View Full Version : Throwing objects to friends

2011-09-25, 12:51 PM
Hey guys,

There's a game I'm DMing where I want an NPC to throw a berserker potion (potion of rage, but refluffed) at one of the PCs, but I'd like to know how I should go about it. Should I just make a ranged (touch) attack roll, or make him do a reflex save or something completely different? There are no official rules about it as far as I know, so how would you guys rule this if you were in my shoes?

2011-09-25, 12:55 PM
I don't think there are any premade rules for such a thing. If they're already spending an action on it, I'd say just target the PC's square. As long as the target isn't flat-footed, I'm OK with assuming that heroic adventurers are competent enough to catch something being tossed to them, at least as long as they have a free hand.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-25, 01:04 PM
There are rules for this somewhere in the Goliath section of Races of Stone, but I can't recall them at the moment.

2011-09-25, 01:23 PM
I would say have the PC make a Reflex save of a relatively easy DC (10?), or otherwise just let them catch it. I mean, it's not hard to catch something unless they're distracted.

2011-09-26, 03:52 AM
Races of Stone pg 59
"Throwing a ball to an ally is likewise a ranged attack, except that Dexterity bonuses and penalties are reversed when calculating the target’s AC (in other words, it’s easier to throw the ball to a dexterous target, and harder to get a clumsy teammate to catch it)."

If you "hit" your teammate, he catches it.