View Full Version : Urban Archer Swift Hunter. Advice and Prc?

2011-10-08, 09:55 AM
I am VERY proud of this build so far since its gona shine at every level in the upcoming campaing next month, after building a werewolf, a druid, a paladin and lots of other characters, THIS is the final desition and the one im gonna play, THANKS A LOT to the people in the playground who gived me a hand with the other potential charactes.

The Build, up to lvl 10
Urban Ranger (UA variant and CW variant for feats) + Scout
{table=head]Level|Class|Base Attack<br>Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Swift Hunter|Feats|Class Features

1st|Scout 1|
+0|Skirmish +1d6/+0AC, 1st Favored Enemy|Expeditive Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Presise Shot|Trapfinding

2nd|Scout 2|
+0|-|-|Battle fortitude +1, Uncanny dodge

3rd|Scout 3|
+1|Skirmish +1d6/+1AC|Mobility|Fast movement +10ft, Trackless steps

4th|Urban Ranger 1|
+1|-|-|Urban tracking, Wild empaty

5th|Urban Ranger 2|
+1|Skirmish +2d6/+1AC, 2nd Favored Enemy|Rapid Shot|Combat Style

6th|Urban Ranger 3|
+2|-|Swift Hunter|Endurance

7th|Urban Ranger 4|
+2|Skirmish +2d6/+2AC|Shot on the Run|Urban Companion, Bonus Feat (Variant)

8th|Urban Ranger 5|

9th|Urban Ranger 6|
+3|Skirmish +3d6/+2AC|Manyshot, Greater Manyshot|Improved Combat Style

10th|Scout 4|
+3|Skirmish +5d6/+4AC, 3rdFavored Enemy|Improved Skirmish|Bonus Feat

11th|Prestige Class|
+x|Skills|New Feats|New Class Abilities[/table]

Now the advice and feedback i need is to help me fill the rest of the lvls using a single 10lvl PRC if posible, the DM said that SAdices can be adapted to give Skirmish progresion. Nightsong enforcer was my first choice but since the only caster in the party is going to be a cleric so far, i wold like to ahve some extra options and use a PrC that gives its own spell progresion like the assasin, vigilante, or the like. Its and urban eberron-like campaing.

Thanks again. :smallwink:

2011-10-08, 10:14 AM
Must it be just one more class? A dip into almost any arcane casting class would let you get into Unseen Seer, which progresses skirmish damage faster than anything else would.

2011-10-08, 10:22 AM
Its a personal like to make all the last lvls a PRC so at lvl 20 i can really say i got the capstone, but its not a must... Where is Unseen Seer from?

Edit: got it, comp mage... got the book arround here somewhere

2011-10-08, 10:28 AM
Cloistered Cleric dip for Travel Devotion would help this build tremendously. The Knowledge Devotion swap would also work, since you'll have most of the knowledge skills necessary to take advantage of it (either through regular Cleric or through Ranger), but if you want all knowledge skills, then just keep the knowledge domain and pick up Knowledge Devotion at level 12.

Knowledge Devotion lets you move your full move as a swift action. Starts off with once a day, then blow turn attempts for every additional. You can see how this would work well with Skirmish and still being able to make a full attack.

Manyshot/Greater Manyshot is nice, but it doesn't give you as many attacks as Rapid Shot and it hurts your attack numbers.

2011-10-08, 10:28 AM
Complete Mage, I believe. 10/10 casting advancement, gives bonuses to your Divination caster level, advances any precision damage dice four times (whereas the normal Scout's alternating AC and damage bonus would only advance the damage three times). It also lets you add Divination spells to your list, meaning that you can cherry-pick all the good Ranger spells such as Hunter's Eye and increase your ranged damage capabilities even further.

2011-10-08, 10:42 AM
Im going the manyshot route cause i want to avoid any cleric dio or devotion feat at all.

If i follow the unseen seer idea, what would be the best arcane class dip?
How usefull is the ranger varian that gives you arcane caster progresion, problem is i am going to lose a feat or to in that variant and i will get manyshot and shot on the run very late...

2011-10-08, 11:25 AM
If you're picking up Unseen Seer, your standard Ranger casting won't do you much good since even a 6th level Ranger only knows 1st level spells.

There is no Ranger variant that gives arcane caster progression. There's the Mystic Ranger ACF (which gives you a good spell progression, so you'd have 3rd level spells by 6th, but delays combat styles by one level) and the feat Sword of the Arcane Order, which lets you prepare Wizard spells in your Ranger slots. Whether they are still arcane or now divine is not exactly clear.

There are a number of ways to go about the dip, depending on your good mental stat. For Wisdom, there is only one choice - Unseelie Dark Hunter (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20030315a). If it's Intelligence, Beguiler is a fun choice to augment your sneaking abilities. If it's Charisma, then you're kind of out of luck, because Charisma-based casters get the short end of the stick.

2011-10-08, 12:14 PM
If you want a PrC that fits with your being a sneaky type combined with a touch of spellcasting I would suggest Temple Raider of Olidammara (CDiv) or Trapsmith (Dungeonscape). Bear in mind that Trapsmith is only 5 levels long though. Other good classes to consider would be Bloodhound (CAdv), Justicar (CWar) or Urban Soul (RoD).

2011-10-08, 08:06 PM
If you're interested in Unseen Seer, you can take some levels in Dragon Devotee (RotD) which give 2 levels of sorcerer spellcasting in addition to +2d6 skirmish in five levels.

But with your rule about sneak attack PrCs giving you skirmish, I would just go assassin, as long as you have the Intelligence to make good use of the spells.

2011-10-09, 03:03 PM
Assasion was my first idea, im gonna check out all the spells available and see if its worh cause im not gona ever use death attack or poisons, its not the kinda of character i wanna build.

For now Urban soul is probabli the most vialbe PrC its a shame i cant progres Skirmish with it but yesterday the DM said that exept when we go dungeoning or to a really particular quest we will allways be in a city. he showed us some pictures and each one of them fas a dam big magical metropolis.