View Full Version : [3.5e] Bedroll question

2011-10-08, 08:34 PM
So a couple people in a game I am going to DM are going to have their characters have some sort of liaison. I am wondering can a bedroll found in PHB be used by them every night or should they each have their own?

2011-10-08, 08:41 PM
afaik, the standard bedroll is sized for one medium-sized creature. However, it's possible to make bigger and smaller versions. A bedroll sized for a small creature is half the wieght, according to the PBH. So, I'd guess one sized for a large creature (which might be big enough for their purposes) would wiegh twice as much as standard.

Also, you're the DM. If you want to let them use the bedroll like they want to, it's your call. You don't have to find an item for that specific purpose.

That said, I'd recomend they invest in a tent at least, so they have some privacy... Unless one of them is a spellcaster with secure shelter, ropetrick, or some similar spell, in which case this whole thing is basically moot.

2011-10-09, 01:22 AM
I know that some bedrolls can be laced together to make a double-sized one. That's RL, not RAW, but you can do that if you want.

Kol Korran
2011-10-09, 02:19 AM
i've spent about 4 years in the army, and quite a bit of those involved a bed roll. and from my own... personal experience, a bed roll can fit two. tight fitting, but then again- closeness is what you're looking for, isn't it?

however, as has been suggested- a personal tent (or any personal space) is HIGHLY recommended. (unfortunately, also due to personal experience) :smallwink:

also, acquiring a mgcial bed oll that can fit snuggly more than one character shouldn't be problematic. if you're going for it, you might want to enchant it to smell extra nice, perahaps warm you if you're cold, and so on...

damn i could have used one of those bed rolls! :smallfrown:

good luck, you have my support!

2011-10-11, 05:59 AM
also, acquiring a mgcial bed oll that can fit snuggly more than one character shouldn't be problematic. if you're going for it, you might want to enchant it to smell extra nice, perahaps warm you if you're cold, and so on...

damn i could have used one of those bed rolls! :smallfrown:

good luck, you have my support!

Prestidigitation is your friend in this case for anything up to temperatures that require endure elements.

A bedroll that has both in it (as well as being extra-dimensional to some degree) would be fairly expensive, but shouldn't be too difficult to come up with some kind of negotiable price with the players.

As much as it pains me to suggest it, crack open the BoEF if you allow non-official books and look for one of the privacy spells; add that in, and you don't even need the tent unless you have company you'd rather not chance seeing you. :smallyuk:

2011-10-11, 06:17 AM
Honestly, nothing about that bedroll is likely to be game-breaking in any way, just wing it. Who cares, let them have a double bedroll with an integrated heater, a cooler for the wine and speakers that magically play some Barry White for whatever you feel is fair, and let them have their fun :smallsmile:.

2011-10-11, 06:57 AM
It's basically the same as a sleeping bag, and I'm pretty sure two people can fit in one of those.

2011-10-11, 07:10 AM
Honestly, nothing about that bedroll is likely to be game-breaking in any way, just wing it.

You say that now but if you let them fit two people in a bedroll without any hassle then next thing you know they'll be trying to sneak 500 soldiers into a castle by squeezing them all into a single bedroll.

2011-10-11, 07:16 AM
You say that now but if you let them fit two people in a bedroll without any hassle then next thing you know they'll be trying to sneak 500 soldiers into a castle by squeezing them all into a single bedroll.

Or surviving in a desert / snowstorm / next to a hot volcano because hey, the thing adjusts its temperature, right?

It only works under rule of cool if the item has limited effects: two medium creatures can fit in it, it has the ability to regulate heat up to the point where you'd need endure elements, stuff like that.

giving them an item that works ONLY as intended is fine, giving them an item and then seeing them come up with all sorts of uses is funny, then promptly, usually horrifying.

2011-10-11, 06:07 PM
You say that now but if you let them fit two people in a bedroll without any hassle then next thing you know they'll be trying to sneak 500 soldiers into a castle by squeezing them all into a single bedroll.

Can I sig this? :smallbiggrin: