View Full Version : [3.5]Tomb of Horrors, but one of many threads to come... =P

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2011-10-13, 03:40 PM
I hope Quin can kill the dracolich in this turn. I dont know how much damage Welby's Orb of Force did but I think its taken at least 120 Hp of damage thus far.

2011-10-13, 04:05 PM
Quin would like to save his spells for later, but lets see how this works.

Hope this finishes him.

Quin once more connects to the power of light, and summons a brighter approach to his problem. Raising his hands, and opening them he chants until a blast of burning hot white light shoots from his hands and strikes the dragon.

=( 3rd level spell, so less power. Oh well. Searing Light.

2011-10-13, 04:10 PM
Quin would like to save his spells for later, but lets see how this works.

Hope this finishes him.

Quin once more connects to the power of light, and summons a brighter approach to his problem. Raising his hands, and opening them he chants until a blast of burning hot white light shoots from his hands and strikes the dragon.

=( 3rd level spell, so less power. Oh well. Searing Light.

Toss me the truedeath crystal man! Or at least the Morningstar XD Without damage reduction i can hit it for at least 60 damage per turn !

2011-10-13, 04:12 PM
After casting his spell, Quin snatches his Morning Star from his belt and the truedeath crystal from the longspear he is holding. Slapping them together, he tosses the lot to Maki. "Make it count"

2011-10-13, 04:16 PM
After casting his spell, Quin snatches his Morning Star from his belt and the truedeath crystal from the longspear he is holding. Slapping them together, he tosses the lot to Maki. "Make it count"

You can do all that in a turn? Also as a Free Action Maki tosses the Bastard sword in the ground and catches the Morningstar in his hand.

2011-10-13, 04:22 PM
You can do all that in a turn? Also as a Free Action Maki tosses the Bastard sword in the ground and catches the Morningstar in his hand.

I have a move and a free...

2011-10-13, 04:26 PM
I have a move and a free...

And i have a free and a swift! Dropping a weapon is a free action and i dont think catching one that's been thrown directly at you would count as more than a swift one... if not free Edit : I forgot to put it IC XD

Seeing Quin finally answering to his request Maki drops the flaming sword from his hands and catches Quin's weapon in mid air.

2011-10-13, 04:52 PM
"Dead? Yes... I do seem to recall that now that you mention it. This is not what I remembered any of the higher planes *I* hoped to visit looking like in the Good Books I've read, though. This is incredible... we need to find somewhere set down soon, though, I can only keep us afloat for 10 minutes before we're back to swimming in ghoul soup."

He angles them toward the direction of the bay, trying to get a clearer look at who or what was repelling the onslaught of undead. "If there's someone down there with a non-rotted brain, we might be able to communicate with them and learn what's going on... do you see anything breathing out there?" Prescott cast a wary eye to the flying undead swooping from above, trying to stay relatively low and out of reach from ghosts above and zombies below.

If I can get within 200 feet of a defender (or several!), I'm going to try to cast Message and have a chat midbattle. I'm sure everyone loves hearing voices whispering in their ears while fending off undead hordes.

Let me try a bardic knowledge check on the white monolith, or the island itself if this location is known to legends of this plane: [roll0]

2011-10-13, 05:39 PM
"This is where the wizard, Dresden, has been using to take out dead when we fall in the Tomb-since Maki..."
She pauses.
"Compromised that last one... He's an agent of the god's... He'll send us back-but Harley never mentioned any undead-could Acererak being trying to take him out?"
She looks ahead, "There is no way we're going to land over there in ten minutes... Maybe five minutes away..."

If I can get within 200 feet of a defender (or several!), I'm going to try to cast Message and have a chat midbattle. I'm sure everyone loves hearing voices whispering in their ears while fending off undead hordes.
At closest, he can get 300 feet away from the defender...

Knowledge Planes, what is this creature and what are its abilities?: (1d20+5)[6]

Pete has Initiative by the way...

If you want to-I can get this over with...

The ghosts don't pay the two wizards any attention, other than to divert around them...
Prescott can think of a number of magical buildings, rising out of a forests and jungles-always they've been places of power and magic, and usually one must travel through said forest, rather than the easier manner of simply flying...

Floating on the Astral, Pete is unable to identify this terrible horror...
All he knows, is he doesn't have long...

2011-10-13, 06:32 PM
Pete designates the stone in the distance as down, puts his goggles back on and pockets his Ring of Feather Falling.

2011-10-13, 06:40 PM
You can do all that in a turn? Also as a Free Action Maki tosses the Bastard sword in the ground and catches the Morningstar in his hand.
Maki has Initiative ahead of Quin, he can't possible catch AND use that crystal if he's already attacking in a Rage...

Toss me the truedeath crystal man! Or at least the Morningstar XD Without damage reduction i can hit it for at least 60 damage per turn !

After casting his spell, Quin snatches his Morning Star from his belt and the truedeath crystal from the longspear he is holding. Slapping them together, he tosses the lot to Maki. "Make it count"
THIS is metagaming...

Bringing it's claw to bear, the Dracolich skillfully fends off the barbarian's initial attacks, it's chilling grasp at odds with the fiery blade...
But a final slash, a gift of the boots of speed, surprise it, catching the Dracolich along the skull with a cry of surprise!
"Kiri Temep"
Then it chuckles, looking at the ground with its empty sockets...
"Hofibavi Drot!"

Translation: Too fast! Foolish Boy
Courtesy of: http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/

Hope this finishes him.
It's clearly a girl!

As Eduardo casts his spell, Pharrah balks standing back, refusing the casting.
"I'm good, Master... I'll stay with Harley..."
She indicates the Harley and the boy.
Perhaps with the element of surprise, Eduardo can neutralize this new threat?
The dragon looked like it's green...
And apparently, its armor had offered it a great deal more protection than one would expect, but now that it was off...
...but with Pete and Daina as saboteurs, could other be conflicted as well...
Eduardo hadn't seen Daina or Pete at their best-what could they have planned?

The Dracolich lashes out furiously, to chomp down on Quin before he can cast his spell...

[roll0] + [roll1] Damage
[roll2] Concentration Check

With it's chilled teeth grating against him, Quin's armor sparks and burns, but the damage is done-the spell fizzles to nothing, spent...
Laughing cruelly, the creature whirls on Maki, intent on returning it's furious attack upon him...

2011-10-13, 06:48 PM
Does Quin get an AoO for that chomp?

Also, Quin was going to do it last turn, but I forgot. Maki asked IC for the weapon, and the Misaat reminded me.

Also. Crap. Oh well. Heal spell it is. Touch attack and its dead. No way it can take 120+12 damage...

2011-10-13, 07:05 PM
Pete escapes the demon's notice...
But it won't be alone for long...
Luckily, this rock appears to have some ruins...
A good place to make a last stand perhaps?

+ [roll1] HPs of Damage to Maki
[roll2] + [roll3] HPs of Damage to Quin
[roll4] + [roll5] HPs of Damage to Quin
[roll6] + [roll7] HPs of Damage to Maki
[roll8] + [roll9] HPs of Damage to Quin
[roll10] + [roll11] + [roll12] HPs of Damage to Maki, Princess Criticalled Too

As the Dracolich whirls to maul Maki, the cold touch takes his breath away, as well as some of his blood, and perhaps he remembers why he hadn't fought dragon's in a while...
It uses it's claws, wings and specially reserves it's teeth for Maki, but shares some with Quin, drawing up more sparks from the dwarf's breastplate...
And then finally, it's bony tail whirls around like a whip, bursting a hole through Maki's chest, waving through on the other side...
Poor Thoradin, who has yet to even strike the Princess, is completely ignored...

Daina places one of the arrows squarely between her teeth, then takes careful aim...
She looks for a space in the armor...
The arrow strikes Quin's breastplate, and she almost bites the shaft in half!
Quickly, she replaces it with the other arrow, and takes more careful aim...

[roll13] + [roll14] HPs of Damage to Quin
[roll]120+17 Quin's Will Save
[roll15] Mystery Roll

[roll16] Quin's Fortitude Save
[roll17] Thoradin's Fortitude Save
[roll18] Maki's Fortidue Save

A shaft sprouts from Quin's neck, and he feels an incredible amount of pain...

2011-10-13, 07:07 PM
[roll0] +17, makes it a 30!

Does Quin get an AoO for that chomp?
That chomp was ITS AoO, and it has a 10 foot reach!

Whatever potent magic had on that arrow fails, and Daina curses, spitting up blood.
She fumbles for another potion, planning her next move...
Thoradin, Maki and Quin alike stave off the powerful sleep effect, and remain awake, as Winky continues his light blasting.

Actions from Quin, Maki, Thoradin, Eduardo, Pete and Prescott please!

Round 4 Inititative Order is unchanged...

2011-10-13, 07:58 PM
[roll0] +17, makes it a 30!

That chomp was ITS AoO, and it has a 10 foot reach!

Except Quin has 10 foot reach as well. Longspear.

Why the hells do you think he has one except for THAT reason...

Also... His CL should have been +1 more than it was for the glory bolt damage to the dragon. Here is the extra [roll0]

2011-10-13, 08:18 PM
As Quin said Maki's been nagging him for the Crystal since before XD . Can Maki catch the morningstar as a swift action?

Edit: Ouch even with Maki's damage reduction that took 44 hp Damn CRITICAL!

2011-10-13, 08:23 PM

Still shaking Thoradin attempts another feeble strike against the dracolich.


2011-10-13, 09:01 PM
...What exactly happens between 300 ft and 200 ft away from the defender guy?

And where is Dranga saying 'we can't get there in 10 minutes'? The bay with the defender, or white tower? Those are the only landmarks I've discerned so far. And I can fly pretty fast! Gotta go *somewhere* while I'm mobile...

If I'd finished reading second thread, I might understand more about Dresden... didn't get there yet, fill me in a bit!

"What did Maki do? And I don't think I caught the story on this Dresden. He can raise us on this end? D'you suppose that's him setting all the fireworks ahead? Or should we head for the tower yonder?"

2011-10-13, 09:05 PM
...What exactly happens between 300 ft and 200 ft away from the defender guy?

And where is Dranga saying 'we can't get there in 10 minutes'? The bay with the defender, or white tower? Those are the only landmarks I've discerned so far. And I can fly pretty fast! Gotta go *somewhere* while I'm mobile...

If I'd finished reading second thread, I might understand more about Dresden... didn't get there yet, fill me in a bit!

"What did Maki do? And I don't think I caught the story on this Dresden. He can raise us on this end? D'you suppose that's him setting all the fireworks ahead? Or should we head for the tower yonder?"


Human Paragon 3
2011-10-13, 09:10 PM
No action from Welby? What happened to Magic Jar on Daina?

This does not look good, Eduardo says to Pharrah. I can give Quin and the others cover from Daina... that's a start.

Eduardo reaches into his pack and produces one of his scroll cases. He unfurls the parchment and reads aloud from it. The magic complete, the parchment crumbles to dust and the hallway between Daina and the brave combatants is reduced to white-out conditions, a sleet storm blocking the pathway.

I will aim the sleet storm so it begins five feet south of Thoradin's back and ends 45 feet to the south of Thoradin's back. They now have total concealment from Daina.

2011-10-14, 10:43 AM
"I don't think he said... But apparently the gods carry very much about our success, and set Dresden and one of their angels to aid us from outside the Prime... And yes, Dresden can raise us... Or send us back. And I'm sure we should go to him; I doubt we can just fly to the tower..."

Pete has about two minutes until he hits the ruins of the floating rock...
At closer inspection, it appears to be an abandoned human fortress of some sort-showing damage from siege, time and looting of it's stone blocks...
All the towers and the central keep have been shattered, leaving only the twisted gates and crumbling foundations...
Behind him, Pete can see that the number of creatures has grown...
It had brought friends.

Except Quin has 10 foot reach as well. Longspear.
That's nice. But Performing a Distracting Act, such as casting a spell, in it's Threatened Squares, Provokes an Attack of Opportunity...

Also... His CL should have been +1 more than it was for the glory bolt damage to the dragon. Here is the extra extra - (1d12)[7]
She's got one more trick...

As Quin said Maki's been nagging him for the Crystal since before XD . Can Maki catch the morningstar as a swift action?
Lemme get this straight...
Maki's using a flaming broadsword-a sword that's on fire. With two hands.
While Quin, is using a long spear, casting spells, and is going to pass a mace, and a crystal to Maki?
I smell Standard Actions and AoOs...
Are you guys SURE you want to do this?

Maki could delay action for Quin to toss it to him, but that will require maneuvers on both their parts if these heroes want to play hot potato...
Gimme actions for the Barbarian and the Dwarf!

Still shaking Thoradin attempts another feeble strike against the dracolich.
This has been a baaaad encounter for Thoradin...

No action from Welby? What happened to Magic Jar on Daina?

I will aim the sleet storm so it begins five feet south of Thoradin's back and ends 45 feet to the south of Thoradin's back. They now have total concealment from Daina.

2011-10-14, 11:03 AM
Quin is tossing me the Morningstar WITH the crystal already in it... But if its going to take that long it doesnt matter... This needs to end FAST

Still shaking Thoradin attempts another feeble strike against the dracolich.

Nonono you cant say it like that you are defeating your own character. Its like this.

Getting fed up with the dragon princess's attitude Maki unleashes another deadly barrage of attacks upon the Dracolich's unprotected skull!!


Attack 1:[roll0]

Damage:[roll1] + [roll2]

Attack 2:[roll3]

Damage:[roll4] + [roll5]

Attack 3:[roll6]

Damage:[roll7] + [roll8]

Attack 4:[roll9]

Damage:[roll10] + [roll11]

2011-10-14, 11:18 AM
"Well, I'm all for taking this ride as far as it will permit... I'm not much inclined to make nice with the tourists on this island." Secure his hold on Dranga, he angled off toward the tower and flew toward it as rapidly as he could manage until he encountered an impediment.

Still curious about the set-up here... why exactly couldn't he get closer to the defender? And are there undead EVERYwhere on the island, or are they pretty much swarming from the ocean and trying to seize the bay? Does it look like there are crowds of undead as we head in the direction of the tower?

Misaat- Crit confirm on attack#2!

2011-10-14, 11:18 AM
HONESTLY WHAT THE S*** ! I POSTED AND IT DIDNT APPEAR AND I GOT AND ERROR NOW WHEN I POSTED IT AGAIN IT APPEARED! Oasys whick set do i take? the first or the second one... Good for me i got at least 1 twenty on both of them

2011-10-14, 11:21 AM
Flip a coin? Go with post number... [roll0]

2011-10-14, 11:22 AM
Flip a coin? Go with post number... [roll0]

Ha, I had the same error... but they both say go with number 1!

2011-10-14, 11:49 AM
Still curious about the set-up here... why exactly couldn't he get closer to the defender? And are there undead EVERYwhere on the island, or are they pretty much swarming from the ocean and trying to seize the bay? Does it look like there are crowds of undead as we head in the direction of the tower?
The undead are surging along the beach, literally rising from the depths, all around the island along the shore...
He can't get closer because with Dranga, it's too far.
Even if he flies straight, which he can't unless he doesn't want to avoid all the ghosts and such...

HONESTLY WHAT THE S*** ! I POSTED AND IT DIDNT APPEAR AND I GOT AND ERROR NOW WHEN I POSTED IT AGAIN IT APPEARED! Oasys whick set do i take? the first or the second one... Good for me i got at least 1 twenty on both of them

Delete the double posts.

As he begins to angle toward the tower, Dranga screeches in panic.
"No! NONONONO! What are you doing! I'll take my chances with the zombies! Are you crazy!?!?!"

2011-10-14, 12:43 PM
"What? I thought Dresden was at the tower. Or... is that him down at the bay, that we'll need to fight our way to him and assist? I can give us some cover and maybe a distraction with my illusions, if it's needed, but I don't know how we're going to contribute against all this..." He turned away and followed Dranga's direction, since she clearly had a better idea of what was going on. "Let's see... Mirror image for me, Greater invisibility for you, Major Image to stall these things for a moment..."

2011-10-14, 12:49 PM
"No, Harley and Daina said he stayed on the beach... Apparently..."
She tries hard to remember...
"The tower is a way out... But it has perils and the jungle is filled with dangers... Take us down... I have a better idea, if you can clear an area, that will help greatly..."

2011-10-14, 01:50 PM
"Yes... that I can do. I should be able to get us close enough that we could dimension door to the front line, or at least within Messaging distance of the fellow up there..."

Prescott glides them as near as he is able, and then throws down a Major Image spell. Mirroring the gouts of fire that are being thrown down to repel the undead, he uses the illusion to make it appear as if molten, rocky crags are breaching the floor of the beach with violent suddenness. The boulder-like shapes, edged with lava and licked by large tongues of flame. He creates a dozen of these jagged bolts, first in a ring (within which he will land with Dranga), then in a rough line in the direction of the defender.

"Here goes nothing... keep hold of my hand and keep running!" Prescott takes them down into the artificial part of a very real armageddon.

If they can land safely on a little scrap of beach, Prescott will put them down out of view in the middle of this ring, then lead Dranga inside of the illusory rocks so she can see through it. Once we get close enough (within 800 feet), they can DD up near the defender. (Does Dranga have a DD prepared today?) I hope he recognizes us as not-undead and doesn't blast us. That'd be sad.

...of course, I realize that Dranga didn't actually *say* what her better idea is yet. But if it is better than 'hide in an illusion then DD up', Prescott is all ears!

The zombies shouldn't even attempt to question rocks and just move around them... and the non-mindless undead, well, I'm not sure why they'd want to check whether THIS pillar of flame actually burns them when they touch it, but one of these times it will be Dresden casting and not an illusion. Their call! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-14, 02:17 PM
Lemme get this straight...
Maki's using a flaming broadsword-a sword that's on fire. With two hands.
While Quin, is using a long spear, casting spells, and is going to pass a mace, and a crystal to Maki?
I smell Standard Actions and AoOs...
Are you guys SURE you want to do this?

Maki could delay action for Quin to toss it to him, but that will require maneuvers on both their parts if these heroes want to play hot potato...
Gimme actions for the Barbarian and the Dwarf!

Quin uses a free to drop teh spear, a swift to take out the morningstar and crystal attached, then a move to toss it to maki.

That good enough? NExt round he will use a move to pick it up and a standard to cast. This time it's just going to be Heal.

2011-10-14, 02:41 PM
Quin uses a free to drop teh spear, a swift to take out the morningstar and crystal attached, then a move to toss it to maki.

That good enough? NExt round he will use a move to pick it up and a standard to cast. This time it's just going to be Heal.
Not if I kill you first...

In the next three hours, I'll post the results of this Round, and update my status thingy.

2011-10-14, 02:44 PM
Quin doesn't want to do the drop and pick-up thing... Picking up an item provokes an AoO (Move action). Dropping the spear isn't necessary... you can hold a two-handed weapon in 1 hand, you just can't use it. What I think it should be is...
Last round:
Quin attempts to cast (Std action)
Quin draws weapon (Move action, No AoO, still holding spear with other hand but cannot use it)
Maki 'draws' the weapon from Quin (They're adjacent, so it shouldn't be a big deal to pass an item rather than throwing, and he's not picking up a loose item from the ground (which would provoke))

Not really an unreasonable chain of events, since they're right next to each other and all.

2011-10-14, 02:51 PM
Quin attempts to cast (Std action)
Quin draws weapon (Move action, No AoO, still holding spear with other hand but cannot use it)
Maki 'draws' the weapon from Quin (They're adjacent, so it shouldn't be a big deal to pass an item rather than throwing, and he's not picking up a loose item from the ground (which would provoke))
He's got a point.
But casting a spell will provoke an AoO, and mhmmmm, no. Passing can be a Swift Action, with no AoO...

I just hope my Princess can last long enough...

2011-10-14, 03:45 PM
Pete keep his body in a rigid dive and holds the longbow tightly to his chest while the cloak and rope flutter wildly behind him. A plan forms in his mind and he designates an angle that slightly overshoots the stone as down.

2011-10-14, 03:57 PM
Is Pete too far away to notice whether the demons fight over the armor or not?

He's not too far to see them start to give chase...
Like a black cloud of gnats, a roiling cloud begins to close the distance...

2011-10-14, 04:22 PM
Pete trims his trajectory to overshoot the stone by just 500 feet. He continues to alternate glances at his pursuers and the fortress below, watching for changes in his path.

2011-10-14, 04:43 PM
Great then so . Can we have that done since last turn? So my attacks would be done with the morningstar?

2011-10-14, 06:50 PM
Pete shoots over the walls like an arrow from his longbow...
He feels a gentle pull, and as he looks back, he feels confident, they're gaining slowly...
And then, as he looks ahead, Pete's blood turns to ice...
Some had teleported...
Thirty demons of every size and manner now run parallel and ahead of him, below and above...

Pete still has Initiative

Great then so . Can we have that done since last turn? So my attacks would be done with the morningstar?

Hell no!

Misaat, update your sheet to include a Flaming Bastard Sword, and Pax...
And Elfstone, why aren't you counting the EXPerience awards and HP damage?

The zombies shouldn't even attempt to question rocks and just move around them... and the non-mindless undead, well, I'm not sure why they'd want to check whether THIS pillar of flame actually burns them when they touch it, but one of these times it will be Dresden casting and not an illusion.

As Prescott casts the spell, Dranga grins...
"Good idea-"
The undead walk amongst armageddon as if it isn't even there, and politely make their way around the two, ignoring them completely, leaving a neat twenty-foot wide circle around them...
"-but, why?"

No action from Welby? What happened to Magic Jar on Daina?

Perhaps somebody should take a moment to look for him?

I will aim the sleet storm so it begins five feet south of Thoradin's back and ends 45 feet to the south of Thoradin's back. They now have total concealment from Daina.
Usually, I would curse....
But, I already locked in the Dracolich's actions, so, I ain't mad...
But I'm going to award you 200 EXP anyways...

Initiative Order
Maki, Welby
Prescott, Dranga
Armored Dracolich Princess

[roll0] Quin's Fortitude Save
[roll1] Maki's Fortitude Save +2 makes 21 barely saves
[roll2] Thoradin's Fortitude Save

[roll3] + [roll4] Damage to Maki
[roll5] Maki's Dexterity Check
[roll6] Maki's Attack of Opportunity Miss!
[roll7] Quin's Attack of Opportunity Miss!
[roll8] Quin's Unarmed Strike
[roll9] + [roll10] Maki's Flaming Bastard Sword

Again, the Maki's barrage of fast and furious attack overwhelms the Princess' defenses, and this time, the break shatters the skull, leaving one of the sockets mashed and unrecognizable. The quivering lenght of tail protruding from his chest doesn't impair him a bit... Though it does grate a bit on his ribs...
The whirling mask of white snow and rain blocks out Daina's view of the battle...
And she hisses in surprise, thrashing her braid through the air...
Pharrah squints, "They probably weren't in control... See if you can wake Harley-and give him this."
She holds out the potion to him.
Then she turn to the boy, and touches his face, "Stay with Eduardo, he'll keep you safe..."
Black sword in hand, she rushes off north again, toward Daina...
The spear clatters to the ground with a ringing sound, and Quin manages to toss the weapon to him...
...but the Dracolich is already moving, it's tail rippling to toss Maki aside like a rag doll, before it casts its spell to escape...
It's an awesome catch... Even as he goes flying, Maki's fingers wrap around the handle...
And then he hits the walls of the corridor...
...and sniggering, the Princess begins her spellcasting...
Daina seeing her quarry has disappeared and Pharrah rapidly approaching doesn't stop her headlong charge forward toward and into the whirling snow...

2011-10-14, 06:58 PM
[roll0] Thoradin's Attack of Opportunity
[roll1] Thoradin's Damage Roll

With a fierce roar, Thoradin brings his weapon around to stop the Dracolich...
..but it's already gone, and he swings through empty space, watching it's tail slink through a Dimension Door...

2011-10-14, 06:59 PM
Thoradin is in melee with the ADP, does he get a AoO?

Beat me to the punch.

2011-10-14, 07:13 PM
Beat me to the punch.
I know... I keep hoping to do a 'perfect post', but I'll get it!

Round 5 Initiative Order



[roll0] Quin's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Maki's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Eduardo's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Prescott's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Thoradin's Initiative Roll

Pete and Prescott remain in their own Initiative bubble thingies, and both currently have Initiative...

...Maki has the morningstar by the way...

Gimme Actions People

Eduardo sees Pharrah suddenly skid to a stop, looking west...
Then she screams in rage, "DAMNIT PETE! I'll kill him!"
She promptly hurls a fireball down the corridor...

On the otherside, Winky bobs around confusedly, "Where'd it go!?!?!"
Hassadur, coiled along the ground looking at the wall of sleet, hisses in confusion as well, scattering bone fragments and the shards of armor as he shifts back and forth...

2011-10-14, 07:56 PM

Maki says as he takes out and drinks a potion of healing.

CMW: [roll0] + HP to Maki

" Quin im going to need some healing over here..."

Maki holds his breath as he listens around trying to disern if there arent any more dangers lurking about.


"Stupid mist i felt really sleepy for a moment there... We better get out of here is that thing isnt around anymore..."

He thinks

2011-10-14, 07:59 PM
I'm on mag iPod right now, didn't get to the newest damage. If you could edit it, I'd appreciate it. As for xp, I just forgot.

2011-10-14, 08:04 PM
That blank space between Maki and Quin would be where something attack's us? OH NO AND ACCORDING TO MY CALCULATIONS THE NEXT ONE IS THE LAST ROUND OF RAGE AND BOOTS!

2011-10-14, 08:08 PM
Pete looks around in agonizing frustration. Should have known they could all do that! Better shake them and get to the underside right now. Pete shifts his legs to glide closer to the rock face and looks ahead for a good spot to cast his Web as he puts his Ring of Feather Falling back on...

2011-10-14, 11:26 PM
I LOVE this one...

and that such items are never ever meant to be used at terminal velocity while in a head first dive and don't have special safety effects for that circumstance....
No... I don't think so...

Unconsciousness at his current hit points I assume is also a given. A normal fortitude roll to avoid death seems kind of silly. +7 against ICH? Massive Damage DC of 15? The odds I doubt would really be that good.
He'll go unconcious, then blinded, and whether or not he hits the rock or the demons get him, Pete won't feel a thing...
Can you think of nothing else?


2011-10-15, 10:49 AM
But all that said, if it still seems like an inconsistent action to you, I suppose I could roll dice for Pete to realize without training that magically slowing down while head first in a dive at terminal velocity has a good chance of causing a stroke. Let me know what kind of check that is...
Last night, I would have just said, "No, he'll be unconcious before the stroke..."
But having slept, I think it'd make sense that Fly and Feather Fall would protect from such physical dangers-perhaps by ensuring all the blood stays where it needs to, rather tha moving to the top or bottom of the person...
So, in that sense...
...Pete should be good for another little bit.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-15, 11:00 AM
Check your PM box. :smallsmile:

2011-10-15, 11:01 AM
Cmon Quiiin i want to see what's gonna attack us!

2011-10-15, 11:15 AM
Looking around, Quin sees the double doors. Snatching his spear before rushing over to Maki and healing him [roll0] as well as hauling him to his feet and attempting to drag him over to the double doors down the hall, were he hopes to find respite. He calls over his shoulder "Thoradin, follow me brother. We need to get out of the gas."

Sheet updated. 73/103 health left. Not bad. Unless I missed alot.

2011-10-15, 11:37 AM
Im not prone... Or am i? He just said i got knocked into the wall...

2011-10-15, 12:08 PM
Pete pushes back his hood and grips his longsword in his right hand, but does not yet draw it against his pursuers. As he does so he pushes out with his left hand and longbow to prevent the action from twisting his new glide path. Pete continues to drift closer to the rock face in search of a reachable outcropping. With the immobilizing, deafening rush of the air no longer around him, Pete begins to address the demons in Celestial in the usual way. "Forgive me if by speaking I run the risk of provoking angry hisses."

2011-10-15, 02:37 PM
Thoradin is still shaken, and now that he is leaving his Defensive Stance he is winded for the rest of the encounter. He also loses twenty hit points from exiting his defensive stance. He was at 139/170 so he's now at 119/150.

"Alright priest," huffing with a hard breath, Thoradin follows quin guarding his and Maki's backs.

2011-10-15, 05:19 PM
Check your PM box.

Cmon Quiiin i want to see what's gonna attack us!
Such glee!

Im not prone... Or am i? He just said i got knocked into the wall...
Not prone.

See also Inertial Dampening, which can justify it in worlds where it exists.
lol, I have that spell in my Return notes!
Somebody commented that I'd been throwing and comboing everything in the SRD...
Well, for Return I'm going all out! I had to buy a new USB key for all the books!

Pete begins to address the demons in Celestial in the usual way. "Forgive me if by speaking I run the risk of provoking angry hisses."
Well shucks, I was just going to kill him... But now, something I'd shelved before the game, comes out...

"ACHtualee, mate, that right dayur, is common mis. Con. Sepshun! We doon't hisss! That be the sound of yer ears boinin' from our terrible coises!"
The nalfashnee, the same who'd followed Pete, is flying parallel to Pete, eyeing his longbow.
Probably most disturbing about this demon is that the mouth on his face, filled with teeth doesn't move-simply grinning.
The voice comes from a beak on his belly.

Pete has an AoO

2011-10-15, 05:44 PM
Didn't Quin and Maki and Hassadur have a chance to AoO the dracolich, too? Did I miss those? If it was that damaged, then it might have actually finished it off...

Eyeing the undead shambling along warily, Prescott led Dranga carefully forward through his illusion. "You said we should find Dresden, and indicated we should NOT head toward the tower. There is someone ahead, at the edge of the bay, where all this activity is focusing. Unless you've got a sightseeing route in mind, I think finding the only evidence of life on this island is a good way to go. What do you think?"

2011-10-15, 06:53 PM
What about us?! What is going on in the tooooomb of hooooorroooooors

2011-10-15, 07:00 PM
"That has to be him..."
She crouches down on all fours, and begins to change...
It isn't long before Dranga has become the monstrous boar that she'd transformed into within the Cavern of Mists...
Snorting, she tosses her head up and down, bringing a coarse flank close enough to Prescott to reach out and touch...

Didn't Quin and Maki and Hassadur have a chance to AoO the dracolich, too? Did I miss those? If it was that damaged, then it might have actually finished it off...
They did.
And they missed.

[roll0] Quin's Fortitude Save
[roll1] Thoradin's Fortitude Save
[roll2] Maki's Fortitude Save

The potion feels good, and Maki's frost encrusted wound around his chest seals up, without a mark.
As he strains his ears, he hears nothing unusual...
Well, except the thump sound of Hassadur finally falling asleep.
The snake's huge coils move slightly as the massive snake slumbers.
With Quin's healing magic and Winky's protective circle, Maki's other wounds knit closed, without leaving the demi-lich's touch...
The doors are identical to the the one's the Dracolich had smashed...
Made of iron. Double doors that swing back and forth...

Actions please! Maki, Quin and Thoradin please.

2011-10-15, 07:12 PM
Hey why a fortitude save i said Maki held his breath

Maki calms down as the magic in his boots wear off

Rage out

He feels pretty tired after the fight.

" Dammit... We need to rest... "

Then he looks around.

Spot: [roll0]

" ...Where is Welby? "

2011-10-15, 07:19 PM
He SPOKE first!
And he's talking again! =D

2011-10-15, 07:22 PM
He SPOKE first!
And he's talking again! =D

You dont need to BREATH TO TALK. In fact talking is the exact opposite of it!

2011-10-15, 07:36 PM
You dont need to BREATH TO TALK. In fact talking is the exact opposite of it!
"Normal human speech is produced with pulmonary pressure provided by the lungs which creates phonation in the glottis in the larynx that is then modified by the vocal tract into different vowels and consonants. However humans can pronounce words without the use of the lungs and glottis in alaryngeal speech of which there are three types: esophageal speech, pharyngeal speech and buccal speech (better known as Donald Duck talk)."

But Maki loses air while talking faster than he would if he kept his mouth close and didn't breathe through his nose.

2011-10-15, 08:00 PM
"Normal human speech is produced with pulmonary pressure provided by the lungs which creates phonation in the glottis in the larynx that is then modified by the vocal tract into different vowels and consonants. However humans can pronounce words without the use of the lungs and glottis in alaryngeal speech of which there are three types: esophageal speech, pharyngeal speech and buccal speech (better known as Donald Duck talk)."

But Maki loses air while talking faster than he would if he kept his mouth close and didn't breathe through his nose.

Is cool :smallcool: i should only need to hold it for a couple of rounds anyway

2011-10-15, 08:08 PM
Is cool i should only need to hold it for a couple of rounds anyway
I'm sure you're right.

2011-10-15, 08:09 PM
They did.
And they missed.

Fair enough! just checking. :smallsmile:

Also, this, Maki! (http://darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0006.html) :smallbiggrin:

Prescott mulls over polymorph options for himself, seeing that his other spells wouldn't do much good against their current threat. For now, though, he'll move along with Dranga as close as possible before using a DDoor to launch them near the other beseiged wizard in the bay.

2011-10-15, 08:28 PM
"PCs always seem to be able to hold detailed discussions of their plans, despite being in situations where coherent speech, or speech of any sort, should be impossible. And all the NPCs can do is look on in bemusement."

For now, though, he'll move along with Dranga as close as possible before using a DDoor to launch them near the other beseiged wizard in the bay.
She's offering him a ride!

They leave a trail in the sand.
Four large hooves raking up deep craters in the soft dirt, and the impressions of Prescott's boots. As they walk along, the undead maintain a respectful circle, never entering or encroaching...
Skeletons and zombies and ghosts of men, women, children...
Ghasts and banshees, who fall silent as soon as they come too close...
Prescott has never seen anything like it...

Does he continue?

2011-10-15, 09:55 PM
I would never presume to ride a lady without her permission! Even if she is a monstrous boar lady. And I decided a while ago that Prescott is developing a crush on Dranga. But if it's clear that's what she intends...

I think you meant 'Prescott's bootmarks', not 'Pete's'.

Yes, Prescott will continue on toward Dresden's spot. If we can walk the whole way there unmolested, so much the better! Though I'll obviously be wary for when we reach that area you mentioned previously of heavy duty defending with the fire and lightning and such. Definitely time to teleport rather than walk through that. :smallsmile: Not much else to do besides find Dresden, and I'll be perfectly okay with walking as long as that holds out.

At Dranga's indication, Prescott climbed aboard and allowed her to carry him along the beach toward their destination, still quite unnerved by the lack of reaction from everything around them.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-15, 10:18 PM
Should I resume posting actions in thread?

2011-10-15, 10:24 PM
Should I resume posting actions in thread?

Yes, Prescott will continue on toward Dresden's spot. If we can walk the whole way there unmolested, so much the better! Though I'll obviously be wary for when we reach that area you mentioned previously of heavy duty defending with the fire and lightning and such. Definitely time to teleport rather than walk through that. Not much else to do besides find Dresden, and I'll be perfectly okay with walking as long as that holds out.
I figured, but I wanted to offer the chance to experiment.

And I decided a while ago that Prescott is developing a crush on Dranga.
Ah, the magic of love.
And how appropriate... A triangle! =P

I'll have to continue tomorrow with content.

2011-10-15, 10:55 PM
Experiment? What possible results could turn up? Maybe on the Astral Island, zombies are made of sugar and spice? No, I'll keep to task at this point. Experimenting is so much more fruitful while I'm inside the tomb, might as well get back there posthaste. When I'm alive again, I'm going to poke and prod everything I see with my newfound zest for life! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-15, 11:29 PM

I figured, but I wanted to offer the chance to experiment.

Ah, the magic of love.
And how appropriate... A triangle! =P

I'll have to continue tomorrow with content.

A triangle? Is she in love with Quin or Thoradin?

2011-10-16, 12:15 AM
"By the powers, so it be!" Replies Pete in an absurd accent of Celestial. "An' 'tis right propitious I should clap eyes 'pon per'lous gentlemen such as yeself. For them what have needs half as has I this hour are in dire condition."

2011-10-16, 11:57 AM
It's more like a type 1 overlapping a type 5 that opposes a type 3, but that is turning into a completely separate type 5. Seems to me a little over the top. Especially for a dwarf with 9 charisma. But what do I know?

...i understood the part about 9 charisma... the rest was just over me XD

2011-10-16, 12:08 PM
...i understood the part about 9 charisma... the rest was just over me XD


If you continue to blow my mind like that, Quin MAY have to kill Pete to keep himself/me sane.

In other news, post incoming.

2011-10-16, 02:13 PM
It's Type 5

I have Actions for Maki, I need some for Thoradin or Quin...

Um. Relative to the stone, where is Pete?
Close enough to cast Web on it, and transfix himself...
I'd say he's approaching it's bottom...

Replies Pete in an absurd accent of Celestial.
That was the absolute worse thing you could have done...
"Sensitive about accents/dialogue pattern. Will attack with prejudice if mocked, or imitated in any manner or the perception of such. With. Prejudice."

Anyways, I'm going to award Pete 200 EXPerience for finding one of the ways out...
...and in hindsight, I'm going to give Maki 300 EXPerience for finding the Ethereal way, even though it happened earlier than I'd originally plotted...
See-no rails here.


The demon's jovial face, twists. And he looks over to his fellow beings of pure evil and chaos with a twisted snarl.
"Oi! This bloke's MOCKIN' me!"
"Oh, he ES, es he?"
"We'll show HIM!"
"That's ROIGHT!"
"Wot wot!"
"What for!"
A balor, new to the savage and torturous killing of things demon's usually enjoy, casts a destructive spell ahead of it's fellows...
Pete feels a momentary bad feelings in his gut, and then he implodes, violently collapsing in on himself, and killing him without thought.
There is a moment of surprise.
"Oi! WHY the bloody hell did you do THAt fo'?"
The balor stammers as the demon host quickly turns on it...
As the Tombbound Pete is swept elsewheres on the Astral, the balor makes a single scream as a retriever chomps down on his head, signalling a messy free for all, leaving a bloodied mess on the Astral as the humble fortress becomes a demon killing ground...

Pete's eyes fly open anew, and the water stings...
His necklace isn't functioning-he needs air, but he dare not breath...
A dim light above indicates the surface.

2011-10-16, 02:53 PM
Does that mean i can lvl up!!? ... Also when did i discovered that was it back when i got Dresden Drunk?

2011-10-16, 03:01 PM
Pete tries to order the sequence of his memories as he awakens. Not as bad as the first blast. Quicker anyway. Much quicker than rice water. Pete shivers and rubs his gut with a grin. Somebody's ears were burning. He quickly looks himself over, noting missing injuries and equipment. As he does so he opens his mouth and swallows a little of the brine out of curiosity.

2011-10-16, 04:21 PM
Quin places his hand upon Thoradin's forehead and channels his gods power into him before moving to the double doors and raising one booted dwarf foot. Giving a might kick he glances inside to see what the room contains.


The kick is for fluff. Quin is not a happy dwarf right now.

2011-10-16, 04:27 PM
Quin places his hand upon Thoradin's forehead and channels his gods power into him before moving to the double doors and raising one booted dwarf foot. Giving a might kick he glances inside to see what the room contains.


The kick is for fluff. Quin is not a happy dwarf right now.

Hey! Why are you healing him. Maki still has less hp than he does!
BTW Maki is entering the first of 9 rounds of Fatigue...

2011-10-16, 04:36 PM
So that we can hide behind the giant tank that he is. Then Quin can heal maki up 100%

2011-10-16, 05:19 PM
Does that mean i can lvl up!!? ... Also when did i discovered that was it back when i got Dresden Drunk?
And yes.
The hall with the foggy floors was supposed to be temporary... Maki sped up it's disappearance...

The quiet one won out already?
No victor's yet. Just type 5 in the direction the arrows are going.

The water is warm and salty...
It tastes like blood.
And he thinks he might have swallowed a scab...
Other body like shapes move through the water about him, but a pink hue makes it difficult to see.

BTW Maki is entering the first of 9 rounds of Fatigue...
Got it. Thoradin will be unshaken two rounds after this. Round 7

The kick is for fluff. Quin is not a happy dwarf right now.
I figured.
On both counts.

Travelling along, nothing much changes...
Bodies and body parts fly through the air, and the undead still intact bump into one another while leaving a wide berth for Prescott and Dranga...
Until they reach four hundred feet.
The fire and lightning and other terrible magics cease, replaced by dull slashing sounds.
They continue on...
Eventually, after a hundred more feet of walking, they come to the remnants of undead sliced into pieces, as if by massive blades...
The sand is littered with bodies and disturbed with slices along the ground...
The zombies ignore they're fallen and merely march over them, only to be similarily dispatched...
As they get closer, it becomes apparent what is doing the destroying-metallic disks with white edges burst from the sand, spinning through the masses. Some are huge, perhaps as big as houses, while others are saucer-sized moving in clouds...
None of the disks come close to Dranga and Prescott though...
A vampire is caught by a large disk, splitting him screaming in half, sending the top of his body, forearms and legs spinning througg the air.
Dranga hesitates, then keeps moving, but much more cautiously...
And then, the Message comes...
Even in his mind, Dresden is dry and sarcastic...
Don't touch the undead. In your state, they're particularly dangerous to you...

2011-10-16, 06:08 PM
Can i haz reroll? I mean C'mon that's not even the best a WIZARD could make!

When Maki sees Quin healing Thoradin something clicks in his head. He remembers the hand gestures Acererak used when he tried to kill him... It all flashes trough his mind. Even though Quin was not a Wizard or a Sorcerer the movements where conected ... they where all conected... it was precision... it was grace... it was MAGIC! ...

IT WAS ANNOYING AS HELL! Such complicated forms such intrincates patterns still didnt held a candle to the ringing of steel... the adrenaline of battle... and yet time and time again he would see the fiercest warrior fall under the users of those same movements. But he knew now... He knew (even if just slightly) how they worked... and he could see too (in his mind)... how to make it so they wouldn't...

Maki has Gained the MAGESLAYER feat

2011-10-16, 06:57 PM
Whispering back along the Message spell, Prescott counters, "Wasn't ever on my to-do list. Can we advance safely? Are these slicing disks keyed to target undead, or do we need teleport the remainder of the way in?"

2011-10-16, 07:34 PM
"You could... But to what purpose? Acererak has sent his forces here, for me... I can hold though. You need to go back. Return to the Tomb..."

Can i haz reroll? I mean C'mon that's not even the best a WIZARD could make!

Maki has Gained the MAGESLAYER feat
Should be interesting. It'll definitely come in handy in Return.

2011-10-16, 07:37 PM
"You could... But to what purpose? Acererak has sent his forces here, for me... I can hold though. You need to go back. Return to the Tomb..."


Should be interesting. It'll definitely come in handy in Return.

:smalltongue: Is that yes or no?

Also been meaning to ask about return. Is there a Time Skip between this and Return? I want Maki to grow a Goatee!

2011-10-16, 07:40 PM
Is that yes or no?
It's a no. The dice fall where they may.

Also been meaning to ask about return. Is there a Time Skip between this and Return? I want Maki to grow a Goatee
Seven years should be enough.

2011-10-16, 07:44 PM
It's a no. The dice fall where they may.

Seven years should be enough.
And the result of Quin's actions....

2011-10-16, 07:55 PM
7 years! That is more than enough for Maki's follow up story to happen XD

2011-10-16, 08:09 PM
"I'm all for returning - you will forgive my confusion about this process, I've not been dead before. Well, there was this one time... but not like this, in any event. My companion and I are eager to go back and find what's happened to us. I don't know if our party has even survived their current encounter, so the sooner the better! How do we get back, if not coming to you?"

2011-10-16, 08:14 PM
"Drown yourself in the water. And you'll reappear in the Tomb as if you'd been Raised. Good luck..."

7 years! That is more than enough for Maki's follow up story to happen XD
All actions at once.
Ned Thoradin's.

7 years! That is more than enough for Maki's follow up story to happen XD
It'll also explain level gain and new items, feats and skills.

2011-10-16, 08:35 PM
Cmooon Thoradin is just going to Follow Quin And thank him .o.

2011-10-16, 09:12 PM
Cmooon Thoradin is just going to Follow Quin And thank him .o.
Fair enough.
A PC has spoken.

[roll0] Thoradin's Fortitude Roll
[roll1] Quin's Fortitude Roll

31 Rounds of Air for Maki...

Maki's tired and worn out from his rage...
He struggles to see through the gas, and even with Winky's light, he can't see anything...
No sign of him that the barbarian can see.
The doors swing open, revealing the corridor continues about another forty feet, with another pair of doors on the left side.
Then, they swing back and forth, until they're shut in Quin's face.


2011-10-16, 10:40 PM
Maki touches Quin's shoulder and makes a gesture with his hand and neck asking him if they should just go back.

2011-10-16, 10:48 PM
...Am I in anyway certain that this is our pal Dresden speaking to us?

And back in the tomb, everyone (including Winky) just watched Daina shoot up Prescott, and Pete disappear in a mysterious smoky boomroom, and Hassadur pass out, but are opting to explore the gassy corridor? Just checking.

Prescott looks down at Dranga in her boar form, curious for her reaction. Speaking just to her, he says, "That's it? Why, we very nearly raised ourselves just by arriving here if that's all it takes. Did Harley describe anything like this when he returned?" Knowing there's not a terrific amount she can communicate in her current state, he just looks for a nod of the large head and her turning to move toward the waterline as confirmation that she buys into this plan of action.

2011-10-16, 11:10 PM
...Am I in anyway certain that this is our pal Dresden speaking to us?

And back in the tomb, everyone (including Winky) just watched Daina shoot up Prescott, and Pete disappear in a mysterious smoky boomroom, and Hassadur pass out, but are opting to explore the gassy corridor? Just checking.
Well, there's the big wall of snow...
...and Winky hasn't said anything...
As for Maki and Quin and Thoradin, well, they're PCs, I'm not surprised.

Also, only Quin saw Daina shoot him...
...he's still got the arrows...

Dranga nods, and begins to turn toward the water...
The disks continue to cut and slash through the undead hoard...
The zombies clear the way... And it doesn't take long for Dranga and Prescott to find themselves at the shore.
The undead continue to move around, maintaining the twenty foot diameter...

2011-10-16, 11:22 PM
Welp, I'm glad Dranga thinks this is a reasonable course of action, and apologies if you're simply trying to get me back to the action efficiently, but it feels kind of weird. Not that I expect there are lots of people encouraging us to get back to the tomb and defeat Acererak, but again - we could have drowned if we failed at swimming Up when we first arrived. Easy peasy resurrection!

Er... Sense motive, for kicks? [roll0] Hm. I see. It seems that the voice on the other end of that spell was definitely speaking words to me, that I'm sure of...

Alright, just Quin and Winky then. Winky's a pal for keeping the area lit in the gas for everyone, but Prescott got deaded and I imagine that makes him sad beyond just yelling a big NOOOOOO (http://nooooooooooooooo.com/). Thought he might charge into the snow to have words with Daina, or check and see if I am still clinging to life (which I was a mere 5 hps away from!).

2011-10-16, 11:33 PM
Welp, I'm glad Dranga thinks this is a reasonable course of action, and apologies if you're simply trying to get me back to the action efficiently, but it feels kind of weird. Not that I expect there are lots of people encouraging us to get back to the tomb and defeat Acererak, but again - we could have drowned if we failed at swimming Up when we first arrived. Easy peasy resurrection
It's not supposed to make sense...
There's definitely something sinister going on that you and your characters aren't supposed to understand...

Thought he might charge into the snow to have words with Daina, or check and see if I am still clinging to life (which I was a mere 5 hps away from!).
Oh, come on guys! Think! It's all there!
Where's Welby? Where's Winky?
It's a foreseeable chain of events!

The voice was a dry and to the point, and while Prescott had no reason to suspect any deception, not seeing the face of his 'guardian' made him uncomfortable.
And then the magic of the water...
Perhaps there was a voluntary and knowledgeable aspect of it?
He couldn't be too sure.
Dranga had been here from the beginning-maybe the things she'd seen made her more willing to suspend her disbelief?
"Cease your hesitation! Each moment you hesitate, Acererak's grips on your allies tightens-I can't hold them off forever. GO!"

2011-10-16, 11:41 PM
They where obviosly taken out by Shudu which is the real identity of the hidden warrior. Sorry Oasys i just had to say it.

2011-10-16, 11:46 PM
They where obviosly taken out by Shudu which is the real identity of the hidden warrior. Sorry Oasys i just had to say it.
But Shudu was WITH you when the Mysterious Warrior appeared!

2011-10-16, 11:49 PM
But Shudu was WITH you when the Mysterious Warrior appeared!

OR so we THINK! Maybe it was actually Shudu's Twin brother the one who died back then... Perhaps he knows where his Ancestors bones where left...

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 07:08 AM
Yeah, I am also confused why people seem to be exploring when the battle isn't really over and half the party is unaccounted for.

2011-10-17, 09:12 AM
Pete follows one of the dark figures in the water, hoping to getting a better view of what happens when one reaches the surface. Then he swims upward to the surface himself and looks around for his monstrous playmates.

2011-10-17, 09:16 AM
Pete bursts through the surface, bumping into a thrashing mummy.
It's bindings weight it down and it struggles to move toward the beach.
Other undead surround beat, marching along the bottom of the seabed onto the jungle sands or moving as best they can through the water...
From looking above, it's clear that Pete is still on the Astral-some sort of island beach, being assaulted by the undead...

2011-10-17, 10:16 AM
...yeah, I still don't know why Winky is exploring with the trio instead of finding Prescott. And I've no idea where Welby disappeared to without anyone noticing. Unless he cast Invisibility, then Magic Jar'd Winky! That's my guess! :smalltongue: Gasesous form would make sense too, but still unclear on why might do that.

Trusting in Dranga's perception at least, he gave his legs a squeeze from the mounted position to indicate she should charge forward into the surf. They'd go down together pretty quickly with the weight of her... but he wasn't looking forward to the drowning. A terrible, slow death... undeath... re-death? Oh bother, this afterlife confuses me.

2011-10-17, 10:47 AM
The damage to the mummy makes it impossible to determin it's exact race, but to assume human wouldn't be wrong.
He can see rotting, waterlogged flesh, but no distinguishing charms or jewellery.
As far as Pete can tell, it's a generic mummy dragged from only the gods could nowhere...

Is there any skill or ability check that might help Pete distinguish between an undead mummy and a dead undead mummy?
Well. There's the ones that are moving.
And there are the ones that aren't.

Should I roll or is this a friendly mummy?
Well, unless Pete gives her a reason not to be.

...yeah, I still don't know why Winky is exploring with the trio instead of finding Prescott. And I've no idea where Welby disappeared to without anyone noticing. Unless he cast Invisibility, then Magic Jar'd Winky! That's my guess! Gasesous form would make sense too, but still unclear on why might do that.
He's not. He already left after Quin did his first bout of healing.
Aaaaaaaaand, nope. Nope. Close though. And Nope.

Oh bother, this afterlife confuses me.
Well, consider the doubts you might have as a player or a character.
"Is the DM messing with me? Is he just going to announce, 'Sorry, you fell for it-he's dead!""
And on Prescott's part, he's undergoing a huge amount of trust in a man who's face he hasn't even seen and a woman he just met, killing himself in a state that feels almost real...

As Dranga steps foot into the water, she immediately reverts to her dwarf form, splashing in the waves.
"Well, that was unexpected... Dresden sounds like he's in a worse mood-but he'll be fine. See you on the other side!"
She hurls herself into the surf like a stone, completely submerging herself.

2011-10-17, 12:20 PM
When you said Winky's light was in the hallway, I assumed you meant actual-Winky, not that he cast Continual flame on the wall to help them see ahead. Didn't realize he'd left.

Yeah, this is true. I don't have a great handle on what Prescott's options are on the ethereal plane, but trusting Dresden is the only item available on his to-do list besides chat with a banshee. There is no second opinion to consult on this island, just undead. He IS dead already. He's no theologian, so I think he'd assume this is a purgatory sort of place, processing dead souls before they end up on the proper higher plane. Like this place (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0486.html), y'know? (I don't even get a proper ascension like Roy did, because Prescott's Archon is back on the prime material right now...) So if the ostensibly helpful agent of the gods makes a suggestion - and his companion believes it to be equally sound - then I'm inclined to believe you're painting a picture to underscore the urgency of our quest rather than trying to re-kill me permanently. :smallsmile:

Prescott takes the dive alongside Dranga, willing himself to swim deeper into the depths.

2011-10-17, 12:45 PM
"Quin! Maki! Thoradin! Pharrah! Welby! I am in Isam's Hold with the Dragon and Daina. Come!"

ethereal plane

(I don't even get a proper ascension like Roy did, because Prescott's Archon is back on the prime material right now...)
Technically, it IS a purgatory.
Prescott and everyone in the Tomb has a mission to complete, and getting killed won't get him free of it.

if the ostensibly helpful agent of the gods makes a suggestion - and his companion believes it to be equally sound - then I'm inclined to believe you're painting a picture to underscore the urgency of our quest rather than trying to re-kill me permanently.
Good boy.
I think you made a good point about emerging in water, and then having to return...
Perhaps I should have chosen another form of 'suicide', which is ironic, because by 'killing' himself, Prescott will return to life...
Jump off a cliff? Hang? Poison?

More and more bodies of unseen creatures surround Prescott, he loses sight of Dranga.
The water is deep, and the surface above is merely a dull, flickering glow.
All he has to do now...
Is open is mouth...

2011-10-17, 01:23 PM
Pete looks about once more for any sign of his demonic friends, wondering what could be keeping them. The strangely piteous being at his side seems barely able to stay afloat. Pete calls out in common, hoping they share the same dialect. "Pardon me ma'am. I didn't mean to swim into you just now." Pete extends his gloved right hand to the flailing mummy. "If I help you ashore would you answer a few questions?"

2011-10-17, 02:37 PM
Eduardo sees Pharrah suddenly skid to a stop, looking west...
Then she screams in rage, "DAMNIT PETE! I'll kill him!"
She promptly hurls a fireball down the corridor...
Then, his gaze is obscured when the Princess emerges from it's Dimension Door, looking back and forth...
It's eyes alight upon the Master, and it let's out a long, laughing hiss...
"Shilta Isam confn ekik ekess lehhaaaaaaaaaaaav?"
It begins to move closer, and the boy his eyes widened with fear whispers, "We can't move! The chains!"
As the Dracolich lumbers forward, Eduardo can hear it muttering a sort of protective charm...
"Logos rogos tragos danos phaniahniAHnoooooooos!"
Eduardo grins, and reaches into is pocket for a second dark sapphire.
At last we are alone, my dear.
Then he speaks the words to command undead, tapping all of his will to command the sapphire.
The sapphire shines with it's own dark light in the shadows, and as the meat splinter and meat in Eduardo's hands weave their magic about the Princess, her ruined gaze falls upon Eduardo and the boy...
She hisses angrily.
The Master can feel the Sapphire struggling against his mental power-it wriggles in his hand, but his will is supreme and it crumbles to dust in his grip...
The Dracolich Princess is his...
For now.
Dragon, stand down and do not harm any of my friends. If any approach you, shout "I belong to Eduardo, Master of Death." [/
The Dracolich says nothing, snapping it's bony jaws in response.
Then there is a pause.
"I belong to Eduardo, Master of Death."
Eduardo looks around to see if anyone is approaching...
Two arrows fly out from behind the Dracolich...
They hit the Master in his chest, and Eduardo feels it touch his heart...
But it isn't too ba-
Daina screams...
Sliding across the ground beneath the Princess, Eduardo sees she's covered in ice and snow, her face blue...
But her grip on the bow is strong enough to send an arrow whizzing past his face.
Then, unbelievably fast, another.
He tries to avoid the final desperate shot, which sinks into chest, the fletching flitting up and down panfully.
Ending in a crouch, Daina spits a wad of blood on the ground.
Her eyes are still marked by Acererak.
Eduardo fights against the pain, fights against the anger. He knows that Daina is not responsible for her actions. He refocuses that anger at Acererack, the one who has forced her to turn against her friends.
Summoning power from the pit of rage brewing in his belly, Eduardo summons and spits a black, poisonous was of bile directly toward Daina's eyes.
She's trying to kill me! Dragon, pin her down! She's under a spell!
Daina screams.
The Dracolich snarls; normally, it'd be content to watch the humans kill one another and then snack upon the 'victor'...
But it actually DOES seem like a good idea.
It's jaws snap, in empty air as Daina vainly tries to draw an arrow, or a dagger, anything!
"Stupid dragon-"
It pins her, holding her down, and Daina gasps from more cold, spitting blood into the Dracolich's face.
Cursing Eduardo and the Dracolich, she looks about in vain, searching for anything to aid her, but finding and seeing nothing...
The boy is shaking like a leaf, peering around Eduardo's black robes, "Daina? Did you stop it?"
"Child, be still! Dragon, do you have any magic that might break her enchantment?"
The boy goes silent, watching.
"I have magic that would break her..."
Please, just hold her and don't allow her to escape.
Daina shrieks from the Dracolich's cold...
Harley is asleep, in good health despite the Dracolich's bite and acid, he fared well.
His sight reveals nobody else.
Daina shrieks from the Dracolich's cold...
Eduardo watches the Daina's skin go blue. He sees Harley asleep and the kid cowering behind him. He has no idea what's happened to his allies, but does he dare go looking for them, and leave the child and the assassin alone with Daina and the undead dragon?
A strange feeling comes over him, an urge to summon arcane magics... Wouldn't things be simpler if he just... It was only a cantrip after all...
Working the magic for the cantrip ghost sound, Eduardo finds he is able to put a great amount of arcane energy into the spell.
As he completes the incantation, a chorus of voices rings out, 40 strong, each in the voice of Eduardo, Master of Death.
Quin! Maki! Thoradin! Pharrah! Welby! I am in Isam's Hold with the Dragon and Daina. Come!
Pharrah comes first.
Black goo and acid hisses about her, and she looks to be in a foul mood.
"Good to see you again, " she beams upon seeing the Boy and Eduardo.
"Pete was definitely compromised-he opened the door to the Oozes... And he was probably trying to do something with the armor-the room is wrecked and the armor gone..."
She holds up the faceplate and a length of the forearm guards, before tossing them to the ground, "Rendered useless by whatever he did."
She looks down at Daina and at the Dracolich, "How'd you convince it to help you?"
I spoke to her in my most commanding voice. Did you find Pete's body?
Daina gasps from cold once more, before going rigid.
Pharrah regards the Dracolich with suspicion, "There was no body. Daina got Prescott and Dranga though... Winky won't leave him..."
She thinks.
"Welby's probably out too-Winky's Circle of Protection would have messed with his Magic Jar, and perhaps left him susceptible to that gas..."
She draws her black sword, standing next to Eduardo, "And if we know Quin, he's probably searching for the 'Dragon's' Treasure... And Maki and Thoradin are just tagging along..."
She leans to reach for the Boy's face, comforting, and whisper's in Eduardo's ear...
"What does it read as with your Deathwatch?"
"Everything as it appears", he whispers back. "Do you have any magic that might break Daina's enhantment? Dispel magic? Anything?"
It's undoubtedly undead, he can see it with his vision...
"Did you give it any contingency orders? Has it not done something?"
She looks at Daina, "Protection from Evil should free her mind, and perhaps get that thing off of her... Master, have you ever been around green dragons before..."
It doesn't really work that way. I'm not in total control. More like I've convinced her to join our side. I can tell her what to do, and she will probably do it, but there is no guarantee that she will. She considers me and mine friends and allies, however. As for dragons, no. I've never met a green before.
"I've met two, and they have specific racial Draconic accents. Ironically, Daina would know more Master, but I've met a Green. They don't talk like that..."
She pauses, looking at the Dracolich, who turns it's head to look behind it.
"They talk like this..."
Strange. Could this be another type of creature in disguise?"Dragon,", says the Master, "Are you really a green dragon dracolich? Or something else?"
Pharrah shouts, "Way to got for subtlet-"
The Princess laughs, scooping Daina up in her claws, and hurling her toward Pharrah and the Master...
Daina strikes Eduardo in the chest, and her flailing legs catch Pharrah in the face, knocking them down.
"Stupid human!"
"What are you?" spits Eduardo as he rises from the floor.
"I'm Acererak's Princess!"The Dracolich retreats a little down the hall, and Pharrah snarls, using an arm snapping motion to spin back to her feet, sending the chains rippling.
"It's casting a spell!"
He grimaces at the dracolich and narrows his profile, ready to dodge or spring out of the way of the next attack.
Eduardo grips the mace tightly in his hands, the holy weapon bathing the room in its light. It was becoming clear that he would have to put this creature down after all. Once again, he lets profane energy surge through his body. His muscles surge like coiled pythons. His pupils dilate as he enters his rage-like killing trance, then he charges at the creature.
Pharrah follows her Master, black sword out, her lips pulled back in a scream.
The dark blade and Eduardo's bright mace, strike the Dracolich's Shield spell, and it laughs, waving it's tail tauntingly in their faces...

[roll0] Eduardo's Will Save

On one side, that 32, just bought my baby a few more rounds of play time!
On the other hand, Eduardo's Will Saves are just too good.

Translation: "Can Isam come out to plaaaaaaaaaaaay?"

Ok. ...so Pete would know that if it's moving then it's just plane shifted, not dead like him?
Pete doesn't feel very dead...
...but he's at 0 Hitpoints.

Remarkable! That would be remarkable to Pete wouldn't it?
As in he's floating on a beach where undead are swarming in numbers greater than he's ever seen, and can count, and he's still alive?
Yeah, it's remarkable.

Just don't get stupid, or too curious, or it can be irreedemably, GAME OVER for Pete.

No demons in sight...
Just undead, all of which ignore him, including the mummy who doggedly makes her way toward the beach.
After a couple strokes, the mummy's right arm breaks off at the elbow.
For a moment, she watches it sink, and then goes back, switching to a pitiful dog paddle.

Eh, I think maybe it's about time to reroll Initiative Again...

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 02:55 PM
So yeah, that happened.

2011-10-17, 02:56 PM
Having reached the greatest depth he could attain, Prescott opens up.

Yeah, I think maybe something that would require irrevocable action from the person (like jumping off a cliff, stepping through a portal made of horrible fire or something) might have felt more intuitive. No matter, I'm following the choo-choo back to life now...

2011-10-17, 03:13 PM
Jake watches Prescott's bubbles burst along the surface, and then waits for five minutes until they stop.
Dropping down from a tree he'd found extended beyond the treeline, the undead give him the same wide berth.
He runs his hands over his beard.
"Good luck... We'll need it."
He turns, walking away from Dresden's death storm, kicking up sand as he moves along.
"Is he gone?"
"Yes," Jake breathes.
He speaks aloud, a familiar sound against the backdrop of the groans and the crashing waves.
"Should I have told them they've been here four days?"
"No. Probably only would have confused him further."
"Good point. Why are you still here?"
Jake frowns.
"Just working on a hunch."
Dresden doesn't reply.
"Just working on a hunch..."

Yeah, I think maybe something that would require irrevocable action from the person (like jumping off a cliff, stepping through a portal made of horrible fire or something) might have felt more intuitive. No matter, I'm following the choo-choo back to life now...
It is NOT a choo-coo!
Or perhaps I'm just sensitive about train references...

So yeah, that happened.
Was your inbox in danger of filling up too?

Initiative Order for Round 6



[roll0] Quin's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Maki's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Eduardo's Initiative Roll, <-Muahahaha
[roll3] Prescott's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Thoradin's Initiative Roll

Prescott sees a white light, and chokes.
"Prescott! You're alive!"
Gagging, Prescott feels strength surging into him, and that his clothes are sopping wet...
'Here, this'll help!

Prescott has returned to life as if by a Raise Dead spell. He is now the subject of Winky's Aid spell.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 03:18 PM
Indeed it was!

2011-10-17, 03:32 PM

Indeed it was!
I think we can delete all those now.

You guys need to work in two separate groups, IC and OoC, particularly for the upcoming challenges...
...and Return will definitely require some splitting up.

Anyways, you know what to do-gimme Actions!
And technically, Thoradin has Actions for two rounds, 5 and 6.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 03:37 PM
Sleet storm only lasts five rounds. It's probably gone by now. I'll wait for the dracolich to make its action before I decide next round's action.

2011-10-17, 03:49 PM
Sleet storm only lasts five rounds. It's probably gone by now. I'll wait for the dracolich to make its action before I decide next round's action.
Eduardo can make an Attack of Opportunity.

2011-10-17, 03:52 PM
Hrm... is the scroll and the spell that I spent on the Astral dreamland actually spent?

No offense about the choo-choo comment. I'll take an obvious route to life any day. And what's that they say about the bright light at the end of the tunnel... sometimes it's a locomotive, sometimes it's a lantern archon, right?

2011-10-17, 03:55 PM
Hrm... is the scroll and the spell that I spent on the Astral dreamland actually spent?
Yes. Somethings are spent, other aren't.
And trust me, it's better you got rid of it now...
...only would have gotten Prescott killed in a spectacularly embarassing fashion later.

sometimes it's a locomotive, sometimes it's a lantern archon, right?

2011-10-17, 04:00 PM
Flying is bad for me? Oh dear! :smalleek:
Bookkeeping time... let's see what spells I have left. Losing Dimension Door and Baleful Polymorph due to reduced level, as well as anything on my sheet that pulls a 2 on this roll.
Alright, anything with 2 Xs I cast, and 3 Xs I lost in the Raise. Not too bad, but I did drop Break Enchantment which would have been handy for Daina.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 04:04 PM
Attack of Opportunity [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Sweet! Saving throw from the Dragon, please!

2011-10-17, 04:13 PM
Pete swims closer to shore alone, eying the beach suspiciously. Then he rushes as quickly as he can through the next gap in the breakers until he is standing on hard wet sand beyond the reach of the average wave. Solid footing achieved, he turns around, rubs his hands and face with sand, removes his goggles and slowly scans the crimson sea for transport ships and wakes.

2011-10-17, 04:20 PM
Hearing the sending, Quin stops and says "Lets hustle back to the others. Ill patch you guys up when we get there." Turning, he sets off as fast as his dwarf legs will take him down the hall back through the sleet storm to where he last saw Daina. On the way he rips the arrows from his neck and arm before stuffing them somewhere for later. He hopes he will be able to make it in time.

Gawd dam wall of text. Anyway, I'll try to post later. If not, Gluck with that dragon.

Also, if Quin is in a team, he calls the Master. And Maki, preferably armed with a chair.

2011-10-17, 04:32 PM
Alright, anything with 2 Xs I cast, and 3 Xs I lost in the Raise. Not too bad, but I did drop Break Enchantment which would have been handy for Daina.
Yeaaaaaaah, it would have...

Okay, Actions! Eduardo's gonna pwn my Dracolich Princess, but I think Maki made actions for round 6, so I need some for Quin, Prescott and Thoradin...

2011-10-17, 05:04 PM
If Dranga is waking up alright, I'll assist with the dragonslaying. Eduardo seems to be doing pretty okay with the mace, though, so like a true wizard I will let the beatsticks swing first before casting from my depleted spells. :smallbiggrin:

Delaying until after Eduardo does whatever he is doing for this round, and then launching an orb of acid if necessary.

[roll0]+1 (aid) = 10 Touch attack. Ick, bummer. Hoping that the -4Dex entanglement penalties are enough to sneak a hit in...
[roll1] acid dmg, DC18 Fort or be sickened

Seeing the dracolich still menacing some of the others in the Hold, Prescott launches an Orb of Acid toward her.

2011-10-17, 05:08 PM
Lol 9.

Anyway, Im prety sure my post WAS Quin's actions

2011-10-17, 05:23 PM
What? No i didnt!

Maki (Still exhausted from the fight) Walks back the way Eduardo told him while still holding his breath.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 05:28 PM
Ach, Maki can't run. Lousy fatigue.

2011-10-17, 06:22 PM
But Thoradin can! And he has the super power of being nigh unto useless!

So 1 more round of shaken Oasys?

Thoradin will run to the ADP and line up a charge for next round.


Hearing the call for help, Thoradin runs down the hallway as fast his stubby little legs can carry him. Lining up the Dracolich so he can slam into her in the brief future.

2011-10-17, 08:07 PM
The Astral is beautiful...
This island's twin moons cast a bright light studded by stars that seem so close, Pete could reach out and touch him.
Behind him, the jungle breathes like a creature of the night, waiting.
No transport ships will be reaching this jungle island ANY time soon, unless they're manned by...
A ghost ship.
It bursts from the surface of the water, sending zombies and skeletons trying to swim toward the beach flying...
A massive man-o-war, the ships is manned by a literal skeleton crew, with their ships afloat, it's ragged sails thrashed by wind and circled by wailing ghosts, they begin to leap off, making their own way to the beach.
The undead surrounding Pete give him a wide berth, marching along to his right always giving him a ten foot radius of space.
He ses his one armed mummy friend has made it, and with her ragged strips of cloth rapidly coming undone, she begins to run with her fellow damned...


[roll0] Quin's Fortitude Saving Throw Roll
[roll1] Thoradin's Fortitude Saving Throw Roll
30 Rounds of Air For Maki

[roll2] Balance Check for Quin
[roll3] Balance Check for Thoradin
[roll4] Balance Check for Maki

[roll5] HPs of Damage to Eduardo
[roll6] HPs of Damage to Eduardo
[roll7] HPs of Damage to Eduardo
[roll8] HPs of Damage to Eduardo
[roll9] HPs of Damage to Eduardo
[roll10] HPs of Damage to Eduardo

[roll11] Eduardo's Will Save

The gas continues to assault Thoradin and Quin as they make their way past Hassadur into the driving sleet, but being dwarves they hardly notice it's drowsy intent.
Maki and Quin manage to stumble their way through the snow, but Thoradin gets turned around bothered, slipping on the ice.
The sight isn't pretty...
Winky circles around Prescott, who staggers to her feet, and Dranga desperately thumbs through her spellbook, while further down the hall, south of the the burnt and blasted closet where the armor was hidden, Pharrah and Eduardo alone stand against the Dracolich Princess.
The mace blazes brightly, and Maki can see Harley and the boy in Hold, hiding behind one of the statues.
And arrow sticks out of Harley's chest.
And Daina, bleeding from her nose, mouth and ears rains arrow after arrow into Eduardo's back.
She screams with each shot, her frigid and frost covered hands struggling to hold the bow straight.
Turning, Pharrah used the black blade to slash the last of Daina's desperate attack from the air...
As arrow heads and fletching rai in pieces on the ground, the Dracolich readies it's tail, while Eduardo casually slams the mace across the Dracolich's skull.
There is a dull crunching sound, and the bones collapse in shambles, a rattling sound accompanied by a cry of rage from Pharrah.
A foot long length of bone tip protrudes from her back through her ribs.
"Eduardo! Pharrah! Daina!" Dranga cries, as the thief puts another arrow between her teeth, stepping over Harley's body to the sound of rattling chains.
"Prescott! I've got to stop her!"
Sending his Orb of Acid racing after the archon, the wizard's aim is off, burning a streak across the corridor.

Okay, Eduardo can actually take his action now.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 08:26 PM
1) confirmation: the draco princess is dead?
2) The sleet only lasts 5 rounds. It should be gone now.

2011-10-17, 08:29 PM
Inside his head, Eduardo hears a voice.
"You can't kill what's already dead... Now, can you kill what's never been born?"

2) The sleet only lasts 5 rounds. It should be gone now.

Thoradin's mishap in the sleet storm quickly comes to an end as the spell dissipates, leaving the corridor wet, but definitely easier to use.
Winky bobs about Eduardo and Pharrah's head, who groans in pain.
"Stay BACK!"
He sends bolts of light her way, and Daina bares her teeth, swaying.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 08:43 PM
Eduardo staggers as he is peppered by arrows. He turns to face Daina.

Stop her!

Winky, your circle of protection...

Eduardo drops prone to give his allies a better shot at Daina, and to avoid her arrows. Then he hears the voice.

Spellcraft to see if i am being communicated to by a spell, or if I am just hearing things or...


Who are you, hisses Eduardo.

By the way, I am using total defense. Between that and being prone, I should have an extra +8 to AC vs. daina's arrows.

2011-10-17, 08:49 PM
By the way, I am using total defense. Between that and being prone, I should have an extra +8 to AC vs. daina's arrows.
You took the Attack of Opportunity-the one that killed the Dracolich? I thought that meant you were forgetting Total Defense?

Eduardo wracks through his mind.
He can't find anything or anyone...
...he must be hearing things.
Whatever or whoever is inside his head, ignores him leaving him to his desperate thoughts.
"I'm on it Eduardo!"
Pharrah crouches, wrestling out the long shard of bone, through gritted teeth she groans, "Just go, archon..."

Just so you know, Pharrah's Initiative FAR outstrips Winky's, and in that spirit, Actions gentlemen! Everyone!

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 08:55 PM
Yeah, I mean I am taking total defense now with my standard action for this round. I can take an AoO and then declare total defense. No rule against it. TD requires a standard action.

2011-10-17, 08:58 PM
Yeah, I mean I am taking total defense now with my standard action for this round. I can take an AoO and then declare total defense. No rule against it. TD requires a standard action.
Ah! You're taking it NOW-as in for Round 7?
Damn, I hope Daina rolls high enough...

Wait, Eduardo was like second last on the Initiative order, and you said you wanted to wait until the Dracolich made her Actions...
Then she tried spellcasting, incurring an AoO...
So, if dropping prone and Spellcraft is your Action for Round 6, you'll still have Actions to make for Round 7. The current Round.
42 Seconds.

2011-10-17, 09:21 PM
Damn. My strength-sapping spells would FINALLY be useful and I didn't prepare them today... stupid Daina. I thought she was paralyzed? ...she got better?

Winky can easily reach Daina this round, so if his circle blocks the effect then I'll refrain from casting. Cuz that'd just be mean.

...Actually, Daina just killed me like 10 seconds ago, I'ma shoot either way and just call it an accident if she's back to normal. :smallbiggrin: DC 18 else blinded. Sparkly regardless.

Prescott advances down the corridor again and casts Glitterdust at Daina, hoping to blind her and stop her from further shots against Eduardo. He knew firsthand that they could pack a punch...

2011-10-17, 09:35 PM
It's decided then. Thoradin has officially become a comedy of horrors! Imagine his running and slipping and subsequent wall slamage with a Benny Hill musical track!

The Tomb is filled with the sounds of extremely loud dwarven curses as a heavily armor clad dwarf scrambles to stand up.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-17, 10:01 PM
Yuck. More total defense I guess. I feel like I got an extra turn somehow.

turn 5: I charge the dragon and miss. I make an attack of opportunity which kills the dragon. Daina shoots me.

turn 6: total defense.... The results of which are totally skipped

Turn 7: ???

2011-10-17, 10:46 PM
Im assuming Maki is within 30 feet of Daina

Maki lets the Morningstar fall to the floor and moves towards Daina as he takes out Pax from behind him.

"Sorry about this Daina!"

He then uses Pax to trip her.

Trip: [roll0]

Strenght Check : [roll1]

2011-10-17, 11:09 PM
Pete frowns and attempts to further suppress natural emotional responses. His thoughts are disordered, quiet compared to his muffled emotional dissonance. Too large a vessel to seize. Alone. But if it was deploying the undead there was a chance it was Acererak's. He looks back to the forest behind him. Strange invasion force if it was the lich's. Far more numerous than any he had seen in the swarmed cities of his provincial jurisdiction. And yet somehow less orderly, less militant than those hives.

Pete turns back to the ship. If there was a permanent gate on board it would certainly accelerate his return to the tomb. Perhaps it linked to a staging ground on the prime material, and from there either directly to the tomb or perhaps a central transit complex and then from there to the tomb. The sheer number of undead here did suggest a highly ordered logistics system. But would boarding the ship trigger a response?

He glances at the beings passing closest to him. Why exactly were they ignoring him? Not a threat? Already dead? Accidental disregard? Intentional? That charm had said he would be ignored and that he should ignore the other things. Pete's nausea begins to overwhelm him. Was his mind really his own again? Why was he trying to return to the others?

Maybe that's why he hadn't been sent back yet. Pete sinks to his knees. Maybe he wouldn't ever be allowed to return...

Pete waits on his knees in the blood stained sand, watching the ship with an unfiltered gaze.

2011-10-18, 08:16 AM
It's decided then. Thoradin has officially become a comedy of horrors! Imagine his running and slipping and subsequent wall slamage with a Benny Hill musical track!
It's starting to actually worry me, and I don't why...
Have you encountered any black cats lately?


turn 5: I charge the dragon and miss. I make an attack of opportunity which kills the dragon. Daina shoots me.

turn 6: total defense.... The results of which are totally skipped

Turn 7: ???


Round 5, Eduardo charges Dracolich and misses
Round 6, Eduardo makes his Attack of Opportunity and Daina shoots him
But he's at the end of the round, and he'd said he wanted to wait for the Dracolich's Actions after Round Five but before Round 6...
Round 7, Total Defense?
Round 8, ???

Im assuming Maki is within 30 feet of Daina
Unless he's using the boots of speed, Maki can't run. He can 'hustle' to move 60ft per round...
In fact, from Prescott's position, it'll take him two rounds to get there...

Pete waits on his knees in the blood stained sand, watching the ship with an unfiltered gaze.
How long is Pete willing to wait?


Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 10:57 AM
In that case, I will take total defense round 6, and hold for Daina before Round 7, if that's OK.

2011-10-18, 11:00 AM
Don't worry, the Kid is an assassin too, just like everyone else from Half-moon Row. He's just been spending 3 rounds studying Daina, so she'll be out of our hair soon.

2011-10-18, 11:11 AM
Ok hustle it is i want to get there asap

2011-10-18, 12:43 PM
Nothing much changes... the beauty of the night Astral sky is at odds with the ugly grisly sight before him...
The skeleton crew continues to leap to the depths, undoubtedly making their way onto the beach, like the countless thousands who make their way to Pete's right, marching, staggering and stumbling along, maintaining their distance.

So did Pete observe anything new as he looked around at the forest, the undead, the ship?

If you're just looking for a duration for the last observation, I'd say Pete waits until he sees something new happen or 30 seconds
He'll have to hang around a little longer than 30 seconds if Dresden's gonna come fine him...

Don't worry, the Kid is an assassin too, just like everyone else from Half-moon Row. He's just been spending 3 rounds studying Daina, so she'll be out of our hair soon.
Only Harley is from Half-moon Row!

I'm ready to go, essentially, waiting for Actions from Quin.
EDIT: I COULD go... With the urging from atleast two Players...

2011-10-18, 01:00 PM
Quin is going to cast heal on Maki to cure him from the fatigue

2011-10-18, 02:06 PM
[roll0] Quin's Healing Magic

Round 7

Without Winky's healing presence, Maki's Dracolich inflicted scars leave behind the terrible scars of Acererak...
They spread across his arms and chest, leaving bones and skulls and curses, like dark tattoos.
Daina stumbles, backing away as she slaps the arrow between her teeth her bow...
Pharrah's hand reaches out, catching the arrow before it strikes Eduardo, "I've always wanted to... What?"
She peers at the arrow, it's broad head of an unusually wide shap, then frowns.
Two more arrows bounce around Eduardo, as he rolls out of the way.
Thoradin manages to pull himself to his feet, and sees Dranga slide a healing potion toward Eduardo, letting it bounce along the floor...
Winky strikes Daina in the forehead, and she collapses with a cry, "YES!"
"Take that!"
He continues to blast her with light beams.
Prescott isn't too sure about how Daina's managed to cause so much havoc, perhaps she can explain when they subdue her...
Daina is well in the range of his magic, and the sparkling cloud of gold drawing a muffled curse from the now very glittery thief...

2011-10-18, 02:20 PM
Quin is going to cast heal on Maki to cure him from the fatigue

HEAL as in the spell! XD otherwise why would i said the part about curing the fatigue? XD Anyway it was a joke . No way Quin is going to blow the only high level spell he has left on me XD

2011-10-18, 02:28 PM
HEAL as in the spell! XD otherwise why would i said the part about curing the fatigue? XD Anyway it was a joke . No way Quin is going to blow the only high level spell he has left on me XD
^-_- I knew that.
So, use the healing powers he's keeping that spell in reserve for.
And don't worry about the scars, more healing with Winky'll get rid of 'em...

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 02:39 PM
Eduardo quaffs the potion in one swift gulp, and then crouches catlike, watching Daina fend off her assailants, hoping Winky's presence will block out Acererack's influence.

Drink! Please roll the heal, as I don't know what was in the vile.

Standard action: More total defense!

BTW, my will saves are at +2 cause of raaaaaaage. Just marked it down on the sheet, plus the -1 AC.

2011-10-18, 02:40 PM
Pete buckles under his nausea, gripping the wet sand with his hands as he vomits some of the blood he had swallowed. It had been a long time since he had anything so substantial in his stomach. The gore drains from his nostrils and mouth with a burning sensation as he staggers to his feet.

Pete looks to the ship and the roughness of the waves. Not a hard swim if he was ready for it. He removes his boots and the long rope tied at his waist and stows them securely in his pack. Then he unstrings his longbow, pockets the bowstring and ties the bow itself to his backpack with the same bindings that hold his scabbard.

Using some dry sand he cleans off his goggles and puts them back on. So equipped he carefully examines the platinum disc that hangs from his neck, searching the ornate medallion for any indication of physical defect. Why wasn't it working?

2011-10-18, 02:43 PM
Maki keeps hustling towards the group.

" So... tired... damn...Dragon... "

2011-10-18, 03:22 PM
It is working!
Upon having looked at it again, Pete finds that the medallion is in perfect condition.

The undead continue to ignore him.

[roll0] Eduardo heals

"Ow! Winky! Stop!"
Daina staggers to her feet, "Someone help me please!"
Winky blasts her one last time, hovering low casting her face is odd shadows.
"Dracolich, Maki," Dranga smiles. "Dragons have flesh. And eyes. Too bad you smashed the skull-that was you, right? Would have made a cool trophy? Or replaced a chair!"

Do it Misaat! Do it! Beat the next monster with the last monster's skull! It sends a message!

2011-10-18, 03:27 PM
"Maybe you'd drop your bow first, Daina? You'll understand if half of the group would be more comfortable when you're *not* holding the weapon you just shot them all with." Prescott grimaces, still quite weak from the ordeal of crossing over, but doesn't go out of his way to call Winky off until he's certain that Daina is back to normal.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 03:30 PM
Eduardo stands and cautiously approaches Daina and Winky.

Glad you have your priorities in order, Dranga, says Eduardo, removing a lodged arrow from his back.

We need a more permanent solution to this problem, however. Does anybody have a spell prepared that will break Daina's enchantment? Or at the very least, a protection from evil spell that doesn't depend upon the presence of a lantern archon? And where is Welby?

He doesn't wait for a response to this last query, but instead goes on.

Pharrah, please go find Welby's-- he pauses. Welby. If you encounter danger, call for help and I'll be right behind you.

2011-10-18, 03:31 PM
" Its okay... At least i got Quin's Mace ... Which im not giving back by the way... Damn im so tired now... What's going on? Why did Daina start attacking us all of a sudden? "

2011-10-18, 03:32 PM
"Fair enough."
She tosses down her bow and her quivers. And strips off her various packs.
"True enough, Eduardo... We should find Welby...", Dranga nods.
Daina pulls out her daggers, tossing them to the ground as well.
"Winky's Circle of Protection keeps Acererak's voice outta my head too..."
Dranga points to the door Pete and Daina had opened, "That board probably had a Symbol of Persuasion, rather than a Symbol of Pain, like she told us. Why are you so tired-is it magic?"
She then kneels and and laces her fingers on her head, "Man, I've done this befo-"
Pharrah and Eduardo smack into the walls as the arrow disappears in a crackle of force energy.

[roll0] Force Damage to Eduardo
[roll1] Damage

Oh boy, I wish those arrows she'd used on Quin had worked, would have made this all a lot more funny...

2011-10-18, 03:38 PM
Daina winces, "Soooooooooooory..."

2011-10-18, 03:54 PM
" Wait! She could have a hand crossbow under her clothes! Quick! Make her strip! "




Diplomacy check? :[roll0]

2011-10-18, 04:02 PM
Daina tugs on her braid, gritting her teeth, "Not. Going. To. Happen."
Pharrah pulls herself to her feet, "Master? Are you good?"
Dranga appears with more potions, pushing one into Maki's big hands, and offers one to Eduardo and Pharrah.
"No stripping. Leonard... Come here!"
The boy peers out from behind the statue, and obediently he makes his way toward them, shifting so as not to turn his back on Daina, who hangs her head in shame.
When Leonard arrives, he takes refuge behind Maki, hiding.
Watching him, Dranga looks back at Daina, "So, who wants to go in there and have a look at her eyes?"

Okay, Combat Round's Over, go nuts.

2011-10-18, 04:03 PM
Pete draws his razor and palms it and tucks it in his sleeve, then flicks it out, blade open, then closes and palms it once more, and then flicks it out again. Still too slow. Pete tries to steady his right hand. No use. He tucks the razor away in his jacket pocket.

Before closing all of his pockets he draws out one of his healing potions. It would have been amazing that the jacket had protected the small glass vials after all that had happened to him. But Pete puts the sealed potion in his mouth without a second thought on it. There were far more noteworthy mysteries all around him.

Pete looks out to sea once more, watching intently for some time. He makes a note of the relative positions of the moons, the ship, and the direction of the dominant surface current relative to the shoreline.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 04:10 PM
Eduardo grimaces as he rights himself once more.

No, not really. I think we could all use some healing from Quin, me most of all. Daina did a number on us. I'll be happy once she is firmly back on our side.

If you are not too badly hurt, I would like you to go find Welby and bring him here. That is, unless you have a permanent solution to Daina's little problem.

Does anybody?

Everything I said a few posts ago is still true!

2011-10-18, 04:16 PM
Maki kneels as to look at the kid.

" Look Leonard. I can call you Leonard right? . This Tomb... Does things to people... Evil things. Daina was just affected by one of those very same things... I know you can be shocked or even scared of her right now but... I know that if there is someone who can sneak you out of troubles no matter how bad. Its her... And she cares about you... So why dont you try to forgive her a little ok?... "

A little pause...


Another little pause...

" Its not really the safest place to be around you see right Leonard? "

2011-10-18, 04:28 PM
Quin arrives with the others, huffing and puffing. When healing is mentioned, he spends as much time as needed for everyone to by back to full strength.HE also mentions that he has a casting of magic circle against evil, but it won't be enough. He relied upon Winky today, and he won't tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow.

I was about to kill Misaat if Quin had used a Heal spell.. Its the reason quin has unlimted healing out of combat.

2011-10-18, 04:33 PM
Pharrah nods, "Yeah, I can get him."
Opening the potion, she downs it, tossing the vial aside as she ruffles Leonard's hair.
Dranga shakes her head, "Break Enchantment. Anybody got one of those on a scroll? If not... Winky will have to stay with her... Until the spell runs out, probably..."
She thinks.
"Three hours."
"So, I won't hear his voice forever?"
Dranga looks at Eduardo.
"Unless Acererak used a permanent version...", she whispers. "But if Winky stays near her, she'll be okay until we get her the help..."
Leonard nods, saying nothing.
He takes another look at Harley, then shudders.
"I know. I heard the voices too. I hate it here. Will you get us out?"
Dranga's holds a hand over her eyes, "Shall we give her back her weapons-"

I was about to kill Misaat if Quin had used a Heal spell.. Its the reason quin has unlimted healing out of combat.

Nonononono... I wouldn't do that.
But if Quin had no choice...

A familiar voice carries out across the sand, and Pete sees Harley walking toward him, with his own little circle of clearance.
"What happened to you?"
He's got his packs, and carries Shudu's axe over his shoulder.

2011-10-18, 04:35 PM
Leonard nods at what i said? Wow he is a really calm kid After i screamed at him XD

2011-10-18, 04:38 PM
Leonard nods at what i said? Wow he is a really calm kid After i screamed at him XD
He's been here for DAYS!
With no Light spell!
Maki's gonna have to tear his own head off and do the mackarena while insulting Leonard's mother to get a reaction.
DMs Oasys' Notes: "-10 inside"

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 04:38 PM
I suggest you cast your spell, Quin. If the enemy targets Winky, Daina will have no choice but to follow her dark orders and kill us. This way, at least we will have a buffer in case this happens. For an hour or so, anyway, as long as the spell persists.

2011-10-18, 04:40 PM
"But an enemy could target the Circle as easily as they could target Winky... More easily I'd think." Dranga points out.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 04:43 PM
I mean that we should use both. The spell reinforces the archon's aura for redundancy's sake. You can't be too safe.

2011-10-18, 04:47 PM
owww But Maki doesnt know hot to dance :smallfrown:

" We could just wait here for the rest of the day... "

2011-10-18, 04:48 PM
"The Master speaks the truth..."
There is a dragging sound behind them, and Pharrah returns, huffing and puffing, with Hassadur draped across her shoulders.
"He's asleep. And so is Welby..."
She fumbles with the sorceror, and holds out a gem.
"Winky's Circle probably messed with his Magic Jar, leaving him vulnerable to the gas."
As if to confirm it, sorceror and snake let out loud snores.
Pharrah let's Hassadur's coils drop to the ground with a thud.
"So, once we bring these two back into the land of the waking, and Quin Raises Harley," she coughs. "And we find Pete, and Quin heals everyone-what then?"
Daina mutters something.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 04:49 PM
Could and should, the Master agrees. We're severely compromised right now, and Pete is still out there somewhere. He's demonstrated great cleverness since he's been among us. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he is out there now, lying in ambush.

But let's not wait in this accursed chamber. Shall we to the hall?

2011-10-18, 04:51 PM
" What was that Daina? "

Maki leans closer as to hear.

Listen: [roll0]

2011-10-18, 04:53 PM
"I said, 'What about the Dracolich's Treasure?', all dragons have treasure!"

2011-10-18, 04:55 PM
"I wa har- " Pete takes the potion out of his mouth. "I was charmed by a symbol trap. Daina too. I was able to resist it for a second so I blew myself up before the charm could regain control. The blast actually pulled me out of the tomb alive, onto the Astral. There I was attacked and killed by some unusual beings. Then I woke up in the sea, here, and swam to this beach." Pete pauses for a moment. "I think Dranga is dead." The thought occurs to Pete that Daina might have also killed Harley, and he decides not to return the same question. "Where are we?"

2011-10-18, 04:55 PM
Quin sighs.

"I ha' no more raises left. I prepared a mighty blast of flame and the ability to make weapons deadly, even by touch, to the undead. Unless Moradin see's fit to grant me it in exchange for another, I can't. Also, Harley is fine, I raised him once and he is right over there." pointing to where Harley walked up.

2011-10-18, 04:56 PM
Dranga extends a hand, "Come on Leonard..."
They move away, though Dranga does try to avoid turning her back on Daina, rubbing her throat.
Pharrah raises an eyebrow.
"I see a pretty dead Harley lying over there, Quin."
She points.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 04:57 PM
I have no doubt that a thorough search of the Tomb will turn up the treasure. But that needs must wait.

2011-10-18, 04:57 PM



" Oh yeah and they all have that 24 hour clause that says it'll dissapear after its owner gets killed... IT'LL STAY WHERE IT IS! at least until tomorrow when we go get it."

2011-10-18, 05:09 PM
"That's a myth Maki, they only disappear if the dragon wills it to go somewhere else at its death..."

I have no doubt that a thorough search of the Tomb will turn up the treasure. But that needs must wait.
That's no fun!
How am I suppose to ki-I mean, entertain you guys, if you wait for treasure! You're all supposed to go all shifty-eyed and race headlong into dan-excitement to get it first!
"Don't drink that, it won't do you any good here... We're in a border-line state of life and death here..."
Harley scratches his nose, taking a seat next to Pete.
"This is a special dimensional pocket on the Astral... The gods had it constructed for us to 'respawn' when we're killed by Acererak and sent back to finish the job."
He picks up a handful of sand, letting the cool wind whip it away into the trees.
"The water, and the island has special properties... All of this was told to me by Dresden, a wizard, by the way. The waters cancel any lasting magical effects and excepts our spiritual or ethereal forms, giving us form and substance, as well as our items... If the body is destroyed-which yours probably was, and mine was by that shark, a new one is made. If there's an existing body. It's reused."
He pulls out a large suspicious bottle, taking a swig, before shaking his head.
"Alcohol doesn't work either."
He laughs, offering some to Pete.
"The forest hides a massive tower, surrounded by magical beasts and protections. A deadly way out to sever the bind magic between us, Acererak, the Tomb and the gods, according to some garbage 'Protocols' they designed incase Acererak ever made a bid for power..."
He shrugs, "Don't bother asking me. I don't know, and Dresden says he can't tell me-but I don't think he knows either..."
Harley watches a zombie family make their way onto the beach.
He's quiet for a moment.
"Daina killed me. I know. I know it. One minute, I'm in that Dracolich's jaws, and freezing, and then I'm sleeping... Dreaming of..."
He stops.
"...and then I'm here."
He scowls.
"That puts her in the lead for kills between us, at eleven. She's gonna rub it in when I get back."

2011-10-18, 05:14 PM
" What there is ACTUALLY a myth about that? I was just joking... Well anyway im off to sleep... "

Maki leans on the side of the hallway and starts snoring

2011-10-18, 05:34 PM
Ah, okay. So Daina killed Harley while he was sleeping in the hold... I missed that piece.

Woo HPs! That's much better. Say, Oasys... I don't suppose I did anything in the last 2 rounds I've been alive that'd be worth, say, 2 XP? I'd really like to stop tracking this negative level ballyhoo. :smallbiggrin:

Pharrah is a very slow reader. :smalltongue:

Unfortunately, the math of Break Enchantment and Dispel Magic are not in our favor... we'd have to hit a DC31 on a CL check, which means IF Quin rolled a 19 or 20 that would do it.

"I have a scroll of Dispel Magic we might use on Daina. I lost my Break Enchantment spell when I came back to my body... but either one has a slim chance of success of pitted against a Symbol that Acererak scribed.

There is another way forward yet - a trap door, under the spot where I was slain." He looks sourly at the still-sparkly thief, not having entirely separated the sinner from the sin in his mind yet. "There might be more beyond that door where the dracolich came from, too. If those stairs lead anywhere, though, it's beyond me...

"Dranga and I encountered Dresden while we were dead, in those brief moments... though it seemed longer on the Astral. There are hordes of undead assaulting his stronghold right now, trying to cut him off from helping us further. Though I am short of many useful magics from that encounter, I am loathe to pause any further now that I know how dire the situation on other fronts is.

"Where *did* Pete get to? I thought I saw him running down this corridor before I..." He didn't finish the thought, but rather looks to the secret chamber holding the remains of the armor. Prescott walks back up the corridor and looks in that room for any sign of Pete (or his remains).

2011-10-18, 06:03 PM
Woo HPs! That's much better. Say, Oasys... I don't suppose I did anything in the last 2 rounds I've been alive that'd be worth, say, 2 XP? I'd really like to stop tracking this negative level ballyhoo.
I'm calculating...
Is it really 2XP till next level?

Pharrah holds out her hands, "Okay, let's get ahold of things first. One, we gotta patch ourselves up. Two, do we need to rest again-because I barely used any of my spells... Three, is this 'dragon's treasure worth persuing, or is it into the dark hole we go? Fourthly, what do we do about Daina? Do we ris the spells, trust her or assign Winky to guard her mind? Can we trust Pete-when we find him? If we find him? We can't Raise Harley-that makes him a liability... And we'll have to bind him."
She takes a breath.
And then sees Maki, smacking him.
"Wake up! How do you know the walls aren't covered in a super-slow acting poison! And finally, what do we do about the boy? Can we safely take him with us?"

2011-10-18, 06:05 PM
Quin perks up at the mention of treasure. "I could certainly go for some dragon loot. And by no menas am I ready for rest, I still have plenty of spells. And i'd like that Mace back..... And I coulda sworn he was alive...

2011-10-18, 06:09 PM
"He was alive... Then a Dracolich tried to eat him, and then he was asleep. And then Daina shot him."
Pharrah smiles.
"We'll probably need her help to get any treasure..."

2011-10-18, 06:11 PM
I have more than enough XP to be at level 10 - I'm approaching 11, in fact - but I lost a level from being raised. Gaining ANY XP should immediately bump me to the proper level. Level drain is funny like that... I think.

2011-10-18, 06:26 PM
Pete sits down opposite Harley and accepts the bottle. He looks at it closely but does not drink. "So in this dimensional pocket we are incorporated spirits. Does the alcohol not influence our minds because it is not truly alcohol or because our forms make our minds immune to manipulation? That could be problematic when we return. Return... A new body will be difficult. I've lost my water supply and it takes days for this ring to convert the human circulatory system." Pete laughs. "What am I worried about. I'll probably be dead again in a few hours." Pete continues to laugh longer than is reasonable. It almost sounds forced. "Still, killed by Acererak must be a fairly loose definition. clearly I am here. I wonder what selected me. Contact with the Tomb? I wasn't in it when I died... unless." Pete mouths something to himself but says nothing for a moment. Then he stands, looking around. "For that matter are the missing children here? Where's Dresden?"

2011-10-18, 06:30 PM
I thought the class level/hit die loss of raise dead was from experience loss. Like you get set back to the beginning of the experience count minimum for the previous level. In Pete's case he'd lose 8 hit points, 10 skill points, one point from his BAB, one point from Will and he'd also lose the Evasion feat. Then his current experience point total would drop from 51,965 to 36,000 and the number to reach for his next level up would drop from 55,000 to 45,000, making him effectively indistinguishable from a normal Rogue 1/Ranger 8. That's how I always used to play level loss from being raised. Is that not standard?

Normally, you just remove a level, keeping XP the same. Just like the SRD says.
(http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/raiseDead.htm) Just like energy drain.

2011-10-18, 07:14 PM
Is that not standard?
Do it Elfstone's way.

"I don't know Pete, I'm not a wizard-maybe I said it wrong..."
He looks up perplexedly as Pete stands, "I already looked, Pete. I already asked. Dresden said no children would even come here. Only 'worthy adventurers', 'chosen by the gods'!"

2011-10-18, 07:19 PM

We havn't eaten or drank in quite awhile. I totally forgot... Bah, it magic. It will come up in a few IC posts however.

2011-10-18, 07:21 PM
We havn't eaten or drank in quite awhile. I totally forgot... Bah, it magic. It will come up in a few IC posts however.
I assumed they'd eaten during the last rest...


2011-10-18, 08:12 PM
"In my experience even when we say it right, the rules of magic tend to have a dozen clauses that mean you're always still half wrong. And the stronger the magic the more inaccurate the usual explanations get. If everything here is the work of the gods the official explanation is probably utterly incomprehensible self-contradicting gibberish. Even so." Pete turns away from Harley for a moment. "DRESDEN!!" He shouts and turns back to face the assassin. "I still have questions for that wizard. So many questions. Not the least of which is how do we return to the Tomb. Did he just cast a spell the last time you were here?"

2011-10-18, 08:12 PM
" The walls covered in a ... And you say you dont need to sleep? "

he stands up and asks Quin totally serious.

" What Mace? "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 08:16 PM
I used the vast majority of my spells in that battle, Eduardo says, though I don't rely upon them as much as Quin and Prescott, so I will leave it to them to decide whether we rest or go forward.

We need to rest until Welby wakes at the very least, I should think. Better yet, we rest until Prescott can cast break enchantment on Daina, and Quin can raise Harley.

As to the treasure, I have no doubt we'll find it whether we mean to or not, given that we are making our way through the Tomb in such a systematic way. Daina...

Eduardo moves closer to the thief and lowers his voice slightly.

I want you to know that I bare you no ill will for what you wrought under the influence of that charm. If anything, you have proven yourself a strong, competent and determined ally. If it had been me instead of you pulled over to the other side, I have no doubt this mess would have been fixed sooner--probably by you and your arrows.

He manages a weak smile.

Please... do your best to stay close to the archon.

2011-10-18, 08:27 PM
" And if you are in trouble. Just strip and i will come running to your aid. "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 08:29 PM
Was Maki hit by an arousal charm, or is this a side effect of rapidly switching genders? Better use a break enchantment.

Coldus Showerus!

2011-10-18, 08:31 PM
Quin digs the arrows out of his bag and hands them back to the thief. "I have a feeling im happy these did nothing but sting a little. What do they do?"

After listening to The Master, Quin nods his head in agreement "I agree, we will miss the sorcerer if we press onward without them. However I want to examine the trapdoor and the double doors I encountered while I searched for a non gassed place."

2011-10-18, 08:32 PM
Was Maki hit by an arousal charm, or is this a side effect of rapidly switching genders? Better use a break enchantment.

Coldus Showerus!

Maki is bored man. And frustrated that its been three times now that Eduardo beat him to killing the bad guy! XD

" I wonder though if that Dragon skeleton thingie was Acererak's Princess I sure dont wanna meet his Queen... "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 08:35 PM
Hahaha, you did all the leg work. It's not my fault the dragon fled into my welcoming arms.

However I want to examine the trapdoor and the double doors I encountered while I searched for a non gassed place."

Without a trap-springer?

2011-10-18, 08:38 PM
Hahaha, you did all the leg work. It's not my fault the dragon fled into my welcoming arms.

Without a trap-springer?

"Why do you think I prepared a gigantic blast of flame?"

2011-10-18, 08:38 PM
" Maybe we could use the ice ball tecnique again "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 08:44 PM
The what...?

2011-10-18, 08:46 PM
HAHAHA You are right . Totally forgot that had happened with Daina XD

" Back at the stairs! When Parrah made a Giant snow ball and i throwed it at the trap. "

2011-10-18, 08:53 PM
Harley leaps to his feet, covering Pete's mouth.
A couple of the undead pause, looking at them...
The abruptly, their apparent circle shrinks, going from the ten-foot radius they'd been accustomed to and ending in a relatively cramped space ten-feet in diameter.
"Somehow, I don't think that was a good idea," Harley breathes, releasing Pete.
He picks up the axe.
"You drown yourself to get back. Remember how I was dripping wet? It's a sign of your faith, I guess."

Pharrah sticks out her tongue.
"Would you really be surprised? Ever since we entered, building up a higher and higher dosage?"
She grins wickedly, "It'd be twisted!"
She raises her eyebrows at Eduardo's words, "Well Maki! You, Thoradin and I don't require any spell preparations at this moment! Shall we go treasure hunting?"
She beams.

Daina falls to her hands and knees, cutting off a choking sound.
"Thank you... Eduardo."
She wipes her eyes, and lowers her voice.
"I heard what Dranga said... About the magic being permanent..."
Daina reaches for one of her many daggers, holding it in her palm.
"...if that turns out to be the case... Do what you must. I don't want two voices in my head for the rest of my life..."
Eduardo can't see her face when she mentions Winky.
"You know, while I was... Doing my thing, I was trying to take out some of our most powerful party members first... You were my first choice, with my Arrows of Insanity... But you disappeared. And then the dwarf didn't even feel a thing..."
She laughs.
"I won't be going anywhere without my Winky, but will he and Prescott be able to forgive me?"

Dranga balances her spellbook in her hands, "Prescott! Are you going to be preparing new spells while we're resting too?"
Leonard's eyes go wide at Maki's...
And Dranga covers the boy's ears.
"Stop it!"

Was Maki hit by an arousal charm, or is this a side effect of rapidly switching genders? Better use a break enchantment.
Idunno. I think he's forgotten what happened when he 'kissed' her...

Hahaha, you did all the leg work. It's not my fault the dragon fled into my welcoming arms.
Odd isn't it that it went there, and not some other place? Perhaps it had a good reason?

HAHAHA You are right . Totally forgot that had happened with Daina XD
Maki had better not say that to her.
Bad enough he kissed her. If he says he FORGOT about kissing her, she might kill him!

Gathering her things, Daina takes the arrows, tossing them aside.
"Worthless now. They make you go Insane. Turn on everyone. I was hoping to use one on Eduardo, and the other on you..."
Pharrah smiles, "Some how, I don't think Acererak is the dating type Maki..."
Daina, now fully rearmed, and with Winky bobbing above her head manages her own weak smile.
"C'mon guys... With Pete..."
She blanches.
"We have to find him! He could be do-"
Pharrah holds up her hand.
"He's gone. He released the Oozes."
"Oh. What do you mean he's gone?"
Pharrah shrugs, "Who cares? Panicky litte man..."
Daina frowns, "And for you..."
"Don't. Care. Daina."
Pharrah turns on her heel, already walking north.
"Anyways... Just because I went a little nuts doesn't mean I can't spring your traps for you!"
She winks.

Eduardo's right arm suddenly spasms, clenching into a fist. Then it slowly relaxes, becoming his own again.

2011-10-18, 08:59 PM
" So we keep on moving then? Gonna miss my Quick boots but i think i can hold my own "

Maki take out the Morningstar and hands it to Quin.

" Here you go "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 09:03 PM
Eduardo curses quietly to himself.

Heal check: why is this happening? [roll0]
Spellcraft check: why is this happening? [roll1]
Know: Religion: why is this happening? [roll2]

By the way, he says, flexing his fingers, when the Dracolich first arrived here at this hold, she was saying something about Isam... Do you think she may have been trying to summon him here somehow?

He looks to the spellcasters in the party for answers.

2011-10-18, 09:16 PM
Quin's watchful gaze notices Maki attempting to pocket the crystal as he returns the cleric's weapons.

Hangonasecond... Where on the Prime was the Barbarian sticking this thing? I thought he was just wearing Boots, a mithril breastplate and a loincloth!

Daina shrugs, "I heard her say, 'Can Isam come out to play?'. Maybe she was as surprised to see the doors open like us? I don't know anything about that... I'm gonna go see about that treasure..."
She starts to walk off and Winky barks.
"I'm NOT going ANYWHERE without Prescott... So I really don't see where you can go Daina..."

Alone, and yet not alone, Eduardo finds no specific comforts within his own amassed knowledge. He knows of tales of men who'd begun hearing things. Sometimes imagined.
And sometimes, horrifyingly real.
The reasons and causes were as interchangeable the gruesome ends. Very few ended with hope and happiness.
But always in the good endings, one took comfort in their allies and drew strength from the trust of their friends.

2011-10-18, 09:21 PM
Lay off the stereotypes Maki's wearing Pants man XD


Sorry Quin It would have been Hilarious XD

2011-10-18, 09:23 PM
Lay off the stereotypes Maki's wearing Pants man XD
Yeah, I guess nobody would believe you if you said you had a barbarian character play Tomb naked and get a critical hit with a chair...

2011-10-18, 09:33 PM
Prescott tries shaking Welby by the shoulders, and slaps his face gently in hopes of drawing a response. At Pharrah's report, he looks up. "Pete released the oozes... to where? Are they contained again?"

"We may be able to use magic to spring traps, Maki, but that only worked after we had already sprung that one - and caused Daina's death. No, far better to have someone who knows what to look for hunting the snares ahead.

"I don't know that resting would be prudent right now, Dranga... I'm sure you are as depleted as I am from the crossover, but we saw what Dresden is up against... and I quite agree with your calculation on the duration of Daina's affliction, so if it expires on schedule then there will be no need for Break Enchantment just now."

Prescott joins Daina as she walks north, acknowledging Winky's dogged attention to his new role as thief-leash. "Come, I'll show you the catch in the trapdoor ahead." As they walk, Winky bobbing at their shoulders, he says, "There, a depression in the corner." Seeing the spot marked neatly with a spatter of his own blood, he sizes up Daina for a reaction before adding, "You know, Daina, I reassembled you before you were raised. It was messy work - most of the blood caked on the bottom of my robes used to be yours. Some spatters here are from that Bob creature's castoff, at the smashed doorway to the east... some from Dranga's pooled at the crossroads... and more than I'd like is my own. This is a terrible place, and it's taken a terrible toll on you and me both." With a faraway look, Prescott continues, "More than I'd expected have had to fight their way back from death, in such a short time. Your own return, among the more traumatic. But I can't dwell on this betrayal, because it will only hasten another death. Don't get me wrong, my dear - I'll surely be prone to being short with you! Those arrows cut deep. But I'm going to try to keep near to you, for Winky's sake, as well as for yours. The sooner we're rid of this place and its master, the better."

2011-10-18, 09:38 PM
" Wait... So what if he released the OOzes ? They couldnt have jumped the 10 feet pit anyway... "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 09:46 PM
Deep thoughts with Eduardo

The Master of Death has allies but not friends.

Remember, Pharrah covered the pit with a wall of stone.

At any rate, it will only take an hour of quiet contemplation for me to restore virtually all of my most potent spells. I intend to do so, if it's all the same to you. Go on and explore if you wish. I'll remain here with the child and the body, and anyone who wishes to remain behind.

2011-10-18, 09:52 PM
"That's new. Isn't it? They almost responded to that. Were the undead this inattentive when you were here before?" Pete hands the bottle back to Harley and continues without pausing. "I hadn't figured on us being quasi-corporeal when I was going to look for a way back on that ship out there, but if the wizard has explained it correctly to you, then even if I could get inside the enemy's primary citadel I'd probably just arrive as a ghost. And interesting as that option might be I doubt it's why I'm here." Pete pockets his potion and walks down the beach until the blood laps at his bare feet. "Anyway, suicide is alright by me. I used to have quite a few opinions against the act, but this will be my third today, in a way. And I can't say I regret any of them." He waits in the shallows for Harley with a mirthless grin. "I wish I could have met Dresden, or any other resident enigmatic bastards. Nothing makes sense any more. But I'm grateful you found me. Sincerely. If there's anything left of our souls when this is over I'd like to buy you a drink or twenty."

2011-10-18, 09:56 PM
"I wouldn't do that if I were you... He's feisty... I managed to get them back..."
Dranga nods at Prescott's words, "I would like a moment to review what I've lost though..."
Daina bows her head, "I'm truly sorry, Prescott. And to you Winky. The only comfort that I can give you is that I was fighting against my actions every step of the way..."
She licks her lips, and crouches, poking at the area indicated by Prescott.
"You should get rid of that blood if you've got the cha-

[roll0]Damage to Prescott

2011-10-18, 09:57 PM
Until you level. Also, Quinn would have checked... It's the most important thing.

Via itouch

2011-10-18, 10:04 PM
Dranga remains with Eduardo, perusing her book.
The boy sits alone, watching the Master from the corner of his eyes.
He thinks the Master cannot see him.
And then the northern corridor explodes.
Prescott feels fire and a dull roar as the hidden passage way bursts into flame.
Daina croaks weakly, "I hate this place..."

The Master of Death has allies but not friends.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 10:09 PM
Eduardo is a complicated man. And no one understands him but his woman. On the bright side, he's also the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about, so he's got that going for him.

Eduardo's concentration is barely shaken by the blast. His head turns slightly toward Leonard.

What just happened out there? Take a look would you?

2011-10-18, 10:18 PM
Yep. In any other, non easy game tpks are permanent. However the challenges are much greater in his game. Trust me.

2011-10-18, 10:23 PM
wtfpancakes! Do not approve of unavoidable fire damages! Send it back!

"Yaagh! Daina, I thought there was some finesse involved in this process!" He pulls himself from off the wall and stoops to pull Daina back from the door, looking to Quin for aid.

EDIT: If that was a no-save area effect, it just dropped Winky to negatives. Prescott will add a bellowed, "QUIN! I NEED YOU!" if that is the case. :smallsigh: I would really love those 2 XP...

2011-10-18, 10:27 PM
"How would you even board a ghost-ship?"
Harley secures the axe tightly to his back.
The man claps him on the back, looking at Pete, "No friend, I'll buy you a drink, or twenty."
Grim, he begins to march through the bloodied water.

Eduardo is a complicated man. And no one understands him but his woman. On the bright side, he's also the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about, so he's got that going for him.
Pharrah is not gonna like that...

is the only serious penalty for death, and it's not even close to permanent?
There are other IC factors that can make it more costly to die.

it just dropped Winky to negatives
Nah, he's good.
Pharrah cast Aid on him while he was guarding Prescott's body.

"It looks like the hallway caught on fire."
He waits.

Pharrah approaches Prescott and Daina, Winky who's orbiting the two in a lopsided spiral with a gleam in her eye.
"Perhaps you should let Quin do the trap-searching, or atleast wait for Harley and Pete to return!"
She stalks off cackling madly!
Daina groans, "I hate her."
"Me too... And I'm supposed to be a being of pure good..."
The archon smacks into the wall, before dropping into Prescott's lap.

2011-10-18, 10:27 PM
Eduardo is Married?

" Since there is nothing for me to do Im gonna check something... "

Maki walks towards Dranga with his Falchion out.

" Hey Dranga can you try casting a spell on me? "

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 10:31 PM
I'm not your Master, lad. Is everyone all right?

2011-10-18, 10:32 PM
Quinn will fully heal anyone who asks until I post again.

Hard to post often on something so small.

2011-10-18, 10:42 PM
Pete follows Harley into the surf. He wonders as he submerges why ghosts would have any trouble swimming to and climbing aboard a ghost ship. The blood makes conversation impossible, but apart from the practical concerns he resolves to not say anything anyway as he follows Harley into the depths. Redundant mental consistency can be important when you're drowning yourself back to life in a nondimensional sea of blood.

2011-10-18, 11:10 PM
After Quin has rejuvenated the trio, Prescott looks to Daina. "Do you feel like trying that again? Or do you think that trapdoor is just a fireball-button?"

2011-10-18, 11:26 PM
As soon as he steps foot in the water, his magic items fail...
And the odd feeling of the air shell disappears.
Pete finds himself reaching deeper and deeper, surrounded by frantically swimming undead, undoubtedly making their way to swarm the beach.

Eduardo is Married?
I KNOW! I thought with a name like Eduardo, he'd be more of a player...

I was just hoping for something a bit more devastating. The protagonists grow weaker model instead of antagonists grow stronger. Don't worry, the "leniency" won't impact Pete's behavior. The day has not been a pleasant one for him.
Veris, trust me...
...to all things, there is a purpose...
And all shall be revealed in its due time.
As for 'penalities'

Consider that as your character dies once, it's now easier for him to die again-the monsters haven't weakened. And may get stronger.
Religious groups may not respond favorably to the casual Raising of the Dead
NPCs may not respond favorably to someone who's been Raised from the Dead-its not something you should talk about
Consider the costs
It can be particularly devastating to spellcasters.

Dranga sees Maki coming, "Not. Now."
The Dracolich's touch was nothing to her voice.
Under Quin's ministrations Daina, Prescott and Winky are in good health once more, and the crawlspace is revealed.
It's dark.
Very much so.

On an unrelated note, the green gas appears to had dissipated, leaving nothing but shattered bits of armor and bone.

Leave Actions for me to wake up to tomorrow.
There's still Isam's hold.
That set of double doors, Maki and the two dwarves got a sight of.
And of course, this dark hole.

Human Paragon 3
2011-10-18, 11:33 PM
Eduardo's not married. I was just quoting the lyrics to Shaft.

The Master sits on the Tomb floor considering all he has learned here. In addition to a contemplation of death and the worlds beyond, he also examines himself, inwardly. How has this new knowledge affected him? Why had he really come here? Had the gods chosen him, or did he choose this path? And was he truly alone in his own mind--his own soul?

As he dwells on these questions, he stares up at the three statues standing before him. He looks into the face of each, probing it. Who do they represent? What part does he have to play in all of this? What secrets lie inside the stone? Inside the man?

2011-10-18, 11:40 PM
Eduardo's not married. I was just quoting the lyrics to Shaft.
That's been recommended to me, but I never found the time.

His meditations provide no response from any voices, real or imagined...
The statues don't readily reveal any answers either.
Four arms each.
Two held out, almost as if to be held, and the other two covering the mouth, nose, and ears.
The chains didn't seem to be holding the statues prisoner... Except for the broken one? And they didn't imprison whoever walked amongst-the chains obscured the name of Isam on the floor, and presumably the wall and ceiling...
Not very effective imprisonment, perhaps symbolic?

2011-10-18, 11:55 PM
So he IS a playa

" Oooookay... "

Maki scatters back and goes next to Parrah.

" Parrah! Do me a favor. try blasting me with a spell from where you are standing. "

2011-10-19, 12:10 AM
" Parrah! Do me a favor. try blasting me with a spell from where you are standing. "
A Dungeon Master's dream come true.

"I have a better idea! TREASURE!"

2011-10-19, 12:13 AM
" Whats with you guys and treasure? Fine then lets go get it... "

2011-10-19, 12:16 AM
Maki's Fatigue has ended.

2011-10-19, 12:26 AM
Pete continues to follow Harley. As he swims he wonders why they went any deeper than the surf. It wouldn't even take a mouthful to kill them... But he swims on, determined to do exactly as Harley does so that he doesn't mess this up.

2011-10-19, 08:25 AM
"Maki, if you're so keen to experience spell effects, why don't you trawl around up front with us? I assure you, there's plenty to share."

2011-10-19, 05:25 PM
Pete eventually loses sight of Harley in the dark water-too many flailing bodies.
Or has he already 'gone'?
As he lets the water carry him softly away, Pete's head feels heavier and heavier. His eyes hurt.
And then his head 'really' hurts.
With a splash and rush of water, Pete smacks onto the dungeon floor-a familiar location, in fact.
The 'drowning magic' appears to have deposited him outside the Cavern of Mists...
There is no trace of Acererak in his mind.
But he's wet.
And alone. He can see Eduardo meditating and Dranga reading her spellbook, and the boy, at the crossroads.

Yet again, something I wish had been discussed before I did character background.
Well, isn't that common sense?
Consider a lowly potato farmer: All his life he's worked his land, waking before the sun rises and not resting until long after it has set, day in and day out, through good times and blistering heat, and bad times and biting cold. On and on, for as long as he's remembered, he's worked, a devout good man, who's final reward for his steadfast and faithful life will be to join the gods in eternal paradise when he breathes his last.
Then, behold!
A noble adventurer...
They walk into town with their stories...
And their magic.
They've never worked an honest day in their lives; killing monsters and crawling into dungeons?
Bad enough to crazy things they fill the potato farmer's sons heads with, but then they mention that they've died.
And not once, but multiple times.
His own, sole reward for his years of work-a cheap setback for them!
It's inconceivable!

And that's how I beat a PC to death with a potato.
True story bro.

Among adventurers, it's fine. They'll 'get it'. But it's not something one should go shouting about in Half-moon Row...
They're simple folk.
Imagine Bilbo before he met Gandalf-he wanted nothing to do with adventure and magic.
Gandalf was bad enough; could you imagine what he'd have done if Maki, or Eduardo with Hassadur had showed up at his door?

Are trips to the Ethereal and the Outlands also to be kept quiet?
After what I've posted above, I'll leave that kind of decision to you.

Pete continues to follow Harley. As he swims he wonders why they went any deeper than the surf.
Your instincts might drive you back onto the beach.

Daina stands up, "That's a magical darkness. Can you do anything about it?"
"What's goin' on?"
Eduardo's meditation is interrupted by a loud hiss, and Hassadur stirs from his sleep.

Pharrah pushes open the double doors, and stands before the final set that Quin had revealed. In gold designs, two dracolich's on either side of the door hold a single egg, split where the doors meet.
"I wonder what's on the other si-"
She gives the doors a push.
The doors don't budge.
Pharrah throws her shoulder into the doors, and bounces off, as if she'd hit a wall.


2011-10-19, 06:32 PM
Quin shakes his head before heading off to find Maki and Pharrah. Once there he examines the room, looking for a switch or a catch.
Take twenty on a searching

2011-10-19, 06:32 PM
It's inconceivable!

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means

" Oooooh What's up? Not enough strength to open it? ^^ "

Maki says grinning.


2011-10-19, 06:35 PM
Pete drops his backpack, pockets his gloves, goggles and jewelry, sheds the cloak and removes his jacket. Then wearing nothing but his shirt and breeches he walks slowly towards the lights of the group, palms forward and arms out to the sides.

2011-10-19, 06:43 PM
Quin finds Pharrah glaring at Maki, pointing at the doors, "You're so strong-you open 'em!"
He doesn't need to search to know that's there's nothing of notice in these barren corridors.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
"...incapable of being conceived, imagined, or considered..."

Well being undead, it'd be hard for him to be, wouldn't it?

But that can be changed. If you like.
Nope nope, don't do that.

His reward is death?

Hassadur's scales ripple as the snake studies Pete, and Dranga looks at him in surprise.
"Stay where you are-don't come any closer! PETE'S HERE!"

Pete has Initiative and can make AoOs

2011-10-19, 06:46 PM

" Strength is great for bashing heads and lifting things... But to open doors. Sometimes all you gotta do... "

Maki says as he gets closer to the door.

" Is knock... "

He knocks on the door with his hand.

2011-10-19, 06:52 PM
I still get headaches wrapping my head around the poison sequence...
Great movie.

Nothing happens.
Pharrah taps her foot impatiently, and opens her mouth to say something scathing.
Then she stops, backing away.
"You know what... This seems like a trap... A door we can't open... And that we really want to open..."

2011-10-19, 06:56 PM
" I dont really WANT to open it. But we kinda need to. Its okay Prescott has his wand ok whatever . He can open it for us. Preferably from afar."

Maki says as he turns around.

" Lets go back. "

2011-10-19, 06:59 PM
"That's just it Maki... Prescott can only open doors that have been locked or closed... He can't open doors that can't be opened..."
She points.
"Look, no locks!"
But she follows him anyways.
"So that leaves us with..."
Pharrah scowls, seeing Pete, and Harley in the distance, staggering from the Hold of Isam.
"Pete, don't move from where you stand or I'll tear your head off. Where in the Nine have you been?"

2011-10-19, 07:03 PM
"Lets get check on that trapdoor" Quin says as he goes back to the others.

"I can generate an anti magic field for long enough for us to get to the other end of the tunnel, theoretically. However, I'd like Daina to go first, with me following close behind. The AMF is all around me, at a distance of 20 feet."

2011-10-19, 07:06 PM
Daina nods, eager to please.
"Winky'll have to come with me... Okay, me, Quin and uh, Maki'll scout ahead, and give the all clear to follow..."

2011-10-19, 07:12 PM
Dm question
Amf will bring down Winky's circle, but ALSO suppress Daina's enchantment, right? Im not setting her "free" to kill us again by doing this, right?

2011-10-19, 07:13 PM
Amf will bring down Winky's circle, but ALSO suppress Daina's enchantment, right? Im not setting her "free" to kill us again by doing this, right?
It should block the enchantment and she won't go on a killing spree.
Are you good to go?

2011-10-19, 07:14 PM
" Awesome lets get going "

Maki says . If it was inside an antimagic field he could find a lot of use for his strengths...

2011-10-19, 07:32 PM
"Alright. But I want that crystal back. Now." once the crystal is returned Quin prepares himself, leaving his longspear behind, due to the difficulty he will have wielding it in the cramped tunnel. Instead, he takes out his waraxe and equips the crystal to it. Slipping his shield off his back he prays for Moradin's aid in combating the tombs magics. Once the spell is active he says "Ladies first" before following Daina into the tunnel.