View Full Version : Squirrel crazed druid build.. please give feedback..

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 06:51 AM
Heey everyone...

Today I became inspired by the magic the gathering druids so I decided create a character like those druids..

I came up with this build..

race: human
lv1: barb.. feats : extended and extra rage..
(all ) other levels druid variant from UA:

The druid might choose to give up her wild shape ability in
exchange for becoming a swift and deadly hunter.
Gain: Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including
Wisdom bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored
enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger).
Lose: Armor and shield proficiency, wild shape (all versions).

feat 3th lvl: shared fury, and 6th level: coördinated strike, to max the use the animal companion...
( and mayby choose in later levels the beast master prestige class, for more squirrel companions)

The only problem is.. I could not find any statistics about D&D squirrels..
I thought it was a good Idea to base squirrels on rats and a dire squirrel, based on dire rat. That way I could have a dire squirrel as animal companion.. and can I cast summon nature ally and summon swarm for lots of those furry critters..

I don't know if someone has already done this.. or if this idea is any good at all.. if any one could give me any advice to strengthen this idea I would be very happy :smallbiggrin:

( if my english is bad.. please tell me)

2011-10-05, 07:01 AM
I tried a similar build once. Look at Fist of the Forest too for Con to AC and natural weapons in a rage and moar rage. I think a straight druid or druid/monk combo can get in by about ECL5. I think I was able to take my first level at 4 or 5 but there may have been DM shenanigans. I don't remember.

Don't know much about the squirrels though. Sorry. :(

The Succubus
2011-10-05, 07:03 AM
Squirrel Horde? This idea is totally nuts.

*bam dum tish*

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 07:06 AM
okeey thnx.. I will look into the fist of the forest...

and yeah.. a squirrel horde is totally nuts:smallbiggrin: .. that is why I want to make it work..

2011-10-05, 08:43 AM
You may want to look at;
Fox Squirrel (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Fox-Squirrel_%283.5e_Creature%29) or Flying Squirrel (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Squirrel,_Flying_%283.5e_Creature%29).
Or Scout Squirrel (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Squirrel,_Scout_%283.5e_Creature%29) or Squirrel (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Squirrel_%283.5e_Creature%29). Note; These are all homebrew.

Alternatively, there's appearently a book called Dweomercraft: Familiars, which has a shizload of rodent-stats.

As a sidenote, being able to wildshape into a squirrel could be pretty awesome. :P

Also, throw anything feat, so you can throw squirrels at the bad guys!

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 09:25 AM
thnx suhkkaet.. I can put those statistics to good use..

mm.. throw anything indeed sounds cool... but if those squirrels do impact damage.. wouln't that instantly kill them?? ( poor poor squirrels :smalleek:).. mayby fling ally (but then for tiny-sized projectile friends instead of medium-size ones) is more appropiate??

Rising Phoenix
2011-10-05, 09:34 AM
thnx suhkkaet.. I can put those statistics to good use..

mm.. throw anything indeed sounds cool... but if those squirrels do impact damage.. wouln't that instantly kill them?? ( poor poor squirrels :smalleek:).. mayby fling ally (but then for tiny-sized projectile friends instead of medium-size ones) is more appropiate??

See if you can befirend a squirrel swarm? (refluffed rat swarm)

Also fire seeds... your squirrels could become your perfect eco terrorists...

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 09:45 AM
both very nice ideas... let the squirrels find me acorns.. and let me turn them into nukes.. bad guy won't know what hit them...

and yeah I was also thinking about a squirrel swarm.. sound handy to have.. but I thought you canonly have one animal companion.. or is there some kind of animal leadership in 3.5??

2011-10-05, 09:53 AM
Actually, evil squirrels made #5 on this list (http://www.headinjurytheater.com/article73.htm). Check out the Skiurid, MMIV p. 126.

And I believe 3.0 stats for a squirrel familiar appeared in Dragon #280.

2011-10-05, 10:03 AM
If you're not completely set on your race, there is a squirrel-folk race from a dragon magazine.

Soon, this will turn into the Bearbarian...

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 10:07 AM
If you're not completely set on your race, there is a squirrel-folk race from a dragon magazine.

Soon, this will turn into the Bearbarian...

umm I'm not fammiliar with the squirrel folk race.. do you (or sombody else) have a link to that dragon magazine article?? it does sound lots of fun..

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 10:56 AM
'mm.. I could find this squirrel race, http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Squirrel_Folk_(3.5e_Race))
But these are completly insane ( I mean personality, not stat wise).. and I don't know if there are playable..

2011-10-05, 02:31 PM
and yeah I was also thinking about a squirrel swarm.. sound handy to have.. but I thought you canonly have one animal companion.. or is there some kind of animal leadership in 3.5??

Beastmaster PrC from CAdv allows for multiple animal companions. :smallbiggrin:

And Leadership could easily be modified for squirrels cohorts...

Petertje Segers
2011-10-05, 04:27 PM
Beastmaster PrC from CAdv allows for multiple animal companions. :smallbiggrin:

And Leadership could easily be modified for squirrels cohorts...

mm.. yeah.. leadership would work...

btw.. i found the dire squirrel stats... for everyone who is interested :smallbiggrin::

Dire SquirrelTiny Animal
HD: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 30', Climb 30'
AC: 16 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
Attacks: Bite +3 melee
Damage: Bite 1d4-1
Face/Reach: 2½' by 2½'/0'
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: -
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 4
Skills: Climb +7, Hide +18, Listen +4, Move Silently +11,
Feats: Weapon Finesse (Bite)

Climate/Terrain: Any forest
Organization: Solitary, pair, pack (5-8), or avalanche (50-80)
Challenge Rating: 1/4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 2-3HD (Small)

Dire squirrels are larger more aggressive kin to the common squirrel.
Dire squirrels usually have a sandy brown color, but generally range in color, from white as snow to black as night. All dire squirrels can be recogniced for what they are by their larger size, feral look, and two dark stripes, running down their backs.
Dire squirrels are omnivorous and have been known to attack humanoids in large numbers.

Generally Dire Squirrels tend to stay out of combat if possible, unless they are in sufficiant numbers to overrun their prey.
Skills: Squirrels get a +4 racial bonus to Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks.

2011-10-05, 05:22 PM
Too bad the Squirrel Hurler homebrew prestige class on the wizards boards has been lost to time. Here is the link, but the wayback machine could not find a listing. http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=309885

2011-10-06, 12:56 AM
The Initiate of Nature feat from I believe PGtF will get you your squirrel army