View Full Version : Confused abou LA and ECL

2011-09-30, 09:12 PM
Ok, so I made a character for a epic (level 30) game.

I might be misunderstanding the rules or some such so I think I need clearification

My character is a Half copper dragon (3) troll(5) Crusader(2)Warblade(20)

thats a 30th level right?

only It appears that I am wrong and the DM says that my troll's ECL also count my Hit die as 'level's too so I end up being

Half-Copper Dragon(3) Troll (5) Troll (6) {for the 6 hit die} Warlbade (16)

I was like "well If i am only going to be 16th level, can I instead just make a 30th level wizard to keep it more simple, and for me to not be so underperfoming?" i fail for the most part at optimization and i seem to never get any help as when I Post on the OP threads in varius places they do not do anythng except 'rawr elf domain wizard efl genrelits wizard subsittion level' and other such that is not even CLOSE to my charatcer concpet or they go inot the whole be a blah troll so you get immunity to fire and acid and only hurt by sonic , which I try to say ' cry" becuase that is not what I want

2011-09-30, 09:17 PM
Ok, so I made a character for a epic (level 30) game.

I might be misunderstanding the rules or some such so I think I need clearification

My character is a Half copper dragon (3) troll(5) Crusader(2)Warblade(20)

thats a 30th level right?

only It appears that I am wrong and the DM says that my troll's ECL also count my Hit die as 'level's too so I end up being

Half-Copper Dragon(3) Troll (5) Troll (6) {for the 6 hit die} Warlbade (16)

I was like "well If i am only going to be 16th level, can I instead just make a 30th level wizard to keep it more simple, and for me to not be so underperfoming?" i fail for the most part at optimization and i seem to never get any help as when I Post on the OP threads in varius places they do not do anythng except 'rawr elf domain wizard efl genrelits wizard subsittion level' and other such that is not even CLOSE to my charatcer concpet or they go inot the whole be a blah troll so you get immunity to fire and acid and only hurt by sonic , which I try to say ' cry" becuase that is not what I want

Okay, LA + HD (class level gives HD) = ECL.
So yes, you'll only have 16 HD with that 30th level character but counted as 30th for exp.

2011-09-30, 09:17 PM
Yes, ECL includes Racial Hit Dice, Class Levels, and Level Adjustment. A troll by itself is ECL 11 for 6 RHD and a LA of +5. A troll Fighter 1 is a 12th level character.

2011-09-30, 09:17 PM
Time to read my Monster guide. Link in sig.

2011-09-30, 09:20 PM
Warblade isn't all that bad. Spellcasters require tonnes of work to get right.

I would, however, scrap some of that LA/HD so that you can get Warblade capstone.

2011-09-30, 09:24 PM
Your DM is correct. 6 hd +8 lvl adjustment

It is a pretty crappy system, sorry. It makes cool monsters like pixies and satyrs nigh unplayable.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-09-30, 09:26 PM
But since you're a large-sized half-dragon, it might actually be good. You get flight, and those 6 RHD are improved to D12, full BAB, and all good saves. I think they also get 6 skill points per level. You also add 3 to your IL, because your RHD are non-initiator class levels.

2011-09-30, 09:27 PM
Oh also, from your OP it sounds like the question you asked people was "make me a powerful level 30 character", which is going to give you pretty useless responses. That's pretty much the only question that could make people suggest both IKEA Tarrasque and Batman Wizard. Just like on any other forum or in real life, asking a question that general won't give you any useful advice.

2011-09-30, 09:29 PM
Well i asked if i could trade my racial hit die in for class levels.. and his reply was

Putting this in context. Over your original plan you loose a couple of high end maneuvers, your crusader levels and maneuvers, -2 BAB and that's it. You could even take Master of Nine and get many more high level maneuvers if you wish for only an additional -1 to your BAB.

Most people are going to be about the same as you with a few slightly better and at least one slightly worse.

I guess he thinks that all iw nated was a ton of 9th level maneuvers or soemthing..

2011-09-30, 09:33 PM
A not eabout that +3 initiator levels from the racial HD.

That also means you can, at first level warblade, start picking up second level maneuvers immediately, as long as you meet all other prerequisites. So with L16 warblade, you use maneuvers as L19, and have 9th level maneuvers.

2011-10-01, 03:21 PM
Yes I do understand that. but that is not what I am caring about at all. i atually only lose like 2 readied manuevers and a stance. not something that I really care about.

what I still wanted out of this was teh abilty to be in 2 stances at once. Oh well. If i had known about the whole level adjustment really isn't your level adjuystment rule then I would have never cxame up with a neat character concpt. im glad that I have never used teh rules corretly when I played, i have alwasy just sued the straith LA (there are a few RARE execption when I feel that one needs to be a bit higher than itys LA states)

2011-10-01, 03:35 PM
If i had known about the whole level adjustment really isn't your level adjuystment rule then I would have never cxame up with a neat character concpt.

Um, level adjustment IS your level adjustment. However, racial hit dice count as levels. If you read the books, it comes out and says this. Read any stat block for a race that has an "as a character" block and it will tell you.