View Full Version : Need suggestions for PS3 games

2011-10-03, 11:37 AM
Hello all, soon I might be getting a PS3 and I'm unsure of what games to get. I am a fan of RPGs and action games. I hear chrono cross is available for download from the market and if it is I'm picking that up immediately, however other then that I'm at a loss. Suggestions?

2011-10-03, 12:49 PM
Time to be the first to recommend the obvious recommendation that will come up.

Get Valkyria Chronicles! It's the best game for the console by a wide margin as far as I'm concerned and it's a pretty common opinion from what I know. It's a somewhat strange mix of tactical RPG and third person shooter. It's dynamic, deeply tactical and rewards both experimentation and care and grind is highly discouraged. It is also one of the most beautiful (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx8Mc8xZFC0) games I've ever played, if not the most beautiful with music that keeps up quite well. The plot is a bit more controversial due to not being overly innovative or original, but it is really well done with a lot of excellent characters.

I also know it is going to catch a lot of flak, so you should probably investigate more rather than fan the flames that will erupt, but I really loved Final Fantasy XIII. I don't think it is as good as Valkyria Chronicles, but it is still an absolutely gorgeous game in both art, animation and music, with an interesting, fast-paced and surprisingly tactical battle system to back it up. I also really love the plot, apart from the ending, though it is important to adjust your expectations, it's about the personal growth of the main characters, not the external conflict. If you focus only on the latter you'll be disappointed, but the characters hold up really well if you pay sufficient attention to the subtleties to see how they grow and develop. I will also say that I think that the way it utilizes world design and music to support the story is quite impressive. This track (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBKMpGBKWOU) really helps underscore the despair and desolation of the area where it plays.

2011-10-03, 01:02 PM
The Orange Box and Portal 2.

First reason: to play Portal and Portal 2, which are stunning games in their own right. Cool action puzzles, and a great method of storytelling to boot. The atmosphere is incredible, especially in Portal 2.

Then there's also Team Fortress 2, which is all-around fun, and Half-Life 2, which so far has been very good and enjoyable.

2011-10-03, 01:04 PM
Disgaea 3 is both extremely funny and a complex tactical RPG with lots of options. I assume Disgaea 4 is even better, but I haven't played it.

If you like fighting games, BlazBlue is very good. And even if you don't but you like interesting storylines filled with varied and fun characters, then you could consider picking it up just for the story mode.

If you like the Metal Gear Solid series and have high tolerance for Kojima's antics and cutscene overdose, you might consider giving MGS4 a look.

I haven't played Catherine yet, but I know I will once it comes out here.

2011-10-03, 05:44 PM
I was uncertain about Valkyria Chronicles until I saw a gameplay video and now I'm convinced that I'm gonna get it. I'll probably end up picking up Final Fantasy XIII since although I like JRPGs I've never beat or owned a Final Fantasy game.
I doubt I'll get orange box since I already own Team Fortress 2 (bought it back it wasn't free) and portal (grabbed it while it was free) on the PC.

I've never actually played a Metal Gear game, so I might like it. Disigea looks interesting, but I doubt I'll get BlazBlue since I'm not a fan of fighting games except for maybe some of the NES ones(nostalgia and all that).

2011-10-03, 05:46 PM
Ah, well, if you've already got Portal (and hopefully played it), then I very solidly recommend Portal 2. Somehow, it manages to take everything that made the original game good...and make it better. Granted, in some aspects, it's an easier game, but the storytelling and creativity of all the different puzzle elements more than make up for that.

2011-10-03, 07:02 PM
I've never actually played a Metal Gear game, so I might like it.

If you never played MGS before, don't start with 4. Not only is its gameplay inferior to the previous three titles, but its plot will also make absolutely no sense to you.

2011-10-03, 07:52 PM
^ It won't make much sense either way though...

There is the HD collection coming. Supposedly has a download code for the first MGS.

Anyways Way of the Samurai 3.

2011-10-04, 09:04 PM
Well we now have the PS3 and Lego Star Wars the Complete saga along with Dark sector, which was four dollars.

I'll be on the lookout for the MGS HD collection. What is the general consensus about the God of War HD colection? (the one with God of War I and II)

Shas aia Toriia
2011-10-04, 09:17 PM
That they are amazing. Consensus is all the God of War games are amazing.
I'd also recommend the Uncharted series as well. Feel free to start with the later ones. The story still makes sense, though you may miss a few points.
Lastly, if you haven't played them yet, the Assassin's Creed series is really good.

Lord Blace
2011-10-04, 11:28 PM
I really liked inFamous 1 & 2 and the new Mortal Kombat. Deadspace 1 & 2 are pretty ok if you're into shooting the limbs off space zombies. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-05, 12:05 AM
Disgaea 4 is awesome, but a bit grindy. The depths to which you can dive in that game exceed all other comers though (except World of Warcraft. The two are arguably comparable in time devoured.)

Final Fantasy 13 is... well... it's 40 hours of hallways, interspersed with FMV's. If you can deal with your exploration choices being: take the left side of the hallway or take the right side of the hallway, you might be able to deal with it. I prefer my games with a solid chunk of wandering. I don't mind taking a long time to do the main story if it means I can get lost in a cave for two hours. As a result, 13 was a miss for me.

You mention you haven't played any of the older FF titles. You need to purchase Final Fantasy 6 and 7, if your system is backwards compatible (it probably won't be as it's a new system). 6 is virtually the unanimously agreed upon ultimate title, and 7 was a fairly incredible title also (I actually like 7 better than 6, but don't tell anyone!) You might also try out Tactics: War of the Lions, if it's available on the market and playable on the PS3 (I suspect it is, but don't know for certain.)

Oblivion is a sandbox rpg you might sink into until Skyrim hits. The Shivering Isles expansion to it is what you'll really be playing it for, not the main game. Where the main game gets to be bland and stale fairly quickly, the Shivering Isles remains fresh and fun the whole way through. Ah the joys of madness!

Having just ran it through my brain, if I hadn't grabbed my PS3 at release and was stuck with one of the non backwards compatible systems, I would never have bought it in the first place... I have maybe three PS3 games, otherwise I use the system to run PSX and PS2 games...

2011-10-05, 05:30 AM
Disgaea 4 is awesome, but a bit grindy. The depths to which you can dive in that game exceed all other comers though (except World of Warcraft. The two are arguably comparable in time devoured.)

Final Fantasy 13 is... well... it's 40 hours of hallways, interspersed with FMV's. If you can deal with your exploration choices being: take the left side of the hallway or take the right side of the hallway, you might be able to deal with it. I prefer my games with a solid chunk of wandering. I don't mind taking a long time to do the main story if it means I can get lost in a cave for two hours. As a result, 13 was a miss for me.

You mention you haven't played any of the older FF titles. You need to purchase Final Fantasy 6 and 7, if your system is backwards compatible (it probably won't be as it's a new system). 6 is virtually the unanimously agreed upon ultimate title, and 7 was a fairly incredible title also (I actually like 7 better than 6, but don't tell anyone!) You might also try out Tactics: War of the Lions, if it's available on the market and playable on the PS3 (I suspect it is, but don't know for certain.)

Oblivion is a sandbox rpg you might sink into until Skyrim hits. The Shivering Isles expansion to it is what you'll really be playing it for, not the main game. Where the main game gets to be bland and stale fairly quickly, the Shivering Isles remains fresh and fun the whole way through. Ah the joys of madness!

Having just ran it through my brain, if I hadn't grabbed my PS3 at release and was stuck with one of the non backwards compatible systems, I would never have bought it in the first place... I have maybe three PS3 games, otherwise I use the system to run PSX and PS2 games...

FF7 is a PS1 game, and all PS3s are backwards compatible with PS1 games, it's PS2 games that most PS3s aren't backwards compatible with(Only the first two runs of the PS3 are actually)

2011-10-05, 07:13 AM
You mean except newer and European PS3s that don't have backwards capability with anything, of course.

2011-10-05, 11:56 AM
You should know that FFs 7-9 are available to download for cheaps via the Playstation Network, if that's your thing. Also, Disgaea 4 is made of sunshine and fun, if you're of a grinding persuasion.

2011-10-05, 12:11 PM
Brutal Legend. If you've ever enjoyed heavy rock music at any point in time in your life.

2011-10-05, 12:41 PM
I'll second the Valkyria Chronicles and infamous recommendations.

If you're a far of tougher game (ie a total masocist) then Demon Soul or spiritual successor Dark soul may be up your alley. They are really unforgiving though, not everyone's cup of tea.

I wouldn't recommend FF13. I finished it primarily because I was sick for a week and have only vague but primarily negative impressions of the middle third or so (I can't remember anything that happened between chapter four and landing on pulse).

And if want something more actiony I always enjoy the Ratchet and Clank series, or the Sly Cooper collection. It's a lot of value for the gamer on a budget.

2011-10-05, 03:54 PM
~sighs~ Now you all are making me want a Plastation 3. ~sighs sadly~ I guess I will have to go and pout over at my X-Box 360 until tax time.


Lord Loss
2011-10-05, 08:10 PM
Heavy Rain. Seriously. I usually lose interest in video games unless they're very good within a little while. I played through Heavy Rain in, like two sittings and was hooked the whole time through. It's more fun if youy play through it the way it was meant to be played, without turning off your console whenthings go badly as some of my friends did. I'd describe it, but it's the kind of game that needs to be experienced.

Fallout 3 is awesome, I myself prefer it to New Vegas, but that's a matter of opinion and some of my friends rather New Vegas. I reccomend Call of Duty: Black Ops for Zombies mode alone, if you've got the money to spend on Zombies mode (another 15$ for five great maps, and 15$ for each of the other maps, which range from meh to amazing in quality).

Now for some more RPGs... I'm not a fan of Oblivion, why I'm not quite sure, it just never struck a chord with me, but I'll heartily reccomend Bioware's stuff, Dragon Age specifically, as I've never played Mass Effect or DA II (although I really, really should).

I've heard amazing things about Disgaea, but I've never played it myself. Final Fantasy VII is available on PSN. If you haven't played it, go buy it now. It's not very expensive, and, well it's freaking Final Fantasy Seven. Need I say more?

2011-10-05, 11:36 PM
Uncharted is a must have, it's basically a mash up between Die Hard and Indiana Jones. Each time you'll think "Well the situation can't get any worse to me" something new and deadly will happen. There is a reason Nate is called Nathan "Oh Crap" Drake.

It's extremly good looking too!

2011-10-06, 02:21 AM
No, it's a cover shooter.

Hunter Noventa
2011-10-06, 05:55 AM
VC and Disgaea 3 and 4 are incredible games. All the LEGO games are delightful romps as well.

Also fun is Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, even if it's just hack and slash giant robot on giant robot action, it doesn't need to be anything else.

Shas aia Toriia
2011-10-06, 02:21 PM
No, it's a cover shooter.

So? It's still amazing.

late for dinner
2011-10-07, 02:18 AM
top 5 must haves:

Demon's Souls...or Dark Souls as it just came out

Uncharted 2: I couldnt stop playing it....beat it in one...long sitting

Heavy Rain: Pure awesome...unlike anything you have ever played probably

Little big planet 2

God of war 3

if you wanna play a fps, Get an xbox:smallsmile:

if you want some cool downloadable games, Joe Danger and Flower

Flower takes you to your happy place...more of an experience than a game

Shas aia Toriia
2011-10-07, 08:10 AM
if you wanna play a fps, Get an xbox:smallsmile:

Depends. You can't get Killzone or Resistance on Xbox, but Xbox gets CoD maps much faster, if you're into spending huge amounts of money.

2011-10-07, 08:53 AM
There is no reason to get Disgaea 3 if you are planning to get Disgaea 4, it's superior to D3 in every aspect.

2011-10-07, 03:33 PM
There is no reason to get Disgaea 3 if you are planning to get Disgaea 4, it's superior to D3 in every aspect.

Unless of course, ya know, you want to eventually play ALL of the Disgaea games. I Mean, that's like saying, Don't play D1 or D2 or D3 because D4 is the latest and greatest. Be missing some excellent storylines by that logic.

2011-10-07, 04:52 PM
I'm going to second Heavy Rain, Uncharted, and Assassin's Creed. There are other games on here that I also recommend, but many of them I prefer on the computer, which I'm assuming you have. If you don't, then yeah, get Bioware and Bethesda's stuff too.

2011-10-07, 09:08 PM
what about those so called "games" FLoW, Flower, Journey, Paper what have you.
They look interesting, can anyone recommend them though? I understand they are not typical of what we would call games, is that true? I might be interested in untypical "games"

2011-10-07, 09:17 PM
I'm sure I'll end up buying all the God of Wars and Final Fantasys at some point. I bought Valkryia Chronicles today and will play it sometime tonight. I'll give Heavy Rain a look as it seems interesting. Assassin's Creed games have always been fun I might have to buy one since, although I have them on steam my computer doesn't have a nice enough video card to run them.

2011-10-07, 10:46 PM
If you have a list of games you want to sample, but don't want to commit to blindly, I'd suggest a Gamefly account. You can try games one or two at a time, Netflix-style, and if you like them buy them at a discount

2011-10-08, 09:37 PM
I'd say:
Infamous 1+2: They are very good, very fast-paced games. The climbing aspect is great, and it's always fun to push somebody into the water and crisp them till they're black. The morality system is hilariously bipolar in most aspects, and rewards strict adherance to a single philosophy. No switching allegiance to the side of good once you've stepped down the evil path, but gameplay is different depending on where you are on the Alignment scale.

Mirror's Edge: If parkour is your thing, this game can be spectacular. Not much to say beyond that. Maybe edit something in once I'm done playing it.

Demon's Souls: It's a hard game. It is. Anybody who claims otherwise is lying to you. Demon's Souls will brutally murder you. Then it will do it again. But if you like a challenge, it is the best place to go (well, outside of Ghosts and Goblins). Combat is amazing, and the enemies are top notch. And every death will train you. You will actually feel yourself getting better, and it is a wonderful feeling. The game is a must-have for all PS3 owners, and whether you end up liking it or not, you have to at least try.
Mortal Kombat: Oh god, this game is brutal. Fights get rough, heads are snapped, blood is drawn. Quite laid back for MK, but Fatalities are still, as a rule, bloodier than anything you get anywhere else in a video game.

GTA 4: I have mixed feelings about GTA 4; It's a spectacular game, everybody has played it, nothing quite like it, great fun, blah. But it glitches like crazy, and you really can't get around that fact. A thousand times I've dropped the controller and screamed at the game in frustration. But its still a must-have, and a must-have must be had. Dilemma. You choose.

2011-10-08, 11:43 PM
No one's talked about Little Big Planet! Someone mentioned LBP2 as a "must-have", but didn't say anything about it.

Anyway: LBP is an amazingly good time. Don't get it if you HATE FUN, though.

2011-10-09, 01:35 PM
You mean except newer and European PS3s that don't have backwards capability with anything, of course.

All PS3s (and PSPs) have backwards compatibility for PS1 games, which are emulated entirely in software anyway.

If you didn't get them on the PS2 it's well worth getting the Sly Cooper HD collection for a fun cartoony action romp.

2011-10-09, 01:42 PM
Depends. You can't get Killzone or Resistance on Xbox, but Xbox gets CoD maps much faster, if you're into spending huge amounts of money.

The most compelling reason to play FPS games on the Xbox is that Xbox Live quite simply kicks the **** out of PSN for online gaming, the party system, cross-game chat, prevalence of not-rubbish-bluetooth headsets, and the fact that it tends to have a much higher level of player activity means that it's much easier to get into a game, easier to get together with your mates to get into a game, and easier to get your team on when you're in a game.

Yeah, PSN is free, but you kind of get what you're paying for....

Edit: Also, if you want an FPS, Battlefield 3 comes out at the end of the month on everything. That'll be the one to have, it's jawesome.

2011-10-09, 02:45 PM
Red Dead Redemption. Even if you're not a big fan of westerns, Red Dead is a fantastic game. It's basically GTA4 with horses and set in 1910, but that's not a bad thing. The gameplay is fun and easy to pick up with a ton of variety. The story is smart, witty, and just all-around well-written (just a warning: seriously avoid spoilers if you really want to enjoy the story).

The game of the year edition should be coming out shortly, which includes all the DLC, including Undead Nightmare. Anybody who hasn't yet picked this up that is even slightly interested, don't hesitate. It's probably the best money I've spent in the past two years.

2011-10-09, 09:54 PM
The game of the year edition should be coming out shortly, which includes all the DLC, including Undead Nightmare. Anybody who hasn't yet picked this up that is even slightly interested, don't hesitate. It's probably the best money I've spent in the past two years.

If you don't want to get Red Dead Redemption, Undead Nightmare was sold as a seperate game, like the Liberty City Stories. It's still totally worth buying at just $20. If it were on PC, I would get that, and not Redemption, just 'cause it towers over the other in such quality.

Lord Loss
2011-10-10, 02:44 PM
Actually, though Undead Nightmare plays as a standalone game, you still need to own the first one to play it.

2011-10-11, 01:32 PM
Upon seconding most other games already listed, I recommend:

Darksiders - Think God of War meets Zelda in a modern day type setting

M.A.G. - Online only FPS where the minimum number of players you'll have on a map is 64, and the most is 256. After playing this I can't bring myself to play any other FPS multiplayer for very long due to it feeling empty...

Dead Island - First Person hack and slash zombie outbreak game. By no means a perfect game, but it is very much fun. Two words: Torso ball :smallbiggrin:

late for dinner
2011-10-19, 10:58 AM
what about those so called "games" FLoW, Flower, Journey, Paper what have you.
They look interesting, can anyone recommend them though? I understand they are not typical of what we would call games, is that true? I might be interested in untypical "games"

I bought Flower. Its more of an experience than a game. you use the motion sensor on the controler to control the wind that blows the petals around the screen and your goal is to turn the dark grey world into color again by blowing over unblossomed flowers. Its very zenlike and there are no bad guys that try to eat you. you finish a level and you want to play it again just because it made you feel happy and relaxed inside and you like watching the colors explode on to the screen...oh and the motion sensor control is spot on. Its a great game to get.

2011-10-30, 04:47 AM
I would say must have games on the ps3...

Little Big planet 2. So So Awesome. It plays like 90% of the user made levels from Little big planet 1 so you don't need to buy it, but if you are like me and want all the customs and downloadable content from the first one you should get it too. I think LBP 1 is cheap now.

I don't know why but I love all the lego games too. Lego star wars, Batman, Indian jones, Harry potter, great fun

Gran Turismo 5 I have always loved Gran Turismo games. IN fact I bought the PS3 just for GAran turismo 5 and Hot shots golf...Too bad it took so dang long for Gran Turismo.

Games I downloaded that are pretty fun Swarm, Castle Crashers, Deathspank games are pretty fun, Fat Princess is a must download.

2011-10-31, 09:53 AM
Time to be the first to recommend the obvious recommendation that will come up.

Get Valkyria Chronicles! It's the best game for the console by a wide margin as far as I'm concerned and it's a pretty common opinion from what I know. It's a somewhat strange mix of tactical RPG and third person shooter. It's dynamic, deeply tactical and rewards both experimentation and care and grind is highly discouraged. It is also one of the most beautiful (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx8Mc8xZFC0) games I've ever played, if not the most beautiful with music that keeps up quite well. The plot is a bit more controversial due to not being overly innovative or original, but it is really well done with a lot of excellent characters.

This, very much this, i saw it for £10 didnt know what it was, thought "meh, i cant go too far wrong with £10" bought it, loved it, found out theres a whole cult following of the thing its so awesome

i second a lot of suggestions in this thread though.

2011-10-31, 02:48 PM
I'd also Recommend Burnout Crash. Just got it a week and a half ago, and for only $10 provides an amazing amount of fun. Blowing things up and causing giant car accidents without risking your life, priceless. Although it is an EA game, so if you're morally opposed to having fun that has been created by an EVIL :smallfurious: corporation you'll want to pass on this one.

2011-10-31, 03:35 PM
I'm sure I'll end up buying all the God of Wars and Final Fantasys at some point. I bought Valkryia Chronicles today and will play it sometime tonight. I'll give Heavy Rain a look as it seems interesting. Assassin's Creed games have always been fun I might have to buy one since, although I have them on steam my computer doesn't have a nice enough video card to run them.

I.. do not suggest God of War.


It's.. a true headache story wise (As a vaunted Final Fantasy Fanboy, I like my stories to be many layered plots. It's a headache in the same vein that The Room was a headache as a movie.), the main character gives the protagonist (if you can all him that.) of Evangelion a run for his money in the whining department, the violence goes from being over the top to simply pointless. Gore for gore's sake. It's just all around bad.

This (http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/84) pretty much sums all three games up.

It is one of the few games I go out of my way to ACTIVELY discourage other people from playing, but if SAW levels of needless violence is your thing, than kindly ignore this.