View Full Version : Terra Nova

Zen Monkey
2011-09-27, 08:03 AM
Overall, I was entertained. We have an interesting setting and several distinctive characters so far, with likely more to be developed later. I thought they tipped their hand a little early about the mysterious symbols and the fact that Quaritch (or whatever his name is) was not entirely trustworthy.

What did you think?
If given the chance today, with the same technology, would you go?

2011-09-27, 08:10 AM
I think most of the characters were straight out of Central Casting. I probably could have figured most of their personalities with the sound on mute.

I was entertained but hey -- dinosaurs. Hard to get wrong. I doubt this is something I'll be making much of an effort to watch, but it's not something to mock either. So I'm filing it under "Enjoy it for what it's worth".

2011-09-27, 08:13 AM
So, for the poor uninitiated: what are you talking about?

I can find a Star Trek Episode, a TV series, a play, a computer game, a board game and a few other things by that name.

2011-09-27, 08:18 AM
So, for the poor uninitiated: what are you talking about?

I can find a Star Trek Episode, a TV series, a play, a computer game, a board game and a few other things by that name.

TV show that premiered last night in the US. In the future, humanity has nearly destroyed the environment, so we have to go back to when dinosaurs roamed the Earth for our reboot button.

2011-09-27, 08:45 AM
Not horrible, but not exactly high story telling. As mentioned above, pretty much everything about this show comes striaght out of the big ol' box of overused plot and character elements with no alteration at all except for a curiously multicultural family*, which I suppose was a point in and of itself.

Too bad they spilled the beans about the drawings at the falls so very quickly. There was no need to at all, and there was no need to reveal the Commander's supposed ulterior motive so soon either. The writers need to learn lessons about pacing, or else we're going to end up with 13 episodes of increasingly silly "reveals" as they desperately try to keep things "fresh" and "exciting."

The only thing that really bothers me was the son's sudden and sharp character change from "loves dad and won't go through the rift without him" to "I hate you future dad!" in the span of about five minutes of screen time. Manufactured conflict that really wasn't set up properly or wholly neccessary.

Still, worth watching for at least a couple more weeks to see how it works out.

*I only mention it because I found myself spending inordinate time wondering just how that family worked out. Painfully white father and son yet seemingly not mixed race daughters. It's not a big thing, just something that made me go cross eyed for a few minutes.

2011-09-27, 08:55 AM
I am so tired of shows today that start out with all these past mysteries. Why can't it build plot as it goes instead of doling out plot that took place before the show began?

The Glyphstone
2011-09-27, 09:12 AM
Because every TV series for the next five years is going to want to be the next Lost, and they'll try for it by following the same format.

Lord Seth
2011-09-27, 10:48 AM
Because every TV series for the next five years is going to want to be the next Lost, and they'll try for it by following the same format.Well, except for the part where they're not following the same format, as from my understanding Lost didn't get particularly mystery heavy until later in its run. Which, coincidentally, was when the viewership started to drop...

The Glyphstone
2011-09-27, 12:06 PM
Well, except for the part where they're not following the same format, as from my understanding Lost didn't get particularly mystery heavy until later in its run. Which, coincidentally, was when the viewership started to drop...

That's the part the new writers obviously don't understand, though. From what I can see, their thought process works like:
-Lost is successful.
-Lost is full of mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.
-Therefore, Lost must be successful because of its mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.
-My new show will be successful if it has mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.

2011-09-27, 12:14 PM
It did not help that 1) the second half was written in part by Brannon Braga, and 2) I could immediately tell that the second half was written in part by Brannon Braga.

I'm willing to give it a shot. It has a fairly decent premise, and the plot holes (if the time portal is one-way only, and they never found the probe, how the hell did they ever a) figure out what was on the other side or b) convince someone to walk through?) were not so egregious that I just could not overlook them. And there's some decent eye candy for my lizard brain. If it gets worse, I can always just stop watching.

2011-09-27, 02:24 PM
Well, except for the part where they're not following the same format, as from my understanding Lost didn't get particularly mystery heavy until later in its run. Which, coincidentally, was when the viewership started to drop...

Huh? What? I'll admit I only watched about 2 seasons of Lost, but how did it get more mysterious after that? There were so many questions in those two seasons alone.

2011-09-27, 02:32 PM
Question for those who saw it.
Is there a reason why they went back to a time period with dinosaurs and an impending space rock/other event that wiped out the dinosaurs instead of say cavemen time?

2011-09-27, 02:35 PM
Huh? What? I'll admit I only watched about 2 seasons of Lost, but how did it get more mysterious after that? There were so many questions in those two seasons alone.

Trust me it did. I can't tell you how they managed it, but they certainly upped the number of mysteries and unanswered questions. It's the reason I stopped watching partway through season 4.

2011-09-27, 02:37 PM
Question for those who saw it.
Is there a reason why they went back to a time period with dinosaurs and an impending space rock/other event that wiped out the dinosaurs instead of say cavemen time?

Well, it said they went to an alternate time stream (which is also why they never found the probe). For all we know, the scientists could've figured out that in the alternate time stream, the space rock/other event probably never wiped out the dinosaurs.
Just a theory: If the time-travelling human population dies out some how, the dinosaurs will probably become sentinent, start an advanced inter-galactic empire, and travel to the original time stream and take over.

Show writers who just stole my above idea for the second season of Terra Nova (assuming it gets renewed) I accept cash only. No checks or credit cards.

2011-09-27, 02:49 PM
I watched this just to see what this big thing they where advertising was about and to my surprise it after sitting through it it was better then I thought it was in the first portions of it... When it first started I was like...*sighs* ANOTHER piece of environmentalist propaganda that is a rip off of Ferngully in spac...I mean Avatar. The semi-aged, white-haired military commander who seemed like a villain at first even further made me think like this until I found out....he was not the bad guy...and there was a shadowy mysterious villain...that alone got me interested due to my love of shadowy mysterious villains and trying to figure out who they are.

Despite that, though, the show did not wow me. The characters where pretty typical and bland, except for the teenage son who I thought was annoying as all **** at first because he was a whiny emo for a bit of ...as I said...it was not BAD, just chronically typical.time...but then as things went on and he mellowed out a bit/got less emo and I was no longer annoyed..

I'll probably still follow it, at least until the villain is revealed, since the one thing that gets me to follow a series like nothing else can is a shadowy mysterious manipulative villain that I can make theories about.

2011-09-27, 02:50 PM
Question for those who saw it.
Is there a reason why they went back to a time period with dinosaurs and an impending space rock/other event that wiped out the dinosaurs instead of say cavemen time?

Assuming they hit somewhere in the Cretaceous period the rock is the least of their worries. They have millions of years to figure out what to do about it.

2011-09-27, 02:57 PM
It has a fairly decent premise, and the plot holes (if the time portal is one-way only, and they never found the probe, how the hell did they ever a) figure out what was on the other side or b) convince someone to walk through?) were not so egregious that I just could not overlook them. And there's some decent eye candy for my lizard brain. If it gets worse, I can always just stop watching.

Is it just one way? At one point when one of the security guys asked him to report to someone he said he wasn't sure who he could trust. I assume he was talking about back on future earth.

2011-09-27, 03:03 PM
Anyone else hate the kid? Why can't the guy take charge in a bad situation? He's dad's a cop for goodness sake it should rub off a little. I hope he grows a pair or gets eaten by a hoard of itty bitty dinos.

Lord Seth
2011-09-27, 04:58 PM
Final ratings are in. It got a 3.1/8 in the 18-49 demographic and 9.22 million total viewers.

2011-09-27, 04:59 PM
Anyone else hate the kid? Why can't the guy take charge in a bad situation? He's dad's a cop for goodness sake it should rub off a little. I hope he grows a pair or gets eaten by a hoard of itty bitty dinos.

I hate the whole freaking family. The first guy I liked was the leader (whose name I forget) because he didn't much like them either at first. I wanted that whole group of teens to get eaten and was looking for the lever to switch the genre from "sci-fi" to "slasher" for about 20 minutes to make sure they got 'em all.

Also, I got distracted in the last few minutes. What was the reveal about the symbols that I missed?

2011-09-27, 05:31 PM
yeah watched it. It was about what I expected. I too think they let too much out of their bag about the symbols.

2011-09-27, 06:45 PM
I hate the whole freaking family. The first guy I liked was the leader (whose name I forget) because he didn't much like them either at first. I wanted that whole group of teens to get eaten and was looking for the lever to switch the genre from "sci-fi" to "slasher" for about 20 minutes to make sure they got 'em all.

Also, I got distracted in the last few minutes. What was the reveal about the symbols that I missed?

Same as what Skye told the main dude's son,

it is Leader man's kids' writings. He keeps writing them (he was a scientist). Maybe to get back to future?

2011-09-27, 08:14 PM
Same as what Skye told the main dude's son,

it is Leader man's kids' writings. He keeps writing them (he was a scientist). Maybe to get back to future?

Lol, it's Marty McFly? "Great Scott!" "This is heavy"

2011-09-27, 08:50 PM
It's due for release in Australia in a week's time, but going by the ads alone it smells like Lost meets Earth 2. I had similar feelings about "The Event" and avoided it like the plague.

Honestly, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of shows that rely on cliffhanger plot reveals from episode to episode. That sort of block-teasing (dear oh dear, where's my spelling going these days) is the sort of thing that just drives people to wait for DVD or download of the entire series.

2011-09-28, 12:58 AM
That's the part the new writers obviously don't understand, though. From what I can see, their thought process works like:
-Lost is successful.
-Lost is full of mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.
-Therefore, Lost must be successful because of its mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.
-My new show will be successful if it has mysteries, flashbacks, and plot twists.

One of the Lost writers just admitted they were making it up as they went along.

Dino CGI: Okay. Some of the shots were great, some looked like they needed work.

Characters: I'm sure half the board could poop out more interesting PC's on a rock.

Plot: Way too predictable.

I'll keep watching to see how they go with it but I'm currently thinking this may be an expensive dud.

Killer Angel
2011-09-28, 02:16 AM
Is there a reason why they went back to a time period with dinosaurs and an impending space rock/other event that wiped out the dinosaurs instead of say cavemen time?

They think they can't go wrong with dinosaurs and an incoming catastrophic event. I don't know how valid is the excuse they used "in show" to justify it.

2011-09-28, 02:52 AM
My thoughts? Despite the formulaic characters and flat acting, the concept was good enough that I enjoyed it.
I hope they don't try to demonize the future government too much. So far, the policies shown, while draconian, make sense given their desperate situation. 2 kids is in fact a generous amount given the circumstances. 1 child only would make more sense, as there is room for rebellion without increasing the population, while two children limit means anyone over the limit would have to be compensated by an equal or greater number of families having less. There is a little room as not everyone will have children, but not as much as a one child policy.
Draconian? Yes, but the Earth is overpopulated. If anything you want to reduce the population. The worst thing they have done is treating prisoners somewhat inhumanly.
Taylor? Badass, in the best way. He has some sadly predictable faults, ooh he's hiding the writings, but he actually seems a sane and rational individual.
Maybe that's changed in the future, but leeches are used in modern medicine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leech#Medicinal_use_of_leeches). Less then a century and a half is not long enough to be considered "medieval".

The whole "Change the Past, change the future" plan seems a little over ambitious. I don't think the writers quite grasp how big 85 million years is. Depending on your definition of human, it could be at least two orders of magnitude longer then humans have been around, let alone recorded history.
I am amused how the modern trend is to make clothes just like now in the future. Look how different clothes were 150 years ago, or even 50. These hings change. Still, designing clothes that look different without looking goofy is very hard and a trope of its own.

While the moon would be closer 85 million years ago, about 32,300 kilometres closer, assuming its recession has been at a constant rate. Given that the moon is on average 384,399 km away, I don't think it would look as big as they show.

I am not sure the daughters explanation for the stars been different is complete either. There is the precession of the Earths axis, changing the pole star, and stars also move for more then just universal expansion. For example, the Alpha Centauri system is moving toward us.
Other stars moving in their own way would also change the pattern of the sky.
The part where Husband and Taylor look over the cliff was some bad, bad blue screening. Bad lighting, it felt very stagy and, bad edging, you could see the blurred join and not just on the hair.
The dinosaur effects were sufficient, some spectacular.

Right now, it feels very effects driven, the characters very stock and predictable.
I hope it gets better, because I like the idea, a lot. It's not a bad idea, sending people to the past, especially if it is a separate time stream.
Which it seems to be, though that might change as a big "dun, dun DUNN!"
EDIT for Addendum:

They think they can't go wrong with dinosaurs and an incoming catastrophic event. I don't know how valid is the excuse they used "in show" to justify it.

20 million years (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cretaceous%E2%80%93Tertiary_extinction_event) is hardly "impending", at least on any human scale.

2011-09-28, 06:55 AM
Wait, Terra Nova's premiere was last night?

...........****! :smallmad:

2011-09-28, 10:27 AM
I don't think the government will be demonized but rather big business will. The government set up the project, and the people sent by the main villain, as far as we know, are trying to sabotage it in some way...and had significant funding behind their back. I'm calling that the person who sent them is either a traitor in the government or a corporate fat cat, since any story meant to be a anvilcious green asop worth it's organic free trade salt will cast a CEO/corporate fat cat as it's big bad, unless that story is Fengully and thus casts a giant pollution monster voiced by the awesome Tim Curry as the main bad guy. Sad part is that Tim Curry's character was the most entertaining part of that movie despite him being the one we're supposed to fear and/or dislike.

2011-09-28, 12:07 PM
I don't think the government will be demonized but rather big business will. The government set up the project, and the people sent by the main villain, as far as we know, are trying to sabotage it in some way...and had significant funding behind their back. I'm calling that the person who sent them is either a traitor in the government or a corporate fat cat, since any story meant to be a anvilcious green asop worth it's organic free trade salt will cast a CEO/corporate fat cat as it's big bad, unless that story is Fengully and thus casts a giant pollution monster voiced by the awesome Tim Curry as the main bad guy. Sad part is that Tim Curry's character was the most entertaining part of that movie despite him being the one we're supposed to fear and/or dislike.

It is strange you wrote most entertaining part of that movie but you accidently wrote Tim Curry when you meant Batty. :smallwink:

2011-09-28, 01:25 PM
It did not help that 1) the second half was written in part by Brannon Braga, and 2) I could immediately tell that the second half was written in part by Brannon Braga.

So the anti-Midas strikes again.

Final ratings are in. It got a 3.1/8 in the 18-49 demographic and 9.22 million total viewers.

That's pretty bad.

Ilorin Lorati
2011-09-28, 02:10 PM
The characters weren't as three dimensional as I'd have liked, but the world itself had so much attention to detail that I was nerding out every 5 seconds.

The reference to the new timeline being given as a reason to not be worrying about the chaos theory
The reference to isobiotics, which I assume is how they get around having no natural defenses to the diseases in this timeframe
The reference to Hyperoxygenization.
The population control laws.
The leech. **** me that was disgustingly awesome.
The moon being bigger
The giant weeds and the centipede.
Many more smaller things.

There were a few things that frustrated me though:

They're conveniently ignoring the fact that even if this IS a new timeline, they're potentially disrupting THAT timeline, effectively killing off billions of humans in the process.
There's no way in hell a project that big and exclusive would be known to the general public.

If it WAS, there's no way a simple wire fence would be what kept the pilgrims from the general population.

If high tension steel wires can't keep a trex from breaking free, how to they expect spikes and wood to do so with whatever big ass dinos are in that timeframe? Did they learn nothing from Jurassic Park?

Lord Seth
2011-09-28, 03:34 PM
That's pretty bad.No, those are decent ratings. The problem is that due to the show's high budget, "decent" might not be good enough.

Of course, you can only tell so much from the first episode's ratings. Unless it's such an absolute bomb that it's gone after the first episode, you'll need at least two episodes before you can really make a prediction as to the show's prospects.

2011-09-28, 03:43 PM
Is it just one way? At one point when one of the security guys asked him to report to someone he said he wasn't sure who he could trust. I assume he was talking about back on future earth.

The kid said it was one way, but every one has been operating under the assumption that they can report back. Of course, the Commander also mentioned that when he was the first guy through, he spent 180 days running around in the jungle by himself "When it was just seconds for the group behind me." So it could be the combination of not enough power/resources to build another platform to send mass back as well as a time dilation effect. They can probably send radio signals or the like back though.

There were a few things that frustrated me though:

* They're conveniently ignoring the fact that even if this IS a new timeline, they're potentially disrupting THAT timeline, effectively killing off billions of humans in the process.
* There's no way in hell a project that big and exclusive would be known to the general public.
o If it WAS, there's no way a simple wire fence would be what kept the pilgrims from the general population.
* If high tension steel wires can't keep a trex from breaking free, how to they expect spikes and wood to do so with whatever big ass dinos are in that timeframe? Did they learn nothing from Jurassic Park?

1) Who cares? Their world was dying. I don't think they would have cared if it was their own timeline they were screwing up or someone else's, they just want to make sure some of their society survives.

2) Considering the project operates a lottery to pick who goes through, it would have to be. As for the wire fence, I figured that was more of a boarding area than right there at the front of the building. Remember, we don't know what the power and tech requirements are for their time travel.

3) Jurassic Park didn't rely on high tension wires to keep the T-rex locked up, they relied on the fact that the wires were carry several hundred thousand volts of electricity to turn any of the dinosaurs into crispy piles of meat to keep the T-rex locked up. The colonists on Terra Nova seem to be relying more on good, thick walls. (Granted, I also assumed that those were some form of metal bar, rather than wood.)

Personally, I liked the fact that they revealed the writing was the act of the Commander's son rather than make it into some big mystery. It hints the writers might have some idea what they're doing with the story.

2011-09-28, 03:43 PM
No, those are decent ratings. The problem is that due to the show's high budget, "decent" might not be good enough.

Of course, you can only tell so much from the first episode's ratings. Unless it's such an absolute bomb that it's gone after the first episode, you'll need at least two episodes before you can really make a prediction as to the show's prospects.

Fox spent a ton of money promoting the show and the show obviously costs a lot of money to produce. The series premier generally gets the highest ratings and for most shows there's a substantial drop off from the premier to the season average.

If this show gets 7 or 8 million viewers for the rest of the season then it's over. Even if it manages to maintain the 9 million viewers, its chances aren't good.

2011-09-28, 04:04 PM
This is high concept science fiction, and all in all, a pretty good idea. I read a similar novel where prisoners, political and otherwise, were sent back to the Cambrian, where the most advanced critters were Trilobites. Oh, and it was definitely a one way trip.
Unlike seemingly here, I don't think even radio could be sent back.

2011-09-28, 04:34 PM
Fox spent a ton of money promoting the show and the show obviously costs a lot of money to produce. The series premier generally gets the highest ratings and for most shows there's a substantial drop off from the premier to the season average.

If this show gets 7 or 8 million viewers for the rest of the season then it's over. Even if it manages to maintain the 9 million viewers, its chances aren't good.

Considering it was going up against Monday Night Football, those are not bad ratings at all. Moreover, those ratings can be counted on to pick up once football season is over. Basically, I see three basic reasons why we should be optimistic about this being stretched out to at least a season:

1) Fox seems increasingly sensitive to their reputation as a killing field for innovative shows. Despite the low numbers for shows like Arrested Development and Dollhouse, they gave each show ample time to build an audience. They certainly gave more opportunity than the shows that earned them that reputation in the first place: Alien Nation, Firefly, Futurama and Family Guy.

2) Spielberg is producing the show. Say what you will, but that name and that much money carry a fairly considerable amount of clout and inertia in Hollywood, and he has a record of standing behind money-making ventures. As such, they are unlikely to pull the plug absent some fairly clear indications that the show is dying on the vine.

3) As stated above, the numbers are actually pretty good considering that Terra Nova is competing for the same primary audience as MNF. Those numbers go up when you factor in that Nielson has started to track 7-day viewings to account for the fact that people often record one show for later viewing while watching another show.

No, the biggest concern about Terra Nova to this point isn't "Can the only prime-time sci-fi show out this year compete?" It's "Is the only prime-time sci-fi show out this year quality sci-fi?" At this point, it's got potential, but there were also some very troubling signs. Basically, at every point where you could go for cheap, quick drama that works for the moment, or subtler drama that's more effective at building character over the long term, they went for the cheap, quick, instant-gratification drama.

Let's use, for example, the plot point where Tasha panics and runs into the jungle. This struck me as a point-A-to-point-B storytelling device: they needed an action beat, and they needed a way for the parents to find the children, so they just had the most panicky character run into the jungle, seem to die, and then be found by the parents and alert them where the other children are.

The problem, however, is that less gimmicky and more realistic storytelling might have actually served to tell a stronger story. Suppose that instead of having a character react to acute stress by grabbing the idiot ball, they had actually played it realistically: when confronted by acute life-threatening stressors, about 10% of people will keep a clear head, about 80% will go into a haze unless someone tells them what to do, and the remaining 10% will completely shut down. Careful readers will note that "running out of relative safety and into imminent life-threatening danger" doesn't fit anywhere on that spectrum.

Suppose, however, that they had actually used that to their advantage: Skye keeps a clear head, but she gets impatient or mistakes how likely they are to be rescued and gets everyone except Tasha, who is curled up in a non-responsive ball, to go outside where things proceed normally because the adults triangulated their radio signal. That I think actually makes the story better on several levels. First, instead of having a standard "monsters jump out of bushes" action beat, you have a tenser "Are the monsters still out there and we just can't see them" action beat. Second, it allows for greater audience sympathy for Tasha (since she would have accidentally done the smart thing by staying in the safety of the truck), and third it keeps the strength of Skye's development while still giving her an arc to grow with: she's a natural leader, but she needs experience and wisdom to go with her resourcefulness and charisma.

Doing something like this, however, requires a willingness to defer easy and immediate action beats coupled with a willingness to grow and develop your characters over time. In each case, however, the characterization on the show went with the easy and generic over the wrinkled and nuanced, and rather than develop the story in a way that reflects what actually ought to result from character actions (if we're willing to accept the fact that slashers did not act at all like standard predators and instead acted like typical Hollywood monsters, we also need to accept that Tasha should have been reduced to puppy chow), they consistently made the choice that let the cast have their cake and eat it too. Which when you put it in those terms, are the two biggest problems I had with Brannon Braga's writing on Voyager. So for the time being, I'm willing to let them find their paces and run, but I really hope they tighten up their scripting and characterization.

2011-09-28, 05:01 PM
Personally, I liked the fact that they revealed the writing was the act of the Commander's son rather than make it into some big mystery. It hints the writers might have some idea what they're doing with the story.

Likewise. If a show tries to string me along too much with a particular mystery element, I get the feeling that either they don't know the answer themselves or they're just trying to manipulate me for the sake of the Creative Executive Manipulation Formula rather than to serve the story itself. Questions should be raised and then answered in a reasonable amount of time. Those answers should both carry some element of satisfaction AND lead to new questions, which themselves are later answered in turn, etc. (See: Babylon 5.)

Someone showed this to me this morning. Spoilered for an (amusing) image rather than for actual spoilers: http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6171/6188862899_09f0414da4_b.jpg
My favorite is the murderfaceratops. :smallbiggrin:

Lord Seth
2011-09-28, 05:35 PM
If this show gets 7 or 8 million viewers for the rest of the season then it's over. Even if it manages to maintain the 9 million viewers, its chances aren't good.Thing is, overall viewers mean little outside of bragging rights. Look at The Office; its most recent episode got 7.64 million viewers, but it's worth more than CSI (at least in terms of how much the advertisers pay) even though CSI got about 5 million viewers more. Why? Because The Office hits the important demographics better (ironically, The Office hit it better than Terra Nova...).

So the key number here is not the 9.22 million viewers, it's the 3.1. And a 3.1, while not amazing, is still decent and (assuming no significant dropping) would normally be guaranteed renewal. The question is (1) will it hold that number, and (2) will that number be worth it due to the large budget? I don't have access to the exact amount the advertisers are paying, the exact budget, and whether there there might be other revenue factors that are important ("other revenue factors" is likely the only reason The CW is still around).

So the bottom line is that the ratings, like I noted, are decent. Are they decent enough to justify the cost, and will they stay decent? The former we can't really know for sure, and the latter will only be told in coming weeks.

Ilorin Lorati
2011-09-28, 05:36 PM
The kid said it was one way, but every one has been operating under the assumption that they can report back. Of course, the Commander also mentioned that when he was the first guy through, he spent 180 days running around in the jungle by himself "When it was just seconds for the group behind me." So it could be the combination of not enough power/resources to build another platform to send mass back as well as a time dilation effect. They can probably send radio signals or the like back though.

1) Who cares? Their world was dying. I don't think they would have cared if it was their own timeline they were screwing up or someone else's, they just want to make sure some of their society survives.

2) Considering the project operates a lottery to pick who goes through, it would have to be. As for the wire fence, I figured that was more of a boarding area than right there at the front of the building. Remember, we don't know what the power and tech requirements are for their time travel.

3) Jurassic Park didn't rely on high tension wires to keep the T-rex locked up, they relied on the fact that the wires were carry several hundred thousand volts of electricity to turn any of the dinosaurs into crispy piles of meat to keep the T-rex locked up. The colonists on Terra Nova seem to be relying more on good, thick walls. (Granted, I also assumed that those were some form of metal bar, rather than wood.)

Personally, I liked the fact that they revealed the writing was the act of the Commander's son rather than make it into some big mystery. It hints the writers might have some idea what they're doing with the story.

I care, and that's really all that matters to me when it comes to bringing it up.
The commander made it well and clear that everyone sent back had better be good at something; I highly doubt that the lottery includes everyone in the world, but more like a subsection of the best people. There's simply no room for people who don't have skills to contribute.
It looked like giant wooden logs held together by metal columns with a single metal crossbar along the top for the foot long spikes. Their deterrent is the sonic guns.

2011-09-28, 05:55 PM
1. Hire better writters
2. Fire Braga
3. ???
4. Profit!!!

2011-09-28, 05:56 PM
I care, and that's really all that matters to me when it comes to bringing it up.
The commander made it well and clear that everyone sent back had better be good at something; I highly doubt that the lottery includes everyone in the world, but more like a subsection of the best people. There's simply no room for people who don't have skills to contribute.
It looked like giant wooden logs held together by metal columns with a single metal crossbar along the top for the foot long spikes. Their deterrent is the sonic guns.

Well, technically the best subset and their kids. One would hope that the kids won't be deadbeats but we can't know till they grow up.
The main character's kid meets this Skye girl and her friends who are creating

illegal moonshine: criminal activities
, looks like they are going places :smallbiggrin:

So, the idea seems sound, but they have to hope nature is more important than nurture as this isn't the best breeding/raising area for kids.

2011-09-28, 06:49 PM
Likewise. If a show tries to string me along too much with a particular mystery element, I get the feeling that either they don't know the answer themselves or they're just trying to manipulate me for the sake of the Creative Executive Manipulation Formula rather than to serve the story itself. Questions should be raised and then answered in a reasonable amount of time. Those answers should both carry some element of satisfaction AND lead to new questions, which themselves are later answered in turn, etc. (See: Babylon 5.)

Someone showed this to me this morning. Spoilered for an (amusing) image rather than for actual spoilers: http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6171/6188862899_09f0414da4_b.jpg
My favorite is the murderfaceratops. :smallbiggrin:

I like the chainsawraptor myself. :smallbiggrin:

Re Cost and Numbers: The pilot cost 20 mil. but FOX has ordered 13 episodes which are already finished filming.

Re Brachiosaurs: They were Jurassic dinosaurs. They should already be extinct by 85 mya. nerdrage. :smallfurious:

Ilorin Lorati
2011-09-28, 07:26 PM
I like the chainsawraptor myself. :smallbiggrin:

Re Cost and Numbers: The pilot cost 20 mil. but FOX has ordered 13 episodes which are already finished filming.

Re Brachiosaurs: They were Jurassic dinosaurs. They should already be extinct by 85 mya. nerdrage. :smallfurious:

Dinos from the Brachiosauridae family went extinct at 83 mya at the earliest, so calm down there man.

2011-09-28, 07:35 PM
Yeah, but I didn't think there were any Brachiosaurs in South America. My understanding was that the predominant sauropod family in South America was titanosaurs, which are built more like Diplodocus than a Brachiosaur. And if the alpha predator of the show is going to be Carnotaurus, the show has to be in South America, because that's where Carnos developed.

I myself am not going to nerd rage on this any more than I'm going to rage on the fact that strictly speaking there shouldn't be grass because grass is only about 70 million years old. Sometimes you have to manage the inner nerd for the sake of the normals, and I think this is one of those times. It will only matter to me if it becomes a plot point that then gets retconned, or if they cross the thin line from awesome to stupid by putting tyrannosaurs in F-14's or something.

2011-09-28, 07:52 PM
I like the chainsawraptor myself. :smallbiggrin:

Re Cost and Numbers: The pilot cost 20 mil. but FOX has ordered 13 episodes which are already finished filming.

Re Brachiosaurs: They were Jurassic dinosaurs. They should already be extinct by 85 mya. nerdrage. :smallfurious:

Since this isn't our earth timeline (possibly), maybe they aren't exist after that many million years anymore.
We can't use our time logic as true logic when time line is a different. Remember they may not be the same one as ours.

Ilorin Lorati
2011-09-28, 08:01 PM
Yeah, but I didn't think there were any Brachiosaurs in South America. My understanding was that the predominant sauropod family in South America was titanosaurs, which are built more like Diplodocus than a Brachiosaur. And if the alpha predator of the show is going to be Carnotaurus, the show has to be in South America, because that's where Carnos developed.

I myself am not going to nerd rage on this any more than I'm going to rage on the fact that strictly speaking there shouldn't be grass because grass is only about 70 million years old. Sometimes you have to manage the inner nerd for the sake of the normals, and I think this is one of those times. It will only matter to me if it becomes a plot point that then gets retconned, or if they cross the thin line from awesome to stupid by putting tyrannosaurs in F-14's or something.

Are we positive sure it was a brachiosauridae and not another closely related sauropod? I was only correcting his error, I didn't think so much about location.

The Glyphstone
2011-09-28, 10:19 PM
It will only matter to me if it becomes a plot point that then gets retconned, or if they cross the thin line from awesome to stupid by putting tyrannosaurs in F-14's or something.

Don't you mean the thin line from stupid to awesome? Pretty sure you have those backwards.:smallsmile:

2011-09-29, 12:09 AM

10-20 million for episode one, 4 million per episode after, or about 52 million for the first season of 13 episodes is reported here.

2011-09-29, 05:15 AM
Considering it was going up against Monday Night Football, those are not bad ratings at all. Moreover, those ratings can be counted on to pick up once football season is over. Basically, I see three basic reasons why we should be optimistic about this being stretched out to at least a season:

1) Fox seems increasingly sensitive to their reputation as a killing field for innovative shows. Despite the low numbers for shows like Arrested Development and Dollhouse, they gave each show ample time to build an audience. They certainly gave more opportunity than the shows that earned them that reputation in the first place: Alien Nation, Firefly, Futurama and Family Guy.

And yet Dollhouse and Arrested Development still got canceled despite Fox's efforts to keep them alive.

2) Spielberg is producing the show. Say what you will, but that name and that much money carry a fairly considerable amount of clout and inertia in Hollywood, and he has a record of standing behind money-making ventures. As such, they are unlikely to pull the plug absent some fairly clear indications that the show is dying on the vine.

Jim Cameron produced Dark Angel and that lasted only two seasons.

3) As stated above, the numbers are actually pretty good considering that Terra Nova is competing for the same primary audience as MNF. Those numbers go up when you factor in that Nielson has started to track 7-day viewings to account for the fact that people often record one show for later viewing while watching another show.

That's irrelevant. There will always be competition. If it's not Monday Night Football, it's Dancing with the Stars or Two and a Half Men or CSI or some other top rated show. The whole point of investing in such a big show is so that it can beat the competition.

2011-09-29, 07:30 AM
3) Jurassic Park didn't rely on high tension wires to keep the T-rex locked up, they relied on the fact that the wires were carry several hundred thousand volts of electricity to turn any of the dinosaurs into crispy piles of meat to keep the T-rex locked up. The colonists on Terra Nova seem to be relying more on good, thick walls. (Granted, I also assumed that those were some form of metal bar, rather than wood.)

Actually, having solid/semi-solid wooden fence walls like that makes perfect sense. Terra Nova is operating on limited resources and a super powered electric fence is probably cost ineffective to say the least when you need power going to more important things, like the guns to shoot incoming threats, or the life support machines keeping the injured in your hospital alive.

Such a wall has a major added benefit. When the power goes out, it's still able to accomplish its primary function. When you're 85 million years away from your primary resupply and support, building stuff that requires high maintenance and support just to function is inadvisable.

It's also reflected somewhat interestingly in that ammo is now a highly valued commodity. Producing modern rounds requires a significant industrial infrastructure that simply doesn't exist in Terra Nova. Same goes with mining for minerals. Standard iron mining is MASSIVELY infrastructure intensive. Meteoric iron would, conceivably, be much closer to the surface and more accessible. Or, simply, it might not be located in that region (which we're not sure where it is).

Personally, I liked the fact that they revealed the writing was the act of the Commander's son rather than make it into some big mystery. It hints the writers might have some idea what they're doing with the story.

I wouldn't go that far. This is, after all, FOX. I'm honestly surprised that they aired the actual pilot first rather than just showing the first season out of order, cancelling half the episodes for something else, and then declaring it a failure and shutting it down.

The Glyphstone
2011-09-29, 09:07 AM
I wouldn't go that far. This is, after all, FOX. I'm honestly surprised that they aired the actual pilot first rather than just showing the first season out of order, cancelling half the episodes for something else, and then declaring it a failure and shutting it down.

Bitter about Firefly?:smallwink:

Lord Seth
2011-09-29, 09:26 AM
Bitter about Firefly?:smallwink:I think it's funny that people stereotype Fox based on its treatment of one show that aired 9 years ago.

2011-09-29, 09:30 AM
Bitter about Firefly?:smallwink:

Actually, I'm almost glad that the show ended before it could get completely screwed up. The first season set the bar REALLY high. Hard to see how a second season could have lived up to it.

But yes, I'm a little bitter.

2011-09-29, 10:50 AM
It will only matter to me if it becomes a plot point that then gets retconned, or if they cross the thin line from awesome to stupid by putting tyrannosaurs in F-14's or something.Don't you mean the thin line from stupid to awesome? Pretty sure you have those backwards.:smallsmile:



:smallredface: ...Sorry. Couldn't help myself. :smallbiggrin:

2011-09-30, 02:08 PM
I enjoyed the show, but I think I did so more for the setting than anything else. There's so much potential there, and hopefully the show can realize at least some of it. Some of the characters worry me (the son, holy crap was he annoying) but then there are some that have some potential as well. I'm definitely going to follow this first season, at least.

btw, can't wait to see the dinosaurs with the chainsaw arms!

2011-10-01, 09:26 PM
Timey whimey plot holes everywhere despite the alternate time stream but its not too late for them to be cleared up. Plenty of inconsistencies too but it could still be fun…

As for the son his whiplash for the dad confused me a bit but it looks like he was just looking for any excuse to stay in the present not that he didn't want to leave without the father.

2011-10-01, 10:39 PM
I mostly found the show mediocre until the "slashers" came along.

Ugh... Rather fitting Braga named his tail spiked, APC-shredding monstrosity after the horror genre whose villains they emulate.

2011-10-01, 10:54 PM
Timey whimey plot holes everywhere despite the alternate time stream but its not too late for them to be cleared up. Plenty of inconsistencies too but it could still be fun…

As for the son his whiplash for the dad confused me a bit but it looks like he was just looking for any excuse to stay in the present not that he didn't want to leave without the father.
What irked me was the teary moment with his Earth girlfriend, then he runs off with the new lady with barely a hello. Potentially realistic for teenage boys, but still not exactly behaviour that makes me want to like the twerp.

2011-10-02, 05:54 AM
My only knowledge of this show is from this article


Avilan the Grey
2011-10-02, 08:19 AM
Personally I am disappointed in so many things.

Most important is the LOST feeling; I feel this setting and the original premise (which they are already hinting on not actually being the real premise) is amazing in itself. Why throw all the mystery crap in there?

The second one is the whole "Terminatorsauruses. Why must all invented species be more badass than the real ones? Reeks of Sy-Fy Channel to me. Next thing we see is a Megashark... :smallyuk:

2011-10-02, 08:29 AM
Personally I am disappointed in so many things.

Most important is the LOST feeling; I feel this setting and the original premise (which they are already hinting on not actually being the real premise) is amazing in itself. Why throw all the mystery crap in there?

The second one is the whole "Terminatorsauruses. Why must all invented species be more badass than the real ones? Reeks of Sy-Fy Channel to me. Next thing we see is a Megashark... :smallyuk:

MegaShark was real. There really were megasharks back in the day. There were giant mosquitos and Roaches as well. All insects back then were huge.

2011-10-02, 11:04 AM
MegaShark was real. There really were megasharks back in the day. There were giant mosquitos and Roaches as well. All insects back then were huge.
Not all, but yes, huge insects were more prevalent and in fact could be bigger then now. Insects means of getting oxygen doesn't scale well with size. Back then, there was more oxygen in the air, so insects could get bigger. Like, dragonflies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meganeura_monyi)the size of crows bigger.
I really doubt this would come up in the show, but long term exposure to greater than normal pressure of oxygen, or hyperoxia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperoxia), can be bad for humans.

Ilorin Lorati
2011-10-02, 12:27 PM
Not all, but yes, huge insects were more prevalent and in fact could be bigger then now. Insects means of getting oxygen doesn't scale well with size. Back then, there was more oxygen in the air, so insects could get bigger. Like, dragonflies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meganeura_monyi)the size of crows bigger.
I really doubt this would come up in the show, but long term exposure to greater than normal pressure of oxygen, or hyperoxia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperoxia), can be bad for humans.

It came up twice in the first show; whether it will keep coming up is another issue entirely.

But the guy with the leech on his back was suffering from a more longterm hyperoxia than what they experienced when they came through.

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-03, 01:23 AM
MegaShark was real. There really were megasharks back in the day. There were giant mosquitos and Roaches as well. All insects back then were huge.

Well Megalodon was real. Megashark, as in the one seen in Sy-Fy original movies, can eat flying jumbo jets and pulls down the Golden Gate bridge.

2011-10-03, 04:30 AM
It came up twice in the first show; whether it will keep coming up is another issue entirely.

But the guy with the leech on his back was suffering from a more longterm hyperoxia than what they experienced when they came through.
True, I remembered that after I posted. Still, it certainly something that would have an impact for a colony with permanent exposure.

2011-10-03, 07:41 AM
True, I remembered that after I posted. Still, it certainly something that would have an impact for a colony with permanent exposure.

Presumably, after a couple generations, humans would begin to adapt to the change in atmosphere. Or die off.

For the moment, it would certainly be a continuing issue for the humans from an oxygen depleted and hyper poluted atmosphere, but I doubt seriously that it'll get more than the lip service it already has.

2011-10-03, 09:22 AM
Presumably, after a couple generations, humans would begin to adapt to the change in atmosphere. Or die off.

For the moment, it would certainly be a continuing issue for the humans from an oxygen depleted and hyper poluted atmosphere, but I doubt seriously that it'll get more than the lip service it already has.

You know, it would be an interesting turn of events if they did focus on it. Say that after a season or so, this becomes a problem. The show focuses on the settlers attempts at a solution which then turns out to be more pollution. A delicious ironic twist where the humans have to pollute this earth too but in order to survive now.

2011-10-03, 10:26 AM
You know, it would be an interesting turn of events if they did focus on it. Say that after a season or so, this becomes a problem. The show focuses on the settlers attempts at a solution which then turns out to be more pollution. A delicious ironic twist where the humans have to pollute this earth too but in order to survive now.

I'd agree that it'd be interesting, except I have an all purpose loathing of eco-preaching via entertainment venues. And when I say loathing, I get the urge to write nasty letters to the producers/writers/actors and fill them with itching powder.:smallfurious:

I'd be happy if it was dealt with obliquely. After a couple episodes, they realize it's becomming an issue and have to develop a means of dealing with it. Perhaps daily/weekly steroid injections or something, which can lead to episode plots where somebody gets stuck out in the wilderness without his daily shot and starts to suffer because of it. Just something kept on a back burner.

2011-10-03, 10:31 AM
I'd agree that it'd be interesting, except I have an all purpose loathing of eco-preaching via entertainment venues. And when I say loathing, I get the urge to write nasty letters to the producers/writers/actors and fill them with itching powder.:smallfurious:

I'd be happy if it was dealt with obliquely. After a couple episodes, they realize it's becomming an issue and have to develop a means of dealing with it. Perhaps daily/weekly steroid injections or something, which can lead to episode plots where somebody gets stuck out in the wilderness without his daily shot and starts to suffer because of it. Just something kept on a back burner.

Hehe, I can see where you're coming from. I sigh quite often when this comes up in something I'm watching or reading. Depending on the quality of the readers though I still think it could be cool. I also agree that it should be kept as a minor event going on in the background, plumes of black smoke being seen now and then or something along those lines, coupled with these steroid injections you mentioned.

All that said, I like this show so far. I don't mind the characters at all, I don't love them but I don't hate them either. They are there to show me the world so I don't quite care. I do however like Nathaniel Taylor, Stephen Lang is pretty awesome in everything he does and I have a weak spot for this kind of character.

2011-10-03, 07:22 PM
Pterosaurs and Xiphactinus so far this evening

must be a baby xiphactinus tho...

edit: venomous, pack hunting Pterosaurs

sigh :smallannoyed:

re-edit: they so missed an opportunity to do a prehistoric version of The Birds with this...

2011-10-03, 10:48 PM
Pterosaurs and Xiphactinus so far this evening

must be a baby xiphactinus tho...

edit: venomous, pack hunting Pterosaurs

sigh :smallannoyed:

re-edit: they so missed an opportunity to do a prehistoric version of The Birds with this...

Isn't that basically exactly what the episode was? I don't remember birds, except for large packs of angry birds eating people alive... which is basically what this was :/

2011-10-04, 01:31 AM
Pterosaurs and Xiphactinus so far this evening

must be a baby xiphactinus tho...
As loath as I am to throw Brannon Braga a bone, it could have been a different ichthyodectid. They all look rather similar, but Xiphactinus was pretty much an odd duck as far as its prodigious size goes.

2011-10-04, 02:19 AM
Isn't that basically exactly what the episode was? I don't remember birds, except for large packs of angry birds eating people alive... which is basically what this was :/

The Birds was about a coastal town where ordinary known every day animals suddenly became somewhat intelligent, and suicidally insane. They did everything possible to kill humans, and were sneaky lil creeps. This was just random flock of monster of the week passes thru town.

2011-10-04, 07:16 AM
Yeah, it was a little lame, but all in all, it wasn't a terrible episode. They didn't add needlessly to the mysteries we already have and, in fact, started pushing slowly towards answers, or at least setting up the pieces of answers. That, and a self contained little micro-plot of nasty avians wasn't alltogether bad and got accross nicely how dangerous this world really is without getting too narmtastic.

On the slightly negative side, we got a little more enviro-preaching with the whole shtick on how they're attacking because Terra Nova was stupidly built on top of their ancient breeding ground. Didn't get whiney about it, which is why it's passable. My biggest complaint though is about what kind of loser species breeds only every 9 years? Stupidest evolutionary adapatation ever! Hell, even the Vulcans can get it on at least every seven!

2011-10-04, 07:25 AM
New episode?! Birdosauruses? Venomous birdosauruses?! SIGN ME UP!

My roommate heard that the dinosaur's were horrible claymation land of the lost type looking things, so we both went in expecting to be horribly disappointed. We came out the other side pleasantly surprised repeating:

Carnotaurus. I hate carnotaurus.

2011-10-04, 08:03 AM
The Birds was about a coastal town where ordinary known every day animals suddenly became somewhat intelligent, and suicidally insane. They did everything possible to kill humans, and were sneaky lil creeps. This was just random flock of monster of the week passes thru town.

In fairness, they did try to get through the ventalation shaft. After all, we all know the vulnerability to any TV human structure is the ventalation system... :smallwink:

Again, the word that keeps coming back is "middling". It's not mockably bad but it's not worth extra effort to watch either. I will give it credit that (so far) the "military man" isn't a stereotype and that the heartwarming stuff isn't sickeningly sweet yet.

BTW, since I missed some of the premeire, had we gotten info that the first two kids were by another woman yet?

2011-10-04, 11:20 AM
On the slightly negative side, we got a little more enviro-preaching with the whole shtick on how they're attacking because Terra Nova was stupidly built on top of their ancient breeding ground. Didn't get whiney about it, which is why it's passable.

Er, how is that "enviro-preaching?" Looks like it's basic cause-effect. Take away the fact that they built on top of the breeding ground and suddenly you've got a bunch of dino-birds attacking without cause. It wasn't a case of them knowing it was a breeding ground beforehand and saying "We shall build here anyway, for we are the mighty humans and can do what we want to nature with no comeuppance!" It sounds like you're implying that any story that has humans interacting with nature or vice-versa is enviro-preaching.

My biggest complaint though is about what kind of loser species breeds only every 9 years? Stupidest evolutionary adapatation ever! Hell, even the Vulcans can get it on at least every seven!

Well, now you know why they didn't survive to the modern day. It's early. Evolution is still getting its pants on and combing its hair after its morning shower. :smallwink:

Lord Seth
2011-10-04, 11:45 AM
Ratings are in and it only dropped 3% for its second episode, which is pretty good. Still not sure its current ratings will be able to sustain it due to its high budget, but that's still a fairly low drop for a series's second episode.

2011-10-04, 11:46 AM
Er, how is that "enviro-preaching?" Looks like it's basic cause-effect. Take away the fact that they built on top of the breeding ground and suddenly you've got a bunch of dino-birds attacking without cause. It wasn't a case of them knowing it was a breeding ground beforehand and saying "We shall build here anyway, for we are the mighty humans and can do what we want to nature with no comeuppance!" It sounds like you're implying that any story that has humans interacting with nature or vice-versa is enviro-preaching.

That's why I said slight. It was an instance of "you're building your houses without thought to consequences where wild animals have lived for a long time" thing. Invasion of territory and all that. But certainly a neccessary one in terms of the plot. It didn't bother me overly, especially as how they didn't make a huge deal of it in the end other than, crap, we gotta get these things away from us!

Well, now you know why they didn't survive to the modern day. It's early. Evolution is still getting its pants on and combing its hair after its morning shower. :smallwink:

Pft. Thanks for making me chuckle. I needed that.

2011-10-04, 08:27 PM
That's why I said slight. It was an instance of "you're building your houses without thought to consequences where wild animals have lived for a long time" thing. Invasion of territory and all that.
Personally, I don't see how that's even slightly "enviro-preaching". It's just common sense; I deal with it every spring and summer, when the large venomous snakes spawn their babies and eventually prepare to den up for the winter.

That said, I haven't actually seen the episode yet (I'm going to as soon as Hulu behaves and uploads the show faster), so I'll reserve any more thoughts until then.

Lord Seth
2011-10-04, 08:40 PM
Final ratings are in now (kinda jumped the gun to post it beforehand), but Terra Nova's second episode was adjusted up slightly, to a 3.1/8 in the 18-49 demographic and 8.73 million total.

So the ratings stayed pretty much the same, which is very impressive for the second episode of a new series. Once again it brings up the question as to whether the ratings are strong to justify the high cost of the series...but at least they've stayed stable so far.

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-05, 05:11 AM
Okay, watching the second episode...


1. No more "LOST" feeling. Good.

2. Commander Nathaniel Taylor's second in command, Simone, has SUCH a crush on him. At least it looks that way to me.

3. The monsters were not ridiculous. Good.

2011-10-05, 09:57 AM
That's why I said slight. It was an instance of "you're building your houses without thought to consequences where wild animals have lived for a long time" thing. Invasion of territory and all that. But certainly a neccessary one in terms of the plot. It didn't bother me overly, especially as how they didn't make a huge deal of it in the end other than, crap, we gotta get these things away from us!

Well YMMV on this one I suppose, I didn't find it preachy at all and thought it was rather well done. Terra Nova's colonists had no idea that those specific little reptilian flyers existed when they chose their build site. All they knew was 'egg shells buried underground make the soil good for farming, this is a good place to set up shop!', not that whatever had made the egg-shells was still around cause they never saw another sight of whatever had made them.

If anything, if it was being preachy, they'd have had Quatrich's men taking flamethrowers to the flying menaces and have portrayed that in a poor light while the eco-friendly scientists did their damndest to create the pheremones then ran an un-authorized trip out into the jungle to lure the poor murderous beasties away before the mean soldiers could burn them. With fire. And more fire.

Instead, Quatrich seemed all for luring them away...probably to save ammo/energy.

2011-10-05, 11:22 AM
I'd be happy if it was dealt with obliquely. After a couple episodes, they realize it's becomming an issue and have to develop a means of dealing with it. Perhaps daily/weekly steroid injections or something, which can lead to episode plots where somebody gets stuck out in the wilderness without his daily shot and starts to suffer because of it. Just something kept on a back burner.

They actually dealt with it in the first episode. Those blue health shakes the family spent all their time drinking are what new colonists get to adapt them to the atmosphere and environment. The doc said they would have to drink them every day for a week or so.

2011-10-05, 11:38 AM
So why can't the military guy take a hit to the face? Seriously why didn't one of the people in the house just grab some ducktape & secure that vent before it explosively decompressed?

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-05, 03:04 PM
So why can't the military guy take a hit to the face? Seriously why didn't one of the people in the house just grab some ducktape & secure that vent before it explosively decompressed?

Because he fell backwards and hit his head on the floor? He it happens, you know.

And because nobody thought the bloody things would find their way in there?

2011-10-05, 10:31 PM
Because he fell backwards and hit his head on the floor? He it happens, you know.

And because nobody thought the bloody things would find their way in there?

I meant that, after they heard noises inside the vent, why didn't they take measures in which to secure the vent before they popped out & tried to eat them?

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-05, 10:38 PM
I meant that, after they heard noises inside the vent, why didn't they take measures in which to secure the vent before they popped out & tried to eat them?

Because writers assume teens are morons? sad but true.

2011-10-06, 01:24 AM
Because writers assume teens are morons? sad but true.

I hate to say this but actually writers generally assume the audience are morons. Lazy writing is becoming so common in certain genres (rom coms, scifi, horror, etc) that fans of those genres are becoming accepting of it or willing to turn a blind eye at least because really what choice do they have?
Writers make characters stupid because they need them to get to scene b from scene a, and the easiest way to do that in their eyes is to make the character a fool. And since they don't get called on it in any meaningful way (i.e. people abandoning their films and shows) they just assume their audiences are dumb cattle, and continue to write in said manner.

My apologies for the rant.

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-06, 01:29 AM
Writers make characters stupid because they need them to get to scene b from scene a, and the easiest way to do that in their eyes is to make the character a fool. And since they don't get called on it in any meaningful way (i.e. people abandoning their films and shows) they just assume their audiences are dumb cattle, and continue to write in said manner.

Yes, I know, but I feel teens (and by extension both late pre-teens (10-12) and young tweens (20-23) are being treated worse. It's like writers never remember what it was like being a teenager, so they always act either too old or like complete morons. Dawson Casting doesn't help.

The girl that ran into the jungle in ep. 1 is a typical example.

Lord Seth
2011-10-06, 01:54 AM
Writers make characters stupid because they need them to get to scene b from scene a, and the easiest way to do that in their eyes is to make the character a fool. And since they don't get called on it in any meaningful way (i.e. people abandoning their films and shows) they just assume their audiences are dumb cattle, and continue to write in said manner.What about Heroes and FlashForward?

2011-10-06, 03:55 AM
Haven watched Heroes, never heard of Flash Forward, couldn't honestly say anything about either series without doing some research.

2011-10-06, 10:54 AM
Seriously why didn't one of the people in the house just grab some ducktape & secure that vent before it explosively decompressed?

Dude, it's a ventalation system. Ancient hospitaliity rules *demand* that anyone coming in through one must be granted access.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2011-10-09, 09:05 PM
Ok, now that I've finally gotten around to watching the pilot (yeah, I'm know I'm a bit late to the game, but I've had a lot of other recorded shows to catch up on). My first thought is that the show has an identity crisis. Does it want to be a family drama with a backdrop of sci fi, or does it want to be a solid science fiction show. I also thought the pacing wasn't very good. Too many times it was rushed/fast paced, yet when they were going through slower paced parts to develop something, the ended far faster that I feel they should have. The mystery of Commander Taylor's son/the writings on the rocks by the falls/Terra Nova's real purpose has some intrigue, but I'm not sure it's enough to keep me interested in it in the end. Although I do have the second episode recorded, so I might as well watch it and see, but I don't have much hope (unlike Person of Interest, which I think does have a little bit of promise, and has been worth a few more looks).

2011-10-11, 07:21 AM
Last night's episode, almost pre-empted for stupid baseball, wasn't bad. No furthering of the various mysteries, but no additional ones.

And, as an aside, yes, animals chew on power cables, but it ain't for the nickle in them.

2011-10-11, 07:36 AM
Maybe nickle is catnip for dinos, to be fair, we can't know, no one has tested the theory.

Yeah, I hated that pre-emp baseball thing, they canceled House after 30 minutes to show the news at 9. I really wanted to see the new episode.

Anyhoo back to Terra Nova: I'm really curious about Somalia in the future now. They seem pretty strong.

2011-10-11, 07:58 AM
Anyhoo back to Terra Nova: I'm really curious about Somalia in the future now. They seem pretty strong.

I didn't get that impression. More that Somalia was the site of a conflict. Hell, the commander specifically stated that Somalia "didn't have the tech for" something, so I got the impression more that they were up to something else that he and a group were sent to stop, an action that went pear shaped.

He did, though, give mention to two large power blocs, but the names have escaped me. This gives me a thought about the sixers and how they might be related to politics in the future. But I honestly doubt that they've gotten that comples in their thought and planning.

2011-10-11, 08:00 AM
Nope. No double post here.

Move along.

2011-10-11, 04:59 PM
I didn't get that impression. More that Somalia was the site of a conflict. Hell, the commander specifically stated that Somalia "didn't have the tech for" something, so I got the impression more that they were up to something else that he and a group were sent to stop, an action that went pear shaped.

He did, though, give mention to two large power blocs, but the names have escaped me. This gives me a thought about the sixers and how they might be related to politics in the future. But I honestly doubt that they've gotten that comples in their thought and planning.

He said Russo-Chineses, suggesting that China and Russia have merged (a little too Cold War nostalgic for my taste), so yeah Somalia was more than likely still a third world country and the big power blocs use it as a battlefield of influence.

So far they are toning down the obnoxiousness of the son character, guess the executives have finally realized younger audiences don’t find these types “identifiable,” just annoying.

2011-10-11, 11:30 PM
He said Russo-Chineses, suggesting that China and Russia have merged (a little too Cold War nostalgic for my taste), so yeah Somalia was more than likely still a third world country and the big power blocs use it as a battlefield of influence.

So far they are toning down the obnoxiousness of the son character, guess the executives have finally realized younger audiences don’t find these types “identifiable,” just annoying.

Yeah, especially because Russia & China really don't like each other. (Territory Disputes & Political Differences, + bears:smalleek:)

Just wait until he starts working for the Sixers & has an angsty cry over which loyalties are more important to him. You know it's coming.:smallfrown:

2011-10-11, 11:35 PM
Yeah, especially because Russia & China really don't like each other. (Territory Disputes & Political Differences, + bears:smalleek:)

Maybe its like in Gundam 00, and eastern Russia has been taken over by China, while the west has joined a European bloc. But more than likely it was just they could'nt decide on a "bad guy" nation, and so went with both.:smalltongue:

Just wait until he starts working for the Sixers & has an angsty cry over which loyalties are more important to him. You know it's coming.:smallfrown:

Oh god, they will do that plotline wont they:smalleek:? It seems so obvious I don't know why I didnt think of it before.

2011-10-12, 08:13 AM
Oh god, they will do that plotline wont they:smalleek:? It seems so obvious I don't know why I didnt think of it before.

And just what obvious plot point haven't they stolen from every other two-bit story/show out there? Seriously, everything in the show is right out of the "Big ol' Box o' Cliches" back at studio headquarters.

2011-10-12, 09:42 AM
And just what obvious plot point haven't they stolen from every other two-bit story/show out there? Seriously, everything in the show is right out of the "Big ol' Box o' Cliches" back at studio headquarters.
Oh, that is exactly what is going to happen.

Here's my opinion on this show: It's good, provided they are focusing on the Adult cast members. It's very rare that you see a happy, established couple as main characters. Usually either they're just getting together, are falling apart, or one half of said couple is missing/dead, providing the other half with an all-encompassing "THEY TOOK MY WIFE!" justification for just about anything the writers want them to do.
Jim and Elizabeth actually work really well together as a happy couple, and I really hope they don't try to make the show a relationship drama. Their current dynamic (Deeply in love while still remaining reasonable about it) is a good one, let them keep that up while the plot gets driven by the whole "building a colony in the past" thing.
The Commander guy is awesome, and Doctor Whatshisname seems like he could be a good character provided they don't make "Wants to bang Elizabeth again" his defining character trait.

The problem is with the kids, whose names I forget, so I will call them Angst and Geek.

Angst manages to check off just about every box on the Annoying TV Teen checklist. Pointlessly rebels against his parents even though it means doing really stupid stuff (like skipping orientation, which actually sounds pretty important), check. Falls head over heels for the first girl to bat her eyelashes at him? Check. Obsessed with his current (2142) girlfriend? Check. These last two are what really bugs me, how is he falling head over heels for Skye while at the same time signing up with Team Shady in order to get Future Girlfriend? It seems like they're trying to use him to explore the seedy underbelly of Terra Nova, which is good, except that he's really, really annoying.

Geek isn't much of a problem yet, but only because she hasn't had much in the way of spotlight. At first I thought she was supposed to be Little Miss Exposition, a way for the writers to show off the quasi-scientific research they had done (Like new colonists needing to drink the Blue Stuff until their bodies could handle Past Food). None of the stuff she mentioned ever had a lasting impact (I kept waiting for Angst to start throwing up because he wasn't drinking the Blue Stuff), but still. Then, it became apparent that she was more than the only member of the family who read the pamphlet, she just knew lots of stuff! The writers were trying to create a "Cute Geek Girl" character for the nerds to salivate over. However, they never bothered to give her any characterization beyond "Knows Things". Not even "Is Smart", she never actually uses any of the knowledge she has, she just spouts it out like some kind of Fun Fact of the Day Calender.

Mr Shannon, Mrs Shannon, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your daughter is an encyclopedia.

However, she may still live a happy life. she has found love in the form of Soldier Boy, who has the personality of a bookshelf. I imagine they will get married and have kids who will be unable to speak except to quote military facts.

Also, Terra Nova writers, you have successfully combined Stargate Atlantis and Jurassic Park. You don't need nerd bait, especially not like this.

Reading reviews of the 2nd and 3rd episodes made it sound like they were terrible, but they're really not. I actually enjoyed both of them quite a bit, they weren't quite up to the standards promised by the pilot, but they were still quite fun.

In my ideal world Jim, Elizabeth, Commander Badass, and Doctor Ex continue to handle a variety of crises facing Terra Nova while uncovering the mystery behind Commander Badass's son. Geek gets regulated to keeping an eye on Adorable Daughter and screaming when dinosaurs/sixers attack. Peter Dinklage cameos for one episode, during which time he does this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYNeT2nzEgA) to Angst, who then gets eaten by an Allosaurus. We learn about the sixers some other way (Maybe somebody who has a legitimate problem with Commander Badass.)

2011-10-12, 10:08 AM
I don't disagree with any of that.:smallbiggrin:

Except to stipulate that I require a cameo by Summer Glau as well.

2011-10-12, 10:18 AM
I don't disagree with any of that.:smallbiggrin:

Except to stipulate that I require a cameo by Summer Glau as well.
Forget Cameo. I don't think she's been doing anything since The Cape got canceled.

Summer Glau plays a Forensics Expert who gets recruited to help out Jim Shannon. She shows up with her Brother. When said Brother goes missing during a period of difficulty with the Sixers, Commander Badass refuses to send out a search party, saying he needs every able bodied man to watch the walls.

Jim and Summer's character go out anyway, find that the Brother has been killed by a dinosaur, and go back to Terra Nova. Angry, Summer's character starts throwing in with the Sixers, debating whether they are any better than Commander Baddass, and providing a not-annoying avenue for the viewer to explore the nature of the Sixers. Her loyalty becomes divided between the Sixers and her friends in Terra Nova.

2011-10-12, 10:21 AM
I am intrigued by your ideas, sir, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

2011-10-12, 02:33 PM
If only writers could write shows without caring about doing things to appease the masses (Angsty Characters & bad cliches)

2011-10-12, 02:59 PM
Shall we begin the betting pool on how long it takes intelligent natives/dinos/aliens to show up?

2011-10-12, 04:36 PM
Shall we begin the betting pool on how long it takes intelligent natives/dinos/aliens to show up?

Commander Badass's son is teaching raptors to take over the world (probably rides one into combat as well)

$50 On season 2 (They may have to do it early if there isn't a lot of interest)
& $100 On season 3

2011-10-12, 06:26 PM
Also, Terra Nova writers, you have successfully combined Stargate Atlantis and Jurassic Park. You don't need nerd bait, especially not like this.

Reading reviews of the 2nd and 3rd episodes made it sound like they were terrible, but they're really not. I actually enjoyed both of them quite a bit, they weren't quite up to the standards promised by the pilot, but they were still quite fun.

That's a fair statement, really. It's enjoyable and worth watching, despite several snark-worthy points at this stage of its development. I think it's fair to say it is enjoyable enough to be allowed further development.

The Glyphstone
2011-10-12, 06:30 PM
However, she may still live a happy life. she has found love in the form of Soldier Boy, who has the personality of a bookshelf. I imagine they will get married and have kids who will be unable to speak except to quote military facts.


2011-10-17, 10:40 PM
Well, it looks like Angst is going to fall in the "Dark Side" & have to choose where his loyalties lie. I really hate bad writers.

2011-10-17, 11:12 PM
How about that wooden acting?

50 bucks says Terra Nova is some corporate plot to take advantage of natural resources or make secret weapons.

2011-10-18, 01:04 AM
Well, it looks like Angst is going to fall in the "Dark Side" & have to choose where his loyalties lie. I really hate bad writers.
This in itself isn't bad, it's actually quite an interesting character arc. It's just that the character going through it is Angst.

2011-10-18, 11:55 AM
I missed the part where it was explained why someone in the future wanting the Terra Nova leader (Taylor, is it?) dead/out makes him evil. This seemed to be the implication, but I either missed something or just don't agree with their logic leaps.

2011-10-18, 12:53 PM
I record this show because my son loves him some dinosaurs.

I understand that this portal is a freak occurance that scientist don't really understand. I can accept this as a reason that they would send people back to an alternate reality version of 85 million years ago instead of a more convenient time.

What I don't get is that sometimes it is a one way trip. Other times it seems possible to get a message back to their old time period and sometimes people there can somehow aquire enough information about what is going on to be pissed enough at the leader of the colony to send a team in to take him out. Which is it?

2011-10-18, 12:58 PM
I record this show because my son loves him some dinosaurs.

I understand that this portal is a freak occurance that scientist don't really understand. I can accept this as a reason that they would send people back to an alternate reality version of 85 million years ago instead of a more convenient time.

What I don't get is that sometimes it is a one way trip. Other times it seems possible to get a message back to their old time period and sometimes people there can somehow aquire enough information about what is going on to be pissed enough at the leader of the colony to send a team in to take him out. Which is it?
Look at stargate for some plot logic. Matter can only enter a wormhole, but broadcasts can enter & exit

2011-10-20, 12:16 AM

2011-10-20, 12:38 AM
So you finally get an ally of Taylor in your grasp, you tell him just enough about there being a conspiracy regarding Terra Nova . . . and when he asks you what that conspiracy is, you say "You'll see." Really? You think being vague and cryptic and wearing a really surprising amount of eyeliner for being stuck in a jungle for four pilgrimages is going to subvert this ally? Maybe actually get him on your side? Really?

This dragging out the suspense is not working well, guys. If one of your characters has to grab an idiot ball in order for your show to have suspense, it never had suspense to begin with.

2011-10-20, 12:39 AM
So you finally get an ally of Taylor in your grasp, you tell him just enough about there being a conspiracy regarding Terra Nova . . . and when he asks you what that conspiracy is, you say "You'll see." Really? You think being vague and cryptic and wearing a really surprising amount of eyeliner for being stuck in a jungle for four pilgrimages is going to subvert this ally? Maybe actually get him on your side? Really?

This dragging out the suspense is not working well, guys. If one of your characters has to grab an idiot ball in order for your show to have suspense, it never had suspense to begin with.
Eh, ever since Lost was a hit every show tries to have a "Big Mystery", usually with some people who Know Everything but Say Nothing.

Avilan the Grey
2011-10-20, 05:34 AM
Eh, ever since Lost was a hit every show tries to have a "Big Mystery", usually with some people who Know Everything but Say Nothing.

Besides, so far I am still rooting for the Terra Nova people. It doesn't matter what's going on, as long as the 6ers are the one causing mayhem and destruction among innocent people.

They might be on the moral high horse for some reason (which we don't know about yet, because TV writers suffer from Lostitis) but that is irrelevant to the common good (aka the innocent civilians, who lives a much better life in Terra Nova than out in the wild).

2011-10-31, 11:14 PM
cue adorable baby dino sidekick

also, raptors are apparently monkeys

2011-11-01, 10:35 PM
Hmm, would anyone be willing to write up a synopsis of last nights episode? Wife and I missed it due to our electricity being out, and we lack the internet connection capable of downloading it online. Thanks!

2011-11-02, 01:28 AM
Hmm, would anyone be willing to write up a synopsis of last nights episode? Wife and I missed it due to our electricity being out, and we lack the internet connection capable of downloading it online. Thanks!

Jim and Taylor investigate the colony's first murder, though Jim soon starts doubting the confessed killer's account. Josh starts working at the bar for Tom, who's demanding a high price to help Josh. Later, Josh, accompanied by Skye, secretly meets with Mira to discuss bringing Kara to Terra Nova. Elisabeth and Zoe try to help an unborn Ankylosaurus survive.

2011-11-02, 01:36 AM
One thing I haven't figured out yet is why the Terra Nova people don't just take out the Six's when they have the chance.

I mean, there's been at least two situations I can think of (one with absolutely no hostages or reason not to) when Miira and half her lackeys have been sitting outside the gates, in full view of dozens of troops with all TN's firepower at their disposal.. and have let them go.

Seriously, Colonal Badass? Just tell your men "Tranq them" next time they rock up, throw the lot in jail and enjoy only having to worry about Dinos.

2011-11-02, 09:58 AM
also, raptors are apparently monkeys

There is actually some new research that theorizes those sickle like claws on the feet of the Dromaeosaurs were used for climbing, instead of killing. Though that kind of 'running up the trunk of a tree' is probably not accurate :smallwink:

On topic, I rather found myself enjoying this episode after the disappointing last two. Next one looks rather interesting as well, so looking forward to that one. Hopefully it does not let me down. And everyone loves a baby dino pet :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-02, 11:49 AM
On topic, I rather found myself enjoying this episode after the disappointing last two. Next one looks rather interesting as well, so looking forward to that one. Hopefully it does not let me down. And everyone loves a baby dino pet :smallbiggrin:

I might have missed it but did they mentioned what kind of dinosaur the baby was? It's looked a little like an ankylosaur just from its head poking out of the shell.

2011-11-02, 01:09 PM
One thing I haven't figured out yet is why the Terra Nova people don't just take out the Six's when they have the chance.

I mean, there's been at least two situations I can think of (one with absolutely no hostages or reason not to) when Miira and half her lackeys have been sitting outside the gates, in full view of dozens of troops with all TN's firepower at their disposal.. and have let them go.

Seriously, Colonal Badass? Just tell your men "Tranq them" next time they rock up, throw the lot in jail and enjoy only having to worry about Dinos.

Well the thing is, they don't have jail, or a death sentence... their punishment for doing wrong, as shown by the last episode, is banishment beyond the walls of terra nova. Since the sixers are already staying outside the walls, then by the law they're effectively being punished. What we learned from the little girl(assuming anything she said was true) from the previous episode indicates their life is a fair bit harder than that of those living in Terra Nova.

Though I agree, when they come to your doorstep making threats after leaving, the answer should be kill every one that comes within sight of our walls. On the other hand, the populations are too small on both sides, any sort of war could completely cripple them both (I get the impression that Terra Nova is like a few hundred to a thousand people at best, and the group of sixers is like 50-100 people. When the numbers are that small then a direct conflict can lead to both sides being FUBARED)

2011-11-02, 01:10 PM
I might have missed it but did they mentioned what kind of dinosaur the baby was? It's looked a little like an ankylosaur just from its head poking out of the shell.

It's the one that was described as a prehistoric turkey, but I can't recall the name, and already deleted my DVR recording.

Avilan the Grey
2011-11-02, 03:19 PM
It's the one that was described as a prehistoric turkey, but I can't recall the name, and already deleted my DVR recording.

No. that was an ankylosaur.

As for raptors being monkeys... Since a lot of scientists now think that true birds evolved from raptor relatives, not from Archaeopteryx and it's relatives, one of the theories is that they did, indeed, climb.

2011-11-02, 05:39 PM
I get the impression that Terra Nova is like a few hundred to a thousand people at best, and the group of sixers is like 50-100 people. When the numbers are that small then a direct conflict can lead to both sides being FUBARED

Lets see... there have been 10 waves so far. The 6ers were, iirc, about half of the people who came in wave 6. If each wave is similar in size, the 6ers should comprise about 5% of the total human population in that era before you start factoring in the various deaths each group has suffered.

On the other hand, there was the implication during the pilot that the batches of colonists are getting larger. Specifically, Lt Washington informed Taylor of how many people were planned for the next batch and he complained a bit about the difficulties involved with making housing for that many in time. Without knowing when the increases started (or even if wave 11 will be the first 'larger' wave), it becomes very hard to guess at the actual relative sizes of the two factions.

2011-11-02, 05:40 PM
I was enthusiastic about the show for the first 5 minutes then it became a very fast downhill ride.
MUCH MUCH too many stereotypes, plot holes, recycled plots and characters to keep my interest.

And one other random thought, we pretty much have armor penetrating bullets now and this is the future where more then likely humankind has found new and innovative ways to kill eachother, yet we should believe that dinosaurs are somehow armored so well that they can shrug off bulletstorms fired at them?
Why even bother giving the colonists weapons when all they apparently do is make the dinosaurs even more angry :smallbiggrin:

Overall a pretty mediocre show sadly :smallwink:

2011-11-07, 08:18 PM
electronic firing pins on the guns? seriously? that would seem to be both unnecessary and something a military man would notice.

2011-11-08, 08:03 AM
One thing I haven't figured out yet is why the Terra Nova people don't just take out the Six's when they have the chance.

I mean, there's been at least two situations I can think of (one with absolutely no hostages or reason not to) when Miira and half her lackeys have been sitting outside the gates, in full view of dozens of troops with all TN's firepower at their disposal.. and have let them go.

Seriously, Colonal Badass? Just tell your men "Tranq them" next time they rock up, throw the lot in jail and enjoy only having to worry about Dinos.

Well this is certainly reinforced in the latest episode. Clearly the Sixer's don't mind killing or harming the people in Terra Nova. If I were in charge after this latest incident it'd just be "kill on sight" from now on.

And really, after losing all electrical power or whatnot, wouldn't you have thought to move the box to a MUCH more secure location? Like at least lock it in a damn safe or something.

2011-11-08, 11:51 AM
And really, after losing all electrical power or whatnot, wouldn't you have thought to move the box to a MUCH more secure location? Like at least lock it in a damn safe or something.

Or destroy it. If your enemy wants it and you can't use it and it doesn't seem to be useful to you, destruction should at least have been brought up as an option.

Strapping some C4 to it would've solved a lot of problems.

2011-11-14, 05:03 AM
electronic firing pins on the guns? seriously? that would seem to be both unnecessary and something a military man would notice.

While rather convenient for the plot of this episode, this is not quite as far-fetched as it may seem initially. Electronic firing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_firing) has benefits over traditional percussion cap mechanics as there are no moving parts in the weapon to throw off your aim, and have been successfully implemented in weapons like the VEC-91 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voere_VEC-91), and was also considered for the G-11 in its day. It is not an unreasonable assumption that weaponry in the close future will utilize similar technology.

Of course, when you're making a settlement like Terra Nova you'd want equipment that's as self-reliant as humanly possible and as such you'd think they'd custom design some of the more critical gear - firearms springs to mind.

2011-11-14, 09:06 PM
I'm kinda wondering if theyre afraid it'll be a one season show. Plot seems to be hammering along pretty quickly.

Avilan the Grey
2011-11-15, 02:29 AM
My biggest question right now is why they didn't try to open the hidden box thingie after the EMP...

2011-11-15, 02:35 AM
Why is there grass in this show? There was no grass back in the time of the dinosaurs. Grass is a very recent species of plant. Also, no natural meteorite would cause an EMP when it breaks up in the atmosphere.

Apart from the evident ways the writers don't do their homework, I like the story idea and concept. I'll continue watching and promise to keep my headshaking to a mimimum.:smallamused:

2011-11-15, 08:37 AM
I'm looking for a new series to watch, so...

I heard of it, and it seems to be a good one, is it? :smallconfused:

2011-11-15, 09:26 AM
I'm looking for a new series to watch, so...

I heard of it, and it seems to be a good one, is it? :smallconfused:
Yes, but you need to watch more than one episode to get a good feel for it.
The world (Terra Nova) is kind of alternate reality (as far as show said) so it won't follow out prehistoric past exactly.

My biggest question right now is why they didn't try to open the hidden box thingie after the EMP...

It was stilled locked shut, it was just not possible to open while EMPed.
Think of a vault door, without power, the thing isn't magically opened, it just isn't possible to open without power.

2011-11-15, 05:20 PM
Why is there grass in this show? There was no grass back in the time of the dinosaurs. Grass is a very recent species of plant. Also, no natural meteorite would cause an EMP when it breaks up in the atmosphere.

Apart from the evident ways the writers don't do their homework, I like the story idea and concept. I'll continue watching and promise to keep my headshaking to a mimimum.:smallamused:

Money. Editing all the grass out of the shots would cost money.

2011-11-15, 07:46 PM
Why is there grass in this show? There was no grass back in the time of the dinosaurs. Grass is a very recent species of plant.

Obviously someone decided to send a few bags of grass seed through with an early wave and it is competing well with the local plant life due at least in part to the lack of species adapted to consume it.

Avilan the Grey
2011-11-16, 01:28 AM
Obviously someone decided to send a few bags of grass seed through with an early wave and it is competing well with the local plant life due at least in part to the lack of species adapted to consume it.

Seriously though it would be WAY too expensive to remove grass from actual outdoor environments. Which of course is the real reason.

I had a giggle though with the "exotic flowers" this last episode that were just standard garden lilies...

2011-11-17, 09:09 AM
As a note on Josh - people are funny. We can paradoxically feel opposite things at the same time about someone/something. In the opening sequences where Josh is concerned about his dad and then seemingly does a 180 and gets cranky instead of being delighted that his dad is back, we take two emotions (anger and love), with love taking center stage as they prepare to go through the portal. He does really love his dad and that powerful emotion comes to the forefront when it seems as though his dad may not be able to come with them.

But then, the reality of a guy that hasn't been around for 2 years, taking away his "Man of the House" title and telling him what to do smacks him right in the face, and he does a rapid about-face.

In other words, he loves his dad, but he was more in love with the IDEA of his dad, and when the reality of his dad comes back into his life after two years of absence, he finds a convenient scapegoat for his own anger and problems.

So I didn't find it outlandish at all - I see this kind of thing regularly from the people in my own life. I won't argue that it's irritating, nor that he is being angsty, but it's well within the realm of possibility, and even quite probable based on the setup of the story.

Just my 2 cents. :smalltongue:

2011-11-17, 12:54 PM
Seriously though it would be WAY too expensive to remove grass from actual outdoor environments. Which of course is the real reason.

I had a giggle though with the "exotic flowers" this last episode that were just standard garden lilies...

Yeah, think how bad the future is when lilies are exotic.
I wonder what plants are still around in ther future.

2011-11-22, 04:55 AM
Guess it is corps plundering resources if the commander is to be believed.

WOuld have liked a less predictable outcome on mystery.

Avilan the Grey
2011-11-23, 02:19 PM
Guess it is corps plundering resources if the commander is to be believed.

WOuld have liked a less predictable outcome on mystery.

Actually I enjoy this. I was TERRIFIED this would turn into another Lost fiasco.

The Reverend
2011-12-14, 09:30 AM
I like the show...and I really like dinosaurs. But I have a feeling the next show will make me shout advice at the screen. For example the portal device is a beachhead. All the have to do is move the portal to a more controlled setting for example onto a narrow cliff face giving them control of the egress and good fields of fire. If too many troops come thru....turn the portal 90-180degrees so the do a Willey coyote as they come out of the portal and fall off the cliff. If they can't move the portal build fortifications around it, basically the portal opens to an open top trench with people pointing guns above you and a zig zaging trench that gives the invaders no cover and the terra novans perfect defenses. Ten feet from the portal and every 30feet after is a tank trap. Pit cover will support people, not vehicles. Also ewok style swinging logs along the length of the whole fortification. Also you will need external fortifications to deal with simultaneous sixer attack.

The novans have man power and probably heavy machinery. This is the only defensive fort they need basically.

Oh and a couple tons of dirt to drop on the portal and seal it if necessary.

My only request is domesticate the dinosaurs. I want DinoRiders!!

2011-12-20, 03:18 PM
I like the show...and I really like dinosaurs. But I have a feeling the next show will make me shout advice at the screen. For example the portal device is a beachhead. All the have to do is move the portal to a more controlled setting for example onto a narrow cliff face giving them control of the egress and good fields of fire. If too many troops come thru....turn the portal 90-180degrees so the do a Willey coyote as they come out of the portal and fall off the cliff. If they can't move the portal build fortifications around it, basically the portal opens to an open top trench with people pointing guns above you and a zig zaging trench that gives the invaders no cover and the terra novans perfect defenses. Ten feet from the portal and every 30feet after is a tank trap. Pit cover will support people, not vehicles. Also ewok style swinging logs along the length of the whole fortification. Also you will need external fortifications to deal with simultaneous sixer attack.

The novans have man power and probably heavy machinery. This is the only defensive fort they need basically.

Oh and a couple tons of dirt to drop on the portal and seal it if necessary.

My only request is domesticate the dinosaurs. I want DinoRiders!!

The attack at the portal actually ended up very well planned. The Terra Nova people didn't set a good defense up (a big pit would have worked, though moving the thing apparently wouldn't have). Even then destroying the stabilizer and appearing somewhere completely different was a great attack plan. Frankly it would have made more sense if Taylor had just left the portal there but booby trapped the way to Terra Nova and set up there. You knew WHERE the enemy was going to go and but they assumed they knew where they'd appear too which was a mistake.

People also need to learn to not leave people on the ground assuming they're dead. I mean how many movies, tv shows or whatever have you seen where this ends well? The answer is NONE. Always finish them off if you're trying to kill them in the first place (frankly Sky should have just hit Lucas with the sonic part of the gun when he was in the truck).

2011-12-20, 03:28 PM
As a note on Josh - people are funny. We can paradoxically feel opposite things at the same time about someone/something. In the opening sequences where Josh is concerned about his dad and then seemingly does a 180 and gets cranky instead of being delighted that his dad is back, we take two emotions (anger and love), with love taking center stage as they prepare to go through the portal. He does really love his dad and that powerful emotion comes to the forefront when it seems as though his dad may not be able to come with them.

But then, the reality of a guy that hasn't been around for 2 years, taking away his "Man of the House" title and telling him what to do smacks him right in the face, and he does a rapid about-face.

In other words, he loves his dad, but he was more in love with the IDEA of his dad, and when the reality of his dad comes back into his life after two years of absence, he finds a convenient scapegoat for his own anger and problems.

So I didn't find it outlandish at all - I see this kind of thing regularly from the people in my own life. I won't argue that it's irritating, nor that he is being angsty, but it's well within the realm of possibility, and even quite probable based on the setup of the story.

Just my 2 cents. :smalltongue:

That would be nice if the script was able to convey that, or the actor subtle enough to pull it off. Right now, I think his main talent is to look vaguely reminiscent of Edward Cullen and be some kind of broody love interest for the tween set.

2011-12-20, 04:43 PM
So, who here thinks that The reason why the Phoenix corp is headed to the badlands is because there is a one-way portal there AND that that particular one-way portal, is the Bermuda Triangle? It makes good sense to me(I mean, why else would there be a prow of an old ship?), though perhaps a bit contrived, and certainly over-used(I mean, the Bermuda Triangle gets put into so many different things).

2011-12-20, 10:45 PM
So, who here thinks that The reason why the Phoenix corp is headed to the badlands is because there is a one-way portal there AND that that particular one-way portal, is the Bermuda Triangle? It makes good sense to me(I mean, why else would there be a prow of an old ship?), though perhaps a bit contrived, and certainly over-used(I mean, the Bermuda Triangle gets put into so many different things).

Not a bad guess. Probably more likely than my theory.

My personal thought on it wasn't so much Bermuda triangle, as this new world they came to being the universe's dumpster dimension. These portals show up relatively frequently all over the place, and dump random stuff into the Terra Nova world. That's why some of the dinosaur species and plants we've seen make no sense given the timeframe, and gives them license to start doing weirder **** with it in the future.

2011-12-20, 11:17 PM
I thought they were going to imply Wade is Lucas real mother, which be so ironic He blames dad for letting mom die. Since he killed Wade, then he would have killed his mother. I'd laugh at least.

Really, they should be using head shots on Lucas and mock him, "survive that!"

2011-12-21, 12:26 AM
Not a bad guess. Probably more likely than my theory.

My personal thought on it wasn't so much Bermuda triangle, as this new world they came to being the universe's dumpster dimension. These portals show up relatively frequently all over the place, and dump random stuff into the Terra Nova world. That's why some of the dinosaur species and plants we've seen make no sense given the timeframe, and gives them license to start doing weirder **** with it in the future.

omg they're doing a more serious version of Land of the Lost...

2011-12-21, 03:28 AM
My only conclusion is that the future are idiots.

First, lets invent something that is twice the size and encumberance of a Javelin missle that fires blind scatter shot missles instead of locking onto what must be the only heat signature in that forest, probably amplified from the disarmed bomb they're carrying.

Lets also blow our cover that we are not really shell shocked and punch the big bad guy in the face. Oh and lets carry the transponder with you revealing your in contact with his worst enemy.

I was literally facepalming hard when I saw both of these things. Other than that, it was well done.

Avilan the Grey
2011-12-31, 06:28 PM
So, who here thinks that The reason why the Phoenix corp is headed to the badlands is because there is a one-way portal there AND that that particular one-way portal, is the Bermuda Triangle? It makes good sense to me(I mean, why else would there be a prow of an old ship?), though perhaps a bit contrived, and certainly over-used(I mean, the Bermuda Triangle gets put into so many different things).

This is exactly my thought. Finally saw the final episode tonight and that was what both me and my wife thought: Bermuda triangle.