View Full Version : PF: Kingmaker

Man With Dog
2011-10-08, 07:18 AM
Hi Guys,

I am setting up a character for an upcoming Kingmaker game. I currently have a ranger in another game I enjoy alot and was contemplating a Gunslinger or Summoner.
We're making it with a 20 point buy and was looking for ideas on whether these can be done well on a buy like this and basically, are they any good overall? Especially if they go up in levels too, is progression a problem for them?

Look forward to any ideas and comments even if not specifically on points I mentioned.
Thanks in advance

2011-10-08, 07:27 AM
My inevitable suggestion: Synthesist Summoner! Your physical stats are superseded (which you can absolutely take advantage of in point buy), you're Cha-focused in a roleplaying-heavy campaign, and the extra points you can spend on mental stats will let you get some extra Int, for more skills. Also, the obvious route is to be an absolute tank, but if there's anything (like Diplomacy/Bluff) you want to be good at? One evolution point will get you +8 to any skill, and can be taken once per skill.

Normal Summoner should be quite good, as well.

Personally, I don't like the gunslinger. The way guns are handled... isn't *bad* but I don't like having that many failure modes, and the bonus don't outweigh the negatives, for me.

Ultimately, 20 point buy in Pathfinder is kind of a lot. It'd be low in 3.5, but PF's system is different.

Man With Dog
2011-10-08, 09:38 AM
The synthesist is the one in which you basically wear your summoned creature yeah? Sorry, can't check am at work still :-(

Any other classes maybe even better for a Kingmaker campaign perhaps?
Bards always seem fun (not necessarily my style with all that singing :-p)

All tips gladly received

2011-10-08, 01:46 PM
Maybe it was just my GM, but Kingmaker seems to love its nighttime ambushes. Since the eidolon vanishes when you sleep and takes 10 rounds to summon, you're going to get caught without it, a lot. You'll need a plan (and a Con score) for when you're without it.

2011-10-08, 01:57 PM
Thta's what summon Eidolon is for.

2011-10-08, 02:06 PM
Thta's what summon Eidolon is for.

You have to be 4th level to cast that spell. You'll be getting ambushed starting at level 1.

Be prepared to use your summon monster SLA. Also, don't dump Con. You will need it.

2011-10-08, 02:09 PM
Kingmaker is a lot of fun as long as you keep it sandbox and stay well away from anything resembling a plot. That is my player-bias opinion.

2011-10-08, 02:10 PM
Your summons are good at lower levels though, so regardless, it's not an issue to dump strength to 7, dexterity to 7, and just keep con at 10.

2011-10-08, 06:27 PM
Your summons are good at lower levels though, so regardless, it's not an issue to dump strength to 7, dexterity to 7, and just keep con at 10.

And last 1min/lvl.

Do note that I'm not suggesting synth is the best option for kingmaker, just a fun one.

2011-10-08, 08:32 PM
Kingmaker tends to work well with Nova builds and crafting as you get a lot of downtime. Or at least that's how my DM played it.