View Full Version : PF Long Range Punch

2011-10-03, 10:23 PM
With this build we are going to make {choose one of the following: Dhalsim, Monkey D. Luffy, Mr. Fantastic, Stretch Armstrong, Plastic Man, Elongated Man.... I think you get the idea....}

We want to punch people. Hard. From across the room.

(Disclaimer, this is a silly build. It is MAD MAD I TELL YOU! No, seriously. It wants, like, 5 stats super high.
Also disclaimer, I am purposely avoiding using Summoner-Synthesist. It would greatly help with the MAD, have in class access to Enlarge person, granting itself the Reach evolution, and, at level 8, be able to make itself Large, which would then become Huge due to Enlarge Person. I am avoiding due to the overpoweredness of it, and the still pending rules issues)

Class: Paladin can take the Oath against Savagery (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/oathbound-paladin/oath-against-savagery) and trade in Divine Grace for the ability to gain +5ft. reach (explicitly does not stack with Lunge). We also want to take Oath of Vengeance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin/archetypes/paizo---paladin-archetypes/oathbound-paladin/oath-of-vengeance) in order to trade Lay on Hands uses for more Smite Evil to trade in for more +reach (need 2 levels for Oath-Savage, and another 2 for Oath-Veng)

Monk of the Four Winds (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/monk-of-the-four-winds), this gets us Elemental Fist, we need this to qualify for Marid Style (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/marid-style-combat-style), which will give us an additional +5 ft. when we use our Elemental Fist. (need 5 levels to qualify for Marid Style)

Our Race is going to be Oakling (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/alluria-publishing/oakling), granted its 3rd party, but it has a unique feat that gives it....go on...guess what it gets...I'll wait....
A feat that gives +5ft. reach!

We might as well throw the Lunge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/lunge-combat---final) feat in there, while it doesn't stack with the Paladin ability, there are no limits on how often you can use it.

Now just get a friendly caster to cast Enlarge Person (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/enlarge-person) on you, and your reach is
Base 5, Paladin/Lunge +5, Marid +5, Oakling +5, Enlarge +5.
You can now punch people 25 feet away.


2011-10-04, 03:59 AM
very nice, is there any reason why you couldn't put the throwing enchantment on an amulet of mighty fists? would allow you to throw punches with a range increment of 10' :smalltongue: 3.5 had the kensai trick for throwing/returning fists.

2011-10-04, 08:41 AM
Actually, now that I've thought about it more, this could make a very... "interesting" encounter for a party.

DM: You are walking along the riverbank. You hear a loud shout from the other bank. You all look, but see no one. The only thing that stands out is a few weird looking trees. AMBUSH! Surprise round. Fy-Ter, a tree punches you in the face for *rolls* 11 normal damage and 8 cold damage. Wee-Zerd, you get punched in the fa
Fy-Ter: Wait. Did you just say the tree punched me?:smallconfused:
DM: Yes.:smallsmile:
Fy-Ter: Weren't the trees on the _other_ side of the river.:smallconfused:
DM: They are.:smallbiggrin:
Fy-Ter: How big is this river?:smallannoyed:
DM: About 10 feet across.:smallcool:
Fy-Ter: :smallconfused::smalleek:

Evil Monkish Treefolk of the Forest
Oakling, Monk 8 (Four Winds) Fighter 2
Notable feats: Elemental Fist, Marid Style, Mighty Oak, Lunge
Unarmed Strike damage 1d10+Str
Unarmed Strike Range 10ft. or 15ft. if using Lunge
Can also Flurry at the same range
Elemental Fist damage 1d10+Str and 2d6+Wis Cold
Elemental Fist Range 15ft. or 20ft. if using Lunge
Can use Elemental Fist 8/day

2011-10-04, 08:50 AM
One level of Synthesist Summoner will let you take the Reach evolution, giving you 5' of extra reach (to one attack, but as written, guantlets/unarmed strikes should be viable - unlike most other evolutions altering attacks, Reach does not specify natural attacks). The Lunge feat will extend that another 5'. You're already up to a 15' reach on a medium creature. If it's just melee touches (*probably* a viable target for the Reach evolution), the Sorceror's Aberrant Bloodline Long Limbs power can get you up to another 15', and can be snagged with the Eldritch Heritage line of feats. Perhaps a Magus, doing shocking graspspunches?

Also, the spell Blood Crow Strike will let monks flurry at a range of 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Qiqong monks can get it themselves easily, or it should be possible to craft an item of permanent Blood Crow Strike. Fairly hilarious, that would be.

EDIT: An item of permanent BCS is... debatable. The spell is listed as duration: instantaneous, which, in the tradition of Opalescent Glare debates, is really funky for this sort of spell. Further, the PF item creation rules give costs for creating continuous items based on spells with durations of rounds, minutes/10minutes, and days, with an implication as to hours, but nothing for instantaneous. I think the ASSUMPTION is that either an instantaneous duration spell isn't appropriate or should not be allowed, as the case may be, but it's not stated explicitly that I can find. Regardless, it's easy enough for a monk to get without caster support.

2011-10-04, 09:52 AM
One level of Synthesist Summoner will let you take the Reach evolution, giving you 5' of extra reach

...Also, the spell Blood Crow Strike will let monks flurry at a range of 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Qiqong monks can get it themselves easily, or it should be possible to craft an item of permanent Blood Crow Strike. Fairly hilarious, that would be.
Regardless, it's easy enough for a monk to get without caster support.

The problem with Synthesist Summoner is that you CAN'T stop at just one level. The Eidolon's physical stats override your own, and the only way to increase them is through more levels and/or Evo Points, which can (almost) only be gotten through more levels. I'm not saying you need to commit to 12+ levels here, just that you'll want to invest more than just 1 level. 5 seems to be a decent number, 4 Bab, 8 Evo Points, +2 Str/Dex, and an Ability increase that can be used to round off your Con score. After that 8 is a good point because then you can go Large (Huge with Enlarge Person).

Blood Crow Strike is... broken. And not necessarily in the Over-Powered way. And the only way for a Monk to get it without Casters or (possibly) buying an item of it is to take _14_ levels of Monk. While not inherrently a bad thing, that is still a LOT of Monk/Time investment.

2011-10-04, 10:24 AM
Also, the spell Blood Crow Strike will let monks flurry at a range of 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Qiqong monks can get it themselves easily, or it should be possible to craft an item of permanent Blood Crow Strike. Fairly hilarious, that would be.

If I'm reading this correctly, blood crow strike is even more broken than that. Take a look at the qualities:

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous

Based on that, you're casting the spell on a creature within medium range. Since duration is instantaneous, it means that regardless of where your target is, once you've cast the spell on him, he is 100% punchable from anywhere.

I want to make a diminutive qigong monk that punches enemies from the inside of a portable hole.

2011-10-04, 11:33 AM
Agreed on the points against the Synthesist. If you were going for an interesting NPC, a Synth dip could work for the build. Also, the level five is a *really* fun break point, getting additional BAB, HD, and access to energy attacks and flight - all *very* fun toys.

Blood Crow Strike... here's the full description:

Blood Crow Strike

School evocation [evil, fire]; Level cleric/oracle 4

Casting Time 1 round
Components Unofficial: V, S1

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell resistance yes

Your unarmed strikes release blasts of energy in the form of bolts of fire or glowing red crows, which fly instantaneously to strike your target. You can make unarmed strike or flurry of blows attacks against the target as if it were in your threatened area; each successful attack deals damage as if you had hit it with your unarmed strike, except half the damage is fire and half is negative energy (this negative energy does not heal undead). For example, if you are a 14th-level monk, you can use a flurry of blows to attack five times, creating one energy crow for each successful attack against the target, and dealing 2d6 points of damage (plus appropriate unarmed strike modifiers) with each crow.

The intention is fairly obviously to cast it on a monk, not to have the (Qiqong) monk cast it on a target and be able to punch him from anywhere in the universe, forever. I think the intention was also for this to allow the monk to use the ranged attack for one full attack/flurry (though the clause, "You can make unarmed strike or flurry of blows attacks" sows confusion onto the premise, by implying more than one attack may be made).

Unfortunately, this is yet another example of "the designers don't understand their own rules and don't learn from past mistakes." Also unfortunately, the FAQ for Ultimate Magic hasn't provided any clarification on the spell, yet. Regardless, something like Gloves of BCW, 10uses/day, wouldn't be terribly expensive at reasonable levels, compared to its power. Heck, it allieviates A LOT of monk problems.

2011-10-04, 11:50 AM
If I'm reading this correctly, blood crow strike is even more broken than that. Take a look at the qualities:

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous

Based on that, you're casting the spell on a creature within medium range. Since duration is instantaneous, it means that regardless of where your target is, once you've cast the spell on him, he is 100% punchable from anywhere.

I want to make a diminutive qigong monk that punches enemies from the inside of a portable hole.From the contributor comments on the earliest page for that spell at d20pfsrd.com:

I'm wondering if we should have a note that we're aware this spell makes no ******* sense.

2011-10-04, 12:29 PM
1) That's completely and utterly hilarious.

2) They really should have included that note.

2011-10-04, 05:56 PM
The intention is fairly obviously to cast it on a monk, not to have the (Qiqong) monk cast it on a target and be able to punch him from anywhere in the universe, forever.
That'd make it an interesting no-save, just die spell though. You cast it, flee combat, then dispatch your foe later at your leisure. Drawback: you must be far enough away that the target cannot follow the trail of glowing red crows back to you before perishing.