View Full Version : Masks of Nyarlathotep

2011-09-25, 10:55 PM
Montenegro presents

Masks of Nyarlathotep

A Call of Cthulhu campaign of globe-spanning horror and intrigue

Part One: New York


New York City, 10th January 1925

As New York shivers in the grip of another January freeze, each of you has received an intriguing telegram from an old friend.


Knowing Jackson Elias (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11894718&postcount=1) as you do, the telegram is intriguing, but not altogether surprising. Jackson is at his happiest unearthing truths that many would prefer to be kept hidden, and his methods are far from conventional. The chance to help him out with whatever he has got himself involved in is a welcome one, for one of the few things that can be said about Jackson with any degree of certainty is that things are never dull when he is around.

You remember some basic details of the Carlyle Expedition mentioned in Jackson’s telegram, though it is several years since it was in the news. From what you can recall, Roger Carlyle, a millionaire playboy who frequently adorned the society pages, organised and led an expedition to Egypt, though its purpose was at the time the subject much speculation and scepticism. The expedition ended in tragedy when its members, after departing Egypt for Kenya, disappeared, and were later reported dead, massacred by tribesmen. There has never been any suggestion that events may have occurred differently, and the case was apparently closed when several natives were hanged. What Jackson’s interest in the matter might be - and why he needs an “investigative team” - is anyone’s guess...

Dark Seeker
2011-09-26, 03:55 PM
Taking some liberties here, I hope this is alright. Let me know if it's not and I'll change it.

Lionel looks over the received telegram with fondness as he sips his morning coffee.

It had been long, far too long since he had last seen Jackson. Goodness, it had to be almost two years by his estimation. It came as no surprise that Jackson required his help. As a private eye, Lionel was used to being called on to investigate matters, and he had done for Jackson a few times before. The young detective just wished he had been clear as to what he wanted in the telegram.

He read the second line again. Investigative team. So Jackson was hiring other help as well. Lionel began to feel more excited about Jackson's intentions. Whatever the man had discovered, it seemed likely that it was big.

Perhaps Mr. Kensington at Prospero Press could shed more light on the matter of Jackson's current investigation. Lionel retrieves his coat, braves the cold, and heads off to Prospero Press. He stops along the way for a bagel and coffee.

Heading into the publisher, Lionel greets the receptionist Janice Miller.

"Good morning Ms. Miller. Mighty cold out there. I brought you something that will hopefully warm you up a spell." he hands her the bagel and coffee, smiling all the while.

2011-09-27, 03:49 AM
"Thank you, sir. Good morning to you." Janice addresses him a smile, taking the package from his hands and putting it on her desk.

Janice has received her own telegram this morning, and it is now folded in her purse, but she hasn't speak of it to anyone yet. She has read it more than once, and the words "investigative team" worry her. True, she has discussed things with Elias more than once, and he seemed to value her insight, but she is not exactly sure of what he might be asking this time.
Her curiosity has been piqued, though, and she has already decided that when Elias shows up, she is going to at least talk to him.

For now, she just smiles at the young man. She knows him by name, as he sometimes frequents Prospero Press, but it's nothing more than a passing acquaintance. The coffee and bagels have been a nice thought, however "Can I do something for you, Mr Douglas?"

2011-09-27, 12:55 PM
Matthew was rolling one of the cigarettes he just made on his thumbs. He'd have to save it for later was his thought as he stepped out of his old pal's
ride. He never liked cars, he could not tell why but he always felt unconfortable travelling on those moving chunks of metal. Still this had been a more confortable alternative than taking one of those Buses... or a cab. Certainly given his line of work Matthew was no stranger to dirt and mud... and yet he had seen huts on the poor side of Africa that where cleaner than those things. Matthew put the cigarette back in his pocket as he looked on at the great building in front of them. It was at least two story's high, white as the ivory with big roman like Towers at the front and two big Lion's statues keeping guard at the foot of the stairs.

" Wheeew. Quite a fancy place for stocking a bunch of bones and teeth " He commented to Hobbes.

Dark Seeker
2011-09-27, 02:01 PM
Lionel enjoyed Janice's smile. He had a bit of a crush on the receptionist, though he knew it was solely one sided.

"Much as I wish this was just a social call, I'm afraid I have a question for Mr. Kensington. I received an interesting telegram from Jackson Elias this morning." he pulls it out and places it on her desk.

"Apparently he wants to recruit me for some sort of investigation, but he gave few details, other than that it involved the Carlyle expedition. I was hoping Mr. Kensington might know a bit more about what Jackson was working on, and why he'd need my assistance."

2011-09-27, 05:11 PM
"hmmm" thinks James sitting at his table in his dining room. He stares at the words investigation team rather intently. "Perhaps this investigation he speaks of might make an excellent subject for a new book" he thinks. "Maybe Mr. Kensington would know more about this investigation" he thinks. Then standing up from his half-eaten breakfast without clearing it away, grabs his coat and heads out to Prospero Press to see if he can find out more.

2011-09-27, 06:49 PM
Janice doesn't bother to hide her surprise as she picks the telegram and looks at it carefully, mentally comparing it with her own.

"Well" she starts, rummaging in her purse a little and drawing out her own copy of the telegram. She places it on the desk next to Lionel's one and studies them both for a second, before looking at Lionel again "It seems Elias is in need of a wide set of skills. He has contacted me too, with the same request."

Janice had entertained the idea that the "investigation" proposed was to be conducted merely among books and documents. The fact that Elias has asked Mr Douglas, too, doesn't seem to confirm her hope. She knows he is a somewhat cultured man, but his speciality is more...field work. She frowns a little.

2011-09-28, 06:51 AM
Edwyn Hobbes

Don't be ridiculous, Mr. Westrock: this building is a glorious temple to Time itself, not a junkyard. Let us show some respect, shall we? But yes, you’re also right: the towers are quite gaudy and all this white is truly an eyesore.

Edwyn takes off his suede gloves and checks his pocket watch, snorting. It took far too long to get there, which means his driving skills are still pretty lousy. He enjoys being old and all the carefree leeway that immediately comes with it, but nowadays it also seems like he can’t learn anything new. He should never have bought that blasted contraption.

Anyway, thanks again for your invitation: I was looking forward to this opening and meeting Mr. Mayers should be a fair foretaste. I only hope he isn't too busy with the preparations or we could end up disturbing him.

Dark Seeker
2011-09-28, 02:25 PM
Lionel's quite surprised to hear Janice received the same telegram.

"Really? Well this is most unusual. It makes me wonder even more what exactly Jackson intends to have us investigate. Nonetheless, it shall be a delight to work with you, madam Miller."

2011-09-29, 12:18 AM
Janice frowns slightly, but answers "Thank you. Likewise." all the same.

"Shall we discuss this with Mr. Kensington, then? I admit, I still had not talk to him. But if Elias is assembling people...maybe he received the same note. "

Dark Seeker
2011-09-29, 01:40 PM
Lionel nods. "I think Mr. Kensington might be able to shed some light on all this. Let's go ask him."

However,before he can move, the door opens and James Blackwell walks in. Lionel offers a "hello" and moves back a few steps, allowing him access to Janice.

2011-09-29, 04:58 PM
James removes his hat as he enters and then returns the same greeting to Lionel. He will then turn to Janice and ask " Is Mr Kensington around Ms. Miller? I would very much like to speak to him about a topic that may be of some importance". He pauses for a second and before Janice can respond he beging speaking again "Then again you might know something. Has Mr Kensington recived any messages from Mr Elias recently. Perhaps relating to the putting together of an investigative team?"

2011-09-29, 05:42 PM
Walking towards the entrance. Matthew knocks on the Museum's big wooden doors as he keeps chatting with Hobbes.

" So did you get a note from Good ol Elias as well? "

2011-09-29, 06:26 PM

A note from. . .

He begins to ask, an eyebrow already raised. Then, his face brightens up as he remembers.

Ah, yes, yes indeed. Actually, I wanted to discuss about it with you. Isn't it a tad peculiar, even for someone as eccentric as Elias? What could he mean when he writes "investigative team"?

2011-09-29, 06:58 PM
" Dont know, but it must be quite serious if he need " A team " He usually does this kinds of things alone. The Expedition that we'll be investigating is what called my attention the most. If i remember well it was on Egypt. I have seen Elias going to a bunch of places in Africa before. But for him to be researching another expedition... Just what happened to those guys... "

2011-09-29, 11:56 PM
"Mr. Blackwell" Janice greets him as he enters, but when she hears the scope of his visit, she stares at him, throws a look to Lionel again, and answers "An investigative team to research something about the Carlyle Expedition? I don't know if Mr Kensington received it, but myself and Mr Douglas both received the same message. We were just headed to Mr Kensington to discuss it."

2011-09-30, 03:31 PM

Well, maybe it's something serious and maybe it's just one of Jackson's usual antics. It could truly be a joke and nothing more. Alas, with Mr. Elias you never know which one is going to be. Still, the. . .

For a moment, the professor seems lost. He looks around and taps his cane, unable to end the sentence. Then, he slightly shakes his head and refocuses on Matthew.

What was I saying? Nevermind. Anyway, I was thinking about the world "team". Doesn't it imply that someone else received such a message? After all, an investigative team with only two members sounds like a pretty poor team to me.

2011-09-30, 04:11 PM
James seems most interested as Janice tells him that both her and Mr Douglas received a telegram from Mr Elias also. "Really both of you received a telegram also? Most interesting indeed. DO we know if anybody else has received a telegram?". As James speaks he becomes more and more excited. "Perhaps the three of us should go and speak with Mr Kensington and see if he can spread any light on the subject?"

Dark Seeker
2011-09-30, 04:37 PM
"Well this is amazing. I wonder just how many people Jackson has contacted," Lionel remarks, sharing James's excitement.

The Investigator nods. "I think speaking with Mr. Kensington would be wise. I did not even know what Jackson was working on until he sent this telegram. Surely Mr. Kensington could shine some light on that."

2011-10-02, 07:19 AM
Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

Jonah Kensington (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11894733&postcount=2), a gruff and direct man with a sizeable beard, steps from his office and looks momentarily surprised at the small congregation that has gathered at Janice's desk. Fortunately, he knows both men, particularly the author, Blackwell, and greets them both with a curt nod.

"Morning gents," he says, passing Janice some papers for filing. "Is this a social visit or is there something you're after?"

Dark Seeker
2011-10-02, 02:58 PM
Lionel greets the publisher.

"Mr. Kensington, Lionel Douglas. Delighted as always to see you. I trust businesses is well?

"Actually, we're here on business. Ms. Miller, Mr. Blackwell, and myself have received messages from Jackson Elias," he presents the man with his telegram to read.

"It's quite an enigma, don't you think? We were wondering if you received one yourself, or perhaps could shed some light on what Jackson has in mind."

2011-10-03, 05:41 AM
Kensington's brow furrows as he reads and re-reads the telegram.

"Hmm. Strange," he growls. "No, I haven't had one. It does agree to what Jackson has been working on though. Last I heard from him was about a month ago, he was about to leave London for New York, so makes sense he'd be here around now. That's good. I want to see him. I was a bit worried about him. Didn't seem himself the last time I heard from him."

2011-10-03, 05:39 PM
James listen's carefully to Mr Kensington and when he's finished he askes "When did you last hear from him? He didn't seem himself in what way?"

2011-10-04, 04:53 PM
Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

“Middle of December,” says Kensington, wiping a piece of fluff from the lapel of his grey suit. “Why don’t you come into my office for a moment? You too, Janice.”

He leads you into his office, a cramped room littered with manuscripts, reference books and small statuettes that look like awards but have no plaque to attest to their significance. Several unwashed coffee cups are clustered on his desk around a well-used typewriter. He moves piles of paper from three chairs, tossing the sheets to the floor, and motions for you to sit before taking his seat behind the worn desk.

“Now as I said,” he says, “Jackson Elias has been digging up a lot of evidence that suggests the ill-fated Carlyle Expedition of 1919 did not meet the grisly end that it is reported to have met. The first I heard of this was in a letter he sent me last August, from Kenya, along with some notes that I must say got me pretty excited. If what Jackson was working on turned out to be true, I thought it could be his best book yet.

“Not long after that, I got a wire from Hong Kong asking for the advance he mentioned in his letter. I sent him the money immediately, of course. I knew he would put it to good use, he’s never let me down before. I didn’t hear from him again until the middle of December – the sixteenth, it was, my sister’s birthday, that’s how I remember. Jackson sent another telegram, but this was the one that worried me. He sounded excited – crazy, even. I could tell that just by reading it. He said he’d been to China, Africa, and to London, and had dug up a lot of stuff. He said he’d seen unbelievable things, something about a world-wide conspiracy, a timetable, and that he needed to find the missing pieces, but couldn’t explain more. He said he’d be in New York soon, and was taking passage on a ship that morning.”

Kensington looks at you and blinks. “Look, I’m worried, I won’t deny that. I hope he’s okay, but I wish he’d start doing some research that was less, well, less personal. That last telegram wasn’t like him at all. I just hope he’s alright and comes in the next few days.”

New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

Colonel Mayers ambushes you from behind a statue in the museum’s grand lobby, barrelling across the marbled floor, his moustache twitching. His shock of white hair matches his cream suit, giving him the appearance of an off-duty Father Christmas, albeit with less of a beard.

“So good to see you!” he says, shaking hands furiously. He is sweating a little, despite the outside chill that has carried into the cavernous entrance hall. “I was worried you wouldn’t make it! How was the trip? Good? I must say we are very excited about these new pieces, as I am sure you will be when you see them. But why don’t we get you some refreshments first, what do you say? Some tea perhaps?”

Dark Seeker
2011-10-07, 02:48 AM
"Interesting." Lionel comments.

"Are you sure he was not joking around? This talk of a worldwide conspiracy does not sound like Jackson. I do hope the stress from his work is not getting to him.

"You mentioned he had some notes that got you excited. Can we see them? If we're going to be helping him on this book it might be good to stay up to date with his findings." He suggests.

2011-10-08, 05:59 PM
" Of course it'll be our pleasure Mr Mayers. Though we have yet to see if those pieces are as unique as what you paid for them... "

After saying that he makes a motion with his hands as to introduce the person next to him.

" This is Professor Edwyn Hobbs an anthropologist with a unique interest on arqueology. Hope you dont mind him helping me checking out those pieces. "

2011-10-09, 10:26 AM

Ah, Colonel Mayers, I presume!

Says the old professor, shaking his hand and smiling warmly.

Believe me, it's truly a pleasure to finally meet you. Mr. Westrock always talks about your brilliance, but this is the first time I managed to come with him and see for myself. A beautiful place indeed, this museum. Yet, I hope I'm not disturbing your work.

2011-10-09, 09:06 PM
Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

Kensington winces slightly, scratching his beard. “I’d prefer not to show them to you without Jackson’s consent,” he says. “Sorry, but if you know Jackson you’ll know how much that would disappoint him. He’s a valued client, and more than that, a good friend. Give it a few days and he’ll be here. He might show you himself if you ask him, but I’m not going to betray his trust, regardless of those telegrams he’s sent you.”

New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

“Anthropology!” gushes Mayers. “Why, that’s my field as well. Fascinating, isn’t it. Is Africa your speciality then, seeing as you know this rogue here? India is where expertise lies. Spent twenty years there after finishing my studies. Absolutely fascinating. Saw them things that would make your toes curl, but great days. I still go back every year to the university in Calcutta. Lots of friends there. Great people.”

The Colonel looks rather wistfully at nothing before snapping back to the moment. “But I digress, of course. Let me show you what we have here.”

He waddles across the entrance hall and opens a side door, which leads to a fairly large room, devoid of furniture but packed from wall to wall with stuffed African animals, including an enormous elephant, a magnificent water buffalo and a majestic male lion, its maw still flecked with blood. A large chest sits off to one side, its lid standing open to reveal a number of trinkets and tribal artifacts.

“This is just a part of the collection,” says Mayers, placing a hand on the elephant’s flank. “Very exciting, I think you’ll agree, but of course you’re the expert. I’d love to know what you think.”

2011-10-11, 03:48 PM

India, you say?

Edwyn asks, while following the colonel closely and looking around with interest.

Oh my, that's quite the coincidence: I also specialize in the study of the eastern colonies. I moved on to Africa some years ago, I think, but the borders of the Empire are not something you can easily forget. Ah, but I digress: here, let me see this fine specimen.

He steps up and takes a pair of pince nez from his pocket, leaning toward the elephant.

Dark Seeker
2011-10-11, 04:41 PM
"Fair enough." Lionel says, disappointed. He did rather want to see what the notes had said.

He waits to see if either of his companions has any further questions for Jonah.

2011-10-11, 04:52 PM
Matthew starts examining the pieces. He touches the fur and gets close to smell the hide...

" I'll tell you if this things are fake they are really well made. The hair and skin look exactly like the real deal... "

Then he turns towards the proffessor.

" What do you think Mr. Hobbs. ? "

2011-10-12, 01:09 AM
"Of course, mr Kensington." Authors are very private about their preliminary notes, and it's not the house policy to divulge them so easily.

"I was wondering, thought, if you know if anyone else has ever done research work about the Carlyle Expedition. I'd like to be prepared before meeting with Elias." Janice has slipped almost unconsciously in proofreader mode, thinking about references to cross-check. She shouldn't be accostumed to do that kind of work - she is, after all, just a secretary - but mr Kensington seems to think her competent enough to ask her to proofread more than once.

2011-10-12, 01:42 AM
At this point James will ask "You mentioned that he was doing research that seemed less than personal? What exactly did you mean by that? Also you mentioned that he didn't seem himself in his last telegram. In what way might it I ask?"

Then James will turn to Janice and say"I'm afraid not. I believe if I remember correctly it was some expedition to Egypt or some place similar but I'm afraid that's all I know"

2011-10-12, 05:42 PM

The professor ponders and ponders, slowly walking around the beasts and the chest and only stopping from time to time to clean his glasses. He doesn't say a thing, but soon enough one of his eyebrows raises a bit.

Tell me, Mr Mayers: where did you find this things? As in: who sold them to you?

He suddenly stops in front of the colonel and yet still carefully avoids to watch him in the eyes. Even his watch seems to have silenced itself.

2011-10-12, 11:51 PM
Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

“There was a fair bit of it in the papers at the time, as I remember,” replies Kensington. “All seemed pretty straightforward though – fella with more money than sense fancies himself as an explorer, gets in over his head and ends up getting himself and the fools who followed him killed. Can’t say I’ve given it much thought until now.”

“What I said,” he says to Blackwell, frowning, “is that Jackson needs to do less personal research, not that his research seemed less than personal. Try listening next time. And what I meant was that he gets too attached to his work and he can’t separate himself from it. Admirable in a way, of course, but it’s no good for a man in the long run.

“If you know Jackson you should already know why his last telegram wasn’t like him. You know how sceptical he always is of these conspiracy theories – won’t believe a thing and sets out doing all he can to disprove it. Seemed to me like he was pretty keyed up about this one, like he wasn’t sceptical about it at all.”

New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

“They used to belong to Roger Carlyle,” replies Mayers. “Don’t know if you’d have ever heard of him. Filthy rich, ladies’ man, died about five or six years ago in Africa on some jaunt. Anyway, his sister has been selling off some of what she calls junk from his estate, having a good clear out, so to speak. One of her people called up and asked if we’d be interested, so I said we’d take them. Perfect for the new extension, I thought. I particularly like the elephant – God knows how they got that through the front door.” He chuckles, and twists the end of his moustache.

Dark Seeker
2011-10-13, 11:59 AM
Lionel contemplates the information.

"Ah yes, the Carlyle Expedition. I'm afraid that my knowledge of that event has faded with the newspaper headlines. It may be a good idea for us to go look up some more information about it, just as a refresher." he suggests to his colleagues.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Kensington. We'll keep you informed." He offers the editor his hand.

2011-10-14, 05:02 PM

Roger Carlyle? Why, you can't be serious! We were just talking about him before coming in!

His face suddenly lightens up as he leans against his cane and begins to laugh cheerfuly.

Again, quite the coincidence. Anyway, there's something strange with this collection. The chest is pretty much full of mixed junk and average safari stuff, but the elephant is. . . weird. I guess you yankees could call it "all patched up", if I understand your slang correctly. You see, its tusks are clearly those of a Loxodonta Africana, but the ears and the trunk are too small and the back is definitively that of a Elephas Maximus. Still, I don't see any stitches. I don't even know how it could be possible to put such a thing together, and yet here it is. Who was this Carlyle fellow, and were did he find this oddity?

He asks, more to himself than to anyone else. His smile is still there, but his attention is now clearly gone, lost in a train of far away thoughts.

2011-10-14, 08:37 PM
" I see! "

Mathew says as he passes a hand over the elephant's skin.

" They must have found a way to stretch the real deal's skin over a different species's bones... No wonder i didnt realize at first glance..."

2011-10-15, 01:50 AM

I guess it's possible.

He says, not particularly satisfied with Matthew's explanation and yet unable to find another sensible one.

Well, it is that or a completely new species, but I feel like ruling out such a possibility: I'm not a zoologist, but these legs are clearly too weak to support this head. Still, why would someone do such a thing? It seems like an ungodly amount of work, don't you think? And for what?

2011-10-16, 09:34 AM
James will frown for a second and then respond "Terribly sorry I did mean to offend. Please accept my apology's".
"Ah I see. That does seem very odd for him. I've never known him to take any of this cult stuff seriously. I wounder what he found that might change his mind"

He will then turn to Lionel and say "That seems like an excellent idea my good man if Jackson requires our help then we should endeavour to make sure we know everything we need to know about the subject.

2011-10-16, 10:00 AM
Janice nods at Lionel "Yes, I meant to refresh my memories of the newspapers'accounts as well" she says. Then, with a smile "But I need to get back to my desk, now. Gentlemen, if you wish to discuss this again after office hours, my lunch break is at twelwe and my work here finishes at six."

2011-10-18, 04:04 PM
Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

Kensington nods brusquely and shakes Lionel's hand with a firm grip. As the trio departs, he asks Janice to remain behind for a moment before she returns to her duties.

"Be careful here," he says to her. "We all care for Jackson, but that doesn't mean we should get too caught up in his work. A lot of it is quite dangerous, Janice. Just make sure you know what you're doing, and please talk to me if you have any doubts or concerns. My door is always open."

New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

"Oh my, that is so dreadfully disappointing," says a crestfallen Mayers at the appraisal of the elephant. "We paid good money for these too. Are there no genuine pieces in this collection at all? It would be such a waste to have acquired what amounts to a lot of, to use Miss Carlyle's terminology, junk."

2011-10-18, 05:43 PM

Well, I wouldn't say that: the other animals seem to be authentic and the jewelry probably has its own illustrative value, if we consider it from the point of view of the masses. Still, I think this piece right here

He continues, stroking the impossible elephant

Could be the most valuable one in the entire collection. I mean, it's not something a museum should find interesting at all, that's obvious, but. . . I. . . I think. . .

The words jam in his throat, as he takes a moment to recover his breath and to adjust his thoughts. He shivers, because the room is now starting to get colder and, absurd as it may seem, because he can't help but feel that someone is watching them. Alas, he thinks, getting old also has its drawbacks.

This is such a weird tale, isn't it? Tell me, Mr Mayers: how much did you pay for the elephant?

2011-10-19, 06:52 PM
New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

"For the entire collection we paid a shade over ten thousand dollars," replies Mayers, not exactly comfortable with divulging the information but unable to avoid the question.

"So you say that apart from this...thing...the rest of the collection is authentic?" He is sweating a little, and sounds a little desperate now.

Dark Seeker
2011-10-19, 07:05 PM
As they leave Mr. Kensington's office, Lionel stops and speaks to his other two investigators.

"I think I'm going to head to the Library and refresh myself with the Carlyle matter. This case, has piqued my interest, and I want to better acquaint myself with it. James, feel free to come along if you like." He offers, before turning to Janice. "I'll stop in tomorrow briefly to let you know if I find anything interesting, if that's alright with you?"

2011-10-20, 12:29 AM
Janice smiles at Mr. Kensington before leaving his office. Her boss may sometimes be gruff, but he is genuinely worried about her "Thank you, Mr. Kensington, I will." she says.

Once again with the others, she nods at Lionel. "I am going to do some research myself, after work" she says "We can share our findings tomorrow."

2011-10-20, 01:45 AM

Absolutely. I dare to say that even the jewelry, even if not as old as its style would suggest, can still be thought of as made by African tribes. If you wish, Mr Mayers, I'd be willingful to write you a formal certificate of authenticity. Still

He says, stepping away from the stuffed animal and looking around.

This one right here should never even be allowed into a museum. What are you going to do with it?

2011-10-21, 03:40 PM
" If you wanna try to get the most of it i'll say you could find someone to take the skin off of this one . And stuff it for the exhibition. The bones though... Well maybe some collector might find them interesting "

Matthew says while scratching his head.

2011-10-21, 05:33 PM
James turns to Lionel smiles and says "That Sounds like an excellent idea to me. Two people should have an easier time finding information that one. Also I must admit that I am eager to find out about this Carlyle expedition. ". A thoughtful expression appears on James's face for a second and then he asks Lionel and Janice Do they keep old newspapers in library's? I was just thinking that if we could find some from the period they may have some information about the expedition?"

Dark Seeker
2011-10-21, 07:20 PM
"I believe they would." Lionel replies. "I'm interested in finding out more about the Carlyle Expedition, and maybe about Roger Carlyle himself. But having a partner for my research would help a great deal, certainly."

Lionel will first research general background of the Carlyle Expedition to refresh him tot he facts. Then if there's still time, he'll research Roger Carlyle.

2011-10-22, 11:16 AM
Janice, instead, returns to her desk and her day of work, putting aside any thought of Jackson Elias and the Carlyle Expedition, and focuses on managing Mr. Kensington's correspondence. At 6 o'clock in the evening, she says goodbye to her employer, and heads for the library as well, notebook and pencil stashed in her purse.

((I'm going to conveniently assume that this is one of the days whe the library stays open for a couple of hours after office close - please tell me if I shouldn't :smallwink:.
Janice, too, is just going to do some general research on the Expedition, at this stage, just to refresh her memory.))

2011-10-23, 07:30 AM
James smiles at Lionel and says "That sounds like an excellent place to start. Shall we get going then?

James will look up general details about the expedition such as who the members were and he will also look at old news papers from the period to see if they have anything about the topic.

2011-10-23, 09:57 PM
New York Central Museum, Upper West Side

“I’m sure I’ll find a use for it,” mutters Mayers. “Disappointing. Very disappointing, but I’ll take it on the chin, as usual. I wonder…”

He pauses for a moment, lost in some thought, then suddenly realises that Edwyn and Matthew are still there. “Oh, pardon me! I say, thank you so much for your help. Why don’t you take a look around the museum while you’re here? I have plenty to attend to, I am afraid, or I would give you a guided tour, but I’m sure you can find your way around perfectly well.”

New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue

Destined to become an historic landmark, the main branch building of the New York Public Library never fails to impress, from the imposing leonine statues that guard the entrance to the majestic reading room, its ornate ceiling over fifty feet above the marbled floor.


The newspaper archives are as comprehensive as one could wish for, and catalogued in the most efficient and logical way. It is simple enough, if rather time consuming, to recall articles on the ill-fated Carlyle Expedition of 1919. The New York Pillar/Riposte, a publication known as much for its society pages as more "serious" news, appears to follow the expedition most closely, particularly in the early stages. Once events begin to take a turn for the worse, other newspapers pick up the story, but the articles are no different to those posted in the Pillar/Riposte.

Between them, James and Lionel are able to piece together a series of articles that trace the events of the expedition in chronological order. When Janice arrives later in the day, she is able to speed up the search, picking out the last few articles, which allows Lionel time to look for more specific information on Roger Carlyle himself.

Newspaper Articles on the Carlyle Expedition


Roger Carlyle
Most of the information on Roger Carlyle comes from the society pages of various newspapers, all of which seem to delight in what amounts to a rather tragic story. Carlyle was born into an exceedingly wealthy family, and appears to have been the epitome of carefree hedonism and excess from an early age. There are reports of a paternity suit against him at the age of seventeen, which was evaded by the family's lawyers, and rumours of him receiving treatment for alcoholism at eighteen and twenty. After graduating from Groton, he attended no less than six of the country's top universities in the next three years (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Miskatonic, Cornell and USC), being allowed "gentleman's resignations" from each and never completing his degree.

The death of Roger's parents in an automobile crash saw him inherit the Carlyle estate, though its affairs were soon taken over by his sister, Erica, as he fell back into his old ways, always seen at the most glittering New York night spots and, shortly before his departure for Egypt, in the constant company of a mysterious East African woman. Even now, the goals of his African expedition remain nebulous and secretive, despite endless speculation and conjecture in the press

2011-10-24, 11:32 AM

We shall be going, then. Let me assure you, Mr Mayers, that this exhibition truly promises to be one of the most interesting to ever take place in New York.

The cold suddenly vanishes as fast as it came and Edwyn can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

We will see each other again after the grand opening. After all, I still owe you a certificate of authenticity. Have a nice day.

Dark Seeker
2011-10-24, 02:40 PM
Lionel examines the writings and shares what he has with James and Janice.

"Very curious. To me at least it seems like an open and shut affair. Rich playboy gets adventurous, heads off on an expedition he is unprepared for, and meets a sad end. Seems like an open and shut case. I do wonder what Jackson discovered that he feels is so groundbreaking.

"Perhaps we should try to interview his sister Erica, if an opportunity presents itself. Surely she could shed light on the whole affair."

2011-10-24, 03:00 PM
"If Elias investigated the expedition, it's likely he already talked to Carlyle's sister. I know him as a very thorough researcher" Janice says "I'd wait till we talk with Elias: if I was Ms Carlyle, I wouldn't want other strangers probing in what surely are painful affairs." She takes a look at the notes she took "Well, the bodies have never been found- that's probably what ignited Elias' curiosity."

2011-10-25, 08:26 PM
" Thanks a lot again for the invitation Colonel. I'll be looking forward to the opening as well."

After leaving the building Matthew turns to the proffesor once again.

" Well that was everything i needed to do for today ... What would you like to do now professor? "

2011-10-26, 09:37 AM

As a matter of fact, Mr. Westrock, I would truly enjoy a chat with late Carlyle's sister. You have seen that elephant and I hope you will understand when I say that I must know where it was found. Still

He grumbles, while heading toward his car.

I feel it would be somehow indelicate of me to show up at her door and ask about her brother's shopping habits. Well then, maybe some other time. Now, if you excuse me, I'll take the opportunity to pay a quick visit to my doctor. Being old and all. But first: where do you want me to take you?

2011-10-27, 04:01 PM
" Well i'll be nice if you could drop me at the hotel. I still need to sort out some of my stuff. "

Matthew says as he gets on the car.

2011-10-28, 02:51 PM

It will be a pleasure, my friend. I am going in that direction anyway, so taking you there should not be a problem. Just make sure to pay attention and tell me which way to turn when we get to the bridge.

The engine starts up with a roar while the old man makes himself comfortable in the driver's seat.

You know, Mr. Westrock, I was thinking. . .

Fade to black.

2011-10-29, 01:46 PM
James nods his head in agreement "Yes it does seem a quite straight forward tale. Jackson must have found something most important about it for it to excite him so. As you say the bodies were never found. Perhaps he found a survivor?"
James stops and appears to be thinking for a moment As for Ms Carlyle I would think that she has been through quite a lot concerning her brother. So I would think we should wait and see what Jackson has to say. So that we might spare her any grief our questions may cause.

2011-10-31, 02:47 AM
January 15, 1925

Prospero House, 243 Lexington Avenue

Several days have passed since the arrival of Jackson Elias’ intriguing telegram, and the winter chill has lifted slightly, though night-time temperatures are still a fraction below freezing. The city’s New Year celebrations are becoming a distant memory as festive decorations are taken down and the streets lose much of the colour that characterises the holiday season.

At Prospero House, Janice Miller arrives for work to find a rather agitated Jonah Kensington holding a sheaf of papers - what appears to be, at a glance, a series of handwritten notes. It is not yet nine o’clock, but already it would seem that his day has been somewhat eventful.

“Jackson came in,” he says to Janice immediately as she enters. “I got in early, and already he was waiting out the front. He left more notes. I…I’ve never seen anything like this from him. Look at that.” He holds up the papers to show what amounts to an illegible scrawl, certainly nothing like Jackson’s usual casual yet tidy hand. “And you should have seen him – like he was possessed or something. He said he’d be back tomorrow when he’d found out more. Whatever it is, I don’t like it Janice. I want you to seriously reconsider that telegram and whether you should get involved.”

There is little time for further conversation. Jonah has a meeting across town and takes the notes with him, presumably to attempt to decipher them along the way.


Shortly before lunch, the telephone at Prospero rings, and it takes Janice some moments to recognise Jackson Elias’ voice at the other end. He seems short of breath, as if he has been running, and distracted too.

“Miss Miller? Jackson. You got my telegram?” he says, dispensing with his usual pleasantries. “Good. I need you to meet me at the Chelsea Hotel this evening at eight. Room 410. There’ll be four others there too. I’ll explain more then, but can’t say too much right now. You know the place, right?”

And then he is gone, leaving little but a host of questions formulating in Janice’s mind.


Throughout the day, each of you receives a similar call. Jackson is brief, to the point of bluntness, and leaves no time for any questions. But in each case the message is the same: come to the Chelsea Hotel, room 410, at eight o’clock this evening, where the mystery behind his strange telegram will be revealed.

Dark Seeker
2011-10-31, 02:12 PM
Upon receiving the call, Lionel snaps to alertness, out of the fatigued state he was in previously. Skipping breakfast, and sparing time to do nothing more then put on a suit and tie and grab his gun, he heads right to the Chelsea. Jackson sounded crazed, and Lionel wants to find out why.

Once he arrives at the hotel, Lionel will ask the front desk what they can tell him about the man in room 410's behavior. If pressed, he'll say he's a close relative of Jackson preparing the man's surprise party for later that evening.

2011-11-01, 05:54 PM
Janice puts down the phone with an uneasy feeling in her stomach. On the one hand, it seems mr Kensington was right about Elias being quite unlike himself: Janice doesn't remember ever hearing the man so agitated. On the other hand, she could reconsider, go home and tell Elias, next time he calls, that she doesn't want anything to do with whatever is he needs help with... but then she would spend her nights blaming herself for having chosen the "safe" option. Janice purses her lips, grabs her bag, stuffing inside it the notes she took on her previous visit to the library, and takes a bus to the Chelsea hotel.

Once there, she notices Lionel already at the desk, and approaches him. "Mr Douglas" she says politely, by way of greeting. "I guess you got a call, as well?"

Dark Seeker
2011-11-02, 08:08 PM
Lionel smiles as he hears Janice's voice. For a brief second, he entertains the notion that she is here for him, before being reminded that Jackson had summoned her as well.

"It's good to see you miss Miller. May I call you Janice?' He inquires.

"Yes, I decided to get here early. Jackson sounded positively unstable when he called me earlier. I know he said to meet him at 8, but I simply could not wait that long. My curiosity is piqued, as it were.

"Since you are here I assume you had the same idea. Can I buy you a drink in the hotel bar??"

I assume it's still pretty early in the afternoon? Also, sorry Strawberries. Lionel's a bit of a letch. Let me know if you want me to tone down his flirtation. And do feel free to give him the cold shoulder as well. :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-03, 02:04 AM
James puts down the phone and wonders at Jackson's unusually curt manner. He finishes with his morning preparations for the day. Then thinking that he better check out this hotel before the meeting with Jackson he heads out towards the Chelsea hotel.

2011-11-03, 02:44 AM
((No need to be sorry, Dark Seeker, and no need to tone it down, either. Janice won't flirt back, though. It's not giving you the cold shoulder, more like brushing it off, like "This is important stuff happening right now, and you want to buy me a drink?" :smalltongue:))

"Janice will do. And thank you, but no." Janice answers. She seems a bit distracted, focusing on the phone call and Jackson's strange behaviour "I noticed the same thing. Elias was very odd on the phone. Mr Kensington said he was at the office early and left some more notes - and he was quite beside himself. Did you find out something already?"

2011-11-03, 07:59 PM

Mr. Elias, what does this m. . . Jackson? Jackson! No, don't you dare to BLAST! Oh, how do I despise these accursed contraptions!

He snaps angrily, slamming down the phone and searching around his desk for a pen and a piece of paper.

Chelsea. . . Hotel. . . Room 410. . . Eight. . . this evening. Damn it Jackson, what in heaven are you doing? This is not like you, not like you at all.

His nervous handwriting stares at him from the corner of an empty page, almost arrogant in its own crypticness. Alone in a dusty, cluttered studio, the professor taps his fingers against the smooth wood of the table and looks out the window, thinking. Worst of all, he knows that he will now be forced to take out the car again, and the mere thought is killing him.

2011-11-03, 08:45 PM
" Hey Jack! Good to hear from.... Wooo Slow down pal... Hotel what?... Yeah ok... see you there... "

Matthew puts the hotel's phone down. And stays there thinking for a minute.

"He seems to be in a rush about something... Well i better get going for now... Oh damn where did he say it was... and i need to take a cab... Oh i know!"

He picks up the phone again and dials the number of professor Edwyn remembering their conversation the other day and thinking perhaps he received a similar phone call as well.

" Hey prof! How you doin? Listen have you received any news from ol' Elias lately? "

Dark Seeker
2011-11-04, 12:18 AM
Lionel's disappointed in Janice's dismissal, but carries on.

"Unfortunately no. I just arrived here a few moments ago myself, so I've had no time to do much of anything yet. I was hoping to question the hotel clerk about Jackson's behavior, but..." he trails off as he spots James. He motions for the man to join them.

"Ah James! Good to see you. I take it Jackson contacted us all then. This is becoming more and more peculiar. The private investigator in me wants to get to the bottom of this. "I say we approach Jackson early and demand some answers?"

2011-11-04, 06:11 AM

Mr. Westrock? Well, sure it's nice to hear you: we've obviously got the same phonecall and I have no idea whatsoever of what could be going on right now in Elias' mind. It's Chelsea Hotel for you too, right?

A short pause to take breath and find out his note, before habit kicks in and forces him to resume the conversation.

Oh, but I'm sorry: I didn't mean to forget my manners. Soo. . . how are you? Did you have a nice morning? Also, what an unusual weather, don't you think? And so on.

2011-11-04, 08:41 PM
James smiles as he notices Lionel and Janice. ""It is good to see you both. I trust you've had an agreeable day so far?" James pauses for a moment" Yes Jackson called me also. That sounds an excellent idea to me. Jackson seemed most strange on the phone this morning. Something is definitely amiss and I say the sooner we find out what the better."

2011-11-13, 04:33 PM
Chelsea Hotel, West 23rd Street


The Chelsea Hotel is fairly quiet at this hour of the day, its once popular cocktail lounge rendered largely defunct by the advent of Prohibition; sipping tea to the gentle sounds of an afternoon piano has not caught on quite as much as slurping midday Manhattans, it seems. Nevertheless, the place hangs onto its symbols of grandeur, its walls adorned with canvases in gilded frames, beneath ornate ceilings and cornices, and the staff maintain an attitude of aloofness punctuated with sycophancy.

A lift takes James, Lionel and Janice to the fourth floor, stopping at the second to let out a rather shabby looking fellow in a suit that has clearly seen better days. For all the hotel’s displays of stateliness, it appears that these are little more than remnants of another time, when its clientele was more exclusive.

Several turns take the group to the door of room 410, which stands at the end of a silent corridor. The brass numbers are slightly tarnished, as is the doorknob, and the peephole stares lifelessly at those clustered around the door.

I am assuming that only James, Lionel and Janice are at the door, but Edwyn and Matthew should feel free to arrive at any time. The staff are not asking any questions and you can go straight up to the room.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-15, 01:43 AM
Lionel raps on the door.

"Jackson, it's Lionel. Please open up. I'd like to speak with you."

2011-11-15, 07:44 PM

Oh my, quite the fancy place, isn't it?

As he walks across the hall toward the elevator, Edwyn whistles and does his best to appear calm and peaceful. And yet, beneath his well-structured facade he's clearly trembling with concern.

See, Mr. Westrock? I told you that was the right turn. Now come, please: we have an important appointment and it's really getting late. Less than six hours in advance: what a shame.

2011-11-16, 07:45 PM
Lionel's knock echoes along the corridor, then fades again to silence. There is no response from within room 410.

Knowing Jackson, he is not the type to sit around in a hotel room. Then again, his behaviour has not exactly been typical of late.

2011-11-16, 09:50 PM
Matthew follows the proffessor as they get on the elevator.

" I didnt say it wasnt th turn i said "Please dont turn" "

He says with a displeased expression.

" Ill tell you i would sooner ride on an elephant than drive one of those accursed things... yet it seems you cant get around in this city without one... Thanks again for giving me a lift by the way"

2011-11-17, 06:40 AM

Oh, please, don't even mention it!

He replies with a laugh, while standing in front of the closing metal doors.

I like to be useful. And talking about blasted contraptions: how long is this going to take? We really don't have time for this.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-17, 04:02 PM
Sighing in frustration at the lack of answer, Lionel debates what to do. He turns towards his companions.

"Well we've come this far. If you both agree, I might be able to unlock the door." He pulls out a lockpick he always keeps on hand during his investigations. Strange how he's already thinking of this as a puzzle to be solved.

"I'd normally be averse to it, but Jackson seemed rather troubled. Perhaps something in his room might explain more of what's going on, and we could wait until he gets back. What do you think?"

Just in case, he also tries the door handle. One never knows.

2011-11-18, 01:13 AM
Janice fidgets. A simple appointment has already became something that makes her uncomfortable. But she is determined not to show it. "He was quite beside himself at the phone. And mr Kensington said he looked and acted strangely. If you think there is a chance he may be in trouble..."

2011-11-19, 09:51 PM
The door rattles in its frame as Lionel takes the handle, trying to give it a turn and a push at the same time. It is, however, firmly locked, and doesn't move any further than the tiniest amount allowed by the unevenness of the frame.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-19, 10:32 PM
Lionel's not surprised at the door being locked. But best to eliminate that possibility rather then assuming.

He nods at Janice's words,sensing her discomfort. "Believe me, it's not my ideal solution either. But we're not going to steal anything, and we have reason to suspect Jackson is troubled. It's either this or wait for 4 or so hours, and I'd rather get some answers now."

Unless James protests, he begins to work on the lock. He'll motion for Janice and James to cover him as much as possible, to prevent any guests from walking by and seeing him.

Lionel will attempt to lockpick open the door. I believe I have 71 in the locksmith skill

2011-11-20, 10:11 AM

Well, I say! I've never seen such a slow lift in my entire life! This is quite annoying, I tell you.

The professor sighs deeply, tightening his grip around the lacquered walking stick and tapping his foot impatiently.

I knew we should have took the stairs, Mr. Westrock. Now let us hope. . . oh, but I'm probably worrying too much.

2011-11-21, 04:50 PM
" Haha stop worrying so much Doc see we're already there "

Matthew says as they get to the correct floor. As they step outside the elevator he is met with the sight of three unknown people in front of an apartment... one of them with a lockpick.

" Hey! What do you think you are doing over there! "

He says as he sprints to meet them.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-21, 05:21 PM
Lionel turns, eyes flashing with annoyance.

"I'm afraid I don't see how this concerns you. But if you must know, we've reason to believe that our friend is distressed. I merely wish to make it inside the room to be certain he did not harm himself."

2011-11-21, 06:28 PM
A look of surprise appears on James's face as the Men appear and one begins sprinting at them. This look will soon fade and be replaced by a more business like one. He will then turn to the two men and say" Gentlemen If you would give me just a moment of your time before acting rashly. I'm sure a can explain all of this to your satisfaction"

2011-11-21, 09:00 PM
"And you decided to pick the lock?!? . Did you hear him screaming from inside or something? Besides there is a Landlord that has keys for this kind of situations you know? "

Matthew explains to the man still unconvienced by his explanation.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-21, 10:52 PM
"I felt that time was of the essence," "We all received calls from our friend just a few hours ago. He sounded beside himself, worried. We wanted to meet with him as soon as possible.

Report me if you must, but I can assure you we're doing nothing wrong here."

2011-11-22, 11:35 AM
" It's not a question of... wait a call from a distressed friend you said? "

Matthew says beginning to link the facts as he looks at the number on the door they where trying to open.

" Would that friend happen to be Mr Jackson Elias perhaps? "

2011-11-22, 11:51 AM

Are we really supposed to believe this, this. . .

He barely manages to stutter, staring at the three shady figures with a mixture of rage and disapproval.

Mr. Westrock, for the love of God, don't listen to them! I knew Jackson was in trouble and now these despicable burglars are the living proof of it. You should just ignore their lies and go call for help while I. . . Miss Miller? Is, is that you? What are YOU doing here?

Since Edwyn has been working with Elias for some years now, I think it's a given he also knows Janice and her boss.

2011-11-22, 06:38 PM
It takes a moment for Janice to compose herself: she is not used at being surprised in an attempt to break in a hotel room "It is exac..." At that moment, the old man addresses her and she recognizes his face " Mr. Hobbes." she says, a note of relief in her voice "We are here exactly for the reasons Mr Douglas described. We all got a telegram and a call from Elias, and..." she stops suddenly "He said there would be other four people. Did he call you, too?"

Dark Seeker
2011-11-22, 11:46 PM
Lionel is relieved when this "Mr. Hobbes" recognizes Janice. Subtlety was important in his line of work, and he'd hate to see this develop into a big scene. He offers his hand to both men.

"Pleasure to meet you both. Lionel Douglas, private investigator. I've consulted for Jackson in the past, and have come to see him as a friend. If you know him as well as I do, you'll understand that his recent behavior has not been like him at all. Frankly, I've become quite concerned. I gather the two of you have as well, coming here so early when the meeting's not scheduled for another few hours.

"There was no answer when I knocked on the door, so I felt it best to... gain access to the room, so that we could hopefully find some answers."

2011-11-23, 12:46 PM

Oh dear, what a tragic misunderstanding! We both received a frightening phone call from Mr. Elias and, and. . . well, we thought YOU was the reason he was so nervous. I'm truly sorry I slandered you in such a despicable way. Here, allow me to introduce myself.

He says, shaking Lionel's hand with a remorseful look on his face.

Edwyn Hobbes. Anthropologist, retired professor and researcher of the Royal Society of London. It's a pleasure to meet you, even under such circumstances.

2011-11-23, 04:34 PM
Matthew calms down a little after all the explanations are given and introduces himself to the new group.

"Matthew Westrock. Professional Hunter and Safari tour guide. Maybe we should wait till the appointed hour...Knowing him he might still be outside doing his research... "

Dark Seeker
2011-11-23, 09:52 PM
"A pleasure to meet the both of you. Glad that I could meet the rest of our little group." Lionel laughs.

"Well gentlemen, we're already here, and I'd hate to keep a lady waiting." He gestures towards Janice.

"What about the rest of you? Do you favor my or Mr. Westrock's approach?"

2011-11-24, 06:18 PM

As hypocritical as that may sound, Mr. Douglas, I actually find myself agreeing with you: we should truly try to enter this room.

Regaining some of his composure, Edwyn looks around and sighs.

It's rude, I admit it, but now that I know you are not criminals, it also appears to be most reasonable course of action. After all, I'm sure Elias himself would understand our concerns.

2011-11-25, 10:39 AM
" If this is to be our course of action. Then perhaps we should get on with it before anybody else turns up and catches us here"

Dark Seeker
2011-11-26, 02:36 PM
"You have a point James."

Lionel looks at Matthew. "Appears you've been overruled Mr. Westrock. If you've no wish to take part in this, leave us for just a moment. That's all it will take me, and it gives you deniability as to what we were doing."

He begins to pick the lock.

2011-11-26, 06:25 PM
" All right then if you are so sure about it... I hope Elias doesnt get mad at us "

Mathew says as he leans against a wall and takes out a piece of cigarette paper from his pocket.

2011-11-27, 06:50 PM
Lionel makes short work of the lock and it only takes a few seconds for a ‘click’ to indicate that the mechanism has been sprung. The door opens to reveal a startling scene.

Standing immediately in front of the doorway stands a tall African man, his head adorned with a headpiece with a red strip hanging from his forehead like some obscene tongue. In his hands he grasps what appears to be a machete. Behind him, two others – another African and a white man – stand near the open window. They wield the same long knife as the man near the door and also wear the strange headpiece.

In a pool of blood on the bed, his entrails hanging from a gaping wound in his torso, lies Jackson Elias.

Matthew recognises the weapon carried by the three men as a pranga – a long African bush knife common amongst native tribesmen in West Africa.
I am going to assume that, as he is the one who opened the door, Lionel is standing in the doorway. The rest of you are clustered behind him. If anyone apart from Lionel wants to enter the room, or attack, you cannot all do it together due to the narrowness of the doorway, so I would say that only Lionel and the first person to indicate that their character is entering the room or attacking can do so at the moment.

Dark Seeker
2011-11-27, 10:25 PM
Lionel's satisfaction at picking the lock is short lived, as no sooner does he open the door then his eyes catch sight of the grisly scene inside.

The detective scrambles for his gun, firing it point blank at the man closest to him. Normally he'd not be so quick to fire, but the sight of his dear friend laying in his own entrails and the obvious involvement of the three in front of him lead him to act rashly.

Hope I acted within the rules. Still a bit iffy on combat, so let me know if anything needs to be fixed.

2011-11-27, 11:44 PM
"Shi... Dr Hobbs! Take Miss Miller and go get the landlord tell him to call the police!"

Matthew says as he pushes himself to the side of the door and looks at the room from the side then he speaks to these people on a thick swahili accent.

"Stay where you are! We got a gun and the police will be here in a moment. Dont make this worse for yourselfs!"

2011-12-01, 10:46 AM
"O my god!" Yells James. He clearly begins panicking a bit but after a moment seems to compose himself a bit better and begins fumbling in his belongings in an attempt to find his gun.

2011-12-01, 07:53 PM

Oh. . . oh dear. . .

He stutters, staggering back against the hallway's wall. For a moment, a painful endless moment, he seems lost, mesmerized by the blood stained sheets. Then, the old imperial soldier takes over and his face turns to stone.

Miss Miller, go call for help. Now! Everybody else, out of my way!

He thunders, drawing his revolver and taking aim at one of the armed men.

Drop that weapon! Make me repeat myself and I swear to God you'll not live long enough to regret it!