View Full Version : My Little Pony XXVI: Applebloom to Zecora!

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Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 01:26 PM
actually...that is Fluttershy and her genderswapped self from the story "On a Cross and Arrow"
Wow. I would've never thought that Fluttershy's parents were herself.

Forum Explorer
2011-10-10, 01:35 PM
Wow. I would've never thought that Fluttershy's parents were herself.

Its one of the cardinal rules of genderbent time traveling. The hard part is sending yourself to the past twice :smalltongue:

2011-10-10, 01:38 PM

I actually have to work to write Damascus now because I know in my heart it's supposed to be Damanescus

This is making my homework so difficult, you don't even know, and I just know I'm going to slip up and say Damanescus in class


...otakuryoga that is NSFW language
Do you want to get in trouble otaku
I didn't think so
Might wanna censor it
Or something
Or just linky it
I think you can linky it without getting slapped
But it's only polite to say "HEY NSFW LANGUAGE"
So people can go "Oh okay thanks
"I was going to open this in front of Grannyma
"But now I won't
"Thank you for saving my life by the way
"Grannyma would have shot my computer or something
"Seeing little ponies using language like that
"So thank you for warning me and saving my computer
"And me, because the computer was in my lap"
And then you can smile because you saved a life
By properly marking NSFW material

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 01:39 PM
I but oh fine. (cuddles)


All of the shipping. All of it.

You know, Starfox is the game that originally got me into the furry fandom. I've seen a lot of Starfox shipping. x-x

*Midnight pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful. Her hoof rubs against her chin.

"You know, you're absolutely right...Instead of relying on what I'm bad at, I should work with my strengths."

Is that...a rather impish gleam in her eye?

"And in this situation, I know exactly the thing to get this conversation away from Shimmer and I."

Midnight's horn glows, and her body flashes, as she suddenly changes...


Oh my. Standing where the formerly female Midnight was is a rather strikingly handsome unicorn stallion, with a slightly deeper purple coat, and solid blue hair. "Prince" Midnight grins roguishly, and reaches out, caressing Rarity's cheek.

"Now, what was that you were saying?"

A smug smile begins to form on the white unicorn's face as her darling niece begins to agree with her, the gears in her mind turning. Her eyes closes as she gives a sagely nod, unfortunately keeping her from noticing that telltale look in Midnight's eye.

"Indeed you should dear. Now what is your i...idea..."

Her words trail as her eyes open, a brilliant, blinding flash of magic greeting her. Suddenly her happiness faded to complete worry as she looked upon the light purple stallion standing before her.

"M-Midnight, dear... What are you doing?" Her cheeks gain a soft reddish hue, her eyes widening in surprise at the hoof on her cheek.

Conflicting emotions ran through her mind at Rainboom speed. T-This was Midnight, of all ponies! But... But dear Celestia was he handsome, and a prince of all things!

Wow. I would've never thought that Fluttershy's parents were herself.

XD. It's like Fry!

Its one of the cardinal rules of genderbent time traveling. The hard part is sending yourself to the past twice :smalltongue:

Oh, it's really not that hard. That's why I have seventeen Twilights running around right now!

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 01:41 PM
I don't care who you promised. If you don't name a sorcerer after me I will be adorably pouty.

What name? tonberrian, Berry Ann, or your actual name? :smalltongue:

MAYBE Lix? Definitely Lix.
(Also my kismesis is an expert.)

I meant that as "while I know you're good with Exalted stuff, I don't know if you care," hence the maybe.

2011-10-10, 01:44 PM

noted...i thought i had that double spoilered but didnt


Lix Lorn
2011-10-10, 01:46 PM

You know, Starfox is the game that originally got me into the furry fandom. I've seen a lot of Starfox shipping. x-x
(has never played)

I meant that as "while I know you're good with Exalted stuff, I don't know if you care," hence the maybe.
Sure I care. I'm currently making a super-powerful Infernal hunty type.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 01:48 PM
Sure I care. I'm currently making a super-powerful Infernal hunty type.

For pony thread? :smallconfused:

2011-10-10, 02:03 PM
(has never played)

I would recommend that you get the games and at least try them out, especially Star Fox 64 (either via VC on the Wii or the remake for the 3DS) or Assault (Gamecube game, but you can play it on the Wii.) It's basically a Space Opera like Star Trek/Wars except everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, such as the main character is a fox (named... Fox) and has a rival who's a wolf (who is creatively named Wolf and has the best boss theme ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZBu3nHJkM)) and the evil empire is run by monkeys.

Now that I think about it, Star Fox would probably be one of the harder things to ponify, since they're already animals.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 02:06 PM
Eyup :smallsmile:

Same here, honestly. It was my fanon before that, but since then I consider it legitimate canon.

For you. I have this weird mobile version I have to cancel out of each time a page loads :smalltongue:
I thought he meant art, though. And I thought he said braeburn/caramel. Had to change my response on the fly XD

I need to do more fic reading.

I still can't believe that you do all of this on a Smart Phone dude.

It's from a 3.0 splatbook precursor to the Complete X series. Following the update rules, any 3.0 rule which isn't specifically updated, and doesn't specifically use outdated rules, is legal in 3.5.

Lasher let's you do neat things with a whipLasso, such as use it as a hand (with an attack roll), threaten adjacent squares, and it grants some sneak attack. Really fun class.

Agreed. I really enjoy using "forgotten and abandoned" weapons in D&D, and the lasher class actually just makes it possible to do with a whip.

All sound. I think the Dex higher than Con was a nod towards needing the character to be useful rather than thematic (she's base rogue, right?), though I'd try and find a way around that if I could.

Yeah, exactly. It was chosen for mechanics, rather than theme. 15 Con is still significantly higher than the average human, which represents Applejack well.


Like I said before, it seriously varies in this group. :P

Did you remember to give yourself extra points for being Sweetie Belle?

If you didn't, I'd bump it back up to an 80%. You have to get at least 15% for being Sweetie Bell herself.

Monarch or no?
Is that reflexive American antimonarchial tendencies or am I missing something XD

I would give it honest consideration. Depending on how close to grimdark it got, I'd go through bureau processing and try to shepherd my fellows, work an 'overground railroad' as needed; or fight for the remaking folks' right to remain human and die with their world.

But I I were sucked into Equestria and made a pony?
I'd ask Pinkie for help with dimension hopping, give my cats to a friend, pay off my lease, and grab Braz. Wee~

Ooh. On second thought, I'm not so sure how comfy I'd be as a boy pony. Hm. That's a random consideration, innit?

It's primarily a reflexive American thing. You'd be surprised at how easily attitudes can kind of filter through the ages.

My assumption in going to Equestria was the canon world, not the grimdark fan interpretations.

No, the reverse Equestrian gender ratio, silly. Sixe chicks to a solo bro? Sweet, less bros to deal with.

Incoming Braz in five... four... three... two...

They are. It's also fun to talk to police officers, as their basi understanding of the law is fundamentally different from the laypony's view. I refer to "one-twenty-twenty" as the section of penal code that specifically allows carrying of certain items. They use it as shorthand code for felony carrying. It's a fun conversation, and confusing, right until we figured out the "same words, different meaning" dilemma.

I wish I could say that I'd done this, because it sounds extremely fun. However, I have a bit of a crippling phobia of police officers. No good reason, just a phobia in general, which makes life interesting to say the least.

Hm. Cold winters, no triple digits...
I suppose I can invest in a lot of extra layers :/
Stupid Death Valley. Making me all tropical-blooded and such.

Considering moving up here? :smalltongue:

Semantic quibble; I differentiate attractiveness and prettiness. One is aesthetic, other is how an aesthetic affects you. Going by attractiveness specifically, the mane six rank really low (though after deliberation, yes, Pinkie ranks highest of the lowest XD).

Prettiest pony?
Pokey Pierce. He's Goegeous. I see why Kipling latched onto him :smalltongue: Pinkie, then Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, then Bon-Bon, then Lyra, then Twilight. Rainbow is in there somewhere but I'm lazy.

I don't even have considerations for the non mane-six to be honest. And yes, I'm inclined to agree with you overall on the thoughts on attractiveness.

In terms of "prettyness", I'd say Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack.

Oh, they're still in the arena? I thought that was a passing thing, not purposeful backdrop. My faux pas.

My primary player motivation is escape. I've dropped plot hooks for secondary motivations, everything from government conspiracies to cults of the devils and undead uprisings. :P

That's a lot of pony.

Channeling your inner Lyra there man? XD

No! Why would you say that? I've never channeled my inner Lyra in my life!

Alright, fine. You wanna do this? Let's do this.
Let's see... Back, half circle down-to-forward, forward back forward back heavy kick+light jab+block

*screen goes black, SiuiS sprite does a fancy charge-up animation, before shouting "Conjure Elemental!"

A burning red-black-gold clothed Efreeti-Shimmer sprite fills the screen in all her pixelated glory, spreads her hooves, and vanishes, leaving really grainy explosions of fire and a spiralling webwork of ropes behind

The EX-SPECIAL style attack ends, leaving Jade with one quarter less health in her life bar, all four hooves tied together, and mouth roped shut.

SiuiS goes into reverse stance, teleport-slides a la Dmitri/Syous (depending on arcade game preference) and once behind Jade, does a quick true strike (down-to back, down-to-forward, special) before poking her very surely in the cutie mark* Provided she's too distracted to try a shift-defense-block sprite juke; doesn't have enough Combo Meter full for an EX-SPECIAL super counter, and/or doesn't know the controls well enough to stop the sudden combo.

Jade struggles helplessly against her bonds, which are strong enough that if she hadn't known any better she may have thought that Lix, the Goddess of shipping herself may have tied them. Her eyes go wide and her cheeks hue scarlet as the pony is finally poked.

Her voice becomes extremely high as she begins to speak. "I'm Jade the filly, and I'm the fastest pony in Equestria! Do you want to race?"

Her eyes flit back and forth in terror. "Oh Celestia... Rainbow Dash isn't around, is she? I don't want to die!"


Thanqol would probably disagree with you :smallwink:

That I'm not visually artistic? :smallconfused:


*Nuzzle Nuzzle*

I would recommend that you get the games and at least try them out, especially Star Fox 64 (either via VC on the Wii or the remake for the 3DS) or Assault (Gamecube game, but you can play it on the Wii.) It's basically a Space Opera like Star Trek/Wars except everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, such as the main character is a fox (named... Fox) and has a rival who's a wolf (who is creatively named Wolf and has the best boss theme ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZBu3nHJkM)) and the evil empire is run by monkeys.

Now that I think about it, Star Fox would probably be one of the harder things to ponify, since they're already animals.

Starfox 64 is seriously a classic, and if you have the capability I'd recommend starting there.

2011-10-10, 02:09 PM
A smug smile begins to form on the white unicorn's face as her darling niece begins to agree with her, the gears in her mind turning. Her eyes closes as she gives a sagely nod, unfortunately keeping her from noticing that telltale look in Midnight's eye.

"Indeed you should dear. Now what is your i...idea..."

Her words trail as her eyes open, a brilliant, blinding flash of magic greeting her. Suddenly her happiness faded to complete worry as she looked upon the light purple stallion standing before her.

"M-Midnight, dear... What are you doing?" Her cheeks gain a soft reddish hue, her eyes widening in surprise at the hoof on her cheek.

Conflicting emotions ran through her mind at Rainboom speed. T-This was Midnight, of all ponies! But... But dear Celestia was he handsome, and a prince of all things!

Midnight's Bein' Naughty
*"Prince" Midnight smiles tenderly, even romantically, as he moves closer, his hoof so tantalizingly caressing at Rarity's cheek.

"You should know, Lady Rarity, that you had an unfortunate encounter with the worst of my kind." He begins, careful not to call her 'Aunt', lest she be reminded of that. "Not all of us royals are as arrogant and buffoonish as Blueblood. Not all of us have forgotten chivalry and honor."

His head drifts closer, the tip of his horn briefly touching Rarity's own, with a gentle spark of magic traveling between the two.

"Some of us know how to treat a mare correctly. Treat them with the respect and the love that they deserve." He looks into Rarity's eyes, and he's so very close now, his warm, almost sweet breath drifting across her muzzle. "Would you allow a Prince another chance to prove that?"

Lix Lorn
2011-10-10, 02:19 PM
For pony thread? :smallconfused:
...no. xD For a pbp game.

I would recommend that you get the games and at least try them out, especially Star Fox 64 (either via VC on the Wii or the remake for the 3DS) or Assault (Gamecube game, but you can play it on the Wii.) It's basically a Space Opera like Star Trek/Wars except everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, such as the main character is a fox (named... Fox) and has a rival who's a wolf (who is creatively named Wolf and has the best boss theme ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZBu3nHJkM)) and the evil empire is run by monkeys.

Now that I think about it, Star Fox would probably be one of the harder things to ponify, since they're already animals.
I would like to.

*Nuzzle Nuzzle*

2011-10-10, 02:22 PM
I wonder how Twilight/Trixie would react to this...

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 02:23 PM
...no. xD For a pbp game.

Well, the discussion is making Leo fit pony thread RP better. :smalltongue:

Actually, since Sol Society was something I think you suggested, maybe I should rope you in! :smallamused:


Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 02:25 PM
Midnight's Bein' Naughty
*"Prince" Midnight smiles tenderly, even romantically, as he moves closer, his hoof so tantalizingly caressing at Rarity's cheek.

"You should know, Lady Rarity, that you had an unfortunate encounter with the worst of my kind." He begins, careful not to call her 'Aunt', lest she be reminded of that. "Not all of us royals are as arrogant and buffoonish as Blueblood. Not all of us have forgotten chivalry and honor."

His head drifts closer, the tip of his horn briefly touching Rarity's own, with a gentle spark of magic traveling between the two.

"Some of us know how to treat a mare correctly. Treat them with the respect and the love that they deserve." He looks into Rarity's eyes, and he's so very close now, his warm, almost sweet breath drifting across her muzzle. "Would you allow a Prince another chance to prove that?"

Midnight's Bein' Naughty:
Rarity could have sworn that her form was more scarlet than white as she took a tentative step away from her ever approaching niec... nephew.

"T...This is wrong. Whether or not this is true, you are still Twilight's child!" She takes yet another step backwards, her hoof clacking almost inaudibly as she so subtly recoils away.

The spark of magic causes her to burn even hotter, letting out a squeak of surprise, embarrassment, and possibly even more. Her eyes sat wide as she listened to prince Midnight's final declaration, her entire body seeming to convulse under her in apprehension at the mare turned stallion's hot breath.

"I... I..." Everything she had wanted had been lost at the gala, and now this prince before her was offering her the opportunity that Blueblood could never have. Everything in her mind was screaming against her, yet he had found her weakness. Of course he had known her weakness.

"Y-Yes... Yes I will. Please, treat me like the lady that incompetent foal could never hope to." However, her eyes remained downcast, a mask of shame distorting the excitement at a second opportunity her truest of desires thought would never be realized.

I wonder how Twilight/Trixie would react to this...

You know, this is literally exactly what's going through Rarity's head right now. XD

EDIT: I didn't kill the thread, did I? :smalleek:

2011-10-10, 03:30 PM
Morning ponythread! :)

I would recommend that you get the games and at least try them out, especially Star Fox 64 (either via VC on the Wii or the remake for the 3DS) or Assault (Gamecube game, but you can play it on the Wii.) It's basically a Space Opera like Star Trek/Wars except everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, such as the main character is a fox (named... Fox) and has a rival who's a wolf (who is creatively named Wolf and has the best boss theme ever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZBu3nHJkM)) and the evil empire is run by monkeys.

Now that I think about it, Star Fox would probably be one of the harder things to ponify, since they're already animals.

Awsome game, awesome music (I had the 8bit collection from SF64 around, but I think I misplaced it ... I'll have to go looking again. I did find the SF Assault soundtrack which was good because it's an orchestral remix of the original tunes). Even though it was a cheap zelda knock off as opposed to the flight sim that made the game, I also enjoyed Star Fox adventures for the GameCube. :smallredface:

(The thorntail hollow theme keeps replaying in my head when I think of that game ... do do do, do de do do)

And yes, even Star Fox has been ponified, with admittedly mixed results.

http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6e11e0b6e28387384e68c48cb4ddec91/45576%20-%20artist%3Ajohn_joseco%20arwing%20crossover%20flu ttershy%20gilda%20starfox%20whatever.jpg

"Purpose. That is a good way to look at it. It has always seemed the same machine, and it has always had the same purpose, so it is the same." Charger sounded content with that.

"We may have crossed each other's paths before but not been introduced," Charger said to Igneous. "And I believe if anypony has the talent to talk to machines, it is Lady Tinker, whom Second Hand referred to earlier. I believe I have met her in passing, and purchased some parts from her shop."

Edit: Clockwork RP
"Wow" Igneous looked impressed at the recommendation. "If she really has that kind of talent, I can't wait to meet her!"

The trio had made good time; looking up the path, Igneous could already see the city of Canterlot coming into view.

"Ah bother, back already?" He moaned, he'd been enjoying his time away, short as it had been. "I should apologise in advance about this, but once we get back I'm going to have to get back into "Guard Mode" as they call it. As escortee-designates of the Princess I, obviously, don't have to keep up the act around you two, but once we get back amongst the other ponies the force has its image to maintain. Even if I'm not that good at that sort of stuff."

Igneous looked positively morose at the concept.

2011-10-10, 03:34 PM
Spent hours neck deep in action script. Then I realized that all my work was for making the transitions. The only impact I actually have on the project other than that is something I know those dirty users are going to skip after 3 seconds anyway (as well as behind the scenes stuff, which is harder to point to on a resume).

Need ponies.

2011-10-10, 03:37 PM
Midnight's Bein' Naughty:
Rarity could have sworn that her form was more scarlet than white as she took a tentative step away from her ever approaching niec... nephew.

"T...This is wrong. Whether or not this is true, you are still Twilight's child!" She takes yet another step backwards, her hoof clacking almost inaudibly as she so subtly recoils away.

The spark of magic causes her to burn even hotter, letting out a squeak of surprise, embarrassment, and possibly even more. Her eyes sat wide as she listened to prince Midnight's final declaration, her entire body seeming to convulse under her in apprehension at the mare turned stallion's hot breath.

"I... I..." Everything she had wanted had been lost at the gala, and now this prince before her was offering her the opportunity that Blueblood could never have. Everything in her mind was screaming against her, yet he had found her weakness. Of course he had known her weakness.

"Y-Yes... Yes I will. Please, treat me like the lady that incompetent foal could never hope to." However, her eyes remained downcast, a mask of shame distorting the excitement at a second opportunity her truest of desires thought would never be realized.

Midnight's Being Naughty:
*Prince Midnight pauses for a moment, as he looks into Rarity's eyes, picking up not just the excitement, but that shame and downcast. He moves forwards, and whispers into her ear.

"Just say the word, Aunt Rarity, and this will stop. I will stop it right now, we will never speak of it again, and we will move on and forget about this." He slowly pulls away, and then kisses her cheek gently, warmly. For above all else, Rarity is one of the ponies that is important to him, and the last thing Midnight wants to do is truly cause a pony she cares for pain.

"But if you want this to continue, I promise you, I will treat you like you deserve to be treated, Lady Rarity. I will show you a proper romantic evening."

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 03:39 PM
Spent hours neck deep in action script. Then I realized that all my work was for making the transitions. The only impact I actually have on the project other than that is something I know those dirty users are going to skip after 3 seconds anyway (as well as behind the scenes stuff, which is harder to point to on a resume).

Need ponies.

Have some random cute pony!
http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/174/338/58453+-+artist+arcum89+cute+filly+goggles+rainbow_dash.pn g?1316134804

2011-10-10, 03:43 PM
Fox, if that Luna had a monocle on I'd be dead now.

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 03:49 PM
Alright pony music and ponythread. Take me home.

More or less literally in this case. I have no idea what public transport for my commute is going to be like, if it exists at all :smallsigh:

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 03:59 PM
Midnight's Being Naughty:
*Prince Midnight pauses for a moment, as he looks into Rarity's eyes, picking up not just the excitement, but that shame and downcast. He moves forwards, and whispers into her ear.

"Just say the word, Aunt Rarity, and this will stop. I will stop it right now, we will never speak of it again, and we will move on and forget about this." He slowly pulls away, and then kisses her cheek gently, warmly. For above all else, Rarity is one of the ponies that is important to him, and the last thing Midnight wants to do is truly cause a pony she cares for pain.

"But if you want this to continue, I promise you, I will treat you like you deserve to be treated, Lady Rarity. I will show you a proper romantic evening."

Midnight's Bein' Naughty:
At the call of the name 'aunt', her ears seem to near instantly perk. Somehow the reassurance, somehow that simple word, the understanding that Midnight held gave her the courage needed to at the very least look him in the eye.

"I... No, my dear. No, it is quite alright. You do not cause this old mare pain, do not fret." A small, sheepish smile seemed to grow upon her lips, her ears ever so slowly falling back in embarrassment. She was speaking to a pony at least a decade her junior, and a pony she knew nearly as well as herself to boot. Or at least so she had thought prior to her... his ever so sudden transformation. Yet somehow, here she was, the stammering foal. Oh how things could change in such an instant, one simple change could ripple so far.

She realized quickly how silent she had been being, how much time had passed since the question had been posed; her head raising with a start. "You are Twilight's daughter, no matter your current form. However you offer me something which I could never have predicted in my wildest dreams. After that embarrassment at the Gala I thought I would never have a chance to know a true prince."

The mare bit her lip tentatively, still in slight disbelief of the decision she had finally come to. Her hair bobbed as her head lowered, realizing full well the strange territory into which she was stepping. "My good prince..." The fur upon her cheeks which served so poorly to mask her anticipation shown not the scarlet of embarrassment, shame, and worry, but a soft pink of apprehension and anxiousness; her smile belaying her absence of fear.

"It would be my honor to accompany you this evening."

Fox, if that Luna had a monocle on I'd be dead now.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eFMmdd9K8Zw/TmWXJ-GvWMI/AAAAAAAAA6g/0IKiaUqpkfk/s1600/54082+-+Filly_luna+ask+ask_luna+ask_princess_luna+baby+ba by_luna+baby_princess_luna+baby_woona+filly_prince ss_luna+foal+pacifier.jpg



Bayonet Priest
2011-10-10, 04:09 PM
*Sees monocle Woona, dies of cuteness overload*

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 04:11 PM
*Sees monocle Woona, dies of cuteness overload*

My job here is done. http://i.imgur.com/ROEne.jpg

Psycho Shutin
2011-10-10, 04:14 PM
Thought id just share my new netbook with everypony

Bayonet Priest
2011-10-10, 04:15 PM
My job here is done. http://i.imgur.com/ROEne.jpg

Your job is to assassinate bronies using weapons grade adorable to give us all the Diabeetus? Why can't I find cool jobs like that?

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 04:22 PM
Woona! Why wou wo wute?! /)^3^(\

2011-10-10, 04:23 PM

I actually have to work to write Damascus now because I know in my heart it's supposed to be Damanescus

This is making my homework so difficult, you don't even know, and I just know I'm going to slip up and say Damanescus in class


:smallsigh: I know what you mean. Words like "everybody" just don't sound or look right to me anymore. I have to fight off the urge to correct people. "Don't you mean "everypony"?"

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 04:27 PM
:smallsigh: I know what you mean. Words like "everybody" just don't sound or look right to me anymore. I have to fight off the urge to correct people. "Don't you mean "everypony"?"

Just wait. By the time season five rolls around we won't legitimately remember what the word "everyone" means.

2011-10-10, 04:36 PM
*Sees monocle Woona, dies of cuteness overload*

I always knew I would be the harbinger of the end-times.
I thought it would involve Pinkie, though.

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 04:36 PM
And yes, even Star Fox has been ponified, with admittedly mixed results.

http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6e11e0b6e28387384e68c48cb4ddec91/45576%20-%20artist%3Ajohn_joseco%20arwing%20crossover%20flu ttershy%20gilda%20starfox%20whatever.jpg

Mixed? I'd have to say those results are 100% awesome.

Midnight's Bein' Naughty:
Rarity could have sworn that her form was more scarlet than white as she took a tentative step away from her ever approaching niec... nephew.

"T...This is wrong. Whether or not this is true, you are still Twilight's child!" She takes yet another step backwards, her hoof clacking almost inaudibly as she so subtly recoils away.

The spark of magic causes her to burn even hotter, letting out a squeak of surprise, embarrassment, and possibly even more. Her eyes sat wide as she listened to prince Midnight's final declaration, her entire body seeming to convulse under her in apprehension at the mare turned stallion's hot breath.

"I... I..." Everything she had wanted had been lost at the gala, and now this prince before her was offering her the opportunity that Blueblood could never have. Everything in her mind was screaming against her, yet he had found her weakness. Of course he had known her weakness.

"Y-Yes... Yes I will. Please, treat me like the lady that incompetent foal could never hope to." However, her eyes remained downcast, a mask of shame distorting the excitement at a second opportunity her truest of desires thought would never be realized.

You know, this is literally exactly what's going through Rarity's head right now. XD

EDIT: I didn't kill the thread, did I? :smalleek:

Midnight's Being Naughty:
*Prince Midnight pauses for a moment, as he looks into Rarity's eyes, picking up not just the excitement, but that shame and downcast. He moves forwards, and whispers into her ear.

"Just say the word, Aunt Rarity, and this will stop. I will stop it right now, we will never speak of it again, and we will move on and forget about this." He slowly pulls away, and then kisses her cheek gently, warmly. For above all else, Rarity is one of the ponies that is important to him, and the last thing Midnight wants to do is truly cause a pony she cares for pain.

"But if you want this to continue, I promise you, I will treat you like you deserve to be treated, Lady Rarity. I will show you a proper romantic evening."

Woah! We're gettin' raunchy up in the ponythread, eh?

2011-10-10, 04:36 PM
Thought id just share my new netbook with everypony
Ha! Topaz looks like she'd like to jump off the forum and join the desktop ponies.

2011-10-10, 04:50 PM
Discord can beat Celestia in a google fight. (http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=Celestia&word2=Discord)
You can have so much fun with this website! :smalltongue:

2011-10-10, 04:55 PM
Midnight's Bein' Naughty:
At the call of the name 'aunt', her ears seem to near instantly perk. Somehow the reassurance, somehow that simple word, the understanding that Midnight held gave her the courage needed to at the very least look him in the eye.

"I... No, my dear. No, it is quite alright. You do not cause this old mare pain, do not fret." A small, sheepish smile seemed to grow upon her lips, her ears ever so slowly falling back in embarrassment. She was speaking to a pony at least a decade her junior, and a pony she knew nearly as well as herself to boot. Or at least so she had thought prior to her... his ever so sudden transformation. Yet somehow, here she was, the stammering foal. Oh how things could change in such an instant, one simple change could ripple so far.

She realized quickly how silent she had been being, how much time had passed since the question had been posed; her head raising with a start. "You are Twilight's daughter, no matter your current form. However you offer me something which I could never have predicted in my wildest dreams. After that embarrassment at the Gala I thought I would never have a chance to know a true prince."

The mare bit her lip tentatively, still in slight disbelief of the decision she had finally come to. Her hair bobbed as her head lowered, realizing full well the strange territory into which she was stepping. "My good prince..." The fur upon her cheeks which served so poorly to mask her anticipation shown not the scarlet of embarrassment, shame, and worry, but a soft pink of apprehension and anxiousness; her smile belaying her absence of fear.

"It would be my honor to accompany you this evening."

Midnight and Rarity
*Midnight relaxes just a little, and smiles, as she watches Rarity's demeanor shift. His heart patters, as she knows just how important this is for Rarity, a dream that she had thought lost so long ago, and a thrill of joy shoots through him. Rarity is a pony who has given him-given her-so much over the years, and that he'll be able to give her something in return, even if only for an evening...

"My Lady Rarity, you are hardly some "old mare". You are a beautiful, dignified lady, whose maturity only has added to her beauty, both on the outside, and in on the inside."

He steps forwards, as Rarity's face shows that lovely pink on her cheeks, and that smile of anticipation. He brings his head forwards, and kisses Rarity. It's not a deep kiss, but a gentle, romantic, and tantalizing one, lasting only for the briefest of moments, a promise for more.

"I will not let you down, my Lady. You will always remember this night for the better, I promise."

2011-10-10, 04:56 PM
Ooh! I love Mage! Mind if I use this in the future?

Go for it; I don't exactly post stuff here with the disclaimer that it shouldn't be used by anyone but me. :smallwink:

Adorable is for ponies. :3

Mask: "Nuh uh! Cool is for ponies!"

*Midnight pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful. Her hoof rubs against her chin.

"You know, you're absolutely right...Instead of relying on what I'm bad at, I should work with my strengths."

Is that...a rather impish gleam in her eye?

"And in this situation, I know exactly the thing to get this conversation away from Shimmer and I."

Midnight's horn glows, and her body flashes, as she suddenly changes...


Oh my. Standing where the formerly female Midnight was is a rather strikingly handsome unicorn stallion, with a slightly deeper purple coat, and solid blue hair. "Prince" Midnight grins roguishly, and reaches out, caressing Rarity's cheek.

"Now, what was that you were saying?"

*Eyebrows'd* (Whenever I say something like that I can't imagine it any other way than me drawing surprised eyebrows on the mask)

You are really making me want to play Mage...but alas, I have so little time.

Having just moved myself into full gear Mage plotting and encounter design, I can tell you that it's worth making time.

Edit: Clockwork RP
"Wow" Igneous looked impressed at the recommendation. "If she really has that kind of talent, I can't wait to meet her!"

The trio had made good time; looking up the path, Igneous could already see the city of Canterlot coming into view.

"Ah bother, back already?" He moaned, he'd been enjoying his time away, short as it had been. "I should apologise in advance about this, but once we get back I'm going to have to get back into "Guard Mode" as they call it. As escortee-designates of the Princess I, obviously, don't have to keep up the act around you two, but once we get back amongst the other ponies the force has its image to maintain. Even if I'm not that good at that sort of stuff."

Igneous looked positively morose at the concept.

"Well, I feel compelled to mention that it is debatable if she can really talk to the objects or if she just thinks she can," Charger said. "And I understand the impositions of formality; I shall not be offended."

Woah! We're gettin' raunchy up in the ponythread, eh?

Spike's gonna be pissed.

2011-10-10, 04:58 PM
Let's not get too raunchy, we do not want to suffer the same fate of the Crack Pairings thread or House of Horrors thread...

2011-10-10, 05:06 PM
actually...that is Fluttershy and her genderswapped self from the story "On a Cross and Arrow"

... I knew that... http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

2011-10-10, 05:10 PM
So, I think we can wait until tomorrow with thinking about new thread, but...

Anyone has any good name proposals? :smalltongue:

Also, new sig. Simply fabulous, Darling! http://i.imgur.com/N2nfK.jpg

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 05:11 PM
This makes me way happier than it probably should. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voP3iDNbT08)

2011-10-10, 05:18 PM
Anyone has any good name proposals? :smalltongue:
Reiterating the one I made two threads ago that was one of the two considered for the past couple of threads:

"Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain!"


Lix Lorn
2011-10-10, 05:22 PM
Mask: "Nuh uh! Cool is for ponies!"
Cool is for some ponies. Cute is for all ponies.
If it helps, you're cool too.

2011-10-10, 05:24 PM
Somewhat sketchy, but here are:

Topaz (Roleplaying is Magic)
Unicorn Filly; light blue body, blue mane, blue eyes
Special Purpose: Help other ponies.
Cutie Mark: A large blue topaz.

Heart: 2 Body: 2 Mind: 2
4 Health, 4 Energy, 4 Courage

Talents: Willful, Tireless.
Job: Transport
Skills: Packing/Unpacking, Bookeeping, Being unnoticed, Singing
Guiding Element: Honesty

Magical Aspect: Create Force
Magic Trick: Create/Move Shapes
Topaz (Pony Tales)
Unicorn Filly (Shades of Blue)

Aptitudes: Muscle 2, Hardiness 3, Speed 3, Agility 3, Smarts 3, Learning 2

Talents: Spell (Shapes) 4, Levitation 3, Fire (Transport) 3

Weakness: Second guessing; given a chance, Topaz will start to fret about whether she made the best choice.

2011-10-10, 05:24 PM
And yes, even Star Fox has been ponified, with admittedly mixed results.

http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/6e11e0b6e28387384e68c48cb4ddec91/45576%20-%20artist%3Ajohn_joseco%20arwing%20crossover%20flu ttershy%20gilda%20starfox%20whatever.jpg

Hmm, now I wonder how ponified Krystal would look like...

2011-10-10, 05:29 PM
Hmm, now I wonder how ponified Krystal would look like...
You asked for it.
http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/195/0/9/krystal_from_starfox_custom_by_thatg33kgirl-d3ra2v1.jpg (http://thatg33kgirl.deviantart.com/art/Krystal-from-StarFox-custom-227218429)

She looks kind of like a collie, actually.

2011-10-10, 05:39 PM
Edit: Clockwork RP
"Wow" Igneous looked impressed at the recommendation. "If she really has that kind of talent, I can't wait to meet her!"

The trio had made good time; looking up the path, Igneous could already see the city of Canterlot coming into view.

"Ah bother, back already?" He moaned, he'd been enjoying his time away, short as it had been. "I should apologise in advance about this, but once we get back I'm going to have to get back into "Guard Mode" as they call it. As escortee-designates of the Princess I, obviously, don't have to keep up the act around you two, but once we get back amongst the other ponies the force has its image to maintain. Even if I'm not that good at that sort of stuff."

Igneous looked positively morose at the concept.

"Well, I feel compelled to mention that it is debatable if she can really talk to the objects or if she just thinks she can," Charger said. "And I understand the impositions of formality; I shall not be offended."

Second Hand turned toward the guard pony, wearing a friendly smile. "Charger's right, we completely understand! So cheer up!" The mechanical pony prodded his new acquaintance with a hoof, trying to lighten his gloomy mood.

"Besides, this is my first time in Canterlot, and I'll need somepony to show me all the sights after I finish meeting with Tinker!" Sek felt hope grow in his heart as he looked toward Canterlot and thought of the unicorn mechanic waiting there; maybe now he could find answers to the questions he'd been asking himself for so long.

Having just moved myself into full gear Mage plotting and encounter design, I can tell you that it's worth making time.

I looked at it a bit on the White Wolf wiki, and it does seem interesting. The real problem is that none of my gaming friends seem to play WoD (new or old).

Somewhat sketchy, but here are:

Topaz (Roleplaying is Magic)
Unicorn Filly; light blue body, blue mane, blue eyes
Special Purpose: Help other ponies.
Cutie Mark: A large blue topaz.

Heart: 2 Body: 2 Mind: 2
4 Health, 4 Energy, 4 Courage

Talents: Willful, Tireless.
Job: Transport
Skills: Packing/Unpacking, Bookeeping, Being unnoticed, Singing
Guiding Element: Honesty

Magical Aspect: Create Force
Magic Trick: Create/Move Shapes
Topaz (Pony Tales)
Unicorn Filly (Shades of Blue)

Aptitudes: Muscle 2, Hardiness 3, Speed 3, Agility 3, Smarts 3, Learning 2

Talents: Spell (Shapes) 4, Levitation 3, Fire (Transport) 3

Weakness: Second guessing; given a chance, Topaz will start to fret about whether she made the best choice.

Oh man, if we get enough of these made, we have to start a PbP game! It would be SO AWESOME http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.png

Hmm, now I wonder how ponified Krystal would look like...

Dunno...maybe like PhantomFox's avatar, but blue?

2011-10-10, 05:41 PM
What name? tonberrian, Berry Ann, or your actual name? :smalltongue:


Well, your choice really. Except for my real name, since I'm sort of hesitant to put that on the interwebz.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 05:46 PM

Well, your choice really. Except for my real name, since I'm sort of hesitant to put that on the interwebz.

Is it Bob? :smalltongue:

I'll use Berry Ann, think that's more fitting for a Disgaea mage.

2011-10-10, 05:50 PM
*Eyebrows'd* (Whenever I say something like that I can't imagine it any other way than me drawing surprised eyebrows on the mask)

Hey, I'm just playing to my strengths. :smallredface:

Spike's gonna be pissed.

My brother does not need to know.

Let's not get too raunchy, we do not want to suffer the same fate of the Crack Pairings thread or House of Horrors thread...

Oh, it's just a date, we're not gonna get too raunchy here, promise.

Somewhat sketchy, but here are:

Topaz (Roleplaying is Magic)
Unicorn Filly; light blue body, blue mane, blue eyes
Special Purpose: Help other ponies.
Cutie Mark: A large blue topaz.

Heart: 2 Body: 2 Mind: 2
4 Health, 4 Energy, 4 Courage

Talents: Willful, Tireless.
Job: Transport
Skills: Packing/Unpacking, Bookeeping, Being unnoticed, Singing
Guiding Element: Honesty

Magical Aspect: Create Force
Magic Trick: Create/Move Shapes
Topaz (Pony Tales)
Unicorn Filly (Shades of Blue)

Aptitudes: Muscle 2, Hardiness 3, Speed 3, Agility 3, Smarts 3, Learning 2

Talents: Spell (Shapes) 4, Levitation 3, Fire (Transport) 3

Weakness: Second guessing; given a chance, Topaz will start to fret about whether she made the best choice.

Those look good, Topaz!

2011-10-10, 05:56 PM
Thread 26? :smallconfused:

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 05:58 PM
Spike's gonna be pissed.

My brother does not need to know.

What about the Commander? :smallwink:

Oh, it's just a date, we're not gonna get too raunchy here, promise.

I'm giving every pony a garden hose anyways. :smalltongue:

Thread 26? :smallconfused:

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.

Sure we did! Do you have any happiness for us?

2011-10-10, 06:01 PM
Sure we did! Do you have any happiness for us?

Maybe! Let me look!

Also, I see there is Pony itP Competition? Why wasn't I informed? :smallfrown:

2011-10-10, 06:02 PM
Is it Bob? :smalltongue:

I'll use Berry Ann, think that's more fitting for a Disgaea mage.

Not a mage, but a sorcerer. They are an advanced class in 4 (and I think 3) that are cute little girls with skulls on their heads.

They are best class in Disgaea 4. You disagree? I CURSE!

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 06:10 PM
Not a mage, but a sorcerer. They are an advanced class in 4 (and I think 3) that are cute little girls with skulls on their heads.

They are best class in Disgaea 4. You disagree? I CURSE!

Ah, well, I haven't unlocked them yet. :smalltongue:

2011-10-10, 06:12 PM
Hi Irbis! :smalltongue:

Also, I see there is Pony itP Competition? Why wasn't I informed? :smallfrown:

Sorry, I was reminded about it recently, too :smallfrown:

2011-10-10, 06:14 PM
Cool is for some ponies. Cute is for all ponies.
If it helps, you're cool too.

Mask: "Negotiation is about compromise, and I'm happy with this as a compromise." http://i.imgur.com/AKUeV.png

I looked at it a bit on the White Wolf wiki, and it does seem interesting. The real problem is that none of my gaming friends seem to play WoD (new or old).

A tragedy.

Hey, I'm just playing to my strengths. :smallredface:

*Draws one eyebrow raised, one lowered, laydeeeze style*

My brother does not need to know.

If jealousy for an owl drove him to supervillain style theatrics before, imagine what jealousy over Rarity will make him do!


"This appeared as a moral dilemna
'cause at first it was weird that I swore to court
The greatest of Ponies, the one named Rarity
It's true I was vague on the 'How'
So how can it be that you have shown me, Midnight?

It's a brand new night
And the moon is high
And the ponies are singing
That the end is nigh.

How I hesitated
Now I wonder why
It’s a brand new night...

All the times you threw up in my bed, I'll forgive
All the attention stolen from Twilight, listen honestly I'll live
Miss Pretty, Miss Magic, miss Knowitall is through
Now my future's so bright and I owe it all to you
Who showed me, Midnight...

It's a brand new Spike,
I've got no remorse
Now Chaos is rising, but I'm no Discord!
I'm gonna shock the 'ville,
Gonna show Bad Horse
It's a brand new night!

And Rarity will see the evil me
Not a prince, not a pony, not a shipper
And she may cry but her tears will dry
'cause SpikexRarity OTP, hipster

It's a brand new night,
Yeah, Celestia's on high,
All the ponies sing,
'cause the end is nigh.

Go ahead and laugh
Yeah I’m a funny guy
Tell everypony goodbye
It’s a brand new night

2011-10-10, 06:15 PM
I just had the best idea for Ponies in the Playground.

(ton)Berry Ann for Applejack in the Playground.

Alas, too late...

2011-10-10, 06:18 PM
I just had the best idea for Ponies in the Playground.

(ton)Berry Ann for Applejack in the Playground.

Alas, too late...

...if it makes you feel any better, I'd vote for you? :smallwink:

In fact, I guess I still have time ^^"

2011-10-10, 06:27 PM
I just had the best idea for Ponies in the Playground.

(ton)Berry Ann for Applejack in the Playground.

I'll add you, too.

Why despair? Ponythread made bigger things happen, you two still have a chance! :smallbiggrin:

Was that happy enough? :P

2011-10-10, 06:28 PM
Have some random cute pony!
http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/174/338/58453+-+artist+arcum89+cute+filly+goggles+rainbow_dash.pn g?1316134804


Let's not get too raunchy, we do not want to suffer the same fate of the Crack Pairings thread or House of Horrors thread...

I have this image of them being interrupted by some royal guards who are under direct orders to douse them with a bucket of water.

Second Hand turned toward the guard pony, wearing a friendly smile. "Charger's right, we completely understand! So cheer up!" The mechanical pony prodded his new acquaintance with a hoof, trying to lighten his gloomy mood.

"Besides, this is my first time in Canterlot, and I'll need somepony to show me all the sights after I finish meeting with Tinker!" Sek felt hope grow in his heart as he looked toward Canterlot and thought of the unicorn mechanic waiting there; maybe now he could find answers to the questions he'd been asking himself for so long.

Clockwork RP:

"Thanks Sek" Igneous replied, brightening up slightly. "Although, like I said, I don't get let out much so I've only really seen the bits of the city around the universities, castle and the barracks." He paused, as inspiration struck.

"You know, I suspect the Lady Charger might be a better guide than myself, she might even be able to show both of us some new sights?" He ended this with a query, looking hopefully towards the bronze coloured mare.

Oh man, if we get enough of these made, we have to start a PbP game! It would be SO AWESOME http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.png

I'm so down with that if someone starts one, although I might need the methodology/rules explained to me :3

Somewhat sketchy, but here are:

Topaz (Roleplaying is Magic)
Unicorn Filly; light blue body, blue mane, blue eyes
Special Purpose: Help other ponies.
Cutie Mark: A large blue topaz.

Heart: 2 Body: 2 Mind: 2
4 Health, 4 Energy, 4 Courage

Talents: Willful, Tireless.
Job: Transport
Skills: Packing/Unpacking, Bookeeping, Being unnoticed, Singing
Guiding Element: Honesty

Magical Aspect: Create Force
Magic Trick: Create/Move Shapes
Topaz (Pony Tales)
Unicorn Filly (Shades of Blue)

Aptitudes: Muscle 2, Hardiness 3, Speed 3, Agility 3, Smarts 3, Learning 2

Talents: Spell (Shapes) 4, Levitation 3, Fire (Transport) 3

Weakness: Second guessing; given a chance, Topaz will start to fret about whether she made the best choice.

Nice, I also just noticed that between Igneous Bluffs, Second Hand, Topaz Unicorn and Starry Notions, we now have 4 of the 6 elements of harmony represented under the RiM framework. Just need a Laughter and a Kindness and we have the full set!

2011-10-10, 06:41 PM
NO!!!! I am sorry, but DisQord has just gone too far with this one.....

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EAerRF5va0s/TpNl48yOnwI/AAAAAAAANn0/9oYqly6WHpI/s1600/69151+-+Bonbon+Discord+Lyra+artist+gavalanche+discorded+e dit+ew_gay+sad.png

Ahhhh, much better

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-10, 06:46 PM
NO!!!! I am sorry, but DisQord has just gone too far with this one.....

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EAerRF5va0s/TpNl48yOnwI/AAAAAAAANn0/9oYqly6WHpI/s1600/69151+-+Bonbon+Discord+Lyra+artist+gavalanche+discorded+e dit+ew_gay+sad.png

Yeah, I thought that.

So we're all in agreement this time?

I can use the rocket launcher?


And no-one is going to hide him away I'LL FIND GILDA EVENTUALLY SIUIS so I can properly blast Discord into his rightful fragments?

C'mon, guys, I've been itching to try out an SK-4!

Bayonet Priest
2011-10-10, 06:48 PM
snip Dr Horrible Spike song

As soon as I started reading this I was grinning ear to ear.

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog was great. It was actually ponies that caused me to get around to watching it. There were couple of pony music videos for songs like Freeze Ray (which being sung from the perspective of Rainbow Dash to Twilight was my first encounter with the wonderful world of pony shipping) and after watching those and loving the songs I went ahead and watched the show.

2011-10-10, 06:56 PM
If jealousy for an owl drove him to supervillain style theatrics before, imagine what jealousy over Rarity will make him do!

*snip awesome song*

Okay, so I laughed a lot. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-10, 06:58 PM
A tragedy.

Tell me about it... Still, I might be able to drag them slowly in that direction if I'm stubborn.

I'm so down with that if someone starts one, although I might need the methodology/rules explained to me :3

I mostly skimmed the character generation part, but they seem pretty straightforward; according to SiuiS one is more d20-like, and the other one seems to be dice-pool-y.

Nice, I also just noticed that between Igneous Bluffs, Second Hand, Topaz Unicorn and Starry Notions, we now have 4 of the 6 elements of harmony represented under the RiM framework. Just need a Laughter and a Kindness and we have the full set!

Gotta catch 'em all!

Ahhhh, much better

So adorable...losing consciousness...

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 06:59 PM
Yeah, I thought that.

So we're all in agreement this time?

I can use the rocket launcher?


And no-one is going to hide him away I'LL FIND GILDA EVENTUALLY SIUIS so I can properly blast Discord into his rightful fragments?

C'mon, guys, I've been itching to try out an SK-4!

Well, if you think it's going to do anything to him, (it's not) go right ahead.

Just remember that no matter how powerful you are, Bleakbane, Discord is most likely a good deal stronger then you. He's got that whole rewrite reality at his own whim thing going on, you know?

2011-10-10, 07:07 PM
Clockwork RP:

"Thanks Sek" Igneous replied, brightening up slightly. "Although, like I said, I don't get let out much so I've only really seen the bits of the city around the universities, castle and the barracks." He paused, as inspiration struck.

"You know, I suspect the Lady Charger might be a better guide than myself, she might even be able to show both of us some new sights?" He ended this with a query, looking hopefully towards the bronze coloured mare.

"... certainly, I do know my way around." Charger said after a moment's thoughts, "Any areas of particular interest?"

Ahhhh, much better

"Yes, Bon-Bon?"
"Our party hats are touching."

2011-10-10, 07:10 PM
Those look good, Topaz!
Thanks! Between my M&M and D6 experience I was pretty familiar with the general concepts for the two games -- plus I've had some practice lately, since my Scion Storyteller has come up with the idea of deciding what system to use for his next campaign by alternating the Scion stories with what he calls the Testbed, which is a mini-campaign where he runs two games with one system, then (after the next Scion story) we convert the characters to another system and he runs two more games, lather, rinse, repeat.

And next week I need to get some opposition ready for my anime-flavored M&M3 campaign, Demon Seeds, which has been on hiatus while the group did some M&M3 playtesting for our Legendary Game Designer who has gotten some freelance work doing ICONS and M&M3 stuff. Thank Celestia for Hero Lab.

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.


Lix Lorn
2011-10-10, 07:22 PM
Thread 26? :smallconfused:

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.

Mask: "Negotiation is about compromise, and I'm happy with this as a compromise." http://i.imgur.com/AKUeV.png

If jealousy for an owl drove him to supervillain style theatrics before, imagine what jealousy over Rarity will make him do!


"This appeared as a moral dilemna
'cause at first it was weird that I swore to court
The greatest of Ponies, the one named Rarity
It's true I was vague on the 'How'
So how can it be that you have shown me, Midnight?

It's a brand new night
And the moon is high
And the ponies are singing
That the end is nigh.

How I hesitated
Now I wonder why
It’s a brand new night...

All the times you threw up in my bed, I'll forgive
All the attention stolen from Twilight, listen honestly I'll live
Miss Pretty, Miss Magic, miss Knowitall is through
Now my future's so bright and I owe it all to you
Who showed me, Midnight...

It's a brand new Spike,
I've got no remorse
Now Chaos is rising, but I'm no Discord!
I'm gonna shock the 'ville,
Gonna show Bad Horse
It's a brand new night!

And Rarity will see the evil me
Not a prince, not a pony, not a shipper
And she may cry but her tears will dry
'cause SpikexRarity OTP, hipster

It's a brand new night,
Yeah, Celestia's on high,
All the ponies sing,
'cause the end is nigh.

Go ahead and laugh
Yeah I’m a funny guy
Tell everypony goodbye
It’s a brand new night
She could beee that girl
But I'm not that boooy... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly_9rmOE-L8)

So we're all in agreement this time?

I can use the rocket launcher?


And no-one is going to hide him away I'LL FIND GILDA EVENTUALLY SIUIS so I can properly blast Discord into his rightful fragments?

C'mon, guys, I've been itching to try out an SK-4!
You can get canon Discord.
Fanon DisQord you cannot.

2011-10-10, 07:35 PM
*Wanders away for a week, comes back and looks around.*

*Skims new but almost over thread, thread gains a page during said skimming.*

Business as usual around here I see.

Anyway, help needed with a rhyme!

Who lives in a library inside a tree?

Twilight sparkle! Twilight sparkle!

Adorkable and bookish and magic is she.

Twilight sparkle! Twilight sparkle!

If pony filled nonsense be something you wish

Something something something something.

I think I need to ditch the last to lines entirely and come up with a different rhyme because there are darn few words that fit with "Wish" and nothing pony related.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 07:40 PM
*Wanders away for a week, comes back and looks around.*

*Skims new but almost over thread, thread gains a page during said skimming.*

Business as usual around here I see.

Anyway, help needed with a rhyme!

I think I need to ditch the last to lines entirely and come up with a different rhyme because there are darn few words that fit with "Wish" and nothing pony related.

Wiggle your flank and make your tail swish?

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 07:42 PM
Midnight and Rarity
*Midnight relaxes just a little, and smiles, as she watches Rarity's demeanor shift. His heart patters, as she knows just how important this is for Rarity, a dream that she had thought lost so long ago, and a thrill of joy shoots through him. Rarity is a pony who has given him-given her-so much over the years, and that he'll be able to give her something in return, even if only for an evening...

"My Lady Rarity, you are hardly some "old mare". You are a beautiful, dignified lady, whose maturity only has added to her beauty, both on the outside, and in on the inside."

He steps forwards, as Rarity's face shows that lovely pink on her cheeks, and that smile of anticipation. He brings his head forwards, and kisses Rarity. It's not a deep kiss, but a gentle, romantic, and tantalizing one, lasting only for the briefest of moments, a promise for more.

"I will not let you down, my Lady. You will always remember this night for the better, I promise."

Midnight and Rarity
The mare cast her eyes to the side as her newfound companion began to lavish her with compliment after compliment, she could feel her heart pounding within her chest. She knew somewhere deep down that this was just little Midnight being little Midnight, doing everything within her power to make her Aunt Rarity happy. Just like she did when she was a child. She was still that same Midnight.

But it was becoming a smaller and smaller thought, and with each and every kind word and gesture that feeling slowly sank, and the excitement and happiness that had bubbled up to the surface during the earliest parts of the gala; laying eyes on Blueblood, their first words, the tension in the air... those feelings were slowly returning. It was donning on Rarity that the stallion in front of her truly was a prince, and regardless of his motivations, he truly did intend to allow her the night she never received; the night she thought she would never see.

His lips upon hers made her entire body melt, her heart skip a beat, and for a moment the world melted away. That kiss sealed the deal.

"O...Oh my..." She barely found herself able to breathe, the words rolling from her muzzle like water from a tap, before she suddenly realized that she was in the presence of royalty, and by Celestia she would act like it.

*Ahem* "Erm, yes. I assure you, my dear prince, I look forward to this evening with the utmost ardor." A small smile curled to the corners of her face. Yes, impress him with speech, show him that you are indeed the type of lady that deserves such lavish attentions, such caring words.

She had every intention to make this her best night ever.

Pardon me for one moment. It just sunk in that I am RPing with my favorite writer in the fandom. Allow me to channel my inner Rainbow Dash for a second here...

Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.jpg


Alright. I'm good now. :smallbiggrin:

You asked for it.
http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/195/0/9/krystal_from_starfox_custom_by_thatg33kgirl-d3ra2v1.jpg (http://thatg33kgirl.deviantart.com/art/Krystal-from-StarFox-custom-227218429)

She looks kind of like a collie, actually.

Something about the way that face is painted on / molded is a little offputting, honestly.

Oh man, if we get enough of these made, we have to start a PbP game! It would be SO AWESOME http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.png

I am totally in for this. Hang on, I'll go stat out both Jade and Haybuck. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

My brother does not need to know.

Oh man. Poor Spike! I would hate to see how he'd rea-

If jealousy for an owl drove him to supervillain style theatrics before, imagine what jealousy over Rarity will make him do!


"This appeared as a moral dilemna
'cause at first it was weird that I swore to court
The greatest of Ponies, the one named Rarity
It's true I was vague on the 'How'
So how can it be that you have shown me, Midnight?

It's a brand new night
And the moon is high
And the ponies are singing
That the end is nigh.

How I hesitated
Now I wonder why
It’s a brand new night...

All the times you threw up in my bed, I'll forgive
All the attention stolen from Twilight, listen honestly I'll live
Miss Pretty, Miss Magic, miss Knowitall is through
Now my future's so bright and I owe it all to you
Who showed me, Midnight...

It's a brand new Spike,
I've got no remorse
Now Chaos is rising, but I'm no Discord!
I'm gonna shock the 'ville,
Gonna show Bad Horse
It's a brand new night!

And Rarity will see the evil me
Not a prince, not a pony, not a shipper
And she may cry but her tears will dry
'cause SpikexRarity OTP, hipster

It's a brand new night,
Yeah, Celestia's on high,
All the ponies sing,
'cause the end is nigh.

Go ahead and laugh
Yeah I’m a funny guy
Tell everypony goodbye
It’s a brand new night

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rywrlOxbAow/Tdx7cKun-3I/AAAAAAAAATQ/VNAAGu8QvQg/s400/15968%2B-%2Banimated%2Bartist-mihaaaa%2Bclapping%2Bclopplauding%2Bgif%2BOctavia% 2Breaction_image%2Breaction_ponies.jpg

Oh, it's just a date, we're not gonna get too raunchy here, promise.

Yeah! We won't break the forum rules. Not that this thread hasn't come close before. XD

I'm giving every pony a garden hose anyways. :smalltongue:


Thread 26? :smallconfused:

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.

Hey, it's Irbis! I know that guy! Welcome back!

Yeah, I thought that.

So we're all in agreement this time?

I can use the rocket launcher?


And no-one is going to hide him away I'LL FIND GILDA EVENTUALLY SIUIS so I can properly blast Discord into his rightful fragments?

C'mon, guys, I've been itching to try out an SK-4!

By all means commander. Fire away.

2011-10-10, 07:42 PM
Also, this is awesome (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQSmihuY5ms)? :smalltongue:

Goodnight thread :P

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-10, 07:44 PM
Well, if you think it's going to do anything to him, (it's not) go right ahead.

Just remember that no matter how powerful you are, Bleakbane, Discord is most likely a good deal stronger then you. He's got that whole rewrite reality at his own whim thing going on, you know?

Not when he's a stone statue...

As I've said before:



Fair is for wargaming. And maybe DMing. Maybe.

Besides, if you think that the Aotrs don't have contingencies for dealig with such entities... It is a big universe out here, and there are plenty of reality-warping whosamits, demigods and assorted deities floating around (comparitively). You don't get to Lord Death Despoil's position without having to smack a few around on occasion. And thus passing the information around.

Discord ain't Lix after all...

By all means commander. Fire away.





Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 07:45 PM
Fair is for wargaming. And maybe DMing. Maybe.



Aotrs Commander
2011-10-10, 07:47 PM


I...I know, right!

I could mmphaahaha barely keep a stright bwahaha skull typing that!


Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 07:48 PM

Only if coitus interruptus by being splashed with cold water is a kink. :smalltongue:

QFMs aside.

2011-10-10, 07:55 PM
I mostly skimmed the character generation part, but they seem pretty straightforward; according to SiuiS one is more d20-like, and the other one seems to be dice-pool-y.

I mostly meant how a PbP game is run :smalltongue:

RiM seems pretty straightforward, but PonyTales seems a bit more complicated, I only skimmed the character generation part before.

"... certainly, I do know my way around." Charger said after a moment's thoughts, "Any areas of particular interest?"

Clockwork RP:

"Oh, any place that I haven't been before would be great, especially if it's interesting" Igneous replied, rather unhelpfully.

The city itself extended surprisingly far around and behind from where the Royal Palace was situated on the mountainside. The bulk of the city, in fact, spilled into a wide mountaintop valley that, unknown to most of the ponies who hadn't studied history, was the caldera of a long-extinct volcano.

He'd always wondered what kind of reaction they might have if they really stopped to think about it for a moment.

They were now approaching the gates, or at least the gate that serviced this approach to the mountaintop city. Four pegasai guards flanked the road as it passed through the outer wall, their postures straight, expressions fixed and their armour gleaming in the sunlight.

Igneous sighed, and schooled his features carefully as he approached his comrades. It was an ability all guards learned during training; the capacty to remain stoic and unmoving when on guard duty, to the exclusion of everything around them. It was an ability each pony approached differently, some focused their thoughts on something specific in their field of vision, others turned inwards, losing themselves in their memories.

Judging from their regular breathing and slightly unfocused gazes, Igneous guessed that these ponies subscribed to Corporal Kickstart's method.

They passed without comment, grave-countenanced ships sailing by one another in the sunlight, although he did notice the one nearest him blink as the generator gave off yet another loud crack and a spark of electricity.

Guess that woke him up. He thought, as he quashed the impulse to smile.

OOC: Sorry if I'm moving this along too fast everyone. Just felt that there was only so much more we could do on the path back. Let me know if you'd rather I slow down next time. In either case, I'll let you guys do the transition to Tinker's workshop. :smallcool:

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 07:56 PM
... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 07:57 PM
I...I know, right!

I could mmphaahaha barely keep a stright bwahaha skull typing that!


The last time I didn't cheat as a DM, my players successfully broke my economy. This time I attempted to keep things under control. They broke it again.

Next time they try to break the economy, somepony is going to extract a +3 Flaming Burst Icy Burst Lightning Burst Vitriolic light hand crossbow from under the table and shoot the character in the face.

Only if coitus interruptus by being splashed with cold water is a kink. :smalltongue:

QFMs aside.

Someone, somewhere out there is into it. I can guarantee it.

2011-10-10, 07:58 PM
Ditto. If I were a pony, I'd still probably be without my cutie mark.

It just takes time, apparently. :smallsmile:

FFRP: Finding Berry Ann:

It's times like these I'm glad I never thought to put anything stronger then jello in those automatic cannons. Forget about that! Exterior speaker systems online. Look out for incoming fire! ..........Which was totally not caused by me!

Is that... Jello? With... little marshmallows?

Beeskee slips off the magical platform as soon as he is able, tugging the cart with him, before fully realizing what is going on. He looks up just as some of the marshmallow-laden jello splatters against the floating canoe-balloon... thing, a big glob of the tasty treat falling to land on his upturned face. Blinking, he licks the stuff off, his eyes widening... The pony seems to be in absolute shock for a moment, before slipping out of the cart harness, galloping over to the airship, and starting to bounce up and down in front of the guns. "Hey! Hey! I'm over here! Oooooover heeeeEEEEeeeere!" He opens his mouth wide...

With any luck he'll distract the weapons so everypony can board the ship, but that doesn't appear to be something he actually considered.

@beeskee i think it was you that recommended on a cross and arrow so enjoy this

and i am working my way through Eyes of Another Pony

I don't remember if I mentioned On A Cross And Arrow (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/story-on-cross-and-arrow.html) or not, but it is a good story. I liked it, anyway. :smallbiggrin: Through The Eyes of Another Pony (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/08/story-through-eyes-of-another-pony.html) is good too, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

Faith stares at the Midnight from a hiding place in a bush. Her face goes bright red.

I think Stallion Midnight will have a lot of admirers.
Beeskee joins in on the blushing. Shh! Don't tell anyone, it's a secret. ;)

Titanium Fox, did I miss your cutie mark story, are you still working on it, or did you get distracted?

*notices who Stallion Midnight is flirting with* Hehe I bet it's option #3. No worries. :smallwink: Take your time. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-10, 08:01 PM
Today has been an interesting day.
Right off the bat so I don't. Forget; Gadora, thanks for the send. I'll try and put it to good use.
Thanqol, my FLGS' response to Exalted/Mage/anything not d&D4e or magic the gathering was "check the discount pile". It was an interesting pile, but nothing of immediate use. If I can't get ahold of a cheap amazon send, I'll have to requisition the rules elsewhere. It's nWoD correct? Ascension, not awakening?

Anyway. Ramble ahead.

today has been up and down. Mostly down.

I got deposited near my bus stop early, and went to catch an early bus. I am wearing a trashed trench coat, a flat cap, and my hobo pack; a sketh book and exercise/martial arts book, held to my lumbar with my kerchief and an accompanying ... Sports pack? 'fanny' pack which also sits at the lumbar, holds water bottles, pencils, smaller sketchbook, cords and effects. I am carrying a jug of milk- the plastic gallon variety.

The stop is 2 blocks from me. I'm cutting it close. I pull out my phone to ask the dispatcher to have my bus hold at the stop, but then, I see the bus. It is at a light ahead of me, about to turn onto the park & ride which is my stop. Knowing full well that dispatch puts you on hold for seeral minutes, I pocket my phone and make my way as fast as I can to the stop.

This is California. We jay-walk. So being on diametrically opposite corner is no problem. I begin to hustle. I cross the street. The light changes, as I watch. I hustle more, and cut across a parking lot. At this point, I can see the driver. She should be able to see me, so I run, I balance my milk jug, I wave.

This is where things enter into combat rounds, as it were. I have the initiative, but the bus has me beat for speed. I wave and holler. Some passengers turn to watch me attempt to flag the bus down; I have run ten yards at this point. The driver continues staring straight, as if wearing blinders.

45 yards. I am 3/4 the way through the lot. Driver still doesn't acknowledge me. Pulls ahead. 50 yards.

My breath tears from me, and I realize I've noosed myself; both bonds of the hobo pack cut into my hara, diminishing my power, my breath. I worry about losing the contents to boot; jangling myself pretty hard. I slow to a jog at the 50 yard mark, because my legs, unable to gain power from my other systems, are wearing thin and winding down. The bus keeps going, then stops; cross traffic before it gets to my stop.

The stop needs describing. It is down an alley, which connects two streets proper; the bus pulls in one alley, loops around into the stop depot/terminal/whatever, stops; loads and unloads human cargo, pulls to the edge of the alley to check traffic, the continues down said alley. I have an advantage because the bus has to loop through terrain that I don't.

60 yards. 63. 64. 66. I fight the whole way to keep running, knowing that if I slow to a walk I'm not getting this much speed for the next hour. I fail thefight, at approximately 67 yards and sort of power walk towards the bus. I can see the driver as she pulls around, into the depot. I lose her for a moment, but as soon as I have a line of sight I again continue trying to flag her down, and watch as she unloads a single passenger. I swear she can see me, my orange-brown coat bein the brightest thing this dreary, drizzly day. I force myself into a "run".

I close, and finally get within shouting distance as the bus pulls away from the stop. I am still waving, still hollering. It's hard; I'm at half-capacity for my lungs. She acknowledges me with a war, and ten shakes her head no. I was within eyesight before she even pulls away from the bench, and ye I'm too late and she can't stop for me.

Anger is one of my things. It's the sole reason I am able to do Mariam arts at all; because competition of a visceral sort is my thing. I hate fighting, losing, getting hurt, conflict; I love the challenge though.

I chase the bus. 70 yards. 75. 80. I begin to slow again; not enough carbs in my diet for that kind of reserve. Not enough exercise either. I follow on foot, incensed. Despite trailing the vehicle the entire alley, the driver doesn't stop at the next bench, just around the corner, 20 yards away. Or the next one, despite traffic keeping her in place almost long enough for me to repeat the process.

I have never before felt the need to call and report negligence on the part of a civil worker. Nor have I needed to kick something quite that intensely. Having loud, swear-filled practice discussions wiu said person and Roleplaying how I wish it had gone down is old hat though.

But not all is lost. I get to speak to a chap by name of Michael (good name, that) who also missed his bus. He walked up behind it, but didn't see it because the light/sign which tells you the route info was broken. We chat, laugh at our similarities - it's comforting to know I'm not he only 25 year old who's afraid to drive for reals, here in california - and I get info that may lead to better employment. He catches his bus minutes before mine, and I'm left thinking, today is only as bad as I let it be.

My phone, however, decides I haven't learned enough yet. While typing his up the first. Time, it dies at 7% because I'm running too many things in parallel. I get to spend my bus ride, trying not to stew.

Work brings some solace; work is where I left Akodo. White oak, lightly varnished bokken, slightly heavier than normal by 8 grams, and 2.465~ shaku from tsuka to point. Mulling the numbers later, I realize this is about .02 shaku longer than my iaito, and wonder if there's any significance.

I set to doing some exercise, Forza - Italian for strength, I am told - which is similar to kata, using the bokken as a weight. Suggestions are to cu lightly, slowly, as if severing a cloud. Good advice, to start slow, especially in any fighting art. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Every mistake in muscle memory for the first couple years stems of practice stems from starting out too fast. Bu I cannot listen. It's like riding a bike, I need a certain minimum gear to pedal at, minimum resistance or it feels... Wrong. There's that love f challenge rearing itself, yes?

Five full cuts, right hand. Five half cuts and my arm aches. Switch dominant hands. Five full, five half. Burning now. Ten each hand, from overhead, into a diagonal cut. My arms burn, my wrist and knuckles ache. The last few swings have me tensing up everything, rerouting strain to muscles used to it, uniting my form. It's a struggle to maintain this as an exercise, instead of just swinging a stick. Another training maxim; go as fast as you can, not as fast as you can't. That one I listened to, and stopped.

My wrists burn. Fiercely. Sheepishly, I realize my wrists are the only thing I didn't warm up. Oh well. Good to see something concrete to improve. A quick jaunt to Wallace to look for backpacks, then back to work to start my shift.

Customer one, a man who obviously waits for me to be distracted before grabbing a beer. He walks out examining his wallet- almost. I stop him, ask about whether I could see under his jacket. He hesitates and the game is mine. Obvious win on round 2, it's all in how he handles himself from here. Scenting the kill, I continue. I ask about his left jacket flap specifically. He looks confused, gestures to his right. Haha, too obvious. I pull my shirt on the left side and he does similar out of sympathy, then clenches, obviously holding something. Some more hassle has him say he did lift his jacket and now I'm harassing him. I go for the gold; "could you put the 24oz can of budweiser on the counter hen, please?" I have him. A half bluff, but the specifics, my certainty, he's not getting away. He puts it on the counter, tries to buy cigarettes before I tell him to leave (again). He does, of course. I'm sure I look angrier than I am.

Afterwards, the shakes. Flutteriness. Adrenaline fatigue, and It Hits me. I was tensed, measured breathing, ready to jump the counter and chase I I needed to. I was looking for a fight, instinctively. The realization calmed me down pretty quick, and I again reflect, it's only as bad a day as I let it be.

So I head to the pony thread, Intent to purge myself. Vent as a form of meditation, I guess. Words have weight. I could honestly send Tess to no one and I'd still feel better. Will I post? Probably, but this wouldn't be the first time I have "said my peace" and deleted it, content.

Today is only as good or bad as you let it be, friends. How is your day going?

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 08:02 PM
... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

Heh, yeah. I think that's because there is a new thread every other day or so.

If you need readers for that fanfic, I'd completely be down for checking it out for you and critiquing. Just let me know. Either post it here or PM it to me or whatever. We're a very author-friendly community here, so we'd be more than happy to check out your story for you.

Beeskee: I'm still working on it. More like I haven't had an opportunity to finish it yet, actually. Don't worry, I still have every intention to make it happen. I just really want it to come out well, and it's something I never fleshed out when I made Jade. *Chuckles*

Also yes indeed, a little bit of #3. XD

Today has been an interesting day.
Right off the bat so I don't. Forget; Gadora, thanks for the send. I'll try and put it to good use.
Thanqol, my FLGS' response to Exalted/Mage/anything not d&D4e or magic the gathering was "check the discount pile". It was an interesting pile, but nothing of immediate use. If I can't get ahold of a cheap amazon send, I'll have to requisition the rules elsewhere. It's nWoD correct? Ascension, not awakening?

Anyway. Ramble ahead.

today has been up and down. Mostly down.

I got deposited near my bus stop early, and went to catch an early bus. I am wearing a trashed trench coat, a flat cap, and my hobo pack; a sketh book and exercise/martial arts book, held to my lumbar with my kerchief and an accompanying ... Sports pack? 'fanny' pack which also sits at the lumbar, holds water bottles, pencils, smaller sketchbook, cords and effects. I am carrying a jug of milk- the plastic gallon variety.

The stop is 2 blocks from me. I'm cutting it close. I pull out my phone to ask the dispatcher to have my bus hold at the stop, but then, I see the bus. It is at a light ahead of me, about to turn onto the park & ride which is my stop. Knowing full well that dispatch puts you on hold for seeral minutes, I pocket my phone and make my way as fast as I can to the stop.

This is California. We jay-walk. So being on diametrically opposite corner is no problem. I begin to hustle. I cross the street. The light changes, as I watch. I hustle more, and cut across a parking lot. At this point, I can see the driver. She should be able to see me, so I run, I balance my milk jug, I wave.

This is where things enter into combat rounds, as it were. I have the initiative, but the bus has me beat for speed. I wave and holler. Some passengers turn to watch me attempt to flag the bus down; I have run ten yards at this point. The driver continues staring straight, as if wearing blinders.

45 yards. I am 3/4 the way through the lot. Driver still doesn't acknowledge me. Pulls ahead. 50 yards.

My breath tears from me, and I realize I've noosed myself; both bonds of the hobo pack cut into my hara, diminishing my power, my breath. I worry about losing the contents to boot; jangling myself pretty hard. I slow to a jog at the 50 yard mark, because my legs, unable to gain power from my other systems, are wearing thin and winding down. The bus keeps going, then stops; cross traffic before it gets to my stop.

The stop needs describing. It is down an alley, which connects two streets proper; the bus pulls in one alley, loops around into the stop depot/terminal/whatever, stops; loads and unloads human cargo, pulls to the edge of the alley to check traffic, the continues down said alley. I have an advantage because the bus has to loop through terrain that I don't.

60 yards. 63. 64. 66. I fight the whole way to keep running, knowing that if I slow to a walk I'm not getting this much speed for the next hour. I fail thefight, at approximately 67 yards and sort of power walk towards the bus. I can see the driver as she pulls around, into the depot. I lose her for a moment, but as soon as I have a line of sight I again continue trying to flag her down, and watch as she unloads a single passenger. I swear she can see me, my orange-brown coat bein the brightest thing this dreary, drizzly day. I force myself into a "run".

I close, and finally get within shouting distance as the bus pulls away from the stop. I am still waving, still hollering. It's hard; I'm at half-capacity for my lungs. She acknowledges me with a war, and ten shakes her head no. I was within eyesight before she even pulls away from the bench, and ye I'm too late and she can't stop for me.

Anger is one of my things. It's the sole reason I am able to do Mariam arts at all; because competition of a visceral sort is my thing. I hate fighting, losing, getting hurt, conflict; I love the challenge though.

I chase the bus. 70 yards. 75. 80. I begin to slow again; not enough carbs in my diet for that kind of reserve. Not enough exercise either. I follow on foot, incensed. Despite trailing the vehicle the entire alley, the driver doesn't stop at the next bench, just around the corner, 20 yards away. Or the next one, despite traffic keeping her in place almost long enough for me to repeat the process.

I have never before felt the need to call and report negligence on the part of a civil worker. Nor have I needed to kick something quite that intensely. Having loud, swear-filled practice discussions wiu said person and Roleplaying how I wish it had gone down is old hat though.

But not all is lost. I get to speak to a chap by name of Michael (good name, that) who also missed his bus. He walked up behind it, but didn't see it because the light/sign which tells you the route info was broken. We chat, laugh at our similarities - it's comforting to know I'm not he only 25 year old who's afraid to drive for reals, here in california - and I get info that may lead to better employment. He catches his bus minutes before mine, and I'm left thinking, today is only as bad as I let it be.

My phone, however, decides I haven't learned enough yet. While typing his up the first. Time, it dies at 7% because I'm running too many things in parallel. I get to spend my bus ride, trying not to stew.

Work brings some solace; work is where I left Akodo. White oak, lightly varnished bokken, slightly heavier than normal by 8 grams, and 2.465~ shaku from tsuka to point. Mulling the numbers later, I realize this is about .02 shaku longer than my iaito, and wonder if there's any significance.

I set to doing some exercise, Forza - Italian for strength, I am told - which is similar to kata, using the bokken as a weight. Suggestions are to cu lightly, slowly, as if severing a cloud. Good advice, to start slow, especially in any fighting art. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Every mistake in muscle memory for the first couple years stems of practice stems from starting out too fast. Bu I cannot listen. It's like riding a bike, I need a certain minimum gear to pedal at, minimum resistance or it feels... Wrong. There's that love f challenge rearing itself, yes?

Five full cuts, right hand. Five half cuts and my arm aches. Switch dominant hands. Five full, five half. Burning now. Ten each hand, from overhead, into a diagonal cut. My arms burn, my wrist and knuckles ache. The last few swings have me tensing up everything, rerouting strain to muscles used to it, uniting my form. It's a struggle to maintain this as an exercise, instead of just swinging a stick. Another training maxim; go as fast as you can, not as fast as you can't. That one I listened to, and stopped.

My wrists burn. Fiercely. Sheepishly, I realize my wrists are the only thing I didn't warm up. Oh well. Good to see something concrete to improve. A quick jaunt to Wallace to look for backpacks, then back to work to start my shift.

Customer one, a man who obviously waits for me to be distracted before grabbing a beer. He walks out examining his wallet- almost. I stop him, ask about whether I could see under his jacket. He hesitates and the game is mine. Obvious win on round 2, it's all in how he handles himself from here. Scenting the kill, I continue. I ask about his left jacket flap specifically. He looks confused, gestures to his right. Haha, too obvious. I pull my shirt on the left side and he does similar out of sympathy, then clenches, obviously holding something. Some more hassle has him say he did lift his jacket and now I'm harassing him. I go for the gold; "could you put the 24oz can of budweiser on the counter hen, please?" I have him. A half bluff, but the specifics, my certainty, he's not getting away. He puts it on the counter, tries to buy cigarettes before I tell him to leave (again). He does, of course. I'm sure I look angrier than I am.

Afterwards, the shakes. Flutteriness. Adrenaline fatigue, and It Hits me. I was tensed, measured breathing, ready to jump the counter and chase I I needed to. I was looking for a fight, instinctively. The realization calmed me down pretty quick, and I again reflect, it's only as bad a day as I let it be.

So I head to the pony thread, Intent to purge myself. Vent as a form of meditation, I guess. Words have weight. I could honestly send Tess to no one and I'd still feel better. Will I post? Probably, but this wouldn't be the first time I have "said my peace" and deleted it, content.

Today is only as good or bad as you let it be, friends. How is your day going?

I don't even know what to say man. So you know what?


2011-10-10, 08:10 PM
... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

Heh. Sure. Drop it here anytime you want somepony to look it over.

Or head over to ponychan's /fic/ if you want a more thorough review. (And yes, they are very thorough there.)

EDIT: I probably should just mention I finished the latest chapter of Pony Effect. Yay. Now I can relax and go back to following this thread. (Why are they so many RP posts now?)

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 08:11 PM
Someone, somewhere out there is into it. I can guarantee it.

And if there wasn't, there is now.

I know, that's why I said aside from OFM. :smalltongue:

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 08:11 PM
Heh, yeah. I think that's because there is a new thread every other day or so.

If you need readers for that fanfic, I'd completely be down for checking it out for you and critiquing. Just let me know. Either post it here or PM it to me or whatever. We're a very author-friendly community here, so we'd be more than happy to check out your story for you.

Thank you.

... I'd also like a guide to using the tiny pony faces. This was the perfect place for a Rarity "We're going to be the best of friends, you and I" and I can't do it because of my own crippling ignorance. *facehoof*

2011-10-10, 08:13 PM
Today has been an interesting day.

Ouch. That is one hell of a downturn. At least it got better.

I can tell you right away that you're not the only person who has lived in CA who didn't want to drive. I don't live there any more, and I've since gotten a vehicle, but I would still prefer mass transit to be better than it is here in the US.

If you get a chance though, take driving lessons. There's good, inexpensive driving instructors (bad ones don't last) and lots of affordable and reliable vehicles for sale, if you feel up for it. I was honestly scared to drive and didn't start until later in life. I managed to pick it up, so you don't have to be a teenager to learn. Also, extra bonus: super-low insurance rates for older drivers. :smallbiggrin:

I have 3 hours left before bed and I'm reading ponythread. And it's great. Today was stressful for me, but only because I have a lot to learn about this job. I may have some good pony news related to it though, I'll post more info when I have something more to say than "I may have some good pony news"... Hehe.

Edit: I'm realizing you never actually said you didn't own a car, I just got that impression. For all I know your car is in the shop. Sorry if I was completely off-base there.
Edit2: No, wait, you did say you were afraid to drive. Self-doubt and edit buttons, my greatest enemies.

Beeskee: I'm still working on it. More like I haven't had an opportunity to finish it yet, actually. Don't worry, I still have every intention to make it happen. I just really want it to come out well, and it's something I never fleshed out when I made Jade. *Chuckles*

Also yes indeed, a little bit of #3. XD

No problem. :smallbiggrin:

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 08:14 PM
Thank you.

... I'd also like a guide to using the tiny pony faces. This was the perfect place for a Rarity "We're going to be the best of friends, you and I" and I can't do it because of my own crippling ignorance. *facehoof*

It's alright man. The site changed it's layout and it is now less than intuitive. So you select one of the faces, and it should change layouts, and the face you selected should now be in the center of the screen. In the top right there is a little plus sign, click that and you should now be on yet another tab / page that has just the emote in the upper left hand corner. Copy the URL from there, paste it here inside the following tags (without spaces) [IMG ]emote[ /IMG].

2011-10-10, 08:18 PM
Clockwork RP:

"Oh, any place that I haven't been before would be great, especially if it's interesting" Igneous replied, rather unhelpfully.

The city itself extended surprisingly far around and behind from where the Royal Palace was situated on the mountainside. The bulk of the city, in fact, spilled into a wide mountaintop valley that, unknown to most of the ponies who hadn't studied history, was the caldera of a long-extinct volcano.

He'd always wondered what kind of reaction they might have if they really stopped to think about it for a moment.

They were now approaching the gates, or at least the gate that serviced this approach to the mountaintop city. Four pegasai guards flanked the road as it passed through the outer wall, their postures straight, expressions fixed and their armour gleaming in the sunlight.

Igneous sighed, and schooled his features carefully as he approached his comrades. It was an ability all guards learned during training; the capacty to remain stoic and unmoving when on guard duty, to the exclusion of everything around them. It was an ability each pony approached differently, some focused their thoughts on something specific in their field of vision, others turned inwards, losing themselves in their memories.

Judging from their regular breathing and slightly unfocused gazes, Igneous guessed that these ponies subscribed to Corporal Kickstart's method.

They passed without comment, grave-countenanced ships sailing by one another in the sunlight, although he did notice the one nearest him blink as the generator gave off yet another loud crack and a spark of electricity.

Guess that woke him up. He thought, as he quashed the impulse to smile.

The gates were the same as always. It was possible to become numb to the majesty of the city if you didn't set your mind to preventing it. Charger smiled distantly, remembering her foalhood dream of becoming one of those guards. What had happened to that ambition, she wondered?

"Well, if I am to take the lead..." Charger said, but it was almost to herself. She already knew where she was going to go, turning down a narrow alley that became a set of stairs leading downwards.

The corridor was a sally port, designed to allow defenders to slip undetected behind enemy lines in a siege. It was old, cold, and wet. Bright green plants and slippery moss grew in the stone. And then, halfway along the corridor, the wall to the right just broke away completely. A tree's roots had woven through the stone and expanded, collapsing the wall and opening the corridor to the outside light. Through that broken wall was a sheer drop down the mountain and a spectacular view of all Equestria.

... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

Heh, I'm actually considering delaying finishing Easy as Lying till after the fact so I can revise Luna's personality to be in line with the show's. Speaking of, I should get back to work on that. Anyway, my support for what it's worth.

The last time I didn't cheat as a DM, my players successfully broke my economy. This time I attempted to keep things under control. They broke it again.

If the economy gets broken then it's probably because you don't understand economics :smallwink:

EDIT: And by that I mean, equilibrium transitions can make folks rich in the short term, but profits will even out in the long term. That's a feature of capitalism, not a bug.

Today has been an interesting day.
Right off the bat so I don't. Forget; Gadora, thanks for the send. I'll try and put it to good use.
Thanqol, my FLGS' response to Exalted/Mage/anything not d&D4e or magic the gathering was "check the discount pile". It was an interesting pile, but nothing of immediate use. If I can't get ahold of a cheap amazon send, I'll have to requisition the rules elsewhere. It's nWoD correct? Ascension, not awakening?

nMage, Mage: The Awakening. nWoD. It's got a shiny teal cover; purple cover means old Mage. If you get the chance, do yourself a favour and buy Seers of the Throne as well. Magical Traditions is also a great read.

Today is only as good or bad as you let it be, friends. How is your day going?


And that's my highest praise these days.

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 08:18 PM
By "site" do you mean here in the thread, or is there some source site? If it's the latter, i need the link. If it's the former, I'm horrifically confused.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 08:20 PM
By "site" do you mean here in the thread, or is there some source site? If it's the latter, i need the link. If it's the former, I'm horrifically confused.

Oh! The "site" I'm referring to is in the Original Post of every thread under "General Resources". "FiM Emotes" or something like that.

You know what, the heck with it, I have it open. Here's the link. (http://kefkafloyd.imgur.com/J8S59)

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 08:23 PM
Testing... http://i.imgur.com/EvxT1.png

Titanium Fox, you are a wonderful person. Have a Sweetie Belle. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

2011-10-10, 08:36 PM
So I went to a cemetary today to plant flowers for the family I never knew. Especially my grandfather, who died only a few years before I was born.

Is there any good stories dealing with Applejack's parents being dead?

2011-10-10, 08:38 PM
Clockwork RP:

"Thanks Sek" Igneous replied, brightening up slightly. "Although, like I said, I don't get let out much so I've only really seen the bits of the city around the universities, castle and the barracks." He paused, as inspiration struck.

"You know, I suspect the Lady Charger might be a better guide than myself, she might even be able to show both of us some new sights?" He ended this with a query, looking hopefully towards the bronze coloured mare.

"... certainly, I do know my way around." Charger said after a moment's thoughts, "Any areas of particular interest?"

Clockwork RP:

"Oh, any place that I haven't been before would be great, especially if it's interesting" Igneous replied, rather unhelpfully.

The city itself extended surprisingly far around and behind from where the Royal Palace was situated on the mountainside. The bulk of the city, in fact, spilled into a wide mountaintop valley that, unknown to most of the ponies who hadn't studied history, was the caldera of a long-extinct volcano.

He'd always wondered what kind of reaction they might have if they really stopped to think about it for a moment.

They were now approaching the gates, or at least the gate that serviced this approach to the mountaintop city. Four pegasai guards flanked the road as it passed through the outer wall, their postures straight, expressions fixed and their armour gleaming in the sunlight.

Igneous sighed, and schooled his features carefully as he approached his comrades. It was an ability all guards learned during training; the capacty to remain stoic and unmoving when on guard duty, to the exclusion of everything around them. It was an ability each pony approached differently, some focused their thoughts on something specific in their field of vision, others turned inwards, losing themselves in their memories.

Judging from their regular breathing and slightly unfocused gazes, Igneous guessed that these ponies subscribed to Corporal Kickstart's method.

They passed without comment, grave-countenanced ships sailing by one another in the sunlight, although he did notice the one nearest him blink as the generator gave off yet another loud crack and a spark of electricity.

Guess that woke him up. He thought, as he quashed the impulse to smile.

OOC: Sorry if I'm moving this along too fast everyone. Just felt that there was only so much more we could do on the path back. Let me know if you'd rather I slow down next time. In either case, I'll let you guys do the transition to Tinker's workshop. :smallcool:

Second Hand gazed up at the white marble buildings rising behind the gate leading in to Canterlot. He'd never been to the city before, although he'd heard about it countless times; ponies said it was a magical place, the sort of place where anything could happen. A part of him had to agree; after all this was the home of the Princesses, and the seat of Celestia's Academy.

As they passed the guards at the gate, the pegasus gaped at the pastel explosion of ponies moving through the streets, coming and going on every sort of errand imaginable. As they turned down the alley, the pony turned his head in every conceivable direction, taking in even the back alleys of the city with eagerness. When the view through the broken wall appeared however, Second Hand stood transfixed, unable to move or speak for a moment.

At last, tearing himself away from the sights, the clockwork pony managed to recover himself, and addressed his companions, a note of excitement growing in his voice. "This place is amazing! I can't believe you two live here!" Suddenly, in the midst of his excitement, a doubt crept into his mind and he stopped short, overwhelmed. "Y-you will be able to find Tinker, right Charger? This city's so big...and you only met her once...I-I really need to find her."

((Actually, I was planning on moving on to Canterlot soon; you picked a good time to move things along))

I mostly meant how a PbP game is run :smalltongue:

RiM seems pretty straightforward, but PonyTales seems a bit more complicated, I only skimmed the character generation part before.

Oops! Misread it then... However, PbP stuff is pretty straightforward: set up an OOC thread for discussion and rolls (and/or a recruiting thread) and once you have people on board, launch the IC thread. I've mostly played the FFRP options like Children of the Sky and The Playground, but more rules-based systems like D&D work just fine.

Just like a pen-and-paper game, you can choose a DM/Storyteller/Narrator/What have you, as well as mods to help keep things in order (though this is more an issue with full FFRP stuff). From a player's perspective very little changes actually, except you're posting rather than talking.

I am totally in for this. Hang on, I'll go stat out both Jade and Haybuck. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

Hmm, while we're at it, why don't we do a survey?

For those interested in a PbP ponies game, which system would you prefer: RP is Magic (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShylNaVPRa7U8GmPayAtBhTOXZin07zkNVmvf6eSKks/mobilebasic?pli=1&hl=en_US) or Pony Tales (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/266/d/b/pony_tales__us_letter_by_catspaw_dtp_services-d49v97y.pdf)?

Today has been an interesting day.
Right off the bat so I don't. Forget; Gadora, thanks for the send. I'll try and put it to good use.
Thanqol, my FLGS' response to Exalted/Mage/anything not d&D4e or magic the gathering was "check the discount pile". It was an interesting pile, but nothing of immediate use. If I can't get ahold of a cheap amazon send, I'll have to requisition the rules elsewhere. It's nWoD correct? Ascension, not awakening?

Anyway. Ramble ahead.

today has been up and down. Mostly down.

I got deposited near my bus stop early, and went to catch an early bus. I am wearing a trashed trench coat, a flat cap, and my hobo pack; a sketh book and exercise/martial arts book, held to my lumbar with my kerchief and an accompanying ... Sports pack? 'fanny' pack which also sits at the lumbar, holds water bottles, pencils, smaller sketchbook, cords and effects. I am carrying a jug of milk- the plastic gallon variety.

The stop is 2 blocks from me. I'm cutting it close. I pull out my phone to ask the dispatcher to have my bus hold at the stop, but then, I see the bus. It is at a light ahead of me, about to turn onto the park & ride which is my stop. Knowing full well that dispatch puts you on hold for seeral minutes, I pocket my phone and make my way as fast as I can to the stop.

This is California. We jay-walk. So being on diametrically opposite corner is no problem. I begin to hustle. I cross the street. The light changes, as I watch. I hustle more, and cut across a parking lot. At this point, I can see the driver. She should be able to see me, so I run, I balance my milk jug, I wave.

This is where things enter into combat rounds, as it were. I have the initiative, but the bus has me beat for speed. I wave and holler. Some passengers turn to watch me attempt to flag the bus down; I have run ten yards at this point. The driver continues staring straight, as if wearing blinders.

45 yards. I am 3/4 the way through the lot. Driver still doesn't acknowledge me. Pulls ahead. 50 yards.

My breath tears from me, and I realize I've noosed myself; both bonds of the hobo pack cut into my hara, diminishing my power, my breath. I worry about losing the contents to boot; jangling myself pretty hard. I slow to a jog at the 50 yard mark, because my legs, unable to gain power from my other systems, are wearing thin and winding down. The bus keeps going, then stops; cross traffic before it gets to my stop.

The stop needs describing. It is down an alley, which connects two streets proper; the bus pulls in one alley, loops around into the stop depot/terminal/whatever, stops; loads and unloads human cargo, pulls to the edge of the alley to check traffic, the continues down said alley. I have an advantage because the bus has to loop through terrain that I don't.

60 yards. 63. 64. 66. I fight the whole way to keep running, knowing that if I slow to a walk I'm not getting this much speed for the next hour. I fail thefight, at approximately 67 yards and sort of power walk towards the bus. I can see the driver as she pulls around, into the depot. I lose her for a moment, but as soon as I have a line of sight I again continue trying to flag her down, and watch as she unloads a single passenger. I swear she can see me, my orange-brown coat bein the brightest thing this dreary, drizzly day. I force myself into a "run".

I close, and finally get within shouting distance as the bus pulls away from the stop. I am still waving, still hollering. It's hard; I'm at half-capacity for my lungs. She acknowledges me with a war, and ten shakes her head no. I was within eyesight before she even pulls away from the bench, and ye I'm too late and she can't stop for me.

Anger is one of my things. It's the sole reason I am able to do Mariam arts at all; because competition of a visceral sort is my thing. I hate fighting, losing, getting hurt, conflict; I love the challenge though.

I chase the bus. 70 yards. 75. 80. I begin to slow again; not enough carbs in my diet for that kind of reserve. Not enough exercise either. I follow on foot, incensed. Despite trailing the vehicle the entire alley, the driver doesn't stop at the next bench, just around the corner, 20 yards away. Or the next one, despite traffic keeping her in place almost long enough for me to repeat the process.

I have never before felt the need to call and report negligence on the part of a civil worker. Nor have I needed to kick something quite that intensely. Having loud, swear-filled practice discussions wiu said person and Roleplaying how I wish it had gone down is old hat though.

But not all is lost. I get to speak to a chap by name of Michael (good name, that) who also missed his bus. He walked up behind it, but didn't see it because the light/sign which tells you the route info was broken. We chat, laugh at our similarities - it's comforting to know I'm not he only 25 year old who's afraid to drive for reals, here in california - and I get info that may lead to better employment. He catches his bus minutes before mine, and I'm left thinking, today is only as bad as I let it be.

My phone, however, decides I haven't learned enough yet. While typing his up the first. Time, it dies at 7% because I'm running too many things in parallel. I get to spend my bus ride, trying not to stew.

Work brings some solace; work is where I left Akodo. White oak, lightly varnished bokken, slightly heavier than normal by 8 grams, and 2.465~ shaku from tsuka to point. Mulling the numbers later, I realize this is about .02 shaku longer than my iaito, and wonder if there's any significance.

I set to doing some exercise, Forza - Italian for strength, I am told - which is similar to kata, using the bokken as a weight. Suggestions are to cu lightly, slowly, as if severing a cloud. Good advice, to start slow, especially in any fighting art. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Every mistake in muscle memory for the first couple years stems of practice stems from starting out too fast. Bu I cannot listen. It's like riding a bike, I need a certain minimum gear to pedal at, minimum resistance or it feels... Wrong. There's that love f challenge rearing itself, yes?

Five full cuts, right hand. Five half cuts and my arm aches. Switch dominant hands. Five full, five half. Burning now. Ten each hand, from overhead, into a diagonal cut. My arms burn, my wrist and knuckles ache. The last few swings have me tensing up everything, rerouting strain to muscles used to it, uniting my form. It's a struggle to maintain this as an exercise, instead of just swinging a stick. Another training maxim; go as fast as you can, not as fast as you can't. That one I listened to, and stopped.

My wrists burn. Fiercely. Sheepishly, I realize my wrists are the only thing I didn't warm up. Oh well. Good to see something concrete to improve. A quick jaunt to Wallace to look for backpacks, then back to work to start my shift.

Customer one, a man who obviously waits for me to be distracted before grabbing a beer. He walks out examining his wallet- almost. I stop him, ask about whether I could see under his jacket. He hesitates and the game is mine. Obvious win on round 2, it's all in how he handles himself from here. Scenting the kill, I continue. I ask about his left jacket flap specifically. He looks confused, gestures to his right. Haha, too obvious. I pull my shirt on the left side and he does similar out of sympathy, then clenches, obviously holding something. Some more hassle has him say he did lift his jacket and now I'm harassing him. I go for the gold; "could you put the 24oz can of budweiser on the counter hen, please?" I have him. A half bluff, but the specifics, my certainty, he's not getting away. He puts it on the counter, tries to buy cigarettes before I tell him to leave (again). He does, of course. I'm sure I look angrier than I am.

Afterwards, the shakes. Flutteriness. Adrenaline fatigue, and It Hits me. I was tensed, measured breathing, ready to jump the counter and chase I I needed to. I was looking for a fight, instinctively. The realization calmed me down pretty quick, and I again reflect, it's only as bad a day as I let it be.

So I head to the pony thread, Intent to purge myself. Vent as a form of meditation, I guess. Words have weight. I could honestly send Tess to no one and I'd still feel better. Will I post? Probably, but this wouldn't be the first time I have "said my peace" and deleted it, content.

Today is only as good or bad as you let it be, friends. How is your day going?

Sorry to hear it's been frustrating, but I like your point; I need to work on not letting my day's uncontrollable events get to me...

EDIT: I probably should just mention I finished the latest chapter of Pony Effect. Yay. Now I can relax and go back to following this thread. (Why are they so many RP posts now?)

That time of year for RPs? I dunno; they did proliferate quite quickly.

Thank you.

... I'd also like a guide to using the tiny pony faces. This was the perfect place for a Rarity "We're going to be the best of friends, you and I" and I can't do it because of my own crippling ignorance. *facehoof*

In the opening post of this thread, open the General Resources spoiler. Under it, there will be several lists of emoticons, but beware the first list, you'll need to click the image and zoom in to get the image link or you'll get a horrible pixelated mess. The rest should be trouble-free though.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 08:51 PM
Hmm, while we're at it, why don't we do a survey?

For those interested in a PbP ponies game, which system would you prefer: RP is Magic (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShylNaVPRa7U8GmPayAtBhTOXZin07zkNVmvf6eSKks/mobilebasic?pli=1&hl=en_US) or Pony Tales (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/266/d/b/pony_tales__us_letter_by_catspaw_dtp_services-d49v97y.pdf)?

Can you give a basic run down of them for us?

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 09:01 PM
Not when he's a stone statue...

As I've said before:



Fair is for wargaming. And maybe DMing. Maybe.

Besides, if you think that the Aotrs don't have contingencies for dealig with such entities... It is a big universe out here, and there are plenty of reality-warping whosamits, demigods and assorted deities floating around (comparitively). You don't get to Lord Death Despoil's position without having to smack a few around on occasion. And thus passing the information around.

Discord ain't Lix after all...

Seems to me like attacking him while he's a statue will only help him get out. And I would really like to hear the Aotrs contingency plans for dealing with reality warping entities, because there doesn't seem to be any real way to mess with them from where I'm sitting.

2011-10-10, 09:07 PM
Can you give a basic run down of them for us?

Ok, good point!

Roleplaying is Magic:
This system is d20 based, and all actions are reduced to checks. That includes things like damage and attacks as well as the more familiar (for some) skill checks and saves from D&D. Bonuses from special talents, jobs, and certain special modifiers add to or subtract from your roll.

This system seems to emphasize the storytelling aspect, and there aren't a lot of detailed rules. GMs and players are encouraged to work together to determine the outcome of events and the rolls are mainly included to help keep things fair. This system seems to me to be the closest of the two to FFRPs in the Playground, where there are no checks, or simple d6/d20 rolls to keep things fair. First and foremost, it's collaborative storytelling, and that sort of system probably best suits stories similar in tone to the spontaneous RPs that happen here from time to time.

Pony Tales:
This system is dice-pool based, meaning that each point you have in a skill or ability gives you an extra die to roll for checks involving that skill. The rules for this version are more in-depth, and mechanically I think it would play more like a traditional D&D or d20 game, with clear conceptions of turns and in-combat vs. out of combat scenarios.

Because of the more detailed rules, this game seems to make a sharper distinction between the pony races (or at least this distinction is more mechanically defined than in RPiM) and there are very clearly things that certain types of ponies can and can't do. Overall, I think this system would be better suited to games where injury, death and more 'adult/grimdark' - for lack of a better word - themes are involved, because the designer seems to have focused on the combat and conflict mechanics more.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 09:09 PM
Seems to me like attacking him while he's a statue will only help him get out. And I would really like to hear the Aotrs contingency plans for dealing with reality warping entities, because there doesn't seem to be any real way to mess with them from where I'm sitting.


Searching this on google brought back this (http://www.spreadshirt.com/hate-detected-firing-orbital-friendshi-C3376A7856394), by the way. Guys, didn't we coin that meme in the first place? >_>

2011-10-10, 09:10 PM
*Wanders away for a week, comes back and looks around.*

*Skims new but almost over thread, thread gains a page during said skimming.*

Business as usual around here I see.

Anyway, help needed with a rhyme!

Who lives in a library inside a tree?

Twilight sparkle! Twilight sparkle!

Adorkable and bookish and magic is she.

Twilight sparkle! Twilight sparkle!

If pony filled nonsense be something you wish

Something something something something.

I think I need to ditch the last to lines entirely and come up with a different rhyme because there are darn few words that fit with "Wish" and nothing pony related.
hmmmmmm, Then read some fanfics and get ready to ship!
not a perfect rhyme but it could work

... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

finish it up or post it here in chunks....we are a friendly bunch
we only bite if you ask us to do so
believe us you arent alone...i am currently rewriting my first attempt at something over 1/2 page in length based on feedback i got here(been totally blank minded on it the last 2 weeks but i got some done last night finally)

and have a 2nd story outlined with a couple scenes done

and i believe theres at least 2 others currently working on their first ever stories

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 09:18 PM

Searching this on google brought back this (http://www.spreadshirt.com/hate-detected-firing-orbital-friendshi-C3376A7856394), by the way. Guys, didn't we coin that meme in the first place? >_>

I'm allowed to disagree with people...

Or am I going a little far, and am currently being belligerent? Sorry, sorry, I'll shuffle away, and comment on some other thing...

Also! That shirt is amazing!

2011-10-10, 09:20 PM

Searching this on google brought back this (http://www.spreadshirt.com/hate-detected-firing-orbital-friendshi-C3376A7856394), by the way. Guys, didn't we coin that meme in the first place? >_>

We didn't, that a 4chan meme.

2011-10-10, 09:20 PM
Searching this on google brought back this, by the way. Guys, didn't we coin that meme in the first place? >_>

I..I think we did. On some long-gone incarnation of this thread, no doubt.

Retracted, just remembered where I saw that first. It was someplace in /co/,I belive.

2011-10-10, 09:21 PM
Wiggle your flank and make your tail swish?

I think "Wiggle your flank and your tail you might swish!" fits the rhyming scheme better.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 09:25 PM
So, I'm working on my Applejack. Right now she's Rogue 7 - Lasher 4. I want to smash in some levels of Master Thrower, and have her throw Apples. If you were the DM for this campaign and I asked you if I could take Weapon Focus (Apple), how would you treat it? Would you make Apples do more than 1d2? Or would you just allow it by letter of the rule?

...Also, can anypony think of a more efficient way to reach +5 BaB that's still viable with either of these classes?

I'm allowed to disagree with people...

Or am I going a little far, and am currently being belligerent? Sorry, sorry, I'll shuffle away, and comment on some other thing...

Also! That shirt is amazing!

"You get back here!" Jade runs up to the shuffling away tonberrian and glomps her.

We didn't, that a 4chan meme.

Awww. I was hoping we created something big enough that it ended up on a shirt. That would have been kind of amazing.

2011-10-10, 09:31 PM
Midnight: Roleplaying is Magic Sheet:
Roleplaying is Magic Character Sheet:
Name: Midnight
Race: Unicorn
Age: Filly (Statted as Mare + 2 Points)
Special Purpose: Midnight's special purpose and talent is magic. Like her parents, she has great magical potential, potential that she must divine for herself the path it takes.
Cutie Mark: The Magician Tarot. She also has a black blotch on her coat with star and moon stylings, akin to her Princess Mommy's own.
Primary Attributes: Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Energy 6, Courage 8
Talents: Smart, Empathetic
Job: Student/Princess
Skills: Knowledge (magic), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (trivia), Storytelling, Performing, Etiquette, Seduction (learned by doing the exact OPPOSITE the Guide told her to do), Bondag-Use Rope, Research, Reading
Guiding Element Of Harmony: Kindness

Effects: Animate, Change, Create, Diminish
Subjects: Body, Earth, Illusion, Plants, Force

Sample Tricks: Plant Bondage (Change+Plants), Teleport (Animate+Body), Celestial Wings (Change+Body), Build Structure (Create+Earth), Gender Change (Change+Body)

So, in the end, instead of doing anything super complex, I just went with giving Midnight a Mare level of points, and then added two, to give her Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3. Apart from that, does everything look okay? I also thought about giving her special rules for Nightmare, but I dunno what would work with that.

I haven't made Pony Tales yet, it's a little more complex looking.


"Only four hundred years? Oh, you're still a youngling compared to me. We're both a lot older than Midsy here."

She smiles, looking down at their shared body.

"Funny, though. She's a lot wiser and has a better head on her shoulders than I do. With age doesn't necessarily come wisdom.

Midnight and Rarity
The mare cast her eyes to the side as her newfound companion began to lavish her with compliment after compliment, she could feel her heart pounding within her chest. She knew somewhere deep down that this was just little Midnight being little Midnight, doing everything within her power to make her Aunt Rarity happy. Just like she did when she was a child. She was still that same Midnight.

But it was becoming a smaller and smaller thought, and with each and every kind word and gesture that feeling slowly sank, and the excitement and happiness that had bubbled up to the surface during the earliest parts of the gala; laying eyes on Blueblood, their first words, the tension in the air... those feelings were slowly returning. It was donning on Rarity that the stallion in front of her truly was a prince, and regardless of his motivations, he truly did intend to allow her the night she never received; the night she thought she would never see.

His lips upon hers made her entire body melt, her heart skip a beat, and for a moment the world melted away. That kiss sealed the deal.

"O...Oh my..." She barely found herself able to breathe, the words rolling from her muzzle like water from a tap, before she suddenly realized that she was in the presence of royalty, and by Celestia she would act like it.

*Ahem* "Erm, yes. I assure you, my dear prince, I look forward to this evening with the utmost ardor." A small smile curled to the corners of her face. Yes, impress him with speech, show him that you are indeed the type of lady that deserves such lavish attentions, such caring words.

She had every intention to make this her best night ever.

Midnight and Rarity

*Midnight felt his heart patter excitedly in his chest. He had, of course, been told the story of how Blueblood had treated Rarity so long ago at the Gala, before she was even born. That was only compounded by her own interactions with the arrogant stallion, and his less terrible, but still misguided, son. It had always rankled at him, how Rarity had been treated, how her dream had been so cruelly shattered.

Midnight was all about second chances, and dreams. He wanted to give this to Rarity. But it was more than just that, now. The tension in the air, the interplay between the younger Prince and his older, but still gorgeous, Lady. It was more than just the game now. The gentle teasing she had intended to catch Rarity off-guard had now started them down on this more serious path.

His kiss hadn't just made Rarity's heart skip a beat, it had done the same to him.

His body was filling with warmth, from his hooves, to his cheeks, which began to blush the same lovely pink that Rarity had, the pink of two ponies experiencing the first moments of passion.

He smiled, as Rarity spoke, and nodded slowly, before bowing low to Rarity.

"Of course, my dear Lady. I shall take my leave, and allow you to prepare for this evening, whilst I do the same."

He made a mental note to quickly read up on formal fashions for stallions. After all, it wouldn't do to take Rarity, of all ponies, on a date dressed unfashionably.

After all, he wanted to make this her best night ever.

Pardon me for one moment. It just sunk in that I am RPing with my favorite writer in the fandom. Allow me to channel my inner Rainbow Dash for a second here...

Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.jpg


Alright. I'm good now. :smallbiggrin:

And now it's my turn to blush. :smallredface:

2011-10-10, 09:35 PM
I'm allowed to disagree with people...

Every time we've tried to form a committee to regulate usage of the OFC we've been unable to agree on what exactly constitutes "hate" and through which means it can legitimately be detected, causing heated emotional arguments that usually turn ugly fast, leading to the OFC being used on us and the committee breaking up so that we can all chase the butterflies that have suddenly become very, very interesting. Don't worry, though, we're fairly confident at this point that it isn't lethal.

2011-10-10, 09:37 PM
Every time we've tried to form a committee to regulate usage of the OFC we've been unable to agree on what exactly constitutes "hate" and through which means it can legitimately be detected, causing heated emotional arguments that usually turn ugly fast, leading to the OFC being used on us and the committee breaking up so that we can all chase the butterflies that have suddenly became very, very interesting. Don't worry, though, we're fairly confident at this point that it isn't lethal.

How quickly they forget my spell in the disintegration ward of the hospital :smallmad:

It's not so much that the OFC isn't lethal as that death isn't lethal.

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 09:42 PM
Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.

2011-10-10, 09:43 PM
Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.
Looks like the site is down.


2011-10-10, 09:46 PM
Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.

I wasn't able to, too, when I went to look for a blushing emote right now.

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 09:47 PM
Looks like the site is down.


Oh, well in that case, have a picture:
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/276a6d9ea55e01a550a3fa957092e447/69507%20-%20Discord%20artist%3Aequestria_prevails%20braces% 20car%20celestia%20filly%20lauren_faust%20lauren_f aust_is_best_pony%20luna%20mother_mare%20ponified. jpg

I wasn't able to, too, when I went to look for a blushing emote right now.
Yeah, my artthread does not have NEARLY enough eeshing spikes in it at the moment. I'll have to edit them in later.

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 09:48 PM
"You get back here!" Jade runs up to the shuffling away tonberrian and glomps her.

I'm... I'm not tonberrian!

On the other hand, I've never been internet glomped before... What is this warm feeling spreading throughout my body? Could it be... happiness? LE GASP!

2011-10-10, 09:49 PM
Bow down before me, THE LORD OF EMOTES

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/)

edit- more terrible Rarity being dragged to destiny puns

2011-10-10, 09:51 PM
Midnight: Roleplaying is Magic Sheet:
Roleplaying is Magic Character Sheet:
Name: Midnight
Race: Unicorn
Age: Filly (Statted as Mare + 2 Points)
Special Purpose: Midnight's special purpose and talent is magic. Like her parents, she has great magical potential, potential that she must divine for herself the path it takes.
Cutie Mark: The Magician Tarot. She also has a black blotch on her coat with star and moon stylings, akin to her Princess Mommy's own.
Primary Attributes: Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Energy 6, Courage 8
Talents: Smart, Empathetic
Job: Student/Princess
Skills: Knowledge (magic), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (trivia), Storytelling, Performing, Etiquette, Seduction (learned by doing the exact OPPOSITE the Guide told her to do), Bondag-Use Rope, Research, Reading
Guiding Element Of Harmony: Kindness

Effects: Animate, Change, Create, Diminish
Subjects: Body, Earth, Illusion, Plants, Force

Sample Tricks: Plant Bondage (Change+Plants), Teleport (Animate+Body), Celestial Wings (Change+Body), Build Structure (Create+Earth), Gender Change (Change+Body)

So, in the end, instead of doing anything super complex, I just went with giving Midnight a Mare level of points, and then added two, to give her Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3. Apart from that, does everything look okay? I also thought about giving her special rules for Nightmare, but I dunno what would work with that.

I haven't made Pony Tales yet, it's a little more complex looking.

The skills and talents seem to fit Midnight pretty well, I think.

One of the nice things about Pony Tales though is that their classes of Talents have some helpful suggestions for subtypes, so I found it a bit easier to customize than the RPiM setup.

Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.

I think the page has changed somewhat; you might need to update your bookmarks or clear your cache.

EDIT: My bad, ignore me.

2011-10-10, 09:51 PM
It's not so much that the OFC isn't lethal as that death isn't lethal.

The FDA warns that you should not take death without first consulting your doctor, as complications have arisen in clinical trials with patients taking life and other popular states of being.

2011-10-10, 09:53 PM
EDIT: My bad, ignore me.


Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 09:53 PM
Bow down before me, THE LORD OF EMOTES

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/)

*sigh* Main ponymote pages are down, MCerberus is attempting to overthrow the thread again http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/confounded.png

2011-10-10, 09:54 PM
The FDA warns that you should not take death without first consulting your doctor, as complications have arisen in clinical trials with patients taking life and other popular states of being.

Indeed, studies have shown that death is fatal 100 percent of the time.

2011-10-10, 09:54 PM
MCerberus is attempting to overthrow the thread again http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/confounded.png

Sure does feel like Monday, huh?

2011-10-10, 09:57 PM
Sure does feel like Monday, huh?

Meh, its just another person who wishes to take over parts of the world. This thread has like what, five people who fit that critria?

2011-10-10, 09:58 PM
Meh, its just another person who wishes to take over parts of the world. This thread has like what, five people who fit that critria?

But only three have orbital bombardment capabilities.

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 09:58 PM
... I guess it's safe... *stealth post*

Chapter One (haven't decided what to call the story yet)
(spoilered for being a wall of text)

My life truly began the day I got my cutie mark. I guess that’s normal, but to be honest, I can hardly remember what happened before then. I was an average colt, intelligent but shy, with no real friends and too many books. It comes with being a unicorn, I guess—even the famed Twilight Sparkle spent more of her childhood in the company of books than that of friends.

It was worse for me, though. I had been cursed (in hindsight, blessed, but hindsight is funny like that) with a perfectly average appearance, along with the ability to just blend in with my surroundings. White coat, black mane, grey eyes, and a skinny build for a colt which I’ve kept well into stallionhood. An uninteresting name, Shadow (for my black mane, which my mother always loved). Perfectly normal, perfectly average, perfectly unremarkable. And, being so truly unremarkable, I was never accepted into Celestia’s famed unicorn academy. I vaguely remember being upset when I received the rejection letter from Ponyville’s mailpony, Dorky Doo (mother of our current mailpony Ditzy Doo). I may have even cried. It seems almost funny, looking back.

Not long after that, upset at my lack of special talent, or anything to set me apart for that matter, I ran away from home. And where else was a lonely, untalented, unwanted young buck to go but the Everfree Forest? I think I truly intended to die there. And I very nearly got that wish. As I pressed deeper and the vines and leaves pressed in around me, I heard more and more deep, animalistic noises. Eventually, cold and wet from a sudden squall of rain, I emerged from the brush in front of an enormous cave. I had already accepted my fate; anything this horrible place threw at me, I would simply let it happen. So I walked right in.

It quickly grew too dark to see, and the deep growls and snarls were growing louder all the time. I pressed on, determining to see this final adventure through to the end, and before long I bumped into a huge wall of furry flesh. The cavern lit up with a pale glow like starlight, and the vast creature reared up with a sleepy growl. An Ursa. Not a bad way to go, I guess. Except Fate had other things in store for me. I cowered as the creature drew up a humongous paw to end my short, meaningless existence… And in that moment, everything changed. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t think my life was meaningless. And who did this creature think it was, to try to kill ME? HOW DARE IT? Power, unlike any I had experienced in my previous studies, surged through my body and left my horn in a pure, black beam.

I must have blacked out. When I woke up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. I shook it off, but the foul metallic taste clung to my tongue and settled in the back of my throat. The cavern was lit with the barest edge of daylight, enough to see the fuzzy outline of the Ursa as it lay in the center of the cave, unmoving. I crept towards it slowly, not knowing if it was asleep or awake. As I passed the huge, fallen head, I saw that the eyes were still open and froze… But they were glazed and grey, unmoving… dead. I had cast my first real spell: a Death spell. And with just my own power, I had slain an Ursa.

I staggered from the beshadowed cave into the light of what was, to me at least, my first day. A convenient pool of water drew my attention; I really needed to wash up, to get the blood from my face before heading home. As I finished scrubbing my face with my hooves, something caught my eye: where before had been a blank white flank was now a cutie mark, one that would define my whole life: the Grim Pony’s scythe.

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 10:01 PM
... I guess it's safe... *stealth post*

Chapter One (haven't decided what to call the story yet)
(spoilered for being a wall of text)

My life truly began the day I got my cutie mark. I guess that’s normal, but to be honest, I can hardly remember what happened before then. I was an average colt, intelligent but shy, with no real friends and too many books. It comes with being a unicorn, I guess—even the famed Twilight Sparkle spent more of her childhood in the company of books than that of friends.

It was worse for me, though. I had been cursed (in hindsight, blessed, but hindsight is funny like that) with a perfectly average appearance, along with the ability to just blend in with my surroundings. White coat, black mane, grey eyes, and a skinny build for a colt which I’ve kept well into stallionhood. An uninteresting name, Shadow (for my black mane, which my mother always loved). Perfectly normal, perfectly average, perfectly unremarkable. And, being so truly unremarkable, I was never accepted into Celestia’s famed unicorn academy. I vaguely remember being upset when I received the rejection letter from Ponyville’s mailpony, Dorky Doo (mother of our current mailpony Ditzy Doo). I may have even cried. It seems almost funny, looking back.

Not long after that, upset at my lack of special talent, or anything to set me apart for that matter, I ran away from home. And where else was a lonely, untalented, unwanted young buck to go but the Everfree Forest? I think I truly intended to die there. And I very nearly got that wish. As I pressed deeper and the vines and leaves pressed in around me, I heard more and more deep, animalistic noises. Eventually, cold and wet from a sudden squall of rain, I emerged from the brush in front of an enormous cave. I had already accepted my fate; anything this horrible place threw at me, I would simply let it happen. So I walked right in.

It quickly grew too dark to see, and the deep growls and snarls were growing louder all the time. I pressed on, determining to see this final adventure through to the end, and before long I bumped into a huge wall of furry flesh. The cavern lit up with a pale glow like starlight, and the vast creature reared up with a sleepy growl. An Ursa. Not a bad way to go, I guess. Except Fate had other things in store for me. I cowered as the creature drew up a humongous paw to end my short, meaningless existence… And in that moment, everything changed. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t think my life was meaningless. And who did this creature think it was, to try to kill ME? HOW DARE IT? Power, unlike any I had experienced in my previous studies, surged through my body and left my horn in a pure, black beam.

I must have blacked out. When I woke up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. I shook it off, but the foul metallic taste clung to my tongue and settled in the back of my throat. The cavern was lit with the barest edge of daylight, enough to see the fuzzy outline of the Ursa as it lay in the center of the cave, unmoving. I crept towards it slowly, not knowing if it was asleep or awake. As I passed the huge, fallen head, I saw that the eyes were still open and froze… But they were glazed and grey, unmoving… dead. I had cast my first real spell: a Death spell. And with just my own power, I had slain an Ursa.

I staggered from the beshadowed cave into the light of what was, to me at least, my first day. A convenient pool of water drew my attention; I really needed to wash up, to get the blood from my face before heading home. As I finished scrubbing my face with my hooves, something caught my eye: where before had been a blank white flank was now a cutie mark, one that would define my whole life: the Grim Pony’s scythe.

At first I thought you were going to be Moist von Lipwig-pony, but then that didn't happen...

Yeah, looks interesting. I'd critique it, but I don't know how!

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 10:03 PM
Sure does feel like Monday, huh?
Boy does it EVER!

Meh, its just another person who wishes to take over parts of the world. This thread has like what, five people who fit that critria?
Of the people that are openly in a campaign for world domination, yes.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-10, 10:03 PM
I have work far too early in the morning, I think I'm going to go to bed a little early tonight.

I have syncronized the entirety of My Little Pony Season 1 in HD to my iPod for the inevitable deadlock traffic into Boston at seven in the morning.

Goodnight everypony.

(Mids, I'll post back from work tomorrow. I'm sorry, I just don't have another post in me right now. http://i.imgur.com/RBgwp.jpg)

2011-10-10, 10:03 PM
But only three have orbital bombardment capabilities.

But the other is a lich with a starfleet, and the other is me.

2011-10-10, 10:08 PM
... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

If you put it up here I'll read it, although I don't think I'd have the most insightful advice here since I'm pretty much in the same position as you having not written anything before and also trying to figure out my own fic ^^;;

Today has been an interesting day.
Right off the bat so I don't. Forget; Gadora, thanks for the send. I'll try and put it to good use.
Thanqol, my FLGS' response to Exalted/Mage/anything not d&D4e or magic the gathering was "check the discount pile". It was an interesting pile, but nothing of immediate use. If I can't get ahold of a cheap amazon send, I'll have to requisition the rules elsewhere. It's nWoD correct? Ascension, not awakening?

Anyway. Ramble ahead.

today has been up and down. Mostly down.

I got deposited near my bus stop early, and went to catch an early bus. I am wearing a trashed trench coat, a flat cap, and my hobo pack; a sketh book and exercise/martial arts book, held to my lumbar with my kerchief and an accompanying ... Sports pack? 'fanny' pack which also sits at the lumbar, holds water bottles, pencils, smaller sketchbook, cords and effects. I am carrying a jug of milk- the plastic gallon variety.

The stop is 2 blocks from me. I'm cutting it close. I pull out my phone to ask the dispatcher to have my bus hold at the stop, but then, I see the bus. It is at a light ahead of me, about to turn onto the park & ride which is my stop. Knowing full well that dispatch puts you on hold for seeral minutes, I pocket my phone and make my way as fast as I can to the stop.

This is California. We jay-walk. So being on diametrically opposite corner is no problem. I begin to hustle. I cross the street. The light changes, as I watch. I hustle more, and cut across a parking lot. At this point, I can see the driver. She should be able to see me, so I run, I balance my milk jug, I wave.

This is where things enter into combat rounds, as it were. I have the initiative, but the bus has me beat for speed. I wave and holler. Some passengers turn to watch me attempt to flag the bus down; I have run ten yards at this point. The driver continues staring straight, as if wearing blinders.

45 yards. I am 3/4 the way through the lot. Driver still doesn't acknowledge me. Pulls ahead. 50 yards.

My breath tears from me, and I realize I've noosed myself; both bonds of the hobo pack cut into my hara, diminishing my power, my breath. I worry about losing the contents to boot; jangling myself pretty hard. I slow to a jog at the 50 yard mark, because my legs, unable to gain power from my other systems, are wearing thin and winding down. The bus keeps going, then stops; cross traffic before it gets to my stop.

The stop needs describing. It is down an alley, which connects two streets proper; the bus pulls in one alley, loops around into the stop depot/terminal/whatever, stops; loads and unloads human cargo, pulls to the edge of the alley to check traffic, the continues down said alley. I have an advantage because the bus has to loop through terrain that I don't.

60 yards. 63. 64. 66. I fight the whole way to keep running, knowing that if I slow to a walk I'm not getting this much speed for the next hour. I fail thefight, at approximately 67 yards and sort of power walk towards the bus. I can see the driver as she pulls around, into the depot. I lose her for a moment, but as soon as I have a line of sight I again continue trying to flag her down, and watch as she unloads a single passenger. I swear she can see me, my orange-brown coat bein the brightest thing this dreary, drizzly day. I force myself into a "run".

I close, and finally get within shouting distance as the bus pulls away from the stop. I am still waving, still hollering. It's hard; I'm at half-capacity for my lungs. She acknowledges me with a war, and ten shakes her head no. I was within eyesight before she even pulls away from the bench, and ye I'm too late and she can't stop for me.

Anger is one of my things. It's the sole reason I am able to do Mariam arts at all; because competition of a visceral sort is my thing. I hate fighting, losing, getting hurt, conflict; I love the challenge though.

I chase the bus. 70 yards. 75. 80. I begin to slow again; not enough carbs in my diet for that kind of reserve. Not enough exercise either. I follow on foot, incensed. Despite trailing the vehicle the entire alley, the driver doesn't stop at the next bench, just around the corner, 20 yards away. Or the next one, despite traffic keeping her in place almost long enough for me to repeat the process.

I have never before felt the need to call and report negligence on the part of a civil worker. Nor have I needed to kick something quite that intensely. Having loud, swear-filled practice discussions wiu said person and Roleplaying how I wish it had gone down is old hat though.

But not all is lost. I get to speak to a chap by name of Michael (good name, that) who also missed his bus. He walked up behind it, but didn't see it because the light/sign which tells you the route info was broken. We chat, laugh at our similarities - it's comforting to know I'm not he only 25 year old who's afraid to drive for reals, here in california - and I get info that may lead to better employment. He catches his bus minutes before mine, and I'm left thinking, today is only as bad as I let it be.

My phone, however, decides I haven't learned enough yet. While typing his up the first. Time, it dies at 7% because I'm running too many things in parallel. I get to spend my bus ride, trying not to stew.

Work brings some solace; work is where I left Akodo. White oak, lightly varnished bokken, slightly heavier than normal by 8 grams, and 2.465~ shaku from tsuka to point. Mulling the numbers later, I realize this is about .02 shaku longer than my iaito, and wonder if there's any significance.

I set to doing some exercise, Forza - Italian for strength, I am told - which is similar to kata, using the bokken as a weight. Suggestions are to cu lightly, slowly, as if severing a cloud. Good advice, to start slow, especially in any fighting art. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Every mistake in muscle memory for the first couple years stems of practice stems from starting out too fast. Bu I cannot listen. It's like riding a bike, I need a certain minimum gear to pedal at, minimum resistance or it feels... Wrong. There's that love f challenge rearing itself, yes?

Five full cuts, right hand. Five half cuts and my arm aches. Switch dominant hands. Five full, five half. Burning now. Ten each hand, from overhead, into a diagonal cut. My arms burn, my wrist and knuckles ache. The last few swings have me tensing up everything, rerouting strain to muscles used to it, uniting my form. It's a struggle to maintain this as an exercise, instead of just swinging a stick. Another training maxim; go as fast as you can, not as fast as you can't. That one I listened to, and stopped.

My wrists burn. Fiercely. Sheepishly, I realize my wrists are the only thing I didn't warm up. Oh well. Good to see something concrete to improve. A quick jaunt to Wallace to look for backpacks, then back to work to start my shift.

Customer one, a man who obviously waits for me to be distracted before grabbing a beer. He walks out examining his wallet- almost. I stop him, ask about whether I could see under his jacket. He hesitates and the game is mine. Obvious win on round 2, it's all in how he handles himself from here. Scenting the kill, I continue. I ask about his left jacket flap specifically. He looks confused, gestures to his right. Haha, too obvious. I pull my shirt on the left side and he does similar out of sympathy, then clenches, obviously holding something. Some more hassle has him say he did lift his jacket and now I'm harassing him. I go for the gold; "could you put the 24oz can of budweiser on the counter hen, please?" I have him. A half bluff, but the specifics, my certainty, he's not getting away. He puts it on the counter, tries to buy cigarettes before I tell him to leave (again). He does, of course. I'm sure I look angrier than I am.

Afterwards, the shakes. Flutteriness. Adrenaline fatigue, and It Hits me. I was tensed, measured breathing, ready to jump the counter and chase I I needed to. I was looking for a fight, instinctively. The realization calmed me down pretty quick, and I again reflect, it's only as bad a day as I let it be.

So I head to the pony thread, Intent to purge myself. Vent as a form of meditation, I guess. Words have weight. I could honestly send Tess to no one and I'd still feel better. Will I post? Probably, but this wouldn't be the first time I have "said my peace" and deleted it, content.

Today is only as good or bad as you let it be, friends. How is your day going?

Blarg, you have my sympathies for a dodgy day. Glad you didn't let it get you down (plus those are some rather good words to live by).

How's my day ... um ... well, I just had lunch? Yeaah ... nothing much happening here besides ponies ^^;;

Sigh, I should probably get back to work shouldn't I? :smallredface:

Hmm, while we're at it, why don't we do a survey?

For those interested in a PbP ponies game, which system would you prefer: RP is Magic (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShylNaVPRa7U8GmPayAtBhTOXZin07zkNVmvf6eSKks/mobilebasic?pli=1&hl=en_US) or Pony Tales (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/266/d/b/pony_tales__us_letter_by_catspaw_dtp_services-d49v97y.pdf)?

Given those descriptions I'd probably go for the RiM over PonyTales, if only because I havent played any tabletop RPG before like D&D or traditional d20's.

That said, I don't mind learning, so its not a strong preference on my part. Can put me down for both, the whole thing sounds like good fun. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: (Why are they so many RP posts now?)

A few pages back, somepony said that everyone was welcome to RP ... so everyone started to do just that! :smalltongue:

Second Hand gazed up at the white marble buildings rising behind the gate leading in to Canterlot. He'd never been to the city before, although he'd heard about it countless times; ponies said it was a magical place, the sort of place where anything could happen. A part of him had to agree; after all this was the home of the Princesses, and the seat of Celestia's Academy.

As they passed the guards at the gate, the pegasus gaped at the pastel explosion of ponies moving through the streets, coming and going on every sort of errand imaginable. As they turned down the alley, the pony turned his head in every conceivable direction, taking in even the back alleys of the city with eagerness. When the view through the broken wall appeared however, Second Hand stood transfixed, unable to move or speak for a moment.

At last, tearing himself away from the sights, the clockwork pony managed to recover himself, and addressed his companions, a note of excitement growing in his voice. "This place is amazing! I can't believe you two live here!" Suddenly, in the midst of his excitement, a doubt crept into his mind and he stopped short, overwhelmed. "Y-you will be able to find Tinker, right Charger? This city's so big...and you only met her once...I-I really need to find her."

((Actually, I was planning on moving on to Canterlot soon; you picked a good time to move things along))

The gates were the same as always. It was possible to become numb to the majesty of the city if you didn't set your mind to preventing it. Charger smiled distantly, remembering her foalhood dream of becoming one of those guards. What had happened to that ambition, she wondered?

"Well, if I am to take the lead..." Charger said, but it was almost to herself. She already knew where she was going to go, turning down a narrow alley that became a set of stairs leading downwards.

The corridor was a sally port, designed to allow defenders to slip undetected behind enemy lines in a siege. It was old, cold, and wet. Bright green plants and slippery moss grew in the stone. And then, halfway along the corridor, the wall to the right just broke away completely. A tree's roots had woven through the stone and expanded, collapsing the wall and opening the corridor to the outside light. Through that broken wall was a sheer drop down the mountain and a spectacular view of all Equestria.

Igneous followed along behind the party, enjoying the view of the unfamiliar quarter while simultaneously preventing any of that from reaching his face. Several other ponies got out of his way, although whether it was from respect, fear, or simply due to the unstable contraption on his back he couldn't rightly say.

Inwardly he sighed, he could understand the pride other guard ponies felt in their service, but sometimes he just felt that all this needless rigidity got in the way of their work as much as it helped.

It was about then that they passed by the broken tunnel wall, and his facade cracked as he saw the vista it provided.

"Woah, that's a view and a half" he said as he took a moment to poke his head out. Looking down proved to be a mistake, and he soon withdrew, his face sporting a slight tinge of green.

"Bit of a drop though." he mumbled, edging towards the other side of the tunnel.

Recovering, albeit slowly, he continued to walk along behind the others. While his expression remained neutral, his eyes darted rapidly from place to place, taking in the sights as they traversed the old streets of Canterlot.

byaku rai
2011-10-10, 10:10 PM
... It just occurred to me that it may not have been a good idea to post the first chapter of my story on page 46 of a thread. x.x Oh well, if it gets overlooked I can just try again.

I'll pop in again tomorrow morning to see what's going on in here, but I think I've had enough computer for the night.

EDIT: @BlasTech: I posted the first segment about 4 posts above this one, I think. I'd appreciate any and all commentary up to and including "you suck, go die."

2011-10-10, 10:10 PM
I have work far too early in the morning, I think I'm going to go to bed a little early tonight.

I have syncronized the entirety of My Little Pony Season 1 in HD to my iPod for the inevitable deadlock traffic into Boston at seven in the morning.

Goodnight everypony.

(Mids, I'll post back from work tomorrow. I'm sorry, I just don't have another post in me right now. http://i.imgur.com/RBgwp.jpg)

*Midnight gives ponycuddles!

It's totally okay, Titanium. I have a lot of running around to do tomorrow (I have to go to the doctors+financial stuff+work), so my own responses will likely be a little delayed from hereon, so I do understand. You have a good night now! :smallredface:

2011-10-10, 10:10 PM
The FDA warns that you should not take death without first consulting your doctor, as complications have arisen in clinical trials with patients taking life and other popular states of being.

Side effects of death have been known to include: absence of breath; absence of pulse; absence of brain wave activity; absence of metabolic activity; rigor mortis; decompostition; distressing body odour; hair loss; reduced libido; impotence; sterility; limited mobility; attraction of scavengers.
Should you begin to experience a combination any of these symptoms it is recommended that you consult your nearest cleric, shaman, necromancer, white mage, or witch doctor. You may be advised that death is not for you, and could be prescribed with an alternate metaphysical conditioning more suitable for your needs.

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-10, 10:14 PM
A few pages back, somepony said that everyone was welcome to RP ... so everyone started to do just that! :smalltongue:

You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 10:18 PM
You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...
Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

2011-10-10, 10:20 PM
Can you give a basic run down of them for us?

from my brief run-through;

Roleplaying is magic is a d20 system. You have three stats, heart body and mind. These combine for substats, health energy and courage. Enegry is a combination of stamina and mana. Health is health. Courage is courage, and also pluck; Midnight's biggest asset. You can convert courage to health or energy as needed.

Any action that's not automatic is rolled against a DC of 0-10, plus;
5 if a normal pony could do it
15 for an extraordinary pony
25 for a legendary pony

You get a bonus to the roll for; expending courage/energy to try your best, doin something related to your special talent, involving your job, or your skills. You also get a single-session use of a Harmony roll; if performing an action that involves yor chosen element, you gain a boost equal to the total number of ponies in the party (yourself included).

Combat and such are resolved simply; if something attacks you, it rolls. If it succeeds, you make a health roll; success loses 1 health, failure loses 2. 0 health knocks you out for a spell.

Pony Tales uses six attributes roughly correlated to the D&D stats, except agility and speed are both somewhat Dex based and there is no Cha.

Each stat point represents 1d6, and you roll all your dice. Muscle 5 means Second Hand rolls 5d6 to overcome the DC, and keeps the sum total.

Extremely hard tasks have a +18 DC, super easy stuff is -16 DC, with variable ranges between them.

Combat and gameplay are more defined, closer to exalted than D&D (at a glance) or GURPS even. You get various dodge/block/soak/parry abilities, and actual realistic death potential.


I have no vote. I could go either way, and it depends on what tone you want to give the game. Most thread!Ponies fall in-between both systems in tone.

2011-10-10, 10:30 PM
... I guess it's safe... *stealth post*

Chapter One (haven't decided what to call the story yet)
(spoilered for being a wall of text)

My life truly began the day I got my cutie mark. I guess that’s normal, but to be honest, I can hardly remember what happened before then. I was an average colt, intelligent but shy, with no real friends and too many books. It comes with being a unicorn, I guess—even the famed Twilight Sparkle spent more of her childhood in the company of books than that of friends.

It was worse for me, though. I had been cursed (in hindsight, blessed, but hindsight is funny like that) with a perfectly average appearance, along with the ability to just blend in with my surroundings. White coat, black mane, grey eyes, and a skinny build for a colt which I’ve kept well into stallionhood. An uninteresting name, Shadow (for my black mane, which my mother always loved). Perfectly normal, perfectly average, perfectly unremarkable. And, being so truly unremarkable, I was never accepted into Celestia’s famed unicorn academy. I vaguely remember being upset when I received the rejection letter from Ponyville’s mailpony, Dorky Doo (mother of our current mailpony Ditzy Doo). I may have even cried. It seems almost funny, looking back.

Not long after that, upset at my lack of special talent, or anything to set me apart for that matter, I ran away from home. And where else was a lonely, untalented, unwanted young buck to go but the Everfree Forest? I think I truly intended to die there. And I very nearly got that wish. As I pressed deeper and the vines and leaves pressed in around me, I heard more and more deep, animalistic noises. Eventually, cold and wet from a sudden squall of rain, I emerged from the brush in front of an enormous cave. I had already accepted my fate; anything this horrible place threw at me, I would simply let it happen. So I walked right in.

It quickly grew too dark to see, and the deep growls and snarls were growing louder all the time. I pressed on, determining to see this final adventure through to the end, and before long I bumped into a huge wall of furry flesh. The cavern lit up with a pale glow like starlight, and the vast creature reared up with a sleepy growl. An Ursa. Not a bad way to go, I guess. Except Fate had other things in store for me. I cowered as the creature drew up a humongous paw to end my short, meaningless existence… And in that moment, everything changed. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t think my life was meaningless. And who did this creature think it was, to try to kill ME? HOW DARE IT? Power, unlike any I had experienced in my previous studies, surged through my body and left my horn in a pure, black beam.

I must have blacked out. When I woke up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. I shook it off, but the foul metallic taste clung to my tongue and settled in the back of my throat. The cavern was lit with the barest edge of daylight, enough to see the fuzzy outline of the Ursa as it lay in the center of the cave, unmoving. I crept towards it slowly, not knowing if it was asleep or awake. As I passed the huge, fallen head, I saw that the eyes were still open and froze… But they were glazed and grey, unmoving… dead. I had cast my first real spell: a Death spell. And with just my own power, I had slain an Ursa.

I staggered from the beshadowed cave into the light of what was, to me at least, my first day. A convenient pool of water drew my attention; I really needed to wash up, to get the blood from my face before heading home. As I finished scrubbing my face with my hooves, something caught my eye: where before had been a blank white flank was now a cutie mark, one that would define my whole life: the Grim Pony’s scythe.

I'll give it a look tomorrow, when I actually have time after finals and whatnot.

2011-10-10, 10:36 PM
(Also my kismesis is an expert.)

Expert? Flattery won't get you anywhere.

Also, I wouldn't call myself an expert. Just a pony with a lot of books and the ability to remember where he read things.

2011-10-10, 10:38 PM
Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.
I'm getting an "Emergency Maintenance" message. On the other hand, this page (
Hey! Ah... can anyone else not get to the ponymotes? My bookmarks are broke? I can see the ones everyone else has posted, but I can't get to the imgur page myself.

I'm getting an "Emergency Maintenance" message. On the other hand, [URL="http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/) is still working fine.

Pony Tales:
For anypony who might remember the original 1980s-90s Star Wars roleplaying game, the system used in Pony Tales is descended from that.

FFRP: Finding Berry Ann:

Beeskee slips off the magical platform as soon as he is able, tugging the cart with him, before fully realizing what is going on. He looks up just as some of the marshmallow-laden jello splatters against the floating canoe-balloon... thing, a big glob of the tasty treat falling to land on his upturned face. Blinking, he licks the stuff off, his eyes widening... The pony seems to be in absolute shock for a moment, before slipping out of the cart harness, galloping over to the airship, and starting to bounce up and down in front of the guns. "Hey! Hey! I'm over here! Oooooover heeeeEEEEeeeere!" He opens his mouth wide...

With any luck he'll distract the weapons so everypony can board the ship, but that doesn't appear to be something he actually considered.
Having set down behind another couple of trees and dissolved the platform while she tries to figure out what's going on, Topaz watches Beeskee trot off with and start trolling for noms while Starry is pelted with a rainbow of brightly colored gelatin. Well, this is certainly starting off typically. She watches carefully for any sign that the cannons are starting to emit anything more destructive.

2011-10-10, 10:48 PM
You know, I never really got the whole "pegasi are segregated from everyone else" thing that goes around in this fandom...

They live in a beautiful, magical cloud city that is entirely lethal to any other pony breed, by accident.

It's like wondering why acid tritons are segregated, when they're peaceful; because only 12th level and higher casters can ever visit/live in the beautiful triton city, beneath the acid sea :smallwink:

Sek's an Alchemical Exalted!

Or a warforged! Or robocop. I'm not picky.

SiuiS, once again, I will climb through your mountain of a post once I'm on a computer with more than one monitor. @_@

Need two monitors? You're spoiled, me buck-o*http://www.electricsamurai.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif

Lasher is from the 3.0 splash book "Sword and Fist". I decided to go with this route based on her extreme proficiency with the Lasso. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a good way in 11 levels to incorporate this with her other abilities that you mentioned here. If somepony can incorporate Apple Bucking with her "whip" proficiency it would work. I'm planning on taking the "obtain familiar" feat soon in order to give her Winona (probably at 15 after I take... Oh buck, what feat was I gonna take?) I was trying my hardest to avoid unarmed, as that seems as though it would be everypony's class except Twilight and Rarity, who have obvious access to magic.

Wild cohort would work better. Winona is only as smart as a dog, not sentient. Shed also gain direct HD, and feats, making her combat viable where a familiar is a tragedy waiting to happen.

Nopony is proficient with unarmed; I'm tempted to say they don't even have natural weapons. Shoes would work like Guanches, allowing legal damage, threatened squares, and diminished attack penalty, and apples are just fun.

Crab apples would be shuriken, and she bucks dozens a round at you. Macintoshes would be big, plump apples for like, 1d3 with a chance to blind you (mushy apple all over your face!) and you could replace other alchemical items with appropriate apples varieties.

The power level of the group is ???. We have a couple of extreme optimizers, and a couple of normal power levels in the group. However it is heavy Role Play; we've gotten into at maximum one combat per session, on some days none, so power level isn't really that important. Role Playing ability is.

Eyup. It's hard to find a balance though, and I think everypony has been on the wrong side o the "I could break the game but that's out of character so I won't" debacle. I had an epiphany last night that I can't remember the wording to, but it's something like "if the enemy has to [extreme action] to beat you, you're too strong" because I get a lot of players (well, just the one really... Hm) who want to be good at shop-keeping, but realizes stats are where it's at so he's also an expert in every fight. If your fighter has to be charmed, blinded, deaf and surprised in order to be hit by an assassin, you're not a banker. Your ruining the game for everypony else XD

-AWWWWWW! *The little filly glomps the goddess and begins to cuddle.*

Even better, Braz is waiting in the wings for another shot >:3

Celestia I feel old now.

You're what, 22? Get to the point where you count more bad joints in you. Body than good ones, and then you can et back to me on old.

Drink your milk kids. I've fallen out of trees, off buildings and out of a car, and never broken a bone. Sprains on the other hoof >>;

Except for all of the other ponies including herself.

...SO MUCH CUTE. @_@

Positive feedback loop much?

...I'm going to PsychoShutin's place, and PONIES. WILL. BE. HAD. Bye for now!

that's the spirit!

I could fix that! :smalltongue:

I have an oddly specific case of androphobia, so I'm not sure being a mare would improve things. XD

Well just use fixes and such. Instead of a fighter or a paladin, AJ can be a warblade or a crusader. Instead of a wizard, make Twilight a Sorcerer. (An Int based one.)
Rarity... Swordsage? Get an ACF to make it a little rogueish.
Pinkie Pie is pinkie pie. I don't even know. Differently fluffed sorcerer? I would say Bard, but they're a little weak.
Fluttershy Druid.
Rainbow Dash is a Warblade, really.

Maybe. I dunno, I'm trying to guessimate how to do challenges whih aren't combat, and which don't just specifically ape combat. If I get it to a low enough level, I think I'd need a system with less combat focus.

Maybe, but I prefer to think of it as the other way. It makes me smile.

Well, smiles are why we're here :smallsmile:

I suck at DMing. I can just about cope with a dungeoncrawl, but I have doubts about my ability to keep a proper game going.

Ah. Well, you seem to have all the necessary talents to me, but you'd know you better.

Dibs on Solar! :smalltongue:

Woah, hey there! She's mine! Or I'd at least have to accompany you two, constantly challenging you and comically losing.

Fine, fine. We'll wait till you wake up tomorrow >:D
no faaaaaaaaaair

I have a saying about fair, which I'll get to later ;P

*Midnight pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful. Her hoof rubs against her chin.

"You know, you're absolutely right...Instead of relying on what I'm bad at, I should work with my strengths."*

Is that...a rather impish gleam in her eye?

"And in this situation, I know exactly the thing to get this conversation away from Shimmer and I."

Midnight's horn glows, and her body flashes, as she suddenly changes...


Oh my. Standing where the formerly female Midnight was is a rather strikingly handsome unicorn stallion, with a slightly deeper purple coat, and solid blue hair. "Prince" Midnight grins roguishly, and reaches out, caressing Rarity's cheek.

"Now, what was that you were saying?"

Oh, you.*

The pictures are adorable. Fluttershy's story in Cutie Mark Chronicles would seem to indicate that she was born and raised in Cloudsdale and had never seen the ground close up until her fall, and yet being half earth pony makes so much sense.

Then again, although Lauren Faust has commented that mixed type couples would be able to have children I don't think we've seen any in the actual show (except for Lyra and Bon Bon, anyway).

Faust has? Huh. Neat! I thought that was just really heavy fanon.

Lyra and Bon-Bon, sadly, don't count in this sense as a mixed couple. Not until Trixie and Twilight open that clinic, anyway.[/quote]


I actually have to work to write Damascus now because I know in my heart it's supposed to be Damanescus

This is making my homework so difficult, you don't even know, and I just know I'm going to slip up and say Damanescus in class


...otakuryoga that is NSFW language
Do you want to get in trouble otaku
I didn't think so
Might wanna censor it
Or something
Or just linky it
I think you can linky it without getting slapped
But it's only polite to say "HEY NSFW LANGUAGE"
So people can go "Oh okay thanks
"I was going to open this in front of Grannyma
"But now I won't
"Thank you for saving my life by the way
"Grannyma would have shot my computer or something
"Seeing little ponies using language like that
"So thank you for warning me and saving my computer
"And me, because the computer was in my lap"
And then you can smile because you saved a life
By properly marking NSFW material

Oh, neat!
*checks "Make sure Raz is ok" off of his to-do list*

Can't help you man. I'm all about the pony puns now.

You know, Starfox is the game that originally got me into the furry fandom. I've seen a lot of Starfox shipping. x-x

What, really? Huh. I suppose that makes sense. Still, not what I would have expected.
despite not having expectations. Huh.
Today is weird.


A smug smile begins to form on the white unicorn's face as her darling niece begins to agree with her, the gears in her mind turning. Her eyes closes as she gives a sagely nod, unfortunately keeping her from noticing that telltale look in Midnight's eye.

"Indeed you should dear. Now what is your i...idea..."

Her words trail as her eyes open, a brilliant, blinding flash of magic greeting her. Suddenly her happiness faded to complete worry as she looked upon the light purple stallion standing before her.

"M-Midnight, dear... What are you doing?" Her cheeks gain a soft reddish hue, her eyes widening in surprise at the hoof on her cheek.*

Conflicting emotions ran through her mind at Rainboom speed. T-This was Midnight, of all ponies! But... But dear Celestia was he handsome, and a prince of all things!

Gotta commend you both. I couldn't do sometime like that publicly; I can't Ben do it privately half the time. I'm hem-ing and haw-ing just reading it!

I suppose that's a conflict of interests for me though, innit? Always wanted to RP romance, but there's no way to do so without it seeming romantic. C'est la vie.

Oh, it's really not that hard. That's why I have seventeen Twilights running around right now!

Oh goodness
Did you see how many background Trixies there were
And now a gaggle of Twilights
And they're in public
Now Nopony will get anything done

noted...i thought i had that double spoilered but didnt


As a note for the future, linking to, or extra spoilering, something board-innapropriate, doesn't really protect you. You are better off downloading the image, exiting out the word, and uploading it to photo bucket or the like.

Don't wanna be preachy, but the that feelin where you thought you were ok but still get in trouble is the worst. I'd rather spare you that if I could.

Sure I care. I'm currently making a super-powerful Infernal hunty type.

The conversation is about the appropriateness of a true Exalt in ponythread. What level of balance needs be struck between 'my entire purpose is to kill gods' and 'cuddly ponies'.

For example, if I were to do something horrible to Leo, and need it to actually go through, I'd have to get mean. And no matter how friendly it was, me saying "you shoulda combo'd" would probably tick him off. Then it's a back and forth of oneupsponyship. Nopony wants that, but Nopony wants to tell the other guy he can't play because of something as silly as different settings having different power levels.

I still can't believe that you do all of this on a Smart Phone dude.

All I miss out on is high resolution, games, anything flash, decent site layouts, and extended battery life! Don't be so squeamish :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

Agreed. I really enjoy using "forgotten and abandoned" weapons in D&D, and the lasher class actually just makes it possible to do with a whip.

Yeah. It's a pretty big gulf, where magi can be magic, but anything een vaguely ordinary MUST be simulationist and adhere to physics and limitations as much as possible. When you can whirl barbed wire around as the best starting weapon in the game, but you can't do anything heroic with a whip, that's a screw-up in my opinion.

Yeah, exactly. It was chosen for mechanics, rather than theme. 15 Con is still significantly higher than the average human, which represents Applejack well.

Still haven checked the sheet. I'll do that now.

My assumption in going to Equestria was the canon world, not the grimdark fan interpretations.

Further mistake on my part; assuming a conversion bureau scenario. If I could just be all "sure" and be genie-bamf'd to pony land, that's entirely different.

My initial thoughts on the CB however, were that folks had a bleak view of humanity and eventually, conversion was mandatory.

In that instance, it is my obligation and duty to fight back, and allow humanity to see itself through to the bitter end. And when the enemy (oddly enough, ponies!) have magic, superior infrastructure, and such... Guerilla assaults and dirty tricks are the order of the day, although I would hope I could convince the ponyfolk to allow us our silly notions of tradition and adherence to our humanity.

I wish I could say that I'd done this, because it sounds extremely fun. However, I have a bit of a crippling phobia of police officers. No good reason, just a phobia in general, which makes life interesting to say the least.

Huh. I never understood that sort of thing. They are just people in uniform. Planning on being an MP at one point probably helps though.

Considering moving up here? :smalltongue:

Braz has this cycle where every six months Gallophornia sucks and she wants to move so bad, and every time I think "I understand this state. Could I even carry a pocket knife elsewhere? What are the gun laws?". I'm archaic; my knife is part of me. Being legally unable to bring it with me would be irritating as all get out.

I don't even have considerations for the non mane-six to be honest. And yes, I'm inclined to agree with you overall on the thoughts on attractiveness.

In terms of "prettyness", I'd say Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack.

This reminds me of a fun argument to have. The difference between beautiful and attractive! Almost the same difference, except this one usually ends win somepony yelling at me XD

I am surprised you don't think much of the background ponies. I daresay they tend to be more popular than the mane six!

My primary player motivation is escape. I've dropped plot hooks for secondary motivations, everything from government conspiracies to cults of the devils and undead uprisings. :P

I see, I see.
Don't know how I'd handle that as a player. I tend to build economic functions into a character; spending the whole game in jail? We'd cross like ships in the night; I'd eternally try to escape so we could "move on", and you'd constantl wonder why I was undermining your game.

Note to self: explain campaign themes before character creation. We don't need any more of ourselves running around.

Jade struggles helplessly against her bonds, which are strong enough that if she hadn't known any better she may have thought that Lix, the Goddess of shipping herself may have tied them. Her eyes go wide and her cheeks hue scarlet as the pony is finally poked.

Her voice becomes extremely high as she begins to speak. "I'm Jade the filly, and I'm the fastest pony in Equestria! Do you want to race?"

Her eyes flit back and forth in terror. "Oh Celestia... Rainbow Dash isn't around, is she? I don't want to die!"


Don't worry, of/when dash shows up, I've got a plan. >:D

That I'm not visually artistic? :smallconfused:

Yup! Thanqol went from etch-a-sketch scribbles to art through the power of LIKE HELL I CAN'T! and you could too, if you wanted. I will dig out my old stuff, treat you to a sneak peak into the life and times of the friendly Ponythread wizard, when I get a chance.

Also, this made me think of something, and I'm going to exclaim it, loudly.


EDIT: I didn't kill the thread, did I? :smalleek:


any other lyrics could be construed as dirty or offensive, so I stopped there. But you get he drift.

Thought id just share my new netbook with everypony

Ach. Waaaaaaannnnnnt.

No, wait. No more netbooks. We get a desktop so it doesn't die.

Your job is to assassinate bronies using weapons grade adorable to give us all the Diabeetus? Why can't I find cool jobs like that?

Ask the Sol Society. I hear they may be hiring, AND are the leading cause of diabetes deaths among villains.

Also regular deaths.

Mixed? I'd have to say those results are 100% awesome.


Woah! We're gettin' raunchy up in the ponythread, eh?

Nope! Raunchy has certain overt porn connotations, that didn't exist when iciest thought of this response but now they are getting awfully close to the fade to black end of the spectrum XD

Reiterating the one I made two threads ago that was one of the two considered for the past couple of threads:

"Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain!"



I looked at it a bit on the White Wolf wiki, and it does seem interesting. The real problem is that none of my gaming friends seem to play WoD (new or old).

Loom into the books and some PbP. You ne'er know what you'll find.

Oh man, if we get enough of these made, we have to start a PbP game! It would be SO AWESOME http://i.imgur.com/Dy4NS.png

Eyup. Not entirely sure what's the best way to deal with PbP though, so I'm watching Thanqol, and the next thig he does that's game related I WILL STEAL THE HAY OUT OFlearn from.

My brother does not need to know.

Spike being her brother made this seem entirely different. Time for some mental floss >>;

Thread 26? :smallconfused:

I wonder anyone even noticed us gone, my second-cat. Probably not.


But I haven't forgotten Evil DM mm. 3 yet. Or SSJ4 Vegeta. Or entertainer 13, or the here-again-gone-again Irbis, or Coidzor, or the occasionally present metahuman, or Jahkaivah, or Lex Kat, or Trazoi who may not have been here since thread 1, or even Xanatos, who has almos no Internet presence anymore. Soft Serve who was Kyuubi, Glass mouse, even CurlyKitGirl.

You are immortalized in the annals of the thread. We will keep a candle lit for you. If you need to stop, go to bed, offer some sort of palate-cleansing away from ponies... We'll still be here when you come back. But if you aren't enjoying the pace, don't worry about it. You can't lose a footrace if you don't run, right? And we're all friends here. With the occasional nemesis, kismesis, and all that.

And a magitech space lich.

Maybe! Let me look!

Also, I see there is Pony itP Competition? Why wasn't I informed? :smallfrown:

Because you weren't here when we publicly said stuff silly. How could we tell you when you aren't there? Conversely, how could you wonder whether or not we said anything when you weren't here to know whether or not it was said? :smallconfused:

NO!!!! I am sorry, but DisQord has just gone too far with this one.....

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EAerRF5va0s/TpNl48yOnwI/AAAAAAAANn0/9oYqly6WHpI/s1600/69151+-+Bonbon+Discord+Lyra+artist+gavalanche+discorded+e dit+ew_gay+sad.png


Guess it's time to declare martial law.

Let's go beat him up!

Well, you all heard him everypony! It's the law!

Yeah, I thought that.
So we're all in agreement this time?

I can use the rocket launcher?*


And no-one is going to hide him away I'LL FIND GILDA EVENTUALLY SIUIS so I can properly blast Discord into his rightful fragments?

C'mon, guys, I've been itching to try out an SK-4!

Psh. You edited your post for specificity, ruining my future come-back, and I didn't notice until now!


"Yes, Bon-Bon?"
"Our party hats are touching."

I snrkd.

*Wanders away for a week, comes back and looks around.**

*Skims new but almost over thread, thread gains a page during said skimming.*

Business as usual around here I see.

Anyway, help needed with a rhyme!

I think I need to ditch the last to lines entirely and come up with a different rhyme because there are darn few words that fit with "Wish" and nothing pony related.

Kris got my second idea, but my first was
"if pony [something] be something you wish
Then help Fluttershy feed the ferrets the fish!



A friend of mine has a saying that doesn't work as often as he uses it, but bears repeating.

"fair is what you want to happen to you. Justice is what you deserve to happen to you."

DMing may masquerade as fair, but it's not. That being said, a cheating DM gets the knobbly end o' the shillelagh.

... /delurk/

It never ceases to amaze me how effortlessly this thread is propelled along at this speed. I swear there's a new incarnation every other day.

In any case, I'm mainly popping in to mention that I'm writing a fanfic with an OC and Luna, and I want it to be down in writing that I'm doing this before the new Luna episode comes out. *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELUNASQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

I'd also be grateful for a bit of support from the playground bronies. If this does what I hope it does, it'll be the first story I've /ever/ finished writing, and I'd like to know how badly i suck sugarcubes.

... /goes back to lurking/

We'll totally help, lurkfriend.

The last time I didn't cheat as a DM, my players successfully broke my economy. This time I attempted to keep things under control. They broke it again.

Next time they try to break the economy, somepony is going to extract a +3 Flaming Burst Icy Burst Lightning Burst Vitriolic light hand crossbow from under the table and shoot the character in the face.

Economy breaking is one of those things that should never really matter. Usually, the party gets bigger fun numbers, and just does stupid stuff sooner (which is often good, as it gives them action when they want it). Often, stuff they do with money doesn't matter. Finally, there is a third resource which is the one UTTERLY under DM or crazy strong wizard control; time.

Fun fact; those inevitables who are charged with maintaining time and punishing wizards and such who abuse it? they are smart. Enough to bring in help. You haven't seen fun until the wizard time stops, and all the enemies get to go with him; and then they use time stop themselves, leaving the wizard behind to be paranoid about what just happened :smallbiggrin:

Heh. Sure. Drop it here anytime you want somepony to look it over.

Or head over to ponychan's /fic/ if you want a more thorough review. (And yes, they are very thorough there.)

EDIT: I probably should just mention I finished the latest chapter of Pony Effect. Yay. Now I can relax and go back to following this thread. (Why are they so many RP posts now?)

Neat. Is it up on eqD? I wasn't interested at the time, but I'm kinda feeling the need to read that and the persona crossover.

Testing... http://i.imgur.com/EvxT1.png

Titanium Fox, you are a wonderful person. Have a Sweetie Belle. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

Fun fact: Sweetie Belle is the easiest to memorize emote EVER.

Seems to me like attacking him while he's a statue will only help him get out. And I would really like to hear the Aotrs contingency plans for dealing with reality warping entities, because there doesn't seem to be any real way to mess with them from where I'm sitting.

It's easier to get behind when you suppose you're sitting lateral to the reality warpers. Really, though, there's only so much you can protect yourself from even on a deific level. All of our peers and opponents use IP Proofing, so developing ways around it is necessary.

Honestly, the biggest loss is that if he doesn't try to avert his fate, the commodore just blew through extra spells for no reason.


Searching this on google brought back this (http://www.spreadshirt.com/hate-detected-firing-orbital-friendshi-C3376A7856394), by the way. Guys, didn't we coin that meme in the first place? >_>

Nope. Been shot by it a lot though!

Every time we've tried to form a committee to regulate usage of the OFC we've been unable to agree on what exactly constitutes "hate" and through which means it can legitimately be detected, causing heated emotional arguments that usually turn ugly fast, leading to the OFC being used on us and the committee breaking up so that we can all chase the butterflies that have suddenly become very, very interesting. Don't worry, though, we're fairly confident at this point that it isn't lethal.

And Gamerlord's radioactive, hungry begonias. Don't forget those.

How quickly they forget my spell in the disintegration ward of the hospital :smallmad:

It's not so much that the OFC isn't lethal as that death isn't lethal.

Oh poo, we magick'd you back together Licketty split!
Or no wait that was Esper.

On the plus side, you're now a benevolent troll, all the excess 4chan was burnt away http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

*sigh* Main ponymote pages are down, MCerberus is attempting to overthrow the thread again http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/confounded.png

Ooh, free "punch"! I wanna watch, too! Fill me up.

But only three have orbital bombardment capabilities.

But the other is a lich with a starfleet, and the other is me.

And the rest of you don't know how to count.

Honestly, as many orbital lasers as there are, I'm surprised we get any sunlight 0.0

*Midnight gives ponycuddles!

It's totally okay, Titanium. I have a lot of running around to do tomorrow (I have to go to the doctors+financial stuff+work), so my own responses will likely be a little delayed from hereon, so I do understand. You have a good night now! :smallredface:

Oh, good! I was afraid I wouldn't get anything done but reading tomorrow, either*http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

Though can't wait to see the resolution.

You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...

"what are you talking about? He's only got a tenuous connection to RP!"
"give him time~"

Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?


2011-10-10, 10:48 PM
Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

Embrace the RP.


I have no vote. I could go either way, and it depends on what tone you want to give the game. Most thread!Ponies fall in-between both systems in tone.

I agree with the wizard pony. The system choice would need to take the tone of possible adventures into account, but I was thinking more of an informal interest survey when I first posted.

For anypony who might remember the original 1980s-90s Star Wars roleplaying game, the system used in Pony Tales is descended from that.

Ah! Thanks for the heads-up.

2011-10-10, 10:56 PM
Honestly, as many orbital lasers as there are, I'm surprised we get any sunlight 0.0

Ponythread: Keeping Celestia busy since 2011.

2011-10-10, 10:58 PM
And Gamerlord's radioactive, hungry begonias. Don't forget those.

I thought we agreed to never speak of that again.

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-10, 11:00 PM
And Gamerlord's radioactive, hungry begonias. Don't forget those.
Misread that as "Gamerlord's radioactive, hungry boigas".

Was wondering when I accidentally stepped into an old B movie :smallconfused:

2011-10-10, 11:04 PM
Rassnfrassn' wizards posting things I want to respond to right before I post responses to other things I wanted to post responses to...

Or a warforged! Or robocop. I'm not picky.

This also works! I'm currently in the process of figuring out what he'd be in each system I'm coming across.

For my current shallow digging into Mage, I'm thinking Moros, since they seem to have some alchemical overtones, and Thanqol's point about material change would apply to a pony that is constantly re-shaping himself.

Loom into the books and some PbP. You ne'er know what you'll find.

You have no idea how tempted I am. I acquire books like...well, like a deranged Twilight, and I'm super tempted to try and get my hands on a copy. I will have to check out PbP though...

Eyup. Not entirely sure what's the best way to deal with PbP though, so I'm watching Thanqol, and the next thig he does that's game related I WILL STEAL THE HAY OUT OFlearn from.

I have a couple of ideas on that front, although they could probably use more refining, and the exact details would be system-dependent.

2011-10-10, 11:14 PM
Possible next Ponythread name suggestion... considering that MLP:FiM is now 1 year old, perhaps:

My Little Pony XXVII: Over 365 days of non-stop Pony!

Or should something like that wait until the GitP Ponythread is one year old? On that note, what date did the first GitP Ponythread start?

<-- Too busy lazy something to go archive diving.

Regarding pony RP: I've done PbP RP in the past, but I tend to find I have to drop out after a while due to real life getting busy enough to prevent me posting other than a few quick sentences. 'Tis most vexing. :smallannoyed:

Vent Reynolt
2011-10-10, 11:16 PM
Oh, neat!
*checks "Make sure Raz is ok" off of his to-do list*

Can't help you man. I'm all about the pony puns now.

Wait, what?

Oh, that makes more sense. The bold represents what my tired mind accidentally read that as.

...On that note, I think I'll catch up on the rest of the thread after a little bit of shut-eye.

2011-10-10, 11:17 PM
On that note, what date did the first GitP Ponythread start?

<-- Too busy lazy something to go archive diving.
The first post includes links to all the previous threads. The first was posted on December 20th of last year. So we have a couple more months until that anniversary hits.


2011-10-10, 11:29 PM
The first post includes links to all the previous threads. The first was posted on December 20th of last year. So we have a couple more months until that anniversary hits.


... http://i.imgur.com/w4Pts.png


Of course it does. Welp, I feel silly now.

Can't help you man. I'm all about the pony puns now.

The plan progresses... Excellent!

2011-10-10, 11:30 PM
Ponythread: Keeping Celestia busy since 2011.

That makes it sound like we're all being constantly monitored for moon-banishment worthy offences.

You took the CISSP test? How did it go man? Details man, details! I'm planning on doing this a few months down the road!

Check your email, I'd rather just write back and forth rather than try to be sifting through the 10+ pages every day looking for references to cryptography and network architecture.

Every nerd must love Star Trek and Doctor Who

I've seen a couple episodes of a few of the different Star Treks, but the shows never really grabbed me. I enjoy Doctor Who but haven't ever seen any of the old series. And you can all pry my nerd card from my cold, geeky hands.

Seriously unponylike to judge and classify people based on what shows they watch. I'd think this community would know better! The emotes aren't working so you'll have imagine Fluttershy looking at you disapprovingly.

2011-10-10, 11:38 PM
Oh, well in that case, have a picture:
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/276a6d9ea55e01a550a3fa957092e447/69507%20-%20Discord%20artist%3Aequestria_prevails%20braces% 20car%20celestia%20filly%20lauren_faust%20lauren_f aust_is_best_pony%20luna%20mother_mare%20ponified. jpg

This made me laugh, had to alt-tab before co-workers saw it. It's very appropriate to have Lauren as the mom of those three. :smalltongue:

Midnight: Roleplaying is Magic Sheet:
Roleplaying is Magic Character Sheet:
Name: Midnight
Race: Unicorn
Age: Filly (Statted as Mare + 2 Points)
Special Purpose: Midnight's special purpose and talent is magic. Like her parents, she has great magical potential, potential that she must divine for herself the path it takes.
Cutie Mark: The Magician Tarot. She also has a black blotch on her coat with star and moon stylings, akin to her Princess Mommy's own.
Primary Attributes: Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Energy 6, Courage 8
Talents: Smart, Empathetic
Job: Student/Princess
Skills: Knowledge (magic), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (trivia), Storytelling, Performing, Etiquette, Seduction (learned by doing the exact OPPOSITE the Guide told her to do), Bondag-Use Rope, Research, Reading
Guiding Element Of Harmony: Kindness

Effects: Animate, Change, Create, Diminish
Subjects: Body, Earth, Illusion, Plants, Force

Sample Tricks: Plant Bondage (Change+Plants), Teleport (Animate+Body), Celestial Wings (Change+Body), Build Structure (Create+Earth), Gender Change (Change+Body)

So, in the end, instead of doing anything super complex, I just went with giving Midnight a Mare level of points, and then added two, to give her Mind 5, Body 1, Heart 3. Apart from that, does everything look okay? I also thought about giving her special rules for Nightmare, but I dunno what would work with that.

I haven't made Pony Tales yet, it's a little more complex looking.

Looks good to me (although part of me is going "Poor Iggy, outclassed by one point in all his major stats. Another point just looks at him and goes "Stop trying to one-up a Princess!) :smallwink:.

We have a Kindness, just need a Laughter now!

Of the people that are openly in a campaign for world domination, yes.

Oh horseapples, he's on to me!

... I guess it's safe... *stealth post*

Chapter One (haven't decided what to call the story yet)
(spoilered for being a wall of text)

My life truly began the day I got my cutie mark. I guess that’s normal, but to be honest, I can hardly remember what happened before then. I was an average colt, intelligent but shy, with no real friends and too many books. It comes with being a unicorn, I guess—even the famed Twilight Sparkle spent more of her childhood in the company of books than that of friends.

It was worse for me, though. I had been cursed (in hindsight, blessed, but hindsight is funny like that) with a perfectly average appearance, along with the ability to just blend in with my surroundings. White coat, black mane, grey eyes, and a skinny build for a colt which I’ve kept well into stallionhood. An uninteresting name, Shadow (for my black mane, which my mother always loved). Perfectly normal, perfectly average, perfectly unremarkable. And, being so truly unremarkable, I was never accepted into Celestia’s famed unicorn academy. I vaguely remember being upset when I received the rejection letter from Ponyville’s mailpony, Dorky Doo (mother of our current mailpony Ditzy Doo). I may have even cried. It seems almost funny, looking back.

Not long after that, upset at my lack of special talent, or anything to set me apart for that matter, I ran away from home. And where else was a lonely, untalented, unwanted young buck to go but the Everfree Forest? I think I truly intended to die there. And I very nearly got that wish. As I pressed deeper and the vines and leaves pressed in around me, I heard more and more deep, animalistic noises. Eventually, cold and wet from a sudden squall of rain, I emerged from the brush in front of an enormous cave. I had already accepted my fate; anything this horrible place threw at me, I would simply let it happen. So I walked right in.

It quickly grew too dark to see, and the deep growls and snarls were growing louder all the time. I pressed on, determining to see this final adventure through to the end, and before long I bumped into a huge wall of furry flesh. The cavern lit up with a pale glow like starlight, and the vast creature reared up with a sleepy growl. An Ursa. Not a bad way to go, I guess. Except Fate had other things in store for me. I cowered as the creature drew up a humongous paw to end my short, meaningless existence… And in that moment, everything changed. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t think my life was meaningless. And who did this creature think it was, to try to kill ME? HOW DARE IT? Power, unlike any I had experienced in my previous studies, surged through my body and left my horn in a pure, black beam.

I must have blacked out. When I woke up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. I shook it off, but the foul metallic taste clung to my tongue and settled in the back of my throat. The cavern was lit with the barest edge of daylight, enough to see the fuzzy outline of the Ursa as it lay in the center of the cave, unmoving. I crept towards it slowly, not knowing if it was asleep or awake. As I passed the huge, fallen head, I saw that the eyes were still open and froze… But they were glazed and grey, unmoving… dead. I had cast my first real spell: a Death spell. And with just my own power, I had slain an Ursa.

I staggered from the beshadowed cave into the light of what was, to me at least, my first day. A convenient pool of water drew my attention; I really needed to wash up, to get the blood from my face before heading home. As I finished scrubbing my face with my hooves, something caught my eye: where before had been a blank white flank was now a cutie mark, one that would define my whole life: the Grim Pony’s scythe.

Well, gotta say your writing style reads well to me, I found it easy to follow. My only immediate reaction is "AAAUUUGHHH PONY OF DEATH FLEEEEEEE"

Will have a bit of a think and come back on anything specific that comes to mind later.

You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...

Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

Spoilered (Huge)

Um, you know ... if that's okay with you. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmhsygORhO1qf9oc8o1_250.gif

2011-10-10, 11:39 PM
That makes it sound like we're all being constantly monitored for moon-banishment worthy offences.

*continues plotting to summon the Pink One (again) from inside my orbiting doom ship housing a hijacked Equestrian superweapon, having gone mad with power not 3 hours ago*

You're right, that's so silly.

2011-10-10, 11:55 PM
Wait, what?

Oh, that makes more sense. The bold represents what my tired mind accidentally read that as.

...On that note, I think I'll catch up on the rest of the thread after a little bit of shut-eye.

Kris Strife
2011-10-10, 11:56 PM

"Only four hundred years? Oh, you're still a youngling compared to me. We're both a lot older than Midsy here."

She smiles, looking down at their shared body.

"Funny, though. She's a lot wiser and has a better head on her shoulders than I do. With age doesn't necessarily come wisdom.

Leo nods and sighs. "Oh, I know that all too well. I still don't feel like I'm any wiser than when I was mortal... That and we have a two thousand year old Pinkie right now, in case concrete evidence was needed"

You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...

Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

Do it! Seriously, just pick a ponysona and jump in. You can even be part of a continuity that clashes with Midnight's or any others. Leo's certainly does. :smalltongue:

Gotta commend you both. I couldn't do sometime like that publicly; I can't Ben do it privately half the time. I'm hem-ing and haw-ing just reading it!

I suppose that's a conflict of interests for me though, innit? Always wanted to RP romance, but there's no way to do so without it seeming romantic. C'est la vie.

I have rped such things before, and far more explicit ones, but not in a public forum. :smallredface:

The conversation is about the appropriateness of a true Exalt in ponythread. What level of balance needs be struck between 'my entire purpose is to kill gods' and 'cuddly ponies'.

For example, if I were to do something horrible to Leo, and need it to actually go through, I'd have to get mean. And no matter how friendly it was, me saying "you shoulda combo'd" would probably tick him off. Then it's a back and forth of oneupsponyship. Nopony wants that, but Nopony wants to tell the other guy he can't play because of something as silly as different settings having different power levels.

There's also tone, not just power levels. But I really do feel kind of stuck because of my desire to avoid certain zaniness that pops up in the thread from time to time, without either dropping out of an rp, refusing to rp, reminding everypony to leave me out, or telling everyone not to do it.

I have asked to be exempt from these things, but at the same time, I'd prefer to be able to stop it icly, just in case it's forgotten, or it's a universal targeted effect. :smallsmile:

That said, as long as it's not gonna gib, or hit a squick, I won't Perfect. But, if a drunken Blueblood tries a frontal assault, I doubt he'll be able to touch Leo. :smallwink:

Braz has this cycle where every six months Gallophornia sucks and she wants to move so bad, and every time I think "I understand this state. Could I even carry a pocket knife elsewhere? What are the gun laws?". I'm archaic; my knife is part of me. Being legally unable to bring it with me would be irritating as all get out.

If you'll PM me your knife's measurements, I'd be happy to check my state's laws.

Ask the Sol Society. I hear they may be hiring, AND are the leading cause of diabetes deaths among villains.

Also regular deaths.

"Of course! We always need more help! Only 700 celestial Exalts, and so very few Terrestrials leaves a lot of work to be done!

We're still cleaning up from a massive party held by ten different Pinkies at the same time... And we haven't let more than one be at HQ for a few centuries. :smalltongue:

Join Sol Society! See the multiverse! See ponies! Get shiny items and contractual immortality! Potentially hook up with multiple Dragonbloods or a Lunar!"

Hey Lix, tonberrian, does Exalted have a way to at least temporarily de-age someone?

Also, for those wondering, Leo only has a working relationship with his Lunar mate. I can't really say it's because the they're not a pony, or what gender they are, because well, Lunar. They just have no emotional rapport between them... The last being to have Leo's Exaltation may or may not have been a Desus, no one will tell him.

2011-10-11, 12:33 AM
You're what, 22? Get to the point where you count more bad joints in you. Body than good ones, and then you can et back to me on old.
http://i.imgur.com/3q7O2.png I'll probably hate myself for asking, but are there any other Baby Boomers in the ponythread?

2011-10-11, 12:41 AM
Igneous followed along behind the party, enjoying the view of the unfamiliar quarter while simultaneously preventing any of that from reaching his face. Several other ponies got out of his way, although whether it was from respect, fear, or simply due to the unstable contraption on his back he couldn't rightly say.

Inwardly he sighed, he could understand the pride other guard ponies felt in their service, but sometimes he just felt that all this needless rigidity got in the way of their work as much as it helped.

It was about then that they passed by the broken tunnel wall, and his facade cracked as he saw the vista it provided.

"Woah, that's a view and a half" he said as he took a moment to poke his head out. Looking down proved to be a mistake, and he soon withdrew, his face sporting a slight tinge of green.

"Bit of a drop though." he mumbled, edging towards the other side of the tunnel.

Recovering, albeit slowly, he continued to walk along behind the others. While his expression remained neutral, his eyes darted rapidly from place to place, taking in the sights as they traversed the old streets of Canterlot.

"Do not worry," Charger said to Clockwork, "If she's not where I remember he being, it would be a relatively simple matter to ask around."

Charger paused for a long moment, looking out across the sheer drop, up at the roots of the precariously placed tree. She smiled as the waves of wind came in, rushing through the tunnel, lifting and drying the last patches of damp from her mane and making it settle in an unruly mess.

[color="green"]Or a warforged! Or robocop. I'm not picky.

I love imagining that Warforged can only say the word WARFORGED! It's the most childish reaction to their tragic story imaginable, but seriously, WARFORGED

The conversation is about the appropriateness of a true Exalt in ponythread. What level of balance needs be struck between 'my entire purpose is to kill gods' and 'cuddly ponies'.

I have that argument with myself every day.

Yup! Thanqol went from etch-a-sketch scribbles to art through the power of LIKE HELL I CAN'T! and you could too, if you wanted. I will dig out my old stuff, treat you to a sneak peak into the life and times of the friendly Ponythread wizard, when I get a chance.

Also, this made me think of something, and I'm going to exclaim it, loudly.



Huh. Somepony finally found me out. :smallbiggrin:

Good work, SiuiS, you've managed to sidestep the Mask-in-the-rain reveal.

Eyup. Not entirely sure what's the best way to deal with PbP though, so I'm watching Thanqol, and the next thig he does that's game related I WILL STEAL THE HAY OUT OFlearn from.

PbPs have really weird pacing; skills learned in running tabletops often poorly translate to PbPs or vice versa. One of the biggest challenges in managing PbPs is maintaining activity; a constant buzz is vital, once the gap between posts gets to about a week things start to fall apart. For a look at a super structured and thought out PbP by me, you're going to have to wait until the Perfect Arrow kicks off.

Oh poo, we magick'd you back together Licketty split!
Or no wait that was Esper.

On the plus side, you're now a benevolent troll, all the excess 4chan was burnt away http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

That or I'm running the long con.

2011-10-11, 12:42 AM
Possible next Ponythread name suggestion... considering that MLP:FiM is now 1 year old, perhaps:

My Little Pony XXVII: Over 365 days of non-stop Pony!

Or should something like that wait until the GitP Ponythread is one year old?
Man... :smallfrown: We're never going to get "Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain" at this rate.

2011-10-11, 12:54 AM
Man... :smallfrown: We're never going to get "Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain" at this rate.

on the contrary!

EVERYTHING ELSE- 1 nomination

We're in the le~ad~
We're in the le~ad~

um... If that's alright with you.

2011-10-11, 01:11 AM
Man... :smallfrown: We're never going to get "Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain" at this rate.

Nah, I'll throw my support behind this. I think the "Over 365 days..." title is better kept as a suggestion for when the GitP Ponythread gets to its first birthday.

2011-10-11, 01:14 AM

Huh. Somepony finally found me out. :smallbiggrin:

Good work, SiuiS, you've managed to sidestep the Mask-in-the-rain reveal.

I kinda feel now like I had to be the smart one, and by Peking it I've ruined something for everypony else.

I'll edit my post if you edit yours?

2011-10-11, 01:15 AM
I kinda feel now like I had to be the smart one, and by Peking it I've ruined something for everypony else.

I'll edit my post if you edit yours?

I prefer to handle the situation by pointing out how many times I've admitted the 'truth' about Metal Mask before.

2011-10-11, 01:26 AM
Nah, I'll throw my support behind this. I think the "Over 365 days..." title is better kept as a suggestion for when the GitP Ponythread gets to its first birthday.

agree fully

http://i.imgur.com/3q7O2.png I'll probably hate myself for asking, but are there any other Baby Boomers in the ponythread?

not a boomer.... 41 next Friday(yay luna for birthday!)

debating whether to go see the Footloose remake
....and dreading the thought of the almost guaranteed to come soonish Fast Times at Ridgemont High remake

2011-10-11, 01:34 AM
"Do not worry," Charger said to Clockwork, "If she's not where I remember he being, it would be a relatively simple matter to ask around."

Charger paused for a long moment, looking out across the sheer drop, up at the roots of the precariously placed tree. She smiled as the waves of wind came in, rushing through the tunnel, lifting and drying the last patches of damp from her mane and making it settle in an unruly mess.

Edit: Clockwork RP
The blast of cold swirled up the tunnel and flew over Igneous causing him to freeze in his tracks. He remained motionless, save for his breathing, which began to occur in ever increasing increments until ...


The sneeze was strong enough to echo along the length of the tunnel and cause a small column of dust to fall from above, which only set off a second sneezing fit.

Miraculously, the only thing dislodged from all this activity was his helmet, which ended up sliding down over his eyes and was easily righted with a hoof once his nervous system had stopped reflexively trying to vent everything in his head (brain included).

"Oooer, sorry about that." He sniffed, giving his nose a rub with the back of his forehoof.

PbPs have really weird pacing; skills learned in running tabletops often poorly translate to PbPs or vice versa. One of the biggest challenges in managing PbPs is maintaining activity; a constant buzz is vital, once the gap between posts gets to about a week things start to fall apart. For a look at a super structured and thought out PbP by me, you're going to have to wait until the Perfect Arrow kicks off.

Well thankfully PbP doesn't seem to be too dissimilar from a straight up RP thread. I've been involved in one of those for going on to (*checks*) wow six years now O_o;;

It posts slowly nowadays though, about one or two bursts of activity per month, a few die hard participants and a couple of new ones keep it rolling. :smallsmile:

Hope if this one starts up it moves a little more regularly though :smalltongue:

Man... :smallfrown: We're never going to get "Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain" at this rate.

Well, given that the prohibition on this appearing earlier was due to S2 Spoilers, which is no longer that applicable, I can get behind it being the next thread title now.

2011-10-11, 01:59 AM
Wow pony thread that was a lot to catch up on but here I am at the end and all I can really remember is that my pony folder is larger than it used to be.
Tonight was my first night starting my new job (3rd shift tax document prep.) and after being there for 3 and a half hours they told all us new people to go home for the night since there wasn't enough work. So now instead of working till 6 am and going straight to sleep I have a few hours of free time I am so excited. http://i.imgur.com/Qd0KM.png

Edit: Almost forgot, I have convinced the person who gives me a ride to work to start watching My Little Pony!

2011-10-11, 02:32 AM
Wow pony thread that was a lot to catch up on but here I am at the end and all I can really remember is that my pony folder is larger than it used to be.
Tonight was my first night starting my new job (3rd shift tax document prep.) and after being there for 3 and a half hours they told all us new people to go home for the night since there wasn't enough work. So now instead of working till 6 am and going straight to sleep I have a few hours of free time I am so excited. http://i.imgur.com/Qd0KM.png

Whatever will you do with your windfall free time??

Correct answers include "go to disneyland" and ponies. :smallsmile:

Edit: Almost forgot, I have convinced the person who gives me a ride to work to start watching My Little Pony!

Neat, wonder whether he/she will like it too :3 what persuasive techniques did you use?

2011-10-11, 02:46 AM
[FFRP] Finding Berry Ann

Y'know, being trapped in this room with a bunch of charted accountants is really boring. *Is it better then the alternative though? True, true, but still, I'm going to have to eat some of them soon. *

A few minutes later:
It's been like five minutes! *How could you possibly have been hungry enough to cannibalize all of them? *I'm so bored I might ev-
No! *No thinking of it. *Do something quick! *What about your control panel? *That's an improvised system made of paperclips and the skulls of several accountatns who work for super-villains! *Good enough! **hits random buttons**

Automatic defense system online. *Exterior camera systems online.

It's times like these I'm glad I never thought to put anything stronger then jello in those automatic cannons. Forget about that! Exterior speaker systems online. *Look out for incoming fire! ..........Which was totally not caused by me!

Topaz watches as Starry ginsu's the tree into a makeshift airship. Her horn flickers briefly, but she catches herself before losing the platform. Well. That was impressive. I guess we should just... She pauses as cannon barrels deploy from the ship and a hasty warning is sounded from the speakers. Wait, what?

Before Topaz can react, the closest cannon fires, and something *splats* against her dome.

Is that... Jello? With... little marshmallows?

Incoming what?

Starry ceases cackling and squints through the fogged goggles. In the draft caused by high-velocity gelatin, the precarious canoe begins to pitch and spin, a perpetual counterclockwise mechanical bull.

Were her tail not twisted into the balloon strings, Starry would have been launched - into the doorway or into Topaz, though which depends on the whims of fate.

Beeskee slips off the magical platform as soon as he is able, tugging the cart with him, before fully realizing what is going on. He looks up just as some of the marshmallow-laden jello splatters against the floating canoe-balloon... thing, a big glob of the tasty treat falling to land on his upturned face. Blinking, he licks the stuff off, his eyes widening... The pony seems to be in absolute shock for a moment, before slipping out of the cart harness, galloping over to the airship, and starting to bounce up and down in front of the guns. "Hey! Hey! I'm over here! Oooooover heeeeEEEEeeeere!" He opens his mouth wide...

With any luck he'll distract the weapons so everypony can board the ship, but that doesn't appear to be something he actually considered.

2011-10-11, 03:31 AM
Whatever will you do with your windfall free time??

Correct answers include "go to disneyland" and ponies. :smallsmile:

Neat, wonder whether he/she will like it too :3 what persuasive techniques did you use?

PONIES! I have had Winter Wrap Up stuck in my head all day so ya watched that, and now I am plodding through a chapter of Fallout Equestria cause I don't need free time.
I told them that it is awesome and they should watch it. For once that is all it took, no bugging or nothing I was just talking about how much I liked it and they said that it sounded awesome and they would check it out.

Edit: And now I am going to go to bed early cause I am sleepy.

2011-10-11, 03:48 AM
debating whether to go see the Footloose remake

Oh, for the love of ponies.

Remember that period in the late 90s, where Hollywood execs were digging through old scripts and 'modernizing' them? From whence we gained such luminaries as 10 Things I Hate About You (Taming of the Shrew), Cruel Intentions (Dangerous Liaisons), and Romeo and Juliet? I think a similar thing is happening again.

Except with movies that weren't all that good in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the original Footloose. However, a masterpiece of cinema, it was not.

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 03:52 AM
Oh, for the love of ponies.

Remember that period in the late 90s, where Hollywood execs were digging through old scripts and 'modernizing' them? From whence we gained such luminaries as 10 Things I Hate About You (Taming of the Shrew), Cruel Intentions (Dangerous Liaisons), and Romeo and Juliet? I think a similar thing is happening again.

Except with movies that weren't all that good in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the original Footloose. However, a masterpiece of cinema, it was not.

At the same time, it took 4 tries to get ponies right. :smalltongue:

2011-10-11, 03:54 AM
At the same time, it took 4 tries to get ponies right. :smalltongue:

Touche, my good pony; touche.

2011-10-11, 04:21 AM
You asked for it.
http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/195/0/9/krystal_from_starfox_custom_by_thatg33kgirl-d3ra2v1.jpg (http://thatg33kgirl.deviantart.com/art/Krystal-from-StarFox-custom-227218429)

She looks kind of like a collie, actually.

Well, thanks, though I hoped for something more... you know :smalltongue:

Ponythread: Keeping Celestia busy since 2011.

Possible next Ponythread name suggestion... considering that MLP:FiM is now 1 year old, perhaps:

My Little Pony XXVII: Over 365 days of non-stop Pony!

So, only two new name proposals? :smallconfused:

Hmm, I guess I'll have to dig in the old threads for past names, too.

Now, the question is, do I try to get this thread finished, or do I go to bed. Hmm. Decisions.

2011-10-11, 04:23 AM
Just gonna cheat and use summaries.

@PbP Pony Games
I would be interested if somepony could walk me through the basic mechanics. I mean, I have considered for years to try my hand in D&D or one of them D20s RPG, but sadly there is a true lack of players over here. (I have the source books and what-not.)

Yes, Pony Effect (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-pony-effect_23.html) is on EqD. Not very well known though. (Only 45 ratings over the star-cullings, shameless plug. :smalltongue:).

@Starting a new FFRP in here
Whelp, nothing stopping you guys. :smalltongue: That said, Lyra would probably jump into one of the ongoing RPs as soon as I can figure out what is going on.

Yeah, as if you would do that.
He totally would you know.
Shut up, Olympia.

@New thread title
I support Eternal Chaos Comes With Chocolate Rain. And the OP Pic must feature Pinkie. Because, yanno, Pinkie is second best pony. After Twilight obviously.

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 04:29 AM
@PbP Pony Games
I would be interested if somepony could walk me through the basic mechanics. I mean, I have considered for years to try my hand in D&D or one of them D20s RPG, but sadly there is a true lack of players over here. (I have the source books and what-not.)

Have two of those I think, but reading source books on a computer screen doesn't work for me. :smallsigh:

@Starting a new FFRP in here
Whelp, nothing stopping you guys. :smalltongue: That said, Lyra would probably jump into one of the ongoing RPs as soon as I can figure out what is going on.

Yeah, as if you would do that.
He totally would you know.
Shut up, Olympia.

You're more than welcome to just start your own... And of course, you're more than welcome to join in the Leo and Midnight one. I don't think Midnights' been kidnapped lately. :smalltongue:

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 04:37 AM
Seems to me like attacking him while he's a statue will only help him get out. And I would really like to hear the Aotrs contingency plans for dealing with reality warping entities, because there doesn't seem to be any real way to mess with them from where I'm sitting.

Dude, I'm an Undead epic-level necromancer.

I am a reality-warping entity, if you want to get technical...!

From where you're sitting, there probably isn't. But you don't have access to sufficient levels of magic and technology that are vastly above the galactic standard. It's all about the correct application of force, and having the appropriate weapons. It has been observed that at a sufficient level of advancement, technology and magic appear interchangable - and it's certainly true you can, to a large extent - if not always efficiently or easily - replicate the effects of one with the other. At high enough levels of energy output nothing is totally immune. (E.g. a direct hit from an entirely non-magical twenty-metre diameter railgun slug travelling at several times the speed of light is sufficiently powerful that even most greater deities won't just shrug it off.)

Quite often, though, when you see those reality-warping entities, they are basically bullying weaker beings (Discord, Q, etc etc); you very rarely if ever see them actually trying to tackle something with resources to stop them directly face-to-face (magic weapons, for a kick-off, have a nasty tendancy to ruin somebody's day, as the Helixes say). Any numpty can claim omnipotency when the enemy hasn't got a hope of hurting them: for an extreme example, I myself comfortably claim complete omnipotence over a non-magic-using low-tech planet (e.g. Earth prior to World War II), because there would be very little way of realisitically harming me.

It's why slasher monsters have free reign. Butchering mostly defencesless idiots who have no access to magic (or worse, only access to your magic) is trivially easy. On the other hand, stick a mid-level adventurer or Superman or Buffy or me into the situation, and suddenly Mr Slasher Dude is running for his actual, non-sequel-getting existance because he's suddenly as helpless as his former victims (worse off if it's me, in fact, because of my necromancy making sure there's no-where - even in death - to hide.)

How quickly they forget my spell in the disintegration ward of the hospital :smallmad:

It's not so much that the OFC isn't lethal as that death isn't lethal.

It freakin' hurts Undead though, which is why I have Wraithfire on station...

Psh. You edited your post for specificity, ruining my future come-back, and I didn't notice until now!



Economy breaking is one of those things that should never really matter. Usually, the party gets bigger fun numbers, and just does stupid stuff sooner (which is often good, as it gives them action when they want it). Often, stuff they do with money doesn't matter. Finally, there is a third resource which is the one UTTERLY under DM or crazy strong wizard control; time.

Fun fact; those inevitables who are charged with maintaining time and punishing wizards and such who abuse it? they are smart. Enough to bring in help. You haven't seen fun until the wizard time stops, and all the enemies get to go with him; and then they use time stop themselves, leaving the wizard behind to be paranoid about what just happened :smallbiggrin:

Spoken as someone who's clearly never seen PCs shatter the wealh-by-level system and achive a point where all the Inevitables in the Planes can show up and spend several hours pointlessly wailing on the PCs because they need a natural 20 to hit and most spells just bounce off their saves and/or Evasion. PRE-Epic level.

(Hell, due to my earlier miscalculations, I've got a PC currently who is flying, invisible and has an AC of 48 AT LEVEL 14. He may as well write "immune to melee attacks" on his sheet, since that is a good 20 points higher than the rest of the party, and well above anything the monsters can hit.)

2011-10-11, 04:43 AM
So, only two new name proposals? :smallconfused:

Now, the question is, do I try to get this thread finished, or do I go to bed. Hmm. Decisions.

I second usage of the title "Eternal Chaos comes with Chocolate Rain" :smallsmile:

In other news, couldn't find a Krystal Fox pony, but I did uncover some more MLP Starfox crossovers :smallwink:



I can't believe Rarity would join that team though, they're so gauche and she never would be evil ... would she? http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 04:52 AM
Commander, did you ever read that comic I linked you?

And I think I asked you something else you never responded to... I could be imagining things though. :smalltongue:

2011-10-11, 04:58 AM
At high enough levels of energy output nothing is totally immune. (E.g. a direct hit from an entirely non-magical twenty-metre diameter railgun slug travelling at several times the speed of light is sufficiently powerful that even most greater deities won't just shrug it off.)

First, I'd like to see non-magical device accelerating anything to more than speed of light. Sorry, this term is almost totally meaningless :smallwink:

Also, there's the matter of C3I. This railgun might be potent, but brute force fails if you have no way of determining where enemy is or piercing non-standard defences :smalltongue:

Quite often, though, when you see those reality-warping entities, they are basically bullying weaker beings (Discord, Q, etc etc); you very rarely if ever see them actually trying to tackle something with resources to stop them directly face-to-face (magic weapons, for a kick-off, have a nasty tendancy to ruin somebody's day, as the Helixes say).

Magic weapons? :smallconfused:

Sorry, it's sort of like Cortez claiming his arquebus is equivalent of 60-caliber 155 mm gun because both totally work on the same principle :smalltongue:

Spoken as someone who's clearly never seen PCs shatter the wealh-by-level system and achive a point where all the Inevitables in the Planes can show up and spend several hours pointlessly wailing on the PCs because they need a natural 20 to hit and most spells just bounce off their saves and/or Evasion. PRE-Epic level.

Um, what exactly stops enemies of the party of using the same tricks...? :smallconfused:

(Hell, due to my earlier miscalculations, I've got a PC currently who is flying, invisible and has an AC of 48 AT LEVEL 14. He may as well write "immune to melee attacks" on his sheet, since that is a good 20 points higher than the rest of the party, and well above anything the monsters can hit.)

Ranged touch attacks? Sudden True Strike? True Seeing? :smallconfused:

There are dozens of ways to make flying/invisibility/AC totally meaningless if needed, as in above railgun example. C3I trumps brute-force defences, sadly.

Although, dear lich, I kind of have to wonder, if people who advised you against going after Discord haven't overestimated your power still, seeing brute-force approach in both attack and defence above. Doesn't the whole episode with jar where superior C3I trumped your lich defences easily haven't taught you anything? ;P

Also, I see my pictures of female robots weren't useful after all, eh? :P

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 05:13 AM
Wanted to address these points, but wanted to get that question in first. :smalltongue:

I myself comfortably claim complete omnipotence over a non-magic-using low-tech planet (e.g. Earth prior to World War II), because there would be very little way of realisitically harming me.

So a nuke could manage to ruin your day? :smallamused:

It's why slasher monsters have free reign. Butchering mostly defencesless idiots who have no access to magic (or worse, only access to your magic) is trivially easy. On the other hand, stick a mid-level adventurer or Superman or Buffy or me into the situation, and suddenly Mr Slasher Dude is running for his actual, non-sequel-getting existance because he's suddenly as helpless as his former victims (worse off if it's me, in fact, because of my necromancy making sure there's no-where - even in death - to hide.)

Let's be fair though. You could put someone with half a brain and little bit of genre savvy and they could take out the monster in most cases. :smalltongue:

2011-10-11, 05:16 AM
Have two of those I think, but reading source books on a computer screen doesn't work for me. :smallsigh:

So true. I only got halfway through the Exalted source books you linked me. (Yes, I'm still trying to read those.)

You're more than welcome to just start your own... And of course, you're more than welcome to join in the Leo and Midnight one. I don't think Midnights' been kidnapped lately. :smalltongue:

Well, to start a RP, you need to have something to start with. Maybe I could start with DisQorded Lyra I had alluded to earlier. (Buried somewhere in the last thread.)

2011-10-11, 05:17 AM
Spoken as someone who's clearly never seen PCs shatter the wealh-by-level system and achive a point where all the Inevitables in the Planes can show up and spend several hours pointlessly wailing on the PCs because they need a natural 20 to hit and most spells just bounce off their saves and/or Evasion. PRE-Epic level.

(Hell, due to my earlier miscalculations, I've got a PC currently who is flying, invisible and has an AC of 48 AT LEVEL 14. He may as well write "immune to melee attacks" on his sheet, since that is a good 20 points higher than the rest of the party, and well above anything the monsters can hit.)

I have two rebuttals.

The first, is that as soon as you are king poop of manure mountain, some ubergod farmer is going to want to mulch you onto his lawn.

Rebuttal 2 is yourself, with the aleax, paragon and epic pseudonatural templates, 20 time innevitables advanced to sufficient level, 12 god saving inevitables, 2 continuum-saving inevitables guarded by Perfected spheres of concordance, and 6 plane consuming inevitables.

The mooks are a dozen concordant slayers, advanced to double their hitdice. Around 40 decent outsiders of diametrical opposition to you.

Now imagine their general is you, only better. You are planning the entrapment and slaughter of our dumber self from three years ago; you have detailed memories of everything you could do, and duplicate, paragon versions of all ofyour functional resources. A single epic spell, dc 45 or so, boosts the attack of all allies by +60, for 24 hours. They all have delay death, incredible fast healing, immunity to death effects, necromancy, and any status ailments you have access to. Their sole purpose is to keep you busy while the other you sights you for the finale.

How would you fare? Because me? I died. I can't beat my own caster level anyway, adding +25 to it, and having a spell resistance in the triple digits.... I had to Plot Device myself to death after regenerating. And it almost didn't work.

Best battle ever, though. The other PC who had similar treatment got to see me pop in to ask him for help, notice he was in battle already, and then drop several quickened reality maelstroms, so I wouldn't be able to predict what plane I came out on. Sections of Tartarus are still smoldering.

Oh, and seriously? Have a vampire or similar (sorry commodore, best example I have) summon a bunch of bats. Not a swarm, a bunch. Tiny, flying, that's three to a square, seventeen squares, and don't they only have to roll 15 or better to grant anypony else a (cumulative) +2 to attack? AC 48, reduced to AC 20 by 24 minions sacrificing themselves for your glory :smallwink:


Separate topic. Could somepony link me to the griffon song Here (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/music-griffin-village-winter-gilda.html?m=1)? Embedded videos don't play and I can't find the source.

2011-10-11, 05:30 AM
Griffon song. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCABnp9qY7I)

2011-10-11, 05:35 AM
Wow, Grif. That's some speed you've go there :smallbiggrin:
Thanks man. Different that I expected, but not bad. Not sure how I feel on lyrics yet.

2011-10-11, 05:37 AM
I second usage of the title "Eternal Chaos comes with Chocolate Rain" :smallsmile:


Get some sleep Trixie, we probably have 3-4 hours before we need a new thread.

2011-10-11, 05:40 AM
Wow, Grif. That's some speed you've go there :smallbiggrin:
Thanks man. Different that I expected, but not bad. Not sure how I feel on lyrics yet.

Campus net. It's high time I abuse this rather than my rickety 1Mbps home broadband.

2011-10-11, 05:46 AM
Get some sleep Trixie, we probably have 3-4 hours before we need a new thread.

I meant it as I'm-sick-go-to-bed, not go-to-sleep one, besides, even if I wanted to, I can't sleep :|

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 06:24 AM
First, I'd like to see non-magical device accelerating anything to more than speed of light. Sorry, this term is almost totally meaningless :smallwink:

Same way you get things like FTL drive and anti-grav to work. 21st century science's undestanding of the universe is hardly complete...

Also, there's the matter of C3I. This railgun might be potent, but brute force fails if you have no way of determining where enemy is or piercing non-standard defences :smalltongue:

Railguns are considered effective (and this is "effective" not "maximum") out to a range of approximately 100,000 km (one-third a light second), with a transit time of less than a second.

Due to stradian accuracy (i.e. that every you double the distance to a viewed object, it appears to have in apparent size relative to the viewer, at that range, a Liche's Wrath Superdreadnought would be approximately appear the size, relative to your viewing arc, as about 280 micrometres a side or 78 square NANOMETRES. Which somewhere between the size of a paramecium and an ameoba. Even deities do have that level of visual accuity (when was the last time dieties were known for seeing single cellular organisims?) without some effort - and of course, magnification doesn't reduce the amount of sky you have to search (think about how you use binoculars or a telescope - you have to find the area you want to focus on, you don't sweep the sky with 'em).

This is also pretty much well outside the range of spells, which are generally of a global - at best range - in the low thousands of miles.

Starship sensors have ranges in lightyears.

A deity on the prime plane (or one it's home dimension, if you technology to get there - and our Gate drive would do it) would be unlikely to even register, bar precognition the threat. Though this is an extreme example.

Magic weapons? :smallconfused:

Sorry, it's sort of like Cortez claiming his arquebus is equivalent of 60-caliber 155 mm gun because both totally work on the same principle :smalltongue:

*sigh* Magic enchantments to do two things: one enhance the effectiveness of the weapon and two, allow the weapon to do things beyond it's normal parameters (i.e., it is what allows you to hit ghosts, incorporeal entities and harm things). The two are most commonly found together, but are not mutually exclusive. The "making the weapon effect broader targets" is the important bit. In reality, to use a D&D metaphor, you can make a "+X weapon" i.e. a weapon that is better at dealing damage/armour penetration etc and it not be magical (unlike D&D). And you can make a perfectly ordinary sword magical, which won't make it any better at killing people, but enable it to stab ghosts and demons with it.

One of the effects of supremely high levels of energy discharge (especially given that it's not like everyone doesn't KNOW there are these things out there to fight, so you can do deliberately as well at much lower energy output too) is that some of energy tends to, for want of a phrase everyone can wrap their heads round "bleed" into non-material space and is capable of the same effect. (That is, by the way a horrible way of explaining, it, but as I've said before, I'm a necromancer not an engineer, and trying to explain science that is literally as far removed from 21st century Earth's as you are from early Republican Rome.) And I do mean "extremely" high, like "well above nuclear bomb" level and well into "starting to get into blowing up planets" level.

Um, what exactly stops enemies of the party of using the same tricks...? :smallconfused:

The fact that the "tricks" are basically kit-based and giving the monsters that much kit leads to exacerbating the problem in the first place.

Ranged touch attacks? Sudden True Strike? True Seeing? :smallconfused:

There are dozens of ways to make flying/invisibility/AC totally meaningless if needed, as in above railgun example. C3I trumps brute-force defences, sadly.

The former is not really any better (touch AC is nearly as bad), the latter relies on having a melee-specialist arcane caster; the latter is the option most often used by me. But note that ALL of those require a spellcaster. Not every encounter has dozens of spellcasters (all though my games have more than most). And while the caster is busy dealing with the invisible ninja, the party's spellcasters have free reign to do what they like.

For the record, I did manage to kill him the once with an Illithid Cleric - with Trueseeing active - and Heartripper. But, short of spellcasters, my point remains; he's basically immune to attack rolls at this point in the game.

Although, dear lich, I kind of have to wonder, if people who advised you against going after Discord haven't overestimated your power still, seeing brute-force approach in both attack and defence above. Doesn't the whole episode with jar where superior C3I trumped your lich defences easily haven't taught you anything? ;P

Trixie, if at any point I was actually, genuinely serious about, say knobbling Lixie or something, there are plenty of things I could do (like calling in the boss, for one), and, no, I certainly won't tell any of you what they might be over a forum! (Operational security. I am really not stupid. There comes a point, beyond the generical, where I just smile, and say "that's classified" same as any other military guy would.)

If I actually decided Discord was a threat to the Aotrs that needed removing, I wouldn't be humorously chucking snake missiles at his statue, put it that way.

Also, I see my pictures of female robots weren't useful after all, eh? :P

No more so than the other comments about putting hair and such on 'em...

Wanted to address these points, but wanted to get that question in first. :smalltongue:

So a nuke could manage to ruin your day? :smallamused:

Pretty much, though I stand in good company; most people can't stand up to a nuke, either (Superman, maybe). I figure if it's good enough it'd kill Batman or the Doctor if they let it hit 'em and I let it hit me, then I deserve the fragging.

Let's be fair though. You could put someone with half a brain and little bit of genre savvy and they could take out the monster in most cases. :smalltongue:

Except for the ones that have magic "I'm-coming-back-for-the-sequel" powers, but yes, your point is valid. Most heroes would splat 'em like they were made of cheese.

I have two rebuttals.

The first, is that as soon as you are king poop of manure mountain, some ubergod farmer is going to want to mulch you onto his lawn.

Rebuttal 2 is yourself, with the aleax, paragon and epic pseudonatural templates, 20 time innevitables advanced to sufficient level, 12 god saving inevitables, 2 continuum-saving inevitables guarded by Perfected spheres of concordance, and 6 plane consuming inevitables.

The mooks are a dozen concordant slayers, advanced to double their hitdice. Around 40 decent outsiders of diametrical opposition to you.

Now imagine their general is you, only better. You are planning the entrapment and slaughter of our dumber self from three years ago; you have detailed memories of everything you could do, and duplicate, paragon versions of all ofyour functional resources. A single epic spell, dc 45 or so, boosts the attack of all allies by +60, for 24 hours. They all have delay death, incredible fast healing, immunity to death effects, necromancy, and any status ailments you have access to. Their sole purpose is to keep you busy while the other you sights you for the finale.

How would you fare? Because me? I died. I can't beat my own caster level anyway, adding +25 to it, and having a spell resistance in the triple digits.... I had to Plot Device myself to death after regenerating. And it almost didn't work.

Best battle ever, though. The other PC who had similar treatment got to see me pop in to ask him for help, notice he was in battle already, and then drop several quickened reality maelstroms, so I wouldn't be able to predict what plane I came out on. Sections of Tartarus are still smoldering.

Oh, and seriously? Have a vampire or similar (sorry commodore, best example I have) summon a bunch of bats. Not a swarm, a bunch. Tiny, flying, that's three to a square, seventeen squares, and don't they only have to roll 15 or better to grant anypony else a (cumulative) +2 to attack? AC 48, reduced to AC 20 by 24 minions sacrificing themselves for your glory :smallwink:

This assumes that a) I am prepared to spend several hours to counter each and every PC and engage in an escalating PC arms race, b) I can still always say "rocks fall, everybody dies" but the point for me as DM is to provide a challenge to the PCs without crushing them, c) that it is remotely world-consistent to have every encounter specifically designed to counter the PCs and d) that I am prepared to toss aside the entire module and write a new adventure just because their ACs got a bit too high.

(If I had the time to write like that, we wouldn't be running converted modules, we'd be playing on Dreemaenhyll, where it is impossible to do that, since the magic armour/enhancement/stat bonuses from kit have been replaced with flat level progression.)

None of which I am going to do. The long and the short of it is, there are always ways to counter the PC's special tricks (the aforemention regular evil cleric favourite True Seeing being one of them), but under no circumstances should every encounter have them for the sake of world consistency alone (after all, not every single Superman villain carries Kryptonite, even if an unrealistically large number tend to on a bad day...) And for the encounters that don't, I refer you to the aforementioned "immune to attack rolls."

Commander, did you ever read that comic I linked you?

And I think I asked you something else you never responded to... I could be imagining things though. :smalltongue:

OotS aside, I don't tend to read many webcomics these days (I used to have a load I used to read, but don't find the time or inclination these days.)

If you remember, ask again...

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 06:33 AM
Pretty much, though I stand in good company; most people can't stand up to a nuke, either (Superman, maybe). I figure if it's good enough it'd kill Batman or the Doctor if they let it hit 'em and I let it hit me, then I deserve the fragging.

Depends entirely on which Superman actually. At one point, he intentionally has every nuke in the world explode near him (he was out in space at the time) so he could fake his death.

Why? To get his Super-Son to man up.

Then you have Golden Age Superman who can be hurt by bursting shells. :smalltongue:

Edit: This one, Romantically Apocalyptic (http://romanticallyapocalyptic.com/). Only 56 pages I think.

2011-10-11, 06:35 AM
Oh, for the love of ponies.

I think a similar thing is happening again.

Except with movies that weren't all that good in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the original Footloose. However, a masterpiece of cinema, it was not.

oh, i know it wasnt an oscar winning movie(nor will this remake be)
it was however one of the "big" movies during those oh so formative High School years
i well remember the admins tried(un-successfully) to ban the theme song from being played on campus(due to the "everybody cut" sequence)

2011-10-11, 06:38 AM
I meant it as I'm-sick-go-to-bed, not go-to-sleep one, besides, even if I wanted to, I can't sleep :|

Just start reading some tax law ... I know it works for me! >_>

Speaking of which, time for bed (sleep bed), g'nite ponythread. Hope to see a nice new one in the morning!

Tectonic Robot
2011-10-11, 06:38 AM
Do it! Seriously, just pick a ponysona and jump in. You can even be part of a continuity that clashes with Midnight's or any others. Leo's certainly does. :smalltongue:

Well, I've never done anything like this before, and I'm not sure how to jump right in. Also, I'm afraid of making a mary sue character, and I've only played D&D once, and I kind of like you guys and don't want to look stupid in front of you...

Kris Strife
2011-10-11, 06:47 AM
Well, I've never done anything like this before, and I'm not sure how to jump right in. Also, I'm afraid of making a mary sue character, and I've only played D&D once, and I kind of like you guys and don't want to look stupid in front of you...

We have, as some of the characters here: A pony with a Gurren Lagann style mech, an Exalted Solar, the love child of Trixie, Twilight and Luna who is dating the goddess of shipping/the OC of one of Equestria Daily's mods, the Omnipresent SiuiS, a robot pony, a Magitech Spacelich and Crew, a pony with the mask of the god/epitome of deceit, the hyppogrif daughter of Dash and Gilda, raised by Dash and Fluttershy, a sentient shotgun wielded by a Twilight obsessed Lyra, a pony made out of darkness and shadow, and at least Future Rarity.

Besides, you'll probably do better at preventing the Mary Sue thing than I did with Leo. :smallredface:

Don't worry about looking stupid in front of us. We're not going to laugh at you, and it's only a matter of time before I do or say something far worse that makes everyone forget your faux pas. :smalltongue:

2011-10-11, 06:57 AM
We have, as some of the characters here: A pony with a Gurren Lagann style mech, an Exalted Solar, the love child of Trixie, Twilight and Luna who is dating the goddess of shipping/the OC of one of Equestria Daily's mods, the Omnipresent SiuiS, a robot pony, a Magitech Spacelich and Crew, a pony with the mask of the god/epitome of deceit, the hyppogrif daughter of Dash and Gilda, raised by Dash and Fluttershy, a sentient shotgun wielded by a Twilight obsessed Lyra, a pony made out of darkness and shadow, and at least Future Rarity.

Besides, you'll probably do better at preventing the Mary Sue thing than I did with Leo. :smallredface:

Don't worry about looking stupid in front of us. We're not going to laugh at you, and it's only a matter of time before I do or say something far worse that makes everyone forget your faux pas. :smalltongue:
You forgot the Hell-pony.... Pegasus.....thing that can create chemical reactions at will and his evil twin! :smalltongue: I'm pretty sure that is more broken then some of those!

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 07:01 AM
Don't worry about looking stupid in front of us. We're not going to laugh at you, and it's only a matter of time before I do or say something far worse that makes everyone forget your faux pas. :smalltongue:

Or SiuiS does!


Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 07:35 AM
So I'll be getting to a quote-post when I get a chance today. Possibly over lunch. However. Remember yesterday how I was trying to get my pony fix? I went over to PsychoShutin's place, and it ended up not happening. So I synced the entirety of Season 1 to my iPod for the ride into work.

I hook the iPod into my stereo via USB. The stereo changes it over to the alphabetically first album; shutting off the video.



WARNING: Large Image

2011-10-11, 07:37 AM
... I guess it's safe... *stealth post*

Chapter One (haven't decided what to call the story yet)
(spoilered for being a wall of text)

My life truly began the day I got my cutie mark. I guess that’s normal, but to be honest, I can hardly remember what happened before then. I was an average colt, intelligent but shy, with no real friends and too many books. It comes with being a unicorn, I guess—even the famed Twilight Sparkle spent more of her childhood in the company of books than that of friends.

It was worse for me, though. I had been cursed (in hindsight, blessed, but hindsight is funny like that) with a perfectly average appearance, along with the ability to just blend in with my surroundings. White coat, black mane, grey eyes, and a skinny build for a colt which I’ve kept well into stallionhood. An uninteresting name, Shadow (for my black mane, which my mother always loved). Perfectly normal, perfectly average, perfectly unremarkable. And, being so truly unremarkable, I was never accepted into Celestia’s famed unicorn academy. I vaguely remember being upset when I received the rejection letter from Ponyville’s mailpony, Dorky Doo (mother of our current mailpony Ditzy Doo). I may have even cried. It seems almost funny, looking back.

Not long after that, upset at my lack of special talent, or anything to set me apart for that matter, I ran away from home. And where else was a lonely, untalented, unwanted young buck to go but the Everfree Forest? I think I truly intended to die there. And I very nearly got that wish. As I pressed deeper and the vines and leaves pressed in around me, I heard more and more deep, animalistic noises. Eventually, cold and wet from a sudden squall of rain, I emerged from the brush in front of an enormous cave. I had already accepted my fate; anything this horrible place threw at me, I would simply let it happen. So I walked right in.

It quickly grew too dark to see, and the deep growls and snarls were growing louder all the time. I pressed on, determining to see this final adventure through to the end, and before long I bumped into a huge wall of furry flesh. The cavern lit up with a pale glow like starlight, and the vast creature reared up with a sleepy growl. An Ursa. Not a bad way to go, I guess. Except Fate had other things in store for me. I cowered as the creature drew up a humongous paw to end my short, meaningless existence… And in that moment, everything changed. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t think my life was meaningless. And who did this creature think it was, to try to kill ME? HOW DARE IT? Power, unlike any I had experienced in my previous studies, surged through my body and left my horn in a pure, black beam.

I must have blacked out. When I woke up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. I shook it off, but the foul metallic taste clung to my tongue and settled in the back of my throat. The cavern was lit with the barest edge of daylight, enough to see the fuzzy outline of the Ursa as it lay in the center of the cave, unmoving. I crept towards it slowly, not knowing if it was asleep or awake. As I passed the huge, fallen head, I saw that the eyes were still open and froze… But they were glazed and grey, unmoving… dead. I had cast my first real spell: a Death spell. And with just my own power, I had slain an Ursa.

I staggered from the beshadowed cave into the light of what was, to me at least, my first day. A convenient pool of water drew my attention; I really needed to wash up, to get the blood from my face before heading home. As I finished scrubbing my face with my hooves, something caught my eye: where before had been a blank white flank was now a cutie mark, one that would define my whole life: the Grim Pony’s scythe.

Pretty good so far. *Raises eyebrow at name*

Well, I've never done anything like this before, and I'm not sure how to jump right in. Also, I'm afraid of making a mary sue character, and I've only played D&D once, and I kind of like you guys and don't want to look stupid in front of you...

Just jump in! That's what I've done and it's working out fine so far. The lynch mob'll be coming any moment now.
Perfectly fine!

FFRP, Saving Berry Ann:
Sweet Celestia, the cannons are still firing. How much Jell-o did you make for those? *grumbling* It got boring without you, ok?

byaku rai
2011-10-11, 07:53 AM
Pretty good so far. *Raises eyebrow at name*

Just jump in! That's what I've done and it's working out fine so far. The lynch mob'll be coming any moment now.
Perfectly fine!

FFRP, Saving Berry Ann:
Sweet Celestia, the cannons are still firing. How much Jell-o did you make for those? *grumbling* It got boring without you, ok?

O_o I apologize for the similarity in name. I approve wholeheartedly of your ponytar, btw. More will go up next thread, I think this one kinda buried it. If I'm quick enough...

... Except I have class in half an hour, and by the time I get back the XXVII thread will be halfway over. http://i.imgur.com/o7rww.png

Curse you ponies and your posting efficiency!

Psycho Shutin
2011-10-11, 08:09 AM
The last time I didn't cheat as a DM, my players successfully broke my economy. This time I attempted to keep things under control. They broke it again.

Next time they try to break the economy, somepony is going to extract a +3 Flaming Burst Icy Burst Lightning Burst Vitriolic light hand crossbow from under the table and shoot the character in the face.

You do realize when i break the economy further on Wednesday the way the dice treat you when you dm the attack roll will crit fail

Oops! Misread it then... However, PbP stuff is pretty straightforward: set up an OOC thread for discussion and rolls (and/or a recruiting thread) and once you have people on board, launch the IC thread. I've mostly played the FFRP options like Children of the Sky and The Playground, but more rules-based systems like D&D work just fine.

Just like a pen-and-paper game, you can choose a DM/Storyteller/Narrator/What have you, as well as mods to help keep things in order (though this is more an issue with full FFRP stuff). From a player's perspective very little changes actually, except you're posting rather than talking.

Hmm, while we're at it, why don't we do a survey?

For those interested in a PbP ponies game, which system would you prefer: RP is Magic (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ShylNaVPRa7U8GmPayAtBhTOXZin07zkNVmvf6eSKks/mobilebasic?pli=1&hl=en_US) or Pony Tales (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/266/d/b/pony_tales__us_letter_by_catspaw_dtp_services-d49v97y.pdf)?

from the looks of thing rp is magic seems to better suit what happens in the thread but im good either way i just tend to be better able to rp once i have some mechanics behind it and ive been wanting to jump into an rp for a while now.

Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

i have had problems bringing my self to rp and i can promise i dont know how to not be super awkward

2011-10-11, 08:20 AM
So, after some digging, we have 3 popular proposals with multiple votes:

A) the 365 days one, seeing it's one year anniversary of MLP FiM series;

B) The rain one, popular this thread;

C) The Luna/ponies ruined my fanfic one, seeing that...

Spoilers say that Luna might appear during this thread, or possibly in the beginning of next one, if we're very quick.

So, we have remaining of Page 49 for vote, let's do it from scratch to be fair. 30 posts to go, everypony can decide! :P

2011-10-11, 08:24 AM
I vote for A. Actually, now that I think about it, I prefer B.

2011-10-11, 08:40 AM
B, of course. But not just because I'm the one who suggested it - the year-anniversary one is better left for the anniversary of these threads in December, and the Luna one is better left for after her first reappearance in the show actually happens.


2011-10-11, 08:47 AM
B, as I said earlier.

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-11, 09:04 AM
I vote beeeeeeee!

(With a note to vote for C the next time around, because i feel like that'll be when the next thread is due)

(And A in December)

2011-10-11, 09:08 AM
I vote for A.
A will do nicely.


2011-10-11, 09:13 AM
I vote for B. It seems to be what the cool kids are doing these days.

Lix Lorn
2011-10-11, 09:17 AM
How quickly they forget my spell in the disintegration ward of the hospital :smallmad:

It's not so much that the OFC isn't lethal as that death isn't lethal.
I love this thread.

But only three have orbital bombardment capabilities.

But the other is a lich with a starfleet, and the other is me.
May I remind you that not only do I have the OHC codes, I INVENTED it?

Expert? Flattery won't get you anywhere.

Also, I wouldn't call myself an expert. Just a pony with a lot of books and the ability to remember where he read things.
Nope! It'll get you EVERYWHERE! http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

Even better, Braz is waiting in the wings for another shot >:3[QUOTE]

[QUOTE]I have an oddly specific case of androphobia, so I'm not sure being a mare would improve things. XD
What if I make EVERYONE a mare?

Maybe. I dunno, I'm trying to guessimate how to do challenges whih aren't combat, and which don't just specifically ape combat. If I get it to a low enough level, I think I'd need a system with less combat focus.
Oooh. Basically, if it's not combat focussed, it's best as FF, really.

Well, smiles are why we're here :smallsmile:

Ah. Well, you seem to have all the necessary talents to me, but you'd know you better.
Nah. I can't keep up.

Woah, hey there! She's mine! Or I'd at least have to accompany you two, constantly challenging you and comically losing.
We could share! :smalltongue:

I have a saying about fair, which I'll get to later ;P
Is it later yet?

The conversation is about the appropriateness of a true Exalt in ponythread. What level of balance needs be struck between 'my entire purpose is to kill gods' and 'cuddly ponies'.

For example, if I were to do something horrible to Leo, and need it to actually go through, I'd have to get mean. And no matter how friendly it was, me saying "you shoulda combo'd" would probably tick him off. Then it's a back and forth of oneupsponyship. Nopony wants that, but Nopony wants to tell the other guy he can't play because of something as silly as different settings having different power levels.
Oh, I was just bringing it up cause we were talking about exalted, and I really like this character. xD

A friend of mine has a saying that doesn't work as often as he uses it, but bears repeating.

"fair is what you want to happen to you. Justice is what you deserve to happen to you."
Oh. So you did.

That makes it sound like we're all being constantly monitored for moon-banishment worthy offences.
Aren't we?

"Potentially hook up with multiple Dragonbloods and/or a Lunar!"

[QUOTE]Hey Lix, tonberrian, does Exalted have a way to at least temporarily de-age someone?

Lunars can age backwards, I think there's a solar charm for deaging mortals, and there are (rare) hearthstones that grant immortality.

So, after some digging, we have 3 popular proposals with multiple votes:

A) the 365 days one, seeing it's one year anniversary of MLP FiM series;

B) The rain one, popular this thread;

C) The Luna/ponies ruined my fanfic one, seeing that...

Spoilers say that Luna might appear during this thread, or possibly in the beginning of next one, if we're very quick.

So, we have remaining of Page 49 for vote, let's do it from scratch to be fair. 30 posts to go, everypony can decide! :P
I vote for B.

Vent Reynolt
2011-10-11, 09:22 AM
FFRP: Blue Ponies Yay!

Oh, I love tempura! And green tea, too. Do lead the way, then.

Of course! It's just down the road over here, and then we take the first left... or was it the second left? It's so much easier to find these places from the air.

Anyway, did you know that they also serve a rare Azure Lily tea; it's a bit expensive, but definitely worth trying.


I know what I must do now!

Hey Lix! You look really cute today! http://i.imgur.com/xJr4u.png

Faith stares at the Midnight from a hiding place in a bush. Her face goes bright red.


Pft. Amateur. Midnight'll definitely see her there.

*Midnight seems to know Faith is hiding in a bush, because he glances in that direction, and winks playfully.

Hey, when you have as many stalkers trying to hide in bushes as (s)he does, you get good at picking them out!

I knew it.

She'd probably have better luck trying to hide in an apple tree. At least then, her blushing wouldn't give away her location.

Midnight and Rarity

*Midnight felt his heart patter excitedly in his chest. He had, of course, been told the story of how Blueblood had treated Rarity so long ago at the Gala, before she was even born. That was only compounded by her own interactions with the arrogant stallion, and his less terrible, but still misguided, son. It had always rankled at him, how Rarity had been treated, how her dream had been so cruelly shattered.

Midnight was all about second chances, and dreams. He wanted to give this to Rarity. But it was more than just that, now. The tension in the air, the interplay between the younger Prince and his older, but still gorgeous, Lady. It was more than just the game now. The gentle teasing she had intended to catch Rarity off-guard had now started them down on this more serious path.

His kiss hadn't just made Rarity's heart skip a beat, it had done the same to him.

His body was filling with warmth, from his hooves, to his cheeks, which began to blush the same lovely pink that Rarity had, the pink of two ponies experiencing the first moments of passion.

He smiled, as Rarity spoke, and nodded slowly, before bowing low to Rarity.

"Of course, my dear Lady. I shall take my leave, and allow you to prepare for this evening, whilst I do the same."

He made a mental note to quickly read up on formal fashions for stallions. After all, it wouldn't do to take Rarity, of all ponies, on a date dressed unfashionably.

After all, he wanted to make this her best night ever.

INKWELLOOOOO! INKWELLOOOOO! We need Blueblood II here stat! I gotta know how he'd respond to male!Midnight!

Line for line, that's pretty much exactly my thought process, haha. We should have a super awkward RP thread for all the people who can't bring themselves to RP.

Is best plan, no?

You mean to tell me that there are people who are somehow even more awkward with the RPs than me?!

O_o I apologize for the similarity in name. I approve wholeheartedly of your ponytar, btw. More will go up next thread, I think this one kinda buried it. If I'm quick enough...

http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/51aaf0f329497d17456ee4052f30fc59/810%20-%20Trixie%20gilda%20macro%20meme%20parody%20sad%20 sketch.jpg

This is pretty much how I felt when I found out that my own pony shares his name with the fan name of another pony (Raindrops):
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/f36ced202c14cab3928ca88fb0bf9f78/69533%20-%20Raindrops%20artist%3AKabukiHomewood%20not_oc%20 puddle.jpg
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/111/e/9/mlp_fim___double_date__perhaps_by_proteusiii-d3ek1g3.jpg (http://proteusiii.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3ek1g3)
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/089d648036077ba75793f1173d404006/17439%20-%20Raindrops%20absurd_res%20transparent%20vector.p ng

In other news, guess who has a new favorite background pony? :smallbiggrin:

So, after some digging, we have 3 popular proposals with multiple votes:

A) the 365 days one, seeing it's one year anniversary of MLP FiM series;

B) The rain one, popular this thread;

C) The Luna/ponies ruined my fanfic one, seeing that...

Spoilers say that Luna might appear during this thread, or possibly in the beginning of next one, if we're very quick.

So, we have remaining of Page 49 for vote, let's do it from scratch to be fair. 30 posts to go, everypony can decide! :P

I'm gonna go with B.

We can save A for the first birthday of Ponythread, and I think we should save C until after Luna appears in an episode.

byaku rai
2011-10-11, 10:00 AM
Wow. I honestly expected to see a new thread up when I got back. :smallconfused: you're slipping, Equestrians.

I vote B.

I might be interested in a roleplaying thing, but my replies would be spotty at best, so perhaps not.

I feel outclassed by too many of the ponies on this thread. I'm going to have to begin construction of my Orbital Hate Cannon to counteract all the friendship around here...

2011-10-11, 10:04 AM
Wow. I honestly expected to see a new thread up when I got back. :smallconfused: you're slipping, Equestrians.

I vote B.

I might be interested in a roleplaying thing, but my replies would be spotty at best, so perhaps not.

I feel outclassed by too many of the ponies on this thread. I'm going to have to begin construction of my Orbital Hate Cannon to counteract all the friendship around here...

I believe Lix has beaten you to it.


2011-10-11, 10:24 AM
I say that the next thread should be B.

2011-10-11, 10:25 AM
Wow. I honestly expected to see a new thread up when I got back. :smallconfused: you're slipping, Equestrians.

I vote B.

I might be interested in a roleplaying thing, but my replies would be spotty at best, so perhaps not.

I feel outclassed by too many of the ponies on this thread. I'm going to have to begin construction of my Orbital Hate Cannon to counteract all the friendship around here...

to be fair.... we are only a few posts away

oh look....i seem to have spilled gasoline all over the place

i'm sure it wont be any sort of problem

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-11, 10:33 AM
We should just name the next thread "B". I mean, look at all these votes it's getting!

Vent Reynolt
2011-10-11, 10:44 AM
We should just name the next thread "B". I mean, look at all these votes it's getting!

I think that would "B" a good idea!

2011-10-11, 10:46 AM
Ugh, had a browser crash take out my the post I had in the works. Oh well, it's not like anything of value was lost.

to be fair.... we are only a few posts away

oh look....i seem to have spilled gasoline all over the place

i'm sure it wont be any sort of problem
How very clumsy of you. Here, I'll take care of it, wouldn't want the thread to burn down, now would we?
*carefully cleans up all the spilled gasoline*

Lix Lorn
2011-10-11, 10:50 AM
I know what I must do now!

Hey Lix! You look really cute today! http://i.imgur.com/xJr4u.png
Mwah! :smallredface:

Pft. Amateur. Midnight'll definitely see her there.

I knew it.

She'd probably have better luck trying to hide in an apple tree. At least then, her blushing wouldn't give away her location.
Where's the fun if you don't get caught?

byaku rai
2011-10-11, 10:53 AM
I believe Lix has beaten you to it.


... I can't decide whether to be disappointed, or just attempt to steal it. =/ Stealing from Lix is probably a bad idea.

Back to the drawing board...

EDIT: perhaps this will do:

Go, my army of cartoonishly incompetent minions!

Lix Lorn
2011-10-11, 10:56 AM
... I can't decide whether to be disappointed, or just attempt to steal it. =/ Stealing from Lix is probably a bad idea.

Back to the drawing board...
If by 'steal' you mean claim you did it first, very bad. If by 'steal' you mean do art of your own, go for it. I just negative'd a screenshot. xD

2011-10-11, 10:58 AM
Pft. Amateur. Midnight'll definitely see her there.


I knew it.

She'd probably have better luck trying to hide in an apple tree. At least then, her blushing wouldn't give away her location.

*That's odd, he finds a cup of Azure Lily tea poured for him in his hiding place, with a note attached:


Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 10:59 AM
*Midnight gives ponycuddles!

It's totally okay, Titanium. I have a lot of running around to do tomorrow (I have to go to the doctors+financial stuff+work), so my own responses will likely be a little delayed from hereon, so I do understand. You have a good night now! :smallredface:

"Yay Cuddles!" Jade returns said ponycuddles.

I'll be getting a post up in a little bit. I've got jack squat to do (somehow the users haven't broken everything over the long weekend; I know, I'm scared too), so I can probably get out a Quote Post, my next post in MidxRarity shipping, and possibly even Jade's cutie mark story.

... It just occurred to me that it may not have been a good idea to post the first chapter of my story on page 46 of a thread. x.x Oh well, if it gets overlooked I can just try again.

I'll pop in again tomorrow morning to see what's going on in here, but I think I've had enough computer for the night.

EDIT: @BlasTech: I posted the first segment about 4 posts above this one, I think. I'd appreciate any and all commentary up to and including "you suck, go die."

That's what I'd recommend. Nopony is gonna mind if you repost. A lot of things tend to get lost in the fervor that comes with the end of a thread.

You know, that whole rp thing seems interesting...

Oh Lord, I can't do it. Nevermind. Ignore me...

I'm going to bed... Night everyone...

"Awwwwww. Come on! It's not very far. Just move your little rump. You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and a jump! Wait, what's that? Wrong situation? Aww... I never was very good at that whole Pinkie Pie thing."

from my brief run-through;

Roleplaying is magic is a d20 system. You have three stats, heart body and mind. These combine for substats, health energy and courage. Enegry is a combination of stamina and mana. Health is health. Courage is courage, and also pluck; Midnight's biggest asset. You can convert courage to health or energy as needed.

Any action that's not automatic is rolled against a DC of 0-10, plus;
5 if a normal pony could do it
15 for an extraordinary pony
25 for a legendary pony

You get a bonus to the roll for; expending courage/energy to try your best, doin something related to your special talent, involving your job, or your skills. You also get a single-session use of a Harmony roll; if performing an action that involves yor chosen element, you gain a boost equal to the total number of ponies in the party (yourself included).

Combat and such are resolved simply; if something attacks you, it rolls. If it succeeds, you make a health roll; success loses 1 health, failure loses 2. 0 health knocks you out for a spell.

Pony Tales uses six attributes roughly correlated to the D&D stats, except agility and speed are both somewhat Dex based and there is no Cha.

Each stat point represents 1d6, and you roll all your dice. Muscle 5 means Second Hand rolls 5d6 to overcome the DC, and keeps the sum total.

Extremely hard tasks have a +18 DC, super easy stuff is -16 DC, with variable ranges between them.

Combat and gameplay are more defined, closer to exalted than D&D (at a glance) or GURPS even. You get various dodge/block/soak/parry abilities, and actual realistic death potential.


I have no vote. I could go either way, and it depends on what tone you want to give the game. Most thread!Ponies fall in-between both systems in tone.

Personally my vote would go towards RolePlaying is magic, because as everypony involved would be learning an entirely new system and playing in a PbP for their first game with it, Roleplaying is Magic seems to be the most lightweight and easiest to pick up.

That said, I would say it really depends on the type of campaign the DM wants to run. If he's running a dark / grim campaign, then I'd say yeah, go with PonyTales since it's better tailored to that.

Hmm... Perhaps one game of each; one with a lighthearted nature for ponies who would prefer that, and one of a more grim / combat oriented nature for ponies who's characters fall more towards that side of the spectrum.

Need two monitors? You're spoiled, me buck-o*http://www.electricsamurai.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif

I actually have five on my main setup. At work I have two, and all of my laptops have one (theoretically, I have a dock that I can extend that with).

Wait. Have I ever shown you ponies mission control?

Wild cohort would work better. Winona is only as smart as a dog, not sentient. Shed also gain direct HD, and feats, making her combat viable where a familiar is a tragedy waiting to happen.

Nopony is proficient with unarmed; I'm tempted to say they don't even have natural weapons. Shoes would work like Guanches, allowing legal damage, threatened squares, and diminished attack penalty, and apples are just fun.

Crab apples would be shuriken, and she bucks dozens a round at you. Macintoshes would be big, plump apples for like, 1d3 with a chance to blind you (mushy apple all over your face!) and you could replace other alchemical items with appropriate apples varieties.

I think I'm going to present this to my DM, and see what he thinks. If he clears the apples as other thrown weapons for stats due to her proficiency, I'll go ahead with levels of Master Thrower. If not, I won't bother, and I'll just go with Lasher.

Even better, Braz is waiting in the wings for another shot >:3

"Can't. Wait. To see this."

You're what, 22? Get to the point where you count more bad joints in you. Body than good ones, and then you can et back to me on old.

Drink your milk kids. I've fallen out of trees, off buildings and out of a car, and never broken a bone. Sprains on the other hoof >>;

Twenty actually. http://i.imgur.com/dB204.png

Positive feedback loop much?

But positive feedback loops keep making everypony happier and happier and happier and happier until the entire world explodes with happiness and everyone is dead! But it's a happy dead because it's happiness that did the killing! Yay!

The color wasn't intended. But I went back over that and re-read it, and just thought to myself "...Pinkie broke the fourth wall and decided to use me there for a minute, huh?"

Oh, you.*


What, really? Huh. I suppose that makes sense. Still, not what I would have expected.
despite not having expectations. Huh.
Today is weird.

Tell me about it. I left work for three days. Count 'em. THREE. And nothing went wrong.

And yeah, that is what got me into it waaaay back when. I think Starfox Adventures had just come out, I was 13 at the time. I was on GameFAQs, and went "...There has to be a faster board out there for Starfox discussion", and went to the magical google. One of the first results for whatever the hell I searched (trust me, I've tried to replicate this search to no avail) was "furtopia.org". And the rest is history.

Gotta commend you both. I couldn't do sometime like that publicly; I can't Ben do it privately half the time. I'm hem-ing and haw-ing just reading it!

I suppose that's a conflict of interests for me though, innit? Always wanted to RP romance, but there's no way to do so without it seeming romantic. C'est la vie.

I'm not gonna lie, if it had gone farther down the "fade to black" path I'm not sure how comfortable I would have been with it. I'm primarily best at writing romances and tragedies however. Romance for how much fun I have with it, and when I enjoy something that much the words just kind of flow like water. I am a huge romantic, so I suppose it makes sense. Tragedy... I dunno. I can't explain why I'm good at it, I just kind of am.

I've only ever combined the genres once. I... erm... yeah. Manly tears were shed when I went back and re-read that RP a few years later.

Oh goodness
Did you see how many background Trixies there were
And now a gaggle of Twilights
And they're in public
Now Nopony will get anything done

Anypony got anything done anyways?! NO WAY.

All I miss out on is high resolution, games, anything flash, decent site layouts, and extended battery life! Don't be so squeamish :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

You mantime every time you quote post. I just still feel the need to reiterate this fact.

Yeah. It's a pretty big gulf, where magi can be magic, but anything een vaguely ordinary MUST be simulationist and adhere to physics and limitations as much as possible. When you can whirl barbed wire around as the best starting weapon in the game, but you can't do anything heroic with a whip, that's a screw-up in my opinion.

That's where homebrew pops up to fill in the gap. Although I've noticed with most of the group I play with, they tend to only accept your own personally created homebrew in their campaigns for some reason.

Still haven checked the sheet. I'll do that now.


Huh. I never understood that sort of thing. They are just people in uniform. Planning on being an MP at one point probably helps though.

Every time I see one, (and I know the thought is irrational) I automatically assume he is staring at me, watching me for any excuse to pull me over that he could possibly conceive of. It's really a "oh god all of the cops are out to get me and throw me in jail and ruin my life and chances at a federal career just because they'll find it funny" type of paranoia. That kind of power scares me, in honesty. It's part of why I know the laws in my area so well.

It also doesn't help that Rhode Island cops have a history of pulling me over and ticketing me for 70 in a 65 (AKA for doing absolutely nothing wrong).

Braz has this cycle where every six months Gallophornia sucks and she wants to move so bad, and every time I think "I understand this state. Could I even carry a pocket knife elsewhere? What are the gun laws?". I'm archaic; my knife is part of me. Being legally unable to bring it with me would be irritating as all get out.

Well if Braz does decide that she wants to move up here I can be your resource for any and all local law knowlege. For example, I can legally carry my Switchblade on me in New Hampshire. http://i.imgur.com/EvxT1.png

Trust me, I sympathize. My switchblade and Navy K-603 aren't legal in MA, where I work, so I have to leave them both at the apartment when I go to work every day. It just doesn't feel right knowing they're not there.

Also, there need to be more Bronies up here. So pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease if you do move consider it? I-I mean, if you don't mind... http://i.imgur.com/0bxcP.png

I see, I see.
Don't know how I'd handle that as a player. I tend to build economic functions into a character; spending the whole game in jail? We'd cross like ships in the night; I'd eternally try to escape so we could "move on", and you'd constantl wonder why I was undermining your game.

Note to self: explain campaign themes before character creation. We don't need any more of ourselves running around.

The way it works is that after their probationary period they're given access to a few districts of the city at a free roam. Guards aren't allowed to let them out of the city, or into certain restricted areas. So the players can do things outside of the Barracks underneath the arena during the day, but they're treated like second class citizens pretty much everywhere, and can't escape (the city is walled on three sides and bordered by the Crystalden Sea to the south).

Don't worry, of/when dash shows up, I've got a plan. >:D

"Oh no oh no oh please no." She recoils against her bonds and closes her eyes, squirming cutely on the ground. "At least he didn't poke the other on- EEP!"

Yup! Thanqol went from etch-a-sketch scribbles to art through the power of LIKE HELL I CAN'T! and you could too, if you wanted. I will dig out my old stuff, treat you to a sneak peak into the life and times of the friendly Ponythread wizard, when I get a chance.

Also, this made me think of something, and I'm going to exclaim it, loudly.


Trust me, I've tried to draw. Hang on. I'll find my old DA and link some of my absolute garbage.


Ach. Waaaaaaannnnnnt.

No, wait. No more netbooks. We get a desktop so it doesn't die.

I seriously recommend you build your own. It's cheaper and tends to be more reliable, for virtue of if something explodes you can fix it yourself and not have to panic over the warrantee. If you want help, just let me know. ^^

Nope! Raunchy has certain overt porn connotations, that didn't exist when iciest thought of this response but now they are getting awfully close to the fade to black end of the spectrum XD

Don't worry, we're nowhere near there anymore! Although Celestia knows how this is going to go at the end of the date.

Spike being her brother made this seem entirely different. Time for some mental floss >>;

Oh come on, you can't honestly say you haven't heard worse. XD

Economy breaking is one of those things that should never really matter. Usually, the party gets bigger fun numbers, and just does stupid stuff sooner (which is often good, as it gives them action when they want it). Often, stuff they do with money doesn't matter. Finally, there is a third resource which is the one UTTERLY under DM or crazy strong wizard control; time.

Fun fact; those inevitables who are charged with maintaining time and punishing wizards and such who abuse it? they are smart. Enough to bring in help. You haven't seen fun until the wizard time stops, and all the enemies get to go with him; and then they use time stop themselves, leaving the wizard behind to be paranoid about what just happened :smallbiggrin:

Six times Wealth by Level. In order to challenge the party, I am pitting them against pairs of CR6 enemies at level 2 - 3. This is increasing their XP at an amazing rate, increasing the curve at which they level up. The enemies I have planned for endgame are now most likely going to be 10 - 15 CR lower than required if this trend continues. Even if it drops off, 5 CR lower. It's an issue either way.

Oh, good! I was afraid I wouldn't get anything done but reading tomorrow, either*http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

Though can't wait to see the resolution.

Trust me, me either. I'm still hyper excited for this RP. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png


And that, fillies and gentlecolts, is what we refer to as "famous last words".

Ponythread: Keeping Celestia busy since 2011.

Somepony's gotta do it. I can't imagine how bored she must get...

Possible next Ponythread name suggestion... considering that MLP:FiM is now 1 year old, perhaps:

My Little Pony XXVII: Over 365 days of non-stop Pony!

Or should something like that wait until the GitP Ponythread is one year old? On that note, what date did the first GitP Ponythread start?

<-- Too busy lazy something to go archive diving.

I second this.

Wait, what?

Oh, that makes more sense. The bold represents what my tired mind accidentally read that as.

...On that note, I think I'll catch up on the rest of the thread after a little bit of shut-eye.

Goodnight man!

Check your email, I'd rather just write back and forth rather than try to be sifting through the 10+ pages every day looking for references to cryptography and network architecture.

I just saw that. Expect a response at some point today. Work likes to be hectic, and then have a lull of absolutely nothing for about two hours, and go back to being absolutely hectic.

I've seen a couple episodes of a few of the different Star Treks, but the shows never really grabbed me. I enjoy Doctor Who but haven't ever seen any of the old series. And you can all pry my nerd card from my cold, geeky hands.

Seriously unponylike to judge and classify people based on what shows they watch. I'd think this community would know better! The emotes aren't working so you'll have imagine Fluttershy looking at you disapprovingly.

We were just joking around... http://i.imgur.com/BsGGR.png


Oh Rainbow Dash. You so lesbian.

Spoken as someone who's clearly never seen PCs shatter the wealh-by-level system and achive a point where all the Inevitables in the Planes can show up and spend several hours pointlessly wailing on the PCs because they need a natural 20 to hit and most spells just bounce off their saves and/or Evasion. PRE-Epic level.

(Hell, due to my earlier miscalculations, I've got a PC currently who is flying, invisible and has an AC of 48 AT LEVEL 14. He may as well write "immune to melee attacks" on his sheet, since that is a good 20 points higher than the rest of the party, and well above anything the monsters can hit.)

PsychoShutin once managed to make an ECL 10 PRC that was essentially immune to damage. Period. If it has damage in it, immune. It's feasible, and after a certain point the economy does indeed matter.



I can't believe Rarity would join that team though, they're so gauche and she never would be evil ... would she? http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

I laughed so hard!

You do realize when i break the economy further on Wednesday the way the dice treat you when you dm the attack roll will crit fail

...I know where you sleep.

So, after some digging, we have 3 popular proposals with multiple votes:

A) the 365 days one, seeing it's one year anniversary of MLP FiM series;

B) The rain one, popular this thread;

C) The Luna/ponies ruined my fanfic one, seeing that...

Spoilers say that Luna might appear during this thread, or possibly in the beginning of next one, if we're very quick.

So, we have remaining of Page 49 for vote, let's do it from scratch to be fair. 30 posts to go, everypony can decide! :P

My vote goes to A! One more year! One more year!


Forum Explorer
2011-10-11, 11:03 AM
Pony thread name suggestion

Putting the Pwn into Pony

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 11:03 AM
I believe Lix has beaten you to it.


Ahaha! I've been waiting for this patiently for since July!

Wraithfire! OFC Shield (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDOtEeI8sOQ&feature=related), sequence three!

Sequence Three, aye!



Didn't I tell you all and Titanium Fox in particular, we were ready for that too, all that time ago, which, was believe or not, the last time that thing was fired while I was around?


And so we're clear, Titanium Fox, Wraithfire could have intercepted, we just choose not to. You got your one free shot. Make the best of it...

'Cos next time; ain't nuthin' gettin' through...

Yes, I did!


Preparation and patience, people and ponies!

Now perhaps you will all believe me when I say the Aotrs are ready for pretty much anything!

2011-10-11, 11:10 AM
So, after some digging, we have 3 popular proposals with multiple votes:

A) the 365 days one, seeing it's one year anniversary of MLP FiM series;

B) The rain one, popular this thread;

C) The Luna/ponies ruined my fanfic one, seeing that...

Spoilers say that Luna might appear during this thread, or possibly in the beginning of next one, if we're very quick.

So, we have remaining of Page 49 for vote, let's do it from scratch to be fair. 30 posts to go, everypony can decide! :P

Voting for B.

Forum Explorer
2011-10-11, 11:12 AM
got caught up. I guess my vote is for B

Capt. Ido Nos
2011-10-11, 11:12 AM
*throws a can of sardines at Aotrs*

2011-10-11, 11:13 AM
"Yay Cuddles!" Jade returns said ponycuddles.

I'll be getting a post up in a little bit. I've got jack squat to do (somehow the users haven't broken everything over the long weekend; I know, I'm scared too), so I can probably get out a Quote Post, my next post in MidxRarity shipping, and possibly even Jade's cutie mark story.

Trust me, me either. I'm still hyper excited for this RP. http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

Understood, mate. I have to head to work in about twenty minutes, so my response might be quite late, depending on how it all goes. Hopefully I'll get a bit of a break so I can sneak out for wi-fi, I really need to get a smart phone like SiuiS has. :smallsigh:

And so am I! http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

Ahaha! I've been waiting for this patiently for since July!


Didn't I tell you all and Titanium Fox in particular, we were ready for that too, all that time ago, which, was believe or not, the last time that thing was fired while I was around?


Yes, I did!


Preparation and patience, people and ponies!

Now perhaps you will all believe me when I say the Aotrs are ready for pretty much anything!

You have waaaaaayyyyyyyy too much time on your hands, mate. :smalltongue:

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 11:23 AM
*throws a can of sardines at Aotrs*

*catches can of sardines* (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kQWQiMypjc)

Raging Inferno Strike!

*can of sardines supernovas into white-hot, hurricane-wind-elemental-boosted flames*

*throws tornado-enhanced flaming can of sardines back*


I love my level up!

You have waaaaaayyyyyyyy too much time on your hands, mate. :smalltongue:

I'm just that awesome and you know it!

2011-10-11, 11:26 AM
I'm just that awesome and you know it!

Hmmnn...I still owe you some revenge, don't I? Yes, for trying to pull the 'Call the Parents' thing. Oh yes. Maybe I'll take a few hours and think on it. Let you stew a bit...:smallamused:

In other words, time to head to work. :smallsigh:

Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 11:35 AM
Understood, mate. I have to head to work in about twenty minutes, so my response might be quite late, depending on how it all goes. Hopefully I'll get a bit of a break so I can sneak out for wi-fi, I really need to get a smart phone like SiuiS has. :smallsigh:

And so am I! http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.png

Well, I actually just got my post done. So even if you can't respond before work, you still have something to read before you leave. Thankfully work's been rather slow today, so I've been able to have a little time to write this out. I'm gonna hold off on posting it until the new thread though so it doesn't get lost.

Vent Reynolt
2011-10-11, 11:35 AM
*That's odd, he finds a cup of Azure Lily tea poured for him in his hiding place, with a note attached:


http://i.imgur.com/CXTge.png She's He's found me!

Quickly, I need to find a new hiding spot! But first... *calmly enjoy's the cup of tea, and yells out* Thanks!

Now to find a new hiding spot.

Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 11:36 AM
http://i.imgur.com/CXTge.png She's He's found me!

Quickly, I need to find a new hiding spot! But first... *calmly enjoy's the cup of tea, and yells out* Thanks!

Now to find a new hiding spot.

"You silly ponies! If she he knows where you are then you aren't stalking very well, are you? You're more like her his fanclub!"

2011-10-11, 11:45 AM
If by 'steal' you mean claim you did it first, very bad. If by 'steal' you mean do art of your own, go for it. I just negative'd a screenshot. xD

In unrelated news, I actually made the Hate Cannon, was a Shipping Goddess (this is notable because I was a stallion at the time), and was named Lix all before this imposter ever showed up.

Now perhaps you will all believe me when I say the Aotrs are ready for pretty much anything!

Are you prepared for...

someone sloppily using MSPaint to make the rainbow continue beyond the barrage?!?

Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 11:46 AM
Are you prepared for...

someone sloppily using MSPaint to make the rainbow continue beyond the barrage?!?

*Le Gasp!* NooooOOOoOoOOOoOoOooOooOoOOooooo!

Aotrs Commander
2011-10-11, 12:07 PM
Are you prepared for...

someone sloppily using MSPaint to make the rainbow continue beyond the barrage?!?

My dear toberrian, before you get too carried away, I think you should carefully consider what is going to happen to Midnight after she foolishly gave me forewarning...?

After all, the Doctor's first rule maybe "The Doctor Lies", but the Commadore's first rule is "Bleakbane Cheats".

2011-10-11, 12:11 PM
<sigh> Ok, give me one minute to wake myself up and I'll post the prepared thread... :smallsigh:

Lix Lorn
2011-10-11, 12:12 PM
Ahaha! I've been waiting for this patiently for since July!

Wraithfire! OFC Shield (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDOtEeI8sOQ&feature=related), sequence three!

Sequence Three, aye!



Didn't I tell you all and Titanium Fox in particular, we were ready for that too, all that time ago, which, was believe or not, the last time that thing was fired while I was around?


Yes, I did!


Preparation and patience, people and ponies!

Now perhaps you will all believe me when I say the Aotrs are ready for pretty much anything!
The friendship cannon affects you because you're something similar to negative energy, and it's something similar to positive. The hatred cannon is the OPPOSITE.
Wouldn't it supercharge you?

In unrelated news, I actually made the Hate Cannon, was a Shipping Goddess (this is notable because I was a stallion at the time), and was named Lix all before this imposter ever showed up.
I will feed your soul to the raksha. :smallfurious:

2011-10-11, 12:12 PM
My dear toberrian, before you get too carried away, I think you should carefully consider what is going to happen to Midnight after she foolishly gave me forewarning...?

After all, the Doctor's first rule maybe "The Doctor Lies", but the Commadore's first rule is "Bleakbane Cheats".

But I like Midnight. I might even be stalking her with the best technology available to Scoltland forces (only to find the princess, of course).

BRB, heading to a computer lab to do STUFF.

2011-10-11, 12:15 PM
let me be 1st to say it
Page 50
Abandon Thread!!
http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/bb3d35d5e57564af471e2157310edfc3/69783%20-%20absurd_res%20rainbow_dash%20vector%20vectorized .png

Titanium Fox
2011-10-11, 12:20 PM
let me be 1st to say it
Page 50
Abandon Thread!!

...That image is beyond massive dude.

2011-10-11, 12:21 PM
Hey! :smallyuk:

Frist, we need to link to this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218423)! :P

Vent Reynolt
2011-10-11, 12:36 PM
How very clumsy of you. Here, I'll take care of it, wouldn't want the thread to burn down, now would we?
*carefully cleans up all the spilled gasoline*



*Steals cleaned up gasoline*

*Sets thread on fire*

2011-10-11, 03:05 PM
The Mod Wonder: Thread closed due to length. Feel free to start another thread.