View Full Version : Dark Heresy: Guilty as Charged.

2011-09-26, 11:59 AM
Inquistorial Data base : Restrictions imposed, Enter security code level Alpha


Acess accepted: Welcome Inquisitor

It is the 41st Millenium. And heresy is ripe in imperium of man.

The human empire stretches across galaxies encompassing area's of space unimaginable to the billions who inhabit the crowded worlds of the Imperium. All of these countless worlds are ruled from Holy Terra, and the unliving Emperor who's skeletol Corpse Reigns from the Golden Throne.

But the human race remains vigilent, monsters exist in the void who prey on the weak and desperate offering power to those of sick enough mind to accept it. Vile xeno's prowl the stars killing and looting, their very presence an affront to the image the God Emperor. Even worse there are those who have turned their backs on their own race and sold themselves to the corrupt powers of chaos. Surendering their own souls to dark gods who's laughter fills the nightmares of the innocent.

It is left to the inqusition to remain strong and to root out heresy where ever it lies and to protect mankind from the corruption that seeps in from every direction. The inquisitors using what ever power at their disposal protect the people from the darkness beyond their sights.

You are an Acoylte of the inquisition, you serve a grim and terrible enforcer of the Emperor's will and through you his work is done. You're life is dangerous and hard, it may well be the death of you. But reward may come aswell, though you're name will not be remembered nor will your achievments be spoken of. But power can grow in the shadows, power that anyone willing enough can gain for themselves.


Each of you awaken in a dark room, you are each bound to a metal chair and are restrained. The room itself from what you can tell is an empty freight room. You hear the low humm of a drive core and the feel the room shake ever so slightly. You are able to tell you are on board a space ship. You can see others bound like you in the room, they are within speaking distance.
What do you do?

2011-09-26, 06:14 PM
Severus utters a low growl, as he fidgets in his chair. He listens to the low beep emanating from his collar. "What? This collar isn't enough? They gotta lock me to a chair as well? Lousy, bastards..." He mutters bitterly to himself.

Severus looks around at the strange people in the room. He glares at the woman in the black body glove. "Something doesn't seem... Right about her." he thinks to himself. He turns his head away from her, and tries to set his mind on other things.

2011-09-27, 12:40 PM
Suddenly jolting awake, Victoria takes a few seconds to realise where she is. Finally extricating herself from the all-too common nightmare of a dark, featureless desert, she notices her condition. Ignoring the others, she begins to struggle against the bonds. In her experience, being immobilised and unarmed tended to be a bad idea.

2011-09-27, 05:24 PM
The bonds held and did not break. In fact they were metal, mechanised by the looks of it. The entire chair was bolted to the floor as was everyother chair in the room. It seemed their captors were'nt taking any chances.

2011-09-29, 10:47 AM
Having tested the strength of the bonds, Victoria realised that brute force was not going to work. Calling upon her inner powers, she attempted a more subtle method.

(Psychic power time, rolls in OOC)

2011-09-29, 04:19 PM
Despite your attempts to wriggle free of the bonds they hold fast and you are still held to the chair.

You do notice that the wall across from you is covered in grime and oil, there are also several barrels filled with what you assume is oil and grease.

2011-10-08, 08:33 PM
Lathomir awakens to the discomfort of his mechadendrites being restrained. Looking around at the other people also in the chairs he recalls an axiom from the Mechanicus Secutor headmaster "your enemies enemy is his enemy, no more, no less." Testing the bonds on the plasteel he calculates a negligible chance of bursting the tensile strength and freeing himself.

I am Lathomir of the World Forge Lathe. With that he seems to await the response of the others.