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View Full Version : GoC Fight 12 Ianda va Issac

2011-10-02, 06:06 AM
"The man who won't kill and yet wins, Issac vs new comer Ianda.

Let us see blood and death flow like liquids of life.

Okay you may both read any spoiler not addressed to the other person.

The map is located here. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqLBtAMQgtX3dE1QNHlodnczQXBacG5QQzJaQnhtV Wc&hl=en_US) Also note either of you can update it, so please do.

Issac may start in any of the blue spaces. Please detail which space you choice to start in.

Ianda starts in any of the red. Once again please say which space you start in.

Anything you do that the other may see, please post in the open. Anything you do that they can't see, please put in a spoiler. If you do something that allows a skill check to see, please put the needed DC. If you use an ability that requires a save, please put the DC. Also you may leave the DC's in a spoiler, if you wish. Thank you.

Now each of you are still considered flatfooted, and you may each roll for initiative. Good luck to each of you.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 08:57 AM
[roll0] The map is updated with my position.

Issac stands near the back of the arena, holding his guisarme with two hands. He seems proud and determined. Five loaded crossbows hang off his armor.

"Surrender now, I don't wish to harm you."

2011-10-02, 01:16 PM
Ianda looks totally unfrightened at Issac and bows his head towards his opponent.

May the best man win. That our gods may smile upon us.

You see that he carries a dagger and a wand in his hands, his wings are unfolded now and you see hanging at his belt a crossbow, another wand and his cloak is pushed softly aside to let his wings be able to flap.


I cast Nerveskitter as an immediate action to give me +5 init.


2011-10-02, 01:19 PM
Ianda casts something from his wand and moves 60' up immediatly.

Ianda uses one use of his wand of fly.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 01:23 PM
Issac pulls a potion off his belt and gulps it down. You see no immediate change.

Potion of Fly

2011-10-02, 01:33 PM
Ianda starts casting and you see three little balls flying towards you, all colored light blue, when they hit you you feel and hear the impact

Attack roll

Casting magic missile:

For DM and Ruby only:

The magic missile is metamagicked with fell drain and sucks away 1 negative level, no save.

Edit: Darn I forgot something. Well doesn't matter, but I will do it next round prolly, depending on Issac's actions.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 02:10 PM
Issac flew at the wizard quickly, unwililng to take another hit from the mage's missiles. He let out a prayer as he took off into the sky, his guisarme flared with holy light.

Aren't negative levels considered evil because they literally suck out you soul and turn you into an undead creature? If so this smite is perfectly justified. It's also justified if you're evil or have harmed an innocent. Those last two matter perhaps a bit more.

Overcomes all DR, doesn't miss on a 1 and you need to make two DC 15 saving throws. The first to avoid being sickened, the second to avoid being Dazed. Your staggered even on a successful save.

Spellcraft DC 16:
I cast Rhino's Rush

2011-10-02, 02:20 PM
Ruby and DM only

multiple questions:
1: Does the smite do anything if Ianda is not evil (since she's chaotic good and has never harmed anyone in his life)??
2: Hoe do you move over about 55 + 60' height means about if you go diagonally about 100+' (precisely can be calculated)?
3: Why do you think negative levels are evil, nothing is said about that in the Libris Mortis and Ianda uses them so she does not need to kill opponents. Enough negative levels and no one will fight on.

If I get an answer on this I will go on with my action.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

Edit: you need about 60' movement (55' probably with your weapon) to reach me even with a charge. So please state how you did reach me.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 02:24 PM
I'm actually not sure about how far I can charge, I don't think it's that far, you hadn't yet marked yourself on the map. Sorry. The entry for Negative levels says it creates Undead with them. Undead are generally soulless incarnations of evil. Ergo, negative levels are evil. Or at least that's my view.

2011-10-02, 02:29 PM
This complete post is DM + LordRuby Only

I'm actually not sure about how far I can charge, I don't think it's that far, you hadn't yet marked yourself on the map. Sorry. The entry for Negative levels says it creates Undead with them. Undead are generally soulless incarnations of evil. Ergo, negative levels are evil. Or at least that's my view.

I calculated it with Pythagoras: 55^2+60^2= the range you need to charge=over 80'. Which means 40' of movement (75 (movement speed of 37,5 in your case does it allright, I overstated it my apologies.)

On the other hand, Ianda would never create undead, and as far as I can see a dragonborn can't be evil, or else bahamut will kill him RAW.

On the other hand, what's the answer on the other questions? And by the way I talked about the negative level thing with carter. Not evil, just massive debuff.

Edit: Now I really wished I moved in my second round, that would have made your action even more invalid and took care of everything. That's the thing I did forget in my haste.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 02:33 PM
OOC(Dusk and Carter only):
Potion of Fly. My movement speed is currently forty feet, doubled on a charge. And you don't have a choice weather to create Undead or not, it just happens when someone dies from it. No choice. That's why I consider negative levels evil. It's a bit debatable if you've never killed anyone with them and arn't willing to.

2011-10-02, 02:41 PM
OOC(Dusk and Carter only):
Potion of Fly. My movement speed is currently forty feet, doubled on a charge. And you don't have a choice weather to create Undead or not, it just happens when someone dies from it. No choice. That's why I consider negative levels evil. It's a bit debatable if you've never killed anyone with them and arn't willing to.

Never done never will. Let carter decide, on the other hand if he decides it's possible well it is, on the other hand in that case is my character impossible since he carries luminous armor as a sanctified spell.
And fly makes it possible it changes the speed to 60'.

So my char is not evil or illegal DM choice.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 02:45 PM
OOC (Dusk+Carter)
Well Book of Vile Darkness calls out any spells that create of Control Undead as Evil, which a Fell Drain Magic Missile does. Carter is free to overrule that though. Of course a Good Character can still use Evil Spells, they're just closer to darkness than those that don't.

2011-10-02, 06:06 PM
Using negative levels doesn't make you evil, at least by RAW. Which is what we are going as. Now I could be wrong, but I also don't believe that BoVD was ever updated to 3.5 officially. Lastly, Fell Drain doesn't make the spell evil.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-02, 07:16 PM
OOC (Dusk+Carter Only):
Okay, my attack roll is three less and the damage 16 less, no savings throws needed.

2011-10-03, 02:18 AM
To Carter and Ruby:

Fell drain does not let you control a undead monster, it only creates a wight if you kill someone with it. Which I won't. Ianda uses his fell drains as a massive debuff.

Ianda looks at Issac.
I have only one trick in this case, let's see it works or not.

Ianda makes a 5' step(fly) backwards out of the reach of Issac and starts chanting.

Casting Dispel Magic (am I glad I switched one spell with this one).

Targeted dispell flyspell: Casterlevel of the spell probably 5 unless Issac says otherwise.
A roll of 11 saves me else I am screwed: [roll0]

I need to roll a 11+cl=16 or else Ianda will forfeit and Issac will win, if this is high enough Issac will plummet 60' down and take 6d6 of falling damage

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-03, 06:41 PM
OOC: Talking as a free action for your benefit, also I've finnaly chosen a color for Issac's speech.

Issac realized that his smite had no effect on Ianda. Perhaps he could still try talking. "I give you one last chance to surrender. I don't wish to harm you, servant of Bahamut. "

2011-10-04, 12:38 AM
Ianda looks at Issac and smiles, than spreads his arms.

Go ahead, it's not like you didn't harm me allready, you broke my ribs, and I don't need much to let them be pushed in my heart and kill me. So strike servant of Pelor, I will be with Bahamut tonight. I tried my best, but dispelling the spell enabling you to fly is apparantly impossible. So strike me down.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-04, 03:22 PM
Issac extended his hand to Ianda. "I don't wish to harm you further. I accept your surrender."

2011-10-05, 12:30 AM
Last chance servant of Pelor, strike. I do not surrender. Ianda still stands there with his arms spread.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-05, 06:02 AM
Issac sighed. "Very well." Then he slammed the butt of his guisarme into Ianda's face.

Nonlethal Coup de Grace. If that's not allowed I guess I'll just hit you for a normal nonlethal attack. I don't really think that this is possible to miss so I'm not rolling an attack, just damage.


2011-10-05, 06:06 AM

It is possible to miss. No offense but roll an attack.

If you hit Ianda still lives though and gets another action.

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-05, 06:13 AM
If you insist, it just doesn't seem logical to miss here. Also damage is non-lethal.

2011-10-05, 06:20 AM
You hit Ianda and he smiles at you.
Apparantly you hit not that hard, I am still standing. My apologies for this, but I will hit harder.

He takes a 5' move backwards and lightning shoots out of his fingers, targeting you.

He casts a sudden Maximized Lightning Bolt for 36 damage.
Reflex save DC 16 for half damage.

How much hp do you have normally without negative levels and such? If it's 41, roll reflex else, nevermind.

Than he starts falling, the spell saving him and letting him drop softly on the ground (at -1).

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-05, 06:23 AM
Issac tried to quickly duck under the lightning bolt.

Save: [roll0]

EDIT: I take no damage, and now I've gotta go to school.

2011-10-05, 06:27 AM
You have won this battle, well done. Wih you had the same luck as me, the Dice were against me this battle :smallbiggrin:

Lord Ruby34
2011-10-05, 06:14 PM
Mmh, I do have more than forty-one max HP, you forgot that your magic missiles did damage too. Well fought though.