View Full Version : When Underdogs Attack!

2011-10-05, 05:33 AM
Okay, it's generally accepted that there are some classes that just... well... how shall I put this?

They got hit by the nerf bat, hooked up to the lolcopter by the FailChain and dragged down Suck Lane.

And that's... well... unfortunately, in some cases, that's being polite.

In many cases, it requires some extreme optimization just to make them functional.

Well, I'm an extreme optimizer, and I always did love a good challenge. :smallbiggrin:

So what we have here is your typical 'plucky underdog who, despite being made of Fail, can still accomplish something' type of situation. Classes who inherently suck mechanically... able to shine at least once.

Now then, here's how this works:

* My goal is to take every Tier 5 and under class... and find SOME way to make them viable. We're not talking T1 level viable, we're talking more along the lines of 'Can group with Tier 3 classes and still be able to contribute something'.

* Moreso, I'm not going to simply use WBLomancy (ala the Cube), or tricks ANY class can use (i.e. partially charged wands with cross-class ranks in UMD, or Bob). I'm going to be using the class's abilities to pull off some combo or trick that helps them be useful in a fight.

* I'm well aware that, even with this level of optmization, there are other classes who can do it better. That's not really the point here. Right now, we're dealing with the bottom of the barrel, the dregs, the unwashed masses... 'competent' is about all we can realistically ask from these guys. What we are doing is making these classes at least playable

* I will be restricting myself to the materials I have at home. No DragonMag content. No 3rd party content. No homebrew. However, unless it's a very obscure source... I've probably got it lying around somewhere.

* Critique and suggestions are always appreciated. Flames and derogatory comments exposing the ignorance of the poster will be pointed to and laughed at. Well... nah, to be honest, they're not worth the effort to point and laugh at, I'll just sic the Mods on 'em.

* I realize that dips can significantly help a class, but often times, the 'base class' can end up BEING the dip, since other classes simply overpower them. Therefore, as a limitation, you can't have more levels in a 'dip' than you have in the 'base Underdog class'.

* No Pathfinder, either in being used, or in helping out.

So, let us begin with the core classes: Fighter, Paladin, and Monk.

Fighter - You'd think that a class whose class features is a whole PILE of feats would... yanno... get some love from splatbooks. But, unfortunately, everyone gets feats, which makes this more watered-down than you'd think. Still, let's see what we can do if we had a hypothetical situation in which we had to build a Fighter with no PrC's and no dipping.

Now then, there are a couple of very good ACF's that do help out the Fighter... Dungeoncrasher and Zhent. Since they cost you almost nothing, other than WAY too many levels of Fighter, almost all builds will be incorporating them.

The Punisher - The first thing that came to mind
Okay, Zhent does intimidation, and Dungeoncrasher does bull rush damage. Well, we've GOT feats to blow, why not blow them?

Our 2nd and 6th level bonus feats go to Dungeoncrasher, and we're also picking up Zhent. Soldier. We're also pick up Thug variant. I figure Shock Trooper and Imperious Command are both natural for this build.

Now then, Shock Trooper gives us a couple of additional things besides the most often used Heedless Charge. Specifically, Domino Rush can be used to Bull Rush (and thus apply dungeoncrasher damage to) multiple opponents in the same action. Directed Bull Rush helps make this happen easier.

So, here's the thing: Fighters fail for three primary reasons: 1) They have trouble bringing it to flying attackers, 2) They have trouble bringing it to things with miss chance, and 3) They have no way of really dishing out good damage while closing with opponents.

Well, as far as #3 goes, there's a solution you can throw a couple of feats at: Sphinx Claws. Hands are a Least chakra, so it can be done by level 6. However, it's with Natural Attacks *ONLY*. Cue Greater Unarmed Strike feat from ToB. As a bonus, Sphinx Claws also give bonuses to Bull Rushing.

Now Flight can be had with a foot-slot equip. But miss chance is harder. Pierce Magical Concealment is an option, but won't come online until later.

So let's look at our feat breakdown, shall we?

1st: Improved Unarmed Strike, Thug variant
2nd: Dungeoncrasher
3rd: Shape Soulmeld: Sphinx Claws, Power Attack (Zhent bonus)
4th: Improved Bull Rush
5th: Extended Intimidation (Zhent)
6th: Open Least Chakra (Hands), Dungeoncrasher
8th: Shock Trooper
9th: Imperious Command, Swift Demoralization (Zhent)
10th: Leap Attack

So, by level 10, we have a character who can:

1) Force a whole room to Cower via Imperious Command + Never Outnumbered + Swift Demoralization

2) Dish out actually viable damage. Dungeoncrasher and Shock Trooper/Leap Attack/Pounce. Dungeoncrasher damage is not weapon-dependent, and shock trooper's damage output is primarily from bonuses anyways.

3) With Gather Information and Knowledge (Local) on his skill list, and extra skill points as well, he's also useful out of combat. If he picks up Urban Tracking at some point, which is a fighter bonus feat for him thanks to Thug, he'll have additional out-of-combat utility.

What he is: Reliable damage dealer. Area-effect lockdown at the start of combat with Swift Demoralize + Imperious Command + Never Outnumbered. From there, he is also single-target lockdown, since he doesn't have anything better to do with his Swift action every round.

What he is not: area-denial. He doesn't have any means of stopping opponents from getting past him, other than bull rushing and knocking them over, or intimidation.

Rating: Tier 4ish. He's got use in and out of combat. He can do his job competently. He can lockdown and deal damage. At the same time.

The Brick - This guy is the one you can't get past. He might not be doing a lot of damage, but he's keeping opponents in place while his allies deal with them
Okay, for this archetype, you need EWP: Spiked Chain, Improved Trip, Imperious Command, and Combat Reflexes. Martial Study (Foehammer) + Martial Stance (Thicket of Blades) Makes it even more difficult to bypass, depending on how you read the wording of the stance (one interpretation is that it even prevents Tumbling).

Feat Breakdown:

1st: EWP: Spiked Chain, Thug variant
2nd: Dungeoncrasher
3rd: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise (Zhent. bonus)
4th: Improved Trip
5th: Extended Intimidation
6th: Imperious Command, Dungeoncrasher
8th: Martial Study: Foehammer
9th: Martial Stance: Thicket of Blades, Swift Demoralization
10th: Martial Study: Emerald Razor

So by level 10, we have a character who can:

1) Lockdown everything on the first round with Imperious Command + Never Outnumbered + Swift Demoralization. Further rounds are single-target lockdown.

2) Area Denial. No, you're not getting past me. No, not even then. Thicket of Blades + Spiked Chain + Improved Trip + Combat Reflexes.

3) Land a blow on a high AC target with Emerald Razor

What he does: He stops people from going anywhere. As a result, he's also hard to land a blow in melee on, simply because it's hard to close with him without falling on yer rear.

What he does not do: Just about anything else.

Problems with the build: Freedom of Movement pwns him. Opponents with Reach also give him trouble. And he's MAD, needing an Int of 13, as well as needing high Str, Dex, and Con.

Paladin - Holy Warrior with a stick up yer pigu. Unfortunately, they try to do too much at once, and end up failing at everything.

Like the Fighter, they can make a viable dip, but a very poor class for more than two levels, because most of their class abilities... suck. Unlike Fighter, they don't get enough bonus feats to pick up a dribble-drabble of maneuvers and meldshaping to put together something vaguely useful.

Without dips, you don't have many ways to say 'no', and you don't have much in the way of power, although there is a way to make all your spells auto-quickened.

For purposes of these discussions, while you may be allowed to be a kobold, and while pazuzu might in fact hear you out, sarrukhs don't exist. And since we won't be going into Wish exploitation, we won't be going there either.

Now then, a Paladin does have Turn Undead, and since his Cleric levels are hit with a pretty hard nerf-bat, there's no reason to NOT use them on Divine feats.

Now then, his Mount is also generally a lackluster class feature, but there are things you can trade it out for, and there may be ways to get some very nasty mounts. Assistance on this is requested.

Monk - Mutually exclusive jumble of class abilities that ends up failing.

On paper, Monk seems pretty cool. I mean, their bare fists can do as much damage as a Greatsword, or even more! They're real speed demons too! All three high saving throws, and Evasion to back it up! Flurry of Blows to hit a bunch of times!

But the problems are as follows: Your class abilities are mutually exclusive. You have great speed, but if you do more than take a 5' step, you can't Flurry. You only have a 3/4 BAB, and several things that reduce your attack bonus, which generally is why the class ability is called 'Flurry of Misses'.

In short, it's moderately inconvenient to affect you, but it's also nearly impossible for you to affect anything else, which means you're generally ignored in combat.

So, Magic of Incarnum has at least one solution for you, although it is feat intensive: Sphinx Claws. It only works with natural attacks which... hey... is pretty much your shtick. This alone gives you a MAJOR boost, because it re-enables Flurry, and lets it synergize with your high move rate. It's two feats... but it's also probably the best two-feat investment you can make.

You also have the Fighter's problem of dealing with Flying attackers and dealing with miss chance.

So let's see how we can do this:

Falling Hammer Style-designed to hit hard, and hit fast
Take the Overwhelming Attack variant from the SRD. It gives you Power Attack and Improved Bull Rush. Now you have everything you need to set up Shock Trooper for level 9.

Now then, Shape Soulmeld can be taken at 1st level, so that's when we pick up Sphinx Claws, although they aren't too useful until level 6, when you Open Least Chakra (Hand) for pounce.

This leaves our 3rd level feat slot open. Personally, since you don't really meet the requirements for anything else, I'd go with Flying Kick from CWar. When charging, your unarmed attack does an extra d12 damage. Well, since we are now making a full attack on a charge, that's an extra average of 6.5 damage per hit. That's hard to pass up.

At level 12, you're probably going to pick up Snap Kick. Simply because more attacks = more better. Another option would be Shape Soulmeld: Bluesteel bracers. Initiative and bonus attack and damage? Score. Improved Natural Attack is also an option here, but it would only increase your natural attacks from 2d6 to 3d6 (or from 2d8 to 3d8 if you have a Monk's Belt on). That's only 1d6 difference, wheras Flying Kick is 1d12.

Finding a way to get Divine Power on you is going to significantly improve your ability. For that matter, so would finding a method of size increase. However, neither one is going to be easy to obtain.

This document is a Work In Progress. I highly encourage the fellow Forumites to post builds here which helps utilize the underdogs.

2011-10-05, 05:34 AM
CWar - There's two classes here that need help: Hexblade, and Samurai.

Now then, as most of the regulars are aware of, Samurai has been done. Just look at my Sig. So let's try Hexblade.

First off, it does start off strong. For the first three levels. After that, it just... doesn't do much. It's spellcasting is sub-par, to say the least. The abilities are limited to x/day, and the Hexblade Curse's progression... stinks.

So, let's see what we can do to help this poor guy out.

If you really want to wield some actual casting onto this class, I'd suggest Suel Archanamach for the job. It's got a much better casting progression, with a decent spell selection. A dip into Sandshaper expands this somewhat.

Incarnum also has some things to offer a Hexblade, although it gets feat intensive without dipping.

This is one of the few base classes to get Mettle (and he gets it MUCH sooner than the Crusader does). Pairing that with Evasion can also result in Fun Times (tm).

So, here's some builds:

Mr No.Hexblade4/Rogue3/Suel Archanamach1/SpellSword1/Abjurant CHampion5/Sandshaper1/Legacy Champion4

Here's how this works:

Hexblade4 gives him a single 1st level spell he can use twice a day. Personally, I'd suggest Grease, considering the Rogue levels you are picking up shortly.

Here's the other cute thing about Hexblades and magic... their spell list can include any spell on the Sorcerer list. That means you can use things like Wands without needing UMD. It's not something I'm going to be building around, but hey... it's cute.

So, you've got Mettle, Cha bonus to saves vs spells and SLA's, full BAB, and a Familiar. Not too shabby.

Rogue nets you Evasion, +2d6 Sneak Attack, the skills necessary to qualify for Suel, and Evasion.

Now then, Suel is good spellcasting for our purposes (jut don't confuse it with a proper spellcasting class), however the rest of the class abilities are... less useful. Fortunately, there's a solution to that as well.

Spellsword and Abjurant Champion are, of course, obvious. Particularly AbChamp. Legacy Champion advances AbChamp and lets them auto-quicken all of his Abjuration spells.

In short, he's a gish. He's got some useful spells, he's got some useful abilities, and he's damn hard to really hurt.

Tome of Magic - There's only one base class here which truly deserves the title 'underdog'. the Truenamer. However, someone else (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214115) did a much better job at this, and I don't want to risk losing the ability to taste ice cream, so I'll just let his work stand here as a testament.

2011-10-05, 12:01 PM
The Brick has an issue with Emerald Razor requires a Diamond Mind maneuver beforehand, though that could be resolved easily with a Moment of Perfect Mind. It could also use some Stand Still in there.

2011-10-05, 12:11 PM
Alright, so here's my second repost of this, it's the closest thing to a tier 3 monk I can think of. Pathfinder. Might be cool.

Hungry Ghost (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/hungry-ghost-monk), Qinggong (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-archetypes/qinggong-monk) monk. Trade Tongue of the Sun and Moon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-Tongue-of-the-Sun-and-Moon-Ex-) for Cold Ice Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/cold-ice-strike), trade High Jump (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-High-Jump-Ex-) for Gaseous Form (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gaseous-form), trade Wholeness of Body (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk#TOC-Wholeness-of-Body-Su-) for Restoration (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/restoration), take the Dimensional feats on the PFSRD up to Dimensional Dervish (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dimensional-dervish), grab the Spider Step (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/spider-step) and Cloud Step (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/cloud-step) feats, dual wield keen guided (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapons-non-core/weapon-property---guided) kukris. Pick up a few style feats, such as Dragon (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/dragon-style-combat) or Crane (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/crane-wing-combat) style.

Guided adds Wis to damage and to hit in place of Str, Dimensional Dervish allows you to move + full attack, Spider Step allows you to run across water or up walls, cloud Step allows you to run across the air, Gaseous Form lets you go through walls, Restoration is always useful, Cold Ice Strike is a swift action 15d6 attack, Hungry Ghost allows you to regain ki on a crit or kill. Be human.

2011-10-05, 04:29 PM
Hm. Well I'm not particularly that good at optimization, and I'm not sure what the thoughts are on this, but I did have some idea about the Paladin and his mount. I believe in Dragon Magic there is a class feature that works basically like the Paladin's mount, except your mount is instead a Drakkensteed, or there is a feat in Draconomicon, I think, that let's you get a Dragneel as a special mount. Now the Dragneel is slightly more powerful, but both have fly speeds, which is pretty handy. Give your paladin something like that, a lance, ride by attack, spirited charge, and other charging feats, and he does a lot of damage on a charge, since the damage is multiplied via spirited charge and the lance. Also you can take the variant paladin stuff, where you lose spells, but get other bonuses, including better healing to your mount via lay on hands.

Now the problem I realize with this is that it needs a lot of feats. Mounted combat, ride-by attack, and spirited charge are a must. Power attack, and shocktroopers are also good. Powerful charge, greater powerful charge, and reckless charge are also nice. You can even get Two weapon fighting, and two weapon pounce for two lance attacks on one charge, if you have enough feats. Also celestial mount may be a good choice to help out your mount a little bit. So yeah, feat intensive, but it seems like it would be pretty strong.

This paladin does best at charging, so that is kinda situational, making him only really good at one thing. Although the flying mount makes him capable of fighting most enemies even though he's melee. Also with his mount getting stronger as he does, his mount can fight, and take hits for the team.

2011-10-05, 04:46 PM
What kind of race restrictions are you going to use? Just phb races? Extra races if there's a racial sub available?

For your fighter builds, have you looked at the Jack B Quick build? 6 hits as AOOs for getting attacked once?
With martial study: Defensive rebuke, that can also become 6 hits as AOOs for getting ignored by a guy you just hit on your turn.

With the right weapons, it can become 6 hits as AOOs, resulting in 12 negative levels. But that's spending money to make your character more effective, which you said you don't want. (Anyway, it requires about 40k per weapon with an altered DMG 'named' weapon)

2011-10-05, 04:51 PM
for the paladin, remember that the lance is a one handed weapon while mounted, so you can dual wield them, and can minimize the hit to your to-hit with the right allocation of items and whatnot.

second part for the paladin is the mount itself. instead of using the drakkensteed, i suggest using the PrC that lets you get a sandworm from sandstorm. it improves your mount, gives you spirited charge for free, has a trample, has good stats, and can burrow while you are riding it. if you need to reach people flying that cant get too high, stand on the worm's head and have it get as tall as possible.

2011-10-05, 06:31 PM
second part for the paladin is the mount itself. instead of using the drakkensteed, i suggest using the PrC that lets you get a sandworm from sandstorm. it improves your mount, gives you spirited charge for free, has a trample, has good stats, and can burrow while you are riding it. if you need to reach people flying that cant get too high, stand on the worm's head and have it get as tall as possible.

The problem with Sandworm Dragoon is you're taking a better class to pull the Paladin up the tiers by its boot straps, where as the exercise here is to make the Paladin good by itself.

2011-10-05, 06:33 PM
Well, I don't know what tiers are, but Hexblades from 3.5 could use some optimization..

/isplayingahexbladelevel4andwarshaperlevel2andcould reallyusesomehelprightnowpleaseo_o

2011-10-05, 06:46 PM
Well, I don't know what tiers are, but Hexblades from 3.5 could use some optimization..

/isplayingahexbladelevel4andwarshaperlevel2andcould reallyusesomehelprightnowpleaseo_o

Uh, sorry to say, your best option is to ask your DM to let you swap all your current levels for levels in this: Magus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus).

2011-10-05, 06:58 PM
There's a Dragon Magazine (issue 310) monk variant that can replace its default bonus feats with any fighter bonus feats (I think all it loses is 1 skill point per level). That might be useful for getting Martial Study/Stance.

I look forward to seeing your take on CA Ninja, Hexblade and Swashbuckler. Are you going to do anything with the Adept?

2011-10-05, 07:18 PM
I personally have a build for the PF Cavalier ( a (supposedly) tier 5 class)that has it mimic the feel of a White Raven/Devoted Spirit Crusader, and I have some general ideas for Gunslinger. Think you'll want to give a shot at these two classes?

2011-10-05, 07:25 PM
Uh, sorry to say, your best option is to ask your DM to let you swap all your current levels for levels in this: Magus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/magus).

Uh...no, Hexblade can work and work well, especially as a debuffer if you mix it with things like Binder and such. Hexblade can also play well as a base for things like Suel Arcanamach and has some neat tricks involving combat familiars, like getting a Winter Wolf as your familiar. Hardly a 'Monk? Play Unarmed Swordsage' type situation.

2011-10-05, 07:29 PM
Not to mention that there's a semi-official hexblade fix. (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19547530/Contacting_Wizards_of_the_Coast_about_Hex_Blades?p ost_id=332210466#332210466)

2011-10-05, 07:39 PM
Uh...no, Hexblade can work and work well, especially as a debuffer if you mix it with things like Binder and such. Hexblade can also play well as a base for things like Suel Arcanamach and has some neat tricks involving combat familiars, like getting a Winter Wolf as your familiar. Hardly a 'Monk? Play Unarmed Swordsage' type situation.

I guess. I'm not very familiar with the Hexblade, save that it's rating is low-to-midish tier 4. If it can actually work, fantastic! Disregard me for those who know better. Although my recommendation for Magus still stands; it's really just great.

2011-10-05, 08:41 PM
For Paladins, Sword of the Arcane Order, Battle Blessing, The Protoceratops from Sandstorm, Divine Metamagic, and anything you can trade Remove disease for.

2011-10-05, 08:46 PM
For Paladins, Sword of the Arcane Order, Battle Blessing, The Protoceratops from Sandstorm, Divine Metamagic, and anything you can trade Remove disease for.

Not Protoceratops, Diprotodon. Which is the whole problem. The Protoceratops is almost certainly what they intended, and would be reasonably balanced.

Edit: Not to mention adorable.

2011-10-05, 09:07 PM
Yeah, Paladin is pretty strong with splat access, and is a key part of Supermount builds. Sadly, there's practically no way of making Paladin 7-20 worth it - Underdark Knight gives you Earth Glide at 12th, which is pretty badass, but that's practically it.

2011-10-05, 09:12 PM
In many cases, it requires some extreme optimization just to make them functional.

Nothing requires optimization to make them playable.

My goal is to take every Tier 5 and under class... and find SOME way to make them viable. We're not talking T1 level viable, we're talking more along the lines of 'Can group with Tier 3 classes and still be able to contribute something'.

Everything is Viable to the person who wants to play it or incorporate it into the Idea they have.

The notion that since Class X is at Tier level Y it can not perform with Class Z is {{scrubbed}}

2011-10-05, 11:39 PM
Nothing requires optimization to make them playable.

Everything is Viable to the person who wants to play it or incorporate it into the Idea they have.

{Scrub the original, scrub the quote}.

You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to mine. Those who feel similar can assist me in this project.

2011-10-06, 12:07 AM
Here's the other cute thing about Hexblades and magic... their spell list can include any spell on the Sorcerer list. That means you can use things like Wands without needing UMD. It's not something I'm going to be building around, but hey... it's cute.

I don't see where this part's coming from. Explain, please?

Anyway, as for the Hexblade, I think it's fun to find as many debuffing effects that trigger on a melee hit as possible, then basically make the enemy roll enough saving throws that they're sure to fail one or two of 'em. Off the top of my head:

-Netherese Battle Curse (LEoF)
-Brutal Strike (PHB2)
-Intimidating Strike (PHB2)
-Sand Dancer (Sandstorm)
-Generic bottle o' poison
-Smiting Spell with a nice debuff tacked on (PHB2)
-If using Smiting Spell and feats are no object, Poison Spell in your Smiting Spell (DotU)
-Stunning Fist and derivatives thereof (PHB . . . hey, I've seen stupider combos)

Obviously, it's tough to get all of those up and running on one character, but even just two or three of them can stack to make you a passable melee debuffer. Add in your Dark Companion and your Curse, and you can apply quite a few debuffs. Several of the things I mentioned preclude full attacks, so you're not going to be a damage king, but neither will your foes, once you're done with 'em.

I really, really want to like Hexblades. OK, scratch that: I DO really like Hexblades, and I really, really want them to be on par with T3 classes, so I applaud this project.

I can't wait to see what you do with the poor Soulknife. Is it salvageable without Soulbow, I wonder?

Slight tangent:

The notion that since Class X is at Tier level Y it can not perform with Class Z is laughably stupid.

Backwards, my friend. Class X is at Tier Y because it can't perform with Class Z. That's kind of the whole point.

2011-10-06, 12:31 AM
I don't see where this part's coming from. Explain, please?I'm referring to Spell Completion and Spell Trigger activated items. A Hexblade can use items from the Sorcerer spell list. Thus, he could have a Wand of Grease and not need to use UMD to use it. This lets him have a bit more versitility for his otherwise cripplingly short list of spells known.

2011-10-06, 12:50 AM
Huh. That's a cool trick if it works, but I must be blind, because I don't see where Hexblades actually get that ability. Where SHOULD I be looking?

2011-10-06, 01:19 AM
Heres a monk/ninja build I built about a month or 2 ago, I posted it in my own thread similar to this one.
I'll set up the description.

This build was origanally one I built to try a double hand crossbow ninja build brought up in a ninja debate thread.
Someone suggested that Ninja's out-did rogues in handcrossbow sneak attack builds.
With that in mind I started thinking.

You start out with a level of ninja, at this level you are not going to be damage king, you will most likely be scout and skill-monkey, and not a good one.
Your first feat will be two-weapon fighting so you can shoot twice per round.
If your human I reccomend you take expanded ki pool, basically adds 6 to your effective ninja levels for ki, very useful seeing as your main class feature relies on it.
Your main stats are dex, int and wis so that you can hit accurately, have some decent AC and skillpoints.

You will then take another level of ninja, this level is the key to the build, it gives you ghost step which allows you to reliably turn invisible and sudden strike things.

You now take 2 levels of Monk, yes I am mad, but this build can reliably work.
Your 3 feats gained here, one from level-up and 2 monk bonus feats will be spent on ascetic Stalker and Ascetic rogue so that your monk and ninja levels stack for sudden strike, your kil pool and unarmed strike.
You will not be using unarmed strike often, but it's always nice to never be disarmed.
You get Evasion at level 2 in monk, you won't be keeping it sadly, but it will make your ki pool last longer.

In exemplers of evil, they added an ACF called Invisible fist.
This lets you swap evasion for the ability to turn invisible once every 3 rounds for 1 round, yes, that is useful, but it gets better later on when you can cast blink at-will for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier every 3 rounds, who said monks can't be useful?

At level 5 you will take a level of ninja again, this gives you poison use, which by now, can be useful, it quickly runs out of usefulness, but it gives you a way of hurting something a bit more in hard fights.

The rest of your levels will be monk, this will give you the blink ability later on and a few other useful tricks to try, but nothing major.

Your feats aren't entirely clear for this build, but in my own character I took the two-weapon fighting chain, crossbow sniper nd a few expanded ki pools.

2011-10-06, 02:00 AM
might i suggest mystic fire knight then? going through CV, i thought this one to be generally weak, as paladins dont earn their grit with spellcasting, but then i noticed the greater dispell you get from spellshatter is per day and not per week (like the remove disease you trade it for). i also wonder if the smite evil fizzles (because they arent evil) if you still hamper a casters casting ability. if so, that DC could be pumped with high charisma (as well as all your paladin-y goodness, and lawfulness)

a mystic fire knight paladin with sword of the arcane order would be rather good.

2011-10-06, 02:14 AM
Huh. That's a cool trick if it works, but I must be blind, because I don't see where Hexblades actually get that ability. Where SHOULD I be looking?

Ummm... how about the part in the SRD where it says as long as it's on your class spell list, you can use it?

2011-10-06, 02:22 AM
Ummm... how about the part in the SRD where it says as long as it's on your class spell list, you can use it?

And I don't see where the Hexblade has access to the Sorcerer spell list. CW pg. 7: "Beginning at 4th level, a hexblade gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the hexblade spell list (see Chapter 3)."

2011-10-06, 02:33 AM
And I don't see where the Hexblade has access to the Sorcerer spell list. CW pg. 7: "Beginning at 4th level, a hexblade gains the ability to cast a small number of arcane spells, which are drawn from the hexblade spell list (see Chapter 3)."

Eh, you got me there. However, a dip into Suel Archanamach fixes this.

2011-10-06, 04:01 AM
For the paladin I proposed this build: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215893

From which you will get a cool and useful mount.

Another option is to go Purple Knight (CW) somewhere down the line and get access to Inspire Courage, while continuing to advance as paladin. Since IC is easily and reliably optimized this route will surely push the paladin up the tier ranks (and make for fun roleplay).

2011-10-06, 04:09 AM
For monks, go Goliath and take (minimum) two levels of Dungeoncrasher fighter. Get Knockback (RoS) as soon as you can and later on shocktrooper, flying kick, and snap kick. Use the Overwhelming attack variant if needed to qualify (or take flaws). I suggest go regular monk to get improved grapple, but that is not for everyone.
Squeezing in Pounce somehow would be nice, if the alignement restrictions can be circumvented. Goliath barbarians get Mountain Rage which makes them Large (well, they are almost that already, but this gives them reach and better unarmed damage).

2011-10-06, 08:07 AM
I don't see where this part's coming from. Explain, please?

Anyway, as for the Hexblade, I think it's fun to find as many debuffing effects that trigger on a melee hit as possible, then basically make the enemy roll enough saving throws that they're sure to fail one or two of 'em. Off the top of my head:

-Netherese Battle Curse (LEoF)
-Brutal Strike (PHB2)
-Intimidating Strike (PHB2)
-Sand Dancer (Sandstorm)
-Generic bottle o' poison
-Smiting Spell with a nice debuff tacked on (PHB2)
-If using Smiting Spell and feats are no object, Poison Spell in your Smiting Spell (DotU)
-Stunning Fist and derivatives thereof (PHB . . . hey, I've seen stupider combos)

Obviously, it's tough to get all of those up and running on one character, but even just two or three of them can stack to make you a passable melee debuffer. Add in your Dark Companion and your Curse, and you can apply quite a few debuffs. Several of the things I mentioned preclude full attacks, so you're not going to be a damage king, but neither will your foes, once you're done with 'em.

I really, really want to like Hexblades. OK, scratch that: I DO really like Hexblades, and I really, really want them to be on par with T3 classes, so I applaud this project.

Kind of a heavy investment, but don't forget Shape Soulmeld (Thunderstep Boots) and Open Least Chakra.

2011-10-06, 08:18 AM
For Paladins: People have already mentioned Sword of the Arcane Order and Mystic Fire Knight, but ideally you combine the two with Battle Blessing and Practiced Spellcaster. That nets you swift-action casting of 4th-level wizard spells with a CL of 16 — including the all-important wraithstrike. Mix and add charging feats.

2011-10-06, 12:14 PM
I don't see where this part's coming from. Explain, please?

Anyway, as for the Hexblade, I think it's fun to find as many debuffing effects that trigger on a melee hit as possible, then basically make the enemy roll enough saving throws that they're sure to fail one or two of 'em. Off the top of my head:

-Netherese Battle Curse (LEoF)
-Brutal Strike (PHB2)
-Intimidating Strike (PHB2)
-Sand Dancer (Sandstorm)
-Generic bottle o' poison
-Smiting Spell with a nice debuff tacked on (PHB2)
-If using Smiting Spell and feats are no object, Poison Spell in your Smiting Spell (DotU)
-Stunning Fist and derivatives thereof (PHB . . . hey, I've seen stupider combos)

Obviously, it's tough to get all of those up and running on one character, but even just two or three of them can stack to make you a passable melee debuffer. Add in your Dark Companion and your Curse, and you can apply quite a few debuffs. Several of the things I mentioned preclude full attacks, so you're not going to be a damage king, but neither will your foes, once you're done with 'em.

I really, really want to like Hexblades. OK, scratch that: I DO really like Hexblades, and I really, really want them to be on par with T3 classes, so I applaud this project.

If you get some sneak dice (Assassin's Stance/Deadly Precision?), you can invest in Aleval School, Sickening Strike and Terrifying Strike to net you another -6 penalty to saves, not to mention Blackguard and Binder's respective auras.

2011-10-06, 01:10 PM
If you get some sneak dice (Assassin's Stance/Deadly Precision?), you can invest in Aleval School, Sickening Strike and Terrifying Strike to net you another -6 penalty to saves, not to mention Blackguard and Binder's respective auras.

Don't forget the dark companion ACF from PHB II, Unseelie Fey from Dragon Compendium, Paladin of Tyranny, and Binder 3 + Improved Binding to bind Focalor (I know you mentioned Binder, I just wanted to be specific).

2011-10-06, 01:32 PM
Don't forget the dark companion ACF from PHB II, Unseelie Fey from Dragon Compendium, Paladin of Tyranny, and Binder 3 + Improved Binding to bind Focalor (I know you mentioned Binder, I just wanted to be specific).

Yeah, I didn't remember the Vestige and was too lazy to break out my Tome of Magic. I wasn't aware that Unseelie Fey had debuffery involved with it, though.

There's also consternation on how Blackguard and Paladin of Tyranny interact when it comes to the Aura of Despair, since they're word for word the same. Matter of preference and how keen your given game is on UA and class variants.

2011-10-06, 08:12 PM
Yeah, I didn't remember the Vestige and was too lazy to break out my Tome of Magic. I wasn't aware that Unseelie Fey had debuffery involved with it, though.

There's also consternation on how Blackguard and Paladin of Tyranny interact when it comes to the Aura of Despair, since they're word for word the same. Matter of preference and how keen your given game is on UA and class variants.

Yup, an unseelie fey with the Winter's Chill seaon power gives a penalty to saving throws equal to its Cha modifier to everything within 5 feet, which is rather nasty in a Cha-focused build. I think that the penalty also applies to allies, but it's not too hard to work around.

They wouldn't stack, but it would give some more options. You could get Cha to saves twice, though.

I also think that Dilate Aura from Fiendish Codex II deserves mention.

2011-10-08, 10:51 AM
do you have any plans for the Knight yet, Schneeks?

2011-10-08, 02:25 PM
Paladin - Holy Warrior with a stick up yer pigu. Unfortunately, they try to do too much at once, and end up failing at everything.

Like the Fighter, they can make a viable dip, but a very poor class for more than two levels, because most of their class abilities... suck. Unlike Fighter, they don't get enough bonus feats to pick up a dribble-drabble of maneuvers and meldshaping to put together something vaguely useful.

Without dips, you don't have many ways to say 'no', and you don't have much in the way of power, although there is a way to make all your spells auto-quickened.

For purposes of these discussions, while you may be allowed to be a kobold, and while pazuzu might in fact hear you out, sarrukhs don't exist. And since we won't be going into Wish exploitation, we won't be going there either.

Now then, a Paladin does have Turn Undead, and since his Cleric levels are hit with a pretty hard nerf-bat, there's no reason to NOT use them on Divine feats.

Now then, his Mount is also generally a lackluster class feature, but there are things you can trade it out for, and there may be ways to get some very nasty mounts. Assistance on this is requested. A Drakkensteed Mount (Dragon Magic) or Dragonnel (Draconomicon) may be in order for the Special Mount, as they can provide a level of Mobility and additional brawn that really brings them up a notch. I'd actually suggest the Drakkensteed, as it keeps a Feat free for use elsewhere (such as a Celestial Mount from BoED).

I'd make it a point to find ways to protect it, since you'd be leaning on it. Splash a level (or two) of Fighter & trade out Tower Shields for a Rider's Shield (Races of Stone), pick up a Warded Special Mount (Expedition to Castle Ravenloft).

2011-10-08, 02:40 PM
do you have any plans for the Knight yet, Schneeks?

Not up to Schneeky's standards by far, but here's my modest proposal:
Take one of PersonMans builds; develop to your own taste. My own suggestion is to use reach combine with Bulwark of Defence to trigger AoO's (think feats like Stand Still, Mage Slayer, Hold the Line (or better yet use Steadfast Boots), Robilar's gambit, Defensive sweep), combined with fear and intimidation: Dreadful Wrath for example, combined with Mounted Combat (including RBA and SC) and a good steed, such as one obtained through Wild Cohort.
In essence; take the Knight class, get (some) feats from Jack-B-Quick, combine to taste with Mounted Combat and intimidation-like feats, and use a reach weapon.

2011-10-08, 11:11 PM
okay... so knight into semi-super mount, semi-roving area denial mine?

If your going to with the most useable mounted character overall, I'm leaning towards a small race so their mount will fit into the dungeon with them. Halfling, gnome... something like that.

*rummages for a PHB 2, opens a copy of person man's guide*

Strongheart halfling to start I suppose? The bonus feats pretty damn useful.

: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip (Halfling bonus feat)
2: Mounted Combat (Knight bonus)
3: Knock-Down
5: Ride By Attack (Knight bonus)
6: Combat Reflexes
9: Power Attack
10: Spirited Charge (Knight bonus)

(directly from PM's file). I really don't think we'd need to take knight all the way to 10 though. I'd be much more comfortable jumping out at 5 (vigilant defender) or at 7th (fighting challenge +2)

I see an issue with picking up Dreadfu Wrath though:

"Prerequisite: Human ( Rashemen), k uo-toa (Underdark [ Sloopdilmonpolop]), or planetouched (Impiltur, the Silver Marches, Thay, or Western Heartlands)"

2011-10-10, 02:17 AM
I would actually not go down the halfling route in this case, at least if you plan on keeping imp trip. I'd use a medium sized character in that case, in order to not take the penalty for being small. Because of the knight's ability to move about in heavy armor unhindered not being able to be mounted all the time is not a major loss.
Also, taking the combat expertise and imp trip feat renders the knight a bit MAD, with a chain or guisarme you can still trip minor enemies.