View Full Version : Would Like Some Input on a Few Houserules and a Class Feature

2011-09-27, 02:19 PM
I'm considering making social interaction skills and the spot skill free for all classes -- any class can put points into these skills as if they were class skills.

Additionally, the fighter is getting an ability that allows it to in flict status ailments as an attack action. It will look like this:

Fighter Status Attack Power Thingy
As a standard action, a fighter of 6th level or higher may make a single attack against an opponent as a standard action. If this attack hits and inflicts damage, teh opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Damage dealt) or gain a staus condition. The type of stats condition is dependent upon the damage the weapon inflicts:

Piercing: The target is slowed

Slashing: ???

Bludgeoning: The target is dazed

Opponents get a save at the beginning of their turn to shake off these effects.

So, any suggestions would be helpful. I are these good ideas, or not?

2011-09-27, 02:37 PM
The skills thing shouldn't be a problem. I'd say maybe make it Spot and Listen, but that's just me.

The status effect move is a fine idea, although there might be some tweaks that would help it. DC 10 + Damage means the ability even further favors two-handed fighting, and with decent optimization, most enemies just won't be able to make the save past a certain point. The status effects also should probably be somewhat similar in power, to avoid unduly favoring a single weapon. Daze is a notably more powerful effect than Slow.

You also need to specify a duration. And, as it happens, you could use varying durations to balance otherwise more-or-less powerful effects.

Me, I think to keep the three weapon types even and make the status effects good but not insta-lockdown, I'd probably go with Slashing: Blind, Piercing: Slow, Bludgeoning: Confuse.

2011-09-27, 02:39 PM
Well, I do agree that Fighter needs a boost, compared to the Wizard and other caster-types, but the ability needs some balancing.

First, all the conditions inflicted need a set time limit. UP TO a number of rounds equal to your fighter-level, perhaps, with a new save at each round to shrug off the effect.

Perhaps lower it to half-damage dealt + 10, since damage can get pretty ridiculous, pretty fast. Great sword + Power Attack = PAIN

Might want to avoid all-out stops of actions, such as Dazed or Stunned. The following are better, as they severely hurt the opponent, without nulling them completely:

Staggered: They can take a single standard or move action per round.
Dazzled: -1 to Attack Rolls, Spot & Search.
Sickened: -2 Penalty to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Saving Throws, Skill Checks, Ability Checks

Some suck, perhaps you can come up with some new afflictions. Perhaps allow different effects to happen the higher level in fighter you are. Perhaps even allowing Stunned or Disabled at later levels.

2011-09-27, 03:05 PM
Thanks for the input, guys! Any other suggestions?

Also: Sorry for the awful spelling -- speed typing, I am not good at it.

2011-09-27, 04:06 PM
Well, I do say that I like the idea of the effects being based on the type of weapon. It adds new flavor, and reason to use a different weapon type than just a "Sword."

I would say have the afflictions scale. They last a number of rounds equal to your fighter level + Strength? Or Dex if you're a weapon finesse character. Modifier that is.

In addition, have the lower level ones simply (starting at 6, you said?) be things like dazzled, or sickened. And as you progress to higher levels (Maybe every 3 or 4 levels after 6th), you can inflict more powerful effects, such as Staggered, Stunned, Nauseated, and Dazed. Perhaps Slow as well.

Overall, I like the idea, and it might be worth implementing in my own game, tweaked a bit to fit my own style.

2011-09-28, 11:30 PM
What about dual-type damage, such as Morningstars and Executioner's Maces?