View Full Version : PF Alchemist - Bottled Ooze

2011-10-06, 03:10 PM
I am planning on playing an alchemist in an upcoming pathfinder game and am interested in the bottled ooze discovery but am a little concerned that it doesn't really seem to be all that powerful.

Bottled Ooze

From the Pathfinder SRD

The alchemist has learned how to preserve a sample of oozes in a sealed bottle, which he can prepare for use as an extract. When the alchemist activates the extract, he actually throws the bottle at a square within 30 feet, releasing the ooze, which reconstitutes and attacks the closest creature. The ooze is not under the alchemist’s control, but is otherwise treated as a summoned creature. The ooze remains for 1 round per caster level, and decays into powder when the duration expires. If the alchemist has the infusion discovery, another character can use the infused specimen. Creating a bottled ooze requires an extract with a level equal to the ooze’s CR (so a CR 4 gray ooze requires a 4th-level extract).

I could see it being rather useful at lower levels but fading quickly. Summoning a CR 6 ooze instead of using a Level 6 Extract doesn't seem all that useful.

I was wondering if anyone had some actually playtesting with this, especially at higher levels.

I have also considered two additional discoverys along these lines if it turns out that the oozes don't really keep up.

Improved Bottled Ooze

Prereq: Alchemist Level 6, Bottled Ooze
The alchemist has learned how to preserve an improved sample of oozes in a sealed bottle, which he can prepare for use as an extract. This ability works exactly as "Bottled Ooze" with the following changes. There is a 50% chance that the ooze is under the control of the alchemist who created it. Directing the ooze is a move action. If the alchemist has the infusion discovery, another character can use the infused specimen but no one has control over it. Creating a bottled ooze requires an extract with a level equal to the 1/2 the ooze’s CR (so a CR 6 ooze now only requires a 3rd-level extract).

Greater Bottled Ooze

Prereq: Alchemist Level 12, Improved Bottled Ooze
The alchemist has learned how to preserve a greater sample of oozes in a sealed bottle, which he can prepare for use as an extract. This ability works exactly as "Bottled Ooze" with the following changes. The ooze is under the control of alchemist who created it. Directing the ooze is a move action. If the alchemist has the infusion discovery, another character can use the infused specimen but no one has control over it. Creating a bottled ooze requires an extract with a level equal to 1/3 the ooze’s CR (so a CR 6 ooze now only requires a 2nd-level extract).

2011-10-06, 06:05 PM
I just noticed that the ooze discovery goes by CR. Does that mean you can template stack the ooze in question?

2011-10-07, 10:44 AM
I had never considered adding templates to the oozes. The only ooze template that I can think of at the moment is the one that gives the ooze an intelligent score, I think its either a 1 or a 2, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the template.

2011-10-07, 10:49 AM
I think you could put fiendish or half dragon on it as well.

2011-10-07, 12:59 PM
You might ask your DM to allow you to bottle gelatinous creatures (template Savage Species). Technically they are aberrations, but they have most of the properties of oozes. I find it heartily amusing the idea of throwing a jello mold bottle at someone that turns into a jello grey render.

2011-10-17, 09:42 AM
I like the idea of gelatinous creatures but barring DM approval I would still be limited to a CR6 creature with a 6th level extract which to be honest doesn't seem worth very much at higher levels. I think this could become a very nice ability with higher CR creatures.

So any critiques for the two discoveries?

2011-10-17, 01:36 PM
The Discovery as is seems really, really useless to be honest, even with your proposed augmentations, I'd still not take it (2 Discoveries to make an ability useful? No thanks).

If your DM allows your proposition of Improved to be integrated into the normal Discovery, then it can be pretty fun and useful.

If you're really set on having oozes but your DM for whatever reason thinks that your Improved proposition is too overpowered, ask if you can be a Preservationist and add oozes to the available summons.

The Gilded Duke
2011-10-17, 03:30 PM
Summoning Gelatinous Cubes seem to be a good method of Battlefield Control. They can block off sections of the battlefield, they can push around opponents (on a successful reflex save!) And you might just get lucky and engulf your enemies. Particularly nasty is the CR 5 Ebony Cube variant that can dissolve armor and weapons.

Also the Ooze Whisperer and Ooze Companion feats from Dungeon Denizens are hilariously awesome.

Really need to play an Animal Speaker Bard with Greater Wild Empathy and Ooze Whisperer one of these days.