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View Full Version : Enlightened Fist love??

2011-09-25, 11:07 PM
Just want to hear some opinions/stories/anything about this PrC either from your own experience or maybe having played alongside one? I'm playing one now and I'm having so much damn fun I can't imagine a person who wouldn't have fun as this class. I'll post my build for those who are interested. I know he's not super-optimized or anything, but he fits my character concept perfectly and he's effective so I'm not complaining. We're at 12th level right now, so anything underlined below means that I'm planning on it for my build but don't have it yet:

Gobold the Kobold
3 Sorcerer / 2 Monk / 7 Enlightened Fist / 5 Abjurant Champion / 3 Enlightened Fist
I went this way to get Hold Ray as early as possible, and Diamond Soul is less important to me than Arcane Boost, so I'll go AC before finishing out EF. Got into EF that early via Practiced Spellcaster.

Jungle Kobold

AC 25
BAB +8
+1 initiative*
60 ft. speed

Str 15
Dex 24
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 13
Cha 16

~rolled for stats~

Fort +3*
Ref +16
Will +13

*If you're wondering why these are abysmally low, it's because I have two flaws. Looking back on it, really shouldn't have taken the Fort one, but oh well. :P

Special Abilities
60 ft. darkvision
two claws and a bite natural attacks
slight build
altitude adaptation
ki strike
2d6 Unarmed Strike Damage
Fist of Energy
Fist of Energy (burst)
Arcane Fist
Arcane Rejuvenation
Hold Ray
Parrot familiar
Air Domain access*

*Sorcerer ACF that fits my character theme so I took it, despite the pretty significant blow to my known spells list. Although I have found uses for my air spells as well.

Combat Casting
Weapon Finesse
Improved Natural Attack
Controlled Immolation
Stunning Fist
Improved Unarmed Strike
Fiery Fist
Practiced Spellcaster
Ascetic Mage
Ki Blast
Battle Jump

If you're wondering where all these feats come from, I was allowed 2 flaws (Unreactive and Meager Fortitude) for 2 bonus feats, and I have a Fanged Ring.

Spell List
*Keep in mind that one spell of each level (higher than 0) is my Air Domain spell

Ghost Sound
Launch Bolt
Launch Item
Mage Hand

Chill Touch
Mage Armor
Obscuring Mist
Ray of Enfeeblement
Shocking Grasp

Lion's Charge*
Mirror Image
Wind Wall

*I know lion's charge isn't a Sorcerer spell; I was allowed to research an equivalent.

Gaseous Form
Shivering Touch

Air Walk

My next levelup will be a godsend. I'll get a new 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell known. I already know I'm going with polymorph for my 4th.

Relevant Equipment
2 +1 Spell Storing Gauntlets ~ We are playing by the rule that I can still deal my unarmed strike damage while wearing gauntlets. Shocking grasp and shivering touch have seen a lot of use here.
+4 Bracers of Dexterity ~ custom item
Slippers of Spider Climb ~ invaluable, especially without a dedicated flight spell yet
Hat of Disguise ~ completely necessary, since normal people are frightened of kobolds (and my DM has definitely not allowed me to get away with dropping my halfling disguise around anyone but the party)
Ring of Adamantine Touch ~ actually didn't buy this, we found it on an ilithid ship, but it's amazing
Fanged Ring ~ obvious why I have this
Monk's Belt ~ again, obvious

Rapscallion the kobold (no, his name is not a single syllable repeated) lived among his clan high in the jungle. His clan guarded a powerful artifact, and while none alive really knew what it did, the kobolds guarded it fiercely anyway.

Rapscallion was different from his Lawful Evil brethren though. Unbeknownst to all who don't have meta knowledge of the game, Rapscallion was born Chaotic Good. It turns out that an air elemental was part of the mysterious artifact his clan protected, and while Rapscallion did not know this, that elemental became a part of his heritage.

Eventually, as they are wont to do, a band of adventurers showed up to steal their artifact. And while Rapscallion had never truly felt at home among his kind, he did not want to see them killed. He figured out at the same time as the adventurers that the artifact the kobolds were guarding was a ship that had sunk partway into the ground (thus obscuring what it truly was for so long). This ship had a powerful air elemental attached to it, bound to its service, and through a combination of arcane magic and mechanical workings, this ship could fly through the air; the world's first (and as far as anyone knows, only) airship. Wanting to leave and save his people from the adventurers who would surely defend themselves with deadly force, Rapscallion aided the adventurers in stealing the ship.

The ship was eventually turned over to powerful mages who planned to study its workings. Far from home, and without much interest in returning, Rapscallion fell in with a group of privateers on a normal, ocean-bound ship. Amongst these other castaways, Rapscallion felt at peace. He loved living out on the sea, and spent the majority of his time practicing his meager few spells, and lounging around the crow's nest.

Things went wonderfully for a while. Sure they would attack other ships (and due both to his personality and skills, Rapscallion would always be the first to board an enemy ship, earning him the nickname "Gobold the Kobold"), but Gobold was always assured that they had a good reason for doing so. And as long as his need for freedom was being fulfilled, Gobold was happy.

Eventually, they ran across a ship that they could not best. Many powerful fighters were aboard this ship, but Gobold's mates had an ace up their sleeve. They flew the flag of surrender and left, but not before Gobold was ordered to sneak aboard the ship and hide a book below decks. What he was not told was that the book had explosive runes cast on every page. One dispel magic and 100 castings of explosive runes later, and nothing remained of the enemy ship. The pirates (as Gobold now recognized them to be) had decided that if they couldn't have that ship, then no one could.

Devastated, and feeling personally responsible, Gobold sought to find enlightenment in his life. He analyzed his original kobold clan, and his pirate mates, and came to the conclusion that the biggest determining factor was their outlook on life. Organization vs. freedom. Law vs. chaos.

Wanting to discipline himself, and suppress his chaotic nature, Gobold found a monastery that would agree to train him (appearing as a halfling thanks to a special hat he had acquired in his time as a pirate). He spent several years there; learning and honing his mind and body.

Finally, Gobold decided that he was ready to face the world once more. After all, he couldn't stay in the monastery forever; the point of going there was to train himself to be ready for the challenges and difficulties the world would throw at him. This time, Gobold would remain a force of law and order in the world; never would he allow chaotic people to oppress anyone again.

~And this is the point that we began play, at level 10.~

So yeah, I would love to hear about your Enlightened Fist! In my build, I gave up 4 spellcasting levels (the harshest blow) and several other features, but other than that will end up with a (by my standards) very close approximation of a 16 Sorcerer / 18 Monk build (thanks to Enlightened Fist continuing to advance key Monk abilities and my Monk's Belt covering for the 5 levels of Abjurant Champion) (at least that'll be my approximation at level 20, currently I'm more like an 8 Sorcerer / 14 Monk), plus a host of other great class abilities through both Enlightened Fist and Abjurant Champion. I know that there's a million different ways you could get to this PrC, and I want to hear yours! Also, if you've got any suggestions for the future of my build, don't hesitate! I am very familiar with the Enlightened Fist Optimization thread (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19861966/Enlightened_Fist_Optimization_Long), and definitely used it to help my build along (although to me, character concept and the execution of that are more important than optimization, explaining why I might be missing some key things from there). If you haven't read it and you are interested in the class, definitely start there.

So let's hear it!

2011-09-26, 06:54 PM
If it were Gestalt a Duskblade/Monk/Enlightened Fist would be tops.

2011-09-26, 07:02 PM
Enlightened Fist love

One should not go directly from the thread in the general forum on "The Price of Sex" to this one if you have even a slightly dirty mind.

2011-09-29, 11:45 PM
If it were Gestalt a Duskblade/Monk/Enlightened Fist would be tops.

I love my gestalt build: Dwarf Rogue 1 / Monk 1 / Duskblade 13 / Warblade 3 / Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Wizard 5 / Runesmith 1 / Enlightened Fist 7 / Spellwarp Sniper 5 / Wizard 2.

Cast touch, ray, and 5th level area spells as part of a full attack. You can even channel with a thrown weapon if you want.

2011-09-30, 03:59 AM
I'd suggest branching to Abjurant Champion from Enlightened Fist 3 instead, but it seems well past the time for that.

2011-09-30, 04:24 AM
There are higher level versions/variations of shocking grasp, with different elements and higher caps.
I believe they are in Magic of Eberron.

Because spell flower and 2 15d6 touch spells in the buff rounds make for fists of fury...

2011-09-30, 05:08 AM
One should not go directly from the thread in the general forum on "The Price of Sex" to this one if you have even a slightly dirty mind.

I'm afraid that I first saw "Enlightened" as a separate adjective in that phrase as well. I don't have as good of an excuse as you, either, I'm just always this way.