View Full Version : The Arcane Mountains (IC)

2011-10-08, 01:31 PM
Region Background: (long, not so important to read)
The Arcane Mountains is how the serpent-like rocky island, south to the Mainland, is called. It’s actually a enormous mountain range (approximately 2 500 000 km˛) in the middle of the ocean, spamming the highest “normal” mountains in the world. Well, “normal”, because those aren’t even the largest ones. In the Arcane Mountains’ core, there’s a clusters of floating rocks, or mountains, sustained by raw arcane power, hence the mountain range’s name. The very center of the core is too harsh for any natural life-form, but the outer rings allow some settlements, including the fabled city of Meteora and the even more awesome Minervaen Arcane University, commonly knew as “Boomers”.

The island is settled by the Minervean Triunvirate, ruled almost equally by humans, gnomes and dwarves. The Triunvirate, although lacking manpower and land, is feared by powerful nations thanks to their hardy dwarven warrior, ingenous gnome trinckets and infamous arcane casters. Normaly, a gnome ruler accounts for the economics affairs, while a dwarf is responsible for the military and the humans maintain the Arcane University and the fleets. Their capital, is the impenetrable cultural marvel city of Minerva. The mountains are filled with mines and galleries, making up for a powerful economy sustained by mineral extraction, to the point that some mountains are called “hollow mountais”.

The cities architecture is dwarf based. Most cities, including Minerva, are half inside half outside their respective mountain, to please both humans and dwarves (gnomes enjoy both). Everything is carved on stone, with few place for bricks, wood or concrete. A series of tunnels and canals unite the cities and settlements. They gather food from terrace farms, fishes and goats, but a lot of food is imported. Nations around the world already benefited from their abundant minerals, arcane knowledge and military aid. However, the Minervean Triunvirate is facing an obscure menace, coming from their own profitable galleries.

Recent events, situation: (Both of you should read this one)
Garrisons across the northern part of Arcane Mountains galleries got nearly slaughtered. The minervean guard couldn’t expect the attack. As embarrassing as it sounds, the mighty minervean guard suffered heavy losses from… goblins. For centuries, goblins were annoyances or, at best, training material for novice guards. Those new goblins, responsible for recent attacks, were not ordinary, nor the nature of the attack itself. It happened in various sites, mines and galleries at the exact same hour. The sheer number of goblins was huge, seemingly almost the whole population of combatant goblins acted together. Those goblins were armed with elaborated weapons and armor, their adepts equipped with way to powerful rods to be manufactured by simple goblins. The heaviest attack occurred at the mines of the minervean city of Giodema. The minervean army arrived there and killed the remaining goblins there.

Another attack happened at the Boomers College, pretty far away, near Meteora city. Half of the students and teachers there got killed, the other half teleported to somewhere safe. The attackers, however, were conducted by larger humanoids. Certainly, both are connected.

The minervean triumvirate hastily started recruiting mercenaries across know lands. The Crimson Infants, a huge group of mercenaries encompassing all kinds of warriors, mercenaries, adventures and assassins, attended. The Valvatian Empire and the United Kingdoms’ of Daramyr agreed to send reinforcements to their long date allies. Add to this, the elite forces of minervean military, the local heroes and legendary solo mercenaries. No one has the slightest idea of what caused the attacks, nor if there will be more attacks soon. The minervean triumvirate never was so frail, but would major powers seize a land spamming upgraded goblins and murderous humans from its very core?

It’s been 3 weeks since the first attack and now there’s another series of battle. Squads inside the mines near Giodema are holding hordes of goblins. A sizeable amount of Crimson mercenaries arrived just in time. The scholar survivors of the Boomers assault and minervean spies gathered some information about the nature of the assault and are assembling a task force squad at the “Drunken Dwarves” tavern’s basement to sneak past the battlefields and adventure further inside the galleries reaching the long abandoned dwarven galleries. The task force will be a small squad of hardened adventurers, people who have what it takes to venture deep inside the galleries.

The party is the task force. Both players (Pedro e Andre) make 2 PCs, a major and minor one. The minor one is lvl 10 and the DM will have some influence in his decisions, but mostly it’s background. The major one is lvl 12 and the players create everything about them, including the background. The background varies, being Crimson Infants, you can be almost anything. A lone mercenary or a wandering adventurer also has a broad background. If you want to be minervean, the most important races are humans, dwarves and gnomes. Dwarves are mostly martial classes, part of the guard or the army, while gnomes are mostly rogues or sorcerers (a lot of gnomes are chaotic gnomes, warped by raw arcane energy unleashed by the Arcane Mountains core) humans vary wildly, but a lot of them are sorcerers or wizards.

That said, is medieval fantasy setting. 32 points for char building, max HP each level, no penalties for multiclassing (although its 5 classes max for each PC). 49000 gp for 10 lvl char and 88000 for 12. Try to use the lvl 10 chars to balance the party somewhat, I put them for this purpose.

At first, both of you will be controlling only the major character. The minor chars will join very soon.

The “Drunken Dwarves” tavern’s basement is temporally functioning as a recruitment post for the task force. It’s Giodema city and you were attracted by the appealing offer of 10000gp minimum as a reward for a risk mission, not including the riches inside the galleries you’re supposed to venture, probably more valuable each than the reward itself. A single large table with some humans, dwarves, and gnomes are staring at you. The recruiter then asks:

“Ok buddies. First I want to know what kind of adventurer we are recruiting. Talk about yourselves.”

*Sheets and background for major character. Remember, only the lvl 12 chars for now. Also put the char sheet of the minor character so I can build teir background.

2011-10-10, 11:11 PM

In the distant land of the west, there is a place known as Infinity Academy. In this place, chosen individuals can learn the art of sword and magic. Despite being considered the best fighters in the west, their practices are still mysterious, which demonstrates the high degree of secrecy in this secular culture.

One of these foreigners is in the Mountains Arcane, seated next to other strangers who heed the call of local leaders. Use a black robe that covers his body from the knees to chin, and a greatsword, leaning on her back. His features do not denote any very specific ethnic group, except for his head shaved their appearance could be the face of any human anywhere else. This silent man remains engrossed in his thoughts, as one tries to solve some logic problem. When the recruiter calls for the attention of everyone, he gets up and goes quickly to the table:

"I'm Dorn, and came to this country to help solve the recent accidents. Sword or magic, I can handle both. My sword and my intellect are at your disposal."

2011-10-11, 06:47 PM
Bealog, dwarven scout (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=335885)

Within the arcane moutains, there's a lot of space for the propecting dwarf to make riches out of the unknow tunells and abandoned mines. That's what Bealog does. Fast and furious, Bealog manages to use mobility as his ally even in narrow corridors and small rooms that fill the arcane moutains. After acting as a pathdinfer for many expeditions, It's not surprising that someone would call him to face the dangers of the newfound menace.

Like most dwarfs, He's short, bulky, has a long beard and a shaved head. He has some darts and axes on his belt and a bow across his back, but it's gloves seem to be his wepon - They have long, bulk and curved spikes.

"I'm Bealog, Pathfinder. I can move arround in the hardest spots, keep watch and sneak, pluk out the pieces of monsters as I come and go, and negate most of their common tatics"

(he offers a large cup of ale, as if toasting)"And I'm damm good on what I do!"

2011-10-12, 05:07 PM
There are a few other people interested in joining the task force. The 2 individuals, an enigmatic fighter from lands far away and a cheerful dwarf that dwelves inside the Arcane Mountais like they were his playground, caught a lot of atention.

The other candidates, however, remain silent. They're probably realizing, right now, that they don't stand a chance inside the galleries. The veteran recruiter notices this and yells:

"All right buddies. If you, thanks to a sudden spark of reason, now realizes that simply don't have balls enough for this mission, can exit the room and start enjoying your life."

The candidates keep their resolution. The table is occupied by recruiters, members of the minervean military, intelligence and boomers academy, including the veteran, human recruiter. A weird gnome from the boomers, wearing an equaly weird set of glasses (with a blue and a red lens), his clothes are brightly orange and his hair, brightly green. Takes a moment to arrange his glasses, then start talking:

"It seems you really think it's worth entering inside caves filled with raging armored goblins, veteran swordsmen, wilders, liches, wizards, warped clerics, not to count the huge sort of monsters. It's thrilling, I assure, even though the part we got slayed by such creatures quite spoils all the fun. That's why we try to stay alive. Nothing too dificult if you have decades of experience. If that's the case, please stay".

One by one they start exiting without looking behind. Everyone except the 2 adventurers and a shy figure.

Now you give the minor character (lvl 10) sheets. Pedro will control the shy figure and will decide it's class, race and gender. Andre will control an official from the minervean forces previously appointed for the mission who will watch the party closely
Andre, how your char have 25 ranks in concentration if the max is 15?

2011-10-14, 11:17 PM
Sleff, gnome cleric of garl glittergold

Domains: earth, comunity

His build is to use turn attempts to fuel metamagic. he uses persistent spell, that allows a spell to have a 24h duration.


Bealog dosen't even bother to scuff the leavers. Thankfully he won't need to rescue them from their own shadows. "Where are we going, when we're leaving, and what's the pay?"

2011-10-15, 03:56 PM
Now its 2 confident figures and one shy gnome standing in front of the recruitment team.

Among them, a woman with a hair as black as something black can be (just plain black) comes closer to the task force.

"I'm agent Naomi, of the Gloom Watchers. I'll guide you through our mission, and I'm pretty good at getting info, that's my speciality. Not to count knowing those parts of the mountains quite well"

She compliments the 3 adventures and everyone exits the tavern. Along with the quartet there's a dwarf, he's a captain of the minervean army, the human recruiter is another captain. The inconspicuous gnome is a member of the assaulted Boomers Academy. All of them start heading inside the main entrance to Giodema mines.

Background (Gloom Watchers):
Since the humans came to the Arcane Mountains, they assumed only two possible ways to deal with the absurd amounts of raw arcane energy emanating from their cores. One, to create an institution - that latter would be know as the Minervaen Arcane University, or just Boomers - that would use this potential to create powerful casters. Casters that would be able to manage their innate arcane talent with the disciplined training and lore from wizards. However, the same core who provided powerful casters to aid the Minervean Triumvirate also created rogue sorcerors, aberrations and undeads. To deal with those menaces the Triumvirate created the Gloom Watchers, rangers, lurks, hunters and assassins that went deep inside the mountais to slay or capture any menace. Those watchers are more resistant to magic than the average dweller. Not only magic, but darkness and solitude don't seems to affect the Gloom Watchers too much.

Naomi was one of the Minervean inteligence responsible for gathering information about the attacks.
"A goblin..." - she says, while everyone rushes to their destination - "seems to be leading the entire horde."

"Goblins call him 'Gu'. A disapointing name for a warhero, but, as it sounds, goblins find 'Gu' a very imponent sound. This little fella, Gu, is quite impressive, according to my comrades. Much smarter than the average goblin and much fiercer. It's believed that there's some kind of giant totem somewhere inside the galleries where huge ammounts of goblins gather to listen to Gu's speeches. If there's a totem, it's certainly isn't ordinary and probably can explain this sudden change in goblin behaviour."

Now everyone is inside the mines. There was a brief truce in the goblin attacks but no one knows when they will charge again. A bunch of soldiers, most are dwarves, are resting, eating and planning. The interior doesn't resemble the interior of a typical human mine. The Giodema's mines entrance have a much more detailed interior, with whole buildings and even statues inside. The cave goes far beyond, where it narrows a bit and gets way darker. Naomi continues:

"We are not, however, hunting goblins. We seek information. And Gu isn't our target, yet. There's a small team inside that we think is related with those goblins attacks. A swordsman with a sizeable sword in his back, an elf that seems to bear to shortswords and attacks faster than a blink of the eye. An obscure cleric of Wee Jas that looks more a ninja than a priest. And a raging wilder that combusts and explodes everything around at will. There's also a lich with them. Not an imponent lich, only his skull. Also, he's quite talky, the damn skull never shut up, talks more than a drunk gnome. In fact, he looks like a gnome skull, might as well be a gnome lich. Those five has been seen together by my colleagues. It's not to difficult to find the lich, given his unstopable mouth."

You are all inside a building this time. Inside there you encounter a small team of gnomes and humans, very similar to the recruiting team. As before, some of them comes from the Boomers College. They give you 3 scrolls of teleport (caster level 15) 3 potions of cure serious (3d8 + 7) wounds to each of you 4. Inside a small room there's a teleportation circle. According to Naomi and Gauco (the weird boomer's gnome from the tavern), this circle teleports you to an area beyond where the goblin horde is settled. It's inside one of the miners quarters, that got pillaged by goblins. Probably, there's still some few goblins inside that you will have to do something about, small problem. From there, Naomi will guide you through the galleries (and, to some point, Bealog will help).

All you have to do now is step on the circle and off you go to the more sinister parts of the galleries. Low light vision will help a lot, torchs and magical itens that emit light are also essential. Any change on the character builds is ok before you go. You can request a low magical item from those scholars if it's too important.

Naomi takes a deep breath while staring the circle. Without looking to his comrades she asks, almost whispering:
"Are you ready?"

2011-10-15, 04:24 PM
Dorn, utters some magic words while making some moves with his right hand. As he speaks and moves, your clothing starts to glow, emitting light powerful enough to illuminate a dark room. After, he pulls from under his clothes a wand made of bone, and use it.

As a last action, release the clips that hold back his sword, a magnificent weapon with more than 2 meters long, and lays on his shoulder (Cloud style).

"An amazing place. More amazing is that only now, their masters seem to be concerned about a threat..." Speak while admiring the local architecture with a puzzled look.

Greater Luminous Armor - +8 (+5) Armor AC, -4 melee incoming attacks, Daylight spellike
Wando of lesser restoration (1/50)

2011-10-15, 06:52 PM
Bealog nods, stepping forward - he's allyways ready. Light would not be a problem - all dwarves can see in the dark (darkvision 60 feet), and his senses help him even if he can't see at all (blindsesnse 30 feet). Food and water would not be a problem either, since he uses a magic ring that nurishes him and almost removes the need for sleep (ring of sustenance).

sleff, the gnome cleric, casts one spells right away - greatly enhancing it with divine metamagic. He starts a recitation of a holy text, and all his allies fell his deity hand watching over them.

Casts recitation. expends 7 turning attemps to add the persistent spell metamagic without increasing spell level. This spell will last 24h.

just included the luck bonus on both my sheets

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric 4, Purification 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: All allies and foes within a
60-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
By reciting a sacred passage or declaration,
you invoke your deity’s blessing upon
yourself and your allies.
The spell affects all allies within the
spell’s area at the moment you cast it.
Your allies gain a +2 luck bonus to AC,
on attack rolls, and on saving throws,
or a +3 luck bonus if they worship the
same deity as you.
Divine Focus: In addition to your holy
symbol, this spell requires a sacred text
as a divine focus.

"I'm ready too" says the gnome "I'll cast more spells as soon as we arrive"

2011-11-02, 10:25 PM

Everyone drops in a ordinary looking room. There's a noise from the impact of you on the floor and the teleportation spell that may get some attention.

A quick spot shows that the "ordinary room" is pretty messed. There are beds all around, where the workers used to sleep and there are pillows, papers and and some clothes lying on the floor. At the walls, there are some paitings emiting an orange-yellow color, pretty fading. Bealog and Naomi acknowledge that those "paintings" are actually a fungi that dwarves put in the walls to help illuminating a bit. No sign of battle, but they certainly ran away.

Naomi already know those details from previous recons that ended in escaping.

You all make a listening check: (I'll make them)
Dorn :[roll1]
Sleff :[roll3]

Both Bealog and Naomi notices a chat between two creatures, probably goblins. The chat:
"Did ya hear that, pal. Me thinks there's noisy noise sumwhere around."
"Ya. Could be good old captain Gallok getting drunk and passing out. Or pillow fight. Or a group of adventures comin' to slay us. But I bet it's captain Gallok again. Las' night I found him face on the floor, vodka in da hand."

They talk loud and Naomi could get the chat with smooth detail.

There's a single door and the goblins seems to be walking in a corridor towards the current room.

Pedro, preciso de umas liçőes no inkscape e upload de imagens aqui.

2011-11-08, 06:49 PM
Bealog tries to put himself in a hiding position from creatures aproching form the corridor. He will uses his senses to know when to spring from hiding (looking for cover against somone coming from the corridor. blindsense 30 feet)

hide: [roll0]
move silent: [roll1]

Sleffs use a good measure of divine power (7 turn attempts) to cast a persistent healing spirit. As he casts it, he uses his braces of maximized healing on the spell, so it allways heals the most.

(healing spirits conjures a small and invunerable globe of light. as a free action, it moves 30 feet and heals for 8 damage. lasts 24h)

2011-11-12, 01:54 PM
Dorn cast a new spell. Only a silhouette of energy, too faint to be described, covers him. (Shield). Dorn wields his sword and put himself on guard.

"Time to fight!"

2011-11-16, 10:34 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot something important.

Your miniatures (avatars). Choose at least the major character ones.

2011-11-17, 10:26 AM

2011-11-17, 05:02 PM


2011-11-24, 11:49 AM

Region Background: (long, not so important to read)
The Arcane Mountains is how the serpent-like rocky island, south to the Mainland, is called. It’s actually a enormous mountain range (approximately 2 500 000 km˛) in the middle of the ocean, spamming the highest “normal” mountains in the world. Well, “normal”, because those aren’t even the largest ones. In the Arcane Mountains’ core, there’s a clusters of floating rocks, or mountains, sustained by raw arcane power, hence the mountain range’s name. The very center of the core is too harsh for any natural life-form, but the outer rings allow some settlements, including the fabled city of Meteora and the even more awesome Minervaen Arcane University, commonly knew as “Boomers”.

The island is settled by the Minervean Triunvirate, ruled almost equally by humans, gnomes and dwarves. The Triunvirate, although lacking manpower and land, is feared by powerful nations thanks to their hardy dwarven warrior, ingenous gnome trinckets and infamous arcane casters. Normaly, a gnome ruler accounts for the economics affairs, while a dwarf is responsible for the military and the humans maintain the Arcane University and the fleets. Their capital, is the impenetrable cultural marvel city of Minerva. The mountains are filled with mines and galleries, making up for a powerful economy sustained by mineral extraction, to the point that some mountains are called “hollow mountais”.

The cities architecture is dwarf based. Most cities, including Minerva, are half inside half outside their respective mountain, to please both humans and dwarves (gnomes enjoy both). Everything is carved on stone, with few place for bricks, wood or concrete. A series of tunnels and canals unite the cities and settlements. They gather food from terrace farms, fishes and goats, but a lot of food is imported. Nations around the world already benefited from their abundant minerals, arcane knowledge and military aid. However, the Minervean Triunvirate is facing an obscure menace, coming from their own profitable galleries.

Recent events, situation: (Both of you should read this one)
Garrisons across the northern part of Arcane Mountains galleries got nearly slaughtered. The minervean guard couldn’t expect the attack. As embarrassing as it sounds, the mighty minervean guard suffered heavy losses from… goblins. For centuries, goblins were annoyances or, at best, training material for novice guards. Those new goblins, responsible for recent attacks, were not ordinary, nor the nature of the attack itself. It happened in various sites, mines and galleries at the exact same hour. The sheer number of goblins was huge, seemingly almost the whole population of combatant goblins acted together. Those goblins were armed with elaborated weapons and armor, their adepts equipped with way to powerful rods to be manufactured by simple goblins. The heaviest attack occurred at the mines of the minervean city of Giodema. The minervean army arrived there and killed the remaining goblins there.

Another attack happened at the Boomers College, pretty far away, near Meteora city. Half of the students and teachers there got killed, the other half teleported to somewhere safe. The attackers, however, were conducted by larger humanoids. Certainly, both are connected.

The minervean triumvirate hastily started recruiting mercenaries across know lands. The Crimson Infants, a huge group of mercenaries encompassing all kinds of warriors, mercenaries, adventures and assassins, attended. The Valvatian Empire and the United Kingdoms’ of Daramyr agreed to send reinforcements to their long date allies. Add to this, the elite forces of minervean military, the local heroes and legendary solo mercenaries. No one has the slightest idea of what caused the attacks, nor if there will be more attacks soon. The minervean triumvirate never was so frail, but would major powers seize a land spamming upgraded goblins and murderous humans from its very core?

It’s been 3 weeks since the first attack and now there’s another series of battle. Squads inside the mines near Giodema are holding hordes of goblins. A sizeable amount of Crimson mercenaries arrived just in time. The scholar survivors of the Boomers assault and minervean spies gathered some information about the nature of the assault and are assembling a task force squad at the “Drunken Dwarves” tavern’s basement to sneak past the battlefields and adventure further inside the galleries reaching the long abandoned dwarven galleries. The task force will be a small squad of hardened adventurers, people who have what it takes to venture deep inside the galleries.

The party is the task force. Both players (Pedro e Andre) make 2 PCs, a major and minor one. The minor one is lvl 10 and the DM will have some influence in his decisions, but mostly it’s background. The major one is lvl 12 and the players create everything about them, including the background. The background varies, being Crimson Infants, you can be almost anything. A lone mercenary or a wandering adventurer also has a broad background. If you want to be minervean, the most important races are humans, dwarves and gnomes. Dwarves are mostly martial classes, part of the guard or the army, while gnomes are mostly rogues or sorcerers (a lot of gnomes are chaotic gnomes, warped by raw arcane energy unleashed by the Arcane Mountains core) humans vary wildly, but a lot of them are sorcerers or wizards.

That said, is medieval fantasy setting. 32 points for char building, max HP each level, no penalties for multiclassing (although its 5 classes max for each PC). 49000 gp for 10 lvl char and 88000 for 12. Try to use the lvl 10 chars to balance the party somewhat, I put them for this purpose.

At first, both of you will be controlling only the major character. The minor chars will join very soon.

The “Drunken Dwarves” tavern’s basement is temporally functioning as a recruitment post for the task force. It’s Giodema city and you were attracted by the appealing offer of 10000gp minimum as a reward for a risk mission, not including the riches inside the galleries you’re supposed to venture, probably more valuable each than the reward itself. A single large table with some humans, dwarves, and gnomes are staring at you. The recruiter then asks:

“Ok buddies. First I want to know what kind of adventurer we are recruiting. Talk about yourselves.”

*Sheets and background for major character. Remember, only the lvl 12 chars for now. Also put the char sheet of the minor character so I can build teir background.

I want to introduce my character less. It will be a paladin, sorcerer and I want to introduce my character less. Can I still do this?

2011-11-27, 08:39 PM
http://units.wesnoth.org/1.6/pics/00074_siegetrooper.png (avatar)
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=348844 (sheet)

2012-02-21, 07:25 PM
Ok guys, ressurecting a campaign!

First, I was thinking about starting a whole new campaign. But I noticed this one has a lot of potential and I can put some neat elements there. It's perfect, because each one of us managens a campaign. Andre a futuristic one, Pedro a wilderness one and me a dungeon one.

I just want to know if your sheets are still there. Or if you want to trade any sheet.

I'm drawning the map, but for now, it's just the room. Since it isn't a big room and the supposed enemies are just goblins, I'm not putting the map right now. The door is less than a charge away from you, so anything coming out of it is targetable in the first turn.

So, are you up to that?