View Full Version : Level 1-5(or 6) Adventures?

Dusk Eclipse
2011-10-05, 09:32 AM
Does anybody knows of a good adventures that might take players from level 1 to level 5 or 6?

I want to try to DM at my FLGS for a group of newbies and I thought low-level adventures to show them the ropes of 3.5 before starting a longer deadlier module (thinking RHoD)

If they are set (or easily adapted to) in Eberron much better.


2011-10-05, 10:07 AM
From the free modules in the wizards website, I have a soft spot for Base of Operations (lv2?), The Last Riddle (lv5), and Vessel of the Stars seemed nifty.

Kol Korran
2011-10-05, 01:13 PM
there is a set of Eberron adventures that go from 1-5/6:
- the lost forge (back of ECS)
- shadows of the last war
- whispers of the vampire's blade
- grasp of the emerald claw. (which is excellent IMO)

they have their problems, but mostly for more experienced players. they are not as good as RHoD, but they are ok. only major things i'd change:
- in whispers of the vampire's blade, the adventure is a bit railroady (which is fine in it's contest), but it assumes the party is civil, and follows the orders and prohibitions of an air ship captain (not to search the ship thoroughly) and some lightning rail conductor (or the like). just make a more plausible way for the vampire to hide
- in shadows of the last war, the party eneter the mournland, and the way to their destination is SOOOO boring and lacking any real horror. but that could be easily fixed. i'm counting on you! :smallwink:

i hope this helped!

Dusk Eclipse
2011-10-05, 01:18 PM
I'll check them, thanks Kol Korran.

2011-10-05, 04:29 PM

Some useful freebies. They make decent one shots, just make sure you read them first and adjust accordingly.

2011-10-05, 04:32 PM
Sunless citadel is technically 3.0, but conversion can be done on the fly.
From Wizards.com
Something's cooking in the kitchen=silly fun.
A dark and stormy knight= fun. Might want to make the 'undead knight' into something better than a zombie.
Burning Plague= fun, can be difficult. Stat damage from the plague can really wreck the party.
Don't make the kobolds just 'monsters.' Play up the fact that they've got a few kobold kids to take care of (offspring of the cleric/adept). If you've got a moral player, it can get interesting. (Got a truce from my Paladin, because he felt it would be cruel to kill their father in front of them. Nor could he condone the 'murder' of children)

2011-10-05, 05:12 PM
As usual, I recommend The Freeport Trilogy (by Green Ronin, try to get the 5-year anniversary edition). Nice setting, nice story, nice mood, lots of cool stuff. Goes from level 1 to 5 or 6. The follow-up modules and the Pirates Guide to Freeport are also highly recommended.

It could be set in Eberron with a little bit of work. Probably in the Lhazaar Principalities or east of Q'barra (Lastpoint).

2011-10-05, 06:18 PM
There's an introductory adventure which takes PCs from lv1-3. Can't recall the name off-hand, but the boss is a black dragon wyrmling.

Then for lv4, there's sons of gruumsh, which should bring them to lv6, but I have heard the module is quite brutal. So use one of the free adventure paths from wizard as a filler from lv3-4?

2011-10-05, 06:30 PM
Serpent's Skull, part 1 should take you up to fifth level if you're doing pathfinder. It's a good campaign, but it's part of a series that takes you to 20th level.