View Full Version : GoC Gambling Room

2011-09-26, 07:31 AM
"Enter here any who wish to bet on luck to increase their purse. Find another man willing to bet against you and I collect both bets to be given to the winner. Any fight can be bet on. If no man wishes to go against your fighter than the house will, at one half the pay rate. From time to time, the house may even make a bet, sometimes at twice the going rate. So any one care to make a wager?

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-26, 02:30 PM
I'll post this here.
Gather Info about who my opponent is and their tactics:[roll0]

2011-09-26, 05:32 PM
Tattoo walks into the Gambling Room with a pouch full of gold. The gnome doesn't seem to be able to speak Common at all, but from his gestures it looks as if he is looking to bet 500 gold on his match against Bob...

2011-09-27, 01:30 PM

Are you looking for someone to bet against, or do you wish to bet against the house?

2011-09-27, 01:40 PM

House will be do. Thanks.

2011-09-27, 01:46 PM
The House takes Tattoo's bet and takes his gold to hold.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-27, 07:05 PM
Jasmine walks looks from the window of the room into the arena where Bob and Tattoo are fighting. "Is it too late to bet on the lizard?"

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-28, 05:02 AM
OOC (DM only):
Could I try bribing the money collector to try and find out how Tattoo's healing? Anyway I'll also buy a guisarme for this fight.

EDIT: Actually just check my sheet for new purchases. I have a theory that he might be blending equipment and class features for his immortality, so I've picked up some Sundering Gear. I also grabbed some AoE damage and healing to help with some of my character's shortcomings.

"Hey Snakeman, would you like to make a bet for your life?"

2011-09-28, 01:41 PM
No you can't bribe the money collector.

2011-09-28, 02:16 PM
Thrace saunters into the room. He slams down a pile of platinum. "All on Thrace!"

He smiles savagely.

2011-09-28, 03:21 PM
At first Tattoo does not seem to comprehend. Seeing Jasmine's expression, however, he soon catches on.

Tattoo's response comes in the form of a wide, crooked grin. He throws a pouch containing 1000 gp towards his opponent and saunters out to purchase a few items of equipment with the rest of his winnings...

OOC: Sheet will be updated with winnings, bets, purchases, etc.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-28, 03:29 PM
"And I've only got three hundred to bet. Oh well, my three hundred for his thousand sounds just fine." Jasmine tossed both sacks of gold to the bet manager. "Keep this safe while I go kill that creep."

I'll grab that backpack of flour now.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-28, 10:16 PM
Thrace saunters into the room. He slams down a pile of platinum. "All on Thrace!"

He smiles savagely.

I'll match your bet if you answer me one question. "Why do you fight in this arena?" Issac pulls out a jingling bag of gold and places it on the counter.

2011-09-29, 07:17 AM
Thrace nods. "Fight, or die. Dishonored in battle, regain honor in combat. No escape, only blood."

2011-09-29, 08:16 AM
A lithe draconic looking guy enters the gambling halls. Isn't this a fun place to be.
Well Guys he says The winner will fight against me, so I will keep a close eye on your battle good luck with it.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-29, 02:02 PM
Issac nods "Very Well." He pushes his gold toward the money collector. "Match his bet with my coin." Issac stares at Thrace some more. "That woman you killed had a daughter and was being forced to fight for her safety. Do you care?"

I'm just trying to get a ping on your alignment. Oh and your character would feel a force of Judgement if your alignment is evil. The only reason I haven't quite tried to detect yet is because I don't know if I'm allowed.

2011-09-29, 02:10 PM
Thrace shrugs. "Winners fight, losers die. She should have fought better." He shows no particular concern about the subject or your question.

Bet amount:
Thrace bet 1000 GP (500 initial, 500 from 1 victory)

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-29, 02:13 PM
"Do you know that I leave all my opponents alive? You weren't forced to kill her yet you did anyway. I don't believe I will forgive for that." Issac's voice dropped to a whisper, but even as it grew softer it became more intense.

OOC (Readable, as was the other)
I'm pegging your alignment as Evil for now, I do hope I'm right.

Lord Ruby34
2011-09-30, 09:32 PM
Issac enters the room after the fight with Thrace. He looks around for the draconic man from earlier. "Would you care for a wager?"

OOC (to DuskRanger)
Can I get a description of your character?

2011-10-01, 01:53 AM
The man in front of you offers you his hand hand to congratulate you. He is about 6 feet high, wears a cloak which disguises almost all of his body. You see though that he is lightly armored. And that he has wings which are folded under the cloak and over his body.
I do not have much to wager, but if you wish I can offer you a different deal. Around my neck is a jewel which is worth a great amount of money I could wager that if you could even the odds against that one. I don't like to wager this, but I have seen this fights and I am confident at this moment that I can defeat you. Bahamut protects me as he does with most of his children. So if I wager this crystal of 2000 gp what do you offer

Could I get a description of Issac

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-01, 09:51 AM
Issac is a proud human man, tall and broad, and his face grim and humorless. He's wearing a suit of tattered fullplate, with one of the two gauntlets covered in chains and the other in spikes. If you look closely you might be able to make out an emblem not unlike a sun. He doesn't seem to have any weapons with him at the moment, but you can remember the sight of his guisarme and the five loaded crossbows he keeps on his body.

Issac returns the handshake, "My boots are of equal value to that gem, although you might not find them useful. They would sell for quite a bit if you wished it." He stops speaking for a moment. "I don't believe that you can defeat me, servant of Bahamut. Pelor loves his children well."