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View Full Version : Need Legendary Deeds

2011-09-23, 08:29 PM
I have an evil bard. He wants to write several songs to convince people to seek out a legendary artifact that may or may not actually exist in the campaign (haven't heard back from the DM yet).
The current artifact of focus is an anthropomorphic sword that goes by the name of Excalibur. I have so far stated that there used to be cliff racers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U31i-uBVus4&feature=related), but he/it killed them all. Also, the campaign world used to be set in the Dark Sun setting, but he/it fixed that, too.

Does anyone have other epic deeds that Excalibur can be tasked with that would make any good-aligned adventurer chomp at the bit to chase after?

Legend fragments I've used so far :
He comes from the UK; He's searching for Heaven; He's going to California (from Soul Eater)
His legend starts in the 12th century (also from Soul Eater)
He purged the land of cliff racers (because I was replaying Morrowind)
He destroyed the Dark Sun [campaign setting], and brought back the current, much nicer yellow sun.
And general hyperboles about his awesome strength and whatnot.

Currently want :
Beings (with names and descriptions; need not be serious) with which Excalibur fall tragically in love with
Beings (with names and descriptions; need not be serious) which Excalibur could have epic battles against
Songs to replace the lyrics of (I apparently only know anime/game songs... I'd like some more variety to my singing options)

Kol Korran
2011-09-23, 09:33 PM
some general ideas, may be a bit cliche, but... (i barely know of dark sun, so forgive me):
- the sword was used to defeat some great evil that was imprevious to anything but it's blade wielded by a just person, for a just cause. the evil can be one of those sorcerer kings? or some great dragon, great fiend, or great undead or even a small god.

- the sword was capable of healing some magical plague, by purifying the lake/ other source of water (which i hear are pretty scarce in dark sun) that the major population used.

- the sword is valued by two opposing powerful races. normally they are at each other's throats due to long lasting racial hatred. but the wielder of the sword (if s/he is pure of heart and all that crap) can gain honor in the eyes of the races, and lead them unified. (you may beed some extra legends to explain why it's important to either race. maybe they forged it together in ages past, and it's the only remaining reliv of their long forgotten alliance? maybe some misuse of the sword, or others like it was the cause of their hate?)

- pure power attraction: the sword emboides within it the souls of master swordmen/ devouted spirits/ powerfull mages. whoever provs him/her self to the sword, gain their tutelage and great power.

- the sword is actually the last key to some great gate/ seal/ lock/ you get the idea that keeps a beneficial entity kept away- an arch angel, a fallen good imprisoned god, and so on.

good enough?

2011-09-23, 09:36 PM
By "anthropomorphic sword," do you mean a sentient weapon? Or an actual sword-person hybrid... thing?

Any way ideas:

You could spread rumors that the sword can act as a "key" for planar travel purposes. Either it could be used to open portals to varrious other planes, or to close them.

Also, I've got to ask, why does your bard want to spread these rumors? To con adventurers out of money, to get them killed, or something else entirely?

EDIT: Sort of ninja'd by Kol' Korran's last one.

2011-09-23, 11:03 PM
I haven't actually decided whether its just a sentient weapon or not, but I got the whole idea from the character Excalibur from the anime Soul Eater (the gist is, there are people who can turn into weapons and vice versa. Excalibur happens to be the most powerful and annoying (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4vFP9ZgSI8&feature=related) weapon-person hybrid... thing. Yes, the white thing with a cane and a top-hat is Excalibur in person... thing form).

Well, my bard (and the rest of the party) is evil. And there were some good-aligned adventurers that might be able to link us to the super "plague" that killed half of a town I was the temporary mayor of. We also are going to be given a quest (one of the PCs has been all but ordered to do it, but we haven't worked out why the rest of us are going to help him) to slay a big abberation in the middle of a necrotic wasteland. I want the adventurers to serve as cannon fodder (and to test if its even possible to go there without dying.... 'cause no one else has survived entering it).
Short story: to get them killed in a way that will hopefully save my bard's own bacon.

@ Kol Korran
I think I implied that we're playing in the Dark Sun setting (I did not mean to). I actually meant to say that I'm making legends about how everything that makes the Dark Sun setting brutal used to exist, but then Excalibur fixed everything in the world, and now its nice and peachy like normal Faerun/whatever the homebrew world we're in is called.

Your third suggestion matches up pretty well with a song I was re-writing for other purposes. Nothing's coming to mind about the other ones, though, but it was helpful.

I think I'm mostly looking for more specific examples (names, epic ways that a sword could slay things epicly, his tragic tales of love, etc).

I'll make a list of everything that I have about this Excalibur's various legends in the first post.

2011-09-24, 01:43 AM
I have an evil bard. He wants to write several songs to convince people to seek out a legendary artifact that may or may not actually exist in the campaign (haven't heard back from the DM yet).
The current artifact of focus is an anthropomorphic sword that goes by the name of Excalibur. I have so far stated that there used to be cliff racers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U31i-uBVus4&feature=related), but he/it killed them all. Also, the campaign world used to be set in the Dark Sun setting, but he/it fixed that, too.

Does anyone have other epic deeds that Excalibur can be tasked with that would make any good-aligned adventurer chomp at the bit to chase after?

Legend fragments I've used so far :
He comes from the UK; He's searching for Heaven; He's going to California (from Soul Eater)
His legend starts in the 12th century (also from Soul Eater)
He purged the land of cliff racers (because I was replaying Morrowind)
He destroyed the Dark Sun [campaign setting], and brought back the current, much nicer yellow sun.
And general hyperboles about his awesome strength and whatnot.

Currently want :
Beings (with names and descriptions; need not be serious) with which Excalibur fall tragically in love with
Beings (with names and descriptions; need not be serious) which Excalibur could have epic battles against
Songs to replace the lyrics of (I apparently only know anime/game songs... I'd like some more variety to my singing options)

Wait, so you're sending people after that Excalibur? Your character truly is evil.:smallwink:

2011-09-24, 01:49 AM
Yes, its sending adventurers after Excalibur, and not the fact that I'm trying to send them to their death that makes my bard evil :smallamused:

2011-09-24, 04:05 AM
Yes, its sending adventurers after Excalibur, and not the fact that I'm trying to send them to their death that makes my bard evil :smallamused:

Yes. Yes it is.