View Full Version : CG Warlock BBEG

2011-10-07, 10:48 AM
Hello All~

I'm starting a game in a few weeks, and I was considering making a Warlock BBEG. Here are the details:

This is primarily an urban game. The characters work for the city guard as special agents and are investigating the murder of a wizard who works for the city. He was killed in his tower during what will appear to be a summoning ritual.

My characters (lvl 6) are a Lawful Neutral Duskblade, a True Neutral Master of Many Forms, and my DMPC party member, a Chaotic Neutral Bard (focused on detective and social skills, primarily noncombat.)

Unbeknownst the them, my BB(G)G, a devil-may-care Warlock, recently wore out his welcome in Elysia and decided to impersonate a Devil being summoned to the Material Plane by a Lawful Evil wizard. Stepping out of the wizard's Circle of Protection Against Evil, he struck down the unprepared spellcaster and busted out into the city. He is now presumably flying around the city, causing havoc.

Crunch-wise, he's a lvl 6-8 Warlock who enjoys mobility, trickery, and is probably a little more Chaotic than Good.

My Questions:

What feats, skills, and invocations would make this an entertaining antagonist?

What level is most appropriate? I'm thinking recurring villain here.

What abilities in particular will make him interesting for our Duskblade and Master of Many Forms to investigate and tangle with?

2011-10-07, 06:41 PM
I guess chaotic neutral may be the most suitable alignment for him. Any race in mind? I am not sure how he could impersonate a devil, is he some sort of planetouched? I quite like the half-fey template in fiend folio, it's quite good at cr+1.

Alternatively, if you go warlock9, the fey heritage feats (complete mage) may not be a bad idea as well, giving you an impressive array of SLAs to make you more versatile.

Warlocks aren't really strong, so I recommend you go for the highest lv possible (warlock8 in this case). This gives him 5 invocations to play around with (3 least, 2 lesser).

You want mobility and trickery. I suppose you will want eldritch spear (least), frightful blast (least), beguiling influence (least), fell flight (lesser) and perhaps consider summon swarm (least), voracious dispelling (lesser), flee the seen (lesser) or walk unseen (lesser).

Alternatively, spiderwalk (least) can be just as good as fell flight under the right circumstances (and frees up a lesser invocation slot).