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2011-10-03, 05:10 PM
DM and kladams707 ONLY. All others will be given to the Elite Guard!

The interior of the Sad Flint is quite crowded. People are coming and going all over the rather large barroom. Patrons of any possible description abound, most content to drink the beers in their hands. No one bothers to turn their head when yet another patron walks in. The atmosphere of the place is slightly dingy, but comfortable.

A lone half-giant is serving as the bartender at the long bar across from the entrance. Round tables with an average of four chairs each litter the common area, although several have borrowed chairs from others nearby. More than half of them seem occupied by patrons of some description and number. A pair of armored bouncers guard a double door along the west wall.

Barmaids of many different races weave in and out of the traffic, delivering food and drinks, as well as picking up empty crockery and more than a few pick-up lines.

2011-10-04, 09:01 AM
Laria's nose wrinkled at the smell. Whether it was the bar itself, or once again her novice experience in this area she couldn't be sure. Once again, she felt a bit overwhelmed. This city is crowded she thought to herself.

Laria walked over to the bar, not intimidated by the clearly taller bartender. Without hesitance, she asked What's the word around this place? Town crier could only tell me so much. Maybe you or someone else has something

2011-10-04, 09:23 AM
The bartender looks at you with curiosity and then grins.

"How very forward of you little elf girl. I havent been approached like this for quite some time! So first off the... word is please. But what is it exactly that you are looking for?" he says as he leans closer.

2011-10-05, 03:20 PM
She grins right back. "Alright...Please...you're not my type. Just tell me a bit about what you've heard around here. Maybe something about anyone interested in protection. Especially if they're influential in nature. Oh, and please.

2011-10-05, 03:51 PM
He laughs.

"You learn fast and off course I am not your type. Too much of a man for an elven maiden. Your taste is probably in all those forest prancing types." he says and a couple of patrons to the left and right also laugh.

He then leans closer and smiles.

"So... to business since you are so eager. Usually when asked by nosy people about work I ask them if they care to serve tables or clean dishes but I've messed with you enough. Buy a mug of fine ale from me, drink it so you can relax and then speak to the two guards in the back, by the double doors. Give them this token and tell 'em <Summer is Coming>." The barkeep says as he slips you a small wooden coin.

2011-10-05, 09:12 PM
Laria pockets the wooden token. Just how much is this 'fine' ale set me back.

2011-10-06, 02:27 AM
"Dont you worry your tiny little elven head with that! I am not out to rob you girl. Its only 2 gold and nothing more" he says with a wide smile as he indeed sets a large mug of ale before you.

Judging from the smell it indeed seems to be strong and not watered down as you might have expected.

2011-10-06, 01:03 PM
It wasn't really the strength that worried, her, though she wasn't sure how well she could hold this stuff. It was the price. Hesitantly, she pulled out two coins, and placed them on the bar. She took the mug, and put its lip to hers, tilting it so that it covered her mouth and wasn't clear if she was taking a drink or not. She chose not to take one, unsure just how strong it was. She waited a few more minutes, and repeated the process.

Finally, she stood from the stool and went in the direction the half giant had pointed. She dug out the token she received, and repeated the words "Summger is Coming.

2011-10-06, 01:50 PM
The guard to the left pockets the token and opens the door for you.

On the other side is a dwarf sitting at a desk with a pile of papers strewn throughout. He glances up as you enter and says, "Oh, another one? Sign this and please don't write a fake name." He pushes a paper your direction.

The walls are bare stone, and behind him is a black door made of iron.

2011-10-06, 04:44 PM
Get a lot of people that write fake names? And how do you know what I write isn't fake. 'Laria' sounds like an awfully strange name doesn't it? She talks as she reads the document they gave her, making sure she isn't signing anything binding.

Not sure if this is just a sign up sheet or an actual contract

2011-10-06, 04:59 PM
The dwarf sighs

"Well quite a few try. In the end it doesnt matter whatever your write... the contract is magical in nature so it may make it harder for me to short out if you arent who you say you are but in the end the magic does its work anyway whether you call yourself Laria or King Rosen!" he says.

You find that the contract is a standard non-disclosure agreement requiring the undersigned and all associated entities within his party that are so beholden to him to agree not to discuss anything seen in the rooms beyond or discuss the nature of the jobs found within, except the job that the person ends up taking with the person who hired it. Convoluted legal language fills the contract tying up loopholes and leaving little room for interpretation to finangle your way out. One odd passage mentions something about a needle mine, but the specifics will be hard to parse out without legal training. You are not bound to accept a job by signing the agreement.

2011-10-07, 04:28 PM
A lot of secrecy, Laria stated with an obvious tone. She shrugged, not really liking the idea signing something she didn't fully understand, though knew most of it had something to do with nondisclosure. She hesitantly put the pen to the paper and signed.

2011-10-08, 04:11 AM
"You will figure out the reason for it once you are inside!" he replies as he takes the form.

The dwarf then thanks her, and waves her on through the black door.

On the other side is a well groomed halfling standing between two spiral staircases. "Employer or Employee?" he asks with a jovial tone taking an interest on your elven features.

2011-10-09, 09:13 AM
Laria ignores the interest, deciding to get down to business. She strokes her chin a bit, pretending to think about her answer. [color="green"]"Employee I suppose," She replied with a shrug.

2011-10-09, 02:53 PM
"Right this way then m'lady" he says with a more serious tone.

He cheerfully takes you up the left-hand staircase. He opens the door at the top and ushers you on through.

On the other side are long hallways with labels describing the sort of jobs offered along that hall.

There are dozens of different signs and they all advertise various roles, such as "Protection - offensive" , "Defense - pro-active", "problem solving discreet", "assassination - public". Most any sort of hired service that one would want an adventurer is represented.

You realise that a large part of the "signs" advertise illegal jobs and that was the reason for the non-disclosure.

If the above dont cut it for you give a fluffy description of the category you're looking for in the fashion of the examples given and I'll populate the hall with adventure seeds.

2011-10-09, 03:11 PM
"Right this way then m'lady" he says with a more serious tone.

He cheerfully takes you up the left-hand staircase. He opens the door at the top and ushers you on through.

On the other side are long hallways with labels describing the sort of jobs offered along that hall.

There are dozens of different signs and they all advertise various roles, such as "Protection - offensive" , "Defense - pro-active", "problem solving discreet", "assassination - public". Most any sort of hired service that one would want an adventurer is represented.

You realise that a large part of the "signs" advertise illegal jobs and that was the reason for the non-disclosure.

If the above dont cut it for you give a fluffy description of the category you're looking for in the fashion of the examples given and I'll populate the hall with adventure seeds.

2011-10-10, 08:37 PM
Laria was unsure of what some of these meant. She knew she wasn't interested in assassination, though she might have used that more for information than employment. Unsure on how one could be pro-active on defense, she chose that door curious to see what it entailed.

2011-10-11, 02:33 AM
There are 10 doors down this corridor, five on each side but only six of them have name plates on them.

You see the following employer names: Mary Berkham, Christian Mraz, Petra Vilum, Napura Misla, Alexander Dreifus, Joanna Wolter.

2011-10-11, 10:05 PM
She chose almost randomly the door labeled with Petra Vilum.

2011-10-12, 02:15 AM
It opens easily. Inside is a bare white room. The only change from the endless white is a black stone set in the center of the ceiling. "Name?" a female voice says from the stone.

After you give your name the voice is heard again.

"What sort of talents do you bring with you?"

2011-10-13, 04:32 PM
Laria just replies matter of factly. "Well, observation and stealth are my specialties. She felt she didn't need to say anything else, hoping that it was enough.

2011-10-14, 02:10 AM
A section of the far wall recedes and slides back. You hear the voice call out from beyond. "Please proceed."

As you walk inside you see a young halfling woman dressed in fine silks.

"You appear to have the sorts of talents that Sister Karisa would find useful. Do you have any questions of me?"

2011-10-14, 06:50 PM
"Well, what makes Karisa a 'sister' for a start," she said smartly. "But I don't really care about that. I suppose an actual question is what exactly is 'proactive defense'?"

2011-10-16, 01:11 AM
She smiles.

"Sister Karisa is a Sister because she is part of the Sisters of Salvation. They do not follow any particular deity, they espouse Good for its own intrinsic value and are an altruistic order dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poor. They operate in Midtown and are generally seen as benevolent since they do take care of the poor and unwanter for no charge..." she says with a relaxed tone.

"Now as for proactive defence. I assume that for some reason they need to do a pre-emptive strike of one form or another or they feel threatened by someone in particular and as such want to be prepared against an eventual attack against them." she continues.

"So are you interested?"

2011-10-16, 11:34 AM
Laria smiled coyly, being sure not to immediately agree. "I might be interest, I might not be. Depends on what you have."

2011-10-16, 03:12 PM
The tiefling smiles back.

"Ah I guess this is your first time using the Flint's services! Well no worries, everyone starts somewhere..." she says and grins.

"So, we are here only to facilitate the pairing of employer with employee. An emloyer comes to us and asks for us to put up a job in his name. He gives us the category and any traits he is looking for in an employee. When an employee comes we are allowed to answer any questions he may have about the employer etc but we dont know the details of the job itself. If the prospective employee is interested we hand them a note with the address and place and then they may go and discuss with the employer about what the job is and how much it pays. While you have an outstanding contract you cant get another job from the Flint unless if you turn down the job offer and then return to tell us." she pauses.

"I guess it sounds complicated but it helps protect the Sad Flint, the employers and the employees in the end... the employers are also bound by the non-disclosure like you are... so they cant for example ask you to murder someone and then tell the Guard about it..."

2011-10-18, 08:31 AM
Laria drops her smile, deciding it was time to get serious.
Ok then, whatcha got?

2011-10-18, 09:01 AM
"Splendid" she says and smiles.

She passes a small piece of paper to you with the name and an address.

"Employers name is, as I said already, Sister Karisa. You can find her at the address provided, which is the Salvation Center, at the corner of Porter's Road and Steinbacher Hohl in Midtown. Give her this note and say you came from the Flint and she will provide you with the details of the job. If you dont come to an agreement you should return here to tell us."

2011-10-19, 08:02 AM
Laria gave a quick two-fingered salute. "Alright, I'll be off to see the sister now.

The elf soon disappeared to find the address, hoping it wasn't too far of a journey from where she was now. Once she found the Salvation Center, she asked for Sister Karis.

2011-10-19, 08:49 AM
The Sisters of Salvation Center is a small two story plaster building with several open windows on the corner of Porter's Road and Steinbacher Hohl. The Sisters are going about business as usual, with several going in and out almost constantly. A small girl of about nine stands by the main entrance holding a basket of pale, white flowers.

As you walk up to the building she smiles at you softly and steps forward.

"Would you like to buy a flower miss? The proceeds go to the poor."

And to move things along

Once you ask a sister for Sister Karisa they ask you to wait in the rather large ground floor living room for her. Currently there are half a dozen people there with you all dressed in tattered clothes and looking hungry, tired or both. Each of them has a large wooden plate in his hands and a young sister, no more than 16, is filling their plates with soup.

2011-10-19, 12:56 PM
Just as Laria was about to ask the cost of the flowers, she was shuffled into the large room. As she watched the hungry fill their plates, she couldn't help but feel saddened yet happy at the same time. Saddened that she had to witness their woeful condition, yet glad that there was someone helping them. Laria continued to wait a few moments, hoping that Karisa was either the girl filling the plates or that she would arrive shortly.

2011-10-20, 05:49 AM
A few minutes later an older woman with graying hair returns with the one to whom you had spoken earlier.

As she walks towards you she smiles and invites you to follow her in a small side office. Once there she sits and motions you to sit across her. The young sister departs after breaking each of you a glass of water, a cup of tea and one cookie.

"So child. I am sister Karisa and I was told you asked of me? How may I be of help?"

2011-10-20, 12:53 PM
Laria smiles. "Ah Sister, well met," she replied quietly. She dug around her pouch until she found the note. Laria handed it to Sister Karisa as she said "I come from the Flint"

2011-10-20, 01:26 PM
The woman seems taken aback for a moment.

"Interesting. I had placed that job weeks ago... I had by now guessed that the people that come for work in the Flint would not be interested in honest work..." she says with a sad tone.

"But you are here so I guess that is indeed good. So the job involves bringing someone to swift justice. For the past month or so sisters are being attacked and robed... a few were even murdered and mutilated. We contacted the guard but they did not manage or care to investigate blaming the poor and downtrodden of this area for it. We want the perpetrator found and brought to us... alive so we can punish him ourselves... Does it sound like something you would be interested in?"

2011-10-20, 04:38 PM
Laria merely shrugged. Doesn't sound like quite the most honest of work. But from what I've observed, you certainly seem to have the most honest work that comes out of Flint's. My main concern would be bringing this person back alive. I can try, but to be honest I can't make any promises if it becomes a matter of that life or mine.

2011-10-21, 02:35 AM
She nods in understanding.

"Well... personally if you are sure that this is the man that murdered my Sisters I would not mind if he met his demise. But you should be careful. The Aldhaven City Guard do not tolerate vigilantism even if they themselves failed to bring someone to justice... if you were to kill this man and someone betrayed you to the Guard you would face as harsh a penalty as him..." she says and pauses.

"More often than not for capital crimes the penalty is being sent to the Needle Mines. It is a horrible fate and this is not done out of a willingness to teach someone a lesson or motivate others not to commit crime but rather because the mine owners have made agreements with the Guard and the Noble Houses so they can receive workers for free that are essentially treated as slaves. This is why I would rather me and my Sisters receive the man who has done all those crimes against us so that we can show him the error of his ways and rehabilitate him..." she says and indeed you sense that she means what she is saying and not trying to trick you.

"Now if your life is so threatened that there is no other way but to end his... then you may off course do that... Now as for payment... our order can offer 1000gold for the capture of this man and you are free to keep any of his equipment. We do ask though that if you find on him any of the items or money he has stolen you return it..."

2011-10-21, 08:32 AM
"I will take your warning into account," Laria replied. "I'll try to avoid such a situation if possible. And yes, your compensation is most acceptable." Laria thought about altering the benefit to match her needs, but felt it best to wait until after the job was done. "Now, if I'm going to be successful, I need to know some information. Location, or locations, of the attacks. Time as well. Any similarities among victims besides being sisters. That sort of thing

2011-10-22, 12:16 AM
The sister nods.

"So far there have been six attacks. In two of them sisters lost their lives and their bodies were found brutalised. In the other four they were robbed and beaten but either due to luck or due to their abilities or to be honest because somebody was passing by and came to see whats going on the assailant did not have time to kill them..." she says and looks distraught.

"There is no clear pattern on the attacks. Usually they take place when a sister is returning from her rounds at local houses of the poor and crippled that cannot come to us here. Often the sisters carry donations from local merchants or wealthy patrons..." a small pause once again.

"What is alarming is that they do not remember what happened. It seems that whatever this person does it clouds their memory and despite the trauma they are not able to focus and reveal his or her identity or any other details..."

2011-10-23, 09:51 AM
Laria purses her lips, concerned about that lack of pattern mentioned, not to mentioned the disturbing experience the live victims experienced. Calmly she replied. "Well, if you could provide me a list of times and places the sisters were attacked, it would truly help. As well as anyone scheduled to make those rounds you mentioned.

2011-10-23, 01:07 PM
She spends some time writting you the list of the names and locations where the attacks took place.

You see that all attacks have taken place near here but not within a distance that something could be heard or someone could be seen. It seems the assailant is rather bold in that respect.

The names of the sisters in the order they were attacked are:

Sister Agnes (Killed) the first victim. She had been carrying a large donation.
Sister Katherine,
Sister Eleana,
Sister Deborra (Killed)
Sister Anika
Sister Suzana

As for a schedule of who does what she tells you that generally this is decided on the morning of each day and there is nothing set or pre-planned.

2011-10-23, 06:52 PM
Well, one final question then.... Laria said with sincere concern. Well, two actually. Are any of the sisters out today collecting donations...and if so, where might they go or be headed right now?

2011-10-24, 02:12 AM
She gets up and consults a ledger before turning back to you.

"There is indeed. Sister Anna is doing a round of the hovels in Old Town. I doubt there will be any donations but generally she sets out with a sack full of food and medicine and gives to those in need that cannot come here. Often she returns with some small sum collected by generous store owners but its not something standard. Around this time she may well be finishing up..."

2011-10-24, 07:47 PM
Well, if you can point me in the direction she should be coming from. I would appreciate it greatly, Laria replied. After the sister gives her directions, she will head that way immediately.

2011-10-25, 04:32 AM
The sister gets on her feet and shows you the road from which you came.

"Old Town is to the southwest from here. I cant really be sure what route she will take but after the attacks we try to avoid side streets and little roads... Please be safe!" she says as you depart.

You start on your way. As the days is slowly going you see less people in the streets than when you arrived in the city some hours ago.

2011-10-25, 09:10 PM
Laria looks over the area for Sister Anna, hoping she would be in the same garb as the other sisters She also asks any local store merchants where she might be headed if they had seen her.

Spot: [roll]1d20+[5/roll]

Gather information (if necessary): [roll0]

2011-10-25, 09:11 PM
Messed up the spot check

Should be a total of 21 for the spot actually.

2011-10-26, 02:36 AM
Gather info takes [roll0] but since you do it sparrignly and with a very simple questions lets say half the result so: one and a half hour

You go around the area looking around for the sister but for the first 20-30 minutes you have no luck. You start asking around and after half an hour or so a fish seller tells you that you just missed.

You follow the directions he gives and eventually you indeed see a sister dressed in similar clothing and fitting the description. She is carrying two oversized sacks and seems to be struggling with them.

2011-10-26, 04:05 PM
As Laria sees the woman, she wanted to help her, but knew that wasn't the assignment. Aiding her might give the elf away, and she couldn't have that if she were to do her job. I can better help by ending these attacks, she convinced herself. Instead, she followed a safe distance behind, hoping no one, especially the perpetrator would notice.

Hide (for trailing sister Anna, first 10 minutes): [roll0].

2011-10-26, 04:23 PM
The ten minutes pass and you see noone approaching the Sister with malicious intent. A couple of children do come closer at one point or another but she opens one of her sacks and gives them loafs of bread and then they leave.

Eventually, approximately five minutes from the convent she enters a side street and you lose her for a moment.

2011-10-27, 06:54 AM
I knew I forgot something...Anyway

Loria followed to the corner, between the street she was on and the side street. She hoped losing sight was only a minor setback. Please don't let the bastard have grabbed her in this time. She peered around the corner, continuing her trail. All this on her mind, she realized she needed to keep aware of any potential attackers.

Hide (to continue trailing, should it apply):



2011-10-27, 07:44 AM
You dont need to keep rolling hide... which is good cause eventually you get a bad result :D

One per "scene" is good enough unless if I ask for another one :)

Luckily she has not been taken.

You see her talking with a large guardsman near a patch of shadows. She seems afraid of him judging from her body language though the man is not currently aggresive.

You hear them talking but cant make the words from the distance. The alley is full of litter so getting a better, closer position is doable.

... and it will require a move silently check.

2011-10-27, 05:53 PM
Laria does decide to get in closer. She uses the litter as cover, hoping to hear the conversation, without getting noticed by either.

I think I'll take 10, for a 23 on move silently. If I can't...[roll0]

this doesn't bode well for one of my characters when they go into combat. :smallannoyed:

2011-10-28, 02:46 AM
Taking 10 on a hide when you for example are waiting hidden in a room I would allow. Taking 10 on a contested check (your move silently vs their listen) is not allowed as it counts as a stressful situation.

As she approaches closer she can now clearly hear the conversation between the guardsman and the girl.

Guardsman: "Dont make me say it again. We had agreed that all is well for 250" his stance becomes more aggressive.

Sister: "I cant! I really cant go back with empty hands and if I give you 250 all I will have will be the bread, the fruits and a few copper."

Guardsman: "Thats not my problem sl*t. We had an agreement. Hand it over or there will be blood..." he says and moves to strike her.

The sister sidesteps avoiding the slap and falls on her knees.

Sister: "Please! Please have mercy Bereth. I am doing my best. Take 150 and I will owe you the rest!" she pleads.

The man looks down at her and grins.

Guard: "Perhaps I will take the 150 and... something else and you will owe me 80 for next time." he says and his hands fall to his breeches.

2011-10-28, 02:00 PM
Laria couldn't believe she was about to do what she was trained not to. Quietly, she drew her bow, knocking an arrow into it. Why am I doing this? she though, knowing that she was taking a chance in making her presence known. She quietly sighed. Curse my good heart. Suddenly she stood and trained the bow onto the guard, making her presence known. Stop right there! Your next move better be away from here, or your ability with your weapons will never be the same, she threatened, prepared to fire the arrow should the guard move toward her.

Readied Action: If the guard fails to move away from Laria and the Sister, she'll let the arrow fly.


2011-10-29, 05:30 AM
The man jerks back suprised at being discovered and his eyes widden as he sees you with bow and arrow.

He takes a step back and his hand falls to his sword.

"Listen lady, this is Guard business. You better not come any closer and you better put that away before I tan your behind and throw you into a cell." he says with a stern voice though you detect as much fear as irritation.

In the mean time the sister backs away putting a couple of feet distance from him and looking at you curiously.

2011-10-29, 02:22 PM
"I know guards were supposed to prevent extortion and assault. Didn't know they were allowed to commit them. I'll make you a deal since I'm feeling unusually merciful today." She let the arrow fly. Whether it hit the guard, it didn't matter as it made her point "Oh, my finger seems to have slipped," she said clearly feigning innocence as she quickly drew another arrow As I was saying. I'll stand down if you leave now."


2011-10-29, 04:14 PM
I will assume you send the arrow to whistle next to his ear and not to actually hit.

He grinds his teeth and looks furious but as soon as you loose your arrow he pales and removes his hand from his belt.

"Listen woman..." he says and his mouth drips venom "... I will go but this is not the last you will see of me... I promise you, you will regret your insolence!" he says and starts back tracking without turning his back to you.

The girl gathers up the sacks she had dropped and cowers.

2011-10-29, 04:38 PM
That was fun...but probably not the wisest of decisions

She ignores his threat, her bow still trained on him. "You're moving too slow," she said coldly. She waited until she was out of her sight and was sure he wasn't coming back for awhile. She but the arrow back in her quiver and approached the woman. Her demeanor changed a bit, a little more kind now. "Sister Anna," she inquired.

2011-10-29, 04:46 PM
As soon as he reaches a crossroads he bolts.

The girl looks at you suprised.

"Er... yes? How do you know my name? Why did you come to my aid? He will be really angry and I am afraid he will hurt me and you for this..." she says geuinely worried.

2011-10-29, 05:05 PM
"All the more reason to get you back to the sisters and warn them," Laria replied. "Let me help you get these supplies back to them too. As for how I know your name, I'm on an assignment from Sister Karisa. Whether that guard is related to my mission remains unclear," is all she explained.

2011-10-29, 05:19 PM
The girl seems lost despite your explanation but when you mention telling the other sisters she goes pale.

"No please no! We cant tell them anything. I am sure he wont bother me again after you drove him away like that!" she says and you detect panic in her voice.

"Its nothing, just a misunderstanding and I still have everything with me!"

2011-10-29, 05:40 PM
As Laria hears the panic, she became worried about Sister Anna "Alright. It's up to you whether the sisters know about this. But seems you fear them almost as much as that guard, if not more so. I can take all of the blame for the guard if you want. But you're going to have to trust me and tell me what this is all about."

2011-10-29, 06:21 PM
She considers it for a moment as you help her and she lowers her head.

"Very well... I can tell you..." she says and pauses again.

"Before I was Sister Anna I was Erie. I was an orphan and I did what I had to do to survive. That meant stealing what I could and on occassion selling myself... it was tough, joyless and dangerous but it was that or starve..." she pauses here and takes a defencive tone.

"It was then that... well... Corporal Serlik found me. He actually arrested me trying to steal a fat merchants purse. He threatened me that my crime was punishable by amputation though he could spare me all that if I would work for him... grudgingly I accepted but what choice did I really have? Well working for him meant..." she looks down at this part and hesitates.

"Well it meant all I did before but most of the money went to him. When it wasnt enough he made up a story for me and brought me to the Sisters. They took me in and helped me... Serlik has been blackmailing me with the truth ever since... its much better for him to occasionally skim on the proceeds from the charities than having me sell my body and steal the occasional purse... and well... this is where we are..."

2011-10-29, 06:46 PM
Laria nods intently as she listens to Anna's story. "And you don't think the sisters will sympathize with your story? Surely they could understand your circumstances."

2011-10-30, 07:23 AM
"They would understand how a thief and a wh...who... wh*r* has been pretending to work for the poor while skimming on the money for those that dont even have to eat so that she protects herself? I am not sure about that miss..." she replies.

2011-10-30, 12:02 PM
Laria hadn't thought of that, and realized perhaps not saying anything might be best. "Well look. As I said, you don't have to tell them anything. I won't, or if it does come up and I must, I'll just tell them what happened, leaving out any unnececessary information," she said, winking with a smile. "Let's just go on and get this stuff back to the sisters." Laria said. She helped Anna with some of the items, keeping an ever watchful eye once again for the serial attacker.

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2011-10-30, 12:45 PM
You have packed everything up and Erie, or rather now Anna, gives you a grateful look for agreeing not to reveal her identity to the other sisters.

You are about to head out when you hear a short scream and a loud tearing noise from a few alleys to your left towards the direction the Guardsman had ran.

2011-10-30, 10:21 PM
"Stay here," she said. She drew her bow again and ran toward the sound, not really thinking as she dropped whatever supplises Anna may have lent her.

2011-10-31, 04:46 AM
By the time you get to the source of the sound it is too late.

You see the guard that had been threatening the Sister earlier in a pool of his own blood. He is obviously dead and it was a painful horrible death at that judging from the wound that starts just under his bellybutton and goes up to his throat. There is writing on the wall next to him with his own blood.


There are bloody foot prints that move away from the body but after 30 feet they disappear as if the person to whom they belonged just vanished.

2011-10-31, 11:31 AM
Laria was quite shocked. The sight was something elese for her to behold, the act of sheer cruelty that she felt even this lowlife didn't deserve. A cold sweat came over her. Suddenly, she paled. Anna! She thought. She ran back, hoping that the sister was still safe.

2011-10-31, 06:28 PM
Luckily the murderer either did not have time or thought like you did and you find Sister Anna where you left her with a puzzled expession in her face.

"Is everything allright? What happened? Why do you look so pale?" she asks a hint of panic creeping into her voice once again.

2011-10-31, 07:18 PM
As color slowly returned to Laria while she regained her composure, she replied to Anna. "Um...well...we won't have to worry about the guard anymore. Let's go this way," she said, pointing in the opposite direction from the bloody scene. There was still a hint of fear in her voice. Thoughts raced through her mind. Is this the same person that has been attacking the sisters? Or someone else? If it is the same person, have they branched out? This attacks looks much more brutal than was described by Karisa. Have I just become a new factor for this person to consider?

2011-11-01, 06:51 AM
Anna follows you obediently. Your fear translates in her almost breaking down.

Eventually you manage to arrive back on a more central road from where you can reach the Sisters building without having to go through alleys.

"What do you mean we dont have to worry about him? What happened to him?" she asks finally having collected her courage.

2011-11-01, 08:23 AM
"If you must know...that scream we heard was from him. When I arrived, he was dead," Laria replied, deciding to leave out any gory details.

2011-11-01, 05:39 PM
The expression in the sisters face changes from horror to worry and then to a neutral one.

"I... I dont know what to say... on one hand this ... this is horrible... but on the other hand I... I no longer need to worry or steal for him! Who would do such a thing though?" she says as you continue walking.

You are just a couple of minutes away from the convent.

2011-11-01, 09:31 PM
Laria replied with some concern. "I wish i knew. I'd stop them myself if I did, or at least try." she said, not really sure of what else to say as they continued to the convent.

2011-11-02, 04:31 AM
You arrive at the entrance and you see the little girl smiling as you approach. She still has her basket full of flowers and once again offers you one.

Sister Anna turns to you before entering.

"I didnt even ask for your name! I will tell Sister Karisa that you helped. Perhaps you wish to stay with us tonight? I am sure we can find you an empty cell or perhaps you can share if you are okay with that! Is there anything I can do to repay your help and kindness..." she pauses "... and silence?" she adds quietly.

2011-11-02, 08:12 AM
Laria shrugged casually. It's Laria. A place to stay would be nice. As for anything else, I've been looking to get into the noble sector. If you or your sisters have any influence that might help, I'd appreciate it. If not, then it's no matter.

She then turned to the little girl and smiled, lowering herself to her level. "I never did get a a chance to ask you about this flowers. Just how much is one of these going to set me back," she said, as a humorous tone could be heard in the last sentence. Though it was quite clear she was considering buying a flower.

2011-11-02, 09:57 AM
"A silver stag miss! And it brings you good luck and happyness!" replies the child eagerly.

"Very well Laria! I will arrange that you stay and eat with us tonight and for longer if you want! As for the noble's quarter. Well I have heard that access is very strict, I actually dont know anyone that has gone there. On occassion servants of the Lords and Ladies come to the city proper to purchase goods or consult with someone as important but we normal folk dont generally get to go there..." she says quietly.

"Perhaps if you manage to do whatever it is Sister Karisa asked you she can ask the Sister Superior to reach out to someone in particular to get you a day permit?"

2011-11-02, 11:16 AM
a silver stag?

2011-11-02, 06:58 PM
A silver coin.

Stag is what a large number of the silver coins in Aldhaven have on the back side.

2011-11-02, 07:41 PM
Laria reached into her pouch and pulled out a silver coin. "Hope this will do," said the elf.

She turned back to Anna. "Perhaps," she said with some hope. "Shall we go in?"

What time of day is it now?

2011-11-03, 04:43 AM
It is early evening.

The girl takes the coin and gives you one of the fresher flowers with a wide smile.

"Thank you miss!" she says cheerfully

Anna nods and escorts you inside.

You see that the main room is less crowded than when you had come earlier. There is a larger number of sisters sharing a simple meal and you can now safely say that the majority are young women, 25 years of age or less.

Your companion heads towards the table and takes a sit making room for you to sit next to her. You see sister Karisa looking towards you and raising an eyebrow

2011-11-03, 01:47 PM
Laria noticed Karisa giving her a strange look, and decided a slight debriefing was in order. She decided to leave out what she thought were irrelevant details, hoping Anna would know she would not purposefully reveal anything harmful about her. "I was able to track Sister Anna down. And it seems I have gotten the perpetrator's attention. They seem to be getting bolder, killing guards now. I'm thinking about going out there later tonight, maybe something will come up then."

2011-11-05, 01:47 AM
"They attacked the guard? Now that is most troublesome my dear. Perhaps its too dangerous for you? Should you wish to pretend to be a victim I can give you a set of clothes of a Sister so you draw their attention but I fear that in itself may be dangerous and I am not sure if I am comfortable with putting you in harms way so directly..." she says truly concerned.

"Let alone the fact that he has not stricken twice in close proximity before... once every few days yes but not more..."

2011-11-05, 06:07 PM
"I left out the part where the culprit left a message for me. I suspect I'm already in harm's way, even if I were to stop my investigation. Let's see if I can't draw him out," Laria replied, clearly referring to portraying herself as a sister.

2011-11-06, 05:57 AM
Her eyes widden.

"He left a message for you? What exactly happened?" she asks.

By the way, give me a straight intelligence roll.

2011-11-06, 10:44 AM
Int check: [roll0]

Laria replied quietly, hoping not to alarm the other sisters. She continued to avoid any information she felt was extraneous.

"After I found Anna...I heard a scream. I ran towards the sound...and when I got there, the guard was dead...and the word "Meddler" written on a wall with his own bloodl."

2011-11-06, 05:30 PM
"Poor man! About this we should alert the guard. They ignored us when it was sisters dieing but now if one of them is dead they may care to investigate..." she says and pauses.

"Are you sure the dead guard was a message to you though? Perhaps the poor man was around when he planned to attack Sister Anna and he stopped him bravely or got in his way... hence the meddle comment..." she asks you.

2011-11-06, 07:29 PM
"You make a good argument...on both points," Laria mused. "Perhaps I should inform the guards. And I guess I can't really be all that sure that message was for me. I just assumed," she added, trailing off a bit.

2011-11-08, 04:46 AM
The woman considers your words and uncertainty is evident in her stance.

"I worry that we may have gotten you involved in something sinister. I hesitate to give advise... on one hand alerting the Guard may be beneficial and the safest route but on the other hand they might end up blaming you for the mans death. On the other hand bold as this murdered may be if he hears the Guard is actively involved he may back off and though that means we wont have any more victims he will remain at large until such a time when he can kill again..." she lowers her head.

"It is up to you, you must choose your path but know that if you carry this through you will have the Sisters of Salvation gratitude tenfold..."

2011-11-08, 11:11 AM
Laria mulled over the pros and cons quickly, and decided to merge the two. "I'll go and inform the guard. But I'd like to go disguised as a sister. If it can draw the bastard out, I might be able to end it myself. If I reach the guard first, then I can inform them and maybe finally get them on board."

2011-11-08, 01:58 PM
The woman nods.

"Very well. I shall provide you the appropriate clothing..." and indeed a few minutes later she returns with the garb you have seen the other women wear.

It is slightly big for you and she smiles at that.

"So that your armor and weapons can be comfortably hidden..." she says softly.

"May Good bless you" she says after your are done with your preparations.

2011-11-09, 06:29 PM
She covered her head with the new outfit as she headed out. She smiled and nodded to Anna as she left to reassure her that everything was alright with the sisters. As she began her aimless wondering, she looked out for both a living guard and the evil culprit.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2011-11-10, 08:46 PM
Anna smiles politely and you see that she seems to have regained her courage and composure.

The first minutes of your walk you do not notice much activity. Its getting late and people have already returned home or are on their way to doing so.

After a while you see two guardsmen walking slowly down the road from you chatting with each other.

2011-11-11, 12:12 PM
She approached the guards, keeping her distance from them in case they were less like guards and more like abusers. "Sirs," she cried out. Then quietly she said "I found a dead body. One of yours I believe." She hoped that her forthrightness would not be her undoing, but under the robes she reached for her bow, just in case.

2011-11-11, 03:41 PM
For a second you sense confusion and then irritation from the guards.

"What do you mean one of ours? What happened? Take us there immidiatetly" they blurt out not aggresively but with obvious alarm.

2011-11-12, 05:35 PM
"Follow me," the elf replied. She led the two guards to the area where she last saw the body. She considered that the body had been removed but hoped that it hadn't happened.

2011-11-13, 08:08 AM
The guards follow though they seem wary of you and of their surroundings. Their hands rest on the pommels of their swords and they seem uneasy.

As you arrive at the scene your hopes are dashed. The body of the dead guard is no longer there.

Luckily, in a way, the evidence of death are still in place. The bloodied wall, the word still clearly there, blood on the ground and the smell of death, perhaps even some... pieces of flesh can be seen without much difficulty.

The first guard gasps while the second frowns and looks towards you.

"Wh...whe...where is it? Do you know what exactly happened or who it was that did it and who was killed? Tell us what do you know and how did you come to find this out?" he says becoming bolder with each word as he falls back on his training.

2011-11-13, 07:38 PM
"Honestly, I don't know all of what occurred. I was walking about the city," she started, which was quite true. However, she decided to leave out the part about threatening the corporal and saving the nun. "As I got close to this area, I heard a scream. For some reason, I just ran toward the sound. Only to find that message and the body of the guard."

2011-11-14, 05:50 AM
The guard that was feeling shaky pulls himself together and makes a note of your words.

"Very well sister. Can you tell us your name? And also exactly what time of the day was it? Did you see anyone else around or any suspicious activity?" he asks and motions to his comrade to look around.

The other guard draws his sword and starts walking around the scene checking for any clues or evidence.

2011-11-14, 06:06 PM
"I didn't see anyone suspicious," the elf replied. "As for the time of day..." Laria continued giving an account of when it happened.

I couldn't remember the time of day.

2011-11-16, 08:32 AM
I'm not sure if the above will appear once I post this.

2011-11-16, 10:04 AM
Early afternoon.

And sorry I guess your post was hidden by the Gods of the Forums...

The guard nods and thanks you as the other one returns empty handed. He then realises you didnt tell him your name and he asks again.

2011-11-16, 05:58 PM
"Ah. Laria is my name," the raven-haired woman responded. "If you'll excuse me, I must return to the other sisters.

2011-11-17, 03:11 AM
The second guard goes to object but the first cuts him off.

"Very well. Be careful sister. And also make sure you are available for questioning should the need arise. I am sure our sergeant will want to go over any details we may have missed..."

2011-11-17, 05:32 PM
Laria nodded. She began making her way back toward the convent, glad that she was able to involve the guards without them suspecting her vigilantism, though she had a feeling she might have to come clean should their superiors ask her as well. Naturally, she kept aware of her surroundings, knowing those few minutes could be an eternity for the killer still out there.

spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2011-11-18, 03:16 AM
You arrive at the convent without being murdered... or any other encounters for that matter.

And for your progress with the case and involving the guard in this way take 450xp.

2011-11-18, 12:57 PM
Laria re-enters the convent, deciding to sit in one of the pews before talking with Sister Karisa. She took a deep breath, looking back on the events in the day, even finding herself thanking no in particular deity for the short respite. She hoped that it hadn't been all for not, in part because she wasn't sure how dependable the guards were. And she was still worried about the dangerous man still on the loose. Still, at least something was done, was all she could think.

I assume this place has pews...

2011-11-20, 09:55 PM
After the short rest she finally decided to locate Karisa to let her know of her success.

2011-11-21, 09:13 AM
There is much less activity at the convent at this time and as such she is not noticed or paid attention too dressed as a sister.

There is a small chappel that does not have any Gods insignia yet she sees a couple of Sisters in silent prayer.

After her rest she finds Sister Karisa in her small office. The woman is reading a large dusty tome and smiles as you enter.

"Ah child, welcome! I hope your search was fruitful!"

2011-11-21, 06:59 PM
"I was able to report the murder to the guards. Wasn't really my first choice on how to get it done, but hopefully with them now searching, they'll find the bastard," Laria replied, still privately lamenting her inability to catch the person responsible.

2011-11-22, 08:52 AM
"Patience and persevearance child. If it was a simple matter of spending a few hours we could have found the culprit much earlier..." she says kindly.

"Whoever he or she or it is they are careful but becoming bolder... that is why we hired you. For as long as you are continuing on your mission you should feel free to spend your nights here and though our food is simple you are welcome to it..."

2011-11-22, 10:35 PM
"I thank you for your generous hospitality. I will take you up on your offer, at least for the night." Laria stretched as a shallow yawn emanated from her. "I'll continue my investigation tomorrow."

2011-11-24, 06:46 PM
Laria had gone to bed that night, tired from pounding the pavement. She awoke the next morning, hungry. She decided to join the sisters in their mess, taking up Karisa on her offer on the food.

2011-11-28, 08:36 AM
Sorry for the late reply.

It was a tough week!

Sister Karisa thanks you for your insistence and has one of the younger girls show you to a simple room with a fresh straw bed and a jar of water and a glass.

Your sleep is calm, tired as you are, and you wake up refreshed.

Several of the sisters are taking breakfast which consists of oatmeal, bread, honey and milk.

They greet you as you approach the table and offer you a spot.

2011-11-28, 09:19 PM
Not to worry. double post was more of a test anyway

Laria gladly takes a spot. Without really thinking, she begins taking a bit of everything, mixing in some honey with the oatmeal and pouring a bit of milk in the bowl she took. She was coming to terms with her situation, mainly because she had to. But as she ate, the wheel were turning trying to plan her next move.

2011-11-29, 07:47 AM
The sisters slowly finish their meal and start going about their duties.

Some head out to the various locations they work from in the city while others start preparing the meals for the poor that they take care off. A couple follow older sisters to attend classes on herbalism, first aid and other helpful proffessions.

2011-12-03, 07:15 PM
Bump.bumpity bump...

2011-12-03, 08:03 PM
oh crud, sorry. I was trying to think of what to do and got distracted.

After Laria was done, she decided she was done for the time being pretending to be a sister. She returned those clothes and let Karisa know that she was still working toward finding the sinister criminal. Laria decided to return to the bloody scene, hoping perhaps that she had missed something, and that it hadn't yet been cordoned off by the guards.

2011-12-05, 10:40 AM
Cordoning is above the techniques employed by the Guard but she does see that the entrance to that alley is guarded by a young constable. He seems tired and bored as he leans against the wall swinging his truncheon.

To bypass the guard would be a hide and move silently.

If you choose to try and go around from the other side you need a climb check.

That is off course in case you dont want to talk to him

2011-12-05, 06:18 PM
Patience was never Laria's strong suit, nor was beguiling others. Though, she was also never one to shy away from a challenge. Deciding to approach the guard she says "My, you look bored."

2011-12-05, 06:50 PM
He straightens up very quickly and focuses on you while managing to frown and look annoyed at the same time.

"Move along citizen. This area is cordones off and I do not have time to bother with you..."

2011-12-06, 09:45 AM
"If you don't want my help, OK. I was going to offer to keep watch while you took a short break and see some different scenery for a bit. But, if you want to remain here, bored out of your mind, I suppose it to be your preference, Laria said as she began walking away casually.

2011-12-06, 10:26 AM
"We are not allowed to leave our spot! And trying to entice me to do so will not work to your benefit!" he says testily and then stares as you depart.

2011-12-07, 07:54 AM
Well, that was obviously a bust, Laria thought. Hopefully that didn't make the guard anymore alert.

She decided to attempt going around the other side, hoping that her lack of athletic ability wouldn't deter her.

climb: [roll0]
hide: [roll1]
move silently: [roll2]

2011-12-08, 05:49 AM
Like the shadow of the cat you climb over the wall and land softly on the other side. The guard at the far corner of the street is oblivious to your presence there.

As you hide so well you manage to suprise 50 xp on their way to work and you catch them with ease.

2011-12-08, 02:35 PM
Laria began studying the scene, looking for any clues. Something that might not have been obvious that day. Though, I suppose someone leaving no trace would be evidence of something in itself. What, I'm not so sure. Despite her doubt, she continued observing the scene that might help her find the culprit.


2011-12-08, 05:40 PM
At first glance nothing seems amiss. As she spends some additional time investigating the area while keeping quiet not to attract the attention of the guard she does spot something...

I will give it to you as take 20 kind of thing assuming you spend some time.

She sees through one of the windows on an abandonded building at the end of the street a dark red stain half way inside the room.

2011-12-10, 11:26 AM
What do you do w/ a problem like Laria?

Naturally, Laria decides to take a closer look. When she gets to the window, she tests it, seeing if it can be opened quietly.

2011-12-10, 05:33 PM
The window is old and unused and will certainly creak if the hinges are not treated. On the other hand the door from the other side, away from the alley, may be far enough that the guard wont hear it opening.

2011-12-11, 10:53 PM
Spotting the door, Laria decides to test it as well. She attempts to open it, hoping indeed that it would be quiet enough to let her inspections go undisturbed.

2011-12-12, 07:19 AM
The door has obvious signs of forced entry and as such opens easily when you shove it with your shoulder.

The room inside is dusty, dirty and untidy though there is a set of footprints that can be seen clearly in the settled dust. They lead to another room that judging by the direction might be the one that you had seen from the window.

There are another two doors and a staircase in this central lobby.

2011-12-13, 07:23 PM
Laria took a couple steps in the same direction as the footprints before halting. If the guy can disappear without a trace...those prints could serve as a trap. She inspected the room, especially the part that led to the central lobby.

Search: [roll0]

2011-12-14, 03:43 AM
Further examination reveals that there are traces of blood consistent with someones feet slowly losing the amount as they continue walking.

Other than that the lobby has been vandalised many times, there are remains of broken furniture and burned paintings or books and even pieces of marble that could have belonged to a statue.

You do not find any obvious traps or anything further of note.

Dont know if I managed to put across what I mean above... about the blood I mean that well... when you step into it you would have alot in your shoes... then as you walk more and more there is less and less on them to be left in your footsteps. So there is decreasing amount of blood in the footsteps as they continue towards the door from where you exited up to the point where they are "clean" for last couple of feet.

2011-12-15, 08:56 AM
As Laria continued, she was on pins and needles. The hair stood up on the back of her neck as she noticed the blood. Then she realized...the bastard might be in the building. It was definitely time for her to keep aware, and ready for anything. She decided to draw her bow and nock an arrow. She hoped, if anything, that she could take the criminal by surprise.

Move silently: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-12-15, 09:44 AM
The house is quiet as you start looking around.

Despite your worries it seems your fear is in the end unfounded. You find noone around on the ground floor and nothing jumps at you.

Also give me a search roll for the ground floor (you can always take 20 off course)

2011-12-15, 04:54 PM
Laria looked around, taking extra precautions not to miss anything.

Considering the recent good rolls I think I'll take a chance and take that 20 for 29

2011-12-16, 05:04 AM
As she spents the time needed to search all the floor she can basically piece together some idea of how the attack on the guard might have happened. There is a window, the same one from where she saw the footsteps and blood, seeing the dark alley.

She finds that there is a set of footprints that seem as if someone had entered the house and stood there watching outside the window. Subsequently the same set of foot prints appears a bit to the left but its as if they start at that point and there are blood staints. Her investigation shows that the bloody footprints head for the exit but in the end they dont actually leave after they have shaken the blood.

Having by now deduced that some form of translocation or teleporation has been involved she continues her search.

Her dilligence and heritage prove useful as she finds a pretty well concealed trapdoor just before the staircase leading upward. There is no trap that she can find on the trap door.

2011-12-17, 05:49 AM
Laria thought I've gone this far... She cautiously attempted to open the trapdoor, knowing full well that just because she didn't find anything doesn't mean it wasn't there.

2011-12-17, 06:05 AM
Indeed nothing happens when she lifts the trapdoor which takes her a couple of minutes and the maximum of her strength.

The open trapdoor reveals a ladder leading into the darkness below.

2011-12-17, 06:18 PM
She shakes her head in disbelief as she climbs down the ladder. Into the rabbit hole I guess.

Is she going to need a light

2011-12-19, 06:32 AM
At this point she doesnt need light. Her natural low light vision aided by the light from the house above (unless if she closes the trapdoor behind her) helps her see down for 60 feet.

It seems the ladder doesnt really go further than that. Approximately 40 feet down the ladder stops and there is a tunnel heading off to the east. It seems roughly made out of the earth and stone and not something that stable or permanent.

2011-12-19, 06:36 AM
At this point she doesnt need light. Her natural low light vision aided by the light from the house above (unless if she closes the trapdoor behind her) helps her see down for 60 feet.

It seems the ladder doesnt really go further than that. Approximately 40 feet down the ladder stops and there is a tunnel heading off to the east. It seems roughly made out of the earth and stone and not something that stable or permanent.

2011-12-19, 06:38 PM
Laria chose to leave the trapdoor open, fully aware that it might alert the person using it. She would just have to be more aware of her surroundings behind her. But it was better than lighting a torch and having one hand full. She continued cautiously and with some trepidation, wondering what she would would find at the end.

2011-12-20, 05:17 AM
She reaches the bottom of the pit and sees that indeed there is a corridor leading onwards.

The first 60 feet are still slightly illuminated due to the low light conditions but after that its completely dark. The tunnel continues to have been crudely made.

Roll a search check.

2011-12-20, 05:24 PM
Laria sighed. She had hoped the light would last longer, but it looked as though she might have to provide or own light source. Before she continued, she looked for a light source that might have been set up here, or make sure there weren't any dangers in front of her.

Search: [roll0]

2011-12-21, 08:54 AM
What she finds as she scrambles in the dark is a very tight wire trap. Her hand brushes throught it but does not trigger it. Following it carefully it reveals a trap that would cause a series of bells to jingle if she had tripped it.

A few meters after this and at the point where the light is almost completely not helping her she finds the remains of a coupld of torches stuck in a makeshift holder on the wall. There is still "burn" time left on them.

Note 150 xp for having found the trapdoor and for avoiding the wire trap.

2011-12-22, 06:03 PM
Luckily she comes prepared. Also...is she able to bypass the trap, or is she going to have to make a disable roll? If the former, she'll continue, if not let me know.

Laria decided to take a quick break, rummaging through her belongings. She took out her ever burning torch to provide her the much needed light.

2011-12-23, 07:53 AM
She is able to completely bypass it if she wants. Its not something that sophisticated. Its a basic trip wire so she can just step over it. It is camouflaged and fairly close to the ground but she spotted it.

Keep in mind that traps not visible by a spot check (which when reactive I roll for you), like a pressure plate for example, will be triggered if you dont actively search for traps.

The light, along with her own low light vision, reveals that the tunnel goes on for another 200 feet before finishing in a similar way to how it started, with a hole on the "ceiling" and a ladder leading upwards.

She also sees traces of blood on the uneven dirt ground.

2011-12-25, 09:07 AM
Merry Christmas

Laria, finding the trap, decided it was time to take better precautions. It might slower her down, but in the end, it might save her life as well. She took note of the blood on the ground as well as the apparent egress on the other side. She crouched as she moved, attempting to exercise that extra caution, hoping she would find whatever traps might be set up. But especially hoping no other traps would actually be set up.


2011-12-25, 10:39 AM
The board gods are at it again.

2011-12-26, 09:08 AM
Just a note,,,

I am out for Xmas and New Year vacation so until the 7th of January my access will be sporadic and uncertain. I will occasionally come online and post for my PCs threads but that cant be guaranteed...

See you after the Holidays!

Her care and slow movement allows her to indeed spot another trap. This one more carefully concealed though also not really dangerous. She finds another piece of string attached so that tripping on it will cause a magical alarm spell to go off. It seems whoever made this place created it more as a delay or a warning system rather than an actual death trap effect.

She can either try to disarm it or bypass it entirely.

At the end of the corridor she indeed sees that there is a similar ladder on the wall and it is heading in the darkness, this time, above. Her torch though shines enough light for her to see that 80 feet up there is a metal cover.

If you try to disarm that will be a disable device check.

Also I need a spot check.

2011-12-28, 09:38 AM
Would she need to make a disable device check for attempting to bypass as well?

Spot: [roll0]

2011-12-29, 03:28 PM
No such traps can be bypassed by simply not tripping the wire. So just stepping over it. The "trap" is in not noticing it and triggering it.

Bypassed traps wield a bit less xp than actually "defusing" them though...

As she looks up in the shadowy staircase she notices something shinning on the ladder steps. Had she only trusted her eyesight and not actually used the torch she would not have noticed the very thin layer of oil that covers every third ladder step. Now that she knows she can be prepared so as not to slip.

2011-12-30, 07:12 PM
Laria decided to bypass the trap, cautious not to handle it on the chance that she would set it off. She continued to the ladder, searching for any further traps.

Search: [roll0]

2012-01-01, 11:32 AM
Apart from the slick oil which she now knows how to avoid she is confident there is nothing more.

Generally from the traps she has found so far it seems that whoever has placed them is by no means an expert. More like an amateur or dabbler trying to make sure he gets an early warning.

Reaching the metal cover she sees that its one form with no spy-holes or any other means to see what is above. It doesnt seem that heavy though so she should be able to lift it if its not welded shut.

2012-01-03, 09:52 AM
Either this guy is trying to lull me into a false sense of security, or he's just good at disappearing, Laria couldn't help but think. She climbs the ladder carefuly, avoiding the oil slicks on the rungs. The elf carefully attempts to open the hatch slowly, so as to avoid making any unnecessary sounds.

Let me know if she needs to make a search and/or move silently check.

2012-01-07, 09:29 AM
bump and again

2012-01-09, 05:59 AM
Sorry! Fully back now! Rested and ready to pick up the pace! Thanks for sticking around :D

The cover is lifted slowly and without a sound. You are greeted by low light from candles inside the room.

As you look around you immidiatetly recognise the brass smell of blood in the atmosphere. You are in a small oblong room filled with dripping wax candles. There are no windows or furniture here apart from an uneven slab of stone in the middle, close to the hatch from which you are looking.

The only "decoration" is actually the walls that are covered with obscene pictures and symbols. Just looking at them makes your eyes water and your head hurt.

In fact roll will save.

Other than that there is a long corridor leading away from this room.

2012-01-10, 07:38 AM
Will save roll: [roll0]

2012-01-10, 10:34 AM
Despite your strong will you do not manage to overcome the wave of fear and nausea that hits you.

Horrific images of sacrifices to dark gods and strange alien entities assault you along with the even more worrysome image that it is you performing the atrocities. Every old sin you have ever commited is replayed into your mind fracturing your sanity and you void your latest meal on the cold stone floor.

You suffer [roll0] non-lethal damage.

If this drops you unconsious you also suffer [roll1] Wisdom damage (temporary).

If you are not dropped unconsious you are stunned for 1 round (but nothing happens so you can act normally) and sickened for 10 minutes.

2012-01-10, 03:07 PM
Well that sucks. Luckily she's not rendered unconscious...

It was all Laria could do to stay conscious as she sees her vomit now on the floor. What kind of monster... was all she could think. She closed her eyes, hoping that the images would haunt her no longer, so long as she could not see them. She still felt the pit of her stomach tighten in disgust, the nausea from what she witnessed almost overwhelming.

2012-01-10, 03:15 PM
Her head stops spinning and she recovers from the few moments of suprise and horror. The images dont play on her head but the feeling of nausea remains undiminished.

Luckily noone seems to have noticed and noone comes to check on her.

2012-01-11, 06:01 PM
She attempts to look around, avoiding the pictures, trying to get her bearings as well raise her awareness of her surroundings. Rooms, doors. She was just looking for anything that might be another egress from the current area.

2012-01-12, 07:47 AM
If you want I can make a small map for you, otherwise we can continue being descriptive. Whatever is best for you.

The whole area seems to have been made within the earth and stone, it is obviously not natural but judging from the way the walls are made it doesnt seem to be normally man-made either.

On closer inspection in the current room you find that the stone slab altar in the middle is also full of inscriptions and what seems to be traces of old blood.

From this room there is a corridor to the east leading at a crossroads. From the middle of the crossroads you see that in each other direction there is a similar room with a similar simple stone slab in its middle and a quick glimpse reveals that there are inscriptions and symbols in each room. There are also seems to be a similar trapdoor/manhole in each of the rooms.

From the room to the North the smell of blood is stronger or perhaps more recent.

Lastly at the exact middle of the crossroads there is also a trapdoor.

2012-01-14, 10:09 AM
Sorry, got a bit busy again. and actually a map would be kinda helpful

Laria still stood there, pausing, trying to decide whether or not to push on or go back. She knew there was a chance the person would disappear again if they found evidence of her visit. On the other hand, she sensed the danger continuing alone.

2012-01-15, 11:45 AM
Indeed her presence would most likely not go unoticed given the triggering of some of the traps etc.

The rooms are as below


sorry for the crappy drawing... doing stuff on paint is not my thing :(

2012-01-17, 02:05 PM
I hope my drawing isnt so bad that you would quit!!!

And bump :D

2012-01-17, 03:59 PM
Been kinda busy, posted where there were multiple players first.

Laria, finally recovered, moved with trepidation toward the middle of the room. She looked carefully for any traps in her path until she reached the trapdoor.

Search: [roll0]

2012-01-18, 08:02 AM
No worries, I just have that occasional worry of players disappearing which in a 1 on 1 DM-PC game means all the effort from both parties go to waste :D

Which is why I always ask my players to tell me if they dislike something in the game whether its the pace, the theme or the style so that we can salvage it before they get bored/lose interest/become annoyed etc :D

And indeed there is! Even worse this one is pretty lethal and much better hidden than the previous ones.

Its more of sixth sense that alerts her and she can see that there are very small inscriptions at the sides of manhole. They have been treated with paint or coal dust so that they are not visible and you can, after the time you spend examining it, even tell what the trap is.

Its a series of glyphs that ward the manhole from opening and should it be opened by the wrong person they would unleash the secondary spell placed inside them... which holds a curse.

Whats worse your search reveals that this is a fake exit out of the room and the manhole actually leads nowhere.

In addition to this though as soon as you approach the area and spend some time searching around your elven senses reveal something additional.

On the ceiling, just over the manhole, there is actually a well hidden trapdoor leading up this time.

Note down 200 xp for finding this and the amazement of the DM for such a high roll at the most important trap so far!!!

Also I forgot to ask for a Knowledge religion check for the various images drawn around this place.

If you dont have the relevant Knowledge then you can still roll but the results only count up to 10.

Also, as this is not visible (and I forgot to add it to the map), the height of each room is about 7 feet so quite low.

2012-01-18, 11:33 PM
I'll try to get something up tomorrow when myth-weavers is back up.

2012-01-19, 03:55 AM
Yea I went to check something on my sheet for another game and saw it was off due to the whole PIPA/SOPA thing...

Luckily I had printed it at some point in the past and managed to find it :D

2012-01-19, 10:02 PM
Well, this certainly explain a lot. Get this far, and this thing blows up in my face Laria scowled, finally noticing the trapdoor. So much for being an amateur, she thought, her hopes dashed. Finally noticing the door up above, It just keeps getting better.

will stall w/ that int check for religion (no training): [roll0]
and to get those low rolls out of the way.

2012-01-20, 03:43 AM
The pictures and scripture reveal some form of Death cult or death god worshipper but your lack of more religious background do not help clarify it more or give more indications.

Whatever the God maybe it seems his servant, or servants, have been sacrificing what could only be seen as "innocents".

2012-01-21, 03:46 PM
it was just getitng more disturbing than she expected. But she couldn't help but carry one. She examined the trapdoor up above as best she could, trying to identify any possible traps.

I don't think she can really do any effective searches, even if the ceiling is only 7 feet high.
Spot: [roll0]

2012-01-21, 06:32 PM
As far as she can see and check from the distance there are no traps. She does find that there is a small piece of silk rope that she can use to pull the trapdoor down to open it.

2012-01-23, 07:16 PM
Should I or shouldn't I, Laria debated in her mind as she examined the rope. Perhaps she could find something she could move and stand on, so she could get a better look at the trapdoor. She for a moment thought to take a rather big risk, thinking that perhaps the person figured anyone who encroach upon the lair wouldn't make it this far. But that soon passed. Instead, she went to look for a movable platform, hoping to avoid any dangers.

Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2012-01-24, 01:55 PM
Damn you forum gods!

2012-01-24, 02:08 PM
Though she does not find something more she could use to help boost her despite her efforts, and becoming certain that there really isnt anything there if she cant find it so far, she does notice something.

She can clearly see some very feint marks on the stone right under the trap door. Along with a few slivers of wood that she finds near there she can deduce that there must be some kind of pullable ladder that descends once it is actually opened.

Her keen eye and expertise can tell her that it would be impossible to avoid a non magical trap from that position even for the actual trap setter. As for a magical one, she can she no traces or runes like she saw before.

2012-01-25, 04:02 PM
Well, up I go I suppose, Laria gulped as she finally pulled onto the rope. She stepped to the side as she watched the ladder descend from the ceiling door. Time to jump further into the rabbit hole...so to speak

2012-01-25, 06:47 PM
Indeed as she pulls the down the rope the trapdoor swings open and a frail wooden staircase unfolds.

Looking up she can see no light but her low light vision and the light in the room she is in allows her to see that the staircase goes up to a larger room that was a wooden roof.

No sounds are heard after the staircase is lowered.

2012-01-27, 12:30 PM
In for a copper... Laria muttered under her breather. The images still haunted her, and as a result her heart was pounding. It felt as though her stomach was tied up in knots, and the butterflies that were supposed to be there were in her chest. But she pushed forward, knowing she had gone too far to stop. She climbed up the ladder, quietly as possible. She knows that if anyone is in there, the silence could mean an ambush. Either that, or she's lucky enough that no one is there right now. She peers into the room, hoping that no one is home.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2012-01-27, 01:29 PM
The rooms she is seems a stark contrast to the one below.

The trapdoor is just behind a series of large barrels in a room that seems to function as a storage area. There are casks of wine and beer and a small bed at one corner along with provisions including flour, corn and similar products.

Lastly there is a sturdy wooden door across the room from her and some light coming from just under it. Though this room is quiet she can just hear people speaking somewhere close but she cant be sure of how many. The walls here are made out of stone even though the ceiling is wooden and as such the voices are all but completely muffled.

The last thing she notices is that the floors in this room are extremely clean as if scrubbed thoroughly. Additionally the stone blocks that make up the wall are obviously chiseled as opposed to whole underground cavern area that was all somehow carved out of natural stone.

2012-01-30, 06:04 PM
Every bone in her body screamed "Far enough" but she knew she had gone too far. If she went to get the guards, they'd just set the alarm. The elf also realized there might be more than one person behind that door, and if that were true, she'd be in trouble. With that, she quietly strode up to the door, bow in hand. She put her ear to the wood, hoping she might be able to discern the number, and perhaps their words.

Move silently: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2012-01-31, 03:45 AM
You keep getting awesome rolls on your listen checks!!!!

She holds her breath, slows her hear beat and she focuses on the sounds. After a little while they become cleared and cleared until she can discern them.

Voice 1 a shrill almost shrieky one "Yes yes, He is pleased. He may not be strong yet but each one you offer gives Him greater strength master!"

Voice 2 a more sagely calm tone "Silence. We have already been forced to move too fast! The guard was the last stroke. We need to slow down for a bit. I shall return to my duties at the fools temple until I am confident that the noise has quitten down."

Voice 1 "Oh He wont like that! He wont like that at all! He whispers to me Master. With each one He feels stronger. To stop now would be not something I advise!"

Voice 2 "I will decide how I proceed. Not you or the Shade. He should be grateful I serve and not make demands. Does he prefer he grows or that I am caught and he loses everything? We have already taxed the sisters enough. We need to find a new source of pure blood for him..."

Voice 1 "As you say master but in this city this will be hard" with a cackle.

2012-02-02, 03:55 AM
Bump for great justice.

2012-02-02, 12:26 PM
Fool's tempple? Laria questioned, wondering what the one voice meant. But she shook her head from the distraction. They were preparing to disappear until they decide all is clear. She knew this was an opportunity. They had no idea she was there, or at least that's what she thought. And perhaps they would have to wait even longer. The elf felt that time was of the essence, and that searching for traps would only give those behind the door the extra time to escape. She tested the door. If she could open it, she would throw caution to the wind, prepared to fire upon whoever was behind those doors.

2012-02-02, 04:21 PM
The door gives up easily as it is unlocked and untrapped.

As you enter you find yourself in a large living room with a roaring fireplace and a large oak table accross it. Sitting behind a stack of books and a plate full of half-eaten ribs you see a man in his late 50s dressed in clerics vestments. He was greying hair and a greying beard and his eyes are ice blue.

Next to him is a creature that looks like a bat-winged child with purple skin and wearing a necklace that appears to be fashioned from eyeballs around its neck.

Neither seemed to have been expecting you and the man just raises his eyes as you burst in a look of annoyance and suprise in his features.

The creature croaks angrily at you.

Suprise round. You are playing.

Knowledge religion to identify the vestments of the cleric, knowledge planes for the creature.

2012-02-02, 09:08 PM
Without asking any questions, she fires upon the cleric, if only because he's the most familiar enemy. She isn't quite sure what she sees, besides two clearly evil beings. As she releases the arrow, her mind flashes, trying to recognize the two based on their appearance.

Attack Cleric
Sudden Strike

Know checks (int only)


2012-02-03, 06:52 AM
The arrow hits and there is an angry cry of pain from the cleric. Unfortunately you do not recognise the vestment insignia once again but what you do realise is that they are different from those that were in the underground cavern.

You dont know how but you actually do recognise the little creature. Maybe a story told to frighten little children where you are from and it was so detailed and the creature so characteristic that you remembered it.

The description fits with a Gadacro. A minor demon that usually serves more powerful masters. Such demons enjoy tormenting and torturing their foes by blindling them and keeping the eyes as trophies. It is even said that the pain from such injuries continues for ever as if the connection between eye and owner is still there. They are considered cowardly yet vicious.

A natural 20 is worth this much I say!

Also, its your turn!

2012-02-03, 06:02 PM
She disappears from their sight. She creeps to her left and fires another arrow at the cleric. She's not really sure which one she should focus on, but she was still more familiar with human than demon anatomy, though not by much.

Swift: Ghost Step to turn invisible
Move: 10 feet to the left
Standard: Attacking cleric


Skirmish: (1d6)[2]
Sudden Strike: (1d6)[4]

20 AC for 1 round

I have evidence that these are correct, if you want me to e-mail it to you (I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread earlier

2012-02-03, 06:56 PM
Your willingness to email them is good enough :D

Once again your arrows finds its target wounding him on the shoulder and drawing blood.

The man grits his teeth and motions to the creature to attack you and indeed it does. The creature performs a flyby attack extending its claws trying to rake at your face but your agility saves you and it leaves a frustrated cry as it flies above almost returning back where it started.

"Stupid elf-thing! I shall eat your corneas!" it screams at you.

The cleric though is not idling about. He clutches a holy symbol in his hand and starts muttering words in a filthy language. As he finishes his invocation you feel something terrible and primordial turn to focus its attention to you and trying to punish you for your crimes against the one that serves it.

Spell craft if you have it (care to identify the spell)
And suffer [roll0] point of damage, will save for half.

2012-02-04, 06:46 AM
Will check: [roll0]

2012-02-04, 06:57 AM
You manage to resist and focus on the brighter things in your life. A slow trickle of blood comes from your nose and ears but the feeling of darkness is dispelled.

You saved so only 7hp for you.

By the way in your sheet you have a bunch of non-lethal. Where is that from?

And also your turn.

2012-02-04, 07:15 PM
As the feeling of dread dissipated, the blood did not dissuade her fear. She knew if she were to remain in combat, she would probably die. So rather than continuing she ran, hoping that she had angered the others enough to follow her. That, and they probably didn't want her alerting anyone else anymore than she already had. She moved as fast as she could back to the trapdoor, where once again she disappeared.

Double move to said trapdoor
Swift action to turn invisible for a round

2012-02-05, 03:01 AM
Indeed she gets there and turns invisible.

She hears the cleric yelling "after her" to his minion and moments later they both enter the room. Guessing where you came from they head towards the trapdoor but they are still some distance away.

The cleric has blood dripping from the two arrow wounds and he seems somewhat unsteady but ferocious.

Basically they are a bit behind of where you would be if you took half move.

2012-02-06, 10:37 AM
Laria reappears briefly. She actually tries to make as much noise as she runs down the stairs, where she stops, and takes up her defensive move by

Move: as far as she can in a double move toward the only exit she knows

Swift: ghost step to turn invisible (I should have 3 left now).

2012-02-06, 01:42 PM
She is now down at the chamber with the altars and the inscriptions. She manages to get down and reach the trapdoor that lead her into this room.

She goes invisible just as the creature flies down and she sees the mans legs following.

2012-02-06, 06:21 PM
She dropped down to the lower floor, opting not to use the ladder. She somehow managed to remember the oil-slicked rungs and decided to take the fall. Tumbling as best she could, she headed toward the exit but stopped short.

I don't really remember if a tumble roll is needed for this area or not.

Tumble: [roll0]

Move: As close to the nearest wire trap as possible, if it's realistic enough for her to remember where it is and be aware of her & its location

2012-02-07, 05:14 AM
For what you wanted to do yes. Also with that roll and assuming she does actually use parts of the ladder in her tumbling down she doesnt suffer any damage.

She manages to get down fast enough with a mix of acrobatic and tumbling moves using only the parts of the ladder without the oil and landing on her feet with a bone jarring impact but thankfully without injury.

She does indeed remember exactly where each of the trip wires were as she had carefully navigated the area and she arrives there a moment later.

From above angy yells are heard but she cant actually understand them.

2012-02-07, 05:18 AM
Postus Appearanus!

2012-02-07, 06:46 AM
I would think they would know where she was by that loud thud...:smallbiggrin:

Laria waits, hoping for them to appear. She ran in place, making as much noise as possible to ensure they heard her. Once again, she turns insvisible, and waits for her chance.

Move: Running in place.
Swift: ghost step(down to 2 I believe)
Readied action: when one of the enemies appears, trip the alarm.

2012-02-07, 07:24 AM
A clarification. You do realise they may be the ones that placed the alarm right?

If yes the following post counts. If not you can revise and I will respond.

Indeed the cleric comes as quickly as he can from the side of the ladder. He seems to know where the oil is and avoids those steps. The little creature follows him flying overhead.

The moment you trip the alarm as he is still coming down the stairs a loud keening sound is heard throughout the tunnel. His head jerks in suprise and he misses the last few step falling down on his left leg and giving an annoyed and painful cry.

[roll0] falling damage.

2012-02-07, 09:44 AM
Yes, I realize this And so does Laria. What she may not realize is that it's too far to reach ears outside the area. Either way, it kind of worked didn't it?

2012-02-07, 09:52 AM
That plus the fact that a cavern made out of natural stone isnt the best sound transmitting medium :D

In any case, your turn.

2012-02-07, 01:20 PM
As she here's the alarm, she notices the noise, but also notes that it wasn't as loud as she was hoping. She knew she was in trouble, and rather than continuing her strategy of being just out of reach, she decided to book it.

She's running as far as she can, if she can.

otherwise, just the double move

2012-02-07, 03:57 PM
She moves fast running down the stone passage her pursuers after her.

She hears the man yelling at her

"Stop. We can either work this out or you can meet your doom!"

The little creature flies closer towards her and gains a bit on her.

2012-02-07, 09:49 PM
Laria ignored the cleric's threat. Right, because I can trust you to keep your word, she thought as she kept moving, fatigued from the sprint. She didn't answer, concentrating on leading them. Again she waited, unseen.

Double Move up that ladder.
Swift: invisibility, one left

2012-02-08, 07:33 AM
The cleric is lagging behind she can see as he keeps running. Now that the chase has gone on for some time she can clearly see that under the vestments he has on he is wearing armor.

His speed is 20 so 80 feet on a run.

She arrives at the top and is back in the abandonded house and goes invisible just as the little demon flies up.

It licks its lips and spins around looking with apprehension.

"Where are you little elf? Havent had elf eyes in a while! They are such a treat!" it mutters as it hovers over the pit.

It will take the cleric -2- more rounds to get up there in case she cares to do something before then.

2012-02-08, 08:35 AM
Feeling confident she's separated her enemies for a few moments, she decides to test her arrow against the imp. She reappears, but soon after heads toward the door, bow in hand. She stops and turns around, letting an arrow fly toward the demon.

Move: 40 feet, or to the doorway, whichever comes first.
Standard: Attack the demon



2012-02-08, 09:17 AM
It seems that the main way the little thing has to avoid being hit is actually its speed and agility and as you have been invisible it is suprised and does not manage to get out of the way in time.

The arrow strikes true and a vile stench fills the air as a few drops of black blood fall on the floor.

And then there is a puff of smoke and the creature disappears.

Spot check (dc 22) if failed state your action.

2012-02-08, 09:29 AM
Spot check


2012-02-08, 09:49 AM
She notices the little demon hovering just over her left shoulder and swooping down its talons stretched out and covered in a sticky smoke substance.

Thankfully its just what is needed for the demon to miss as her spinning around means it just passes next to you and screams in frustration missing you.

2012-02-08, 02:25 PM
She hoped the imp had cause enough noise for someone to check it out, but decided to try to call out for backup, loathe though she was to do it. "HELP!" she yelled out, hoping someone nearby would hear. She decided it was better to try to keep them contained than run out, and knew if she had to, she could at least outpace the cleric. She ran back to the trapdoor to check on him. She fires upon seeing him, then disappears from sight.

Move: Back to the trapdoor.
Standard: Attack the cleric (I think she'd be able to see him from there).


Skirmish: [roll2]

Sudden strike (if it applies): [roll3]

Swift: Last ki use for invisibility

2012-02-08, 04:46 PM
Your loud cry breaks the silence of the afternoon and you think you can hear running footsteps.

Also shall I assume your "fires" upon seeing him is like a ready versus appearance so to speak?

If yes the following happens, if not I shall ammend the post.

While she positions herself ready to face the cleric when he appears the demon doesnt lose time. It once again flies over her and this time he doesnt miss. His attack is not as surpring though as you know where it is and he doesnt manage to go for your eyes but he still claws at your face for [roll0] damage.

And then the cleric appears and you let loose your arrow. It strikes him and once again he calls out in pain but its not enough to bring him down as the arrow flies a bit high and instead of in his chest it strikes his shoulder.

He immidiatetly raises his hand towards you but you disappear and he screams in frustration.

2012-02-08, 05:34 PM
Not really. I just meant she'd be standing over the entrance, so she should see him climbing up. But it works. Actions are effectively the same, she'd be shooting him in the shoulder anyway.

With her last ki burst used, Laria reappeared. She thought she heard footsteps coming toward her from outside, but perhaps it was just the blood pounding in her ears. Or the adrenaline she was feeling a this life or death situation. Either way, she decided to continue on. She backed off the trap door and stood off to the side of the entry way, to let possible others through. She definitely deemed the cleric the greater threat, but fired upon the easiest target.

Move: Back to the exit, but off to the side so as not to be in the way.
Standard: Attack cleric (I think he's out of the hole).


Skirmish: [roll2]
AC=20 (from skirmish) for this round.

damn...it was bound to happen...

2012-02-09, 08:10 AM
As you move to the exit you see the guard you saw earlier at the back street running towards the house.

He sees you about to loose an arrow and he frowns.

"HALT!" he calls out.

The momentary distraction though is enough that you fire the arrow far too high and it hits the ceiling.

The little demon doesnt waste time assessing the new threat now that its master is here. It vanishes from sight and appears behind the guard. It scritches and that draws his attention from you just in time for the creature to rake his face with its talons but thankfully though he is bleeding he doesnt lose an eye.

But you have more serious issues to deal with in front of you as the Cleric stares at you with murder in his eyes and intones black words that remind you of what assailed your mind back in the sacrificial chambers.

Fortitude save.

2012-02-09, 09:27 AM
Figures he'd have to target my lowest save.


2012-02-09, 10:26 AM
This time is not your sanity that is challenged by his vile spell but your body. Within seconds your skin developes sores and wounds. You feel a horrible burning sensation from everywhere and collapse on the floor in terrible spasms wracked with pain.

Outside you hear a yell and a moment later the little demon appears, as if out of nowhere, inside with a nasty cut from the guards halberd.

The guard enters through the door a moment later.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE! Why is this girl on the floor and what the HECK IS WRONG WITH HER!" he yells at the top of his voice and you think, in the midst of the pain and suffering your body goes through, that you can hear another pair of feet running towards the house.

Unfortunately... you count as helpless...

2012-02-09, 12:51 PM
Laria struggles to breathe through the pain. She gasps for air to warn the guard. Writhing from the sores now on her, she speaks. They killed guard *cough*...others... she warned. It was almost too painful for her, but she fought through it. She pointed as best she could to the cleric. "Cast spell *hack*. Now like this," she warned, hoping the guard would get the message.

2012-02-09, 01:11 PM
"Oh how ANNOYING!" screms the cleric frustrated. He looks down to you with a look of disguist and anger and then as the guard is about to charge in having understood your message he snaps his fingers and the guard stays frozen in place.

The little demon this time flies over the guard with great speed and slashes at this face. Frozen in place as he is the man cannot even scream as blood bubbles from his face where his eye used to be and collapses on the floor.

2012-02-09, 01:46 PM
Her eyes widen as she sees the guard fall. Terrified, Laria does the only thing she can, still writhing from the pain. She calls out for help, as loud as possible, though she's not even sure she is making a sound at this point.

2012-02-09, 01:50 PM
damned forum.

2012-02-09, 08:21 PM
not sure if this is a forum issue, or if you're just trying to decide the fate of laria. either way, bump again.

2012-02-10, 01:52 AM
Sorry about that! Hadnt seen either the normal post or the bump... as in it didnt show up...

It seems the guard isnt actually dead either but rather blinded and prone. He tries to get up and unsteady as he is that causes the demon, who was about to strike again, to miss.

Not so the cleric though who takes a few steps, passing over you, and touches him on the shoulder just as his hand becomes filled with dark negative energy. This time the guard doesnt get up again.

Despair settles in for you, still wracked in pain, still helpless to act against the cleric when the footsteps you had heard before become a reality.

You see the figure of a sister you had not seen below jump expertly from the last few steps of the ladder on the ground floor of the abandonded house. She doesnt waste time but she extends a hand towards you and your wounds and sores go away. You still count as shaken but the primary effect of the clerics vile power subsides.

2012-02-10, 08:51 AM
Laria for a moment where the sister had come from, but then quickly realized she didn't have time for such questions. She stood from her position, grabbing her bow as she did. Still shaken, she decided to try her luck. Running would only delay the killings, not help stop them. Plus, she hoped that the her arrows outnumbered his spells. She fired a shot at the cleric, hoping her aim would still be good enough.

Move: stand up


2012-02-10, 09:47 AM
The moment the sister spends trying to help you costs her dearly. The cleric moves forward drawing a nasty looking mace in one fluid movement and striking her on the chest drawing blood.

"How nice my friend! We get rid of some pests and a new pure one for the sacrifices!" he cackles as he dodges your arrow.

The little demon inches closer making a wide circle to position himself behind the priestess ignoring you for now.

And then the sister suprises you. She turns around on the spot and spits acid on the face of the demon. The... spittle is colored with a white blue wave of energy and you see a similar strand of blue-white smoke rising from the sister's eyes.

The attack hits the little demon on the chest and you see it trying to disappear in black smoke like before. But it seems the blow is either too strong or it is too wounded and it falls on the floor flapping its wings ineffectually.

2012-02-10, 10:12 AM
Laria becomes a bit more shaken, seeing the sister's ability. Again, she didn't have time to let her mind wander toward that power. The enemies were ignoring her, and that would be their mistake. She moved to one side before firing her arrow at the cleric. Still shaken, she wasn't confident in her aim.

Move 10 feet.

Standard action:


2012-02-10, 10:54 AM
Dont you get skirmish if you move 10 feet? Also damage cant go to negatives...

2012-02-10, 06:32 PM
I do. and just add 1 to the damage, since I was just taking the -2 from being shaken into account.

skirmish: [roll0]

2012-02-11, 05:54 AM
And thats why it mattered...

That 1 point turns into 2 and 3 from skirmish ends up a total of 5.

You last arrow is shot hastily and not carefully. Still the Gods smile upon you and it manages to graze the mans temple and he collapses on the floor bleeding.

You also notice that the now dead little demon is still steaming as the acid continues to eat the remains.

The sister looks down towards the cleric and spits. Normally this time... and then offers you her hand.

2012-02-11, 08:31 AM
Laria saw the sister's hand extend forward, but she was still in awe at the events. She was amazed she even survived, even if was with some help. And she wasn't really sure what to make of this newcomer, especially with the abilities she exhibited. But the elf knew if it weren't for the sister, she herself would be dead. She extend her hand out in return and could resist asking "So, can all the sisters do that?"

2012-02-11, 09:08 AM
She has a firm handshake and her hands also feel you with a warm feeling as she touches you.

For a second you think you her robes become a flowing fabric of silver that flows into you and the next second you feel your wounds closing and the strange mirage is gone.

You receive 15 points of healing.

"No not really... and those of us that have them are not supposed to use them within sight of outsiders. I am actually here against orders but when I saw you enter the house and didnt come back I stayed back and watched fearing something might have happened to you. Please dont mention it to anyone and dont ever mention these powers lest the Sisters face grave dangers..."

2012-02-11, 10:17 AM
I'm finding out more secrets than I care to know, the elf thought.

"What powers?" she said grinning, signaling that she would indeed not say anything. The least she could do for the person that saved her life.

2012-02-11, 05:10 PM
She looks at you seriously.

"It is called soulmelding and it is literally using the power of our pure souls to fuel particular abilities that we can develop..."

"But enough of that, I need to see if he is still alive..." she says and leans next to the guard.

A moment later she looks up to you and shakes her head.

"He is gone. Which actually fits better for us..."

2012-02-11, 06:29 PM
Alright...not what I meant. Laria refocused on the dead bodies. "Sad, but probably true," the elf replied. She remembered how guards typically treated vigilantes, but she couldn't help but mourn the guard a little, for perhaps he had a family. "So, what do we do with the bodies?"

2012-02-12, 08:47 AM
"Well this bastard is still alive. I suggest we close the door and search him and..." she pauses.

"By the way... where was he?" she says as she doesnt seem to have noticed the trapdoor in the floor.

2012-02-12, 08:51 AM
Bump bump bumpety!

2012-02-12, 10:31 AM
Laria knelt by the cleric to search him for items, particularly ones that might have been stolen from the sisters. "I followed a blood to a trapdoor, which led to a secret lair." She described the area, referring to the gruesome pictures and the overall area of their hiding place, including the cursed false exit.

2012-02-12, 11:22 AM
In the mean time she closes the door and uses the guards halberd to block it.

"Interesting. We should search his house maybe for more information... if you want I can take him to the Sisters... I am sure everyone will be pleased to have this murderer scum... I will say off course it was your talents that brought us to him!"

2012-02-12, 01:23 PM
Laria raised on eyebrow. Didn't you say you were here against orders? Are you sure you want to raise those questions for yourself?

2012-02-12, 02:04 PM
DM forgot that he said that! Just saying it so you dont think she is trying to trick you.

She looks embarrashed for a second.

"Er... yea you are right actually! I can wait for you here then while you check out his place in case there is anyone else hiding or something... but I know the Sister Superior wants a chance to getting her hands on him..."

2012-02-12, 03:11 PM
Just became a halfling chieftain of a goblin tribe in another game...not sure how I feel about that.

I guess you wanted a search check for that cleric the first time around. I'll just do a take 10 for that for a 19

Searching the cleric once more, she takes the sister's advice.

Getting caught up in the excitement, it happens. I'll go back and check things out. Watch him, and make sure he doesn't get up.

She headed back to the lair, quick as possible, and began her search for anything that might look important.

too lazy to do dice tags, so another take 10

2012-02-12, 04:22 PM
He is wearing a mithral chainmail under his robes and thats why it wasnt immidiatetly obvious that he was armored. Additionally you are certain that his mace is magical. Other than that he also has a ring and a necklase on him.

The sister nods that she will stay and guard while you head out.

Passing through the passage once more and heading up through the underground temple room you have a dezavu feeling of when you first came. Eventually arriving to the house and doing a quick sweep reveals that it is a 1 story house (ground floor + 1 level). The owner is afluent as the furniture are well kept and overall the place is nicely decorated. You find [roll0] gold in various areas of the house kept as 'loose change'. There are no evidence of the mans true nature until you search the back of a closet in a bedroom upstairs. It seems that the back is a secret passage.

2012-02-13, 10:15 AM
Why must you tempt me into making Alice in Wonderland-esque phrases

Laria knew the danger, especially with much of her ability depleted. But she hoped no one else was on the other side of that passae. She decided to investigate it, seeing where it took her. "Curiouser and curiouser..."

2012-02-13, 10:50 AM
Its not difficult for the young elf to find the four clasps that keep the fake compartment into its place now that she knows what it is.

She removes the back only to stumble inside a small room with no windows and no other entrance whatsoever. There is no source of light and the only light is coming from the main room where she came from. She can only see because of her races keen eyesight.

It is the smell that hits her first though and not what she sees.. The smell of fear and something unclean and it is coming from a small cage. From inside the cage she can see the terrified eyes of a young man that is obviously too big for the comparment he is in. The whole thing is so tight that he cant even sit down and you can see that his feet are trembling.

The rest of the room has what seems to be a chair with straps and a series of alchemical or arcane elements, including beakers and twizzers as well as a large ornate chest.

Then something dawns to you as you keep looking around the room. The man in the cage is the Corporal that was threatening Sister Anna.

2012-02-13, 04:18 PM
Fate sure seems to have a twisted sense of humor, Laria thought upon spotting the guard. To think that he's still alive...and I have a yen to save him. She approached slowly, trying not to startle him terribly. "Do you know who I am," she asked, testing the guard's composure and memory.

2012-02-13, 05:50 PM
As you approach your sense of smell suffers further. He reeks.

As you approach he blinks a few times, his bloodshot eyes tracking your movement despite the darkness.

"NononononononoNONONONO!" he screams.

"Youhavetohide!He will find you, he will know you were here, he will knowyousawme and then he will kill me again!!!!! You have to go! Leaveleaveleave now!" he starts murmuring.

2012-02-13, 06:06 PM
Laria believed he was talking about either the imp or the cleric, but she wasn't sure. She was just surprised upon hearing the words "kill me again." Though I suppose I shouldn't be, considering it was a cleric. "Are you talking about the demon or cleric? Because they've both been taken care of. Now, I might be able to get you out of here if you calm down," the elf said in a hushed tone.