View Full Version : Is this fair? (A template and new players)

2011-09-26, 08:33 PM
I'm DM'ing a Campaign for some friends and my players have been enjoying it so far until one friend asked me if he could become a Vampire as to where i said "Sure just let a Vampire bite you or whatever" and he got happy and what not now this player is a Ranger and no offense to him clearly not the sharpest sword in the armory if you catch my drift so would it be fair for me to to give him the Vampire template he wants and treat him as if he were a higher tier than normal? or what?

Honestly I don't wanna give him the template and have him regret it when he has to walk through a desert and is autokilled for sunbathing >_> but I also don't want the player to feel that as a Ranger he is ineffective AND i can't just give him something else to compensate for it all... :smallfrown:

2011-09-26, 09:53 PM
look up half vampire (or dhampir, if you are playing PF)

refluff to vampire
add getting damaged by the sun

2011-09-26, 11:10 PM
Make sure you talk to him, in depth about the troubles it can cause and you can get another player (or do it yourself) to help him optimize if you're concerned about him being unable to keep up with the rest of the party.

But seriously, IRL diplomacy seems like the best first step.

2011-09-26, 11:44 PM
Let him take levels in the Vampire Template Class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a) concurrent with his Ranger levels. At some point, introduce him to the Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a). The requirements are pretty difficult (he must kill the vampire that originally turned him, then sire at least ten vampires and have one of them try and kill him) but make for a suitably epic plot arc.

2011-09-27, 12:11 AM
Does he have a reason to want to be a vampire mechanically? The vampire mythos is rather simple to draw from without giving great power. Give him a bite attack, the ability to drain blood to boost constitution or strength or grant temporary health, and become dazzled while in natural light. Perhaps you might consider something else with regards to his play style, but no reason to tack on a whole bunch of additional features.

2011-09-27, 01:02 AM
Make sure you talk to him, in depth about the troubles it can cause and you can get another player (or do it yourself) to help him optimize if you're concerned about him being unable to keep up with the rest of the party.

But seriously, IRL diplomacy seems like the best first step.

You know those Hard-headed people that want everything to go their way...YEAH~ Anyway I could try and explain it in depth, I've been telling him the ramifications of being a Vampire (I.e. the sunlight vulnerability) and how IT would indeed hurt more than it helps but hes stubborn and just won't budge. I'm tempted to just let him do it using Flickerdart's advice and let him regret the choice in the long run.

Let him take levels in the Vampire Template Class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a) concurrent with his Ranger levels. At some point, introduce him to the Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a). The requirements are pretty difficult (he must kill the vampire that originally turned him, then sire at least ten vampires and have one of them try and kill him) but make for a suitably epic plot arc.

I like how that idea, It would work and I'll talk to him about it thanks :smallbiggrin:

I just don't like my players messing up the characters with terrible ideas that would kill them (where does a Vampire avoid the sun on a desert world?)

Safety Sword
2011-09-27, 01:47 AM
I just don't like my players messing up the characters with terrible ideas that would kill them (where does a Vampire avoid the sun on a desert world?)

Piles of dust (sand?) don't have to worry about it all that much :smallamused:

2011-09-27, 02:36 AM
Let him take levels in the Vampire Template Class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a) concurrent with his Ranger levels. At some point, introduce him to the Vampire Lord (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20021018a). The requirements are pretty difficult (he must kill the vampire that originally turned him, then sire at least ten vampires and have one of them try and kill him) but make for a suitably epic plot arc.

What about the "...lived as a vampire for at least 100 years" requirement?

Golden Ladybug
2011-09-27, 05:35 AM
Oh, I feel your pain, OP. I'm currently running a campaign for some friends outside of my usual group and one of them wants to be Edward Elric from FMA. He wants to turn trashcans into trees, kick a cloud of sand at an enemy only for it to turn into explosives on the way and turn his metal arm into a wave motion gun at will :smallconfused:

In lieu of that, the response I suggest is to say "yeah, sure" a lot and then subtly give them some of what they want, but leave the things you know will cause problems off the table. So, you could give your Player a Bite Attack, give him some DR/Wooden Stakes and warn him that Sunlight does subdual damage to him. Or something.

Anyway, good luck :smallsmile:

2011-09-27, 11:05 AM
What about the "...lived as a vampire for at least 100 years" requirement?
Fast-flowing time planes, of course. Take 10 people there, turn them all, wait until they try to kill you out of boredom, then go back.

2011-09-27, 02:26 PM
First off, fix the Vampire Template. At least, that's my recommendation. It kind of sucks overall, for such a massive level adjustment. Frickin' +8 Level Adjustment for the stuff they get is NOT WORTH IT. Cripes, +8 Level Adjustment better make me a demigawd, or I won't bother.

Second, there are several ways to work out the "Dying in the Sun" problem. You still have to maintain that it is infact a major weakness to Vampires. I recommend what a DM of mine did for a character of mine that was FORCED into vampirism. She got an Amulet* that essentially let her into the sun for short periods of time without penalty.

It was still an unpleasant experience, but it allowed me to still participate in combats during the day, and not just have to sit out, while still having to hide from the sun most of the time.

During a desert adventure, bring a wagon along, and have the ranger hide in there during most of the time.

*This Amulet/Mcguffin doesn't have to be free, or cheap. And it can come with downsides, like bestowing negative levels for using it for a time, or something.

2011-10-01, 12:11 PM
Oh, I feel your pain, OP. I'm currently running a campaign for some friends outside of my usual group and one of them wants to be Edward Elric from FMA. He wants to turn trashcans into trees, kick a cloud of sand at an enemy only for it to turn into explosives on the way and turn his metal arm into a wave motion gun at will :smallconfused:

In lieu of that, the response I suggest is to say "yeah, sure" a lot and then subtly give them some of what they want, but leave the things you know will cause problems off the table. So, you could give your Player a Bite Attack, give him some DR/Wooden Stakes and warn him that Sunlight does subdual damage to him. Or something.

Anyway, good luck :smallsmile:

I didn't know alchemists could turn trashcans into trees... or make sand into explosives?

2011-10-01, 03:23 PM
(where does a Vampire avoid the sun on a desert world?)
A large umbrella ?:smallbiggrin:

This is a fairly common ambition amongst some players - I'm not sure why myself, but it is.
Make him work hard for it, and allow plenty of chances for the wannabee vampire to screw up. Just having the source vampire use him would be entirely reasonable.

2011-10-01, 06:33 PM
Oh, I feel your pain, OP. I'm currently running a campaign for some friends outside of my usual group and one of them wants to be Edward Elric from FMA. He wants to turn trashcans into trees, kick a cloud of sand at an enemy only for it to turn into explosives on the way and turn his metal arm into a wave motion gun at will :smallconfused:

1. Be able to cast Polymorph Any Object.
2. Have a Warforged cohort who can also cast Polymorph Any Object.
3. ???
4. Profit.

2011-10-01, 06:36 PM
In the desert, or most anywhere really, you always travel at night and carry some kind of sun-proof protection to sleep in. Takes some party coordination though.

2011-10-01, 07:23 PM
(where does a Vampire avoid the sun on a desert world?)
Wherever the one who bit him is.

You're the DM; if you're going to let your player take the Vampire Template because he wants an extra +1 on left-handed attacks or whatever, then stop worrying about it. If you're going to give out free bonuses, just give out free bonuses.

On the other hand, if you want role-playing, then add role-playing. Make him go on an adventure to find a vampire to bite him. Then, role-play the vampire as a miserable, wretched creature, hiding in a hole in the ground and living off of rats. Describe him as "a lot like Saddam Hussien." Have the vampire moan about how miserable and restricted he is.

If your player still wants to be a vampire after that, then let him.