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2011-10-05, 05:11 PM
Uttercold Overlord


"The battle is still being fought, I fear they will never surrender."
-Revor Barker, Scholar documenting a battle against a Uttercold Overlord and his army.

Uttercold Overlords are raised from a young age to lead armies and support them with their spells. They are charismatic leaders and fearless soldiers, they fight for victory and will not accept anything else.

Adventures: They will usually adventure as part an asignment from the military institution they are part of. Independant Uttercold Overlords might adventure for the thril of battle or the glory of victory.

Characteristics: Uttercold Overlords hold great power over death and cold. They rule large armies of undead and preform special misions with their unit.

Alignment: The art of the Uttercold Overlord is evil. They are usually lawful due to being a military unit.

Religion: They usually follow the religion of the city they represent or they follow one of the gods of death(Vecna, Nerull and Wee Jas).

Background: From a young age children start training to be Uttercold Overlords. They are extremely specialized as a result of the years of training.

Races: They are usually of the race of the city they represent.

Other Classes: Paladins and clerics of good deities are against the use of undead and will be against the Uttercold Overlord. Spellcasters who use fire will also be in a disagreement with Uttercold Overlords.

Role: They are spellcasters and minion controllers.

Adaptation: The class can be made to use any element except cold just by changing the abilities and the spell list.

Uttercold Overlords have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charimsa is the most important ability, with dexterity and strenght second.
Alignment: Must be Evil.
Hit Die: d6
Starting Age: As Wizard
Starting Gold: 4d4x10gp

Class Skills
The Lord of the Uttecold's class skills are: Bluff(Cha), Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Decipher Script(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(Arcana, Religion, The Planes)(Int), Move Silently(Dex), Profession(Wis) and Spellcraft(Int).

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Uttercold Overlord
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|-0-|-1-|-2-|-3-|-4-|-5-|-6-|-7-|-8-|-9-

+2|Horde, Rebuke Undead|5|3|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Cold Tainted|6|4|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Advanced Learning, Frozen Horde|6|5|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+4|Piercing Uttercold|6|6|3|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+4|Advanced Learning|6|6|4|-|-|-|-|-|-|-


+5|Advanced Learning, Surrounded 1d6|6|6|6|4|-|-|-|-|-|-

+6|This is Uttercold|6|6|6|5|3|-|-|-|-|-

+6|Advanced Learning, Frozen Horde|6|6|6|6|4|-|-|-|-|-

+7|I am your Leader|6|6|6|6|5|3|-|-|-|-

+7|Advanced Learning, That Hurt|6|6|6|6|6|4|-|-|-|-

+8|Surrounded 3d6|6|6|6|6|6|5|3|-|-|-

+8|Advanced Learning, Join Us|6|6|6|6|6|6|4|-|-|-

+9|Negativity Gaze|6|6|6|6|6|6|5|3|-|-

+9|Advanced Learning, Surrounded 5d6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|4|-|-

+10|It's Alive|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|5|3|-

+10|Advanced Learning, Seize the Core|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|4|-

+11|Resist This|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|5|3

+11|Advanced Learning|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|6|4


Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Lord of the Uttecold.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Uttercold Overlord is proficient with all simple weapons and with two martial weapons. They are proficient with Light armor and can use them without fear of arcane spell failure.

All undead under the Uttercold Overlords control are referred to as his horde.

The Uttercold Overlord's unit includes himself and a few of his most powerful undead equal to his charisma modifier.

These are as a direct result of the military institution he is employed by. If he later becomes unemployed he keeps the undead due to their fierce loyalty to him. They gain levels on top of their racial hit die just as normal characters do.

An Uttercold Overlord casts arcane spells from the Uttercold Overlord spell list(see below). The Uttercold Overlord can casts spells spontaneously just as a sorcerer. When a Uttercold Overlord gains access to a new level of spells he automatically knows all the spells of that level.

To cast a spell the Uttercold Overlord must have a Charisma score equal to 10 + the spell's level. The difficulty class for a saving throw against one of the Uttercold Overlord's spells is 10 + the Spell Level + his charisma modifier.

Rebuke Undead (Su):
An Uttercold Overlord can rebuke undead as an evil cleric of equal level.

Cold Tainted:
An Uttercold Overlord gains Energy Substitution(Cold) and Tomb Tainted Soul as bonus feats at 2nd level even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Learning (Ex):
Due to advanced learning a 3rd level Uttercold Overlord can add any spell to his spell list from the necromancy school or any energy spell. He gains another spell every two levels after 3rd.

Frozen Horde (Ex):
At 3rd level the Uttercold Overlord's horde gains cold resistance equal to his level +5 and his unit gains cold resistance equal to 10 + his level. His unit only benefits from the second part of this ability.

At 9th level his horde gains immunity to cold and his unit gains the cold subtype.

Peircing Uttercold:
At 4th level the Uttercold Overlord gains the Lord of the Uttercold and Piercing Cold feats as bonus feats, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 6th level the Uttercold Overlord gains the undead leadership feat as a bonus feat even is he does not meet the prerequisites. He likewise gains a bonus to his leadership score equal to half his base attack bonus rounded up.

This is Uttercold (Su):
At 8th level the Uttercold Overlord has become so focused on combining cold and negative energy that any uttercold spell he casts instead deals 75% cold and 75% negative energy damage, instead of the normal 50%, 50%.

Surrounded (Su):
At 7th level the Uttercold Overlord is surrounded by an aura of uttercold. Treat this as 1d6 uttercold damage(half cold, half negative energy) to each creature within 30 ft. each round. It also lowers the temperature in the area by 30°F so that he is almost always in a cold area. He can turn it on or of as a free action.

At 12th level this increases to 3d6 uttercold damage.

At 15th level it increases again this time to 5d6 uttercold damage.

I am your Leader (Ex):
At 10th level the Uttercold Overlord's leadership is not limited to 25 it starts to follow the epic progression after 25 albeit at a -10 penalty. This penalty can't reduce his leadership score below 25.

That Hurt (Ex):
At 11th level any undead in the Uttercold Overlord's unit is healed by cold instead of taking no damage from it.

Join Us (Sp):
At 13th level the Uttercold Overlord can choose to animate any creature he or anyone in his unit kills. As a free action he can use any undead creation ability he possesses on any foe that died within one round. Only one foe may be animated in this way every day. The LotU can still only control up to 4 x Caster level in undead. The LotU may still create undead with this ability, they just are not under his control.

Negativity Gaze (Su):
At 14th level the Uttercold Overlord gains the ability to make a paralyzing gaze twice + charisma modifier per day as an immediate action. Any target within 60 feet must succeed on a will save versus fear equal to 10 + the Lord of the Uttercold's charisma modifier + half the Uttercold Overlord HD. If the target fails it's save it is paralyzed with fear for 1d6 rounds. If it succeeds on it's save it is shaken for 1d4 rounds.

It's Alive (Su):
At 16th level, the Lord of Uttercold has learned how to make any type of undead he likes. Three times per day, he may use Create Greater Undead as a CL20 spell-like ability with two limits: he must have a body as a material focus (or at least a number of Souls, most likely trapped within his own body, equal to half the HD of the undead he wishes to create), and he may only create undead with a CR equal to his HD. Any undead created with this ability have a permanent Desecrate cast upon them which only affects that unique undead. The undead is under his control permanently with no limit as long as the creature has a CR 3 less than his level.

Seize the Core (Sp):
A Lord of the Uttercold of 17th level can add a second effect to his Negativity Gaze. The target must make an additional save to resist having his soul taken. It has the same save DC but it instead requires a fortitude save. If the target fails one save both effects take place. The creature's body drops dead as the soul is sucked from it. The soul is then stored inside the Lord of the Uttercold and can only be gained back by killing him. If he is killed a wish or miracle spell must be used to resurrect the body. He can then expend the soul as he sees fit.

Resist This (Su):
Whenever an Uttercold Overlord of 18th level fails to bypass a creature's spell resistance the target is affected by the Surrounded ability even if he is not currently in range.

Transcendence (Ex):
When the Uttercold Overlord reaches 20th level he has mastered cold and death alike. He gains a special version of the Dry Lich template called Uttercold Lich, see below.

Uttercold Lich
An uttercold lich is usually seen at the command of large armies. With a combination of their death and cold spells they are almost unstopable.

They appear like a normal lich except they are covered with thin sheets of ice.

An Uttercold lich speaks any languages it knew in life.

Creating An Uttercold Lich

"Uttercold lich" is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it can create the required phylacteries(see below) and complete the Frigus rite(see below).

An uttercold lich has all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to undead and he gains the [cold] subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice
Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s.

Armor Class
A uttercold lich's natural armor increases with 2 due to the cold surrounding him.

An uttercold lich has a touch attack that it can use once per round. An uttercold lich armed with a weapon uses its touch or a weapon, as it desires.

An uttercold lich without natural weapons has a touch attack that uses uttercold(half cold, half negative energy) to deal 1d6+charisma modifier points of damage, a Will save (DC 10 + ½ uttercold lich’s HD + uttercold lich’s Cha modifier) halves the damage. An uttercold lich with natural weapons can use its touch attack or its natural weaponry, as it prefers.

Special Attacks:
An uttercold lich retains all the base creature's special attacks and gains those described below. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 uttercold lich's HD + Cha modifier unless otherwise specified.

Aura of Despair (Su):
An uttercold lich is surrounded by a terrible sense of age, loss, and death. Any creature within a 60-foot radius must succeed on a Will save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same uttercold lich's aura of despair for 4 hours.

Constitution Drain (Su):
Any living creature an uttercold lich hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. With each successful drain, the uttercold lich gains 5 temporary hit points.

Special Qualities:
An uttercold lich retains all the base creature's special qualities and gains those described below.

Change Shape(Su):
Uttercold liches are usually part of a royal court and as such can't run around as skeletal ice blocks all the time. As a standard action an uttercold lich can assume a form that resembles anything for the norm of his race before he became undead. This functions as an Alter Self spell, cast by a Sorcerer of the Uttercold Lich's HD.

Turn Resistance (Ex):
An uttercold lich has +6 turn resistance.

Damage Reduction (Su):
An uttercold lich's icy flesh is cold and hard, giving it damage reduction 15/bludgeoning and magic.

Icy Backlash (Ex):
Everytime an uttercold lich suffers damage as a result of melee some of the ice encasing his skin shatters. This deals 1d6 piercing and 1d6 uttercold damage to the attacker.

Fast Healing (Ex):
An uttercold lich recovers 2 points of damage each round as long as it is in a cold(temperature at of below 40°F) environment.

Immunities (Ex):
Uttercold liches have immunity to electricity, positive energy, polymorph (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting spells and abilities.

Unholy Toughness (Ex):
An uttercold lich gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +1) times its Hit Dice.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +4. As an undead creature, an uttercold lich has no Constitution score.

Skills: Uttercold liches have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.

Environment: Any.

Organization: Solitary or Unit (1 Utterold lich, plus 5-20 Undead).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +3.

Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods; double items.

Alignment: Any nongood.

Advancement: By character class.

An uttercold lich has 4 phylacteries made entirely of blue ice(Frostburn p.80). When an uttercold lich dies it's body is reformed by making the ice of the closest phylactery grow to his form. Once a phylactery is used it takes 8 hours of uninterupted meditatian to make a new one. Each phylactery has DR 100/Fire and 50 hit points. The lich is immediatly alerted when one is destroyed and will most likely instantly start creating a new one.

The create one of these phylacteries a solid piece of blue ice has to be found. It is then shaped into the form of the uttercold lich's heart. After 4 heart shaped ice pieces have been made he completes the frigus rite.

Frigus Rite
To complete the Frigus rite, a 20th level Uttercold Overlord has to create 4 phylacteris(see above) and on completion cast a ice assassin spell, use his It's Alive ability to make it in the form of a uttercold lich and then use magic jar to enter the ice assassin's body. After the body is entered, the Uttercold Overlord's original body crumbles into snow. He is then an Uttercold Lich.

Uttercold Overlord Spell List:
0th Level: Detect magic, daze, ray of frost, ghost sound, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, inflict minor wounds, flare;

1st Level: Bane, bestow wound, cause fear, chill touch, detect magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I, undetectable alignment, grease, lesser orb of ice, snowsight, hail of stone, fire shuriken, ice blast;

2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, death knell, Desecrate, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon undead II, chill metal, ray of ice, frost breath, snow walk, ;

3rd Level: Animate Dead, Crushing despair, halt undead, inflict serious wounds, Magic Circle against Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, summon undead III, vampiric touch, sleet storm, shivering touch, energy vulnerability, winter's embrace, fireball, lightning bolt;

4th Level: Bestow curse, contagion, death ward, dispel magic, enervation, Evard’s black tentacles, fear, giant vermin, inlfict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, poison, summon undead IV, wall of ice, orb of ice, ice shield, ice storm, wall of fire, fire breath;

5th Level: Blight, cloudkill, fire in the blood, greater dispel magic, insect plague, lesser planar binding, magic jar, mass inflict light wounds, nightmare, oath of blood, slay living, summon undead V, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue, cone of cold, flesh to ice, blizzard, wood rot;

6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, create undead, eyebite, geas/quest, harm, mass inflict moderate wounds, planar binding, waves of exhaustion, freezing sphere, freezing fog, freezing glance, death hail;

7th Level: Control undead, destruction, finger of death, greater harm, mass inflict serious wounds, song of discord, vile death, ice claw, control weather, delayed blast fireball;

8th Level: Create greater undead, horrid wilting, mass inflct critical wounds, symbol of death, polar ray, field of ice, deadfall, frostfell, incendiary cloud;

9th Level: Energy drain, imprison soul, mass harm, plague of undead, wail of the banshee, ice assassin, obedient avalanche, fumblewinter, internal fire;

2011-10-05, 10:43 PM
Tables. Use them.
{table=head]Level|Base Attack|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|-0-|-1-|-2-|-3-|-4-|-5-|-6-|-7-|-8-|-9-

+2|Low-light vision, domain wizard, elemental lore, expert swimmer, armored mage|5|3|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Wave friend, wave companion|5|4|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Resist cold 5|5|5|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+4|Masterful swimmer, mastery of breath|5|5|3|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+4|Crashing waves 1/day (rushing wave)|5|5|4|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+5|Cloak of the sea|5|5|5|3|-|-|-|-|-|-

+5|Resist cold 10|5|5|5|4|-|-|-|-|-|-

+6|Essence of water|5|5|5|5|3|-|-|-|-|-

+6|Crashing waves 2/day (crashing wave)|5|5|5|5|4|-|-|-|-|-

+7|Blindsense 30 ft.|5|5|5|5|5|3|-|-|-|-

+7|Fog sight, resist cold 20|5|5|5|5|5|4|-|-|-|-

+8|Current mastery|5|5|5|5|5|5|3|-|-|-

+8|Crashing waves 3/day (dark water)|5|5|5|5|5|5|4|-|-|-

+9|Blindsense 60 ft.|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|3|-|-

+9|Resist cold 30|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|4|-|-

+10|Water elemental wild shape 1/day (large)|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|3|-

+10|Crashing waves 4/day (maelstrom)|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|4|-

+11|Water elemental wild shape 2/day|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|3

+11|Cold immunity|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|4

+12|Water elemental wild shape 3/day (huge)|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5|5[/table]
Shamelessly lifted from Jiriku's Wavekeeper. Cool class, that.
Just edit all the various parts so they match up with your class instead of the Wavekeeper.
Sorry if I come off as grumpy, it's late where I am and I'm pretty tired...

2011-10-05, 11:49 PM
It's 1 a.m. and i've gotta work in 6 hours so this is by NO means comprehensive, but:

First, i'd say throw on the [Cold] subtype on the Uttercold Lich for thematic purposes.
Change the 3d8 touch attack to 1d6+Cha. mod in negative or cold damage.
Maybe drop the natural armor for an ability that damages people that melee them?
Add some Cantrips.

I'm too tired to do more right now. Maybe after work! XD

And like Eldest said, tables are your friend.

Base Class Name

Put an image of your class here!

Put a quote by or about a member of your class here!

A general description of what your class is!

Adventures: Why your class might adventure.

Characteristics: What your class is capable of.

Alignment: What alignment or alignments your class may have and why.

Religion: What deities or ideals your class follows, if any, and why.

Background: How you become part of your class and why.

Races: What races most often have members of your class, as well as any races that cannot join, along with why.

Other Classes: How your class relates to other classes, positively or negatively, and why.

Role: What your class does in and for a party.

Adaptation: How a DM might change your class to fit into their campaign or unique world setting.

CLASS NAME's have the following game statistics.
Abilities: A brief description of what ability scores are important to your class.
Alignment: What alignments are available to your class are listed here. "Any" is a possibility.
Hit Die: dx
Starting Age: What age your class starts at level one as normally ("As barbarian," "As bard," and "As cleric" are the standard options, though feel free to put down the numbers, as well.).
Starting Gold: What amount of currency your class starts at level one with normally ("As barbarian," "As cleric," "As druid," "As fighter," "As monk," and "As sorcerer" are the standard options, though feel free to put down the numbers, as well.).

Class Skills
The CLASS NAME's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are...

Skill Points at First Level: (x + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: x + Int modifier

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability

+x|Class Ability[/table]

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the CLASS NAME.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: What weapons and armor your class is proficient in the use of!

All other class features go here (Use the format shown directly below if you don't know what to do.)!


2011-10-06, 01:15 PM
Ok did a visual rework, added cantrips, changed touch attack, added cold subtype and changed natural armor and added melee damage thingy and a special Change Shape ability so he can look human too.

2011-10-06, 09:24 PM
I've gotta say, I really love what you did with Dread Necro and Uttercold Assualt. My comments are in red, except for spells per day. My rational is that spells over 5th level are too powerful when you can power out 14d6 (or 7d6) damage from Frostballs. Keep in mind these are all suggestions of what I personally would do.

Lord of the Uttecold


"The battle is still being fought, I fear they will never surrender."
-Revor Barker, Scholar documenting a battle against a Lord of the Uttercold and his army.

Lord of the Uttercolds are raised from a young age to lead armies and support them with their spells. They are charismatic leaders and fearless soldiers, they fight for victory and will not accept anything else.

Adventures: They will usually adventure as part an asignment from the military institution they are part of. Independant Lord of the Uttecolds might adventure for the thril of battle or the glory of victory.

Characteristics: Lord of the Uttecolds hold great power over death and cold. They rule large armies of undead and preform special misions with their unit.

Alignment: The art of the Lord of the Uttecold is evil. They are usually lawful due to being a military unit.

Religion: They usually follow the religion of the city they represent or they follow one of the gods of death(Vecna, Nerull and Wee Jas).

Background: From a young age children start training to be Lord of the Uttecolds. They are extremely specialized as a result of the years of training.

Races: They are usually of the race of the city they represent.

Other Classes: Paladins and clerics of good deities are against the use of undead and will be against the Lord of the Uttecold. Spellcasters who use fire will also be in a disagreement with Lord of the Uttecolds.

Role: They are spellcasters and minion controllers.

Adaptation: The class can be made to use any element except cold just by changing the abilities and the spell list.

Lord of the Uttecold's have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charimsa is the most important ability, with dexterity and strenght second.
Alignment: Must be Evil.
Hit Die: d6
Starting Age: As Wizard
Starting Gold: 4d4x10gp

Class Skills
The Lord of the Uttecold's class skills are: Concentration(Con), Craft(Int), Decipher Script(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(Arcana, Religion, The Planes)(Int), Profession(Wis) and Spellcraft(Int).

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Lord of the Uttercold
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|-0-|-1-|-2-|-3-|-4-|-5-|-6-|-7-|-8-|-9-

+2|Horde, Unit, Rebuke Undead|4|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Cold Tainted|5|3|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-

+3|Advanced Learning, Frozen Horde|5|4|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-


+4|Advanced Learning, Piercing Uttercold|5|5|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-


+5|Advanced Learning, Frozen Horde|5|5|4|2|-|-|-|-|-|-

+6|This is Uttercold|5|5|5|3|1|-|-|-|-

+6|Advanced Learning, Surrounded 1d6|5|5|5|4|2|-|-|-|-|-

+7|I am your Leader|5|5|5|5|3|1|-|-|-|-

+7|Advanced Learning, That Hurt|5|5|5|5|4|2|-|-|-

+8|Surrounded 3d6|5|5|5|5|5|3|-|-|-|-

+8|Advanced Learning, Join Us|5|5|5|5|5|4|-|-|-|-


+9|Advanced Learning, Surrounded 5d6|5|5|5|5|5|5|-|-|-

+10|It's Alive|5|5|5|5|5|5|-|-|-|-

+10|Advanced Learning, Gimme Gimme|5|5|5|5|5|5|-|-|-|-

+11|Resist This|5|5|5|5|5|5|-|-|-|-

+11|Advanced Learning|5|5|5|5|5|5|-|-|-


Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Lord of the Uttecold.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Lord of the Uttercold is proficient with all simple weapons and with two martial weapons. They are proficient with Light armor and can use them without fear of arcane spell failure.

Horde: Break this into two things, Horde and Unit. Might remove some confusion.
All undead under the Lord of the Uttercold's control are referred to as his horde.

Unit:The Lord of the Uttercold's unit includes himself and a few of his most powerful undead equal to his charisma modifier.

A Lord of the Uttercold casts arcane spells from the Lord of the Uttercold spell list(see below). The Lord of the Uttercold can casts spells spontaneously just as a sorcerer. When a Lord of the Uttercold gains access to a new level of spells he automatically knows all the spells of that level.

To cast a spell the Lord of the Uttercold must have a Charisma score equal to 10 + the spell's level. The difficulty class for a saving throw against one of the Lord of the Uttercold's spells is 10 + the Spell Level + his charisma modifier. He recieves bonus spells for a high charisma score.I have some concern about allowing extra spells when LotU can cast them in light armor, rebuke

Rebuke Undead (Su):
A Lord of the Uttercold can rebuke undead as an evil cleric of equal level.

Cold Tainted:
A Lord of the Uttercold gains Energy Substitution(Cold) and Tomb Tainted Soul as bonus feats at 2nd level even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Advanced Learning (Ex):
Due to advanced learning a 3rd level Lord of the Uttercold can add any spell to his spell list from the necromancy school or that has the cold subtype. He gains another spell every two levels after 3rd.

Frozen Horde (Ex):
At 3rd level the Lord of the Uttercold's horde gains cold resistance equal to his level +5 and his unit gains cold resistance equal to 10 + his level. His unit only benefits from the second part of this ability.

At 7th level his horde gains immunity to cold and his unit gains the cold subtype and fire resistance equal to 10 + his level.

Negativity Gaze (Su):
At 4th level the Lord of the Uttercold gains the ability to make a paralyzing gaze twice+ Cha. modifier per encounter day as a immediate action. Any target within 60 feet must succeed on a will save versus fear equal to 10 + the Lord of the Uttercold's charisma modifier + half the Lord of the Uttercold HD. If the target fails it's save it is paralyzed with fear for 2 1d6 rounds. If it succeeds on it's save it is shaken for 1d4 rounds.

Piercing Uttercold:
At 5th level the Lord of the Uttercold gains the Lord of the Uttercold and Piercing Cold feats as bonus feats, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

At 6th level the Lord of the Uttercold gains the Undead Leadership feat as a bonus feat even is he does not meet the prerequisites. He likewise gains a bonus to his leadership score equal to half his base attack bonus rounded up.

This is Uttercold (Su):
At 8th level the Lord of the Uttercold has become so focused on combining cold and negative energy that any uttercold spell with the [Cold] descriptor he casts instead deals 50% cold and 50% negative energy damage.

Surrounded (Su):
At 9th level the Lord of the Uttercold is surrounded by an aura of uttercold. Treat this as 1d6 uttercold damage(half cold, half negative energy) to each creature within 60 30 ft. each round. It also lowers the temperature in the area by 20°F. He can supress or resume this as a free action.

At 12th level this increases to 3d6 uttercold damage.

At 15th level it increases again this time to 5d6 uttercold damage.

I am your Leader (Ex):
At 10th level the Lord of the Uttercold's leadership is not limited to 25: it starts to follow the epic progression after 25.

That Hurt (Ex):
At 11th level, any undead in the Lord of the Uttercold's unit is healed by cold damage.

Join Us (Sp):
At 13th level the Lord of the Uttercold can choose to animate any creature he or anyone in his unit kills. As a free action he can use any undead creation ability on any foe that died within one round. Only one foe may be animated in this way every 1d6 rounds day. The LotU can still only control up to 4 x Caster level in undead. The LotU may still create undead with this ability, they just are not under his control.
**You've already got Animate Dead on his spell list, this would essentially make it obsolete if useable every 1d6 rounds. I've got to admit, its quite the ability. Kill someone's friend, then immediately animate them as your slave. Devious.

Frostball (Sp):
At 14th level a Lord of the Uttercold can shoot a ball of uttercold as a standard action. This ball does 1d6 cold damage per level. This benefits from both the Lord of the Uttercold and Piercing Cold feats. Also any creature with the cold subtype takes half damage and creatures with immunity to cold take full damage. It is treated in all aspects as a fireball of 5th level except for the damage.

That makes no sense. I assume you meant to say that creatures immune to cold take NO damage, not full damage.

Also, when you get this ability you gain the power to do 14d6 damage as a Standard action. Either make this useable twice a day, or have 1d6 cold damage/ 2 levels instead. And still, 7d6 once a turn is damn good.

It's Alive (Su):
At 16th level the Lord of the Uttercold has learned how to make any type of undead he likes. He can create any undead with a CR equal to his HD plus 3. This takes 10 minutes and a body that can be altered with any form of undeath and not exceed his limit. If the Lord of the Uttercold doesn't have a body available he can create one using one soul per two HD of the body he is trying to create. When the body is recreated it is treated as if he were in a descerate aura and the Lord of the Uttercold had the corpsecrafter feat.

At 16th level, the Lord of Uttercold has learned how to make any type of undead he likes. Once per day, he may use Create Greater Undead as a CL20 spell-like ability with two limits: he must have a body as a material focus (or at least a number of Souls, most likely trapped within his own body, equal to half the HD of the undead he wishes to create), and he may only create undead with a CR equal to his HD+3. Any undead created with this ability have a permanent Desecrate cast upon them which only affects that unique undead.

Gimme Gimme (Sp):
A Lord of the Uttercold of 17th level can add a second effect to his Negativity Gaze. The target must also make a DC(10 + the Lord of the Uttercold's charisma modifier + half the Lord of the Uttercold HD) Fortitude save. to resist having his soul taken (As a Trap the Soul cast by a Sorcerer of the LotU's level). It has the same save DC but it instead requires a Fortitude save. If the target fails one save both effects take place. The soul is stored inside the Lord of the Uttercold and can only be gained back by killing him. He can then expend the soul as he sees fit. This ability is useable once per day.

Maybe change the name to 'Seize the Core'? Sounds better.

Resist This (Su):
Whenever a Lord of the Uttercold of 18th level fails to bypass a creature's spell resistance the target is affected by the Surrounded ability even if he is not currently in range.

Transcendence (Ex):
When the Lord of the Uttercold reaches 20th level he has mastered cold and death alike. He gains a special version of the Dry Lich template called Uttercold Lich, see below.

Uttercold Lich
An uttercold lich is usually seen at the command of large armies. With a combination of their death and cold spells they are almost unstopable.

They appear like a normal lich except they are covered with thin sheets of ice.

An Uttercold lich speaks any languages it knew in life.

Creating An Uttercold Lich

"Uttercold lich" is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature), provided it can create the required phylacteries(see below).

An uttercold lich has all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type
The creature’s type changes to undead and he gains the [cold] subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice
Increase all current and future Hit Dice to d12s.

Armor Class
A uttercold lich's natural armor increases with 2 due to the cold surrounding him.

An uttercold lich has a touch attack that it can use once per round. An uttercold lich armed with a weapon uses its touch or a weapon, as it desires.

An uttercold lich without natural weapons has a touch attack that uses uttercold(half cold, half negative energy) to deal 1d6+charisma modifier points of damage, a Will save (DC 10 + ½ uttercold lich’s HD + uttercold lich’s Cha modifier) halves the damage. An uttercold lich with natural weapons can use its touch attack or its natural weaponry, as it prefers. If it chooses the latter, it deals 3d8 points of extra damage on one natural weapon attack.

Remove that, and it looks good.

Special Attacks:
An uttercold lich retains all the base creature's special attacks and gains those described below. Save DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 uttercold lich's HD + Cha modifier unless otherwise specified.

Aura of Despair (Su):
An uttercold lich is surrounded by a terrible sense of age, loss, and death. Any creature within a 60-foot radius must succeed on a Will save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same uttercold lich's aura of despair for 4 hours.

Constitution Drain (Su):
Any living creature an uttercold lich hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Constitution drain. With each successful drain, the uttercold lich gains 5 temporary hit points.

Any creature that makes the Fortitude save cannot be affected by this Uttercold Lich's constitution drain for 24 hours.

Special Qualities:
An uttercold lich retains all the base creature's special qualities and gains those described below.

Change Shape(Su):
Uttercold liches are usually part of a royal court and as such can't run around as skeletal ice blocks all the time. As a standard action an uttercold lich can assume a form that resembles anything for the norm of his race before he became undead. This functions as an Alter Self spell, cast by a Sorcerer of the Uttercold Lich's HD.

Turn Resistance (Ex):
An uttercold lich has +6 turn resistance.

Damage Reduction (Su):
An uttercold lich's icy flesh is cold and hard, giving it damage reduction 10/bludgeoning and magic.

Change DR to 15/bludgeoning and magic. This version has less natural armor.

Icy Backlash (Ex):
Everytime an uttercold lich is hit with a melee weapon suffers damage as a result of melee, some of the ice encasing his skin shatters. This deals 1d6 piercing and 2d6 1d6 uttercold damage to the attacker.

Fast Healing (Ex):
An uttercold lich recovers 2 points of damage each round as long as it is in a cold(temperature at of below 40°F) environment.

Immunities (Ex):
Uttercold liches have immunity to electricity, positive energy, polymorph (though they can use polymorph effects on themselves), and mind-affecting spells and abilities.

Unholy Toughness (Ex):
An uttercold lich gains a bonus to its hit points equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +1) times its Hit Dice.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +4. As an undead creature, an uttercold lich has no Constitution score.

Skills: Uttercold liches have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks. Otherwise same as the base creature.

Environment: Any.

Organization: Solitary or Unit (1 Utterold lich, plus 5-20 Undead).

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +3.

Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods; double items.

Alignment: Any nongood.

Advancement: By character class.

An uttercold lich has 4 phylacteries made entirely of blue ice(Frostburn p.80). When an uttercold lich dies it's body is reformed by making the ice of the closest phylactery grow to his form. Once a phylactery is used it takes 8 hours of uninterupted meditatian to make a new one. To destroy a phylactery is has to be in direct contact with a fire elemental for 1 hour. The lich is immediatly alerted when one is destroyed and will most likely instantly start creating a new one.

Seems unnecessary. Just say that each phylactery piece has DR 100/Fire and has 50 hit points.

The create one of these phylacteries a solid piece of blue ice has to be found. It is then shaped into the form of the uttercold lich's heart. After 4 heart shaped ice pieces have been made he completes the ritual by killing himself.

Lord of the Uttercold Spell List:
0th Level: Detect magic, daze, ray of frost, ghost sound, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, inflict minor wounds;

1st Level: Bane, bestow wound, cause fear, chill touch, detect magic, detect undead, doom, hide from undead, inflict light wounds, ray of enfeeblement, summon undead I, undetectable alignment, grease, lesser orb of ice, snowsight;

2nd Level: Blindness/deafness, command undead, darkness, death knell, Desecrate, false life, gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict moderate wounds, scare, spectral hand, summon swarm, summon undead II, chill metal, ray of ice, frost breath, snow walk;

3rd Level: Animate Dead, Crushing despair, halt undead, inflict serious wounds, Magic Circle against Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, ray of exhaustion, speak with dead, summon undead III, vampiric touch, sleet storm, shivering touch, energy vulnerability, winter's embrace;

4th Level: Bestow curse, contagion, death ward, dispel magic, enervation, Evard’s black tentacles, fear, giant vermin, inlfict critical wounds, phantasmal killer, poison, summon undead IV, wall of ice, orb of ice, ice shield, ice storm, wall of fire;

5th Level: Blight, cloudkill, fire in the blood, greater dispel magic, insect plague, lesser planar binding, magic jar, mass inflict light wounds, nightmare, oath of blood, slay living, summon undead V, undeath to death, unhallow, waves of fatigue, cone of cold, flesh to ice, blizzard;

6th Level: Acid fog, circle of death, create undead, eyebite, geas/quest, harm, mass inflict moderate wounds, planar binding, waves of exhaustion, freezing sphere, freezing fog, freezing glance, death hail;

7th Level: Control undead, destruction, finger of death, greater harm, mass inflict serious wounds, song of discord, vile death, ice claw, control weather;

8th Level: Create greater undead, horrid wilting, mass inflct critical wounds, symbol of death, polar ray, field of ice, deadfall, frostfell;

9th Level: Energy drain, imprison soul, mass harm, plague of undead, wail of the banshee, ice assassin, obedient avalanche, fumblewinter;

Silva Stormrage
2011-10-06, 10:14 PM
First off just a simple suggestion. Could you change the name "cough" http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195580&page=2 "cough" :smallbiggrin:

Also what is the balancing point for this class? Its very very very strong and I would say that it is pretty op at this point unless you are aiming for something stronger than wizard (Some people do)


I would suggest to nerf negativity so that it only paralyzes someone for 1d4 rounds. Also make it work like a normal gaze attack (free action 1/round on your turn) an immediate action that is basically a save or die? At 4th level? A bit strong.

All the bonus feats: Remove some of them. He gains WAAAY to many. 8 or so bonus feats is approaching fighter amount of feats. And this guy gets good feats and spellcasting.

Master: This ability is decent expect when combined with I am your leader (see below)

This is uttercold: Way too powerful. This is better than a + 4 metamagic (Twin) for free. At 8th level. You are dealing with a fireball 16d6 damage at this level which heals your minions for half. That will one shot encounters. Remove this ability or make it so that the Lord of the Uttercold feat doesn't increase cast time on your spells.

Surround: This is the worst ability in the entire class IMO. It prevents him from having allies. If this is solely a bbeg class than its interesting. But for a player they can't do anything. Allow it to be suppressed and also don't increase the damage. It gives him free fast healing and damage to enemies, it doesn't need to be buffed.

I am your leader: Okay the second best epic feat at level 10. That needs to go to maintain balance. To give you an example.

Lesser Aismir With 18 Charisma.
Feats: Undead Leadership + Improved Cohort + Improved Followers + landlord
Items: + 6 Charisma, + Strongheart Vest (+ 5 Leadership I think I have the name wrong)
Charisma: 28 (+9)
Leadership Score: 10 (HD) + 2 (Undead Leadership) + 9 (Charisma) + 2 (Feats) + 2 (Stronghold) + 4 (Random fluff Leadership bonuses) + 5 (Vest) + 7 (Bab Bonus) = 41 Leadership
That gives you 4 level 8's 2 Level 9's and a Level 10 follower. + The cohort. You now have an entire party. Also leadership scales rapidly once you get above 40.

One thing i did with my own lord of the uttercold (see link above) was that the progression was halved above 20. Also remove the bab bonus. Leadership stacking is easy enough as it is.

That hurt: You made your unit immune to cold... they won't get healed by it because they are immune to it...

Join Us: Does this ability still take onyx? Does it still have a cap? A bit vague.

Frostball: The ability to use a 3rd level spell. This is really unimpressive. At 14th level

Its alive: Okay think this through. You are supposed to be weaker than monsters of your CR + 1. You can create monsters that are cr you + 3. Make it duplicate either create undead or create greater undead for free and let you auto rebuke it for free as long as its under your cr - 3. That would balance it.

Resist This: Even if you kept scaling the damage 5d6 damage is not really going to hurt anyone at 18th level.

Transcendence: A pretty good capstone. Better than the Dread Necroamncer's but their lich should have unholy toughness too. Does the Lord of the Uttercold (Pending name change :P) have to do the ritual or does he just become a lich instantly.

2011-10-07, 02:45 AM
That's why I asked here for help. But anyway I followed most of the changes, keeping some of my own so I don't completely derive the class from the original idea I had.

And just a note on the negativity gaze, the idea was originally that it can be used to say, stop a charging warrior, so I'm going to keep it at immediate action.

2011-10-07, 05:03 AM
This is a great class for your first attempt, really very impressive. A little over-the-top, but not hard to clean up.

Some suggestions for improvement:

Class Skills: If you're going to grant Hide, I recommend that you accompany it with Move Silently. If you're going to grant a social skill, Bluff would probably be more useful to a UO than Diplomacy ("these aren't the corpses you're looking for").

Table: There are errors in your spells per day at levels 15, 17, and 19.

Frozen Horde: Stylistically, I dislike granting the cold subtype and fire resistance in the same stroke. The cold subtype is balanced by its accompanying fire vulnerability -- you gain a strength with a corresponding weakness. Moreover, there's no reason in your class fluff to explain why a UO's unit might have special resistance to fire ("they're really cold" is a pretty weak reason). If you desire to gain only a strength and no weakness, I'd suggest granting simple immunity to cold. If you really want the cold subtype, eat the fire vulnerability. After all, you're dropping a metric ton of healing on your undead every time you blast -- it's not like you can't heal any extra damage they take.

Additionally, mass cold immunity of any sort is a powerful defense, especially on a class that's going to be indiscriminately tossing AoE cold spells everywhere. It's too powerful for 7th level. I recommend not earlier than 13th level, when a wizard would normally gain access to spells like energy immunity and as the frost. Even at 13th level it will be very strong.

Negativity Gaze: I love immediate-action defenses like these - IMO, every class needs abilities of this sort, especially for high level play. However, an immediate-action save-or-lose that debuffs even on a successful save is much too strong for 4th level. I'd suggest 11th level at the earliest, and it would be quite good even at that level.

Advanced Learning: Should say "spells with the [cold] descriptor", rather than subtype. Actually, should say "spells with any energy subtype", because you have Energy Sub and thus should be able to sub any sort of energy spell to cold.

This is Uttercold: If I understand your reading correctly, this is effectively a free Empower on all Uttercold spells you cast. While that's not strictly a problem, since it improves blasting and blasting is a weak tactic, the UO has considerable synergy with uttercold, and can be expected to get a lot of advantage from this. Be aware that this ability singlehandedly moves the UO into the ranks of one of the more powerful classes in the game, and will make it fairly easy to create UO builds that completely trivialize standard "level-appropriate" encounters.

Join Us: You need to spell out what you mean by "any undead creation ability". There are bound to be some sort of godawful powerful epic undead-creation effects that you don't intend for the UO to be using. And there's bound to be some munchkin out there who will try it if you don't pre-emptively whack him between the eyes with a two-by-four.

Frostball: Essentially eldritch blast on steroids and meth, this feature establishes the UO as completely in a different league from the warlock. It also completely frees him from any concern about saving or managing his available spell slots. Not necessarily bad, but just consider and be sure that's what you intend.

It's Alive: This ability needs a heavy nerfing, or else it needs to go. The ability to create undead of every possible kind, including undead more than twice as powerful as the UO himself, cannot possibly function in any kind of party that hopes to remain balanced. I'd recommend simply scrapping it, since you already have an incredibly wide variety of powers that create undead of many different types.

Seize the Core: You can't actually use this ability 3 + Cha per day as written, because it's added to Negativity Gaze, which can only be used 2 + Cha per day. Also, you need to spell out what happens when a soul is removed or regained. For example, presumably the target dies and can't be resurrected, and presumably when a soul is "regained", the target either comes back to life or becomes eligible for resurrection.

This ability probably simply needs to go, however. An immediate-action save-or-die with an auto-scaling DC and a fistful of uses per day is an epic-level power and needs to be reserved for epic play.

Spell List: My only concern here is that you have so few non-cold energy spells on this list that I wonder why you bother granting Energy Substitution as a bonus feat. You could just as well swap out the three non-cold energy spells on this list and drop the feat, simplifying the class with no net change in overall power. The list is also surprisingly short on area blasting spells considering the class's focus on uttercold-augmented blasting.

Overall Impression:

You've constructed a very well-themed and tightly built class, with abilities that synergize extremely well and support a thematic and interesting character. My biggest concern is that the abilities synergize too well, and that you give away too much, too soon, for too little. The UO as written can probably solo most level-appropriate encounters without help from his party and without expending significant resources. You're going to want to scale it back so that it can fit harmoniously into a typical party.

2011-10-07, 06:29 AM
Alright, more changes:
-Frozen Horde swapped places with surrounded
-Deleted Frostball
-Put Negativity Gaze at 14th level
-Added wording to Join us
-Limited It's Alive to a CR equal to your HD
-Fixed Seize the Core a little
-Added a few spells out of Complete Arcane to the spell list

Hope you like it.

2011-10-07, 07:14 AM
So what exactly does "Unit" do, what is it? How many and whom are in it?

2011-10-07, 07:29 AM
I designed the unit because a large number of minions slow down the battle considerably. He will most likely take only his unit into battle. Many abilities also reference the unit which rants them bonuses.

2011-10-07, 09:56 AM
Surrounded still irks me. -40 degrees to an area... that brings a comfortable 70 degree area below freezing! It makes sense for the Uttercold Lich's Fast healing, but this would essentially make everywhere except tropical locations cold. I still advocate a -20 degrees instead of -40.

2011-10-07, 10:21 AM
Let's comprimise. I made it -30.

2011-10-07, 07:09 PM
Sounds good. I was just worried about a campaign taking place anywhere other than a desert, tropical area or artic. -40 would make it QUITE chilly! :D

2011-10-07, 10:02 PM
I designed the unit because a large number of minions slow down the battle considerably. He will most likely take only his unit into battle. Many abilities also reference the unit which rants them bonuses.

Does not really say what the unit can comprise of.
For example what is to stop him adding his entire Horde into his "unit" so that they get the extra bonuses?

2011-10-08, 02:05 AM
The Uttercold Overlord's unit includes himself and a few of his most powerful undead equal to his charisma modifier.

It's any number of undead (whatever their HD) equal to his Cha. mod I believe.

.....Suddenly I see a Unit of Atropal Scions XD

2011-10-08, 02:12 AM
It's any number of undead (whatever their HD) equal to his Cha. mod I believe.

.....Suddenly I see a Unit of Atropal Scions XD

Same. lol.

Maybe it should be a total number of undead who's combined total HD is equal to or less than the Overlord's HD*X, where X is something like 2 or 3.

Then you could have a massive volume of skeletons or a bunch of stronger undead.
But not anything limitless or crazy.

2011-10-08, 02:52 AM
Well... How do you get an atropal scion... It's not like the DM's gonna run over and throw one at your feet with a turn resistance of -50. No no.

But I'll add an extra clause:
"These are as a direct result of the military institution he is employed by. If he later becomes unemployed he keeps the undead due to their fierce loyalty to him. They gain level on top of their racial hit die just as normal characters do."