View Full Version : 3.5 build advice on a gestalt succubus ... iaijutsu master!?

2011-09-28, 06:15 AM
Hello to the playground!

I'm currently DMing a red hand of doom campaign and having a blast, however the group has decided that after it finishes, they would like to try a gestalt game.. this will be a first for us.

We'll operating under the assumption that I will DM because, out of the two DMs we have in the group, I'm more adventurous with what I do, but I may well end up just being a player.
As such, I'm giving them (and myself) a LOT of time to research and prepare their characters for this next adventure. they have only just finished Vraath Keep.

But an idea has struck me and by all that's unholy I have to drag it kicking and screaming into the light of day - at least as a thought exercise, if not a practical build - if I don't use it myself, I will certainly use it as a mini-boss or powerful NPC!

Of the players (or I should say, the rest of the players), none of them are optimisers in the same way I am at times - So this is a fairly low-key character.

Onto the Idea.

I really do like the fluff of the Iaijutsu skill from 3.0, it's got style and is mechanically situational enough to not be overwhelming. Unless prepared.

I stumbled upon the Improved Monster Classes thread, specifically Oslecamo's Succubus, and the massive boosts to cha.


So here's the idea.
Starting at level 5, aiming for immediate entry into Iaijutsu Master prestige class at level 7, progressing until at least 5. succubus stacks up the opposide side of this and progresses into something else once finished - dips for features or preperation for another prestige class after Iaijutsu Master.
I'm currently considering the following.

Samurai base, two levels max to gain Iaijutsu focus skill, a Katana and a bonus feat - I can eat the two skill points per level to keep the skill up unless there's a better option, plus a bonus feat which will most likely become 1/3rd the pre-req for IM. (Weapon Focus is a bit of a tax, but too bad, quick draw and improved initiative are fine.)

Thinking Lawful Good, gaining Paladin for the Divine Grace at 2 (amazing saves bonus with her +7 to charisma. Maybe third and fourth levels to taste.)

Since Iaijutsu Master needs lawful, BAB 6 and 9 ranks of Iaijutsu Focus (AFB at the moment) I can't enter until 7 as per SRD rules (unless the group agrees this is a bit of a silly rule and therefore I can apply at 6 when I DO have the requirements)

depending on paladin levels / prestige entry availability, I might try to slip a level of Warblade into this side of the gestalt for Hunter's Sense Stance and Sapphire Nightmare Blade. a swift action refresh followed by, possibly, One Strike, Two Cuts, would be a very good refresh combo for IF.

Once Succubus is done at 7, are there any recommendations? Considered Psychic Warrior until Hustle for sheathing, general movement, etc.
I do want one dip in Marshal for Motivate Charisma - this would help initiative, saves and Juju damage via From the Void, but would it help the racial bonus to Natural Armor? I'm thinking no, it's not exactly an ability or ability-related skill check.

Feats or prestige classes that convert Cha to stats? I'm looking at the X stat / Y bonus thread, But I'm not really seeing any good synergy or options.

I also need to know if there's any way to take a dip of a class which gains bardic music so I can take Snowflake Wardance - Cha modifier to-hit, with her ability modifier, will be exceptional for combat.

Is there a lawful bard varient or a class that can be both lawful and dance holy righteous murder? Katana counts as a slashing weapon, after all.

Would a level dip in Exemplar for Skill Mastery: Iaijutsu work in my favor?

Item Familiar :smallamused: and up to 2 Flaws will be allowed regardless of who DMs, this is our "you are gestalt not because you are powerful, you are gestalt so you can SURVIVE" game.

Any book that's official is allowed.

succubus Iaijutsu-Master, her ridiculous Charisma score will be tricked out to super-power Lightning Blade and From the Void, Possibly her Natural Armor, Possibly her to-hit if I can somehow qualify for Snowflake Wardance, Aiming for as much Cha-to-Y as possible.

2011-09-29, 02:07 AM
Given that I've had another day to read books and research, I'll post one small update - if the thread sinks again I'll take it as a sign that I should just go on my own path with this wherever it leads. :miko:?

I'll include devoted performer in the build so i can freely take a level of bard and thus earn access to Snowflake Wardance.

Now, the savage species succubus gets an absolutely insane amount of CHA - 18, by level 12. would having something in the region of 30 CHA by level 5 / 8 be downright cruel considering this character would never use it for anything social (as an npc in the party team) or strictly against them, later in the campaign (as an opposed roll event, say a war council setting?)

Admittedly the thought of having +15 to hit three times a day for <whatever the ranks in dance will be>, and Iaijutsu's Strike From the Void being a max possible 135 damage added to the roll is delicious, but it'd be restricted to only major combat against HP-soaks (Not allowing any martial adept classes in the build for this reason).

Could such a character, focusing on the character's behaviour and actions rather than either its skills or combat abilities, remain too much to include? Bare in mind we have someone begging to play a Tibbit warlock / dragonfire adept and someone template stacking a Winged, Phrenic Sun Elf ninja/psion.

they also want Phantom and Lolth-Touched templates, but I've shot those down for character creation. (maybe as a reward for a difficult 1-on-1 fight they might win later....)

What would Motivate <Charisma> work with in terms of the overall build? would I be going too far to use the 12-level SS progression on such a character in any case?

At the very least, I wasn't even tempted to use Vow of Poverty, eschew-materials sorcerer. (who would reach level 20 with 50 charisma before items :smallyuk:)

2011-09-29, 02:25 AM
have you considered factotum from Dungeonscape? Their skill list is "all skills" which of course includes IF. I'd recommend sticking with factotum until at least level 8 though, cunning surge is an awesome ability. Consider gnomish quickrazors from Races of Stone, so you don't need to dump a feat on quick draw. edit: oops, forgot that iajutsu master requires it. Ah well.

As for something to do once you've finished your succubus progression, how about swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)? In fact, consider taking succubus on one side followed by iajutsu master, and factotum on the other side, followed by swiftblade.

2011-09-29, 06:33 AM
have you considered factotum from Dungeonscape? Their skill list is "all skills" which of course includes IF. I'd recommend sticking with factotum until at least level 8 though, cunning surge is an awesome ability. Consider gnomish quickrazors from Races of Stone, so you don't need to dump a feat on quick draw. edit: oops, forgot that iajutsu master requires it. Ah well.

As for something to do once you've finished your succubus progression, how about swiftblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327)? In fact, consider taking succubus on one side followed by iajutsu master, and factotum on the other side, followed by swiftblade.

Thanks for the reply!

Factotum was the very first thing I looked at, way before now when I first wanted to make a 'samurai' character, but while my mind can put a lot of things to a succubus, Factotum ... kinda screams "how?" even more than paladin does.

On the other hand, Cunning surge -IS- awesome beyond reckoning.

As for the swiftblade suggestion: I've read it a little, but nothing immediately pops out at me yet; I'd need at least one class that can cast Haste, obviously, so that's a little bit of a dip. Any suggestions on A - the class to do it, and B - what it would bring to the table? you're right in that I -DO- want to focus on only enough to make her survive, fast, and good with iaijutsu via the prestige class, without pushing the throttle to the point of no return, as that wouldn't be fun.