View Full Version : Zombie World campaign idea

2011-10-09, 08:08 AM
This campaign is for D&D 3.5. Classes out of 3.0, 3.5 are allowed, other classes from 3rd party/PF books have to be pre-approved. Same restrictions on feats, spells, items, abilities.

Location is Earth, 50 years after zombie plague sweeps globe. PCs all start in small refugee camp about 10 miles outside of Austin.
A plague was created as an after affect for a disease cure. Inoculated persons became zombies within 1 year and started epidemic which killed most of Earth's population. Several overrun nuclear power plants went critical and killed millions with radiation poisoning, even the "zombies" were killed by it. When this was noticed, some governments used nuclear weapons in an attempt to remove the plague carriers, thus causing a nuclear winter effect around most of the globe. Temperatures dropped by an average of 15 degrees Fahrenheit world wide.
Electrical power is almost completely gone, no one is able to get the power plants working again. The power plants either are rusted out, already looted, or already melted down. Portable generators ran out of fuel long ago. Solar and Wind power MAY still be working in some very scattered areas, so it cant be depended upon.
Scattered camps exist around the world, with very small populations up to 150. Some camps are docile, and friendly trade or farming types. While some camps are very hostile and will kill for fun, profit, or fresh meat. (think Mad Max world, just add Zeds!)
Magic exists due to the Nuclear Winter. Radiation has caused interesting mutations among the surviving population. Alot of the humans born in the last 30 years have had a mutation of some type, benificial or harmful. These mutations range from being able to see in near darkness, or hearing whispered conversations up to a mile away. There are rumors of people being able to read minds and also move objects without touching them. (PC's will not be able to pick their own mutations, I will)
All PC's will start in the same neutral/good camp, and will have lived there since birth. If you choose to do a backstory, please confer with the rest of the group, or do a group backstory telling about how you know each other and why you have the skills/abilities you have. Backstory is NOT MANDATORY.

Campaign only allows for Human race PCs. Starting level is 1. Age has to be UNDER 30, but at least 14 years of age.
Restrictions, yeah i know they suck
1. There is no planar travel, no other planes exist.
2. D&D gods do not exist, so clerics/druids/paladins/etc don't need to have a religion, but do have to have a belief in a cause.
3. Gas/electrical powered items no longer function, and cannot be refueled. Some tech items you may come across do not rely on normal power to work, and may be available for use. These items will need some kind of knowledge and training to use.
4. This is a LOW magic campaign, caster level is HALF normal. (e.g. Level 9 cleric can only cast up to 3rd level spells)
5. Equipment may be hard to find, and magic items are almost non-existant, so if you want them, you may have to make them. If you want to purchase a magic item, I have to approve it. This includes enhancements to items as well.
6. Summon food/water spells do not exist.
7. Teleport spells do not exist.
8. Summon spells (summon natures ally, etc) do not exist if the spell pulls an item, creature, energy, or anything out of a different plane. Other planes dont exist, so tough.
9. Item creation costs remain normal, however, magic items have to be approved by me prior to creation. Item creation feats will be required, however, they are simplified. You can create either Armor (including shields), Weapons (includes melee, ranged, and staves, wands, etc), Clothing (Non-armor clothing like belts, shoes, etc), or Trinkets (Rings, necklaces, rods, non-inventory slot items like potions, scrolls, etc). These are the only item creation feats in game.
10. To keep it simple, currency is standard D&D. Paper money is worthless without governments to back it up, so precious metals, and even mundane metals like steel, copper, tungsten, or trade goods may be needed for barter/trading. Some camps may not use money at all, but rely trade goods excusively.
11. Horses and other beasts of burden are VERY rare, so if you want one, discuss it with me.
12. Extra-dimensional bags (Bag of holding, HHH) and similar are not normally allowed, speak with me if you really really REALLY want one and it will be discussed.
13. NO EVIL ALIGNMENTS (unless you clear it with me PRIOR to character creation and have a damn good reason to be)
14. No Psionics.
15. See above rule
16. Leadership and similar feats that allow cohorts or followers are prohibited. No exceptions.
17. Try and build Pun-Pun or an Omnisficer equivalent and I will pimpslap you into someone else's campaign.
18. If you roll a crit, it is auto confirmed, same if you roll a 1. You fail, you see the white shoes on your feet, and not the 3 zombies holding you down and eating you. The crit confirmation also goes for NPC's. So if they roll a 20, they auto crit as well.
19. Familiars, animal companions, special mounts and any other class bonus that gives similar has to be of an animal normally found on EARTH. So no Drakkensteeds. I will allow dire versions if you wish.

Bonuses you get!
1. I will allow the use of tattoo and body piercing slots! Tattoo slots include 1 on each arm, 2 on each leg, 1 chest, 1 back, and 1 face slot. Piercing slots include, 2 ears, 2 eyebrow, 1 lip, 1 nose, 2 nipples, 1 belly button (females only), and 1 nether region. The effects of the piercing and tattoo slots have to be approved by me. There are limitations on what these slots can handle, so please don't try to overdo it.
2. I will allow you to acquire training in a skill by working in that skill. Say you want to be a blacksmith, I will allow you to work as one, and over time gain "training" bonuses in that craft. Similar works for Knowledges, if you can locate books, or someone who has the knowledge you wish to learn.
3. Ability scores, you can either roll for them (4d6, re-roll 1's, then drop lowest die). OR you can take my freely given attributes, (18, 16, 14, 14, 12, 10). Yes they are better than the average roll, but I am a nice guy. :-) Who knows, you could get lucky and roll better. Once you chose to roll, and dont like what the results are, you cannot to use my stats.
4. Guns do exist. They are powerful but are VERY rare, and have limited ammunition. (with correct skills, you may be able to make more in limited quantity)
5. Characters take max hp per level, no need to roll for HP. Since it is a low magic campaign, this will make it easier to survive if you get into a scrap. It will also make it take a bit longer to heal up.
6. Multiclassing IS allowed, with NO XP penalties. So you could take 1 level in 20 different classes and not be behind the rest of the group. Your character would probably suck, but play it how you want.
7. Characters may take up to 1 FLAW, but it and the tradeoff have to be approved by me.
8. Since this is set on EARTH.. I dont want to see Favored Enemy (ORC) or (Titan) or (elementals). The mobs will either be undead, human, or animals of some kind. So for you rangers, there is your favored enemy list, and probably in that order.... Ok. So I gave you a freebie.
9. ALL PCs start with +10 unnammed bonuses in Survival, Knowledge (Undead) and they are class skills. You also get the feat Alertness in addition to the normal human racial bonuses.
10. All PCs can choose to have a mutation, or not. I pick the mutation, but it wont be harmful. If it was, you wouldnt have lived this long.
11. I will allow you to create mundane items, like carts for items, small boats (sail powered 5 person craft) and other mundane items with appropriate skills.

If you have any questions about the world that have not been answered so far, please ask and I will update this info sheet.

EDIT: Changed temperature drop

2011-10-09, 08:22 AM
Huh. I like it, and think I'd be interested in giving it a shot.
But... is this a call for interested players for a PbP? If so, you want the PbP section (reporting it as a misplaced thread would do it).

Also, you might wanna check the "temperatures worldwide drop by 30 degrees" thing. Even if it's in Fahrenheit, that is absolutely massive - even worst case scenarios of climate change don't predict a change of more than about 5oC. The temperature during the time of maximum glaciation was no more than about 8oC colder than today. I would expect 30 degrees colder to result in a Snowball Earth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowball_Earth), or something close to it. Just something to keep in mind.

edit: Wait... Why are nipple, bellybutton and naughty bit piercings female-only? :smallconfused: At least as many men get nipple piercings as women, it's my understanding that Prince Alberts are at least somewhat less complicated to get than girlbit piercings, and although the belly button ring is according to fashion a mostly female-only thing there's absolutely nothing about it intrinsic to women :confused: Gotta admit, I find it a bit... lets go with odd, that you're okay with ****oris piercings but not glans or foreskin piercings.

2011-10-09, 08:39 AM
Not a call for players, more of a "here's my idea, any ideas on what to improve or remove?" type post. I have a bunch of friends here in my area that would be willing to play.
What is PbP?
Also I fixed the temperature issue, and the piercing issue. It was more of a personal preference really.

2011-10-09, 08:55 AM
PbP is Play By Post. If you look down the forum index you'll see its subforum, and all the myriad of other games running. You just... play a game on the forum. By posting.

I'm glad you changed the piercing thing. That was pretty worrying for me. Bellybutton piercings being mostly possessed by women really is purely a fashion thing, but eh.

15oF seems more reasonable. Roughly within the bounds of an extreme ice age.

2011-10-09, 09:09 AM
Any other comments or ideas? I am planning on making a world out of this that may go for several campaigns, so any help would be appreciated.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-09, 10:43 AM
I think you're better off using Magic Incarnum for magic instead of the standard classes. You're restricting so much of standard magic why bother playing a cleric or wizard? Magic Incarnum is a built-in low magic system, you'll hardly need to ban-hammer it at all. As a bonus, you can use the Lost template for the zombies. You will need to adjust it a little since the Lost are alive focusing on an emotion rather than undead, but it's doable. As an alternative, instead of "Night of the Living Dead" run "28 Days Later" by using the Lost template for the rage emotion, but no harm just staying with Zombie-apocalypse.

2011-10-09, 11:28 AM
I like the Zombie Apocalypse theme, but some faster moving Zeds may appear. Not positive on that though.
Unfortunately, none of the campaigns I have been able to participate in have used Incarnum, so I have no real idea how it works. Know of any quick tutorials on how it works?