View Full Version : Gestalt Chassis Upgrading?

2011-10-07, 08:02 AM
Alright so we all know that in gestalt you generally want to pick two classes that complement each other. Both in class features and in the overall chassis. This is the thought behind taking a caster class, and getting it's power and gestalting it with a marital class. You get generally two good saves, full BAB, a larger HD and okay skills. After all being a Warblade//Barbarian doesn't complement the other side well.

Now what if we changed that. What if when the two classes you were gestalting had equal areas, that, that area improved. Two classes have .75 BAB, then give them full BAB. Both have a d8 HD, it bumps up to a d10.

Now I know that this wouldn't likely have any large effect on a game, but I'm curious to what effect people think it would have.

As a last note, when it comes to gestalting two things that have the best in that area already, improve it more. Two classes have full BAB, then give them 1.25 BAB. Lix has base classes that do it. If they share a good save, then bump it up as well. I don't remember save progressions of the top my head, but iIrc, then making save progress at .66, would be valid. Skills would go up by two. And lastly we have HD. Now, only one combination would require a HD not currently used. A Wablade//Barbarian. And honestly, a d20 for a HD, would probably help them.

So thoughts anyone?

2011-10-07, 08:47 AM
I don't know. Gestalt is already kind of a ridiculous power buff, but I always liked the idea that a level 5 fighter/wizard was just as good a fighter as any other level 5; he could just do a little bit more in addition to that.