View Full Version : Iron Chef Optimization Challenge: Dessert Round II

2011-10-01, 07:22 PM
Welcome All, whether you be contestant, judge, or spectator, to the second Iron Chef Dessert round! Here in the Optimization Kitchen, contestants will attempt to mix up an optimized, flavorful character using a specific homebrew prestige class as a "Secret Ingredient".

Contestants: You will need to present your build at at least one of the following points: 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, 20th, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build. Feel free to present as many of these as you like, and please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability at all of the levels you didn't show.
The rules are as follows:

Menu: For most Dessert challenges, the "Special ingredient" will be drawn from the Homebrew Design section of the forums, with the permission of the author. Sometimes the PrC contests will be a source of the Secret Ingredient, but more often I'll take one from a well known 'brewer. I may also take a homebrew out of the Homebrew Galleria (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188088) (or other galleries), in which case I may not directly ask the author's permission, as I believe it has already been given.

32 point buy is the presumed creation method, but the Iron Chef's hosts have generally allowed other levels of point buy.
If you do use a different point buy, please make your case for its necessity in your entry. Keep in mind that for using exceptionally large or small point buys may warrant deductions in elegance and/or power.

Kitchen: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon Magazine is disallowed, with exceptions (as described later), ad Unearthed Arcana is allowed; But see Elegance below. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Item Familiars are forbidden, because the judges may hate 'em, and because they fall under the category of equipment as well. If the Secret ingredient calls for a mechanic that can only be found in the Homebrew section or Dragon Magazine, then any feats, classes, or other ingredients required or related may be allowed. Such ingredients do not need the permission of a judge to use, but if they deviate from the Secret Ingredient too much, they may result in deductions in Elegance or Use of Secret Ingredient, or if they don't relate to it at all, then the build may be disqualified.

Cooking Time: Contestants will have until 11:59 GMT on October 15 17 (which for the chairman's convenience is 4:59 MDT) to create their builds and PM them to the Chairman of the Desserts Section, Flabort (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=46366). Builds will then be posted simultaneously, to avoid copying. Judges will have until 11:59 GMT on October 29 31 (4:59 for the chairman) to judge the builds and submit their scores. If no judges have scored by that point, only the scores of the first judge to submit will be counted.

Judging: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Use of Secret Ingredient.

Originality is obvious: If a concept has been used before, it loses points. Very common concepts get very low scores. But pulling a trick out of your sleeves that no-one's used may earn you points back.
Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of our (IC chairmen and spin off chairmen alike) predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue. And to add to this, as a dessert, cheese is pretty rare.
Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, will lose you points. This also applies to using too many homebrew sources. For example, if the Secret ingredient is The Beast Sculpted (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9576356#post9576356), it's fine to use the Harrowed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188148) Base class, because it is required. But it is not fine in such a case to use the Evolutionist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112349).
Use of Secret Ingredient just means that you've used a concept in which the secret ingredient is necessary. If you don't use all the levels of the ingredient, or ignore most of the features, or another class would work better in it's place, you'll probably lose points. Also, for using other homebrew sources to build your concept, without them being integral to the Secret ingredient, may lose you points.

Presentation: Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build, as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries!

The main competition uses this standardized table for their entries to avoid confusion. I request that it be used here, too.
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

2nd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

3rd|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

4th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

5th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

6th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

7th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

8th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

9th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

10th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

11th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

12th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

13th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

14th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

15th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

16th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

17th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

18th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

19th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities

20th|New Class Level|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

For entries with spellcasting table for spells per day and spells known (Spells Known only if necessary, ie Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)

Spells per day/Spells Known





















Spells per day/Spells Known





















For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.

Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until the "reveal", in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines.

Leadership is banned; We're making desert. The main competition is making a meal. Neither is making a seven-course banquet for a hundred diners.

Alrighty, who wants to be a contestant, who wants to be a judge? I'd like as many contestants and judges as feel like playing!

This round's special ingredient is:

Vaynor's Hellfire Blade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6497045#post6497045), with his permision

If anyone's willing to draw them, we will have trophies for 1st through 3rd places, as well as a special trophy for honorable mention. The honorable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build. Judges, contestants, spectators and guests alike are invited to vote for honorable mention (after the reveal, doesn't have to be by PM).

Allez optimiser!

Essense of War

The Builds
Calistin the Burnt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12046899&postcount=32)
Maraxus, Servant of Malfegor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12046909&postcount=33)


Past Desert Competitions
Round I, Sin Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213806)

Current Iron Chef
Round XXV, Scion of Tem-Et-Nu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217441)

2011-10-01, 10:19 PM
I am in again. (Note to self, catfolk > Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian)

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-02, 12:31 AM
Lets give it a shot; I've been becoming pretty good at Optimizing things in recent times, so I might as well jump straight into the deep end.

2011-10-02, 02:17 AM
Query: What counts as '1 weapon'?

If I applied Hellfire Infusion to my Quarterstaff, would both ends be Hellfire'd or would only one end carry the Evil Flame of Doom?

If I applied Hellfire Infusion to a Heavy Crossbow, would the bolts be Hellfirey?

2 Claws is 2 weapons, right?

2011-10-02, 11:28 AM
When it says it can be applied to one weapon, it states "(Melee, Ranged, or natural", so in regards to bows/crossbows, the ammo would be hellfirey, yes.

And I would interpret a double weapon to be two weapons for this purpose. So only one end would be hellfirey, unless you split the damage.

And two claws would be two weapons.

Sorry that's sort of out of order. Can't wait to see what builds come out of this (and other rounds <.< >.>).

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-03, 06:03 AM
Quick Query; Could Hellfire Burst/Blast be used with Precision Damage based abilites? A Rogue's Sneak Attack, or a Scout's Skirmish, for instance?

2011-10-03, 11:48 AM
Simple answer: Yes.

complex answer: While hellfire burst is technically a special ability, not an attack, it fits the rough description of an attack. If you hit the target when he doesn't have Dex to AC, or whenever skirmish is possible, To my knowledge they don't state weapon attack, and on the first round, you should be able to deal the extra damage. Since it deals damage more than once, though, only the first round of hellfire should deal extra damage.

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-03, 12:48 PM
Right then.

Thanks for the ruling :smallsmile:

2011-10-04, 09:52 AM
I'm interested, but I'm unsure of whether I will be competing or judging.

2011-10-04, 11:15 AM
Synergy, what synergy? There's no synergy in these parts!

So we've got an ability to add damage kinda like sneak attack to any weapon.

And we have an ability that only functions in melee.

And we have two abilities for range.

And we have wings, but not until level 15. So wizards and their ilk have been flying for 9 or 10 levels.

This is HARD.

2011-10-04, 11:56 AM
Welcome to Iron Chef! Where the Prestige classes make you want to yell and throw things, right up until you find that perfect niche!

2011-10-04, 03:51 PM
Want to? I already have!

I've trashed 2 builds since last night, including a really hilarious one involving [CENSORED] to make a [CENSORED] via [CENSORED].


Oh right. I can't tell you. Sorry. It seems the boards won't let me reveal my awesome plans.

2011-10-04, 05:11 PM
Interesting, I think I'll try to compete this round! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-07, 12:00 PM
Just over a week left for entries. No one has stepped forwards as a judge yet, so I think I'll take the post.

2011-10-10, 04:24 PM
Build submitted. :smallsmile:

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-10, 11:50 PM
Must... stop hating... this Prestige class and finish my build...

I'll get there in time, don't worry :smallsigh:

2011-10-12, 03:22 PM
If I can't whip up a build, I'll judge.

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-12, 06:05 PM
Urgh, I am such a derp.

I spent, what, almost two weeks? Almost two weeks, planning my build on and off. Finding other Prestige Classes that fit my concept, comparing bases to lead into Hellfire Blade, digging through all my books to find Feats and Equipment.

And the most basic premise of my Idea doesn't work. It specifically tells me so. And with only two days left to go, I don't think I can stay in the Challenge. So, I'll drop out now :smallfrown:

Good luck to everyone else, and hopefully you don't make such a terrific blunder as I did.

2011-10-12, 06:51 PM
1 build received, only 3 days left.

Sorry to hear you messed up, Golden.

Those who have expressed interest, and have not dropped out, but not submitted yet:
Ajadea, donutboy12321

I'm going to guess it's even more frustrating then I first imagined. I'm looking for a Round III class that isn't so... obtuse. :smallcool: It's not easy. There are more base classes and much less PrCs on this board than I thought. And there's one I thought existed, but can't find anymore... :smallconfused:

Good news is I still have a good one set up for round IV. I'd try one of my own, but [the one's I've "published"] all suck, and somebody might accuse me of... what's that word, bigotry?

2011-10-12, 09:32 PM
I'm...working on it. It just has NO synergy.

EDIT: And now I must scrap part of my build as well. Lovely.

DOUBLE EDIT: Want to know something really discouraging? The example Hellfire Blade cannot legally qualify for the prestige class.

2011-10-13, 07:35 AM
I noticed that too.

2011-10-13, 07:47 AM
I'm going to guess it's even more frustrating then I first imagined. I'm looking for a Round III class that isn't so... obtuse. :smallcool: It's not easy. There are more base classes and much less PrCs on this board than I thought. And there's one I thought existed, but can't find anymore... :smallconfused:

Personally, I was really excited by the idea of another Iron Chef, but when I saw the PRC it was so uninspiring that I just didn't bother (I get enough of dealing with obtuse PRC wrestling in standard Iron Chef). The way for something like this to succeed is with a flashy, interesting PRC that has features nothing in standard does, so people get excited about using it. Also, of course, you want to pick something that is very RAW-houndy, to avoid any unnecessary disputes.

If you don't think you should write something up yourself, I could try to make an effort to put something together that was open-ended, powerful, strictly defined, and interesting (I have a lot of experience with Tier 1/Tier 2 level play so that's generally what my homebrew gravitates towards). I'm trying to finish up a submission for the main Iron Chef now, but I have an open day and I'll see if I can throw something together quickly.

EDIT: I was never going to finish that base class for the space themed homebrew competition anyway, but it's looking like it might make a cool PRC.

2011-10-13, 11:22 AM
Yeah, sorry about all the... nonsynergy.
I'm trying to showcase different brewers each week.

And I did not notice the example build given did not qualify :smalleek:. Once again, I overlooked something important. :smallfrown:

I like your PrC, DeAnno, but I don't think it fit's the bill of what I'm looking for for round 3. Round V, maybe... Sorry.

2011-10-13, 07:45 PM
Good news everyone, I have an SI for round III! And with an SI for round IV, too... and one potentially for round V, with maybe more for later rounds, my search for more + unique SIs is less hectic now, and I can spend more time screen-proofing them :smallredface: and making sure their Tasty SIs, and not so stubborn.

...and if you read that first sentence in the same voice I just did just now, I feel sorry for you. :smallfrown: I didn't mean to do that...

2011-10-13, 08:27 PM
...and if you read that first sentence in the same voice I just did just now, I feel sorry for you. :smallfrown: I didn't mean to do that...

Because the sentence started with 'good news everybody', I ended up reading it in the voice of mickey from the old mickey mouse club. :smallbiggrin::smallwink:

2011-10-13, 08:29 PM
...and if you read that first sentence in the same voice I just did just now, I feel sorry for you. :smallfrown: I didn't mean to do that...

I didn't until you reminded me. Also, I will judge again this time around.

2011-10-15, 10:56 AM
less then 1 day left. 7 hours.
And only one build :smalleek: :smallfrown: so far.
Shall I give an extension? Say, 48 hours?

2011-10-15, 06:24 PM
An extension would be amazing, this is HARD, I only finished the build yesterday. I've just got to table everything up and string together the fluff I've written.

2011-10-15, 06:47 PM
Well, the advertised deadline has passed. 48 hour extension it is, then. If need be, we can have up to a 24 hour extension on the judging, but hopefully we won't need that.

2011-10-17, 12:30 PM
I received a second build - *phew* - So this is still a competition :smallwink:

6 hours left until the (extended) deadline. Unfortunately, I might be rather busy then, and unable to post the reveal. So, please pardon me if I am late. :smallsmile: I'll try not to be, though.

2011-10-17, 06:38 PM
And time for the reveal (half an hour late).

With only two builds, I don't have any witty commentary.

But I do apologize to the Chefs about such a difficult ingredient. Next round should be easier, I promise. :smallwink:

2011-10-17, 06:39 PM
Psionics and Tome of Battle. Yum.

Calistin the Burnt, Elan Kinetic 5/Warblade 3/Hellfire Blade 10/Exotic Weapon Master 2
Starting Stats: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Level improvements go to Strength

{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Psion (Kinetic) 1 |
+2|Autohypnosis 4 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks |Power Attack (1st), Psionic Weapon (Bonus)|Powers

2nd|Kinetic 2 |
+3|Autohypnosis 5 ranks, Concentration 5 ranks, Intimidate 5 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, Psicraft 5 ranks||

3rd|Warblade 1 |
+3|Autohypnosis 5 ranks, Balance 4 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 1 rank, Concentration 6 ranks, Intimidate 6 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, Psicraft 5 ranks|Instant Clarity|Battle Clarity, Weapon Aptitude

4th|Warblade 2 |
+3|Autohypnosis 6 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 2 ranks, Concentration 7 ranks, Intimidate 7 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 5 ranks, Psicraft 5 ranks||Uncanny Dodge

5th|Kinetic 3|
+3|Autohypnosis 7 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 2 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Psicraft 6 ranks||

6th|Kinetic 4 |
+4|Autohypnosis 8 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 2 ranks, Concentration 9 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 7 ranks, Psicraft 7 ranks|Practiced Manifester|

7th|Kinetic 5|
+4|Autohypnosis 10 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 2 ranks, Concentration 10 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks, Psicraft 8 ranks|Elan Retainment (Bonus)|

8th|Warblade 3 |
+4|Autohypnosis 11 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 11 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Battle Ardor

9th|Hellfire Blade 1|
+4|Autohypnosis 12 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 12 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 9 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks|Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)|Infernal Might, Hellfire Infusion +1d6

10th|Hellfire Blade 2|
+4|Autohypnosis 13 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 13 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 10 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Suffering +1

11th|Hellfire Blade 3 |
+5|Autohypnosis 14 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 14 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 11 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Hellfire Resistance 10, Hellfire Infusion +2d6

12th|Hellfire Blade 4|
+5|Autohypnosis 15 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 15 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 11 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks|Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain)|Hellfire Burst

13th|Hellfire Blade 5|
+5|Autohypnosis 16 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 16 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 12 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Suffering +2, Hellfire Infusion +3d6

14th|Exotic Weapon Master 1 |
+5|Autohypnosis 17 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 17 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 12 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Flurry of Strikes

15th|Hellfire Blade 6|
+6|Autohypnosis 18 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 18 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 13 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks|Deep Impact|Hellfire Resistance 15

16th|Hellfire Blade 7|
+6|Autohypnosis 19 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 19 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 14 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks| |Hellfire Blast, Hellfire Infusion +4d6

17th|Hellfire Blade 8|
+6|Autohypnosis 20 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 20 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 14 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks||Suffering +3

18th|Hellfire Blade 9|
+7|Autohypnosis 20 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 21 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 15 ranks, Psicraft 10 ranks|Martial Study (Ruby Nightmare Blade)|Hellfire Resistance 20, Hellfire Infusion +5d6

19th|Hellfire Blade 10 |
+7|Autohypnosis 20 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 22 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 16 ranks, Psicraft 11 ranks||Hellfire Flight

20th|Kineticist 6 |
+8|Autohypnosis 20 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 23 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 15 ranks, Psicraft 14 ranks||[/table]

Psionics and Manuevers advancement table
{table=head]Level|PP|Powers Known|Manifester Level|Manuevers Known|Stances Known|Initiator Level
1|5|Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Vigor|1| | |0
2|11|Offensive Precognition, Entangling Ectoplasm|2|||1
3|11||2|Douse the Flames, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind|Punishing Stance|2
4|11||2|Emerald Razor||3
5|17|Energy Missile, Energy Adaption (specified)|3|||3
6|28|Control Sound, Share Pain|6|||4
7|37|Dispel Psionics, Touchsight|7|||4
8|39||8|White Raven Tactics||5
18|40||9|Ruby Nightmare Blade||10
20|52|Defensive Precognition, Time Hop|10|||11[/table]

The life and times of a mildly psychopathic psion (abridged)

I began as human, like all my kind. Ah, how long ago was that? A hundred years, at least. In that life-before, I was a stupid and vain little girl, a rich merchant’s daughter moonlighting as a thief, thug, and murderer. I had no want for money, but I stole nevertheless. Perhaps it was for the adrenaline, or some notions of rebellion. I do not remember the emotions or sensations, only the cold hard facts. I remember an axe, wielded in both hands, cleaving through a neck like it was butter. I remember that I was hunted, and I needed to disappear.

And so, in this way, I became an elan. I do not remember the test, though it is clear that I passed. I was directed towards the mental arts, as all newmade elans are, and I learned psionics, though not at the expense of my physical fitness. Though many tried to guide me towards a more martial focus, I resisted almost on principal.

I took a distinctly unorthodox path to where I am now, a warrior in the enclave’s guard. I can hold my own just as well as they can, if only for a short while. But even a minute seems like an eternity when there are enemies all around, and it is long enough to live through the skirmishes we seem to find ourselves in.

The path to my study of the Sublime Way, was, if possible, even more circuitous than my original combat training.

Calistin, NE Elan Kinetic 1

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: Power Attack (1st), Psionic Weapon (Bonus)
Skills: Autohypnosis 4 ranks, Concentration 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 4 ranks, Psicraft 4 ranks
Powers Known: Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Vigor
PP: 5

Calistin begins life as your average elan kinetic with a melee focus. Pop up a Force Screen, sit behind it, Matter Agitate anything and everything you can. In desperate moments, you can smack down an extra 2d6 on a foe that gets too close. Fun times.

Apparently, using meditative mantras to resist enchantment is enough for me to receive specialized training, as it is reminiscent of a tactic used by mythical warriors. No, really, that’s what they told me, right before they told me I had to leave the enclave and pursue this area of study. I left, for one does not cross the council. Such an action tends to end badly. I did not attempt to run away, for I know there are seers in service to the council.

What the council failed to mention was that the main practitioners of the Sublime Way appear to be mentally damaged gloryhounds with delusions of power. So here I am, sitting in a tavern with a mug of something that may or may not be equine urine, next to my supposed tutor, who seems to be under the impression that if he slays a dragon, he will gain immortality. For the first time in my second life, I pray. I pray to any god that is listening that I will soon be free from this proverbial albatross.

Calistin, NE Elan Kinetic 3/Warblade 2
Str 17, Dexterity 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: Power Attack, Psionic Weapon (Bonus), Instant Clarity
Skills: Autohypnosis 7 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 2 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 6 ranks, Psicraft 6 ranks
Powers Known: Offensive Precognition, Energy Missile, Energy Adaption (Specified), Entangling Ectoplasm, Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Vigor
PP: 17, ML: 3
Manuevers Known: Douse the Flames, Emerald Razor, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind
IL: 3

Okay…so we have maneuvers now! At this point, Calistin’s Strength score is becoming useful-her Intelligence score shores up Reflex saves as well. She should be wearing some nice medium armor right now, and toting around some two-handed melee weapon or other-Force Screen takes care of shielding. So her AC should be quite respectable. Her Will saves are falling behind and will continue to due so, so we have picked up Moment of Perfect Mind as well. With Instant Clarity, we have the slightest bit more freedom to use Psionic Weapon. Which is good. Power Attack + Emerald Razor is a reliable source of damage, and will continue to be such for several more levels. Kinetic's abilities also come to the fore with Energy Missile, an expensive, but nice, way to deal some real ranged damage against the mook hordes.

Looking back, I must admit this is not the way I expected to gain my freedom. But I am hardly complaining. I clean bits of otherworldly soot and burnt-black blood off of the long chain I wield as I wind it once more around my wrist, reflecting on the arduous path I had to take to get this far.

I remember the endless preening of the man who had been nominally my tutor. I remember the warlock who showed me power. The power of the hells. It wasn’t exactly a kind introduction to hellfire. I brush the obsidian-black scar that covers most of the right half of my face. I can still remember that all consuming pain, beyond all other pain I had felt. It burned hot and cold at once, burned flesh and spirit without any consideration to the difference. It is not something I would ever wish to face again.

I remember somehow, killing both that warlock and the tutor who had never taught me a damned thing. I remember countless hours of research into hellfire, until I could mimic the heat/cold of it with my own psionic ability. I remember warriors I had once fought beside now turning their skills on me. I slew them with my newfound power and mocked their screams. So weak. The warlock’s hellfire was far more powerful than mine, and I had not screeched like a babe when she turned her wrath on me.

The enclave sent more warriors to defeat me. A futile effort, naturally. After a few more bouts of fighting against those I had once looked up to or called my peers, I decided to personally hunt down the enclave and slay enough of them that they would give me freedom to act as I wished. I have lived under their overbearing eyes long enough.

Calistin the Burnt, NE Elan Kinetic 5/Warblade 3/Hellfire Blade 2

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: Power Attack, Psionic Weapon (Bonus), Instant Clarity, Practiced Manifester, Elan Retainment (Bonus), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
Skills: Autohypnosis 13 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 13 ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 10 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks
Powers Known: Control Sound, Dispel Psionics, Energy Missile, Energy Adaption (Specified), Entangling Ectoplasm, Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Offensive Precognition, Share Pain, Touchsight, Vigor
PP: 40, ML: 9
Manuevers Known: Douse the Flames, Emerald Razor, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind, White Raven Tactics
Stances Known: Punishing Stance
IL: 6

The jump from 5th to 10th level always seems bigger than the others to me. To clarify, we took 2 more levels of Kinetic, and then went back to Warblade, and then jumped into Hellfire Blade. Got that? Good. So Calistin is officially a spiked chain-wielding psionic gishy thing. M’kay? Hellfire Infusion is kinda like Psionic Weapon Lite, which is fun and nice. Suffering is a combo of a bit more extra damage and more temporary hit points to shore up all those levels of d4 hit dice. If you can get someone to Share Pain with you, even better!

Right now, Calistin stands in the center of everything, smacks her foe around with her spiked chain, and deals some damage out with chains and touch attacks and hellfire. Generally speaking, the powers are a bit more utility-oriented, and the maneuvers, plus Psionic Weapon and Hellfire Infusion, are her main sources of damage.

See that feat that says Elan Retainment? That means she can spend 3 PP, the equivalent of a 2nd level power, to retain her psionic focus. So, for example, she walks into battle, obviously with a psionic focus up, and infuses her weapon with hellfire. Next turn, she full attacks, and uses Psionic Weapon. Only, instead of expending her psionic focus, she just spends 3 PP. Because she still has her psionic focus, she can expend it for real on the next attack and add 2d6 damage to that attack as well. 4d6 damage for 3 PP isn’t half-bad. More than your average 2nd level power, actually.

Here I am, so far gone into my studies of hellfire to the point where I no longer feel whole without the screams of my foes ringing through my mind and the feeling of fire running through my veins. Hellfire, even a shadow of it, demands life and souls to fuel the flame. And I see now, the hellfire is part of me. Part of my flesh and mind and spirit. The fabric of my being demands carnage, and I willingly, gleefully even, comply.

The chain I picked up not long after my near escape from that warlock, that I chose as my weapon on little more than a whim, is now almost part of me. Strange, how time can change one’s perceptions of things like that. Well, time and the fact that I have killed more with this chain than all other weapons I have used together. It has shed an ocean of blood in my hands, and that makes it somehow important.

With a thought, hellfire, black as night, bursts into existence once more, consuming the residue of terror left on the chain in an instant. I smile and lash out again. My hunger, the fire’s hunger, is sated, at least for a moment.

Calistin the Burnt, CE Elan Kinetic 5/Warblade 3/Hellfire Blade 6/Exotic Weapon Master 1

Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: Power Attack, Psionic Weapon (Bonus), Instant Clarity, Practiced Manifester, Elan Retainment (Bonus), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain), Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Deep Impact
Skills: Autohypnosis 18 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 18 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 13 ranks, Psicraft 9 ranks
Powers Known: Control Sound, Dispel Psionics, Energy Missile, Energy Adaption (Specified), Entangling Ectoplasm, Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Offensive Precognition, Share Pain, Touchsight, Vigor
PP: 40, ML: 9
Manuevers Known: Douse the Flames, Emerald Razor, Moment of Perfect Mind, Steel Wind, White Raven Tactics
Stances Known: Punishing Stance
IL: 9

The 15th level is also the Sweet Spot of the build, in which everything fits together nicely and you get a wraithstrike effect for 3 PP an attack, last try free. Obviously, Calistin can’t afford do this all the time, but it’s a worthwhile trick to have up one’s sleeve for those moments when you’re alone against a gold dragon or whatever it is. On those occasions in which Calistin cannot afford to do such a thing, flurry remains on the table.

See, Exotic Weapon Master 1 with Spiked Chain can select flurry of strikes, allowing an extra attack at the cost of having to deal with a -2 penalty to attacks. This translates to an extra 3d6+2 damage, 3d6 from Hellfire Infusion and 2 from Suffering. Which is really quite fun, unless you are the one being hit.

As for the earlier mentioned wraithstrike, the psionic version goes by the name of Deep Impact. If she expends her psionic focus, she may resolve a melee attack she’s making as a touch attack. So it’s kinda like Emerald Razor, really. Except, with Elan Retainment, Calistin can use it on multiple attacks. She has 3 attacks, 4 with flurry of strikes.

So, if Calistin is willing to throw 9 PP at an enemy, you can very nearly guarantee that she’ll deal 8d4+6*Str Modifier+12d6+8 damage to that poor sod-assuming a +4 stat item, that translates to an average of 106 damage, not including whatever Power Attack damage she’s getting. Considering that she’s making touch attacks, even against something like a pit fiend (touch AC 17) she can easily afford to deal out an extra 60 or so damage and still retain a good to-hit rate.

And so my tale comes full circle, to the room in which I was reborn. How strange it is, to know in my consistently unorthodox approach and pursuit of power, I have outstripped those who I once feared so much.

I find only two things about a spiked chain disagreeable. For one, it is hard to keep wound. The second is that it doesn’t do final executions very well. By the time I am satisfied that the elder is dead, he is little more than burning flesh paste against the tiles, and my hands are coated in blood.

I launch myself into the air again, spinning and lashing out again with the end of the chain. Hellfire wings spread out from my back, a pleasant tickle of painful heat. Once, twice, three times, four. The fifth time, I let my focus slip, for this elder too is as dead as the metaphorical doornail by now.

My relief from the hunger lasts only a moment. Soon the wings too fade away, leaving a light sort of emptiness. I leave as I once entered, through a back door and out into the night. Perhaps this city too shall soon fall. It would be an interesting distraction, and a relief from the hunger of the fire I bound to my soul.

Calistin the Burnt, CE Elan Kinetic 6/Warblade 3/Hellfire Blade 10/Exotic Weapon Master 1
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 6
Feats: Power Attack, Psionic Weapon (Bonus), Instant Clarity, Practiced Manifester, Elan Retainment (Bonus), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain), Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain), Deep Impact, Martial Study (Ruby Nightmare Blade)
Skills: Autohypnosis 20 ranks, Balance 5 ranks, Craft(weaponsmithing) 3 ranks, Concentration 23 ranks, Intimidate 9 Ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 15 ranks, Psicraft 14 ranks
Powers Known: Control Sound, Defensive Precognition, Dispel Psionics, Energy Missile, Energy Adaption (Specified), Entangling Ectoplasm, Force Screen, Matter Agitation, Offensive Precognition, Share Pain, Time Hop, Touchsight, Vigor
PP: 52, ML: 10
Manuevers Known: Douse the Flames, Emerald Razor, Moment of Perfect Mind, Ruby Nightmare Blade, Steel Wind, White Raven Tactics
Stances Known: Punishing Stance
IL: 11

After finishing up Hellfire Blade, Calistin goes back and picks up another level of Kinetic to round out the build. She gains 12 PP, two more powers known, a point of BAB, and a point to each save she has, so it’s hardly a bad choice. At the end, Calistin has a respectable damage output through Hellfire as well as her maneuvers, a certain amount of utility via her powers, and flight. Looks good to me!

On the use of Hellfire Blade
Infernal Might:
Honestly, this isn’t so much a separate sort of power as an extension and specialization of my psionic ability. Of course, conjuring hellfire requires a far different mindset than normal psionics. For that matter, if you’ll pardon a momentary breaking of the proverbial fourth wall, it’s hardly a class feature either.

Hellfire Infusion:
Well, look here. This is a spiked chain. This is a spiked chain burning with psychic fire patterned off the flames of Baator and the hatred of warlocks. One is considerably more powerful than the other, wouldn’t you agree?

Hellfire is fueled by souls and pain. And hellfire is now part of me. So, like hellfire, I too thrive in the moments I am causing pain in others, in the moments when the hellfire can lap at the blood I spill.

Hellfire Resistance:
Well, it is only natural for one to learn the ways of resisting the forces they control. I no longer must fear my tools, and indeed I may draw strength from those who attempt to attack me with them. In my memories, I have already braved the pain. And after that…well, it is no more than any other fire, easily transmuted and therefore ignored.

Hellfire Burst:
It is an extension of the psionics I already knew. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Hellfire Blast:
Are you an illiterate imbecile? I already explained the nature of these powers. This is no more than a specialized extension of my already notable skills in psychokinesis!

Hellfire Flight:
A less experienced one might liken such an ability to a mimicry of some angel. However, the truth is far more mundane-throw enough flaming psychic energy at anything and it will fly. It is my mastery of control that lets me do so without exploding.

Other Options

Flaws: Well, in Iron Chef you get docked elegance for these. If you have access to them, pick up Psicrystal Affinity and Psicrystal Containment. Having a second focus around can save you some PP and get you some options.

Almost-Instant-Clarity: If you can spare the points for Wisdom, Psionic Meditation is, in my opinion, better than Instant Clarity. Whether you have higher point buy or are simply willing to tolerate lower Dexterity/Constitution/Intelligence, it's a swap worth considering.

But I don't have Tome of Battle!: Well, then, take 2 levels of fighter and a 7th level of kineticist instead. Given that that level will be Kineticist 6, you'll still have the BAB necessary to get in to Hellfire Blade. Feats are actually really useful, and getting the fighter bonus feats frees up your earlier feat slots for stuff like Psicrystal Affinity, just like flaws.

Items: Belt of Giant Strength should be one of the first things you keep a lookout for. Psicrown of the Evader, with hustle and psionic flight, is nearly as tasty. Calistin's AC is not great, so boosting that is important. Her to-hit, especially at later levels, doesn't need to be all that great. Emerald Razor and Deep Impact are wonderful things.

Source List:

Expanded Psionics Handbook: Psion (kineticist), all psionic powers, Psionic Weapon, Unavoidable Strike
Tome of Battle: Warblade, Instant Clarity, Martial Study, all manuevers
Complete Psionic: Elan Retainment, Practiced Manifester
Complete Warrior: Exotic Weapon Master

2011-10-17, 06:40 PM
More Tome of Battle, given another form. Still tasty.

Maraxus, Servant of Malfegor


Build Outline:

Warblade 1-5/Hellfire Blade 1-10/Warblade 6-10

32 pt buy.
Base stats:
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 8

All leveling stat points go to strength.

No stat boosting items necessary, but he does benefit notably from enhancements to all of his physical attributes and intelligence.

He would like Hellforged Steel armor to contribute to his hellfire resistance and for the minor DR, but it's hardly necessary. If Hellfire resistance or the DR stacks from shields, an animated Hellforged Steel shield would be a nice perk as well.

The Fluff:

Maraxus could never be called a 'kind' man.

Born into the house of a minor noble, he had access to books and tutors for most of his young life. His tutors described him as extremely bright, showing interest and aptitude in a number of fields of scholarship from arcane lore to natural history. He grew tall, strong, and insufferable through his adolesence. Recognizing the potential for a military commission, his father had him tutored under a hobgoblin weapon master. He acquired a taste for the greatsword and became proficient, and deadly with it.

Maraxus spent considerable time researching the outer planes on his own. He learned to draw planar sigils and glyphs which caught the attention of an imp in the service of the pit fiend Malfegor. Dangling promises of power before him, the imp accepted Maraxus' soul for promises of power. It only asked a small boon, that Maraxus kill his father to prove his loyalty to Malfegor.

That very night, Maraxus summoned hellfire for the first time, and cut out his father's throat in the dining hall of their manor. He murdered his mother in her bedroom, and tracked down the few live-in servants and cut their throats as well. Pleased with his new toy, Malfegor pulled Maraxus from the material plane into his lair in the nine hells to train him into a weapon to be used in the Blood War.

After nearly a year, Maraxus began to tire of the regimented life of a devil-servant. He fought, he killed, and he grew bored of being a pawn. He employed his planar knowledge to contact a servant of the Abyss, Asheram the Defiler, who agreed to extradite Maraxus to the Abyss where he could lead a small army of demons against the forces of the nine hells, turning their hellfire-forged weapon against them in a deliciously demonic irony, if only Maraxus can slay Malfegor. Maraxus is presently biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Unbeknownst to Maraxus, Malfegor is aware of the demonic contact. He is presently spinning a plot to unleash the hellfire-forged warrior onto the Abyss to sow discord in the demonic ranks. With the powers of hellfire that can bite even the fire-wreathed balors, the demons will have an extraordinarily greedy, dangerous, loose cannon on their hands.

The Crunch:

{table=head]Level|Class|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Skills|Feats|Class Features

1st|Warblade 1|
+0|Balance 4, Jump 4 Knowledge (all) 1, Knowledge(planes) 4, Diplomacy 1, Intimidate 4, Martial Lore 1, Swim 1|Education, Power Attack|Battle Clarity (ref), Weapon Aptitude

2nd|Warblade 2|
+0|Balance 1, Climb 1, Jump 1, knowledge(arcana, planes, dungeoneering) 1, Intimidate 1|-|Uncanny Dodge

3rd|Warblade 3|
+1|Jump 1, Knowledge(local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Tumble 1|Knowledge Devotion|Battle Ardor (crit confirmation)

4th|Warblade 4|
+1|Jump 1, Knowledge(arcana, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|-|-

5th|Warblade 5|
+1|Jump 1, Knowledge(arcana, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate |Combat Reflexes (WB)|WB bonus feat

6th|Hellfire Blade 1|
+1|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local) 1, Never Outnumbered Skill Trick|Ironheart Aura|Infernal Might, Hellfire Infusion

7th|Hellfire Blade 2|
+1|Knowledge(nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Suffering +1

8th|Hellfire Blade 3|
+2|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Hellfire Resistance 10

9th|Hellfire Blade 4|
+2|Knowledge(nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|Stromguard Warrior|Hellfire Burst

10th|Hellfire Blade 5|
+2|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Suffering +2

11th|Hellfire Blade 6|
+3|Knowledge(nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Hellfire Resistance 15

12th|Hellfire Blade 7|
+3|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|Imp. Sunder|Hellfire Blast

13th|Hellfire Blade 8|
+3|Knowledge(nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Suffering +3

14th|Hellfire Blade 9|
+4|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|-|Hellfire Resistance 20

15th|Hellfire Blade 10|
+4|Knowledge(nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1, Sense Motive 1|Combat Brute|Hellfire Flight

16th|Warblade 6|
+5|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|-|Imp. Uncanny Dodge

17th|Warblade 7|
+5|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|-|Battle Cunning (damage)

18th|Warblade 8|
+5|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|Maximize Hellfire (hellfire burst)|-

19th|Warblade 9|
+6|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|Imp. Initiative (WB)|WB bonus feat

20th|Warblade 10|
+6|Knowledge(arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, religion, planes) 1, Intimidate 1|-|-

Final Skill Ranks:

Balance - 5
Climb - 1
Jump - 8
Knowledge(arcana) - 14
Knowledge(dungeoneering) - 12
Knowledge(local) - 14
Knowledge(nature) - 14
Knowledge(religion) - 14
Knowledge(planes) - 18
Knowledge(architecture) - 1
Knowledge(geography) - 1
Knowledge(history) - 1
Knowledge(nobility) - 1
Diplomacy - 1
Intimidate - 22
Sense Motive - 9
Martial Lore - 1
Swim - 1
Tumble - 1
Never Outnumbered

Maneuvers Known
{table=head]WBL|IL|Maneuvers Learned|Maneuvers Lost

1|1|Moment of Perfect Mind(ctr, DM); Wolf Fang Strike(strike, TC); Sudden Leap(boost, TC)|-

2|2|Leading the Attack(strike, WR)|-

3|3|Emerald Razor(strike, DM)|-

4|4|Wall of Blades(ctr, IH)|Wolf Fang Strike

5|5|Iron Heart Surge(strike, IH)|-

6|11|White Raven Tactics(boost, WR)|Sudden Leap

7|12|Ruby Nightmare Blade(strike, DM)|-

8|13|Avalance of Blades(strike,DM)|Ruby Nightmare Blade

9|14|War Leader's Charge(strike, WR)|-

10|15|White Raven Hammer (strike, WR)|Leading the Attack


Stances Known
{table=head]WBL|IL|Stance Learned

1|1|Punishing Stance (IH,1)


3|3|Leading the Charge (WR,1)







10|15|Stance of Alacrity(DM,8)



For the presentation, I'll include a list of maneuvers/stances known at each of the checkpoints, and additionally I'll give a list of any notable tricks that Maraxus has gained (or lost!). Assume, for brevity, that lists of notable tricks are cumulative.

5th Level
For his first 5 levels, Maraxus behaves much like a standard warblade. A few notable tricks:

Bonus damage with Leading the Charge followed up with Punishing Stance. Leading the Charge scales with IL so it benefits from our Hellfire Blade levels later.
Wall of Blades to stand in for the penalties from charging and punishing stance.
Emerald Razor + Full Power attack
Sudden Leap can imitate pounce (partial move + full attack) or extend the range of a charge.
Usual nonsense with Iron Heart Surge.
Education + Knowledge Devotion give him extra damage and to-hit against just about every enemy. Devotion scales with skill ranks and is a potentially large static modifier so it scales with level.

Maneuvers Known:

Moment of Perfect Mind(ctr, DM)
Emerald Razor(strike, DM)
Sudden Leap(boost, TC)
Leading the Attack(strike, WR)
Wall of Blades(ctr, IH)
Iron Heart Surge(strike, IH)
Punishing Stance(stance,IH)
Leading the Charge(stance,WR)

10th Level
At this point, we've picked up a number of Hellfire Blade features to round out our abilities. Notable tricks:

Any melee attack + Hellfire Infusion - gets us static bonus damage that bypasses fire resistance, and magic and evil DR. At 10th level, it can be used in at least 4 encounters/day while still allowing 3-4 uses of Hellfire Burst. It only takes up a move action, so we can still move with Sudden Leap and use standard action strikes/attacks on a round when we buff with it. I particularly like Hellfire Infusion + Hellfire Burst + Sudden Leap to buff, get in some lingering damage on a caster/rogue, and then position for a full attack the next round.
Hellfire Burst - gives us a notable ranged attack. The damage isn't great at this point, but it lingers for free and is rather hard to save against as the save DC scales with Maraxus' str modifier. Notably useful against casters and rogues as it targets their weak saves.
Combat Reflexes + Channel the Storm from Stromguard Warrior, we can potentially accrue bonuses to hit against lots of enemies. The better to power attack with!
Suffering + Combat Rhythym from Stromguard Warrior gains temporary HP off of the number of touch attacks we make, if I read it correctly, we still get the suffering damage. This can be followed up with an Emerald Razor + Full Power attack to get full value out of the bonus to damage. This can be a reasonable tanking choice if you know you're going to trade hits with a tough enemy. Alternating this with Emerald Razor'd power attacks gives you some extra survivability AND damage without relying on your lower iteratives to hit.
Hellfire Resistance - useful, but its quality will vary with your DM's allowance for cheddar. Hiring a Binder1/Warlock8/Hellfire Warlock 1 to follow you around and recharge your hellfire powers (remember, only 2d6/hellfire warlock class level is hellfire damage!) is almost certainly going to be considered abusive.

Maneuvers Known:

Moment of Perfect Mind(ctr, DM)
Emerald Razor(strike, DM)
Sudden Leap(boost, TC)
Leading the Attack(strike, WR)
Wall of Blades(ctr, IH)
Iron Heart Surge(strike, IH)
Punishing Stance(stance,IH)
Leading the Charge(stance,WR)

15th Level
At 15th level we've maxed out the Hellfire Blade prestige class. New notable tricks:

Charging + Combat Brute - I despise the shock trooper charger build, but I like the fact that WR has some maneuvers to make charging useful without turning it into a player vs. DM arms race. By contrast, I very much like Combat Brute and since we already have a stance that benefits charging, being able to follow-up the charge with a super-duper power attack is pretty nice. Make it an Emerald Razor'd Momentum Swing if you're feeling especially saucy. You're unlikely to get any benefit from Advancing Blows, but Sundering Cleave is a good option to keep in your belt along with your bonus hellfire damage, and emerald razor + power attack.
Hellfire Flight - We've got perfect maneuverability flight. Unfortunately it takes a std action to activate. This is probably more useful as a pre-combat buff than as a use of precious in combat actions. That being said, Activate Flight + Hellfire Infusion + Sudden Leap is not an unreasonable use of a 1st combat round.
Hellfire Blast - An area affecting power. Deals reasonable (15d6) damage with a reasonable reflex save. Damage is useful to clear out large groups of mooks, or for softening up a group of enemies. Another ability that mixes nicely with Hellfire Infusion + Sudden Leap.
Infernal Might - at this point we have a wonderful supply of hellfire power. We can reserve 5 uses of hellfire infusion (average of 1/encounter, with an extra) each day and still have 8 total uses of flight, hellfire burst, or hellfire blast.

Maneuvers Known:

Moment of Perfect Mind(ctr, DM)
Emerald Razor(strike, DM)
Sudden Leap(boost, TC)
Leading the Attack(strike, WR)
Wall of Blades(ctr, IH)
Iron Heart Surge(strike, IH)
Punishing Stance(stance,IH)
Leading the Charge(stance,WR)

20th Level
Things get insane in the last 5 levels.

WRT - starting at 16 we swap a workhorse (sudden leap) for a locomotive. WRT is a game changer for this guy. I'm operating under the usual assumption that one counts as one's own ally for this power. We now have the ability to mix our Hellfire abilities with our strikes/full attacks for fun and profit. Since this uses a swift action, and the warblade's recovery mechanic also uses a swift action, we can use this every other round if we make a normal attack on the 'off' rounds.
Avalanche of Blades - at 18. This is something I've been working towards getting value out of. Combine this with our Suffering + Combat Rhythym from lvl 10, and we have a damage dealing combo. Make touch attacks until you miss rather than cap at # of iteratives, then get a bonus to damage on next attack = to 5*num of attacks that hit. Feel free to WRT yourself to use Emerald Razor + Full power attack in that very same round.
Maximize Hellfire - Check with your DM if this will maximize the lingering damage also. If it does, great, if it doesn't hitting a caster or rogue for a quick 60 that they're unlikely to save against still feels like a good deal to me. By all means, use this with hellfire infusion as a first round, then pump out a WRT to charge or make a full attack. This only costs 1 extra point of Hellfire, so if you do the cost benefit, it makes Hellfire Burst
War Leader's Charge - at 19. Our charging damage has dropped off dramatically in effectiveness since level 5. A healthy scoop of extra damage makes it viable again. Do please remember to charge while in the Leading the Charge stance. I like to start my charges with WRT to get a Maximized Hellfire Burst and a Hellfire Infusion in to make the charge even more devastating. Follow up with Emerald Razor + Power Attack + Momentum Swing.
WR Hammer - at 20th. This maneuver is just unruly. Have you stunned a flying creature? Spoiler, unless they have a special clause like the dragonborn, they don't like it too much. Combine this with Hellfire Flight to get some serious lulz.

Maneuvers Known:

Moment of Perfect Mind(ctr, DM)
Emerald Razor(strike, DM)
White Raven Tactics(boost, WR)
Wall of Blades(ctr, IH)
Iron Heart Surge(strike, IH)
Avalance of Blades(strike,DM)
War Leader's Charge(strike, WR)
White Raven Hammer (strike, WR)
Punishing Stance(stance,IH)
Leading the Charge(stance,WR)
Stance of Alacrity(stance,DM)

General Discussion/Conclusions:

I've done my best to put together a straightforward build that extracts value from as many of the PrC features as possible.

The pre-reqs were actually a little hard to meet. I knew I wanted a full BAB chasis, but the only obvious way to get the knowledge(planes) ranks was to use Duskblade or to use dips. Since the PrC doesn't really need any of the Duskblade's features, and I wanted to try to do this build with only 1 base class, this felt like a poor path to go down. Instead, I decided to strap the PrC onto a more neutral tasting warblade chasis. To get into the PrC, I used the setting neutral 'education' feat. The warblade already benefits from a good intelligence score, and extra skill points can now be used to fuel knowledge devotion.

In particular, I'm very happy with how I've used Suffering along with the Warblade's Avalance of Blades and Stromguard Warrior. This particular ability could probably be abused more systematically by a dedicated TWF build with the various mongoose boosts, but I think it would be very hard without becoming one-dimensional. The feats are killer, the stat requirements are annoying, and mongoose maneuvers mean we'd have to cut either DM or WR. Both of which I think we've extracted a lot of value from.

You could probably turn the power meter up a little higher by going into the Shock Trooper line rather than Combat Brute, but as I've said before, this typically just creates a player/DM arms race and I think having to do some cost-benefit for power attacking is useful for using some of the player's thoughtfulness.

I was a little disappointed that I wasn't able to find a way to extract more value from the flight. WR Hammer is fantastic in just about ANY context, and I'd get a lot of value out of it even if I weren't flying. Since I couldn't fit a grappling build into this also, the flight ability seems like it's a highly situational way to avoid paying for a magic item. Even then, since it only works on the rounds scale, it's still not a replacement for something that grants the user overland-type flight times.

I also didn't really do anything with the UMD class skill on the prc. I don't really know what to say other than the usual tricks apply, but having it as a class skill allows you to get away with using so many more items. I suppose that "bad optimizer, must use the entire buffalo!" is a relevant criticism.

Lastly, I wish I had the free feats to do something with intimidation optimization. Imperious Command works really nicely with a character who has the ranks in intimidate. As it stands, Never Outnumbered is more for fluff than for useful crunch.

Finally, yes, I abused White Raven Tactics. That being said, I deliberately waited to bring it online until other people in the party likely had their own ways of breaking action economy. Moreover, I wasn't doing anything truly hideous with it. Functionally, I'm using it to get both quicken and maximize on Hellfire Burst, to get buff rounds, or to do my incredibly silly Avalanche of Blades trick.


Warblade base class - ToB


Education - ECS (non-setting specific).
Knowledge Devotion - CC
Ironheart Aura/Stromguard Warrior/Martial Study - ToB
Combat Brute - CW
Maximized Hellfire - The SI post

Hellforged Steel - SI post

ECS, CC, CW, ToB, SI post, all others from SRD/PHB.

Special thanks to WotC as I got a chance to use the name of my favorite red legend, and my favorite demon from MTG. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-17, 08:58 PM
Two Warblade/Hellfire Blades? Wow...

Although, to be fair, there really weren't that many choices. Clearly, kineticist psion works as an entry without extraneous feats. The ones I was thinking of were factotum and warlock.

Akal Saris
2011-10-25, 07:28 PM
I fully approve of the appropriately cheesy image for Maraxus :smalltongue:

2011-10-26, 08:46 PM
less than a week left for judging. And very few comments on the two builds.

I guess their similarity makes it hard to judge?

2011-10-27, 08:47 AM
I have had pretty much 0 free time since these were posted. Perhaps this weekend...

2011-10-29, 06:21 PM
The original deadline is up. Because I gave a 48 hour extension to the submission phase, though, and therefore to the judging, there's 48 hours left until the judging ends. Will this weekend be enough? ONLY TIME WILL TELL!

2011-10-29, 06:30 PM
This is a great idea! Although one (IE, noobs like me without 3.5 rulebooks) has to wonder if there is an equivalent using 3.0 rules (which the aforementioned noobs do possess)...

2011-10-30, 07:39 PM
Well, it's probably a good thing there weren't many entries, because I've been a bit under the weather all weekend and busy besides. However, I have managed to render judgement upon both worthy entrants.

I liked both entries, but it would have been nice to see someone who'd really gone all-out on a strength-focused character (either via polymorph cheese or with a barbarian/bear-warrior or whatever else you could come up with). It's almost a shame that the secret ingredient had a knowledge skill as an entry requirement, otherwise this would have paired really well with War Hulk.

But, without further comment, here's what I thought of the entrants:

Originality: Well, psionicist I wasn't expecting, although if you're going to be a psionic gish it's hard to go wrong with an Elan Psionicist/Warblade. Your entry was done in character and was nicely flavorful (+.5). I won't penalize for use of Warblade as a common element, since it was used in 'all' entries. Score:3.5
Power: You can do some pretty decent damage on a full attack, especially with your hellfire + suffering + kineticest powers. You get some versatility in blasting abilities and utility powers from both Hellfire Blade and Kineticest as well. However, you suffer from a lack of focus - you can make devastating individual attacks, and you are strong in the short term, but between your PP limitations and your relatively low strength (for a strength-based class like Hellfire blade, anyway) you're going to be running into the standard gish dilemma of not enough staying power. Also, note that Deep Impact both requires you to expend your focus and applies only to your next attack (your level 15 description looks like you think it applies to all attacks that round). Score: 3
Elegance: I see no issues with this build (+1) but it is not particularly synergistic or straightforward. Score: 4
UoSI: I can't see any reason why you took Hellfire Blade - you even say in character that the Hellfire Blade abilities are just extensions of your psionics - you could have done exactly the same things with psionic powers and had more PP to spend on them, more versatile abilities, and more feats to spend on things worth spending them on. Also, this is a very strongly strength-based, while your character cares as much about or more about their Intelligence due to both Warblade and Psionicist. Score: 1.5
Total: 12

Originality: I'm not penalizing for Warblade, but I'm certainly not going to claim it's original. Also, human and education are both common as dirt (-1), however adding Knowledge Devotion to your raving hellfire blade is certainly interesint (+.5) Score: 2.5
Power: You manage a bit of battlefield mobility without relying on Pouncebarian cheese, which is nice. You also pick up some significant ranged attack and utility (or at least flight) abilities from Hellfire Blade, and Warblade also provides some utility. With a 2-handed weapon, power attack, and all the ways you have of picking up to-hit boni, you'll be dealing good-to-excellent damage every round with consistency. Overall, quite solid. Score: 4
Elegance: Ten levels of base class, ten levels of PrC. The only shenanigans you pull is with White-raven tactics, and really that's just to improve your own mobility - by that level your expected to be able to do things like that. The only issue I've got is that you're a bit int-dependent between knowledge devotion and warblade. Score: 4.5
UoSI: You've got a plan for every class feature and some good reasons to choose Hellfire Blade over other prestige classes. You may not be doing anything really unique with this class but you're certainly using it to good advantage. Score: 4
Total: 15

2011-10-30, 09:30 PM
Scores after 1 judge
{table=head]|Judge 1||Total|Average

Hunter Killer
2011-10-30, 11:12 PM
I was actually thinking about entering this competition, but the other Iron Chef contest and my job took precedent.

My build would have been something along the lines of Cleric 1 / Warlock 8 / Hellfire Warlock 2 / Hellfire Blade 9, and I would have called him "Olleum Ignus, the Hideous Hellblade".

The general idea would be to use something that allowed us free movement to get close to a foe (Travel Devotion + expending Turn Undead), our Move Action to start Hellfire Infusion, and Hideous Blow in conjunction with Hellfire Blast + Knowledge Devotion.

We'd only be taking Hellfire Blade up to 9th because the Warlock can get flight via Fell Flight instead and we're just interested in maximum Hellfire Infusion damage + Hellfire Resistance (Oh, and the last level of Hellfire Blade sets our Base Attack to +16, so we get 4 attacks going to Epic)

For those that aren't counting, our weapon of choice (Fullblade, gained with Exotic Weapon Proficiency) at 20th would allow us 5d6 + 5d6 + 4d6 + 2d8 and Eldritch Essences on a single attack (Not bad, although the Essences would probably have too low of a CL to matter).

And there's the picture I would have used:


2011-10-30, 11:27 PM
...very fitting. and I understand why you didn't get time to submit.

I only do as much as I do because I litterally have all day to do it.
(being unemployed, living with parents, and not qualifying for the College courses I would have taken due to having failed a certain English 30 class again.
:smallredface: I should be more ashamed to admit that, but hey, I'm a math/sciences person. I shouldn't NEED to know how to write a 32 paragraph essay. :smallredface: :smallsigh:

But programming classes seem to disagree. So, until I get off my ass and sign up for English again, I have nothing to do but run competitions and compete in games. :smalltongue:

Like that picture. definitely fits the concept, I'd say.
Which would have maybe scored pretty well.

I'm glad my side competition is building up interest. Maybe we'll have four builds in round three :smalltongue:

speaking of which, I'd better hurry and customize the OP in prep for... in two day's time.
Homebrewers! If you have a PrC you'd like me to use in future rounds, PM me a link to it. I've said I'm always on the lookout for good/interesting PrCs to try.
I do like them to have been well peached for about a month, but if I get a good list going (I have a start), that shouldn't be a problem. It may be two/three (plus?) months between you PMing me (Or me PMing you a request to use your material), and the contest where I use your material.

2011-10-31, 06:29 AM
Actually, I've been thinking that this competition would get a lot more submissions (though possibly not more judges) if you were to shift the start date by about 2 weeks - so that while the judging is happening in the normal IC competition, the contestants can work on a build for THIS - instead of directly competing with the main challenge for competitors, as it were.

Also, I can assure you from the point of a gainfully employed programmer of some years, being able to write well and create excrutiatingly long and detailed documents that bore the heck out of you is a vital job skill. In fact, I actually got hired onto my current position on the strength of my ability to write documentation.

Hunter Killer
2011-10-31, 09:15 AM
Kestral brings up a good point. This is a main competitor to the other thread the way you do it now. I think you should more the start date too.

2011-10-31, 11:58 AM
Hmm... It is a good Idea. And if we want more judges this round, we may need another extension anyways.

Alright, from now on, each Dessert round starts on the 14th of the month. The submissions end on the 28th, and the judging ends 2 weeks from then (11th or 10th, or 9th after February).

And I see what you mean about being able to write being vital. I guess being able to make people understand what your work does is pretty important. :smalltongue: I guess that's why I needed that behavioral business class, too. Makes sense, now. thanks. :smallsmile:

2011-11-14, 11:39 AM
OK, so it's time to get the next round started. No new judges this time, so the winners of this round are:

Essence_of_war's Maraxus in 1st place
Ajadea's Calistan in 2nd.

:smallredface: I'll ask Strategos if his offer still stands, send him the names.