View Full Version : Help Needed with Infernal Magic

2011-10-04, 03:26 AM
hi all basicly i'm on a mission to find out everything i can about infernal magic, currently all i know so far is this....
"when you use infernal magic, it uses a part of you or your soul (or something like that) this is why demons rent out thier power to people (thus resulting in warlocks etc)"

basicly i'm just after as much help as possible, if someone has infomation they can throw at me or refer me to some reading material i would be very greatful.

many thanks


Kol Korran
2011-10-04, 12:20 PM
are you looking for rules? fluff? what exactly? out of my headthere aretwo books called "fiendish codex I and II" i haven't read them (maybe others could help with that) but the titles sounds promising. also mightbe of help are "elder evils" and "book of vile darkness". i'd imagine there is SOMETHING there (though again, i haven't read them)

2011-10-04, 12:26 PM
Well, FCII has information on Faustian Pacts and the Hellfire Warlock (PrC where you can make your Eldritch Blast more powerful, but at the cost of Con). Also some spells that let you take on aspects of devils. The Book of Vile Darkness has Corrupt spells, spells that drain the caster when they are cast, as well as rules for evil spell components that can improve your spells.

2011-10-04, 12:33 PM
First off, I don't believe there is a specific magic type called "Infernal Magic." There are a few things I think you might be asking about here; are any of these what you're going after?

- Spells with the [Evil] descriptor
- "Corrupt" spells (from BoVD)
- Taint mechanics (from either Unearthed Arcana or Heroes of Horror - there are differences between the two)
- Spells granted by evil deities
- Spells actually cast by Devils
- Warlock invocations granted by evil powers

Each one of these is evil, evil evil; but the fluff and mechanics are different for each.

2011-10-04, 08:56 PM
Mostly a plot device. By Infernal you imply the aid of Lawful Evil fiends, which can come in many forms. Depending on the difficulty of contacting outsiders in your campaign, infernal power might be hard to come by. Generally, planar ally is the spell you cast to get access to the powers of a devil or contact one in person. Generally Devils are more trustworthy (in a way) with regard to how they act in their deals. But Demons have just as much value for a soul as well. You don't often hear about Daemons (Yugoloths) making deals in 3.5 stuff but I'd wager a soul shell is a soul shell and other "neutral" fiends have a use for them as well.

Basically, if you want something, ask a devil to do it for you, negotiate, if it gets done you get what you want and give what they want. Simple.

2011-10-05, 11:36 AM
Fiendish Codex II has quite the collection in infernal magic. FCI would handle abyssal magic (infernal is typically a devil thing). ofcourse the allready mentioned BoVD will help a lot, but i think you will get the most infernal magic from FCII.

BoVD will handle vile magic, FCI takes down abyssal magic, and if you are up for gathering evil and real bad juju, pick up heroes of horror and drow of the underdark as well. Then there might be something left in Lords of madness and Libris mortis.

good luck.