ye. 'Ere." He says, as he produces a small metal object and hands it to you. "In times of urgency, guards are allowed to make trusted prisoners guards themselves. Take this, it should give yer freedom! Now let me just get you outta that cage... Blast! wheres me keys stolen off to?"

He ducks out of the room again, and returns with some spare keys.

He unlocks Bedivere's cell door, and gestures for you to follow him.

He approaches Thamior's door and speaks.

"Now listen here you. Ive seen you and yer strength and skill. I know ye could kill me now if ye wished, and i know ye stole away what was mine. But ill grant you yer freedom iffin you agree to go with this crystal man and find me sister!"

With that. he opens your cell door and hands Thamior a small metal object he produces from his sack.

He gestures for you both to follow, and he takes you out of the room...


You come into the main hall of the guards tower. It seems this place has seen better days. It is eerily cold here, and you can see flits of snow coming in through the cracked walls. The doors don't seal properly and only serve to protect ones privacy, not ones warmth. You can see this place also serves as a mess hall, and another guard sit at a table sipping steaming soup. He begins to stand, before he sees you badges and calms himself. "Gunna be an easy night..." He says to himself.

You are taken upstairs to the barracks. There are ten beds here, and all but one are made. Each has a chest at the foot of the bed. One of the chests is open and empty.

The original guard hands his heavy blanket to Bedivere, and says "Well then. This should be a bit warmer then your cells. In the mornin, when it aint too cold, ye can go about lookin for me dear Annie. Till then, take a bed. Not this one or this one though, there me and Lesters. Take one o the maid ones, not like their owners ghosts ll be usin em soon. The foot lockers got some warm clothes and blankets in em, take em if ye need em. anywho, goodnight."

With that, he plonks down on a bed, and pulls the blankets up to his head to keep warm.

Bedivere: You still have the book, in case you want to read it.

You can acquire cold weather gear if you like. You note that the extreme cold could still damage your crystalline structure.

You look at the small metal object closer... it would seem to be a badge. It says "To protect and serve" in draconic. Odd.

It would seem to be made of the same dull metal as the cup.

Your head is still killing you...

Thamior: Well then, seems you escaped purely by chance. Fair enough.

You can acquire cold weather gear if you like. You note that it may be wise, given the apparent weather outside.

You look at the small metal object closer... it would seem to be a badge. It is letters with odd scratches in the metal. Odd.

It would seem to be made of the same dull metal as the cup.

Your mind is addled by something strange.

2011-09-26, 06:04 PM
Of course he would take the warmer clothes in this climate however first things were first. He sat crisscross with his legs beneath him on top of his bed. He looked at the badge as his mind tried to make sense of it. His mind was dull and sloppy but something in the recesses of his mind was screaming at him. He concentrated using the Monk's natural ability to focus his mind. Every hour of every day came into play here and suddenly images flashed in front of his eyes.

The cup and it's cool dull metal being used for all of the prisoners to drink. He saw himself drinking from it day after day and at the same time feeling his mind slip away. That might have just been a coincidence but something told him it was not. The fact that to be allowed to leave their cells he had to wear badges of the same material screamed suspicious to him. It was all theory though...how could he test it? He thought to himself gently "How indeed?If i had it my way i would throw the thing away from me and see if i feel any better but i cannot for then the guards would be all over me. However the fools seem to think i need sleep but i have been meditating plenty enough as it is. If anything i am over rested. This night i will test my theory as best i can."

Standing to his feet he walked over to the chest and dawned his new and warmer clothing loving the feel of it over his body. He lay down in the bed and seemed to be sleeping to the normal eye. However his consciousness remained awake under closed eyelids. In a lazy fashion he took the badge off the front of his shirt. He hung his arm over the side of the bed as if lazying in the bed as he had seen some humans do however in this way he dropped the badge on the floor under his bed and trusted no one would notice since he lay on his stomach. With his hand hung down like that he remained ready to snatch it back up into his hand when the guards woke up or someone came through the door. He waited to feel an effect but realized this might take some time. It was going to be a long night.

If needed. Slight of hand:[roll0]

2011-09-26, 06:26 PM
Thamior: You concentrate on the badge you hold. You have already probed what little you now of magic to see if this could be a magical thing affecting you, and to the best of your knowledge it is not. However, perhaps it could be something more mundane? Knowing more about the metal is sure to help.

Those scratches... maybe they conceal some old writing?

Decipher script DC 15: [roll0] Looks like another language. Something only someone with three fingers ending in sharp points could write. herm...

Or maybe the metal itself?

Appraise DC 10: [roll1] It would appear to be lead. Ah! It allows the mind and poisons the body! Of course! Mearly holding this piece should not do you harm, but drinking from that cup surely poisoned you.

Could it have been on purpose you have been poisoned?

Sense motive DC 10: [roll2]

Succeed:No, No. Lead is a common metal, and chances are the common man does not know of its poisonous properties. chances are the guards drink from similar cups.

Fail: Maybe... hard to tell. If they are trying to deceive you and hurt you, it would be odd to use such a slow acting poison.

Now that you know what you are fighting, mayhap you can focus to cleanse your body of its influence?

Will save DC 15: [roll3]You focus your mind and find the source of the corruption within you. those years of meditation paid off!

Fort save: DC 10 [roll4] You cleanse your body of the vile taint, and your mind should be clear again by morning.

2011-09-26, 08:34 PM
Wordlessly taking the blanket and object from his emancipator, Bedivere wondered at the ease of his escape. Perhaps, I have been inhuman for longer than I remember. Certainly it had been a long time since he had felt anything more than a distant affection for another creature, and the thought of love or friendship was beyond his scope now. It was regrettable, perhaps.

He followed the guard and new found companion from the cells and into the mess hall, turning the badge over in his hands. The script in which it was written was perplexing, as Bedivere expected few humans spoke it. In his peripheral a guard stood in alarm, seeing two of his charges escaped; yet he was placated at the sight of their escort and badges.

At the guard's behest, Bedivere took a seat on one of the maid's hard beds. The hint that their previous owners now lay beneath the earth phased him not at all. Often the mage contemplated how his sense of touch worked, seeing as he had no skin in a traditional sense. Yet he still felt the blankets and clothing slide over his iridescent body as he attempted to shield himself from the cold. Wherever he was, it was north. Between the knife being rammed into his skull repeatedly, and the cold infiltrating his structure, Bedivere was not in the most comfortable of positions.

Bedivere pressed an unyielding finger to an equally hard forehead, as if he could rub the throbbing away. Yet it persisted as he closed his eyes and began sifting through memories. Certain spells had burned themselves into his mind, their fragments drifting through a vast sea of memories like lost ships. He spent the night there, sitting on his bed and vaguely aware of the world. Drifting through the unending oceans, collecting the pieces and bringing them together once again. Their intricate motions and esoteric phrases would elude most, but not a wizard. After there was naught but four or five hours of the night left, he returned to consciousness, arcane energy crackling in his fingertips.

Though Bedivere commenced no ostentatious displays, nor did he alert anybody of his recalled powers. Rather he opened the diary, trying to ignore his headache, and read through it. He reread it from the beginning, hoping to extract some meaning from the babble. Or perhaps he had missed a detail at the end, better read it all to be safe.

DM -
Items Acquired: Heavy blanket, Draconic script badge, Cold weather clothing, Spellbook/diary

Decipher Script (Diary): 10+4=14

Prepared Spells - 0th: Read Magic x4
1st: Color Spray x2, Silent Image x2
2nd: Invisibility x2

2011-09-26, 09:12 PM
After a good nights rest in a bed, for a change, you find yourself woken by a suddenly brightening light. The sun! It has been far too long. Your skin feels kissed by its brilliance, and for the first time in a long time you feel an external warmth.

Bedivere: Just as the sleep helped your body, it helped your mind. The headache has subsided to a dull throbbing, and you suspect it to be gone by tomorrow.

You read deeper into the journal. It is all thoroughly boring, and you cant see anything useful in the first half of the book. You realize she is one of the few people literate in her town, and she is afraid of becoming 16, for she will have to have a husband. She is a basic teenage girl, living in a very cold world.

Thamior: You notice your mind still slowed... Fort save DC10: [roll0] You cleanse your body of the vile taint, and your mind is clear once again.

"Well" The guard you know says, with a stretch "I suspect you dont know the way to Froville, so ill show ye the way. Names Mork, by the way. Dont think we been properly introduced."


Mork leads you back through the main hall and to the main door. He dons a pair of darkened goggles and opens the door. Sweet Pelor is it bright out here! The sun reflects off of the show on the ground, making it seem twice as bright as it must be. The temperature rapidly drops here, even though the sun provides some heat. You feel cold, even through your cold weather clothing.

"Well then, welcome to the Frostfell! I suspect ye haven't been before, so ill help ye out. Get somethin on yer eyes when ye can. Aint no good during a storm, but fer now itll save ye from the sun. Keep yer eyes up though, ice can be tricky teh survive in. Watch fer crevasses, you fall in no way to climb out. theres other stuff out here, but none we needin teh worry about on the way to Froville.

Oh! And never, never, be out here at night. The ghosts of the dead wonder about, summinin all sort of badness to hurt us. Got it?

Lets be off."


You travel for a three hours, across the sunlit cold.

All:You risk snow-blindness, given your lack of protection. Three fort saves each, at DC 10, 11, and 12.

Thamior [roll1][roll2][roll3]

Bedivere [roll4][roll5][roll6]

If any of these fail, you are snow-blind. -2 AC, no Dex to AC, -4 to Dex skills, -4 spot/search/vision based skills, 20%miss chance

After this time, you reach the town of Froville. Mork says, upon arrival "Here we are, me hometown. Feel free to stay in me house. Maybe theres more of a clue there. You find her, you let me know, you hear? And keep the book, maybe it will come in handy."

He shows you to his home before he departs. Its interior is bland, and the home itself is made of packed snow. Despite this, it can be made quite warm in here. There is little more then a hearth, two beds, and a small locked box labeled "Annie".

AllThe town is very small, perhaps 15 houses. There are about 19 residents, and they live by fishing the nearby ice floes. A small amount are privileged to work at the tower, where you came from. The tower is little more then a hole in a large spire of ice. It is used to hold prisoners from all around. Those that are not immediately killed for their crimes, at least.

Things of interest in the town include the locked box of Annies, the villiage elder, and a small "Church" hut, the only building of wood, witch lacks a holy symbol.

You can cure your snow blindness by staying inside for an hour. Each hour you are outside without protection requires a new fort save (DC=10+previous number of saves since your last sleep)

2011-09-26, 10:35 PM
Bedivere was struck by the sudden brightness as he stepped into the sun. Cold and snow had been expected, but the blinding light had not. It was nigh inescapable, but the mage simply shielded his eyes and forged ahead. He followed Mork through across the snowy vista, over to a collection of white lumps; a small brown shack cut through the neverending white. It turned out that each lump was a dwelling of sorts for the town's residents. The place looked impoverished.

Mork's dwelling was thread bare as everything else in the Frostfel, it seemed. Bedivere spoke to their host after he had given the tour of his shack, "I shall begin research immediately." He set the book down on one of the tables, and began struggling to make a fire in the hearth. If this was to be their headquarters, it may as well be warmer than the outside. Yet he found no fuel within the house, strangely enough Over his shoulder he addressed the Elf for the first time since they had met inside the cell, "I require the box labeled Annie opened, put its contents on the bed if you will. As well, if you see any coal or wood, we need it."

He let the cold hearth be and turned to the Elf, "Should you feel the need, you may address me as..." The mage paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not to use his real name. Truth, this time. "You may address me as Bedivere, nothing else. I will return shortly, I wish to speak with the priest. These... People... Seem to turn to religion, he should know much."

Leaving the Elf to his devices, he strode out of the abode and into the frigid air. Brilliant light shone down and reflected off the snow, making it seem as though he was within the sun itself. Glancing around, he realized that the man perhaps had a store of wood outside the house; it seemed logical enough since there was naught within. Though why it would be stored outside was beyond Bedivere's comprehension. He ran the heel of his foot alongside the base of the house, scraping away a layer of snow to look for a compartment of some kind.

After searching for a few minutes, and collecting anything of use he found, Bedivere set about his second task. Striding over the snow and ice, he made his way through the village. Coming to the priest's little shack, he knocked on the door and waited.

DM:Fort Save (Snow Blindness): 25

Search Check (Compartment): 14

2011-09-26, 10:58 PM
The elf's facial features curled into a grimace as they stepped out into the sun. He was dressed for the cold but he had forgotten the light and it was hurting affecting the monk far more than any of the others since he had been there the longest. However he covered his eyes the best he could and pressed on.

Oh what a joy it was to have a sharp mind again having cleared his mind finally. He still didn't remember his past all that much but he had his cool,calm, and collected wits about him. He inhaled deeply of the outside air feeling alive again after all these years. However in his excitement he caught a little too much light off the snow when he looked up for a moment. His lip curled into a sneer as he went snow blind and began to stumble around with more difficulty than he had before.

As their host showed them the lodgings he happily strolled inside to get away from the blinding light. Before Mork could leave he gave a small bow at the waist and said "Thank you. I shall do what i can."

He blinked slightly and looked toward the crystal man as he spoke to him and remained quiet the entire time only giving him the occasional nod in response. However when he gave him his name he felt it fair to give him one in return. He had no problem telling others his name. "I am Thamior." As the man left he turned to the chest in front of him knowing that in his current state he would be hard pressed to open it. However he would try anyway using his skills as a rouge to try and open the chest. Should he fail he would instead have to wait until his snow blindness wore off.

Pick lock:[roll0]

Door sense:

2011-09-26, 11:47 PM
Thamior: You manage to open the crude lock, even in your current state. Opening the box reveals a very strange reward... It would seem to be a jar full of frozen water and sealed at first glance. But inside, a small sphere is floating, suspended in the ice.

But everything is too blurry for you to make out more detail right now...

Bedivere: The Priest opens the door to his little shack. His eyes grow wide as he backs from the door.

"Holy one, of Ice and Fire, what brings your shard here, so far from your 'berg?"

What is he going on about?

Knowledge religion DC 20 [roll0] ended up as a 27 You fall into a vision...

You cannot discern where you are. Perhaps you are upon a cloud? You look about. You see great titan sized men clashing steel and spell with each other. Both sides have no features, but half are painted red and half blue.

Suddenly, wading out of the battle before you is a great woman. She has features that stick out in this landscape. Her great axe raises high, and a thousand snowflakes spin about with a thousand cinders in its wake. She swings her great blade down upon a red figure, hewing it in two. A name is spelled out in the most ancient tongue to you.


If DC 25:Your vision continues... You see a great black figure among the red ones. As he approaches, his details come to light. He is a grizzled looking warrior man, with a great scythe in his hangs. He utters something, a word of power you cannot hear, and the battlefield is rendered slow and timeless.

Only he and Hield act.

He clashed blades with the woman, fighting her like an old enemy. Though she fights valiantly, causing great sparks to rain down from her axe, she is caught off guard by the man, and is severed into many massive pieces by his swift scythe.

These pieces fall through the cloud, and her blood stains the cloud with a single word.


Where the pieces impact the water of the great north below, they form great icebergs. Within these icebergs live on what little essence of Hield remains.

These icebergs house great fonts of power, known as the Rimefire Eidolons...

Your vision ends...

You face the man clearly in awe of you. He does not seem to fear you.

2011-09-27, 12:22 AM
He stared in awe at the jar but because of his ice blinding he could barely make anything out at this point. Setting the jar on the bed he decided to at least try and find some coal or firewood for the fire before he rested his weary eyes. Stepping back outside he flinched from the bright light but pressed on looking for something to light the fire with.

Fort save if needed: [roll0]

Search: [roll1]

2011-09-27, 12:45 AM
What a fascinating legend, and this man believed him to be a Rimefire Eidolon? Primitive. Bedivere gazed into the priest's eyes, his own reflecting no emotion. He stepped into the doorway of the hut, hoping it might be warmer within. No fool when it came to these matters, Bedivere chose not to answer the man's question. It would be best to allow him to continue believing in his myths, without pressing the topic.

Serenely, the magician presented his plight. "The girl Annie, she has vanished. Taken by two witches, into the Frostfel. In the name of Hield, you will tell me where these women make their abode. They have committed a great crime. The girl is of import to powers greater than you know, priest." No doubt, to the cleric, a creature of myth appearing at his doorstep with demands was nothing to be taken lightly. Truth be told, Bedivere did not expect much. Perhaps a rumor or two.

Intimidate (Priest): [roll0]

2011-09-27, 01:30 AM
Thamior: You search about the house and its surroundings, and you find a small chamber concealed in snow. opening it reveals a small stash of coal. Perhaps 3 days worth?

It wouldn't be hard to warm the place up a bit, and you know you will have to take these clothes off to sleep soundly tonight.


After an hour or so, you manage to shake off your snow blindness.

Looking into the jar again, you see a most unsettleing sight. Within it, frozen in solid ice, is an eye ball. It is blue about the iris, and you note some other fleashy bits suspended in the ice.

Heal DC 15: [roll0]This eye appears forcibly removed, and rather fresh. Though that may just be the ice preserving it.

Oh dear! This sight is quite revolting, but is probably something the crystal man would like to see.

Bedivere: The man looks into your crystalline eyes. He says, gravely "There is no need to be forceful with me Eidolon. You should know well you are a respected power.

Annie's disappearance has disturbed us all. I thought her how to read, myself. She was like a daughter to me. I had presumed you took her on to be your witch. It seems that is not the case.

I haven't a clue where she could be. Frankly, she may be dead. This worries me, but I believe your power may help us look for her! Please, You are are only hope in this matter.

Wait... You know of the barbarians to the north, yes? They make refuge not a mile from your berg. They have raided our fish stores of late... perhaps they have emboldened and taken Annie? It has been said, many years ago, that they allied with a powerful magic-user. Mayhap that magic user is a witch you speak of?

Either way, we would pray that for your assistance on this matter. You see, our food will run short soon, and med will wither and die. We cannot support ourselves and our trade any longer if these raids continue."

The man speaks slowly, but forcefully and with purpose, and before you have a chance to reply...

All:Your activities are punctuated by a great horn blast!

(Relevant sound clip)Ignore video [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zlhb2WtSAA0&feature=related"[/URL]

Thamior: What could that have been? You peek your head out of your warm camp to see all the other houses shut up tight, and five tall and lumbering brutes, each with a large section of tree, walking brazenly across town. They are nude, but luckily are covered with such fur, their dignities (And your eyes) are spared.

The don't seem to have noticed you quite yet... You ready yourself for action all the same, while trying to minimize your presence here.

Hide: [roll2]
Im rolling hide for you as i assume that is a natural thing to do. You can choose to disregard the hide check if you wish, and me rolling checks like this will never cause negative results. also, i wont roll checks that are unnecessary, like move silently right now. You are not moving, you see.

Bedivere: "Oh no... A Raid!" The man exclaims. "You must protect us, Eidolon!"

Looking out of the chapel, you see five tall and lumbering brutes, each with a large section of tree, walking brazenly across town. They are nude, but luckily are covered with such fur, their dignities (And your eyes) are spared.

They haven't seen you just yet, but you think it wise to prepare yourself for this battle, should it devolve into such unpleasantness.

Initiative: [roll3]
Knowledge: Nature:
If 10+ These creatures look like humans, but they are very tall and hairy.

If 15+ These are neanderthals! Your mind is granted a vision of these beasts around a campfire, organizing this raid. It seems they are rather intelligent, given their brutish visage.

If 20+ Neanderthals are known for their fear of magic. Perhaps a display could cow them, or maybe it would just enrage them... (+2 to intimidate if you use a magical show)

2011-09-27, 01:34 AM
DM notes:

5 neanderthals.

1:[roll0] HP. Status:--
2:[roll1] HP. Status:--
3:[roll2] HP. Status:--
4:[roll3] HP. Status:--
5:[roll4] HP. Status:--

Initiative order!

Bedivere: 3

2011-09-27, 11:01 AM
He smiled as he found the store of coal outside. Finally this was some good news now that he could easily start a fire in the house. Taking as much of the coal as he could he took it back inside and lit the hearth and enjoying the warmth that rolled out of it.

After about an hour his vision cleared up and he started to wonder when his crystal friend would be back. However now he could get a better look at the jar though as soon as he got one he wished that he hadn't. He thought to himself "An eye! Who keeps a preserved eye in their house?" He pondered it a bit trying to come up with every possible answer but his thoughts were interrupted by a great horn blast. Curious he looked outside naturally dropping into a hide when he saw what looked like trouble. Whoever these men were he knew that they were up to no good. Probably a raiding party by the looks of it. Either way he was going to watch them. If this was a raiding party then it was going to stop right here. He slipped out the door covering his eyes from the blinding light as usual. He was moving as quietly as he could and using the cover of the snow and blinding light to hide himself. If it came to a fight he would strike quickly and unexpectedly.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

Move Silently: [roll1]

2011-09-27, 11:29 AM
Bedivere seemed unphased by the battle that had engaged outside, partly to keep up the ruse and partly because he didn't find any need for alarm. "I shall aid you, human. Step back." He enroached further into the priest's hut, falling away from the door and potential discovery from the attackers.

Though his spellbook lay empty, Bedivere was not entirely helpless. What could be described as pleasure radiated from his body as he began to cast, for if anything brought Bedivere happiness it was magic. Illusions were a unique and complicated magic, a tapestry woven of many fine strands. The way an evoker carelessly hurled it as his foes, or an abjurer amassed it in clumps to shield himself, would never do. Illusions were art.

Like a spider weaving a web, Bedivere spun his lie. His arms seeming to weave back and forth, overlapping and swaying as he cast his spell. His voice carried serenely through the frigid air, uttering incantations in a language arcane. The priest would see that his inner body glowed with iridescent light, shifting and glimmering like a vortex. Now, at the end of his spell, strands of energy trailed behind his fingers, forming a symbol. Suddenly, the strands imploded upon themselves with a small crack.

Outside, Bedivere saw a shadow move across the ground. He stepped out of the house, and saw the distinct silhouette of a dragon flying high across the sky.

Silent Image of a white dragon high above.
DC 17
Knowledge Nature/Arcana (to get any details correct): [roll0]

I added the roll since we haven't specifically seen a white dragon yet.

2011-09-27, 04:02 PM
The very tall and hairy men continue to walk across the small town. Suddenly, two of them break off and run for a small hut. They batter down at the walls of the small snow house. The walls of packed snow hold no match against the huge force of their logs of wood.

The walls explode into powdered snow, and one of the brutes takes the man inside the hut and casually throws him aside. This brute goes in, while the other walks back to rejoin his party.

Thamior: Your muscles tense in excitement! You haven't had a good brawl in what seems like years! You figure, if you break your slow movement now, you can hit one before he sees it coming!

Bedivere: Ah what a tangled web you weave. You are able to craft a very large dragon taking flight across the sky. Clearly in your mind you see your illusion. It is rough about the edges, and perhaps some of the proportion are off. That is to be expected, having never seen a white dragon yourself.

You hope the distance is enough to fool such onlookers.

The remaining three men glance up at the sky, terrified for a moment.

DM notes
1 Will save: [roll0]
2 Will save: [roll1]
3 Will save: [roll2]
4 Will save: [roll3]
5 Will save: [roll4]
DC 17 to disbelieve B illusion of white dragon overhead.

The two that remain note the shadow, and look up. At least for now, they are stunned by the dragon's majesty.

Bedivere: If they see through your mastercraft spell, you cant tell just yet...

Thamior: You see a great dragon in the sky. What is that?!

Will save:[roll5]

If 17+ A dragon. No, wait. an illusion. The colors shift and fade, as if stretched thin. An obvious magical trick, you could see right through it if you wanted to.
If less What the hell is a dragon doing here?!

All: The dragon in the sky, and all the hairy men are looking up at it. You are granted a Sneak Attack round.

Relative positions:
Bedivere is in the door of the wooden hut. 3 foes are grouped together in the middle of town, 50ft away. One foe is inside a hut, 80ft away. One foe is in between that hut and thr group, 65 feet away. Thamior is creeping along in between a hut 100ft away and the group, and is 30ft from the group now. he seems to be unseen. The men are all looking at the dragon.

2011-09-27, 04:56 PM
"Ha so these fiends are raiders!" He thought to himself as he watched the hulk of a man throw the innocent patron to the side. He gnashed his teeth as he watched the display but at the same time his muscles welcomed the chance to show off yet again after all this time. He saw an opening...he would strike before anyone saw him or had a chance to react. He would go for the one in the hut first. If he silenced him in one blow then the others would still be caught off guard from his presence.

He moved to execute his plan only to suddenly jerk his head up as a shadow fell over him and the ground all around him. His jaw gaped slightly at what he saw and he was slightly taken aback. "A dragon!" he thought with a start. However his composure regained quickly only this time he had a new reason to get to that hut as quickly as possible. Not only would he eliminate the brute inside but also he had a strong desire to not get eaten this day.

His feet padded silently as he ran through the blinding snow and behind the backs of the other brutes who he noticed were also taken aback from the dragon in the sky. Charging silently into the open snow house he easily caught up with the hulking man. He leaped into the air his fist curling into a tight ball as hard as stone itself. He focused less on accuracy and more on speed in a skill monks referred to as a flurry of fists.

Attack roll: [roll0]

If attack hits Damage: [roll1]
His first attack strikes mightily into the back of the hulking man causing what looked and sounded like massive amounts of pain. However it wasn't over for before one could react he was winding up for another strike.

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll2]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll3] X2 plus [roll4]
The blow lands with a sickening thunk on the back of the hulking man's head. He grinned in a bloody triumph that was wasn't quite over yet. Before he had a chance to see if the man was even still alive he was on him again with another strike.

Second attack
Attack roll: [roll5]

If attack hits Damage: [roll6]
His second strike came quickly and without mercy hitting the brute where he was vulnerable and weak with a fierce power and grace that was startling. His green eyes watched for movement wondering if the man was even still alive.

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll7]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll8] X2 plus [roll9]
His second strike couldn't have been luckily as the sound of his first striking him made a sickening thudding noise. He knew it was a good strike the moment the attack landed.

2011-09-27, 09:19 PM
Another spell rolled off Bedivere's tongue like so much silk. It crackled and shimmered in the light as it reached forth. The column spread out and wrapped around him like a glittering cocoon. Suddenly the mage's incantation ended and the glittering ropes around him flashed and vanished.

With all haste he moved away from the hut, stepping into the snow and toward the nearest barbarian. A sensation of calm permeated Bedivere, contently hidden from view. He would strike on his terms.

Cast: Invisibility
Duration: 3 minutes
Move Silently: (1d20+2) = 13

Also move at full speed toward the one 65 feet away

2011-09-27, 09:34 PM
"GRRRRAHHH!" The biggest looking brute calles out from the middle of the town. "Grah! Tho no rah! Krah te mando!" His voice sounds like a terrible clash between a drunk and a forge's bellows. With this call, he and his allies begin to run back the way they came.

But too late for one it would seem, for just as he turned to face his leader, Thamior lept into his field of vision. First came down a fist of stone, cracking dully into the beasts nose. As the clashing combatants both his the ground, one on his feet and one on his knees, a fist of ironwood came up into the belly of the brute. Thamior can feel sinew ripping and his stomach hemorrhaging under the force of the blow. Not much hope left for him, it would seem.

Bedivere fades from view after a few choice words of power...

Just as Bedivere's spell is sung forth from his lips, he notices the beasts falling back. Nevertheless, he made his way to the brute as intended. Though he makes an effort to stay silent, the show crunching beneath his feet makes it hard, and he leaves footprints behind. He manages to get close to the beast running in your direction, perhaps ten feet at this point.

You wouldn't seem to be noticed...

Your foes flee from this area, taking with them naught but they came with. The foe left behind is dead, or will be in mere moments. You could pursue the foes if you like, but chances are they would turn to face you if you did.

2011-09-27, 10:24 PM
A twisted amusement came to Bedivere's mind at the sight of the natives running from his illusion. Not twisted as in perverse, but rather alien in all senses. The term happiness or joy, was a different word for Bedivere than any human. He glanced up at the soaring silhouette, willing it to follow the fleeing creatures, swerving and sinking a bit.

Another incantation went up, and the web cloaking Bedivere shattered as if brittle by morning frost. He became visible to the naked eye, and a haze of churning colors and sensations erupted from his hands. His entire body was a hurricane of mixing, electric colors. The creature was bathed in an aurora of dizzying hues and overwhelming sensations. In two seconds it was over. The storm vanishing with a crackle of residual energy.

Color Spray
DC: 17
2 HD or less
The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)

3 or 4 HD
The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

5 or more HD
The creature is stunned for 1 round.

2011-09-27, 11:33 PM
The feel of sinew ripping was a good sign and caused the elf to give a satisfied smile as he stepped back and watched the giant of a man topple over like a sack of potatoes. He knew the extent of the injuries he had just inflicted...he would be dead very soon.

However, this man was not his concern. He pivoted on his heel and turned to face the open wall and ran toward it. And looked out to examine the situation. The beasts were running and his crystal friend was glowing like a rainbow for whatever reason. The dragon was also gone (Thank god!) and he prepared to take off after the men to bring down the rest of them. However, he paused and looked at the poor man laying in the snow who these beasts had assaulted. Pausing he instead hurried over to the man laying in the snow and lay his hands on him. "Sir are you ok?"

Elf sense:
Search check: [roll0]

2011-09-27, 11:53 PM
The huge men lumber as swiftly as they can away. Their huge strides take them far in little time. They will soon be too far away to catch up to.

Survival DC 15: Bedivere: [roll0] Thamior: [roll1] If succeed: They are leaving large footprints behind them. You note how easy it would be to track them, even for an amateur such as yourself.

Bedivere returns to the land of the visible, just in time to strike the giant man before him. Dazzling colors fly about as the man takes one look at Bedivere and halts his movement for a moment.

DM note: [roll2]

Thamior takes flight on his swift feet. He goes to check up on the clearly wounded man after felling his foe. He looks into the mans eyes, as the man coughs blood in the pristine white snow. He falls unconscious.

ThamiorHeal DC 10 [roll]1d20+2] You note the mans injuries. They are major, but he is not beyond life. In his state, all he would require is skilled first aide. You think you may be able to fit the bill.

You may roll heal to save his life.

2011-09-27, 11:59 PM
The oafish man looks at the magical spray of colors. He seems entranced for a moment...

But for just a moment. He cries out in a vile tongue "Thran ouk!" And brings his great log of wood to bear against Bedivere!

Attack! Greatclub swing: [roll0]

Crit threat if 24 Confirm: [roll1] for x2 damage.

Damage: [roll2] Bludgeoning damage

Hit: The club cracks against your chest. You can tell that this will leave a mark, even on your crystalline structure.

Miss:He brutishly swings his club against you, but a combination of you display of colors and your own wish to preserve your life keeps you save, and you duck out of the way.

Thamior While you could save his life, you also see a great brute re-engaging with Bedivere!

What do you do?

2011-09-28, 12:34 AM
The choice lay in front of him many would consider an extreme emotional dilemma. On one hand he had a man who he could save the life of was right here in front of him and an innocent. On the other was his crystal friend who looked very much like he needed his help.

It was almost startling how quickly he made his choice as he ran with soft but quick steps as he ran to the battling men. Like it or not he needed Bedivere and knew in the long run this man would help him bring far more justice than just this one man.

He crossed the 40 feet distance with a startling speed and struck in an explosion of fists, feet and elbows. He used again what Monk's referred to as Flurry of blows by forgoing accuracy in place of speed. His first blow however was a trick known as stunning fists. Hoping to forgo a counter strike.

Attack roll: [roll0]

If attack hits Damage: [roll1] Stunning fist: [roll2] A failed save means the creature is stunned for one round.

If a 23 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll3]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll4] X2

Second attack
Attack roll: [roll5]

If attack hits Damage: [roll6]

If a 23 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll7]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll8] X2

2011-09-28, 01:37 AM
Bedivere braced himself as the hurricane of colors dissolved around the hairy man, leaving him relatively unphased. A wave of dread coursed through him as the club came down, cracking into his torso. Almost falling backward from the force of the blow, the mage managed to remain steadfast. A horrible throbbing pulsed and echoed in his body, his vision shaking and darkening with each beat.

Yet he stabilized, and retaliated. The first thing that had come to mind, was reopening the most recent conduit. phantom colors glowed within his body, before leaping forth from his fingertips and bathing his adversary. The neon colors danced around him in a wide cone, engulfing him like a drowning sailor beneath the ocean's waves. Bedivere finished his incantation, the river of hues drying immediately.

He clutched at his chest as the pulsating continued faintly.

Color Spray
DC 17

2 HD or less
The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)

3 or 4 HD
The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

5 or more HD
The creature is stunned for 1 round.

2011-09-28, 01:46 AM
The three brutes from before are now out of sight.

Bedivere: You begin to cast your spell as you notice something. His club is still very much present here, and it seems as though your spellcast has provoked him.

Attack of oppurtunity: Attack: [roll0]

If hit: His club cracks down upon you again. You cant take much more of that!

Damage [roll1]

Concentration DC=damage: [roll2]

Crit If 24: Damage: [roll3]

Concentration DC=damage: [roll4]

2011-09-28, 01:49 AM
Bedivere: You are reduced to -3 HP by the brutes attack. Thankfully, you lack blood, and are stable.

You black out...

Seems Thamior made the right call! Just as he makes his dash to the fight, Bedivere drops under the force of a second massive crack. Thamior makes his move, delivering a crippleing shot to... uh... the stunning place.

DM notes Fort save! [roll0]

2011-09-28, 01:52 AM
The huge man roars in pain, but seems to preoccupied with his own ailments to continue his assault just yet. Thamior attempts a swift kick to accompany his strike, but finds himself falling well below the amount of force required to damage this beast.

DM note Neanderthal HP: 3, stunned till Thamior turn. B down!

What do you do?

2011-09-28, 02:12 AM
He didn't have much time to react but he wasn't liking this situation one bit. His partner was down and he didn't appear to have down any substantial damage to this beast. But he wasn't giving up yet. He struck fast and hard just like he had before hoping he could bring this beast to it's knees before it got a chance to swing at him with that tree.

First attack:
Attack roll: [roll0]

If attack hits Damage: [roll1]

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll2]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll3] X2

Second attack:
Attack roll: [roll4]

If attack hits Damage: [roll5]

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll6]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll7] X2

As his cast his final strike he took a quick five foot step back bracing himself but hoping this beast would just die.

2011-09-28, 02:33 AM
The beast regained its mind, mere moments before it was lost again. Crashing down were twin fists of rage, and the beast fell to his knees.

On closer inspection, you notice he is still alive, but just barely. You could stabilize him, if you wished.

Stabilize... Oh ****!

You rush back to the fallen man, so recently alive. It seems he is too far gone now, and there is nothing to be done for him.


Thamior: You are taken into the chapel. While you are unwounded, you are able to assist in cleaning up the town. You decide your best use is cleaning up the monstrous man you slew. You go about doing that. Fortunately, you notice a small red gem on a copper chain about his neck. To the victor, right?

Gain: two greatclubs and a Small red gem. Appraise: DC 12 [roll0] It is a ruby, worth about 80gp

A few hours and a vial of oil later, Bedivere wakes up.

Bedivere: After what may have been either minutes or days, you wake up. You are greeted by the old clergyman poring a vial of oil upon your face. "Relax," he soothes you "you got pretty banged up out their. Our medicine didn't work, so we decided to try this fixxit oil. Seems it did the trick!

You aint really an Eilodon are ye? They are mortal, our medicine would work on them. Ah, my faith always seems to lose me. But you want Annie, and I would bet those raiders took her.Even got themselves a magic-user up there ive heard. Maybe something you could do with a... Kindred spirit, like that."

A few hours pass, before the old priest presents you two with a small bag of gold.

"Here, this is fer you two. Least we can do. Also, if your willing to go after Annie, we will make our personal goods available for you to buy.

Oh, and my name is Fren, by the way. You are always welcome in Froville, strangers."

The town brings their goods together and you have an opportunity to buy things from them.

Bedivere:You are at full HP, and all your spells (Save the three you cast) are still prepared.

Froville goods:

5x ice chalk, 20gp
3x Frostbite Salve, 50gp
4x melt powder, 25gp
7x freeze powder, 100gp
4x snow goggles, 2gp
2x portable hut, 150gp
3x ski/poles, 15gp
6x showshoes, 15gp
7x coldweather clothing, 5gp
5x Winter blanket, 5sp
5x 50ft hemp rope, 1gp
3x Oil of Frost resistance, 100gp
2x spade, 2gp
1x tent, 10gp
6x waterskin, 3sp
3x Waterskin of Thawing, 50gp
1x portable ram, 10gp
2x 10ft pole, 5gp
1x sledge, 3gp
15x Food-poor, 7cp/lb
12x Food-good, 3sp/lb
5x Glowrod, 6gp
12x Torch, 2cp
1x hooded lantern, 5gp
3x oil-pint, 1gp
1x Chain of Toughness 200gp
1x Everburning torch 400gp
5x Bone dagger, 5sp
1x Bone Bow (Unstrung), 15sp
1x harpoon, 15gp
1x Icechucker, 150gp
3x Iceaxe, 10gp
1x Longsword, 15gp
3x club, 3cp
1x greatclub, 1sp
2x net, 5gp
4x Iuak, 6 gp
2x Sled, 2gp
Riding dog team , 85cp per day (This includes feed)(8 dogs)(Pay 150 should one die.) (Pay half of expected use in advance, the rest afterwords)

Wood, 2cp/day.
Coal, 5sp/day
Food-poor, 3cp/lb
Food-good, 6cp/lb
Cat sabres, 1gp
Mega-moose horns, 5gp
Gems, 2/3 market value
(Buys anything sold for more then 50GP for 40% what they are sold for)
(Buys some other things at 20% market value)

2011-09-28, 02:43 AM
In the bag of gold: 140gp


Bedivere: 200 encounter XP, 100 RP XP

Thamior: 200 encounter XP, 100 RP XP

All:Well done! You will see i have rewarded your role playing! Keep it up, bonuses only get bigger!

2011-09-28, 04:25 PM
A ruby well what great luck we have here indeed. It would be worth a pretty penny on the market, he placed it at about 80 gold pieces roughly though he certainly had been out of touch with the market for a long time.

He was glad to see his partner had survived the encounter and was doing well with the villagers treatments. As the villagers gathered their items together he looked over them with a curious eye seeing if there was anything on first glance that might appear slightly out of the ordinary. He could not sense magic but if something was enchanted it would often times have a different look than a normal item.

Spot: [roll0]

He logged away what he saw in his memory before turning to the priest and speaking to him for the first time. His voice was crisp and melodic and had a calming peaceful feel in it. "Sir we have every intention to go after this girl. It would be helpful if we had an idea of where we were going however. Do we know where these creatures make camp? Also if you could have someone make me a list of all of the items up for sale and their prices i feel it would help us manage our resources better and only further our chances of success." He was not especially good at talking to people but logic was indeed his friend.

2011-09-28, 04:30 PM
"Well," Says Fren, "Chances are you could follow their footsteps, they seem to be a mile long. Unfortunately, a list is out of the question, as we haven't the in or parchment to spare."

Thamior: You note some of these objects are being handled with care as you are shown them. Perhaps they are of more power then they seem?

They are denoted by italics.

2011-09-28, 04:43 PM
He frowned slightly used to having parchment aplenty in the monastery. After a moment he shrugged his shoulder and said simply "Very well. I shall try my best to get ready to go soon then. Hopefully it doesn't snow in that time else we'll lose the tracks." With that he went about his way with 70 gold pieces he took from the bag. His first stops were to the people who he had noticed treating their items with care. To each he would say "Hello. I am interested in this item you are selling. What can you tell me about it?"

2011-09-28, 04:51 PM
"Freeze powder: That will freeze water, even water in the air! Ye can see we have little use for it...

Frostbite Salve: Helps to cure frostbite, invaluable out here.

Oil of Frost resistance: Help whatever its used on keep warm and safe from the cold.

Melt powder: Makes ice into water. Helpful to get something to drink, if your desperate.

Waterskin of Thawing: Special waterskin, helps

Chain of Toughness: Never breaks from the cold!

Everburning torch: Its fire without the heat!"

2011-09-28, 05:00 PM
As he got the response about the water skin in front of him he paused and raised an eyebrow. "Special how? Can you be more specific?"

2011-09-28, 05:04 PM
"Sorry mate, got a bit of a cold. Kinda drone off a touch sometimes" The native says to you.

"Waterskin of Thawing: Special waterskin, the inside helps thaw water!"

2011-09-28, 05:12 PM
"Interesting and extremely useful. How much are you asking for such an item my friend? It certainly would aid us in getting rid of those raiders once and for all and hopefully saving that poor little girl." Hopefully this man wouldn't try to rip him off since them succeeding meant that the raiders would be gone and if that wasn't enough motivation perhaps the fact that they were rescuing a small girl would.

Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

Appraise: [roll1]

Elf sense:
Search: [roll2]

2011-09-28, 05:17 PM
"Already told you the lowest I can go, sorry mate."

His eyes fall onto the greatclubs you have behind you.

"Tell ye what though, mighty bit o wood on them clubs. Give you 2 coppers a piece for them."

2011-09-28, 05:57 PM
He blinked slowly the remembered all of a sudden. Perhaps his mind wasn't as over the effects of the lead poisoning as he thought it was. Shaking it off he said briskly "Of course my mistake. I'll take it." With his meager supply of coins he handed over 50 gold pieces for the item. Directly afterwords he scooped snow into it to see how long it took to thaw snow into water.

While he waited for this he went around to the rest of the shops getting what he considered necessary in this environment. He got all together: A pair of snow goggles (which he put on immediately),10 pounds of poor quality food (much better than what they served in prison),50 ft of rope, a winter blanket, and a tent. He also managed to have someone buy the great clubs from him for 4cp. All in all he had 5gp, 8sp, and 4cp. With this and whatever his crystal friend had left over from his shopping spree he knew that they could probably hire a dog team to pack their supplies.

He packed all the stuff back to their shelter and walked inside loving the warmth that washed over his body from the fire in the hearth. Getting some more coal from outside he fed the hearth again. He looked over at the eye in the jar...again he wondered it's purpose. He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the bed cross legged and began to meditate. Elves need four house of meditation instead of sleep like other species do. They were about to have a big trip. He tried to get as much "sleep" as he could before it was time for them to head out into the cold.

Elf sense:
Search: [roll0]

2011-09-28, 08:18 PM
Bedivere came to wearily, a splitting headache driving nails into his head. His chest, beaten severely by the giant's club, was sore as it pulsated with internal energy. His vision was blurred as he stood from the bed and futilely stretched (no tendons). The construct's body was shaken, but seemed fully restored. He discovered a small bag of gems and coins, totally what was likely to be near a hundred gold.

Slowly walking out from the hut and into the light, shielding his eyes, Bedivere glanced around the village. A shiver went down his spine as he saw the near collapsed house, and the mage pondered how he had survived two such blows.

Regardless, there was no rest for the wicked. And even less for the non-wicked. Bedivere half walked half hobbled to the town's merchant, Franz or some such. Holding his purse of gold, the magician extended it to the shopkeep. He handed over the amount Fren demanded for snow goggles, the modest fee well worth what protection it offered. Slipping the mask-like item over his eyes, Bedivere spoke briefly to the merchant, "Our plan is to leave in the morn, after I have rested. Unless the trail would go cold by then. I don't imagine it snowing between now and then." After the man's reply, Bedivere decided he had one last task to tend to.

Walking over to the priest's hut, Bedivere knocked and promptly entered without waiting for a response. He found the priest inside his wooden shack, attending to whatever clerical duties he had in this town. Without so much as hello he handed the sack of coin to the man. "I have no use for this, use it to benefit your village. Perhaps there will be more upon my return. Thank you."

2011-09-28, 08:21 PM
Snow goggles: http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Alaska-Eskimo-Wooden-Snow-Glasses-/23/!B7O!pQwEWk~$%28KGrHqF,!lEEy+jC1%29KIBMzivF6fp!~~_ 35.JPG

These restrictive wooden goggles limit your vision. As such, you take a -4 penalty to spot and search checks. However, because they allow less light through, you gain a +2 to saving throws vs snow blindness.

2011-09-28, 09:06 PM
"Oh no!" Exclaims Fren, when he hears of Bedivere's wish to stay overnight. "The trail will have wiped away in the night winds. I suppose you can travel at night, but I doubt you want to see whats out there at night."

"I suggest you leave soon. Their camp cant have been too far away, else they couldn't have raided today. I would bet my hearth on you making it before nightfall. Good luck!"

All: Last call for town stuff before you leave. Spoil it in your next post under the tag "Town:"


You take to the trail! You know your not as skilled as you could be at tracking animals, let alone humans. However, their huge feet have left behind massive creators in the snow. They are already growing thin, and you can feel the truth behind Fren's words. This trail would have been gone by sunrise.

All: Save vs snow blindness: DC10

Bedivere: [roll0]

Thamior: [roll1]

Snowblind condition: -2 AC, no Dex to AC, -4 to Dex skills, -4 spot/search/vision based skills, 20% miss chance

You make your way north along the trail. As you travel, you notice the path following aside a great frozen body of water. A cursory glance puts this ice several feet thick, and rather slick. Luckily, the trail never goes directly upon the ice.

Up ahead, you notice a column of whitish smoke rising from a large cave mouth, set into the side of a large mound.

All: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110531173638/barbie-movies/images/thumb/c/c5/Icecavemouth.PNG/240px-Icecavemouth.PNG

It opens up into a large central cavern. You note that this place is under a rather large mound of what you earlier presumed was snow. About the size of a large foot-hill.

The only path up to it, aside from ice climbing, is a small ramp, wide enough for four men to stand shoulder to shoulder, and perhaps 60 feet long, taking you up thirty feet. The ice there is well traveled, and does not appear too slick.

Oh, and sorry for the small picture.


Dc 15:

Bedivere: [roll2] Thamior: [roll3]
You see a large boulder of ice propped up haphazardly at the top of the ramp up to the camp. It seems it could be easily wedged off to roll about freely. Not a devious trap, but certainly dangerous.

From this opening of the cave, one can hear shriek of pain from a woman's voice, and a very loud and gruff voice. "Orah! No teh le! MEH RAHUK! NO TEH LE!"

You listen in a bit closer...

Listen check: DC 15:
Bedivere: [roll4]


You hear the sound of a savage beating. You hear the female voice call out in common, "But no! I was sure the dragon would be resting today! How was I to know the fates design?"

"Marh, ve teh me." the voice says, still fuming mad, but it would seem a touch calmer now. "Nor me ve ko rush. Se un Delzomen, crah ve no tum."

Bedivere: Delzomen... Delzomen... that sounded out of place, like a broken peice of common among his brute-speak. Maybe it means something.

History: DC 15 [roll6] UNTRAINED!: You read about him somewhere, in a historical text or something. That book wasn't about magic much, so you kind of skimmed over it. Something about errant mage, banned for using... simu, simulic, bah, who knows. It wasn't important at the time.

Arcana: DC 15: [roll7]Simulacrum! Of course! Not fascinating magic, at least not then, but magic! If this oaf has anything to do with Delzomen, perhaps there is magic to be "acquired"

Perhaps it would be wise to see whats going on up there? The footprints lead into the cave, so this is surely their camp...

What do you do?

2011-09-28, 10:55 PM
Bedivere: "Oh dear, thank you! Our trade is dwindling, so I doubt we can afford to turn this down. Thank you!

Here. I want you to have this. It seems as though you can use it. Its a journal, writ by a great Uldra many years ago. I fear i have little use for it, but it does speak of the great fall of Hield. At least, so i have heard...

Mayhap you would like it?"

You take the musty old tome in hand. It seems to be bound in sealskin, and the paper is oddly yellow and clearly treated for the cold. Inside is writing, in a language you fail to understand.

But wait, you recognize some of these symbols. They are... magic? A spellbook?

No... a Prayerbook! How lucky that is!

The rest of the writing in the book would need someone to translate it, and you doubt anyone in the town could read it. Rubes...

Know: Religion [roll0] DC: 10 Seems this book has a few spells in it, in an old sort of writing you learned of. This is an archivists prayer book, with about 50 pages empty.

Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Know Direction: You discern north.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.

DC: 11
Goodberry: 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours).
Longstrider: Your speed increases by 10 ft.
Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Shillelagh: Cudgel or quarterstaff becomes +1 weapon and deals damage as if two sizes larger.
Ease of Breath: +20 to resist altitude sickness.

DC: 12:
Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Thin Air: Creatures in the area suffer altitude sickness
Conjure Ice Object: Conjures an object made of ice

DC: 13:none

DC: 14:none

DC: 15:none

DC: 16:none

DC: 17:none

DC: 18:none

DC: 19:lol, ninth level spells for DC 19? good luck.

2011-09-28, 11:35 PM
The Monk walked silent as a grave through the frozen wasteland. His eyes watched all around them seeking for signs of anything out of the ordinary. The footprints were easy enough to follow but that wasn't what he was concerned about. These men where brutes but they were not that stupid. They had killed two of their men where he was sure that the villagers had killed none at all.

As they approached the cave entrance his eyes bore dead onto exactly the kind of thing he was looking for. His hand suddenly gripped Bedivere's shoulder causing him to stop. His other hand slowly pointed to the make shift trap ahead. His voice was a low whisper as he said "Look there. The brutes may not be as dumb as we think eh?"

His ears then twitched slightly as he heard a woman getting the living hell beat out of her. He heard both the brute and the woman but only understood her. He said also in a low whisper "It sounds like....a woman. Apparently our friends did not like the sudden appearance of a dragon."

Elf sense
Search: [roll0]

2011-09-28, 11:51 PM
"Yes..." Bedivere flipped through the pages, already enraptured by the recognizable divine phrases and diagrams. "Yes, this will be most useful. I thank you, for both the mending and the tome. We shall return soon" The magician meandered from the hut, still poring over the tome.

__________________________________________________ _________________

When the two had reunited and collected all their belongings, they struck out. Following the series of craters across the barren tundra, they made swift progress. Both remained silent during the trip, a pair of stoic explorers touching the crown of the world.

Bedivere saw the lakeside cave and its column of smoke well before they came upon it, a slight tension coming over him. Though Bedivere felt alert and on edge, he was by no means panicked or fearful. He'd already brushed death while facing these brutes before, caution was required and that would be sufficient.

A sudden hand on his shoulder caused Bedivere to stop the march ever forward. Thamior pointed to a rock completed unnoticed by the mage. A small feeling of humility touched him, for he had neither noticed nor expected a trap. The boulder served as a poignant reminder that these creatures had developed minds. "Yes, perhaps."

The woman screaming would have once sent shivers down Bedivere's spine, yet even the woman's howls of pain paled in comparison to a glimpse of the Far Realm. Yet one word from her torturer caught his attention quite promptly. Delzomen. The word rang with familiarity, and he was suddenly back in the empty tower. He perused books. Books of all manner of subjects. One on the creation of life, of golems. It had been of particular interest to him back then, when he was struggling to understand his transformation. Delzomen meant Simulacrum.

Bedivere spoke to his companion, "Be wary, we may be dealing with magic. Simulacrums... How do you propose we circumvent the rock?" The mage strained to see through his goggles, looking for a way around.

2011-09-29, 12:14 AM
While the large bolder, covered with snow so as to camouflage it (poorly) loomed ahead, one would note that it was not in the way, per say. It was at the top of this long ramp, surely, but as it guarded the only way up, the men would have to walk right by it every time they wanted in or out.

The fuming mad man's voice seems to have disappeared deeper into the cave.

You approach the cave closer, as close as you think you can without being noticed. You are about ten feet from the ramp, and given the orientation of the cave, it would be very hard (If not impossible) for someone to see your approach.

DC: 15



You hear voices up there. A few, at least four, gruff voices continue to converse.

Then something startling! A young mans voice can be heard. You cannot make out what he is saying from here, but it is surely not a brute talking.

The woman's voice is no longer there. If she retreated further into the cave or not is impossible to tell.

Bedivere: Thankfully, with your amount of rest, you are able to memorize these spells quickly. Prepare your archivist spells. (It takes 5 minutes to prepare a slot, normally. assuming you have the slots, that is.)

Thamoir:You note the relatively fresh snow on the ground is marred by large footprints.

Walking along those (DC5 Balance) would allow you to move silently without the normal penalty

Elsar: Oh great, how did you get yourself into this one? Just heading north to pick up some trade and you ran into this camp. Cursed brutes kidnapped you, thinking your after someone. Annie, you think? Hard to know, damn ring of translations is failing you as of late.

Well, nothing to do now but try and talk your way out of it. Possibly, you could avoid the stew pot just yet. First thing would be getting out of this cage... given the situation though, that would be hard. At least a 40 foot run to the ledge, on icy ground, with 4 of these brutes beside you. Given what you just witnessed, you know they are brutal.

Chief guy took a little... Uldra, were they? Tiny blue fairy fellow, took her aside and beat her half to death. Luckily, she seems alive. Village seer, or shaman, or witch doctor, or something you would assume. Something about not seeing a dragon coming? You have no idea, but you do know its getting cold.

Who knows? Maybe the fates will have something ready for you? They seem to always have something for you...

2011-09-29, 12:36 AM
He sucked in a little breath and said in a less than pleased tone. "Wonderful." Whenever magic users were involved it made things just that much more interesting and difficult.

His dark green eyes looked closely at the boulder seeing it's simplicity and then looking at the footprints and realizing it would be very easy to move silently to the cave if he used those footprints. Looking at Bedivere he said in his whispered voice "These men are brutes and happen to be smart enough to lay a rock to guard the cave. However it's a simple design so i'm thinking it requires one of them to come out and push it. Therefore i think i shall go forth first since i am the quieter of us and if i can get to the stone i will stop them from making it a nasty surprise for you."

He squinted a little and looked back at the cave as he chewed on his cheek slightly "However with a magic user i could be very wrong on that. However i am good with traps so i feel the most logical course of action is still to for me to go first. I might be able to disable this one as well. Wait here and prep any spells that you think might help."

He took a deep breath and pressed on easily taking steps inside the larger steps making him just that much quieter.

Balance check: [roll0] Move silently:[roll1]

2011-09-29, 01:35 AM
"Very well, I shall await your signal." Bedivere whispered to the Elf before he could get out of earshot. Quietly as he may, he moved off to the side where an eye could be kept on Thamior. Then his brain wracked itself, scooping up the dregs of the spells he had just read. Spells, to Bedivere, were like small incomplete portions of a memory. Each remained within him always, yet indistinct and blurry. When the magus sat down to study, it brought them back into focus. And so he stood, poring over the new tome, recalling each lost thought.

Finding himself hard pressed to read through the slotted goggles, Bedivere pushed them up onto his head. Arcane syllables brought theoretical spells into existence as the mage mouthed them silently, and in his mind he was already performing gestures of power.

0th - Archivist
Mending x3
Know Direction

1st - Archivist
Pass Without Trace
Ease of Breath

2nd - Archivist
Thin Air
Cat's Grace
Bull's Strength

2011-09-29, 02:50 AM
Thamior: You creep up to the top of the ramp, silent as a mouse. On closer inspection, the bolder is in fact made of ice, and appears to be wedged into place with a large icicle. If you wished, you could probably free it, though that would take a great deal of strength. It is propped up so the only place it could go is back down the ramp from whence you came.

Int check: DC 15: [roll0] A great idea hits you. Perhaps you could think of a way to melt this bolder into place? It wouldn't backfire, like some other traps might, but it would cause one of the brutes to waste his time to free it.

You peak over the small cliff in between you and the camp.

The large cave opening you face has many smaller pathways continuing deeper. It would appear to be a natural cave. The fire of the pit in the middle of the room is warm, you can feel that from where you stand. It must be at least twenty feet across, and it is lined with large spear like shafts. It smells of burnt meat and unwashed armpit in here, but only just.

You see first and foremost, three of the brutes sitting about a campfire, about 35 feet away from you. They are speaking to each other in the same oafish tongue as before.

P:1:J,10 1:G,10 1:J,13

A fourth brute is kneeling near an outcropping of stone, about 35 feet an another direction. It seems he is tending to something wrapped in blankets, though his back is turned to you, so it is hard to tell.


Straight ahead of you, a human sits, locked away in a cage. The cage is small and rather rickety looking, as if a stiff breeze could knock it over and free the man. He looks you in the eye and winks. Seems he has no inclination of staying here.


MAP: http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb438/yeturs/Map1.jpg Tactical map. You are the only one to see it.

Bedivere: You play the music of magic again and again in your mind. It seems like the song may soon get stuck in your head, but that just what you want. You trust your friend to bring back helpful information, but you ready yourself for the worst news just in case.

Elsar: You are so done with being here. As if on cue, you see pointed ears poke up from the caves ramp. Ah, that could be your chance out of here. Before you can stop yourself, you let out a sly wink to let him know you see him, but then you fall back to your usual activities to avoid giving him away.

In case it could aid your escape, you wrack your brain for helpful bits of information about this place...

There are at least 24 of these huge men here, but you think you saw about 10 or more leave this morning. Hunting or something, you presume. There are maybe a dozen children here? So it may be prudent not to simply slaughter the lot of them.

You have heard that the tribe has been very different since the new chief came into town. He rules with strength above all else, and with a cruel hand. You have heard tell that the people here want him gone, but lack the power to get him out. Perhaps you could help with that?

You feel around your warm weather clothes... Ah! there it is! Your trusty hidden dagger. You finger its outline to make sure its still there. It has gotten you out of a lot over the years, and you are glad they didn't find it.

You do enjoy talking your way out of situations more then stabbing your way out. But hey, always good to have a contingency.

OOC: As you haven't posted you, im writing your thoughts as a kind of smooth and suave talking guy. I think that's not too far, given your skill focus: Diplomacy and high charisma. Also of note, you are exceptionally lucky.

2011-09-29, 02:55 AM
What do you do?

2011-09-29, 09:51 AM
Elsar looks around and when not being monitored he widdles chips out of the wooden bar that keep him bound. Starting with the one behind him that he may lay next to it if close to getting caught.:smallamused:

2011-09-29, 05:19 PM
The monk's eyes examined the situation with a calm and serene expression. Using the large chunk of ice for cover the elf's cool green eyes slowly looked over everyone and everything in the clearing. He didn't want to miss anything that might prove vital to what was looking like a very large task that lay ahead of him.

Spot: [roll0]

Four men all in all though all were unprepared and unaware of what was happening and seemed completely at ease at this moment. However these were not his main concern...his main concern was Bedivere's comment about the possibility of a magic user being in their midst's. Magic complicated things very much especially when it was hostile to him. However he had accomplished his first step. Bedivere would be able to get up here without being hit by this not so clever trap. He hopped he didn't attract attention but even if he did he would distract them enough to prevent them from being able to use the trap.

He looked to back down the path and made eye contact with Bedivere signaling him with basic hand signals. He gestured with his thumb to the mouth of the cave. Then with the same hand he tucked his thumb and raised 4 fingers and held them up so that they were clear to him. He then stretched out his arm toward him and curled it toward himself and repeated the action in the popular indication of "come". However following that he raised his index finger to his lips and puckered his lips telling him to be silent.

Knowing that his message would be understood by the mage, who he was sure had to be very smart to handle magic, he began to position himself for the worst. He used the rock as cover however he positioned himself in such a way that if someone tried to use it he would be able to strike them quickly before they had a chance. Normally he would have loved to use this trap against these "men" but the innocent down there complicated things very much. However no time to think of that now he waited with his body still as stone. He hoped for the best but prepared for the worst.

Hide: [roll1]

2011-09-29, 07:08 PM
Seeing Thamior over by the boulder, an idea suddenly struck him. It was a simple plan, yet hopefully effective. Bedivere would spring a trap on these brutes, hopefully. The magician's arms bobbed and wove as he cast a spell, a slight vibration starting from his feet up. The words were likely too faint to be heard by the cavemen, but if he was overheard then all the better. As the final syllable left Bedivere's mouth, the vibrations elevated to a peak. Each step was noticeably quicker and each stride took him farther. Both legs were bursting with so much energy they thrummed whenever he stood still.

Forward he trotted, heedless of the noise he made. When he was within conversational distance of Thamior, the mage spoke Elvish, "I am luring them out, I suggest you remain hidden. Push the ice when they give chase, do not fear for my safety." He did not turn his face toward Thamior, nor give any indication he was speaking to anybody but himself.

A shout emanated from the crystalline man, calling out several loud arcane phrases. Though he was not casting a spell, hopefully his words were loud enough to draw them. Already Bedivere was backpedaling, anticipating the charge.

cast Longstrider on self.
+10 Land movement speed for 3 hours

2011-09-30, 02:03 AM
Cave inner description: The large cave opening you face has many smaller pathways continuing deeper. It would appear to be a natural cave. The fire of the pit in the middle of the room is warm, you can feel that from where you stand. It must be at least twenty feet across, and it is lined with large spear like shafts. It smells of burnt meat and unwashed armpit in here, but only just.

You see first and foremost, three of the brutes sitting about a campfire, about 35 feet away from you. They are speaking to each other in the same oafish tongue as before.

P:[SPOILER]1:J,10 1:G,10 1:J,13

A fourth brute is kneeling near an outcropping of stone, about 35 feet an another direction. It seems he is tending to something wrapped in blankets, though his back is turned to you, so it is hard to tell.


Straight ahead of you, a human sits, locked away in a cage. The cage is small and rather rickety looking, as if a stiff breeze could knock it over and free the man. He looks you in the eye and winks. Seems he has no inclination of staying here.


MAP: http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb438/yeturs/Map1.jpg Tactical map.

The brutes all turn to the odd crystal man. "Chro?" Asks the one standing aside. When they see him bolt down the hill, the thee from the fire cautiously pick up their clubs and walk to the rampart. They look outwards over the edge, curiously. You note they seem to be much larger then the ones before, and more muscular.

Int check: DC 10:
Thamior: [roll0]
Bedivere: [roll1]

Perhaps these brutes aren't as homicidal as the last ones were? At least, they meet this incursion into their land with curiosity, and not bloodlust.

They are currently not on the ramp, therefore loosing the ice bolder would do them no harm.

One of them calls back to his friend, "Kah! No ro chro."

His friend responds "Bra no vere chro?" And two of the three retrat into the cave slightly.

The third stays here. "Yo! No man. What yo?" He calls out down the hill, seemingly to Bedivere. That almost sounded like common...

2011-09-30, 01:15 PM
A small smile curled at his lips liking the plan as soon as he heard it. He wasn't going to disable their trap he was now going to use it against the men. The monk waiting in eager anticipation perhaps liking the idea of killing these brutes a little too much.

He heard Bedivere begin to shout loudly as he braced himself against the ice ready to push it as soon as they violently charged him. However he found himself disappointed by the lack of charging and the instead what seemed like a curious reaction on their behalf rather than a violent one like he was expecting. It was then he noticed that these men were much larger than the ones that they had killed.

"Elitists of the group? Perhaps the leaders? It might explain why there are much more cautious than the others." He thought this to himself and furrowed his brow slightly. It was certainly the same boorish language from the sound of it. However the increase in size served to concern him. The others he had struck down true but he was lucky that he did it before they could hit him back. These would not only be tougher to kill but he was sure packed a greater punch.

As he saw them start to head back to camp he furrowed his brow in a frustrated expression. "No no no!" He yelled in his head "Get on the ramp you dumb animals!" No sooner had this thought left his brain then did the one who had stayed uttered it's final phrase. His brain at first ignored it having gotten used to being able to make no sense of it. However the phrase caught cords in his brain that made him replay it in his mind. When he did his mouth gaped sightly "That....sounded almost like common." he thought to himself.

2011-09-30, 03:43 PM
Bedivere stopped, wheeled about, and stared. Though not apparent on his expressionless face, a feeling of immense bemusement and intrigue had been roused. They were curious... They were civilized... Slowly at first, he stepped back onto the ramp. Springing the party's trap completely forgotten, he walked forth.

Thankfully, Thamior had made the smartest decision and remained hidden; it was reassuring to have back up. As if I would falter without him. This unexpected surprise was enough to warrant investigation, even if there was a degree of danger. Bedivere approached within 15 feet of the creature, stared.

Recognition struck, and Bedivere realized that this creature wished to know what he was. He shrugged out of his cold weather cloak, folding it over his arm. The sunlight reflected brilliantly off his body, yet no heat warmed him. A small breeze chilled the mage, but he remained stoic as he displayed his crystalline form to the caveman. The priest had been awed, perhaps this beast had witnessed the eidolons.

His voice was an embodiment of tranquility, though one could not be sure if he was trying to keep the creature calm or just speaking normally, "Yo Bedivere, Eidolon of Hield." The magician pointed to himself, and then to the creature. "What yo?"

Bluff: [roll0]

2011-10-01, 02:55 PM
A look of bemusement, and then pleasure, crossed the mans face.

"Yo Mar!" He called out.

Before further conversation had could be reached, a great stomping could be heard. Coming up behind the man at tremendous speed was a particularly large brute. His black hair glistens with sweat and his body is covered with fur. He stopped short as soon as he noticed what the talking up here was about.

"No mah me kirin! No mah be vailliu! No mah te lav!" He called out. At this, the three smaller brutes cringe, but then ready themselves with their clubs. The one closest to you, the one talking to you, looks truly reproachful of what he is going to have to do. He begins to walk down the ramp, not hastily, but not slowly either.

The other three brutes from the room quickly over take hi and make it half way down the ramp before you have the presence of mind to react. It seems they couldn't care less about you, they just want to please this bigger looking man.

Bedivere: The men run to you! Well, seems that plan didn't work... they are about 15 feet from you still, so you will have the chance to get the hell out. Though that smarter one is on the ramp, should the bolder be loosed now, he would be injured or even killed by it.

Know: Nobility and royalty: DC 15: [roll0]UNTRAINED: It would seem the large brute is some kind of ruler here. Seems this place would respect the strongest, not the wisest.


Thamior: You knew this wouldn't be easy...

You can leverage the bolder with a full round action and a strength check.

Initiative: [roll2]

Elsar: Seems rescue has arrived. Then failed. Curses. Seems you may have to free yourself.

You think you could probably break the bar you have been working on, and squeeze through the hole... (Str check and escape artist check)

Initiative: [roll3]

2011-10-01, 05:12 PM
Hopefully Thamior hadn't moved too far from the boulder, and would be able to get into position soon enough. Running away from the three brutes seemed to be the only reasonable plan of action. He was worried now, the arrival of this new creature was unforeseen.

His swift legs carried him down the ramp, sprinting away from the boulder and onto the tundra. He dashed onto the edge of the lake, out of the direct path of the ice boulder. There was something wrong, and it was gnawing at him. These men had turned on them seconds after the newcomer's appearance. They clearly did not wish to fight, but intimidation kept them loyal.

An idea came to him, it was simple but hopefully effective--decapitate the man and the body collapsed. He called out in Elvish, "Take out the new one!"

Full round move action

2011-10-01, 05:51 PM
This was truly unexpected. These brutes didn't even look like they wanted to fight and yet this one held power over them and it was obvious why. He was the biggest of them all which must make him like a wolf pack leader. The strongest rules. Before he even heard Bedivere's voice he knew what he must do. This newest brute must die.

Time seemed to slow down for the monk. His heart pounded in his chest as the adrenaline pumped into his body. His feet ran gracefully through the snow at a startling speed. His hands curled into fists of cast iron as he ran at the man. He easily got to him before he even knew what was happening. This was when Thamior was deadliest...when no one saw it coming. The monk wasn't extremely strong however his hits with smooth and calculated and came at a almost blinding speed. He didn't need accuracy for this attack. His opponent was off guard so he would use flurry of fists yet again. However he didn't want a counter strike so he made his first strike in a critical place trying to stun him.

First attack:
Attack roll: [roll0]

If attack hits Damage: [roll1]
Stunning fist: Fort save DC 13. If failed subject is stunned for one round and losses all AC bonuses for Dex and suffers a neg 2 to AC. They regain control directly before my next turn.

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll2]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll3] X2 plus [roll4]

Second attack:
Attack roll: [roll5]

If attack hits Damage: [roll6]

If a 20 is rolled Confirm Critical: [roll7]

(If unsuccessful see "If attack hits")

If successful
Damage: [roll8] X2 plus [roll9]

2011-10-02, 12:55 AM
Indeed, elsar will attempt to break the wooden bar, slide out, and use whats left of the bar as an off hand weapon.

2011-10-02, 02:08 PM
DM notes:

N1: [roll0]
Leader: [roll4]

N1: [roll5]
Leader: [roll9]

2011-10-02, 02:14 PM
DM notes:

N1: [roll0]
Leader: [roll4]

N1: [roll5]
Leader: [roll9]

2011-10-02, 03:45 PM
Now that you can see him more clearly, you can see he is clothed. He wears blue leather garments, adorned with the odd gem. He has a large shield of steel slung on his back, and a longsword on his belt. It radiates a misty cold. He has metal gauntlets on his hands, they would seem to be crusted with snow and ice.

The brutish leaders keen eyes spot Thamior's charge. He laughs as he points to Thamior's feet. A frosted beam erupts forth from his finger!

Ref save: DC 15 [roll0]

You find your feet frosting over as you make your move. This could be bad... your feet begin to lose traction on this icy surface, and you slip up.

Damage: If save: none. If no save: [roll1]

The monster of a man opens his mouth. "Yo come here? Yo fight Ulrue? Yo take Ulrue gold? Yo die here, yo no leave. Thruk, No amin tor kam'un!" The monstrous man turns and retreats further into the cave, as if to entrust your lives to his brutes.

The three brutes before Beidivere seem very angry all of a sudden. They seem to visibly grow in size, and wisps of steam leave their bodies.

Oh dear... The three of them take their full movement to pursue Bedivere. They manage to keep just about on his heels, and their clubs are brought to bear. Bedivere's only thought was fleeing this situation.

Elsar STR check DC 10: [roll2] if winYou manage to crack off a chunk of the cage as you break it. Its not uch, but it should do. Acquire makeshift club (Attack as per club, but with -2 to attack rolls.)

If lose: You manage to break free of the cage, but you cant take a bit with you. Shame.

Escape artist DC 10: [roll3] If win: You wriggle free of the cage.

If no: You unfortunately remain in the cage. You can try again next turn

You note the leader of the brute walk away through a cave entrance to the south.

Thamior: Magic, curses. Your feet ache from the cold going through them, if you cant warm them up soon, you may risk frostbite. glancing behind you, you note one man on the ramp, the other three seem to have gone after Bedivere.

You can see a small blue hue mingled in among heavy blankets nearby, at the base of a stalactite.

You note the leader of the brute walk away through a cave entrance to the south.

Bedivere: How inopportune... the beasts are following you by a good fifteen foot margin. They seem about as quick as you, even with your reformed legs.

It seems you may have the drop on them though, they seem particularly susceptible to external influence. How else could that brute have gotten leadership?

DM notes:

Initiative order:

2011-10-02, 06:11 PM
Bedivere knew at once he could not outrun these brutes for long. Sooner of later he would slip up, and then it would all be over. His mind ticked and churned, thousands of gears calculating and estimating; As they turned, a plan came into view. It was not entirely sound, but neither was fleeing.

The mage muttered phrases of arcane power, his fingers drawing and slashing a harsh figure in green light. Power surged forth from Bedivere, his core glowed with energy as the spell neared completion. As the final phrase passed his lips, the humanoid figure collapsed into an eerie green singularity

The mage pitched forward right as a gargantuan club came down. A loud cry of pain escaped him as he his body hit the snow. Stepping over him was an immense neanderthal. Dark hair covered his rippling muscles, and a hammer of shining metal was held in his hands. The image was now in front of Bedivere, blocking the sight of whomsoever believed its existence. Cautiously he stood up, not moving an inch from his position behind the obscuring image. The massive creature shook his hammer in the air, pointing it to the neanderthal fighting Thamior. Changing and deepening his voice as much as possible, Bedivere cried out, "Yo! Me yo ledair. Attack! Attack yo enemee" Most of what he was speaking sounded just like broken common, but hopefully that would impress upon the brutes his intellect.

Silent Image
DC 17 to disbelieve
Knowledge (Nature) (humanoid details): [roll0]
Knowledge (Bluff/Disguise) (same modifier anyway): [roll1]

Move Action: stand up from prone

2011-10-02, 09:33 PM
Once free Elsar takes scope of the room, gauging where the newly arriving guys, and any unfriendly hosts. He will take notice of exits, and the closest armed guard.

2011-10-03, 11:38 AM
As the ice beam hit his feet his cursed lightly at the sharp pain that flooded his all ready cold feet. He ground his teeth together in pure frustration but thanks to his years of training he managed to stay on his feet. And both heard and understood what this leader was saying to him.

As the leader turned to leave he considered going after him. However he knew the feeling in his feet. They were burning at first but now he could feel that he was starting to lose feeling in them. If he got frostbite on his feet he wouldn't be of much use to anyone at all. He had to warm them up. Both the leader and Bedivere would have to wait for his help. He saw the fire pit that the brutes were sitting around and headed toward it as quickly as he could. He got as close as he could without hurting himself and would wait just long enough to make sure he didn't end up frostbitten. He had to be patient...even if it was very difficult.

2011-10-04, 02:40 AM
Elsar: You note one of the brutes, the one who spoke common before that was not the leader, is standing on the ramp looking apprehensive.

You note three smaller caves deeper into the cave complex, each covered in a fur drape. You have only been held in this main antechamber. You notice the leader leaves into the southernmost cave entrance.

There is a ramp leading to the tundra here.

Thamior: Your feet plunge into the firepit. You begin rubbing them near the fire to hopefully stave off the imminent frostburn.

DC 16 Heal [roll0] Succeed: You manage to warm your feet up rapidly, and you think most of the damage will be prevented. However, in doing so, you may have been a little over zealous with the fire... you take [roll1] fire damage.
Fail: Oww ow ow, your feet are taking to the cold faster then you can warm them. take 1 point of nonlethal frost damage and take a -2 to dex.

Bedivere: The beasts charge behind you, maybe 15 feet behind! Just as you feel the whish of sinking brute breath behind you, you drop to the ground. You are calm and lucid though, knowing the man is a mere thought of yours, a clever spun lie given image through your force of will.

The brutes hold up for just a moment... You cannot be sure if they pecieve your illusion just yet. One, however, says to it "Oraiuk thori caum? Var um Ulrue?"

DM notes: 3 brutes by bedivere will saves: [roll2][roll3][roll4]

Save DC: 17

2011-10-05, 01:12 AM
Bedivere focused, his mind centered upon the illusory shield between him and the beasts. As long as the mage's adversaries refrained from interacting with it, he should be fine for now. The great brute Bedivere had crafted held his ground, chest puffed out and hammer displayed proudly. Its glimmering metal seemed chill the air around it, a purely visual effect though it be.

The magician froze as the other neanderthals questioned the newcomer. A good sign, at the least. Each moment the natives held their arms was a sliver of time in which Thamior might fell his own opponent-- division and conquest. Despite all omens, the mage knew his luck to be dwindling quickly. They could not be fooled forever, as Bedivere did not speak their language.

His brain stretched and spun the phrasing, trying to make sense of anything at all. He pondered each word, extracting meaning like an alchemist would from reagents.

Decipher Script/General Intelligence Check: [roll0]
To determine the meaning of what the neanderthals had said.

2011-10-05, 03:53 AM
Bedivere:You find yourself baffeled by the crude language of the locals. It seems you can't speak even a shred of this language. But... Maybe. Your luck may be sufficient to repeat one of the phrases you heard and have it bear meaning.

Ooc: if you do, referance the post number uou take it from.

2011-10-05, 08:57 PM
"Pushdug!" he swore as he felt his feet freeze faster than he could warm them in the fire. The phrase he used was an Orc curse roughly translated to "dung filth". He had picked up the habit of doing all his swearing in the rough Orc language since few seemed to know it and the barbaric nature of the species fit rather well with what he used their language for.

He was going to be less quick to respond because of this frostbite however there was no time to waste now. He had to save Bedivere who he was sure was in a lot of trouble. He needed him if he was going to have any hope of beating their leader. He rushed back toward the ramp however in his mind he knew that he couldn't fight these three brutes alone. He needed to find another alternative and he needed to find it quick. His dark green eyes fell on the man that still stood on the ramp and he spoke quickly for he knew that this man was the most reasonable. He needed to get his help...he was sure that he could stop this. He spoke in common and hoped to the gods that he understood it well enough to get what he meant. "You have to stop this! They're going to kill him! If you stop this i swear to you that we will kill that monster in the cave and you can take his place."

He stood tall and strong as he waited for a response hoping for Bedivere's sake that this Man wanted to lead and saw that we could make that happen. However if it was not he prepped himself to sprint to Bedivere's aid. He would fight though he doubted he could take these three brutes especially since these ones seemed to be even bigger than the ones they faced before.

2011-10-09, 04:20 AM
Thamoir: " Me be chief? But, me no strong chief! But Ulgar bad chief. Ulgar make me hurt. Me help!" With this, the smarty brute before you scoops you into his arms and rushes you off to his former allies.

Before you can react to this, you feel a sudden weightlessness. Boy, this giant can run fast. You have almost made it to them already. You try and bring yourself to a halt, but it seems your feet dont have traction in this open air... wait...

Bedivere: You can hear a shout of brute before a stomping of feet, but it seems distant, so you ignore it in favor of the closer threat.

The men before you are confused. "Whuo urok tho?" the first cries, swinging a massive fist at the illusory giant. Seems your lie is about up...

What is that from the corner of your eye though?

The smart brute comes full speed from the cave entrance. Just as you think this cant possible be worse, the elf comes screaming through the air from the giants powerful shot-put throw. Thats one way to get to the fight, I guess.

Thamior: May as well make the most! You let out an iron fist as you fly to the beasts. [roll0] [roll1]

Ref save dc 13 [roll2] If fail: Seems you couldn't roll with this punch. Take [roll3] damage as you bowl into the brutes

Bedivere: Could be worse, the monk is now in the air bowling into the beasts. Seems they have forgotten your illusion, for now. Good thing, too. You are sure one of the brutes saw through your feint.

Elsar: You stand bewildered. What just happened?

2011-10-09, 11:19 AM
Elsar "Dude? What just happened?"

2011-10-10, 02:42 PM
Lines of worry tangled and knotted within Bedivere's core. A few spells had been held in reserve for just such situations; these situations being whenever there was imminent danger of being shattered into a million pieces. The sound of each second marching by resounded in his ears, as if he had a heartbeat again.

Frozen there, each word rebounding inside his brain, Bedivere came to a realization. They wanted a name. The magician had spotted a glint of understanding in the eye of one neanderthal, yet the others did not seem to know. Perhaps it had been a trick of the light anyway. There was confusion, and Bedivere would try to keep it going for as long as possible.

"Yo me Rogan", projected Bedivere. His emotionless voice resounded deeply, trying to appear as if he was speaking through the large neanderthal. It swung its hammer in response to the raised fist, its shimmering metal whirring through the air with tremendous force. The swing made a trail of crackling, azure energy. The vicious swing ended with the hammer back at its owners side, with no intent on attack.

A howl, and Bedivere heard what he presumed to be Thamior fly toward the neanderthals. He couldn't see well through his illusion, but he spotted the blurs of four or five figures moving about, one noticeably smaller than the others.

Yet suddenly a peripheral event dragged his attention away from the fight. The mage turned halfway around, not putting his back to the neanderthals, yet neither to the newcomer.

[spoiler]Bluff (ventriloquism): [roll0]
Spot (peripheral thingy): [roll1]

2011-10-13, 04:05 PM
His heart pounded in his chest as he found himself soaring through the air. This was not what he had in mind when he asked the man for help! However, this didn't stop him from taking advantage of the situation. He was going to be in the battle which he didn't want but at least he would get the drop on them. As he soared toward them he attempted to throw a punch but he misjudged the distance and just ended up hitting nothing but air.

However, he did stick his landing which was in fact what he wanted and he landed behind all of them though between two of them for easier striking. He needed to hit quickly before they regained their footing. His limbs moved like greased lightning again using flurry of blows. His first was directed at the one to his right and then the other to his left.

Attack roll: [roll0]
If it hits: Damage: [roll1]
Critical if 22: Damage [roll2] X 2 Plus [roll3]
Second Attack
Attack roll: [roll4]
If it hits: Damage: [roll5]
Critical if 22: Damage [roll6] X 2 Plus [roll7]

2011-10-14, 05:36 AM
This seems to be getting out of hand... fast! The monks attacks, while furious, are ineffective against the brutes. Perhaps its time for a new strategy... at least until his feet are not bright red and swollen! That must be taking his edge off his blows.

The brute before you, with the hammer, calls out "Yo me Rogan!" just after the monks crash landing and ineffective bashing. He is met with a prompt reply to his flourishing hammer by the voice of the smart one, Mar.

"Yo Mar, Rogan. Teh shal me to nah? Krak! Rauh! Merk! No erf gah le toah! Rogan to me no rah! Elf no keh teh rah mu Ulrue! Me teh es Ulmar!" All of this odd language slips off his tongue with ease. You recognize some of the words. Seems he substituted some common for his native tongue, as you doubt the term "elf" is used in much more then common.

After his speech, his fellow brutes seem to calm down a bit. Rogan seems to stand there, listlessly. It seems, while he is noticed, they are not paying full attention to him.

"No yo rah elf?" Asks the first.

"No yo rah elf!" replies Mar. The first looks sad for a moment, and his stomach growls loudly. Seems Mar just saved you from the stew pot!

Mar approaches Bedivere, now that he and his allies have halted their hostilities.

"Yo, yo an elf make Mar Ul? Make mar... chief? Mar no chief, mar no Ul. Mar knows good Ul, though. Mar say Koran Ul. But we need find Koran first.

First Ul, Uldoeh, Ulrue kill Uldoah. Koran Uldoah... mate. They lead yo, good Ul and Ko. Till rue. Ulrue take yo, he take yo and he make yo... raid.

But all better now that yo here! Yo save yo from Ulrue! Yo help make Koran to Ulran!

But yo go alone. Yo risk, we yo too fraid of Ulrue. No help to yo.

Oh, and me Yo in cave, they not know yo save them from Ulrue. So yo careful! Yo no kill. No kill, all but Ulrue!"

Int check: DC 10

Bedivere: [roll0]

Thamior: [roll1]

Elsar: [roll2]

Win:You are able to make out some of his native words.

It seems "Yo" can mean you, him, her, us, we, you all, or really any group of people. you presume it is a pronoun for any given occasion, and its meaning should be based off of context.

You surmise that Ul is a prefix to a name, meaning chief. The leader of this clan, Ulrue, was once simply Rue.

You also deduce that Ko is likely a smiler such title, perhaps meaning mate or spouse?

He finishes his speech. Seems he intends for you and your allies to venture deeper into the cave, and remove Ulrue from command. They also seem to have a replacement lined up, putting their faith in this "Koran".

Bedivere, Thamior:You find yourself standing outside the main cave. The brutes are here too. The one, Mar, seems to be urging you on to the cave. He would probably speak with you more, but you doubt he will go with you into the cave to confront Ulrue.

Elsar: You find yourself in a cave. You note that the large, leader looking brute from before exited the southernmost door. You can hear that familiar voice in your head, urging you onward. Its never led you wrong before, but perhaps it is time to make acquaintances with the people outside the cave.

OOC: Please, do write a bit more in your posts. It only takes a few minutes to whip something good up, and I know you to be a creative man. I run my games much more free style. Please, feel free to take assumptions about people, places, and things. As long as they are within reason, you are ok to do it.

I figure, my job as DM is to create a broad tapestry and story of the world. Your job as a player is to fill it in with all the details.

What do you do?

Please, in your next post, put your status up. This includes: Hp and other damage, debilitating or disabling effects, and ALL of the items you have with you. Thanks!

Quest list!

Main: Save Annie!
Find and rescue Annie, a young human woman from Froville. You believe she was taken by the Frostfel barbarians in the area.

Bedivere: Learn more about that odd vision...: You should probably look into that odd vision you had. particularly that riddle that was given to you. It may not be relevant, but its strange words still echo in your mind...

Eyes of one, but bodies three,
I am the man, on all his legs, four, two, and three,
But no man am I,
And all fear me!"

Side: Free the barbarians!: Well, you could just kill them and take their stuff, but they have "Offered" you a chance to help them. Perhaps a powerful ally could be gained here?

2011-10-14, 09:01 AM
Elsar progresses into the cave following his intuition.

2011-10-16, 02:30 AM
Bedivere saw the huge, intelligent barbarian and recoiled as he braced himself for the charge. Yet the natives did not shatter him, littering the ice packed ground with glittering shards. Rather, its booming voice called out and hostilities ceased. A wave of pride swept through Bedivere as he straightened to face the large man; he would show no fear, for he was beyond such fool notions.

Just as suddenly as it'd appeared, the hammer wielding neanderthal vanished from view. A meaty hand beat against his chest in one last act of defiance, as it vanished into trails of arcane energy. With the faint whoosh of a fire being doused, the illusion was gone.

Bedivere watched silently as the leader told his men not to devour the Elf. Their eyes met, two cunning and alert, the other two empty and soulless. The native must have been four or five feet taller than him, though there was no size advantage magics could not correct. There was no such thing as fear.

Listening as the one named "Mar" spoke, it became clear to Bedivere that there was a plan driving each word. Yet it became unclear, did Mar desire impeachment for power or justice? Did this one desire the throne so he could seize power ultimately, or perhaps what he said was true? There was no way to tell, just yet.

After Mar fell silent, Bedivere took the floor. Each word came out like his counterparts- calculated. 'We shall aid Mar, find Koran. Also find "Annie", small girl.' The magician pointed at the Elf, and indicated low height as in a small humanoid. [/i]"Perhaps her fire magics shall aid us. We need Annie. Then we help Mar, make Ul Koran."[/i] This way, at least, they would delay any more murder. The mage glanced at the sky, each cloud floating past the scene unconcerned. How easy it would be, to be made of sky.

Yet the echoes of a not so distant time and place resounded in his mind. Thoughts of a floating lantern and burning oils of prophecy. There are far too many questions unanswered, to simply let go and be a cloud.


Silent Image Dismissed!

Sense Motive (Mar): [roll0]


22/22 HP
No status effects.

Cold weather clothing
Snow goggles
Archivist Tome

Spells Remaining
0th - Archivist
Mending x3
Know Direction

1st - Archivist
Pass Without Trace
Ease of Breath

2nd - Archivist
Thin Air
Cat's Grace
Bull's Strength

0th - Wizard
Read Magic x4

2nd - Wizard

2011-10-16, 03:37 AM
Bediveres speech seems well received. Mar seems a touch ansy about what Bedivere has said, but it seems more like someone who wishes to correct someone in the proper use of their language then someone with a real argument.

However, mar does speak up, after a bit. "Annie? No know Annie. Maybe uldro know... No! Sha re klah! ULDRO!"

Mar takes off running back to the cave.

Should you stay on his heels: You follow him, quick as you can.

Just inside the cave, pulling herself out of a small pile of furs, is a woman. Maybe woman is to broad of a term. She is short, very short. Perhaps, 2 and a half feet? her skin is tinted a deep blue. Her eyes and ears almost appear elven, with slight points to them. her slender body is accompanied by a small voice as she pipes up.

"Yo rah, Mar. Yo rah. Oh, dear." she regards you "You are not one of them. Be you servants of Iborighu? Or perhaps slaves to a being even more foul?"

A shriek can be heard in a room nearby, a cave entrance to the north. It is very feminine in nature. Shortly thereafter, the scream of a big feline creature can be heard.

She speaks again. "Seems it shant matter much, newcomers. Kat is in trouble, and we must save her! To arms!"

With a flourish of her small blue hand and a strange utterance, a massive (Relatively) column of fire erupts forth from her forearm. She takes a few steps twords the northernmost door.

Spellcraft check DC 15:
Thamior: [roll0]
Bedivere: [roll1]
Elsar: [roll2]
She is casting the spell "Flame Blade" and it seems she has done it quite a few times.

Know, Nature DC 10
Thamior: [roll3]
Bedivere: [roll4]
Elsar: [roll5]
She is smaller then a halfling or gnome, but not so tall as a dwarf. She is small, at any rate. Her blue tinge would suggest an affinity to snow lands, good camouflage.

If 15+: She is an uldra. The uldra are a small people, with great influence in the frostfel, being one of the few who can survive its ravages naked. Not that they like to do this. They are natural spell-casters, often calling upon the forces of the frozen wastes around them. They often do not deal with strangers, but they are rarely outright hostile to them.

If 20+: Most uldra are good at heart, an they are the chosen race of the deity Hleid. Some, however, are very very evil indeed. Some of the most feared natural disasters in the frostfel have been caused by the few uldra who take Iborighu as their patron. Some think the whole of the frostfel is a result of one very evil uldras scheme to alter his sphere of influence.

Callisto: What the hell? How in the world did you end up here? Your body feels weighted down. Glancing about, you note the large amount of furs you are wearing. Seems helpful enough, even though you don't need them. Seems whoever dressed you thought you might.

You can see your breath in this small cave area. You are on the ground, hogtied. Your wisps of air are escaping your mouth and nose in a playful fashion. You are starting to think that maybe an escape wouldn't be too hard, given the silence in this small area.

Maybe the sound is just masked by the ringing in your ears.

You take one last, deep, breath before trying to slip your bonds. You know your magic wont help you get out of this one, and seems your little friend is missing for the time being.

As you exhale, you notice a large puff of steam before you. It looks like frosted breath... smells like fish. Then you see it. Laying on the ice, just a few feet from you, is a large yellow cat. You mistook it for a fur pelt at first, but now you note its rhythmic breathing patters.

Before you can control yourself, you let out a rather loud cry. You slam your mouth shut, but too late! The beast awakens, and with a feline yawn/roar, it eyes you. Its large teeth are like sabres jutting forth from its mouth. You begin to picture all the ways it will hurt when those go in you... Ouch! Hopefully you can find a way out of this one, but you aren't exactly fates friend in this kind of position...

2011-10-16, 05:42 PM
The gentle whistle of cold air through the cave woke her from her sleep. Nothing around her looked familiar and the bindings around her wrists and ankles made her back ache. She must have been laying there for some time she thought as she shifted in an attempt to relieve her body of the stiffness she felt. She tried to remember the last thing that happened, where she had been prior to this, but a sharp pain shot behind her eyes. She gave up the fight and let her head fall back to the cave floor in surrender.

Locks of hair splayed over her face, but through a gap in the curtain her eyes found the large beast laying before her. Her reactionary yelp awoke the predator and her eyes widened as it uncurled itself from sleep. Razor sharp claws and teeth presented themselves as a message to her that she was being guarded and not to make any movements for escape. She waited, staring back at the beast, looking right into its amber eyes. If it meant to harm or eat her, she would have woken up with an open belly. As frightful as its appearance was she calmly looked around, twisting slowly to see as much as she could.

The furs that someone had dressed her with began to stick to her skin and she felt an uncomfortable wave through her body that made her crave the icy chill of the northern wilds. Despite her cranky state she listened carefully, holding her breath for any clues that someone was around.

She heard nothing but the quickened beating of silver in her blood.

Listen: 3

2011-10-17, 01:39 PM
The elf did what he did best of all. He stopped and he listened letting his crystal friend do all of the talking. He had never been much of a people's person and had no real desire to get involved in the conversation. However he did interject "Also i must warm my feet. Snow bite them. Make them burn."

He watched as the one brute made a mad dash toward the cave and was about to go after him but decided that in his current state it might not be the best plan. He looked at Bedivere with a questioning look as if wanting to know what he should do in this situation. The elf had no illusions about Bedivere being smarter than he was.

2011-10-17, 04:59 PM
Thamior: Just as the small lady dashes away...

Spot: Dc 15: [roll0]

You note a few berries on the ground where the small blue lady was sitting. Perhaps she was munching on them? Noting that she currently has a column of flame erupting from her, she is probably magical. Perhaps these berries are more then they appear?

On a 1:They are goodberries, and you scavenge up three of them.
On a 2:They are illberries, and you scavenge three of them.

2011-10-17, 05:10 PM
"Aha goodberries i remember these from my studies. Perhaps these will be just what i need to help with my injuries." He thought to himself as he popped one of the three berries into his mouth.

As he did something popped into memory when he thought of the frostbite. He remember a blue hue coming out of some heavy blankets at the base of a stalagmite up at the camp. Out of curiosity he walks back up to the camp saying "Give me a moment there is something i want to check on." He would then go back to the spot he saw that hue and investigate on what it might be.

2011-10-17, 05:13 PM
Thamior looks in a daze for a moment, before putting it together. The blue hue was the skin of the small lady! Of course!

And he is standing in the camp! How could he oversee this!

However, more pressing matters, as that poor voice is about to be attacked in just the other room!

However, your feet do feel much less damaged, as the goodberries magic washes through you.

Thamior: Heal 1 HP and lose frostbite.

2011-10-19, 02:49 AM
Static danced within Bedivere's crystalline lattice as he followed Mar, running at full speed to catch up with the group's new found ally. Though he could not speak for the elf, the magician had a contingency plan should disaster strike. This coalition would wither and die the moment Ulrue was beheaded. Whether its abolition would bring hostilities or not, he knew not.

Bedivere had made it not ten feet in the smokey cave than he spotted a small native girl. She was wrapped heavily in furs, yet had a strange hue to her skin. She spoke, yet Bedivere hardly heard her as images of small blue skinned people flashed through his mind. They wielded respect and power in this place, the frostfel. Though their stature was small, their might was great. As the cloudy images dispersed like smoke, the small uldra's arm erupted into flame. He recognized the simple spell as flame blade. She took after her people, it seemed. A spellcaster.

The sound of a scream had summoned the uldra elsewhere. As she flitted off, he contemplated the situation. He was not entirely convinced as to anybody's motives right now, and this new creature of intelligence changed nothing despite their kinship in trade. Blithely, he followed the uldra.

2011-10-19, 04:09 AM
The northern cave entrance opens into a small room. It has a single stalactite jutting upwards and is rather small. Two pathways lead out, one to the south-west and one to the south. You entered the south-west exit.

Map: http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb438/yeturs/Forge2.jpg

A human figure lies on the ground here. It seems to be bound and tied into place, helpless.

More noticeably, a very large sabre toothed tiger takes residence here, eying the human hungrily.

The uldra flies into the room as fast as her small feet can take her, arm still ablaze. She makes it in just in time to notice the cat about to rip open its meal.

"Kat! No!" The uldra calls. "Your Nevren says no! NO!" The beast looks down at its paws, guiltily. Seems these two have a bond, or at least a friendship. The cat probably wont attack you, unless it is given the go ahead.

"What happened here?" The uldra asks the beasts "Did those nasty neanderthals hurt you? Trap you in here away from momma? Im sorry. As soon as we can get that nasty Ul out of place and find Daisy we can go. We have business with the Sisters! You remember the Sisters, right? Heard they finally got a third. Nice young local too. So come along, Katriun, lets go get us something to eat!" The beast, Katriun, looks happy. As if these words have given it something of a goal. Besides, one human is nothing compared to that beast of an Ul up ahead!

The Uldra turns to you. "So then. Kat is safe, turns out theirs just a prisoner in here. Must of spooked her. Poor girl. My name is Navren. Pleased to meet you. You may have overheard, but I have something of a quest to get back at this Ulrue here. Nothing good he is brewing up in here. Nothing good at all.

He took me prisoner when my search for Daisy brought me here. Daisy is an old friend of mine, an old friend with great gifts. Im sure Daisy would show appreciation if you would help me in my search! What say you? Shall we join forces, and take on this Ulrue? Find Daisy?

Also, Great rewards in store. Well, moderate rewards. Well, lets just say a reward is in store!"

Bedivere: Wait... Sisters? Three? Young girl? Maybe... Curses! Seems Annie is not here, but is instead with these sisters.

You feel the word sisters echoing in your head each time you think it... Odd.

Thamior: Herm. Reward? Seems like this may be something to consider. But in any case, Annie would appear to be with these "Sisters" to the far north.

Elsar:Oooooh, a reward! You have a nasty habit of not turning those down, especially when its a task as easy as this!

Although... You do remember the name daisy from somewhere... Ah well. It may come up.

Callisto: Well then. That could have ended worse. Hopefully, thats just sweat down there. That would be embarassing!

Ah well, these people dont seem outright dangerous. Perhaps you could talk your way into a cut of this reward. Ulrue rings a bell... In fact, you think hes the one who rung YOUR bell.

Maybe they would at least untie you? Hopefully?

But what of this human? You ponder the reasons for the humans being here.

OOC, all: You will have a bit of downtime. This room is rather well defended, and all of your allies (Save mar, but he said he wont be coming with you.) collected. You think, perhaps, up to 3 hours could be spent here before the daily hunters return.

Please, take some time and get to know each other. Talk amongst each other.

Stop Ulrue
Save Daisy
Find Annie

Rewards: Friendship of Daisy, Navren, the neanderthals, and the frovites.

Modest(ish) monetary rewards

Access to the "Sisters" and therefore, Annie

Good gaming thus far. Ill grant some XP after a quest objective is completed.

2011-10-21, 01:17 PM
Well it looks like they really had no choice in this matter. They needed to get to these "sisters" but to do it they needed to fight this Ulrue. His feet still were sore from the touch of the frostbite inflicted on him by that...thing. Looking up at the woman who had spoken he nodded his head slowly "I will help." He had never been a huge talker.

However first things first, he walked over to the woman lying tied up on the ground. Without a word he began to pull the ropes the were holding her in place. After he got the ropes off her he lay a hand on her shoulder "Are you ok?" He knew there might be a reason she was tied up but at this point he doubted it was significant. Better to see if she needed medical treatment.

2011-10-22, 03:19 PM
Callisto craned her neck to see the group of people that emerged from the cave's passageway. She lost all interest in the empty threats of the big cat when they all arrived and, the one clearly her master, stopped the impending feast. The beast shot her a glance that spoke 'lucky you' to her before backing up and exhaling a pent up cloud of breath.

It wasn't long after that a man couched down in front of her to untie the binds. When the ropes became loosened she quickly shed the blanket of furs suffocating her, allowing her tinted skin to kiss the cooler air of the cave. Snow white hair stuck to her exposed skin. She wore few clothes to speak of, though it was understandable that someone might try to dress her if they didn't know her.

She stretched out her back and stood, eyeing the beast but regarding the man before her.

"Hello" she said, blinking and slowly taking in his appearance. "I'm not hurt, thank you".

She watched him with curiosity and astonishment. He had been close enough that if she were skilled enough she might be able to slit his throat at the first opportunity. It fascinated her to see someone help a complete stranger and possibly risk his own life. Perhaps he was confident enough in his own skills to feel as though he would handle any such situation.

A barrage of thoughts and emotions filled her with questions and only more arose when she looked to the other figures in the cave.

Where was she? Who were these people? What did they want with her...

The blue skinned huntress seemed to be occupied with others but Callisto had a feeling she had been the one to tie her up. She looked at her from afar, trying to get an idea of what she was about before the woman had a chance to put her guard up face to face.

Sense Motive:[roll0]

2011-10-22, 03:39 PM
The cave walls closed in around them like a tomb wrought by gods of ice and stone. Snarls and growls echoed thundered through the corridor as they entered the antechamber. There a massive tiger terrorizing a bound prisoner, who no doubt doomed regardless. In truth they all were. Yet the uldra beckoned to her beast, and the saber-tooth ceased at once.

Both uldra and cat appeared to share a bond, as the woman began speaking to it as if it were human. Suddenly Bedivere's lax interest snapped intently upon the stranger. His vision swimmed, polluted by a black haze. A puddle of strange liquid conflagrated, its empty pitch flames sputtering out untold prophecies. they finally got a third.
Eyes of one, but bodies three
Nice young local too.
I am the man, on all his legs, four, two, and three
You remember the Sisters, right?
But no man am I
It has been said, many years ago, that they allied with a powerful magic-use
And all fear me!

As if the universe were collapsing upon itself, the vision ceased. Before him stood Navren, talking on about somebody named Daisy. "Yes, we shall help. But we require you to take us to the Sisters upon the Ulrue's execution."

"Before we continue, what should we know of this Daisy?"

Knowledge (Arcana): (1d20+10) = 20
Knowledge (Planes): (1d20+10) = 18
Knowledge (Religion): (1d20+10) = 20
To recall any rituals used by witches/more primitive cultures that require three people

2011-10-22, 03:58 PM
Nevren, the Uldra, speaks.

"Daisy's a Dwarf, and a potent one of the Dwarfkin. Daisy was exiled some years back for the most traitorous of crimes, a shaven beard. It is said a dwarfs beard is equal to a dwarfs strength, I don't know. I dont frankly care, I just know that when daisy and I found each other in the wastes, it was fate. We venture together now, Me keeping us safe from creatures of the night and snow, Daisy keeps us well supplied. Here, Daisy made these out of gold coins. Think what could be done with proper materials!"

She tosses a gold ring to each of you. Inside each of them, scribed in dwarven, is "Sha reah tough to lan"

Know dwarven: A loop of gold, to calm the errant heart.

They feel a touch lighter then a gold piece, and even untrained eyes can see their craftsmanship is very high.

"And very well, Daisy and I were off to see the sisters anyway. What harm could come from a few more? So long as you prove your trustworthiness."

Knowledge (Arcana): (1d20+10) = 20
Knowledge (Planes): (1d20+10) = 18
Knowledge (Religion): (1d20+10) = 20
To recall any rituals used by witches/more primitive cultures that require three people

Well, you have read of the red wizards, but they reside in another plane. You know of some strange alchemical potluces that take 6 hands to put together, perhaps its one of those? Those are mere parlor tricks anyone could do though, they wouldn't need to steal away a girl for one of those. You know of some magic that is made stronger by like abilities being present, but you don't feel as if it is something as mundane as that.

No, in your mind, you feel an ominous surge. As if these sisters ahead are so important and so arcane, you couldn't possible know what they are up to. At least, not yet.

You can assume they are powerful, given the Uldras respect when she speaks of them.

Callisto: She seems to be well meaning, just wanting her friend back.

The elf in front of you seems strong, you doubt you could overpower him physically. However, he seems good natured.

That bizarre man in the corner, you haven't had a good look at him. He seems look the strong and silent type.

The cat seems to be named... Kat. That means something to you, but you cant recall what. Ah well, you shrug it off.

2011-10-22, 05:45 PM
From the look on the blue one's face, something was awry and she could feel the tension in the air. Callisto trotted across the cave and slid up to the pair, looking at the female with wide searching eyes as she spoke of this Daisy and dwarven beards. The whole exchange between them was very bizarre indeed.

The gold ring was tossed in the air and Callisto fumbled awkwardly with it until she could pinch it with her fingers and hold it in the light of the fire. The inscribed message flopped around in her brain, immediately making her wonder whether it held magic.

The fantasies of such notions made her squirm, regardless of the truth. She had little need for such trinkets -lest they be magical. Yet their assumption that she might desire the metal threw her into a loop of internally discussing man's obsession with shiny things.

"Who are these 'sisters' exactly?" Her words came out softly to escape the acoustics of the cave.

2011-10-23, 11:58 PM
Nevren regards the woman from the floor, Callisto.

"The sisters... well. I have a riddle for you. This is how they were explained to me.

Riddle me this: I am man of four legs by daybreak, two in midday, and three by sunset. What am I?

Truth be told, he is father time. Well, the sisters are like the man on all his legs, and none at all.

I still don't understand that, but they do seem like they are powerful. I was on my way to them to ask a question. They will answer you for a service, you know. I presume you have a question of your own?"

Sense motive DC 15:

Thamior: [roll0]
Bedivere: [roll1]
Elsar: [roll2]
Callisto: [roll3]

You discern she is well meaning, she is giving you what information she has, as esoteric as it may be.

She is not lying.

2011-10-24, 02:05 AM
He nodded to the woman as she stood up and revealed she was fine. He stepped back at that point and let things progress as usual just sitting back and watching things progress. He hardly had interest in speaking up since he was mainly an observing sort of man.

As the ring was tossed to him, a well a trained hand snapped up and caught it with relative ease. Rolling it around in his hands he looked at the inscription. Dwarfish it looked like which might explain the excellent craftsmanship. He had no idea what the inscription said though it made him wonder if it was magic.

He listened a bit more then frowned a little as he rolled the riddle around in his mind. "That...Makes no sense. Do you have any idea what it means at all? Any theories?" Even while he was asking his curiosity about the ring came over him. So just to see if it did have any obvious magical effects he slid it over his finger.

2011-10-24, 07:43 PM
"Yes I have many questions. First I would like to know where I am."

Callisto drummed her fingers on the side of her hip, contemplating the riddle as she waited for a response. With as little she knew about these sisters, she could only wait to find out how the people around her were tied to them.

A scoff pulled her lips sideways. Whoever the sisters were, they were gutsy enough to let strangers handle their dirty work. They sounded quintessentially human.

And the ring? Callisto watched the elf slip it over his finger and she followed suit, feeling the warmth from its home in someone's pocket. Everything felt warm to her and it was unnerving, even if bearable.

Her eyes narrowed in on the little gold ring, penetrating its skin in hopes of finding something magic inside.

Identify Magical Item
Spellcraft: [roll0]

2011-10-25, 01:14 PM
Nevren replies to Thamiors query. "Well, the humans around here call them Fate, but to the Uldra, they have always simply been the Sisters"

And then to Callisto again "And you are in the Ulrues caves, a small tribe of neanderthal. They set up camp in this cave after Ulrue took over, I think he may have heard of what is below...

Many years ago, this place was the forge of a powerful wizard, Delzomen. He sought to bring himself an immortal legion. But this is mere child's play for a sufficiently learned mage, Delzomen sought to remake himself a thousand times, all immortal and all ready to move. This was maybe... two centuries ago? All I remember was one day, as Daisy and I were walking past this place, all was quiet. Daisy said something must be wrong with old Delzomen. We rejoiced, as no one heard of the old wizard again.

But, this is not important."

Identify Magical Item
Spellcraft: (1d20+5)[9]

You cannot identify any spells in place. You would need to see some obvious magic from the ring to learn any more. Otherwise, you know of a rather easy, if expensive, spell that could help here.

Also, where is Ryu, not like him to miss something like this... Perhaps you should re-summon him?

2011-10-25, 05:31 PM
The statue that was Bedivere animated suddenly. He had given no response to Nevren's explanation, and neither had he posed a query. The ring lay forgotten in his pocket, as he cared not for such baubles. The newcomer had stolen his interest in how she seemed to insert herself, yet the mage knew fate brought together those who were meant to be. He would not intervene. Yet Nevren had mentioned a legion of clones, and suddenly Bedivere was enraptured.

"You are incorrect, the legion is of great consequence. They are, I believe, simulacra. This could prove to be not only our utter destruction, but that of the frostfel should the Ulrue find a means of directing them. I would recommend we remain alert for a control rod or tome."

As if it was almost an afterthought, Bedivere added, "My hypothesis is that the sisters will make themselves immortal, or attempt to. Or alternatively they're attempting to grant it. But that is not important now."

Bedivere gazed deeper into the cave, and wondered what arcane lore might lay within. Had he eyes, a flicker of desire would have glinted within them. "We should continue soon."

New side quest: get Bedivere a rod or preferably tome so he can learn some bamf magic

2011-10-26, 12:22 AM
He wore the ring and waited to see any sudden effects. He was disappointed when he did not but left it on anyway. Perhaps it would serve useful at some point in the journey.

His head jerked toward Bedivere and listened to his hypothesis. It all sounded quite extraordinary but really more like a horror story. However, he knew little of magic and knew that in this aspect Bedivere far surpassed him so he didn't question him on it. "I agree with Bedivere we should move soon. However I have something to say about our friend Ulrue...He knew where i was as soon as i left my place of hiding, as if he knew i was there. This is concerning to me since most of my combat prowess come from me being unseen."

2011-10-26, 03:13 PM
Nevren brings her attention back to the party, away from whatever dreamland fills her head when she isn't paying attention. "I do not know the sisters agenda, all I know is that for my life, the sisters have simply been. They have existed, all but unknown, out in these wastes for upwards of a century.

Simulacra? Haven't heard of them. Must be book-magic."

The large feline nearby growls menacingly. You may be taken aback for a moment, before realizing it was the cats stomach.

"Good point, we should get going soon. Bound to be something to eat down there. And I wouldn't worry about Ulrue's nigh magic senses too long, I have a little something for that."


Should you choose to leave at this point, one would do well to note this small caves exits. There is one to the west, and one to the south. They continue for a small rugged way before both opening back into the main hall, but not before the south passage makes a T intersection, having an east passage into the hall and a south passage continuing onward...

The temperature here is quite cold, you can see your breath!

Nevren accompanies you, as does Katriun the smilodon. Nevren actually jumps up and on top of the feline, riding atop its large flattened head. it pads along, almost silently.

You take note of your possessions, witch now include a crude gold ring.

Those of you who must drink note that you are getting thirsty, despite the cold.

Thamior: You find your previously snow filled waterskin filled with water, luke warm water at that! how helpful, but it did take several hours to do it.

Callisto: Herm... seems however you got here took some of your stuff to. You find, on your person and in the heaps of clothing on the ground, 10 gold pieces (Hidden away in your secret pocket), a sickle, a small assortment of berries, most crushed from your time on the floor, the rest frozen like you found them, and of course, the cold weather clothes. You know you naturally shrug off the cold, to a certain degree. While you are not worried about the temperature dropping much more, you do know that if its too cold your internal magics will falter, leaving you as defenseless to the cold as a baby!

Elsar: You take note of the pieces of gear you have, including a dagger, 15 gp, a few radishes from... you dont even remember where! and your cold weather gear.

2011-10-26, 11:47 PM
He nodded with a small smile "Then we should certainly proceed." He took out his water skin and drank the lukewarm liquid enjoying the feeling of the warm water in his belly. He was certainly enjoying his investment in this particular item. As he put his water skin away he felt something in his pocket that he had almost forgotten about. Pulling out the red gem on the copper chain he looked at it with a smile "Well hello i forgot i had you." Just for some safe measure he put the chain around his neck and let the ruby hang free.

Reaching around his back he pulled out a stale piece of bread and began to chew on it a little just to fend off hunger for a while longer. He could go a while without food but not while staying at the peak of his game. "Shall we be off then? Also i have food and water a plenty if anyone needs either." He didn't mind spreading out supplies. If someone likes you well enough they are less likely to screw you over. Besides he was going to need help taking down this beast whether he liked it or not.

2011-10-26, 11:48 PM
Elsar sifts through the equipment, smells and takes a bite from the raddish, the gathers the belongings, looks for something to stuff them in, puts on the cold weather gear, then listens around for anyone making noise. Smilling he says, righty-o, I'm going to need a stiff drink when this is through.

Elsar Looks around, and offers anyone near a raddish. Smiling, reveling he is missing a tooth. "Raddish?"

2011-10-30, 01:15 AM
For the warmer confines of the cave, Callisto was reluctant to ever wear much clothing. Travelling out in the wilderness was a different story. She was relieved to find her belongings and quickly dressed herself to get ready for travel.

Her thoughts strayed to Ryu and she thought to summon him, though did not want to alarm the others. Sometimes he could be.. intimidating.

"I am ready to go and my companion is coming to see us, I hope his appearance does not startle any of you." She breathed in steadily and found the right astral channel to contact him, summoning him to her side. He might want to hear about the sisters, and be aware of where they were headed next.

2011-10-30, 01:41 AM
Realization struck Bedivere as the blue woman spoke. She was not a disciple of arcane lores, but rather one who would dabble in that which she does not understand. A pity. Regardless, Nevren's miseuse of magic would matter little in the greater scheme of things. "A simulacrum is a copy of another creature crafted from ice and shadow. Yet we can't be certain they even exist within this cave, though we'll never discover the truth until we search for it.

Ignoring the radish, he continued, [i]"I suggest we press on immediately." Though he suggested the entire party, the mage parted from the group and set off immediately. Every journey began with a single step, but first somebody had to make it.

2011-10-30, 05:39 PM
As Bedivere turns his back on the party, expecting them to follow, a shimmering light covers Callisto, inscribing a rune upon her forehead. From this rune steps a man, small at first, but soon growing to full size. He is wearing a kilt, and has a great blade slung across his back. His face appears normal, save the area about his mouth, with leads his face with almost a snout like protrusion. He wears an identical mark upon his forehead and his face is painted half blue.

He regards the party, "Hello, noble ones. I see my granddaughter has made some friends. I approve of the idea. My name is Ryu, and I am here to assist Callisto. Carry on."

"Oh" Remarks Nevren "How curious. More humans, I wasn't aware that was how you humans multiply. At any rate, lead on."

Always presuming this motley crew follows Bediveres lead. Nevren and her feline mount follow behind you, taking the rear of the party. Ryu follows just behind Callisto, always keeping watch over her.

The party proceeds south, into the unknown reaches of the cave...


Just past a small swath of furs over a doorway, you can feel warm air. The area ahead is rich with the smell of cooked meats and toasting hairs, and one could even hear a small trickle of water if they listened closely. You can hear voices in that same odd tongue talking. Nevren whispers to the group they are telling hunting stories, but otherwise, she has no information about this room.

From the sounds you hear, you think there are perhaps 3 men listening to one telling a story. The furs block the view of the room for now, but moving them would not be hard at all.

What do you do?

DM notes


barbarian1 [roll0]
barbarian2 [roll1]
barbarian3 [roll2]
hunter [roll3]

1 [roll4]
2 [roll5]
3 [roll6]

The hunter is loyal to ulrue, and stands at the far end of the room, next to the entrance to ulrues cave. The three barbarians can be cowed to submission, and sit one near the fountain, one by the fires, and one on the other side the second (Other side of the fires).

the hunter will only live through this is ulrue calls him off or dies.

2011-11-02, 01:09 PM
We will listen in on the story form a far. Then move into a skulking crouch and shift over under cover and take a concealed position.

2011-11-02, 02:46 PM
He walked in complete silence with the party though he remained next to Bedivere. The mage had proved himself to the Monk time and time again in both bravery and intellect. When they reached the furs blocking their view he was honestly at a loss for what to do. Could these creatures be reasoned with? Should he try and sneak up on them and not risk it?

He frowned slightly then cocked his head to the side to catch Bedivere's eye. His lips moved gently and a whisper of an ancient language ,elegant and beautiful, rolled from his lips just loud enough for Bedivere to hear him.

(Bedivere and anyone else who knows elvish)
Translated to common it means: "What should we do? Should we fight or try and figure another way around them? Do you happen to have a spell that could help us here?"

Elf sense
Search check: [roll0]

2011-11-03, 03:51 AM
The cave continued. Ice and rock surrounded them like a tomb, though whether they were its robbers or soon to be occupants he knew not. His mind wandered to the deceased wizard who had made his home here. Perhaps we are both.

He had not commented upon what being Callisto had summoned, yet it intrigued him. Of course, any and all magic captured Bedivere's attention. Yet for all his readings he had never encountered something of that. Despite his musings, the mage remained silent for now was not the time for such idle chatter.

Matted furs hung from a portal, veiling the room beyond it from sight. Yet the smells and sounds of life emanated from beyond. Water, heat, food. These were all things his companions required, and if the group was fortunate then soon these resources would be at their disposal. Thamior whispered something in Elvish, the mage barely making out his words. His response was whispered in low Elvish, "I think perhaps we should discover who, or what, these creatures are. If they are women and children, they may pose no problem. Otherwise, I can send one of you through unseen. Or we could search for an alternative entrance. I hypothesize that this is a domestic area, though." Once more the magician fell silent, pressing his head close to the furs.

Listen (into other room): [roll0]
Move Silently (avoid being heard approaching the room): [roll1]

2011-11-04, 12:14 PM
Callisto stood quietly in the back watching the exchange between the elf and the mage. She was puzzled over why they were sneaking around but followed suit and stayed as silent as possible. Only her eyes made movements as she read the lips and recognized the elvish speech.

Anxiousness welled up in her as she watched them decide how they might discover who was on the other side. All this shadowy behaviour made her skin itch and she looked to Ryu, knowing that with one look at her face he would know what she was thinking. Even though her kind took precautions to conceal themselves, she was more direct than this sneaking around. It just wouldn't do.

Her curiosity finally took over and she calmly stepped forward to face the doorway.

"Who's there? We wish to speak with you." Her voice was loud and clear, there was no beating around the bush with her. She frankly didn't care who was on the other side, she just wanted to some answers.

2011-11-04, 03:20 PM
The revelry in the room behind the furs continues, as Elsar takes what cover he can behind a nearby icy outcropping. The elf and the mage confer in elven about a plan to take on this very likely hostile room of natives, but the human with the strange mark goes ahead and takes the initiative.

"Who's there? We wish to speak with you."

The sounds in the room die down. Only a small trickle of water can be heard, and the pleasant crackle of a fire.

You hear a voice call back, in a gruff tonality. "Uh rah? Me to no yo rah larktra. Yo rah uleck tar mo ner ammah."

"Um..." Nevren chimes in, in a whisper "He said something along the lines of 'Ready the stewpot, boys. Tonight, we feast.'

I suggest we ready ourselves, this could get ug...."

Just as she speaks her final words, a massive haunch of wood comes tearing through the furs.

Bedivere: Ref save: [roll0] DC 10: If succeed: You manage to jump back, out of the way, just in time! If fail: You can't move in time! Your head feels a familiar crack, and you take [roll1] bashing damage, as the attack glances off of your head

It slams to the ground before you, smashing the ice on the ground, and while it does not hit any of you directly, the shards of ice and resounding crack do manage to shake you for a moment.

Before you, heaving over a pile of newly torn furs, is a massive man. He looks to be about the same size as the men you encountered with Mar, when you first arrived. Behind him stands another, smiler man, and yet behind him stands a huge hulking brute with a rather small bow... at least in comparison!

He calls out to you, and while you cannot understand his barbaric speech, you can fully understand that he wants you for the large iron pot nearby.

Perhaps you should ready yourselves...

Initiative; all Bedivere:[roll2]
Callisto:[roll5] Ryu:[roll6]

Callisto: You can command ryu on your turn, and he will take the action you ask of him, unless he decides not to. Generally, regard him as a summoned monster. His default action is to charge the largest warrior type in melee combat.

His greatsword attacks with +3 and 2d6+3 damage, or power attacks with +2 and 2d6+5 damage.

OOC, all: You can now see into the room... Grats!


The area has three fire places, and an iron pot nearby one of them. it looks large enough to fit a man into.

There is running water on the east side of the room.

Some pathways lead off to parts unknown.

The bowman stand as the westernmost southwestern passage way, one man stands on the far side of the fire, and one stands just before you.

You stand at the narrow north passage, in the following order.

Nevren atop her companion

2011-11-05, 12:44 PM
He nodded before responding in elvish "Yes i agree. Let us see who we are dealing with." The words had barely left his mouth before the woman he had released gave away their presence. He held his breath and hoped to the gods that they were friendly. As the men burst through the fur coats a stream of Orc curses slipped from his tongue as he prepared himself for combat.

His combat ready eyes watched as he moved about 20 feet backwards. He watched each of the men his eyes fell on the man with the bow...here he could be of some help. Arrows he could easily deal with because of his years in the monastery. A plan crosses his mind that makes him smile and he immediately locks eyes with that bow holding brute. He shouted at him in what would be obviously a mocking voice even to one who didn't understand his language "You're mine Tiny!" Just to add a little more taunting to this he raised his hand and dragged his finger across his throat while keeping his eyes locked with his. He knew this would certainly get him nice and angry.

He prepped his body to deflect the arrow that he sure was about to follow. He wondered how long he could distract this one to save the others from what would be a devastating barrage of projectiles.

2011-11-06, 01:15 PM
Elsar hold position, and takes a look around for any additional units and objects laying around incase this gets ugly.

2011-11-09, 01:27 PM
When the massive piece of wood came hurling out from behind the curtain, Callisto threw herself to the side against the wall with a squeak. Her hands trembled violently then, but much less from the fright and more from the anger that began boiling inside her.

"How Rude!!" she bellowed as she jogged back to create distance between her and their attackers. She may have had a temper, but she wasn't invincible.

She always tried to talk things through, but now it was time to fight.

"Ryu! Take on the big one" her lips curved into something in between a smile and a scowl.

Basic Attack: [roll0]

Callisto curled her hand into a claw, conjuring an Eldritch Blast and aiming it at the opponent closest to her. She let blast sail through the air with a roar, hoping that it would hit her target.

Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-11-10, 11:52 PM
Bedivere, on the verge of replying to Thamior, was cut short as Callisto careened past him and into the cave. His hand shot to grasp her ankle, yet his reflexes failed and she vanished beyond the veil. The faintly lambent spheres that were Bedivere's eyes stared back at Thamior for a moment, as if awaiting an explanation.

He was barely cognizant of the sound of heavy footsteps, and a faint whoosh. The mage threw his body against the wall with a clatter, barely evading the massive length of wood aimed to crush his skull.

Breathless, as usual, Bedivere stood. At this point, he realized a fight was inevitable. Improvising, he gripped the furs and ripped them from their hangings. Quickly he hurled the furs forward and stepped back. The mage dug his heels into the ground, readying himself to slam his body into the brute. Yet he waited, not wanting to attack without first seeing who he faced and where he was going.

Strength Check (rip furs): [roll0]
Improvised Attack (thrown furs): [roll1]
What a useless mage I am.

2011-11-11, 04:07 PM
Ryu takes his first steps forward mere moments after the brute crashes down the furs. His sword is off of his back in a flash, and its great steel blade seems to cow even you. Upon hearing Callisto's cry, Ryu nearly flies to the bowman in the back. Unfortunately, the brute before him takes his chance to strike!

Callisto: AOP vs Ryu: [roll0] on hit: [roll1]

Ryu skillfully ducks out of the way to make it to the bowman, however, and brings his sword to bear!

Attack: [roll2] If hit:[roll3]

Seems Ryu isnt the only one who can dodge, the bowman manages to avoid the steel.

Callisto: OOC: I gave you the wrong numbers last time for his attacks. This is him normal attacking, +6 and 2d6+5 damage. Sorry.

A nearby brute, one near the fires, sees this. Before you have a chance to stop him, he moves to flank Ryu!

Attack vs ryu [roll4] On hit (AC:15) [roll5]

His massive club connects with a loud thud against Ryu's back. Ouch!

The man with the bow seems to decide how ineffective this will be here. He drops it to his feet, with a clatter. He draws forth a large club, adorned with the skull of a sabretooth cat. He seems ready to bring its great fangs to bear against Ryu, but he hasn't the time just yet.

Thamior: Well, you had a plan. Good one at that. A shame. You find yourself here, ready to deflect arrows that will now never come. Ah well, at least you can defend yourself here.

+4 AC for full defense, because your readied action is failing beyond your control.

Thamior seems ready to speak up, before he puts himself into a defensive stance.

And just in time it seems! Another brute lumbers up to the cave you are in, and swings his great club down upon the defensive elf.

Attack vs Thamior: [roll6] If hit (AC: 15+4) [roll7]

Callisto brings her hand to readiness against the closes brute, firing a crack of energy from it. It sounds as loud as a lightning bolt! But only for a moment. The bolt of energies impacts the nearest brute, and he is brought to his knees, but still fighting.

Bedivere stoops over and picks up the furs, flinging them ineffectively into the room.

Elsar Looks about, but notices nothing he could use as a weapon nearby.

The brute before you swings his massive haunch, almost randomly, and he fails to hit anyone.

What do you do?

2011-11-11, 10:07 PM
Dismayed yet not surprised by his lack of efficacy, Bedivere opted to adhere to his bailiwick. His fingers waggled, hands bobbing and weaving as he began to incant. An arcane phrase flitted off his tongue, and a strange sensation flooding his body. Power surged through his crystalline as the power of a bull imbues them. Bedivere ducked back and behind Thamior, away from the neanderthals. His hands grasped the monk's shoulders, and all the energy in them channeled into him. The elf's muscles became as steel as they became strengthened by the spell.

Cast Bull's Strength on Thamior (+4 Strength)

2011-11-11, 11:50 PM
Elsar, looking eyes position to the upper left while recollecting "Daisy, hmm... Is there where I got my first std? Oh well, i'll come back to me"

2011-11-13, 01:13 AM
Unfortunate that his plan didn't work however, his defensive stance would help him for the other brute coming his way. The brute was clumsy though and he easily sidestepped the club. "Nice try but now it's my turn." No sooner had the words left his mouth before the monk sprang into action like an angry serpent. His limbs were a blur as he used a flurry of blows on the brute in front of him.

1st strike attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2nd strike attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-14, 12:22 AM
Chaos whirled around her with increasing speeds - fists and bludgeons mingling with roars of fury. When Callisto saw Ryu take a club to the back she plunged her hand through the air, casting Ray of Sickening on his flanker.

She yelled for Ryu to continue attacking his original target and knew he would continue to fight with everything he had left. Hopefully the sickness would help keep the flanker from gaining any advantage.

Ray of Sickening[roll0]
Ryu Power Attack: [roll1]

2011-11-14, 04:56 PM
Ryu swings his epic blade once more, at Callisto's urgence.

Attack by Ryu! If hit: [roll1]

Unfortunatly, Ryu's blade cleaves only the air.

The brute behind Ryu tries to connect with another mighty blow!

Attack vs Ryu: [roll2] AC:15 [roll3]

A second sickening thud is heard, and Ryu looks ready to drop.

Seeing his chance, the man with the tiger club swings violently back at Ryu.

Attack vs Ryu! [roll4] AC:15 [roll5]

Ryu is still standing, after the massive club opens up his chest, but only just.

Thamior swings at his brute, back at the entrance of the cave. His first fist misses, but his second connects with a sickening thud. Oof! He is still there, however, and he looks angry. He comes back with a fist of his own!

Attack vs Thamior: [roll6]AC:15 [roll7]

Thamior skillfully sidesteps the blow, bringing his foot up for a swift counter.

Thamior: Clumsy clumsy... You have sparred with wooden dummies better guarded then this! Now is your chance! You let loose a swift snap-kick!

AoP! [1d20+5 [roll8]

A massive crack is heard from the mans ribcage, as a great hemorrhage opens his stomach. He drops to the ground, bleeding internally from the force of the kick.

However, this is far from over!

Callisto fires a sickly purple beam forth from her fingers.

The brute just behind Ryu takes a purple ray to the back, just as he is bringing his club back into the air. Just before he brings it down again, he pauses. Suddenly, he lets loose a massive torrent of vomit upon Ryu.

Perhaps that could have turned out better...

Bedivere rushes behind the elf. With a few odd words and firm grasp of the elf's shoulders, he imbues him with the massive strength of the mighty Bull!
They call him... El Tauro Elf!
Thamior: +4 strength for three minutes... Like a boss!

The second brute seems to be confused by this. He can see this man, clearly not fleshy, do odd things with his fingers and say bad words. He makes the elf stronger visibly, even! This makes him confused and angry! But mostly ANGRY!

He swells up, his breath like steam from his frothing mouth. He swings his massive haunch once more, with great force! Woe to the one in HIS way!

Attack vs Thamior!:[roll9][roll10]

The attack is clumsy and easily avoided, however.

Elsar makes a quip, but is useful for little else at just this moment.

What do you do?

2011-11-14, 04:59 PM



balls'd the rolls, sorry.

2011-11-15, 01:10 PM
The elf was obviously enjoying himself very much in this fight. He moved like and snake easily avoiding all the blows aimed at him and returned them with fists that moved like greased lightning. "So clumsy" he thought to himself as he downed the first man. He gave a bloody grin as he felt Bedivere pour strength into his body the likes of which he had never felt before. Turning to his new opponent he lashed out again with his quick blows attempting to bring this man down.

First attack [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Second attack [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-16, 07:34 PM
Elsar having dagger in hand already, shifts his weight and move in to attack a savage.

2011-11-18, 06:18 PM
Bedivere never stopped casting, the words flowing from his mouth like quicksilver. He reiterated the incantation, changing the words ever so subtly. It started slowly, but swiftly gained tempo. He ducked back to Callisto, his movements twitchy and rapid. His entire body glowed with the arcane energy he had summoned, but it suddenly dimmed as he touched his ally. The same conduit between Bedivere and Thamior, opened between him and Callisto. Magic , a force no doubt familiar to the warlock, infused every movement. Suddenly, she found herself light on her feet, and quick to react.

Cat's Grace on Callisto.
+4 Bonus to Dexterity

2011-11-18, 09:51 PM
There was utter chaos in the cramped little corridor where they fought and Callisto repositioned herself as the strange mage grabbed her. She gasped as a surge of magic shot through her veins. Her heart raced and her eyes widened into crystal spheres of vibrant blue, scanning the bodies around her quickly. She was vulnerable in the tiny space and without hesitation she conjured her own magic to allow her to clamber up the wall on all fours quickly like a spider until she was out of reach of the swinging clubs.

At the next opportunity she would cast a bolt of energy at the neanderthal who spewed its stomach contents all over Ryu. She wondered what kind of shape Ryu was in at that point and only hoped he would be able to bring someone down before he would disintegrate into the spirit world again.

Eldritch Blast Attack[roll0]

Ryu Power Attack [roll2]

2011-11-19, 06:03 PM
Although it seems strained, Ryu brings his blade to bear against the ranger once more, this time, with the passion of knowing it may be his last attempt!

Attack by Ryu! : for [roll1] damage.

Callisto: I have no idea what you rolled there, so I went ahead and power attacked with Ryu. His mods for a power attack are 1d20+5 and 2d6+7 damage.

The man behind Ryu, the one who just sprayed that fragrant and hot liquid across the room, clasps his stomach and falls to the ground.

Thamior turns to face his next rival, bringing his fists into the man. Unfortunately, only the first connects with any real force. The man seems unfazed by this though, as his body steams pure rage down.

Callisto cracks off a shot with her mystic energies, forming a blast of energy where the man behind ryu once was. Thankfully for him, at least, the blast misses by inches as he falls to the ground nursing his illness.

Bedivere, however, sees the wisdom in his newfound allies abilities. He brings his hands down upon his ally, Callisto. With a cat-like resurgence, and hawk-like aim, Callisto prepares for what may come next.

The brute before Thamior, the only one standing at this end of the room, lets out a cry of anger!
His feet carry him away from Thamior, and to the relatively small Callisto. It seems Magic angers the brute!

However, mere moments after he leaves Thamiors engagement, he is struck in the back with a swift kick.

AoP! [roll2] dealing [roll3] bashing damage!

The man is stunned for a moment byt the hard kick to the back of his head.

Elsar brings forth a dagger. Where did he get one of those?! Seems the recesses of his clothing may have more to hide...

At any rate, he takes a flanking position with this brute and stabs brutally at his back!

Attack by Elsar! [roll6] dealing [roll7] adding [roll]+2d6 damage for sneak attack!

Elsar takes the brute down with several brutal cuts and stabs to his back. He drops to his knewws, before his eyes roll back into his head. He drops his massive Haunch with a thud, before he joins it on the ground.

Seems mild mannered Elsar has some fire in him!

Only the ranger remains standing, two of the brutes are clearly dead, and one is writhing in sickness on the ground.

What do you do?

2011-11-19, 06:09 PM
Elsar: wrong rolls for SA damage, use this


2011-11-20, 04:45 AM
His quick eyes darted around the room to assess the situation. All the brutes were either dead or dying and he appeared to be clear of danger at the moment. However then his eyes saw the ranger he had first tried to goad into fighting him. His arm shot up and his voice rang inside of cavern as crisp and clean as a silver bell "Keep the last one alive! He might know something!"

With that he was all ready charging the ranger across the cavern. His fists were deadly weapons but were also under his complete control. He would bring this man down but would be sure not to kill him.

+2 for charge. Non lethal damage
1st attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
2nd attack: [roll2] damage: [roll3]

2011-11-26, 12:34 AM
With sadness in his eyes, and a solemn face Elsar will pivot and stab with the trusty dagger that aided him in the wooden cage. As a move action he's reflect to his fallen protege', and street orphan he tutored and kept from the stocks, or even worse. He was killed by a vigilante guard trying to clean up the city. I couldn't have been there, and here I am... about to stab another young man... "Where do I begin, and where does the stabbing end?" he says just above a wisper looking for the throat of any breathing foe.

2011-11-27, 11:08 PM
The mage finally had his opportunity. Words already spilling from his mouth, he darted forth. Making a beeline for the nearest brute, he quickly scavenged its large cudgel. As his crystalline hand met the gnarled bark, it glowed and warped. A sphere of luminescent quicksilver came together at the weapon's top, and the wood grew around it as if alive. The resulting weapon of wood and metal was a formidable one.

Bedivere grasped the shillelagh in both hands and wheeled on the ranger.

2011-11-27, 11:10 PM
With the distance between her and the fight she felt relatively safe, though she fell silent for a moment while her companions subdued the last thug. The adrenaline of the fight had made her lost in the motions of combat. She had pushed aside the strange feeling she had of not knowing where she was. Living in the wilderness came with the comforting notion that no matter where you were, you could look up at the sky and navigate. The open wilderness was freeing in lots of ways, the vastness of it all just a teaser for the many possibilities that awaited an adventurer like her.

Callisto thanked Ryu for his help, knowing she had pushed him hard to remain in the fight. But this was a dragon's life - pushing limits.

2011-11-29, 09:05 PM
Callisto thanked Ryu for his help, knowing she had pushed him hard to remain in the fight.

"Not just yet, little one! He still stands!" Ryu calls back, bringing his blade back again to the great man before him.

Attack by Ryu! : [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

A groan could be heard from the man on the ground, as the ranger before Ryu brings forth a counter attack! [roll2] [roll3]

Thamior rushes across the room in the blink of an eye. His speed of foot is matched only bu the swift, though precise, movements of his fists. His first blow misses, though the second cracks into the mans side. A crippling blow!

(EDIT) The mans eyes roll back in his head. He drops to the ground with a savage thunk. He wouldn't appear dead, however, as his chest still rises and his hot breath still issues forth.

Callisto, already having called to Ryu, takes her moment longing for the freedom of the open sky once more. She is confident in her allies.

Bedivere takes hold of the great haunch the man was holding, divine energies flowing into it. It sprouts, like a tree under the hand of a druid. However... something is, off. It feels cold in Bedivere's hands, the small twigs growing from it have... hooves? It seems this "Club" really was a great frozen haunch of meat, hewn from some large beast.

However, Bedivere can feel the magic inside the shillelagh pulsing, like a sick heartbeat. Seems like this may work, still!

Elsar, overcome by grief at what he just did, stands a moment in repulsion.

Combat is over, at least for now...
What do you do?

2011-11-30, 10:59 AM
Elsar repositions for a strike, looking for the lower organs, but he'll take the shot that opens itself and attack.

2011-11-30, 01:13 PM
His first attack was a flop but as the second blow landed a small smirk crossed over Thamior's face. He knew the man was down for the count and wasn't going to be much more of a problem. Now that they had a translator, perhaps we can actually get some useful information from this man. However, out of the corner of his eye he sees one of the newcomers prepare to take a potentially fatal blow to the crippled man. Quick as a leaf in the wind he positioned himself between Elsar and the man he had crippled. "Stop! He's better use to us alive!."

He didn't know if it would stop him though and he reached out to grab his arm if he moved to strike still.

Reflex save (if needed)

Side note for all: Ooc:
I am a leaf in the wind. Watch how i soar. XD

2011-12-02, 11:57 AM
Elsar says, just above a whisper, looking to read the soul [sense motive] within the mans eyes:

"Patience man, barbarians and soldiers cry in battle, men of peace cry only to mourn their dead. I will leave him be, I wasn't aware he was a friend of yours. Please, release my hand, as your grip is firm and I am old".

Then offers a half smile on the corner of his wrinkling face and looses his grip on his dagger to show compliance with this man. :smallsmile:

The half sincere partial grin on his aging face does little to hid the sorrows and trials of his sorted past. He stands a little over 5 ft tall and often avoids looking people straight in the eye. The cheap drab of a commoner poorly hides the tattoos and markings of a gypsy underneath.


2011-12-02, 09:04 PM
Mildly off put , the mage tossed the hunk of meat to the ground. Its hooves pulsed and kicked, withering as the magic leaked from it. Soon enough the haunch of meat was back to its normal frozen state. Bedivere needed not the weapon anymore, the battle was won. He glanced to Callisto and Thamior, confident that his enchantments aided the battle in some small way.

Bedivere recalled the tales he'd read in the Githyanki's library, depicting the mysterious power and wisdom of wizards of old. Now the magician felt to be nothing more than a common hedge wizard. Useless. One day, perhaps.

"While we are here, you may wish to fill your canteens. Water may be scarce in time." Though he did not require the liquid, certainly most others did

The magician walked further into the cavern, examining the crude chamber. He perused each opening in turn, looking for clues. Does it slope up? Does it become wider? Each and every detail he found helped him determine where they were relative to the deeper sections of cave. In the end, the wizard indicated the southeast passage. "I believe we should trek down this one."

2011-12-03, 12:37 PM
His grip released Elsar and he gave him a curt nod "Not my friend. However, who knows what information this man could hold." Now this was exactly how Thamior had wanted it. No injuries and a man to get information out of. Reaching into his pack he pulled out his rope and walked over to the downed man. Using the rope he bound the man's hands and feet as securely as he could.

Looking over to Bedivere he nodded and said "Agree. However, all in good time my friend." It was then his eyes rested on the bow the man had dropped. How he remembered using a short bow all those years ago. Feel the string pulled tight in his fingers and the bow curve powerfully in his hand. He used to be quite good with his bow. Walking over to it he lifted it off the ground and examined it. In good shape and powerful, no doubt due to the size of these men. He could use this. He threw it onto his back and looked for any arrows the man had.

2011-12-03, 04:44 PM
Bedivere gazed at the downed neanderthal, having overlooked the slow rise and fall of his chest. Extracting information from him was indubitably the most logical step. Walking over to the stream, the mage scooped up a small amount of water and splashed it onto the prisoner's face. The cold water and colder air would surely wake him.

Once the neanderthal appeared to be conscious, Bedivere stared at him for a few moments. He wondered, idly, if this creature had family and friends just as the other humans did. It mattered not, though. His voice lacked any hint of pity, for indeed he felt none. "Where Ulrue." Bedivere's alien visage hung over the prisoner as his hand pointed to each passage in turn.

Addressing the rest of the group in common, "Query. What is our group's stance on the implementation of physical persuasion during the extraction of information?"

2011-12-03, 06:46 PM
Callisto lowered herself to the cave floor from the wall, watching the exchanges between her other companions. And again she heard that name - Ulrue. She seemed to be along for the ride, still unsure as to how she became tangled up in all this.

When the prospect of torturing the prisoner arose she turned her head to the side indifferently. She was not particularly interested in such actions but knew that a piece of this party's puzzle may be hidden beneath the neanderthal's thick callused skin.

She leaned against the wall and waited, wondering why the stone mage was concerned with the needs of others. Her eyes played along the angular shards that made up his frame, deliberately avoiding the black void of his eye sockets. For a moment she thought that if she looked upon them, her soul might fall forward into them and be devoured by the magic within.

"Do as you wish, if you feel it will give you what you're after" Her voice was a raspy hush, cutting through the air in the cave that had become thick with the scents of bloody metal, and pain.

2011-12-03, 07:12 PM
He threw it onto his back and looked for any arrows the man had.

Glancing about, you find a few arrows scattered on the floor, and a quiver on the unconscious mans hip. The ones on the floor must have fallen out when he hit the ground. You find it unfortunate that some of the arrows were destroyed from the mans massive weight falling upon them, but manage to find 15 arrows in working order.

While Thamior recovers his arrows, Bedivere goes about waking the man.

Walking over to the stream, the mage scooped up a small amount of water and splashed it onto the prisoner's face. The cold water and colder air would surely wake him.

Once the neanderthal appeared to be conscious, Bedivere stared at him for a few moments. "Where Ulrue." Bedivere's alien visage hung over the prisoner as his hand pointed to each passage in turn.

The man watches this alien creature with hot hate in his eyes. As Bedivere points at one of the passage ways (the southwestern one), he spits into Bediveres face. "Lok thra no Ulrue." he mutters back.

Nevren walks up. "For reference, he said 'I will never betray Ulrue.'

Looks like that passage leads to Ulrues private lair. I would suggest caution going another way though, or at least discretion. This path" She indicates the southeastern path "holds the neanderthals nursery. The children have nothing to do with this, I should think it wise if we just leave them be."

The familiar sound of heaving stops, and you recall the sickened brute from before. He is still very conscious, but he appears in no position to fight. He kicks his club away from himself and skitters into a nearby corner, keeping his eyes on you but not doing anything quickly or boldly.

The massive cat nearby yawns, and begins to feed on the magical haunch of meat. The disembodies hooves kick, as if trying to escape. You almost feel bad for the poor thing.

OOC, All: Seems you have a choice. The south west passage way, the one the ranger spat on Bedivere when indicated, could be traveled down. The southern passage leads to parts unknown, and the south east leads to the nursery.

An odd stillness hangs over this cave. The fire is dieing down, and water continues to trickle through.

The ranger is firmly tied up, with an escape DC of [roll0].

Another brute is nearby, but he is cowed by you all, and looks very sickly.

2011-12-05, 12:31 AM
Walking back to the party the monk says in a dismissive tone "I have no problems with torture. However, i feel that you might as well hit that frozen hunk of meat over there for all it will do."

Walking in front of the neanderthal he sat cross legged in front of him without a look of fear on his face. His bleak, expressionless, eyes looked into the downed man's eyes. Without looking at her Thamior addressed Nevren "Translate for me if you would." He paused for a moment to let her prepare then started to speak to the man who lay tied in front of him "My friend, i never expected a warrior of your caliber to sell out his leader. For that you have my utmost respect. However, you have seen me fight. I struck down two of your comrades and disabled you. What is more, i do not have a scratch on me. You must admit that this is impressive yes? Would you be more impressed to learn that these were not the first?"

Reaching under his tunic he pulled on the chain around his neck and pulled out the red stone he had gotten from the first of these men he had slain. "I took this from one of your race that i had slain." He paused for a moment to allow the effect to sink in more and for Nevren to catch up to him. "Now, i am but one man of our group here and i have done this. My allies are also as strong if not stronger than i am. Now i tell you all of this so that you may understand one thing. No matter how powerful you think Ulrue is, he is going to die. We are going to kill him. That much is a fact. The only question you have to ask yourself is...how can i benefit most from his death?"

2011-12-05, 07:47 PM
Bedivere spoke no more as the barbarian's spit dripped from his unrevealing features onto the ground. Wiping the saliva away with a corner of his cloak, the mage stood up as Thamior approached. Stepping away, he simply stood and observed the two humans interacting. It seemed so natural when they communed. Sometimes Bedivere forgot how neglected his social skills were.

Though he glanced about, wary for patrols or other residents wandering about. "Swiftly now, it would be unfortunate should our enemies happen upon us here."

2011-12-06, 02:59 PM
"My friend, i never expected a warrior of your caliber to sell out his leader. For that you have my utmost respect. However, you have seen me fight. I struck down two of your comrades and disabled you. What is more, i do not have a scratch on me. You must admit that this is impressive yes? Would you be more impressed to learn that these were not the first?"

Reaching under his tunic he pulled on the chain around his neck and pulled out the red stone he had gotten from the first of these men he had slain. "I took this from one of your race that i had slain." He paused for a moment to allow the effect to sink in more and for Nevren to catch up to him. "Now, i am but one man of our group here and i have done this. My allies are also as strong if not stronger than i am. Now i tell you all of this so that you may understand one thing. No matter how powerful you think Ulrue is, he is going to die. We are going to kill him. That much is a fact. The only question you have to ask yourself is...how can i benefit most from his death?"

"Uh. Me, no rah? Traln far Ul. Uh, fe to lar Lokrue." The man, hardly able to put words in his mouth, seem sufficiently cowed.

Nevren pipes back up. "He said something akin to 'I see. The key, you will need, is... Lockking.'

Im not entirely sure what a "Lock-king" is supposed to be, but thats our key.

Sho fo rah no gall?"

"No, yo renum toh mah."

"He wants amnesty for him and his men, should Ulrue die. Seems reasonable enough, do we agree?"

The mans face has taken on a kind of pallor, and his words, though foreign, are stuttered and hesitant. Nearby, the sickened man looks on with awe.

He speaks up. "Yo, sah Koran!"

Nevren translates, "He said 'You, save Koran'. That was Uldoeh, the chief before Ulrue, that was his wife. She would surely assist us in our attempts to slay Ulrue, she is a kind and just woman, and a great hunter too."

What do you do?

2011-12-08, 01:55 PM
The elf listens and cracks a small smile as it appeared the man has changed his tone entirely. Lock-king? What in the world is that supposed to mean? He glanced over to the wounded one on the ground then back to the man he had tied up. He then nodded "You have a deal. However, you are going to have to help us a bit more than to give us help we don't understand." Though he was still addressing the tied up man he was walking toward the sickly one.

The Elf got down on his knees next to the man. He pulled out one of his two remaining good berries. He had forged an alliance that would be shaky at best so this would certainly be a gesture of good will. "Eat this. It will help with your wounds." Waiting for Nevren to translate he then offered him the berry. He hoped the man trusted him enough to take it.

2011-12-09, 07:33 PM
Nevren translates, and the Ranger replies "Yo no hora? Yo to rah no ttek Lokrue!"

"'You dont get it? The key is lock-king' but now, that still doesnt make much sense. I think it makes sense to him, though..."

The man nearby takes the berry, when offered, and Nevren's eyes widen in surprise. "When did you nick my berries, elf? Ah well, no harm, I would have done the same. But keep your thieving hands out of my purse, if its all the same to you."

The man eats his berry, and soon returns to a healthy state. He moans loudly, his belly grumbling. "Yo ro to me jil, to no rah, ka re Gorin. Yo to me rou to mah sho la." and he heads down into the nursery.

"He said, basically, 'My nake is Gorin, I am hungry, please dont follow me, Im going home.'

He is heading to the food stores, he is probably just hungry. Can we get going, please? I should like to make sure Daisy is still alive."

She does seem eager to get going, what do you do?

2011-12-10, 01:12 AM
Elser looks baffled, and stares off thinking about daisy then says "Oh yeah, lets go 'fo sho my doe ho' then cracks a half smile."

2011-12-14, 08:39 PM
Bedivere watched in silence as the transaction took place. He wondered idly when the thief stole Nevren's berries--usually the mage was perceptive enough to notice these occurrences. Regardless, the group needed to proceed immediately.

"I find myself in concurrence with our diminutive friend. It would likely behoove us to find this Koran, and we still need to decipher the lock-king anomaly. However standing here simply whittles away at our time, so I suggest we proceed down the south-west passage."

2011-12-14, 10:25 PM
Callisto listened but had trouble understanding the barbarian's words. Fortunately for them they had a translator.

When the mage spoke up and suggested they move on, she nodded in approval. She didn't seem to have much of a choice as to where they went but was in a good enough mood to comply. She was accustomed to wandering the woods alone like a ghost, yet Ryu had insisted that she find others to connect with. This was as good an opportunity as any. Still, she wondered privately what the elf's blood would taste like.

"I'm ready to travel, if you all are. I don't know who this Daisy is but they must mean something to you."

2011-12-17, 01:46 AM
"Well," Nevren speaks up "If we are all quite ready, I suppose we should fallow this crystal man."


You approach the fur covered door. A soft wimpering can be heard from inside. "Mmmmph. Mummph mumnph mumf!"

It sounds like someone is gagged within. You can peak your head just through the door without risking getting anyone within seeing you. You make out the shape of a great woman, about 7 feet tall. Seems she is one of the locals. She is all tied up in ropes anchored to the wall. She is gagged and blindfolded, and looks none too comfortable.

"Hold!" Nevren whispers to you. "Did you hear that? Footsteps... ones with metal boots! Coming from the cave entrance!"

Bedivere: [roll0]
Thamior: [roll1]
Callisto: [roll2]
Elsar: [roll3]

If DC 15: Sounds like Ulrue, from what you heard of him before. Seems he had gotten behind you, but that does seem possible given the structure of this cave.

You have maybe half a minute before he gets to you.

What do you do?

2011-12-19, 12:50 AM
Elsar will look at the others, wink, then shift into a darker portion skulking outwards.

2011-12-21, 12:22 AM
The sound of those boots pierced the air and made Callisto's hair right up on the back of her neck. She reacted immediately, turning to face Nevren so she could mouth the name 'Ulrue'.

In the next few moments she pressed her palms together and silently called out for Ryu's aid. If a fight were imminent, she wanted to be ready.

2011-12-21, 03:13 AM
Bedivere noted the woman, guessing she was Koran. It seemed unlikely they would run into other female prisoners in this complex. He brushed past the fur hangings, stepping into the room to unbind the captive. However Bedivere heard a metallic clanking approach the chamber, and it pulled him from his task. The ulrue, likely. The others didn't seem to have much in the way of metal armor, the mage recalled.

The magician's fingers danced, and twisted syllables rolled off his tongue as he began to incant. An illusory veil draped over his body, leaving nothing behind but a faint shimmer. As the spell finished the distortion ceased and nothing remained of Bedivere. The only indicators of his presence were his footfalls as he cleared the rest of the way to Koran. Kneeling, he began to untie her.

Invisibility - 1 Minute

2011-12-21, 08:57 PM
The woman looks up as Bedivere approaches. As his visage fades to invisibility, he begins to work the ropes. The knots of the ropes bob up and down, but do not budge, even under the most persistent hand.

The woman looks about, hoping to catch Bedivere's eye. She makes some small speech. "Mmmmph, mph ffmph!" She looks down at her gag with urgency, and back up. Its almost like she is signaling something...

Bedivere, care to untie her mouth? Her mouth spills open by unseen force. She lets out her voice, brash and hurried. "Thank you, thank you. Now, speak the word, and free my magical bondage!"

OOC: Should you open this, quote it in your next post.

Ryu's whisper comes over Callisto's shoulder. "At your side, as always."

OOC, all: You have 3 more posts. Use them wisely, should you need them.

2011-12-23, 04:59 PM
Her mouth spills open by unseen force. She lets out her voice, brash and hurried. "Thank you, thank you. Now, speak the word, and free my magical bondage!"

Bedivere stared at the neanderthal as a dull ringing rose in his skull. The world went out of focus as white, luminescent strings stretched across his vision. A blade of emptiness cut through each string with great deliberation, each snapping and fading into the darkness. Lowly Bedivere spoke the phrase, "fate." It was worth a try.

2011-12-23, 05:12 PM
The ropes hold fast, as the invisible mans word bounces harmlessly off of them.

The woman's voice becomes agitated, and angry.

"What? No, that is the wrong word! You must speak HRK" the ropes tighten about her thought, choking her for a moment. with a raspy cough she continues "You must speak the pass-word, the key to my lock!


The sound of boots grows audible to all now, as they clink against ice and frost. Seems your time is running out!

Bedivere: she does seem quite well educated. Logic would bring that she may not be what she appears. Perhaps an illusion, or a transmutation has altered her?

Spellcraft DC 15 [roll0]She wouldnt seem to be magical. Interesting... the next most likly idea is she was tutored to intelligence by an outside force. She does seem to have a certain gruffness about her.

OOC:ALL: 2 rounds remain.

2011-12-24, 03:17 PM
"Being invisible is a touch unfair", Elsar says while look for moss or vegetation. "...could use some dirt..." he mumbled then looks at the warrior brute who forcefully grappled his arm leaving bruised finger marks on his wrist. Then gauges his response nonverbal [sense motive] with a frown, and waits.

2011-12-30, 11:24 PM
Perplexed, Bedivere pondered the query more. He stared intently, apparently calm despite the ruckus in the cave. Yet none but him could hear the familiar thumping, resounding throughout his body as if he'd been struck by a mallet. Stress. Agitation. Vexation.

However amongst the maelstrom of confusion a chain of thoughts assembled itself before him. The woman was tied, which led to lock, which was of course...


2011-12-31, 12:41 AM

As these words issue from invisible lips, a slight hiss can be heard. The ropes coil about, sliding of off the woman.

"I thank you, though doing that sooner would have helped." she says, her voice resounding with hate and authority "Now, Hand me my scepter, and ready yourselves. I shall have my chance to show Ulrue his maker, and we will free the Dwarf!"

She takes a nearby staff up. "Staff" is loosely applied here, it is more of a ten foot pole of solid wood. Adorning the top are great horns from some majestic beast. The entire affair looks to weigh about thirty pounds,

Nevren's ears perk up, could this be her Dwarf?

The clamor of Ulrue's boots nearby perk your ear. You haven't long before he bursts into this room.

2011-12-31, 02:10 AM
Callisto watched with anxiousness, unsure of the true motives of this person. When Bedivere released her from her bonds Callisto stood back as the woman rose to her feet, preparing herself for the impending attack. She felt cornered in the tiny cave, but slight relief that they may have an ally.

Callisto stepped even further back to distance herself from the front lines and silently, she summoned a shield around herself. Without any idea as to what they were facing, every precaution was necessary.

+4 Shield Bonus

2012-01-06, 03:18 PM
Dismayed by how simple the answer, Bedivere swallowed his disappointment and moved on. He quickly moved to the scepter, and bestowed it to the potential ally. Staring candidly at the freed prisoner, the mage spoke, "I would presume you to be Koran then? You do not speak as the others."

The magician noticed Callisto's caution, and stepped back a few feet. Misfortune followed the easily fooled. Briefly he flipped through his memorized spells, realizing he was running quite low. Mildly concerned, Bedivered began to gaze about the room for some sort of simple weapon.

Search: [roll0]

2012-01-09, 03:17 PM
The monk had been silent this whole time for he had been lost in thought. However, he did smile when he realized that the time in which he had spent talking to the downed man had saved them a great deal of trouble. As soon as the sound of clinking metal could be heard The monk seemed to vanish into the shadows as if on instinct. He used whatever cover he could find to hide himself "Hopefully he doesn't notice me like last time...Either way hiding doesn't hurt." he thought to himself.

However, charging this man would be folly as would probably lead to much worse than frost bite this time. So instead he pulled out his new bow and prepped an arrow. He readied himself for his shot and hoped that Ulrue wouldn't notice his absence and would instead be more concentrated on the party at hand.

Hide check:
[roll0] + any cover bonus

2012-01-09, 09:51 PM
"I would presume you to be Koran then? You do not speak as the others."

The woman, easily dwarfing you in height, stands solemn before you. "Aye" she says, but spares not another word. In her eyes, you see a grim passion burning, a dull grey fire glazes over her eyes.

You cannot be sure if this is a mere manifestation of her will, or a truely supernatural effect.

"Lets give this Servant of Ibogorah the rough end of my very long staff."
Was that... Did she just make a sex joke?
A rustling and great clanking comes from behind you, from the room you just arrived through. Brushing the fur aside, a dull metal gauntlet adorned upon a great beast of a man. In his right hand is held a truly massive longsword, that glows a dim blue light. You can feel his anger falling off of him in waves, as his heavy breathing brings a mist about his face in this cold weather.

"You, out-siders! Why you come here, why you fight my rule?!" he bellows. The sonic power of his voice shakes the cavern. "You being here, you want me Magic? Its MY magic! You cannot HAVE it!"

He brings his sword up to bear, though he is a few meters from you.

Koran stands before him, her great staff ready to thwart any sudden moves he may make.

OOC: ALLShould you want to draw out his villainous dialogue, feel free to try.

Make your next post, note that elsar and thamior will have a surprise round. When you post, roll initiative in a spoiler, even if you dont attack.

Koran has set her weapon vs a charge.

also, here is a rough picture of her weapon.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b289/Elemental402/img010.jpg The big one in the middle.

2012-01-09, 10:34 PM
A small smile crossed Thamior's face "Good. His rage is my advantage. I only get one surprise shot on this guy though so i better make it count." He pushed aside his desire to try and bring down his opponent and instead waited to see what might happen for a moment. He had no idea what Koran might be capable of. She might be able to disrupt his magic and any barriers he might have and make his surprise attack more effective.

But he needed to do something useful while he waited. So from his cover his trained eyes glanced about for any advantage whatsoever that might prove useful in this fight.

Spot check


2012-01-17, 02:22 AM
Bedivere was faintly interested in this woman's apathy regarding his invisibility. Perhaps this figure had arcane prowess, as spells to penetrate such a thin veil are easily crafted. Knowing that this was a wizard's den, Bedivere wondered whether this woman might be their ultimate foe...

Yet more pressing matters reared their fanged heads, a battle of titans looming not far from him. The two behemoths glowered, the witch and the warrior staring each other down.

Bedivere flipped through his reservoir of spells, but found it nearly depleted. Thankfully he was still invisible for a few moments longer, he could think of something. Casting about, Bedivere looked for any sort of weapon he might be able to wield. A crossbow, or a club, anything really... How he missed his spellbook.


Spot: [roll1]

2012-01-17, 11:04 AM
Callisto fought to keep herself composed. It had been a long time since she was cornered and surrounded by danger and it brought back memories that made her heart ache. A figure appeared through the furs with a rage so potent, she thought it might send the furs into a flurry of flames. Callisto responded to the warrior's anger with a ferocious growl of her own that said 'stay away or you'll eat my glaive'.

But then the vile thing mentioned 'magic', and her eyes lit up like wild fire. Her blood boiled, almost reaching through her skin to latch onto him and tear the magic right out of his flesh. Her mouth watered at the thought, she was suddenly consumed by the need to rip him apart and scour his veins for magic.

She readied herself for battle but stayed quiet and listened intently. She had a serious case of blood lust, but it hadn't quite escalated to the point of primal rage and thoughtlessness.

Initiative: (1d20+7)

2012-01-26, 04:14 PM
Those who made spot checks find... The ground here is littered whith refuse, not much looks helpful. You can find a broken icicle, that could probably be used as a club... once. Your eye falls upon this womans ropes. Seems they have manacles at one end, perhaps that could serve as an imporvised flail?

Nothing else about looks to be of much use, but you could pick something up and fling it if you wished.

The man before you, as if at your lack of responce, flies urgently at Koran, for it is indeed she. His sword flings from its place at his side, and he creates a great arc of blinding light as it whips through the air. Koran is struck by it, and it sends her reeling back.

But she is quick to recover! Her massive staff cracks hard against Ulrue's chest. He staggers back, wind knocked out of him, and finds himelf off balance and flat-footed.

His chest begins to bleed from its many perferations, but he fails to notice.

Nevren begins chanting magics, and her cats fangs grow serrated and savage. He backs up a step, ready to pounce.

What do you do?

2012-01-27, 12:29 AM
It appears that the time for careful planning is indeed over. The monk draws his bow and quickly stands up from his hiding place. The element of surprise was certainly going to help him in this attack. With a small "twang" he let loose the arrow at his target.

(surprise round attack)
[roll0] Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Critical if a 23. Times first number by 3

But that was only his surprise attack. As quickly as he could he drew and fired again at his target.

Normal round attack
[roll3] Damage: [roll4] (if he's still flat footed) [roll5]

Same rule of critical

2012-02-14, 12:17 AM
Bedivere scanned the floor, spotting the discarded manacles and icicle. Scrambling toward the detritus, he was about to grab them both when he spotted something of even greater interest. A torch sat burning in its sconce, fairly innocuous. A quick glance at the improvised arms told Bedivere that a scare tactic would be fare slightly less futile than they would.

Grabbing the torch from the wall, Bedivere tucked it into a pocket behind his overcoat. He knew that inevitably the coat would burn, and he would have to cast it off. However, for now the burning effect would only heighten the trick. After tucking the lit torch behind his clothing, it vanished from view. However the light it cast still remained. What resulted was what appeared to be a floating sphere of light in the middle of the room, which would only grow as the coat ignited.

Bedivere called out in his alien voice, the sound of obsidian grating against their ears. "Tremble and despair, doom has come to thine wretched souls. Delzamen's minions have come to reclaim this keep, the rightful demesnes of he and his loyal followers. Step down, Ulrue, and you shall not thusly be harmed."

Intimidate: [roll1]

2012-02-17, 12:28 AM
You look up at the man rushing you. Wow, feels like this charge took a lifetime!

As Bedivere moves, unseen, to take his torch, Thamior lets out an awesome flurry of pain! The beast of a man, Ulrue, is taken aback, for a moment. He recovers, to bring his sword down in a large arc at the, now dwarfed, elf. Oh dear...

But, before this swing can find its mark or miss, the strange light starts to speak.

"Tremble and despair, doom has come to thine wretched souls. Delzamen's minions have come to reclaim this keep, the rightful demesnes of he and his loyal followers. Step down, Ulrue, and you shall not thusly be harmed."

Ulrue holds his hand. "Delzamen! You died long ago, spirit, and your majiks have always been weak! I took this place from you, and you shall not have it back!"

However, Nevren takes this opportunity to strike, and her mighty beast jumps upon Ulrue's back. A few large gashes open in his skin, before he throws the beast off, a feat of strength indeed! However, he is left prone by the assault.

But now, Koran has her time. She brings her massive staff down onto Ulrue, smashing his body against the ice. When she removes it, you can see the force was... massive. Ulrue is left as a pulverized mess of punctured flesh. It seems he wont be alive for more then a few seconds, but he tries to mouth a few words with his final breaths.

He tries...


Koran runs to Thamior. "Little one! Thank you! You have freed me and my people. I think you are here for the short one and the winged one?"

OOC: I went ahead and skipped most of the fight. Callisto: You were stunned with inaction.

Hopefully, we can introduce the new dudes by friday!