View Full Version : searching for a campaign's site. please help!

Kol Korran
2011-09-30, 08:01 PM
a loooooong time ago i read a magnificent and well thought of campaign setting (by gamers), the boasted a real unique magic system, as well as a long log of the party's adventures in it. the thing had maps, pics of NPCs, and more. it was a work of art.

lately i've been thinking of taking some elements from it for a campaign of mine. but... i can't seem to find it no more! tried to google it with various search words, and failed. :smallfrown:

so i hope any of you may know it, and direct me to it. i especially look for the map of the world. here is what i remember:
- the setting through away the normal magic system, instead building a magic system based on 6 elements, that seem to progress on each other: first their is quintessence (the toughest of elements to master), then sandra, which deals with matter and energy (elemntalist, but more), then some life force, then intelligence, then what remains of things, the memories/ echoes after death (diviner sort of , and generalist), and set aside was Umbra, which was the magic of what was not real. illusions.

they had their own specific magic user classes, and spells, which were few, but could be augmented and varied quite a bit.

- the world was once a large continent ruled by some strange powerfull horrific demons, who enslaved all the races. then the dragons start to fall from the skies, and taught the races magic, war, and resistance. a rebellion began, at the end of it the demon shattered the continent. nowdays the world is made of isles, each with their own strange culture, races and more.

- the party was composed of individuals who had special signs/ marks on them, and were sent to a distant isle to meet the prophet, and learn their meaning. getting to the prophet wasn't easy- the party played out most parts of the voyage, including traveling the jungles, searching food and such.

- the party was about 6-7 people? i remember but a few characters- a goliath who was basically a warrior with a big hammer, quite stoic and concerned. has some power over sandra. then there was a sea elf monk woman, who was the most serious and spiritual. there was some sort of minotaur wielding a spiked chain, and a halfling who was a good hearted prankster, wielding the power of Umbra.

- the session logs were LOOOONG. very roleplay focused, healing was hard, so they chose battles carefully.

can someone please please help me find this? does it ring a bell? crossing my fingers :smallwink:

2011-10-01, 01:37 AM
Sadly I know it not, but this sounds fascinating. As a compliment for whoever created the beast, your work has received praise.

Kol Korran
2011-10-02, 05:21 AM
no one? really? :smallfrown:

2011-10-02, 08:03 AM
Here (http://www.obsidianportal.com/) is a website with several very in depth campaigns with abundant materials, it may not be the specific thing you were looking for (Or if it is there it may be difficult to find) but it is a fantastic source to steal from of inspiration.