View Full Version : UA variant wizards question

2011-10-03, 11:13 PM
Is there anything in the UA variant wizard rules as written that require a wizard to take the variant at 1st level only?

For example, the conjurer variation that replaces the ability to obtain a familiar... MUST that be taken at first level, or can a wizard take that at 3rd level (and give up his familiar at that time)?

2011-10-03, 11:47 PM
In the beginning of the section, it says this: "Each specialist class has three variants. One that replaces the specialists Summon Familiar ability..."
Meaning that you can never have summoned one to begin with unless you gain the ability to from another class or a feat.

2011-10-04, 02:15 AM
typically, alternate class lvls can be taken piece mail. But they must be taken at the proper lvls. You can't sub out a 1st lvl hafling rogue variant ability for your 7th level of rogue for instance. But you could take the rogue variant at 1st lvl and not the one at 10th. (just examples, doesn't necessarily exist.)

So no, you couldn't come back at a later lvl and take the first lvl substitution.

However, it might say something different in the actual section of UA so just read it closely. It probably doesn't but if there is any rules stating how these variants work different from other variants, you would find it there.

2011-10-04, 07:07 PM
Could i take a variant that prevents me from summoning a familiar if I wait, and take it at 3rd level, (where I would use my 3rd level to take summon familiar at that level)? and then lose that feat for the variation granted?

Thus, could I lose my ability to summon a familiar twice?

2011-10-04, 07:47 PM
Normally no, you can't reorder your character build after the fact. But if your DM allows for the retraining rules out of PHB2, then perhaps you can, since those guidelines are all about changing the choices you have previously made.

Consult your DM, your milage may vary, offer expires while you wait. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-04, 07:49 PM
No. Alternate Class Features and Variant Classes replace abilities granted by classes, not by feats.