View Full Version : TWF halfling death!

2011-09-25, 08:54 PM
I was thinking of doing something a little different and creating a TWF dagger/kukri fighting halfling of death!

S: 12 (14-2)
D: 20 (18 +2)
C: 14
I: 14
W: 11
CH: 13

1. Rogue - Two Weapon Fighting, (Open)
2. Swashbuckler - weapon finesse(free)
3. Rogue - (Open)
4. Rogue - Class Variant(Death's Ruins, lose Trap sense gain 1/2 SA to undead)
5. Swashbuckler
6. Swashbuckler - Daring Outlaw (stack SB and Rogue for SA levels), Insightful Strike(INT bonus to dmg)

BAB: 5, SA: 3d6

At this point I am unsure of how to progress.

A 4th level of Rogue for Uncanny Dodge?
Invisible blade (point blank and far shot)?
WhisperKnife (Point blank and quick draw)?
stay with Swashbuckler?
maybe switch to some spell casting class?

I would prefer something that would keep up my BAB, so i could take ITWF at 9th and GTWF at 12th.

Does anyone have any good ideas?

2011-09-25, 09:01 PM
I was thinking of doing something a little different and creating a TWF dagger/kukri fighting halfling of death!

S: 12 (14-2)
D: 20 (18 +2)
C: 14
I: 14
W: 11
CH: 13

1. Rogue - Two Weapon Fighting, (Open)
2. Swashbuckler - weapon finesse(free)
3. Rogue - (Open)
4. Rogue - Class Variant(Death's Ruins, lose Trap sense gain 1/2 SA to undead)
5. Swashbuckler
6. Swashbuckler - Daring Outlaw (stack SB and Rogue for SA levels), Insightful Strike(INT bonus to dmg)

BAB: 5, SA: 3d6

At this point I am unsure of how to progress.

A 4th level of Rogue for Uncanny Dodge?
Invisible blade (point blank and far shot)?
WhisperKnife (Point blank and quick draw)?
stay with Swashbuckler?
maybe switch to some spell casting class?

I would prefer something that would keep up my BAB, so i could take ITWF at 9th and GTWF at 12th.

Does anyone have any good ideas?

1. Not 'amazing'
2. Check errata for Invisible blade, the feats are wrong.
3. Whispherknife is good
4. Get out of it
5. Can't think of any that would be too great, except going Trapsmith/Swiftblade maybe

Also, I'd rather take Halfling Paragon for +2 thrown damage than have to have 14 or higher INT for and Swashbuckler 3.

Check out Master Thrower and Bloodstorm Blade as well.

There is a certain order you can take Bloodstorm Blade/Masterthrower/Whispherknife for max op. I don't have my books arranged right now though

2011-09-25, 09:15 PM
Your first resource to check out is The Rogue Handbook: A Fistful of d6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156350) which has a lot of good advice for rogue characters.

I haven't seen Death's Ruins used before because most people use Penetrating Strike from Dungeonscape.

1. Getting Uncanny Dodge usually isn't worth it. I usually switch it out for Disruptive Attack from the PHB2.

4. Swashbuckler isn't that great after level 3. It's good for the low levels along with daring outlaw though.

5. You could go through a Wizard/Unseen Seer build that would give spells and continued, albeit slower, slower sneak attack progression. Some of the wizard variants out there are definitely worth taking a look at.

A level or two of Swordsage would also help you tremendously. The first level maneuver Island of Blades is extremely useful all on its own.

2011-09-25, 09:37 PM
Rogue 4/Swashbuckler 11/Barbarian 1 (spirit lion totem)/Nightsong Enforcer 1/Assassin 3

Not necessarily in that order; simple and efficient - you end up with +18 BAB, 11d6 sneak attack, Death Attack, and the all-important Pounce. Good feats are Craven and Telling Blow; splurge on Keen weapons as soon as you can affort them.

Paul H
2011-09-26, 01:17 AM

Ask your GM if you can use the Knife Master Rogue Archetype (Pathfinder, Ultimate Combat Pg 71).

D8's for sneak attack with your Kukri. Plus loads other stuff.

Either that or the Ninja Alternate Rogue Class. (Same book Pg 13). Uses Ki points for other special abilities.

Note it's one or the other, not both! :smallbiggrin:

Paul H
PS Can run up an example if needed

Here it is:

Pathfinder Halfling Knifemaster/Sandman

1) Halflings have an added bonus to Charisma
2) Knife Masters is a rogue archetype that use D8's for Sneak Attack with daqggers, knives, etc. But D4's for everything else.
3) Sandman is a Bard archetype that grants ability to disarm magical traps
4) Rogues & Bards have D8HP/lvl

The basic stats given convert to:
Str 12 Dex 20 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 11 Cha 15

1) Knife Master. Bonus to conceal light blade. D8 Sneak attack w/kukris etc. Wpn Finesse
2) KM. Evasion. Rogue Talent (TWF)
3) KM. 2D8 Sneak attack. Blade Sense +1 (Dodge bonus to AC vs Lt Blades. Lvl based) Toughness
4) KM. Uncanny Dodge. Rogue talent (Bleeding Crits)
5) Sandman. (As Bard, extra Performance type, but no Bardic Knowledge).Master of Deception: can now disable magical traps. Arcane Strike
6) KM. 3D8 Sneak.
7) KM. Blade Sense +2. Rogue Talent (Minor Magic: Mage Hand). Mobility
8) KM . Sneak 4D8. Imp Uncanny Dodge.
9) KM. Rogue Talent (Major Magic: Frostbite). Spring Attack
10) KM. Sneak 5D8. Blade Sense +3.
11) KM. Adv Talent (Imp Evasion) Combat Expertise
12) KM. Sneak 6D8
13) KM. Rogue Talent (Ninja Trick: Pressuer Points). Whirlwind Attack

I haven't added stat increases for levels gained.

Here's the info on Frostbite. (You Major Magic SLA):
Frost bite
School transmutation [cold]; Level druid 1, magus 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Targets creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Your melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of nonlethal cold
damage + 1 point per level, and the target is fatigued. The
fatigued condition ends when the target recovers from
the nonlethal damage. This spell cannot make a creature
exhausted even if it is already fatigued. You can use this melee
touch attack up to one time per level.

Your Knife Master is your CL for Minor/Major Magic Trick.

Paul H