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View Full Version : Gish + Gestalt

2011-10-07, 06:48 AM
Ok...so I've got my Gish build down....Crusaderx1 wizardx6 spellswordx1 abchampx5 and the rest probably JPM...might throw some geometer in there but not sure....I'm currently at crusaderx1 and wizardx4....we will be getting gestalt sometime really soon....the way this gestalt works...if you want a PRC it has to be all on one leg of the gestalt (so if I had done all wiz on one side and tried to go all BAB on the other..I couldn't hit the classes I want) Problem is....I've got myself worked out for high BAB and full lvl 9 casting....what do I gestalt to?????? I guess I'm looking at skill points and hit die....and what fun abilities I want.......even though its not the best optimization I'm really thinking about some bard (my roleplay fun with this would be EPIC)...but thats just a thought...ANY ideas welcome....what do I need to study? What will make me a world class gish...and what would just be fun

the playground has never let me down..so love you guys,

2011-10-07, 06:55 AM
Factotum (From Dungeonscape). Enjoy even more of what your Gish can already do.

2011-10-07, 07:30 AM
Warblade is good (it'll get you the bits of BAB that you missed, as well as great HP, maneuvers, and an int theme).

Archivist is a solid choice, as is Cloistered Cleric.

As has been mentioned, Factotum is a rockin class in gestalt, and your build works well with it.

Rogue works well, for skills and sneak attack.

Sneak Attack fighter works well, for BAB and sneak attack an hp.

2011-10-07, 05:12 PM
To clarify, the party is:
1.Brac the Dwarf
Crusader 4
-Focuses on lockdown tactics with a DPS secondary, probably going to stick in the tier 3-5 range on his second side. Mild optimizations, but isn't too hung up on it.

2.Matt the Archer
Human Swift Hunter
-Focuses on heavy ranged DPS, and his second side is going to be focused on psychic theurge entry(legal). Optimizer.

3.Lothar the Jiriku
Human Monk(homebrew)
-Not the group optimizer, and will probably grab something tier 3-5ish to complement himself.

4.Jeebus Jones, extraordinaire
Human Rogue/Druid(daggerspell shaper entry)
-The party's current divine caster, providing respectable DPS and utility casting. No plans yet for gestalt. New player, but he's learning the optimization stuff fairly fast, I think.

5.P-Chico the Grey(cause sometimes, wizards run out of spells)(the OP)
Build in OP
-The party's primary batman caster, as well as eventual gish. P-Chico wants this character to be almost exactly like Gandalf: If it calls for a spell, cast a spell, and if it calls for a sword to the enemy's gut, well, P-Chico just put one there.

Houserules(including how I rule gestalt):

1.Additional Feats, PB, maxing HD and gestalt levels are purchased with XP, as if you 'crafted' them, reducing your XP total by a set amount. This allows for more growth than a traditional character generation rules, but it'll slow the PC's max level down if they want to grab everything. Each character is allowed to buy an additional feat per 2 HD, and PB is capped at HD+30.

2."Quadratic" classes(such as Warblade, Wizard, Incarnate and Binder) *MUST* stay on one side of the gestalt. Warblade 20/Wizard 20 is ok, but Wizard 10/Swiftblade 10//Warblade 10/Wizard +1/Warblade +2/Wizard +1/Warblade +2/Wizard +1/Warblade +2/Wizard +1 isn't, nor is Wizard 3/Swordsage 17//Druid 3/Mystic Theurge X/Arcane Hierophant Y.

3.No gestalt-related prestige class restrictions. Mystic Theurge is legal, and so is Ultimate Magus, etc, etc.

4.Advanced progression prestige classes such as Ur-Priest(stand alone 10-level 9th spell level casting classes) were banned already. Ones like Sublime Chord are allowed, but under the "if you couldn't do it with a sorcerer or wizard, you can't do it with a Chord" common sense rule.

5.WBL is loosely followed. PCs can expect to have gear within +/- 2 levels of when WBL would suggest they'd have it. However, I'm also the kind of evil DM that will take away all the party's gear if they do something stupid like storm a mind flayer base at level 3.

2011-10-07, 06:25 PM
I'm a little confused about your gestalt rules, but a little Duskblade may be nice. Factotum and/or Swashbuckler 3 are nice for INT synergy.

2011-10-07, 06:27 PM
I'm a little confused about your gestalt rules, but a little Duskblade may be nice. Factotum and/or Swashbuckler 3 are nice for INT synergy.

Confused how?

2011-10-07, 07:58 PM
Confused how?

the way this gestalt works...if you want a PRC it has to be all on one leg of the gestalt (so if I had done all wiz on one side and tried to go all BAB on the other..I couldn't hit the classes I want)

This part confused me. Even if you have a full BAB class on one side of the gestalt and a poor BAB class like Wizard on the other, the entire gestalt uses the BAB from the better side anyway, so you should have no problem qualifying for a certain PrC even if you can only put it on one side.

2011-10-07, 08:31 PM
Are you talking about the rule of 1 prc at a time?

2011-10-07, 10:15 PM
This part confused me. Even if you have a full BAB class on one side of the gestalt and a poor BAB class like Wizard on the other, the entire gestalt uses the BAB from the better side anyway, so you should have no problem qualifying for a certain PrC even if you can only put it on one side.

I think P-Chico is over-extending rule #2 farther than I intended it to go.