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View Full Version : NY Protests?

2011-10-05, 01:32 PM
So, I recently heard about the NY protests going on. However, I was in a nursing home when it came on, so I couldn't turn up the tv. Without everybody getting angry/upset, can someone tell me whats going on?

2011-10-05, 01:35 PM
Well, here's the thing. They are, apparently, vaguely, possibly political. So, I don't want to get too deep into that to avoid crossing certain forum rules.

Long story short, the protesters don't really have any coherent goals. They're angry about something, but it appears mostly to be that other people have wealth/power and they don't. I'm not really certain what they're trying to achieve.

2011-10-05, 01:36 PM
You have internet access. You are not dependent on a TV for news.

2011-10-05, 01:40 PM
I use a school-issued computer. It lets me on some sites, but not all, which is preventing me from looking it up myself. I don't have any other computer, which is why I was wondering if any Playgrounders had any info to share. :P

2011-10-05, 01:41 PM
Long story short, the protesters don't really have any coherent goals. They're angry about something, but it appears mostly to be that other people have wealth/power and they don't. I'm not really certain what they're trying to achieve.

Pretty much this.

Hope it won't turn into actual stealing/demolishing like in London. :smalleek:

2011-10-05, 01:45 PM
Pretty much this.

Hope it won't turn into actual stealing/demolishing like in London. :smalleek:

I certainly hope it doesn't. In the unlikely event it does, it probably won't spread elsewhere as much. Granted, people are always in more tension/instability when the economy isn't as good, but the protesting has been pretty limited thus far.

2011-10-05, 02:10 PM
Yeah this is a super political topic. Reeeeally can't talk about it here. Does this school computer really block ALL news sites? BBC? New York Times? I'd be surprised.

Lord Seth
2011-10-05, 02:12 PM
Try google.

2011-10-05, 02:13 PM
I use a school-issued computer. It lets me on some sites, but not all, which is preventing me from looking it up myself. I don't have any other computer, which is why I was wondering if any Playgrounders had any info to share. :P
I have a hard time believing that you can't get on any of Google, Wikipedia, or the BBC. The protests are called "Occupy Wall Street" if that helps you narrow it down at all.

2011-10-05, 02:30 PM
Apparently this started with something called Adbusters. I'm unfamiliar with it...but I've been googling, and I still can't get anything more coherent than I've already posted. Some is political, but some really isn't, and even what is doesn't seem at all consistent.

So far, the claims of "occupation" or "battles" seem to be purely hyperbole, though.

2011-10-05, 02:33 PM
I finally found a site that works. Some undergound newssite. Thanks for helping narrow it down, that was the key to finding it out.

2011-10-05, 02:44 PM
*blink* Protesting Wall Street is inherently political? Since when.

2011-10-05, 02:48 PM
Eh, anything can be made political, if you want to.

But I view it as more of an economic thing. You have unemployed people, you're going to have somewhat more unrest. And the people what have more stuff are pretty much always the obvious target for this unhappiness. You could make that political if you really wanted it to be, but it doesn't much have to be.

2011-10-05, 02:52 PM
Eh, anything can be made political, if you want to.
Sho' 'nuff.

2011-10-05, 06:39 PM
it's called the "occupy wall street" protest.
basically, the people are mad at investors/politics/etc.

i think thats as specific as i can get.

2011-10-06, 10:06 AM
The Mod Wonder: Thread closed as political topic. Do not reopen.